POWERLINES - The 1.99% APCO Visa Balance Transfer Special is Back! MOVE

Page created by Clara Zimmerman
POWERLINES - The 1.99% APCO Visa Balance Transfer Special is Back! MOVE
A Publication by APCO Employees Credit Union | Powering financial lives. | January 2021 | Issue 173

                  IT!                                                    MOVE

                                                       The 1.99%
                                                       APCO Visa Balance Transfer
                                                       Special is Back!
POWERLINES - The 1.99% APCO Visa Balance Transfer Special is Back! MOVE
Transfer Your Credit Card Balance and Save!
Add holiday debt to the                                                                        • If you do not pay off the balance
unexpected expenses that                                                                         transfer within six months,
pop up throughout the year                                                                       our standard variable APR will be
and it’s easy to find your-                                                                      applied to the remaining balance,
self overwhelmed. We want                                                                        based on your creditworthiness.*

to help you alleviate your                                                                     • Everyone gets the same balance
payment stress by bring-                                                                         transfer rate option.

ing back our Visa Balance
                                                                                               New and Existing Accounts
Transfer Special that allows
you to move your high-                                                                         The balance transfer option is avail-
                                                                                               able to all eligible APCO Employees
interest credit card balance
                                                                                               Credit Union members. If you al-
to a lower interest rate credit                                                                ready have an APCO Visa Platinum
card from your Credit Union.                                                                   Rewards Credit Card or APCO Visa
                                                                                               Signature Rewards Credit Card,
Transfer Your Balance                                                                          simply contact us to set up the bal-
January 4, 2021 through June 22,                                                               ance transfer. If you do not have a
2021 you will have the opportuni-                                                              credit card from your Credit Union,
ty to transfer your high-interest                                                              contact us to begin the application
credit card debt to an APCO Visa                                                               process. Once your account is ap-
Platinum Rewards Credit Card or                                                                proved, we will help you set up your
Visa Signature Rewards Credit Card. Eligible applicants will       balance transfer.
receive a special, low 1.99% APR on all balance transfers.         After the six month balance transfer promotion ends, your
The 1.99% balance transfer interest rate is good for six months,   APCO Visa will continue to save you money. Benefits of using
giving you the opportunity to pay off that debt at a MUCH          an APCO Visa include:
lower interest rate than your current credit card offers. Paying     •   No annual fee
off that debt at 1.99% versus your current interest rate could       •   Membership in uChoose Rewards® earning
save you hundreds of dollars or more in interest.                        1.75% points on every $1.00 you spend
                                                                     •   A 25 day grace period on all purchases
Here’s What You Should Know
Other financial institutions make balance transfer offers, but     For details, visit www.apcocu.org/visa-rewards-card or call
our balance transfer program is different and better:              1-800-249-APCO to transfer your balance today.

  • We don’t charge a balance transfer fee. Most other
    financial institutions charge an average of 3%.                            *Terms and conditions apply. Contact us for more details.

    COMING SOON!                               Welcome to the Family
    Your Credit Union                          APCO Employees Credit Union is proud
      is working on                            to partner with 150+ business partners and
        updates to                             organizations to provide credit union services
    Online and Mobile
                                               and membership to their employees and their
                                               families. We would like to welcome the following
                                               Select Employee Group to our Credit Union family.

                                               Woodruff Farms Homeowners Association
                                               If you’re interested in how your business can add Credit Union member-
                                               ship to its employee benefits package, give us a call at 205-226-6800.
POWERLINES - The 1.99% APCO Visa Balance Transfer Special is Back! MOVE

      Jasper West
                                        (Coming Soon)


      Tuscaloosa Queen City
      (Coming Soon)

We’ve Added Additional Branches
to Serve You!
Last year brought you an updated Credit Union website,
new APCO Visa Platinum Rewards and Visa Signature Rewards
Credit Cards, and three new branches with two more coming
soon. We are excited to offer the added convenience that
comes with an expanded branch footprint. We hope you’ll stop
by these locations to say hello and allow us to serve you.


                                                                Credit Union Volunteers Work to
                                                                Preserve Alabama Waterways.
                                                                Credit Union employees pitched in to clean shorelines and
                                                                neighborhood roadsides for the annual Renew Our Rivers/
                                                                Lake Martin Resource Association Lake Martin cleanup on
                                                                November 6.
                                                                Renew Our Rivers is a volunteer program that removes
   Important - Your December 31, 2020 statement                 debris from rivers and other waterways throughout the
   contains all the necessary information for you or your tax   Southeast. Started by an Alabama Power employee in
   preparer to file your 2020 income tax return. Please save    1999 as a local cleanup of the Coosa River around Alabama
   this important end of year statement for your records.       Power’s Gadsden Steam Plant, the program has grown
                                                                to include a year-round schedule of cleanups for the
   If you can’t make it to your Credit Union branch,            entire Coosa, Tallapoosa and Black Warrior river systems in
                                                                Alabama, the upper Coosa in Georgia and other waterways
   remember you’re never without account access. Your
                                                                in watersheds in Georgia, Mississippi and Florida.
   Credit Union’s Mobile App with Remote Deposit is avail-
   able 24/7. All checks deposited MUST be endorsed by          More than 160 tons of trash - including plastic and
   hand with “For Mobile Deposit Only.”                         glass bottles, beaded Styrofoam, metal drums, household
                                                                appliances and automotive tires have been removed and
                                                                delivered to a landfill over the past 15 years.
POWERLINES - The 1.99% APCO Visa Balance Transfer Special is Back! MOVE
LOCATIONS                      Annual Meeting Set for April 1.
Check apcocu.org/locations
to verify branches are open.   It’s Annual Meeting time and your chance                   Celia Yates – Retired from Alabama Power
MAIN OFFICE                    to learn what’s happening around APCO                      where she enjoyed a 41 year career. Her
750 17th Street North          Employees Credit Union. You can review                     last position was Senior Marketing Data
Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 226-6800
                               the Credit Union’s progress and achieve-                   Analyst. Ms. Yates has served as a Credit
1-800-249-APCO (2726)          ments over the past year. You’ll also be able              Union official for 15 years.
Anniston                       to find out what’s planned for the future
925 Quintard Avenue                                                                       Supervisory Committee (3 year term)
                               success of the Credit Union.
(205) 813-7500                                                                            Greg Bass – Employed by Alabama Power
Chelsea                        The 67th Annual Meeting is set for                         Company for 30 years. His current posi-
370 Chelsea Crossroads         Thursday, April 1, 2021. Due to Covid-19
(205) 678-8406                                                                            tion is Corporate Accounting Manager. Mr.
                               and the changing restrictions and safety                   Bass has served 3 years as a Credit Union
1872 7th Street South          precautions needed for social gatherings,                  official.
(205) 280-0366                 the meeting will be held virtually. It will
Corporate Headquarters         begin at 5:00 p.m. and you can find more                   The Nominating Committee will accept
600 North 18th Street          details on our website at apcocu.org/                      additional nominees from the membership
Birmingham, AL 35203                                                                      for each vacancy on the Board of Directors
(205) 257-1592                 annual-meeting.
                                                                                          and Supervisory Committee until February
Dothan                         The Nominating Committee has met and is
2220 Montgomery Highway                                                                   26, 2021. At that time, nominations will
(334) 793-7226
                               using this newsletter to place and distrib-                be closed. Any person nominated by the
Energy Center                  ute its list of nominees before the mem-                   membership must present a written nom-
(Colonnade - Hoover)           bership. The Committee’s nominees are:                     ination signed by at least 500 members to:
3535 Colonnade Parkway
(205) 992-5030                 Board of Directors (All 3 year terms)                          Chairman of the Nominating Committee
Gardendale                     Wendell Pate – Retired from Alabama                            750 17th Street North
949 Main Street
(205) 598-8300                 Power Company after 40 years. His last                         Birmingham, AL 35203
Hoover                         position was Supervisor of Tech Support.                   Everyone is invited to virtually attend the
4725 Chace Circle              Mr. Pate has served 40 years as a Credit                   Annual Meeting. The event is a great time
(205) 823-7403                 Union official.
                                                                                          to hear directly from the people who care
2901 Allison-Bonnett Drive     Carlton Stephens – Employed by Alabama                     for your finances behind the scenes. We
(205) 257-3905                 Power Company for 35 years. His current                    appreciate your support of the Credit
Jasper                         position is Facility Support Supervisor.                   Union and look forward to seeing you there,
706 20th Avenue East
(205) 221-4238
                               Mr. Stephens has served 13 years as a                      virtually.
Jasper West                    Credit Union official.
2501 Highway 78 W
(205) 878-4600
Mobile                            FINANCIAL REPORT                                                    Stay connected
150 St. Joseph Street
(251) 694-2383                                  09/30/2020             09/30/2019                  with your Credit Union!
Montgomery                        Assets        $3,273,916,742         $2,987,505,758                         Follow us on
244 Dexter Avenue
                                  Savings       $2,859,900,693         $2,615,349,571              Facebook (APCOCreditUnion),
(334) 832-3822
Pelham                                                                                                   Twitter (@apcocu) and
                                  Loans         $808,937,646           $835,980,271
101 Huntley Parkway                                                                                      Instagram (@apcocu).
(205) 664-7421                    Members 71,816                       72,007                     Visit us online at www.apcocu.org.
6400 Tattersall Park Drive
Hoover, AL 35242
(205) 547-9400
                               Board of Directors               Director Emeritus               HOLIDAY CLOSINGS
Trussville                     Wendell W. Pate – Chairman       William M. Bass                 Martin Luther King Day, Monday, January 18, 2021
151 Main Street                Mark Wilkinson – Vice Chairman   Supervisory Committee
(205) 661-2715                 Greg Shipp – Treasurer           Allison Boone – Chairperson
Tuscaloosa                     Celia Yates – Secretary          Greg Bass – Member
630 15th Street                Billy Gober – Director           Ann Wilkinson – Member
                               Melinda Lopez – Director
(205) 345-6550                                                  President / CEO
                               Robert B. Roy – Director
Tuscaloosa Downtown            Carlton Stephens – Director      Derrick E. Ragland, Jr.
915 Queen City Ave             John Valekis – Director
(205) 722-7300
West Mobile                                               Federally Insured by NCUA
6396 Airport Blvd                                         Equal Housing Opportunity Lender
(251) 434-5634
                                                                                                          www.apcocu.org                           93253-NL-0121
POWERLINES - The 1.99% APCO Visa Balance Transfer Special is Back! MOVE POWERLINES - The 1.99% APCO Visa Balance Transfer Special is Back! MOVE
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