Pre-apprenticeship Courses 2020 - The Gordon

Page created by Sarah Castillo
Pre-apprenticeship Courses 2020 - The Gordon

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Pre-apprenticeship Courses 2020 - The Gordon
Pre-Apprenticeship Courses

Improve your chances of gaining an apprenticeship by completing a
pre-apprenticeship program at The Gordon. Our pre-apprenticeship
courses are delivered on-campus and provide introductory skills and
knowledge in your chosen trade area, before you secure a full
apprenticeship with an employer.

Why choose a pre-apprenticeship?                 Why choose The Gordon?
• Try out a trade before committing to a full    • Leaders in trade training in regional
  apprenticeship.                                  Victoria.
• Gain some hands-on skills to prepare you       • Broad range of pre-apprenticeships to
  for the workplace.                               choose from.
• Improve your chances of securing an            • World-class training facilities and industry
  apprenticeship.                                  experienced teachers.
• Reduce the duration of a full apprenticeship   • Preferred training provider for thousands of
  once you secure an employer.                     employers around Victoria.

2 | For the latest information visit | Call 5225 0600
Pre-apprenticeship Courses 2020 - The Gordon
I enjoy working on cars of any
sort, and the pre-apprenticeship
at The Gordon gave me the
starting blocks to fulfil my
passion. I learnt so many things
I never knew, the teachers and
students were great, and I really
enjoyed all the new skills. Just
before I finished my pre-
apprenticeship, I was offered a
job at Geelong Mazda. It was a
bit nerve racking, but the course
gave me the confidence to take
on anything. I’m now a full-time
apprentice mechanic and love
going to a job that I enjoy every
day. I was the only female
mechanic when I started, but
they made me feel really
welcome and part of the team. I
spend one week at The Gordon
every 1-2 months for on-campus
training, which is a nice change
from the workplace. I can work
at my own pace and the
teachers are really helpful and

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Pre-apprenticeship Courses 2020 - The Gordon

                                                                                               Th O
                                                                                                 is UR

                                                                                                    is SE
                                                                                                        FR in
                                                                                                          EE 20
                                                                                                             TA 0.
AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational

Preparation “Mechanical”
 Intakes             Campus                          Attendance          Duration

 February            East Geelong Campus             Classroom Day       Full-time: 12 weeks

 May                 East Geelong Campus             Classroom Day       Full-time: 12 weeks

 August              East Geelong Campus             Classroom Day       Full-time: 12 weeks

Course description                                   Entrance requirements/prerequisites
Are you looking to enter the automotive              • Applicants must be aged 16 or over
industry, or get a taste for the mechanical trade    •	Applicants are expected to have literacy and
before undertaking an apprenticeship? This              numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
pre-apprenticeship course is designed to give           Skills Framework Level 2.
you broad automotive knowledge as well as
                                                     •	Any student under the age of 17 must provide
specialised skills in motor mechanics. It may also
                                                        a Transition from School form prior to
increase your opportunities to gain an
                                                        undertaking this course.
Do you need help with job search strategies,         Further study options
updating your resume, linking with employers,        • Certificate III apprenticeships (when
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact          employed).
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.

How often do I attend?
FT - 4 days per week | Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday | 8.30am - 5.00pm.

Possible career outcomes
• Apprentice motor mechanic.

4 | For the latest information visit | Call 5225 0600
Th O
                                                                                              is UR

                                                                                                 is SE
                                                                                                     FR in
                                                                                                       EE 20
                                                                                                          TA 0.
AUR20716 Certificate II in Automotive Vocational

Preparation “Paint and Panel”
 Intakes            Campus                        Attendance          Duration

 February           East Geelong Campus           Classroom Day       Full-time: 25 weeks

Course description                                Entrance requirements/prerequisites:
Would you like to enter into the automotive       • Applicants must be aged 16 or over.
industry and find out about the paint and panel   •	Applicants are expected to have literacy and
trade before your apprenticeship? In this            numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
pre-apprenticeship course you will learn             Skills Framework Level 2.
automotive knowledge as well as specialised
                                                  •	Any student under the age of 17 must provide
skills in vehicle body spray painting, panel
                                                     a Transition from School form prior to
beating, metal finishing, and welding steel.
                                                     undertaking this course.
These automotive industry skills will help you
gain an apprenticeship as a panel beater or       Further study options
spray painter.
                                                  • Certificate III apprenticeships
Do you need help with job search strategies,        (when employed).
updating your resume, linking with employers,
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.

How often do I attend?
FT - 2 days per week | Monday and Tuesday |
8.30am - 5.00pm.

Possible career outcomes
• Apprentice panel beater or spray painter.

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Building Trades

                                                                                              Th O
                                                                                                is UR

                                                                                                   is SE
                                                                                                       FR in
                                                                                                         EE 20
                                                                                                            TA 0.
22338VIC Certificate II in Building and Construction

Pre-apprenticeship “Carpentry”
 Intakes          Campus                             Attendance           Duration

 April            East Geelong Campus                Classroom Day        Full-time: 16 weeks

 April            Hoppers Crossing Trades Campus     Classroom Day        Full-time: 16 weeks

Course description                                 Possible career outcomes
If you are looking to enter the construction       • Apprentice carpenter
industry, or get a taste for the carpentry trade   • Trades assistant in the building industry.
before undertaking an apprenticeship, then this
                                                   Entrance requirements/prerequisites
pre-apprenticeship course is designed for you.
You will learn hands-on fundamental skills that    • Applicants must be 16 years and over.
you’ll need in the building and construction       •	Applicants are expected to have literacy and
industry, along with specific training for            numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
carpentry. When finished, you’ll increase your        Skills Framework Level 2.
potential to gain an apprenticeship, and once
                                                   •	Any student under the age of 17 must provide
you secure an apprenticeship contract with an
                                                      a Transition from School form prior to
employer, you can continue your training as an
                                                      undertaking the course.
apprentice in carpentry.
Do you need help with job search strategies,       Further study options
updating your resume, linking with employers,      • CPC30211 Certificate III in Carpentry.
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.

How often do I attend?
FT - 3 days per week | Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday | 9.00am - 4.00pm.

6 | For the latest information visit | Call 5225 0600
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Building Trades

                                                                                                  Th O
                                                                                                    is UR

                                                                                                       is SE
                                                                                                           FR in
                                                                                                             EE 20
                                                                                                                TA 0.
CPC20211 Certificate II in Construction Pathways

 Intakes              Campus                           Attendance           Duration

 February             East Geelong Campus              Classroom Day        Full-time: 10 weeks

 April                East Geelong Campus              Classroom Day        Full-time: 10 weeks

 July                 East Geelong Campus              Classroom Day        Full-time: 10 weeks

 October              East Geelong Campus              Classroom Day        Full-time: 10 weeks

Course description                                     How often do I attend?
Are you looking to enter a trade apprenticeship,       FT - 5 days per week | Monday - Friday |
but would like to get a taste of the industry first?   9.00am - 4.30pm.
Perhaps you’re already doing some trade work,
and would like to gain accreditation and a             Possible career outcomes
pathway to a full apprenticeship? This course is       • Apprentice in the construction industry.
an ideal starting point.
                                                       Entrance requirements/prerequisites:
The qualification includes core units that are
                                                       • Applicants must be aged 16 or over.
required in most Certificate III trade
qualifications, along with elective options that       •	Any student under the age of 17 must provide
provide an introduction to a trade occupation of          a Transition from School form prior to
your choice such as carpentry, joinery, shop              undertaking the course.
fitting, bricklaying, concreting and plastering.       •	Applicants are expected to have literacy and
You enrol in the CPC20211 Certificate II in               numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
Construction Pathways as part of the RISE                 Skills Framework Level 2.
                                                       Further study options
The RISE program includes:                             • Certificate III trade apprenticeship
•	Construction Induction Card                           (bricklaying, carpentry, joinery, shopfitting,
   (CI or White Card)                                    concreting, plastering).
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
•	Employment preparation and placement
Do you need help with job search strategies,
updating your resume, linking with employers,
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.

8 | For the latest information visit | Call 5225 0600
MSF20516 Certificate II in Furniture Making Pathways

 Intakes             Campus                         Attendance                Duration

 April               East Geelong Campus            Classroom Day             Part-time: 16 weeks

Course description                                  How often do I attend?
Are you looking to enter the construction           PT - 2 days per week | Thursday and Friday |
industry, or get a taste for the cabinetry trade    9.00am - 4.00pm.
before undertaking an apprenticeship?
                                                    Possible career outcomes
This pre-apprenticeship course is designed to
                                                    • Apprentice cabinet maker or joiner
give you the skills and knowledge required to
manufacture and assist with the installation of     •	Sales representative in kitchen/bathroom
free-standing furniture or built-in cabinets. You      industry
will also learn to assist in the installation or    •	Production operator in a cabinet making
renovation of kitchens and bathrooms and other         enterprise.
fitted/free standing cabinets involving
collaboration with others and team work.            Entrance requirements/prerequisites
Unfortunately this qualification does not cover     • Applicants must be aged 16 or over.
shopfitting.                                        •	Any student under the age of 17 must provide
Once you secure an apprenticeship contract             a Transition from School form prior to
with an employer, you can continue your training       undertaking this course.
as an apprentice in cabinet making, specialising    •	Applicants are expected to have literacy and
in furniture, or kitchens and bathrooms.               numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
Do you need help with job search strategies,           Skills Framework Level 2.
updating your resume, linking with employers,
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact       Further study options
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.                • MSF31113 Certificate III in Cabinet Making
                                                    • CPC31912 Certificate III in Joinery.

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Licensed Trades

                                                                                                  Th O
                                                                                                    is UR

                                                                                                       is SE
                                                                                                           FR in
                                                                                                             EE 20
                                                                                                                TA 0.
22499VIC Certificate II in Electrotechnology

(Pre Vocational)
 Intakes             Campus                           Attendance          Duration

                     East Geelong
 February                                             3 days              Full-time: 6 months
                     Hoppers Crossing

Course description                                        Entrance requirements/prerequisites
If you’re looking to enter the electrical industry,       • Applicants must be aged 16 or over.
or get a taste for the trade before undertaking           • Any student under the age of 17 must provide
an apprenticeship, then this pre-apprenticeship              a Transition from School form prior to
course is designed for you. The course gives you             undertaking this course.
the core skills and knowledge to start in the
                                                          • Applicants are expected to have literacy and
industry, and increases your opportunity to gain
                                                             Numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
an electrical apprenticeship.
                                                             Skills Framework Level 2.
Once you secure an apprenticeship contract
with an employer, you can continue your training          Further study options
as an electrical apprentice.                              • UEE30811 Certificate III in Electrotechnology.
Do you need help with job search strategies,
updating your resume, linking with employers,
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.

How often do I attend?
FT - 3 days per week | Monday, Tuesday and
Wednesday | 8.00am – 4.45pm
FT - 3 days per week | Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday | 8.00am – 4.45pm

Possible career outcomes
• Electrical Apprenticeship.

10 | For the latest information visit | Call 5225 0600
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Licensed Trades

                                                                                              Th O
                                                                                                is UR

                                                                                                   is SE
                                                                                                       FR in
                                                                                                         EE 20
                                                                                                            TA 0.
22304VIC Certificate II in Plumbing

 Intakes         Campus                               Attendance           Duration

 February        East Geelong Campus                  Classroom Day        Full-time: 14 weeks

 July            Hoppers Crossing Trades Campus       Classroom Day        Full-time: 14 weeks

Course description                                  Possible career outcomes
Are you looking to enter the plumbing industry,     •	Apprentice in the plumbing or building
or get a taste for the trade before undertaking        industry.
an apprenticeship? This pre-apprenticeship
course will increase your opportunities to gain a   Entrance requirements/prerequisites:
plumbing apprenticeship. You will learn about       • Applicants must be 16 years and over.
plumbing materials, equipment, and                  •	Applicants are expected to have literacy and
occupational health and safety procedures to           numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
ensure you work safely and effectively on              Skills Framework Level 2.
building sites.
                                                    •	Any student under the age of 17 must provide
Do you need help with job search strategies,           a Transition from School form prior to
updating your resume, linking with employers,          undertaking this course.
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.                Further study options
                                                    • CPC32413 Certificate III in Plumbing.
How often do I attend?
FT - 4 days per week | Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday | 9.00am - 5.00pm.

12 | For the latest information visit | Call 5225 0600

                                                                                              Th O
                                                                                                is UR

                                                                                                   is SE
                                                                                                       FR in
                                                                                                         EE 20
                                                                                                            TA 0.
22470VIC Certificate II in Engineering Studies

“Mechanical, Fabrication and Composites”
 Intakes             Campus                           Attendance                Duration

 February            East Geelong Campus              Classroom Day             Full-time: 6 months

 July                East Geelong Campus              Classroom Day             Full-time: 6 months

Course description                                    Entrance requirements/prerequisites:
Are you hoping to secure an apprenticeship and        • Applicants must be 16 years and over.
develop an engineering career in the metal            • Applicants are expected to have literacy and
fabrication, manufacturing or mechanical field?         numeracy skills at Year 10 or Australian Core
Then this course will help you get started.             Skills Framework Level 2.
You will learn how to produce technical               • Any student under the age of 17 must provide
drawings, basic fabrication techniques and              a Transition from School form prior to
machining processes, the use of hand and                undertaking this course.
power tools, and how to handle basic
engineering projects. Overall this course gives       Further study options
you entry-level skills for the engineering industry   • MEM30205 Certificate III in Engineering -
and will increase your potential to gain an             Mechanical Trade
                                                      • MEM30305 Certificate III in Engineering -
Do you need help with job search strategies,            Fabrication Trade
updating your resume, linking with employers,
                                                      • MEM31112 Certificate III in Engineering -
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact
                                                        Composites Trade.
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.

How often do I attend?
FT - 2.5 days per week |
Wednesday 8.30am - 12.30pm | Thursday and
Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm.

Possible career outcomes
•	Fabricator – employed as a fabricator in
   related industries
•	Mechanical engineer – maintenance, diesel
   or workshop
•	Composites – carbon fibre, fibre glass
   or boat building.

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                                                                                              Th O
                                                                                                is UR

                                                                                                   is SE
                                                                                                       FR in
                                                                                                         EE 20
                                                                                                            TA 0.
AHC20416 Certificate II in Horticulture

 Intakes        Campus                               Attendance            Duration

 February       East Geelong Campus                  Classroom Day         Part-time: 2 yrs

 April          East Geelong Campus                  Classroom Day         Part-time: 2 yrs

 July           East Geelong Campus                  Classroom Day         Part-time: 2 yrs

 October        East Geelong Campus                  Classroom Day         Part-time: 2 yrs

Course description                                 Entrance requirements/prerequisites
Are you looking to enter the horticulture          • Aged 16 or over.
industry, or perhaps get a taste for the trade     •	Any student under the age of 17 must provide
before undertaking an apprenticeship? This            a Transition from School form prior to
entry-level horticulture course is designed to        undertaking the course.
give you the core skills and knowledge for the
                                                   •	Applicants are expected to have literacy and
industry, and introduce you to various
                                                      numeracy skills to at least Year 10 or Australian
horticulture specialisations. This is a hands-on
                                                      Core Skills Framework Level 2.
course where you’ll learn to recognise plants,
undertake planting tasks, use correct pruning      Further study options
techniques. collect plant specimens and develop
                                                   • AHC30716 Certificate III in Horticulture.
retail skills relevant to a garden centre
Do you need help with job search strategies,
updating your resume, linking with employers,
and finding apprenticeship vacancies? Contact
The Gordon’s Skills and Jobs Centre.

How often do I attend?
PT - 1 day per week | Friday | 9.00am – 4.00pm.

Possible career outcomes
• Nursery assistant
• Landscape assistant
• Parks and gardens assistant.

14 | For the latest information visit | Call 5225 0600

The Gordon’s Vision                                Skills First Quality Charter
The Gordon’s vision is to be the first choice in   The Gordon as a quality RTO has obligations
our markets and the leader in our field.           under the current TAFE VET Funding Contract
We are committed to complying with all our         - Skills First Program which include following the
regulatory requirements as a Registered Training   six key principals of the Skills First Quality
Organisation (RTO) in the vocational education     Charter.
and training (VET) sector.                         Principal 1: Commitment to serving the
                                                                 public interest
The VET Quality Framework                          Principal 2: Accountable and Effective
As a quality assured RTO The Gordon has a
regulatory obligation to comply with the           Principal 3: Informed choice of course and
requirements of the VET Quality Framework. The                   provider and awareness of essential
framework includes the                                           training entitlement
• Standards for Registered Training               Principal 4: Deliberate planning of
   Organisations (RTOs) 2015                                     training program
• Australian Qualifications Framework              Principal 5: High quality delivery of training
                                                                 and assessment
• Fit and Proper Person Requirements
                                                   Principal 6: Responsive feedback systems
• Financial Viability Requirements
                                                   A complete version of the Quality Charter is
• Data Provisions
                                                   available on our website the
A complete version of the VET Quality
Framework is available at

                                                   © The Gordon 2019
                                                   ABN: 27 241 053 246
                                                   RTO: 3044
                                                   CRICOS No: 00011G
                                                   Printed October 2019. Correct at time of printing.
                                                   Printed with the support of K.W.Doggett Fine Paper on
                                                   Impact – 100% recycled, carbon neutral stock.
                                                   The Gordon’s training is delivered with Victorian and
                                                   Commonwealth Government Funding for which eligibility
                                                   criteria apply.

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                   Geelong City Campus
                   2 Fenwick St, Geelong
                   Victoria, 3220

                   East Geelong Campus
                   Boundary Road, East Geelong
                   Victoria, 3219

                   Werribee Campus
                   24 Watton Street, Werribee
                   Victoria, 3030

                   Hoppers Crossing Trades Campus
                   195 Old Geelong Rd,
                   Hoppers Crossing
                   Victoria, 3029

                   Werribee Princes Campus
                   180 Princes Highway,
                   Hoppers Crossing
                   Victoria, 3030

                   Colac Trade Training Centre
                   173 Queen St, Colac
                   Victoria, 3250

                   Contact Us
                   Ph: (03) 5225 0600
                   Mail: P
                          rivate Bag 1, Geelong Mail Centre
                   Victoria, Australia, 3221

                        Accessibility enquiries phone (03) 5225 0835 or

                        Hearing or speech impaired?

                   Call us via the National Relay Service
                   TTY/Voice 133677,
                   Speak & Listen (SSR) 1300 555 727
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