Page created by Dave Hopkins
                                                                                                    NOW THRU SEPT 5
                                                                    JUNE/JULY 2021

                                                                                                     The City of Crestwood Aquatic
                                                                                                    Center opened on Memorial Day
                                                                                                    weekend, on May 29. The pool season
                                                                                                    this year will run through September
                                                                                                    5, with hours listed below:

                                                                                                           Hours of Operation
  Dear Friends and Neighbors,                   the data, and recommend any necessary                         May 29 - Aug. 22
   Welcome to the Board of Aldermen to          boundary changes in the City’s wards to                Mon-Thurs 11:30 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.
new Ward 1 Alderman Jesse Morrison and          the Board of Aldermen. Any changes will be              Fri-Sat 11:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
new Ward 4 Alderman John Sebben. Both           made prior to the opening of filing for the              Sun 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
gentlemen previously served several years       2022 Aldermanic elections.
on Crestwood’s Public Works Board. The             The City of Crestwood has entered                            Aug. 23 - Sept. 5
countless hours put in by the members           into a multi-year agreement to have po-                       Mon-Thurs Closed
of the City’s boards, commissions, and          lice dispatching administered by the City                   Fri 4:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
committees to advance the interests                   of Sunset Hills. This will go into effect            Sat 11:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M.
of the citizens of Crestwood is                           beginning July 1st. We believe this              Sun 11:00 A.M. - 7:00 P.M.
greatly appreciated.                                        collaboration will be best for
   The Board of Aldermen has                                 the City in the long run.                As far as pool guidelines, the City will
approved the formation of a                                      This change will keep more         continue to update them, in coordina-
75th Anniversary Celebration                                  police officers on the street in-     tion with St. Louis County, throughout
Committee to oversee the                                      stead of having to pull them to       the 2021 season. Two things that have
planning and preparation for the                             cover dispatch shifts, it will unify   already been updated this season in-
events and commemorations to                               the Crestwood and Sunset Hills           clude an increased occupancy limit and
mark Crestwood’s 75th birthday in                       Police departments on one radio             deck chairs being made available to
2022. Please email Chairman and Ward 3            channel to allow for better coordination          guests. Some other restrictions such
Alderman, Greg Hall, at ghall@cityofcrest-      of public safety, and allow us to save tax-         as social distancing will remain in place.
wood.org with any ideas you have, or if you     payer dollars and reinvest those resources            Daily prices for the pool season are
are willing to serve as a volunteer in any      back into the City. Our agreement is mod-           $5 for residents ($4 for children ages
capacity.The Committee’s first meeting will     eled off similar recent agreements including        4-11) and $8 for non-residents ($6
be June 7, and they will be meeting the first   the City of Des Peres contracting with the          for children ages 4-11). Children ages
Monday of each month throughout the year        City of Kirkwood and the City of Manches-           3 and under are free.
to plan next year’s events and celebration.     ter contracting with the City of Ballwin              To learn more about the the
   The Crestwood Redistricting Commit-             The Mall redevelopment project con-              Crestwood Aquatics Center including
tee was also formed in accordance with          tinues to advance positively. The TIF Com-          guidelines and programming, please vi-
the City Charter. Once the City receives        mission will be holding a public hearing on         sit the City of Crestwood website at
the necessary data from the Census Bureau       June 17th concerning the project.                   www.cityofcrestwood.org or call the
later this year, this Committee will analyze                     (MAYOR, continued on page 3)       Community Center at 314-729-4860.

                                                                                                        CRESTWOOD NEWSLETTER | 1
NEWS BLURBS                                          POLICE DEPARTMENT APPROVES
  After a recent flooding issue to the
                                                     BODY WORN AND IN-CAR CAMERAS
gymnasium floor at the Community                   Starting in April, the Crestwood Po-             outstanding, all at a fraction the cost of
Center, the City installed a brand new          lice Department began using body worn               other vendors. Picking Digital Ally just
floor in May, which replaces the old floor      cameras for uniformed officers and in-car           made sense.”
that was installed in 1979.                     cameras for all patrol vehicles.                       In addition to training the officers on
SWIM LESSONS & MORE                                Having come from a department that               how to use the cameras, the department
  For anyone interested in any aquatics         utilized body worn and in-car camer-                    created numerous policies and standard
programing such as swim lessons, wa-            as, Police Chief Jonathan Williams                          operating procedures that instruct
ter fitness classes or swim camp, please        understands the benefits. “Not                                 when an officer will activate
visit the City of Crestwood website at          only will the cameras increase                                 their camera. The policies fol-
www.cityofcrestwood.org or call the             the department’s accountabil-                                   low the best practices set forth
Community Center at 314-729-4860.               ity and transparency but they                                   by the department’s accredita-
GRILLING SAFETY TIPS                            will also help improve our level                               tion through the Missouri Police
  With summer here, the Crestwood               of service,” Chief Williams said.                             Chief’s Charitable Foundation.
Fire Department would like to remind               “Body worn cameras reduce citi-                        These policies and procedures state
you to use good grilling safety practic-        zen complaints, provide on-the-job train-           that uniformed officers are to wear body
es. Whether using propane or charcoal,          ing, increase officer performance, and are          worn cameras while on-duty and while
make sure to put the grill on stable            an incredibly useful way to preserve in-            these cameras are not designed to be re-
ground, away from siding and deckrails,         formation.The police department, and the            cording all of the time, each camera will be
out from under leaves and branch-               entire community as a whole, will benefit           manually turned on by the officer when in-
es, and also declare a three-foot “safe         from our use of the cameras.”                       call for service.
zone” around the grill, keeping children           After more than a year of research and              Each patrol car is also equipped with an
and any pets away.                              a half dozen proposals from vendors, the            in-car camera that records both outside
PICK UP AFTER YOUR PETS                         department purchased 21 body-worn and               and inside the car. The in-car cameras
  As a yearly reminder, if you are taking       eight in-car cameras from Digital Ally, a           turn on automatically when the emergen-
your dogs out for a walk, please remem-         video solution and software management              cy lights are activated or the camera can
ber to pick up after them.                      company based in Lenexa, KS.                        be manually turned on, should that be re-
T.R.I.M. GRANT COMPLETION                          “Digital Ally was the best fit for our           quested by the officer.
  Over the past year, the Parks Division        needs.” said Chief Williams. “Their devices            So remember, the next time you see
of the Public Works Maintenance staff           record quality video, their software is easy        one of our fine Crestwood Police Officers,
applied for and was awarded a T.R.I.M.          to manage, and their customer service is            smile, because you may be on camera.
(Tree Resource and Improvement)

                                                     RAYBURN PARK’S NEW SCULPTURE
Grant, administered through the Mis-
souri Department of Conservation. The
initial cost to the City for this project was     The City of Crestwood received it’s 2021
$8,000 of which the City will be reim-           Sculpture on the Move, “To Bee or Not To
bursed $6,000.                                   Bee” at Rayburn Park in May. The artist is
  The City contracted with Davey Re-             Alexander Mendez. The sculpture will be on
source Group to complete the awarded             loan to the park for the next two years.
street tree inventory update. The inven-          This is the third sculpture in the City of
tory, which is maintained by the City,           Crestwood, in addition to “Blue Eyes” at the
allows us to track trees in the right-of-        Government Center and “Muse-IC” at the
way behind the curbs. This inventory also        Community Center.
tracks the species, size, tree condition,         Sculpture on the Move, sponsored by the
GPS coordinates and a picture of the tree        Creative Communities Alliance, is a program
at the time of the inventory.                    in the St. Louis area that promotes art appreci-
                                                 ation across the region.

EVENTS AND PROGRAMS                                                                  GARDEN & HOUSE TOURS
                                                                                                 June 12, 10:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (all ages)
                                                                                                      $5 per adult, $1 children under 12
 SKYLARK BROTHERS AT                             MOVIES IN THE PARK                                Historic Sappington House’s gardens
  SAPPINGTON HOUSE                                AT RAYBURN PARK
  SAT, JUNE 5, 5:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M.                FRI, JULY 9, 8:30 P.M. - END                 will be featured on the Crestwood leg
 $20 per adult, children under 12 FREE                   Participation is FREE                   of the area-wide historic tour. For more
       Historic Sappington House                             Rayburn Park                         information, visit historicsaintlouis.org.
                 All Ages                                       All Ages                            CONCERTS IN THE PARK
  Bring your lawn chairs or a blanket           Rayburn Park is turning into a movie               June 25, 7:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. (all ages)
  and enjoy some classic rock music at          theatre for one-night only! Join us at               Participation is FREE, Whitecliff Park
  the Sappington House Complex on               dusk to see Shrek on the big screen. Bring          Concerts in the Park are back, so get
  June 5. Food and drinks will be on sale       some popcorn and a blanket to enjoy               ready to rock out with our first band of
  at the The Barn restaurant during the         this FREE event in the Park, starting at         the summer. Fill up your cooler (no glass)
  event. Parking is available at Crestwood      8:30 p.m.The event could be cancelled, if        and grab your chairs for this FREE event.
  Elementary and in the overflow lot off           there are windy or wet conditions.              DRIVE-IN MOVIE - JUMANJI
               Reco Avenue.                     For more information, please call                 July 24, 9:00 P.M. to 11:30 P.M. (all ages)
  For more information, please call the         Whitecliff Community Center at 314-              $20/Residents & $25/Non-Residents, per car
    Sappington House at 314-822-8171.                          729-4860.                           Join us on the old Drive-In Theater lot
                                                                                                 (between Woodard and Schnucks at 9490
                                                                                                 Watson) for an old school drive-in movie
  REGISTER ONLINE: WWW.CITYOFCRESTWOOD.ORG/REGISTRATION                                             experience on the big screen. Tickets
                                                                                                   must be purchased prior to the event.

(MAYOR, continued from page 1)
Following the work of the Commission,
                                                   GRANT’S TRAIL STAY-CATION: PART I
the Board of Aldermen will be consider-            Grant’s Trail, part of the              A
ing the project for approval later this year.   Great Rivers Greenway sys-
   Tentatively, the City is planning on re-     tem, is a more than 10-mile                         B
suming in-person meetings in July, follow-      long trail connecting numerous
ing the conclusion of our Government            parks, schools, historicial sites,
Center construction projects. Once com-         and communities throughout                                          C
pleted, we will be holding an open house,       St. Louis area.
and providing tours of the renovated por-          Running from the Kirkwood,                                                        D
tions of the facility.                          MO trailhead on the other
   Thank you to everyone who generous-          side of I-44 to River City Blvd.
ly donated to ‘Mayors for Meals’ for the        near I-55, the trail offers run-
St. Louis Area Foodbank this May. Last          ners, walkers and cyclists of all ages a year-      After parking, head south on the trail
year, Crestwood residents donated more          round experience.                                until reaching Pardee Road, before head-
pounds of food than several larger cities,         With everyone trying to get out of the        ing west on the sidewalk on Pardee. This
and this year was no different. As a City, we   house more in 2021, we have decided to           will lead you straight to the Whitecliff Park
donated more than 1300 pounds. Thank            offer a few suggestions of activities to do      entrance (Map C). From there, you can
you to everyone who donated!                    and places to eat while out and about.           take a scenic walk around the Quarry area
   I hope everyone gets a chance to get            Part 1 of 3 of the 2021 Grant’s Trail         or head straight up the hill to the Aquat-
the most out of their summer. From the          Stay-cation series will focus on our favor-      ics Center to cool off in the pool, before
opening of the Aquatic Center, to the doz-      ite summer amenity - Whitecliff Park.            heading back.
ens of parks programs, to the countless            Parents and residents of all ages looking        Total distance: Approximately 3.5 miles
businesses and restaurants within the           to move more can easily use Grant’s Trail        roundtrip, depending on the route.
City, please enjoy everything Crestwood         by accessing it in the Watson Industrial            Time commitment: 1 hour, 45 minutes
has to offer.                                   Park (Map B). The City has public parking        by foot, or about 45 minutes by bike (plus
   Stay safe, and shop Crestwood first!         available by our Public Works garage.            any time spent at the Aquatics Center).

                                                                                                        CRESTWOOD NEWSLETTER | 3
                                                                                                         U.S. Postage:
1 Detjen Drive                                                                                                PAID
Crestwood, MO 63126                                                                                      St. Louis, MO
                                                                                                         Permit # 495

     UPCOMING                                      CONTACT INFORMATION
*Due to COVID-19, all upcoming
                                            GOVERNMENT CENTER
                                                                        PUBLIC WORKS
                                                                                                     Grant Mabie
meetings and events will be evaluated         Fax: 314-729-4794          314-729-4720               314-729-4710
on a case-by-case basis. Please check the                                 Maintenance
City website at www.cityofcrestwood.         MUNICIPAL COURT             314-729-4734           BOARD OF ALDERMEN
   org for updates and cancellations.           314-729-4776                                          WARD 1:
                                              Fax 314-729-4882       COMMUNITY CENTER             Richard Breeding
     BOARD OF ALDERMEN                                                    314-729-4860             Jesse Morrison
         MEETINGS                                 POLICE            cityofcrestwood.org/parks
       7 P.M. JUNE 22, JULY 27                 Emergency: 911                                          WARD 2:
                                               Non Emergency:              CONTACT                Justin Charboneau
     PLANNING & ZONING                          314-729-4800        BOARD OF ALDERMEN                Mary Stadter
        COMMISSION                                                  cityofcrestwood.org/BOA
        6 P.M. JUNE 2, JULY 7                       FIRE                                             WARD 3:
                                               Emergency: 911             SUBSCRIBE TO               Greg Hall
     CITY OFFICES CLOSED                       Non Emergency:            E NEWSLETTER               Scott Shipley
                JULY 5                          314-729-4742        cityofcrestwood.org/news
                                                                                                      WARD 4:
   CONCERTS IN THE PARK                           CITYOFCRESTWOOD.ORG                               John Sebben
            7 P.M. JUNE 25                          Cityofcrestwood |      @Crestwoodmo            Tony Kennedy

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