BYLAWS Carson City Pop Warner Football, Incorporated

Page created by Kathleen Russell
            Carson City Pop Warner Football, Incorporated

                                 ARTICLE I
                              The Organization

Section 1.1 Organizational Mission
            It is the mission of Carson City Pop Warner Little Scholar,
            Incorporated Organization to provide the youth of Carson City and
            surrounding areas with the opportunity to participate in a well-
            organized, well-supervised, well-structured and safe football and
            cheerleading environment; where academics, sportsmanship, team
            work and participation are the main fundamental values that will
            enhance the life-lasting experience of each participant.

Section 1.2 Affiliation National Pop Warner
            Carson City Pop Warner Football, Incorporated shall act in
            accordance with all National Rules and Regulations of “Pop Warner
            Little Scholars, Inc.”

Section 1.3 Affiliation  Sagebrush     Empire     Pop    Warner    Football
            Association, Inc.
            Carson City Pop Warner, Incorporated recognizes the Sagebrush
            Empire Pop Warner Football Association, Inc. as Highest League
            Authority (HLA). As a member of Sagebrush Empire Association,
            Carson City Pop Warner Football Incorporated shall act in
            accordance with all HLA Local Rules and Regulations.

Section 1.4 Membership
            Carson City Pop Warner Football, Incorporated has awarded
            organizational membership to all parents of participants in the
            Cheerleading and Football programs during the current football
            season and all recognized adult volunteers who have a volunteer
            application on file and has been approved by the Executive Board
            of Directors.

            All members have equal voting rights in all association elections
            and an equal opportunity for submitting information and/or requests
            to the monthly Board Meeting Agenda; however, the Board
            President reserves the right to accept or decline any submitted
            agenda request.

            Membership to Carson City Pop Warner Football, Incorporated
            association is a privilege and may be revoked at any time by the
            Executive Board of Directors. If an individuals (parent, volunteer,

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etc.) actions are deemed to be detrimental to the welfare and safety
             of a youth participant or actions that publicly discredit or embarrass
             Carson City Pop Warner program, members could be declared, not
             in good standing and would not be permitted to seek a position on
             the Board of Directors or vote in elections and any future
             membership would go under further review by the Executive Board
             of Directors before admission to the organization was reinstated.

Sections 1.5 Life Time Membership
             Carson City Pop Warner Football, Incorporated Executive Board of
             Directors shall have the right to award a Lifetime Membership in the
             organization to an individual deemed worthy by the time
             volunteered or their exemplary support to the organization on a
             local, regional and/or national level. A 2/3 majority vote of the
             Executive Board of Directors shall be required to grant a Lifetime
             Membership. Lifetime members shall have all membership rights,
             including the right to vote in the yearly election of officers.

                                  ARTICLE II
                     Principle Office and Corporate Seal

Section 2.1 Principle Office
            The principle office and place of business of Carson City Pop
            Warner Football, Incorporated in the State of Nevada, shall be: c/o
            Post Office Box 1170 Carson City, Nevada 89702; or at such
            location as the Executive Board of Directors may from time to time
            determine. All Carson City Pop Warner Football, Incorporated
            Equipment is stored, when not being used, at the Carson City Pop
            Warner Equipment Warehouse located on the grounds of
            Governor’s Field located in Carson City, Nevada. –put park address

             Incorporation Seal
             The official seal of the corporation shall be inscribed with Carson
             City Pop Warner Football Incorporated, the year of its incorporation,
             the words “Nevada” and “Seal”, and shall be in a form approved by
             the Executive Board of Directors, which may alter the same at its

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                               Board of Directors

Section 3.1 Members of the Board of Directors
            The property and affairs of this Corporation shall be managed and
            controlled by the Board of Directors, consisting of not more then
            fifteen (15) individuals nor less than five (5) individuals. Subject to
            the provisions of the Article of Incorporation and the provisions of
            these Bylaws, each Member of the Board shall hold office for a
            term of two (2) years or until he or she resigns or is removed from
            office. An open position on the Board shall be filled by a majority
            decision of the newly elected officers and immediate Past
            President, who are automatically member of the Board of Directors,
            prior to the following regularly scheduled monthly meeting. At the
            same time, Seven (7) members will be elected by the membership
            to the positions of President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President,
            Secretary, Treasurer, Cheer Coordinator and Equipment Director to
            represent the Executive Board of Directors of the Corporation at the
            Conference level (HLA). The position of Past President will be on
            the Executive Board of Directors for a term of one year after their
            presidency and may request an additional year if desired.

Section 3.2 Resignation
            A member of the Board of Directors of the Corporation may resign
            at any time by written notice, setting forth effective time and date
            thereof; delivered personally or sent by certified mail; on or before
            such effective time to another Board Member or to the office of the

Section 3.3 Removal
            A member of the Board Of Directors may, at any time, be removed
            from office, with or without cause, by the other members of the
            Board of Directors, providing at least two thirds (2/3) of the Board of
            Directors act together in the action. A member of the Board of
            Directors may be removed from the Board of Directors for lack of
            participation. Any member of the Board of Directors who fails to
            attend three monthly schedule board meetings, without written or
            verbal notification to one of the officers of the Executive Board of
            Directors will be dismissed by the Executive Board of Directors
            without cause.

Section 3.4 Filling of Vacancies
            In the event of a vacancy occurring in any office of the Executive
            Board of Directors at any time; regardless of how caused; such
            vacancy shall be filled by an individual selected by majority vote of
            the Executive Board Officers and immediate Past President. If

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quorum does not exist or there are no interested persons available,
             the President reserves the right to appoint any person to the vacant
             office, without a called vote.

Section 3.5 Annual Membership Meeting and Elections of Officers
             The Annual Membership Meeting and Elections of the Board of
             Directors Officers shall be held at the principle offices of the
             Corporation during the first quarter of each calendar year; or at any
             other date or place as the Board of Directors may determine to be
             more convenient to the conduct the affairs of the Corporation.
             Written notice stating the place, day, and hour of the meeting shall
             be given personally or mailed to each member of Carson City Pop
             Warner Football, Incorporated, no later then two (2) weeks prior to
             the date fixed for the annual meeting.

             All voting decisions will be decided by majority vote of those
             members authorized to vote (see Section 1.4) and present at the
             meeting providing the meeting was properly noticed. If the meeting
             is a regular meeting automatically scheduled, no other notification
             is necessary. All elections may be by show of hands, oral
             indication or written ballot, at the preference of the President. The
             election of officers shall be by written ballot only. The only proxy
             votes allowed are those of an Executive Board of Directors
             providing it is written, describes the specific subject of the vote, and
             is submitted to the President at the beginning of the meeting. In no
             event are proxy votes to be allowed during the vote of officers. Any
             individual nominated for any position must be present at the time of
             the nomination and must accept the nomination.

Section 3.6 Regular Meetings
            The Executive Board of Directors may, by resolution, establish one
            or more regular meetings at a date and place specified in such
            resolution. It is required that all members holding the positions of
            Head Coach or Business Manager attend monthly Board of
            Directors meetings during the actual Pop Warner Season, months
            July through November. They may send a representative from their
            team, in their place, with written notice, by note or email, to the
            Executive Board of Directors prior to the start of the regular

             Special Meetings
             Special meetings of the Board of Directors or General Membership
             may be called at any time by the President or by the majority of the
             members of the Executive Board of Directors. Special meetings
             shall be held at such a time and place as may be designated by the

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authority calling such meeting. Notice of the time and place of the
             special meeting shall be given to each member of the Board of
             Directors or the membership of Carson City Pop Warner Football,
             Incorporated in one of the following procedures: Directors and
             Members must be notified no less then forty-eight 48 hours prior to
             the meeting by telephone, fax, e-mail or personal visit. The
             purpose of any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors
             need not be specified in the notice of such meeting.

Section 3.7 Public Forum
            Thirty (30) minutes will be set aside at the end of each Regular
            Meeting for the public to address the Board of Directors. Each
            person will be given five (5) minutes to address the Board. The
            Board will not take action or discuss the matter at that time, but will
            discuss the matter at a later date and decide the appropriate action
            to be taken, with the exceptions of financial matters or matters that
            could result in harm to a participant of Pop Warner Football. All
            persons wishing to address the board must notify the President
            seven (7) days prior to the Regular Meeting

Section 3.8 Committees
            The Board of Directors may designate from among its members, by
            resolution adopted by a majority of the entire Board of Directors, a
            finance committee, a volunteer committee, a community committee,
            an academic committee and one or more other committees. Each
            committee shall consist of three (3) or more Board of Directors and
            shall have and may exercise such authority in the management of
            these committees with the approval of the Board of Directors and/or
            the Executive Board of Directors of Corporation. All committee
            decisions are to be presented and approved by a resolution of the
            Board of Directors or the Executive Board of Directors.

Section 3.9 Action Without a Meeting
            Any action required by law to be taken at a meeting of the
            Executive Board of Directors or Board of Directors, or any other
            action which may be taken at a meeting of Directors, or any
            committee thereof; may be taken without a meeting; if consent in
            writing, setting forth the action so taken, is signed by all of the
            Board members. Consent may be signed in counterparts.

Section 3.10 Participation by Telephone and E-Mail
             To the extent permitted by law, any member of the Board of
             Directors, or committee thereof, may participate in a meeting of
             such Board or committee by means of a conference telephone
             network or similar communications method.           All persons
             participating in the meeting must hear each other. Each matter

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properly coming before the meeting with respect to such proxy is to
             be exercised is given to each Director in writing more than five (5)
             days prior to meeting, such proxy specifically identifying the matter
             with respect to which it is to be exercised and the manner in which
             it is to be exercised, and that the executed original of the proxy to
             be delivered to the President of the Board of Directors at or before
             the beginning of meeting. To the extend permitted by law, any
             member of the Board of Directors, or committee thereof, may
             participate in a meeting of such Board or committee by means of E-
             mail as long as each board member has access to an online
             provider and all information is sent to all members of the board of

                                     ARTICLE IV

Section 4.1 Officers and Qualifications
            The Executive Board of Directors of the Corporation shall include
            the offices of President, 1st Vice President, 2ns Vice President,
            Secretary, Treasurer, Cheer Coordinator, Equipment Director and
            Immediate Past President (if accepted by him or her). If the Past
            President does not accept the position, the Executive Board of
            Directors may appoint a previous past president to fill that position,
            only a previous president is eligible. The Executive Board of
            Directors shall be elected by majority vote at the Annual Meeting
            and Election of Officers of the organization (Sec 3.5). Once
            elected, all officers are automatically Directors of the Corporation.
            All Executive Board positions are limited to one person – per

Section 4.2 Terms of Office
            Executive Board of Directors terms of office will start directly after
            the Annual Membership meeting, in the first quarter of current
            calendar year, and will encompass the next two (2) football
            seasons; ending in the first month of the year after the second
            season. Offices of President, Treasurer and Equipment Director
            will be up for election in even years and the Offices of Vice
            President, Secretary and Cheer Coordinator will be up for election
            in odd years.

Section 4.3 Removal and Resignation
            Any officer may be removed by the Board of Directors with or
            without cause. Any officer may resign at anytime by giving written
            notice; thereof, to any Executive Board Member or to the Office of
            the Corporation. Such resignation shall take effect upon its receipt

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(unless a subsequent effective date is specified in the notice). The
             acceptance of such resignation shall not be necessary to its
             effectiveness; unless otherwise specified in such notice.

Section 4.4 Vacancies
            If any vacancy occurs in any office, of the Executive Board of
            Directors, the President will appoint a successor to fill such vacancy
            for the remainder of the term.

Section 4.5 President
            The President shall be the Chief Operating Officer of the
            Corporation and, under the supervision and control of the board,
            shall actively direct and manage the properties, affairs, and policies
            of the Corporation. He/She shall see that all resolutions of the
            board are carried into effect and shall have the board powers and
            duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office
            of president of a corporation. The term of the office of President
            will start on even numbered years and end on even numbered

Section 4.6 First Vice President. & Second Vice President
            The First Vice President shall perform such duties as shall be
            assigned to him, from time to time, by the President. The Executive
            1st Vice President shall act in the place of the President, exercising
            all his powers and performing his duties during his absence or
            disability (Including check signing authority).             Areas of
            responsibilities include Players Eligibility, Volunteers, Community,
            Media, HLA, etc. The 2nd Vice President will act in the place of the
            1st vice president, exercising all his powers and performing his
            duties during his absence or disability. The term of the office of both
            Vice President(s) will start on odd numbered years and end on odd
            numbered years.

Section 4.7 Secretary
            The Secretary shall possess all such powers and perform such
            duties as are usually incidental to the office of secretary of a
            corporation. Unless otherwise directed by the Board, the secretary

             a) So far as possible, attend all meetings of the Board and keep
                minutes of the proceedings; thereof, in written form or in any
                other form capable of being converted into written form within a
                reasonable amount of time. All such minutes shall be inserted
                chronologically in the Corporation Minute Book, a copy of which
                shall be kept on file at the Corporation’s Principle Office.

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b) Have a principal authority to attest to all Corporation

             c) Attend to the giving of all notices required by statute, bylaws, or

             d) Prepare, execute, and file all Corporation reports as requires by
                statute or by the Board.

             e) Keep an account for all books, documents, papers, and records
                of the Corporation, except those which are hereinafter directed
                to be in charge of the Treasurer.

             f) In the absence of the secretary, a duly appointed assistant
                secretary or secretary pro tempore shall perform his/her duties.
                The term of the office of Secretary will start on odd numbered
                years and end on odd numbered years.

Section 4.8 Treasurer
            The Treasurer shall keep, or cause to be kept, in written form or in
            any other form capable of being converted into written form within a
            reasonable amount of time, complete and accurate accounts,
            recording all receipts, disbursements, deposits and any other
            financial transactions of the Corporation, which records shall belong
            to the Corporation. He/She shall be able to render to the President,
            Members of the Board, if any, and to the Executive Board, at all
            Regular Meetings of the Board, and at such other times requested
            by them, a written account of all his/her transactions as treasurer
            and of financial condition of the Corporation. He/She shall possess
            such other powers and perform such other duties as are usually
            incidental to the office of treasurer of a corporation, including
            responsibility of seeing to the proper filing of all corporation tax and
            similar returns and reports and check signing authority up to $1000.
            In the absence of the treasurer, an assistant treasurer may be
            appointed by the Board to perform such duties. The term of the
            office of Treasurer will start on even numbered years and end on
            even numbered years.

Section 4.9 Cheer Coordinator
            The Cheer Coordinator is responsible for the implementation of all
            national, regional and local rules as written in the governing bodies
            rule books. He/She is responsible to develop team formation and
            volunteer recruitment and working closely with the other Executive
            Board Members on several committees. The term of the office of
            Cheer Coordinator will start on odd numbered years and end on
            odd numbered years.

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Section 4.10 Equipment Director
             The Equipment Director is responsible for organizing the
             Equipment Building and the issuing of equipment, the maintenance
             of equipment, the inventory, the procurement and any other aspect
             regarding Carson City Pop Warner Football Equipment. He or She
             will make monthly reports to the Executive Board. Reports are to
             include inventory, status of reconditioning, projected equipment
             purchases, lost equipment and problems. The term of the office of
             Equipment Director will start on even numbered years and end on
             even numbered years.

Section 4.11 Additional Powers and Duties
             In addition to the powers and duties set forth above, each officer
             has such further authority and shall perform such other duties in the
             management of the Corporation as may be determined by
             resolution of the Board of Directors not inconsistent with these
             Bylaws and the Corporation’s Article of Incorporation.

                                      ARTICLE V

Section 5.1 Contracts
            The Board of Directors may authorize any officer or officers, agent
            or agents, to enter into any contract or execute and deliver any
            instrument in the name of and on behalf of the Corporation. Such
            authority may be general or confined to specific instances.

Section 5.2 Loans
            No loan shall be contracted for on behalf of the Corporation and no
            evidence of indebtedness shall be issued in the name of the
            Corporation unless authorized by a resolution of the Board of
            Trustees. Such authority shall be confined to specific instances.
            No loan shall be made to any Officer or Director of the Corporation.

Section 5.3 Checks, Drafts, and Notes
            All checks, drafts, or other orders for payment of money, notes, or
            other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the
            Corporation shall be signed by the President, 1st Vice President,
            Treasurer, Past President and agent or agents, of the Corporation
            and in such manner as shall, from time to time, be determined by
            resolution of the Board of Directors. In no circumstance, shall
            funds be drawn from corporate checking account (greater than
            $1000) with less than two authorized signatures authorizing
            withdrawal. For the benefit of the Corporation, all checks in form of

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payments to vendors or refunds will be signed at the regularly
              scheduled board meeting and the Executive Board of Directors.

Section 5.4 Deposits
            All funds of the Corporation, nor otherwise employed, shall be
            deposited from time to time to the credit of the Corporation in such
            bank, trust companies, or other custodians as the Board of
            Directors may select.

Section 5.5 Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the Corporation shall begin on
            January 1 of each year and end on December 31 of such year.

                                      ARTICLE VI

The Board of Directors may authorize the Corporation to pay, or cause to be paid
by insurance or otherwise, any judgment of fine rendered or levied against a
present or former director, officer, employee, or agent of the Corporation in an
action brought against such person to impose a liability or penalty for an act of
omission alleged to have been committed by such person while a director,
officer, employee, or agent of the Corporation, provided that the Board of
Directors shall determine, in good faith, that such a person acted in good faith
and without willful misconduct or gross negligence for a purpose which he/she
reasonably believed to be in the best interest of the Corporation. Payments
authorized hereunder include amounts paid and expenses incurred (including
attorney’s fees) in satisfaction of any liability or penalty or in settling any action or
threatened action, but in no event, shall this Article permit payment of any
amount, payment of which would give rise to any liability for taxes or penalties
under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, if the Corporation is at
such time a private foundation.

                                      ARTICLE VII

The Bylaws may be amended, altered, or replaced and new Bylaws may be
adopted by the Board of Directors of the Corporation by a vote of the majority of
the Directors then in office, and not otherwise, at any meeting of the Board,
provide the full text of the proposed amendment, alteration, or repeal shall have
been delivered to each Director of the Corporation at least five (5) days prior to
the meeting at which the proposed amendments, alteration, or repeal will be
presented to the Board for action.

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