Preschool & PreK CLASSES FOR THREE TO FIVE YEAR OLDS - | 763-391-8777 - Osseo Area ...

Page created by Teresa Mcbride
Preschool & PreK CLASSES FOR THREE TO FIVE YEAR OLDS - | 763-391-8777 - Osseo Area ...
Preschool &

             REGISTER NOW | REGISTRATION LOTTERY FEBRUARY 25, 2022 | 763-391-8777
En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586       Early Childhood & Family Education
Preschool & PreK CLASSES FOR THREE TO FIVE YEAR OLDS - | 763-391-8777 - Osseo Area ...
WELCOME          Our program has been
                  awarded the highest        In Osseo Area Schools Early Childhood & Family
                 possible 4 STAR rating!
                                             Education (EC&FE) Preschool & PreK programs
    Preschool for Threes                     we provide:
    For children 3 or older by September 1
                                              l   Welcoming, nurturing and engaging classes to help children grow
    Locations:                                    and develop.
    Arbor View Early Childhood Center
    Cedar Island Elementary
                                              l   Curriculum to ensure the success of every child.
    Willow Lane Early Childhood Center        l   Highly trained and caring teaching staff.

    Preschool for Three to Fives              l   Inclusive classrooms that honor your child’s strengths and
    For children 3 or older by September 1        experiences.
    Locations:                                l   Opportunities to partner on learning goals and engage in your child’s
    Arbor View Early Childhood Center             experience at school.
    PreK for Fours and Fives                  l   A variety of class options: mornings or afternoons, two to five days a
    For children 4 or older by September 1
                                                  week at multiple locations in the community.
                                              l   Orientation days and parent-teacher conferences.
    Cedar Island Elementary
    Elm Creek Elementary
    Fernbrook Elementary
    Oak View Elementary
    Rice Lake Elementary                              “My child loves going to school every day!”
    Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
    Woodland Elementary

2                     REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM          |    LEARN MORE AT OSSEOEC.ORG
Preschool & PreK CLASSES FOR THREE TO FIVE YEAR OLDS - | 763-391-8777 - Osseo Area ...
Join us for a virtual
                                                                           Question and Answer

                                                                         Thurs. February 3, 2022
                                                                             4:30-6:30 p.m.
                                                                              To RSVP call 763-391-8777
                                                                            or email

                                                                        Virtual EC&FE Preschool
  What to expect during class time?                                    and PreK Information Fair
   l   Group Time
       Songs, stories, games and movement                                           Learn more at:
   l   Gym or Playground Time                                   

   l   Discovery Time: learning through play
       Art, literacy, math, pretend play, science, sensory and more!
   l   Snack Time or *Lunch
       *Fernbrook Elementary and Woodland Elementary four hour class only
   l   Book Time or *Library
       *Elementary school locations only

   Early Childhood Screening
   A FREE service for all children age three to five
   Screening is a simple check of a child's development to help
   identify children who may benefit from resources to help in their

   Schedule an appointment at
   Call: 763-391-8777
   En Espanol, Lus Hmoob, Bang Tieng Viet: 855-938-0586

Questions? Call 763-391-8777 En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586 | Email       3
    For children age 3 and older by September 1, 2022

    ARBOR VIEW                                           CEDAR ISLAND ELEMENTARY                                   WILLOW LANE
    9401 Fernbrook Ln. N.                                6777 Hemlock Ln. N.                                       7020 Perry Ave. N.
    Maple Grove, MN 55369                                Maple Grove, MN 55369                                     Brooklyn Center, MN 55429

    300A       M/W/F            9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.        306CI           T/Th            9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.         307WL         T/Th          9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
    301A       M/W/F            1-3:30 p.m.                                                                        308WL         T/Th          9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
    302A       M/W/F            9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.                                                                  309WL         M/W/F         9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
    311A       M/W/F            9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.                                                                  310WL         M/W/F         1-3:30 p.m.
    303A       T/Th             9:15-11:45 a.m.
    304A       T/Th             9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.

    For children age 3 and older by September 1, 2022
                                                                                                                             Does my child need to be
                                                                                                                              toilet trained to attend
    ARBOR VIEW                                                                                                   9401
    9401 Fernbrook Ln. N.                                   Maple Grove, MN 55369                                                    preschool?
    Maple Grove, MN 55369                                                                                                       Children should be mostly
                                                                                                                             self-sufficient in the bathroom,
    Nature Play Area Preschool                                                                                                know when they need to use
                                                                                                                               the bathroom and have few
    350A        M/W/F            9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.                                                                                       accidents.
    Saturday Preschool
    Session One: 351A Saturdays 9-11:30 a.m.                 Sept. 10-Nov. 19
    Session Two: 352A Saturdays 9-11:30 a.m.                 Jan. 28-May 20
    Register for one or both sessions. The curriculum is on-going and does not repeat from session to session.

    What will my scholar learn in preschool?
    Social and Emotional Development                      Physical Development                                    Mathematical and Scientific
    l   Interact with other children and familiar         l   Move body with some balance and                     Thinking
        adults                                                control                                             l   Begin to count
    l   Follow classroom routines and rules with              Use strength and control with blocks,
                                                          l                                                       l   Sort objects by color, shape or size
        guidance                                              puzzles, playdough and crayons                      l   Use their senses to observe and investigate
    l   Show some self-direction
                                                                                                                      their environment
    l   Begin to name feelings of self and others         Language and Literacy
                                                                                                                  Art & Creativity
    l   Start to perform self-care tasks 		               l   Respond to stories read aloud                       l Create
        independently                                                                                                        their own art
                                                          l   Name some letters in their name

4                         REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM                         |     LEARN MORE AT OSSEOEC.ORG
For children age 4 and older by September 1, 2022                                                              PreK
  CEDAR ISLAND ELEMENTARY                            OAK VIEW ELEMENTARY                                       Transportation
  6777 Hemlock Ln. N.                                6710 E. Fish Lake Rd.                                     FREE limited transportation may
  Maple Grove, MN 55369                              Maple Grove, MN 55369                                     be available to scholars attending
                                                                                                               PreK classes who qualify based
  400CI        M/W/F            9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.    407OAK        M/T/W/Th/F 9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.                on home address and school
  401CI        M/T/W/Th         1:20-3:50 p.m.       408OAK        M/T/W/Th/F 1:20-3:50 p.m.                   attendance area. Transportation
                                                                                                               is one way only: to school for
  ELM CREEK ELEMENTARY                               RICE LAKE ELEMENTARY                                      morning classes or to home
  9830 Revere Ln. N.                                 13755 89th Ave. N.                                        from school for afternoon
  Maple Grove, MN 55369                              Maple Grove, MN 55369                                     classes. Routes will align with
                                                                                                               early morning elementary start of
  402EC        M/T/W/Th          8:50-11:20 a.m.     409RL         M/T/W/Th         8:50-11:20 a.m.            school day or afternoon elementary
  403EC        M/T/W/Th          12:40-3:10 p.m.     410RL         M/T/W/Th         12:40-3:10 p.m.            end of school day. No mid-day

  FERNBROOK ELEMENTARY                               WILLOW LANE
  9661 Fernbrook Ln. N.                              7020 Perry Ave. N.                                        Learn more
  Maple Grove, MN 55369                              Brooklyn Center, MN 55429                                 l
                                                                                                               l 763-391-7244
  404FB        M/W/F               8:50-11:20 a.m.   411WL           M/W/F        9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.            l
  405FB        M/W/F              12:40-3:10 p.m.
  *406FB       T/Th          8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.    WOODLAND ELEMENTARY
  * This class will include lunch time during        4501 Oak Grove Pkwy.
    class time and is not eligible for 		            Brooklyn Park, MN 55443
    Transportation.                                  412WD         M/W/F            9:30 a.m.-12 p.m.                Does my child need
                                                     *413WD        T/Th          8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.                to be toilet trained
                                                     * This class will include lunch time during                       to attend PreK?
                                                       class time and is not eligible for 		                            Children need to
                                                       Transportation.                                                 be completely toilet

What will my scholar learn in prekindergarten?
 Social and Emotional Development                    Physical Development                               Mathematical and Scientific
 l   Talk and play with other children and           l   Move body with coordination                    Thinking
     adults                                          l   Use small motor control with various           l   Copy a design that repeats
 l   Solve problems: asks adults for help if             materials                                      l   Sort objects in more than one way
     Express feelings, needs, opinions and
                                                                                                        l   Use words to describe quantities, shapes
                                                     Language & Literacy                                    and sizes
 l   Show self-regulation                            l   Tell a familiar story                          l   Think of what might happen next
                                                     l   Follow directions that have two parts          l   Count and plays with numbers
 Art & Creativity                                    l   Start to notice beginning and ending
 l   Use different materials to create art               sounds in words

Questions? Call 763-391-8777 En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586 | Email                                         55
ONLINE                                         PHONE                                  IN PERSON OR MAIL

    STEP                                  763-391-8777                           Arbor View Early Childhood Center
                                                                                                             9401 Fernbrook Ln. N.
    ONE                                                                                                      Maple Grove, MN 55369
                                      Scan QR code to go              Language Line                          Phone: 763-391-8777
                                      to the registration
                                      website.                        1-855-938-0586                         Willow Lane Early Childhood Center

 Choose one                                                           En Español                             7020 Perry Ave. N.
                                                                                                             Brooklyn Center, MN 55429
   way to                                                             Lus Hmoob
                       Convenient, secure and                                                                Phone: 763-585-7330
  complete             accessible twenty-four (24)                    Bằng Tiếng Việt
 registration          hours a day. Visa, Mastercard,                                                        Office hours at both locations:
                       American Express or Discover
                       credit cards or electronic                                                            Monday - Friday
                       bank payments accepted.                                                               8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

                                       1                                           2                                             3
     TWO               Proof of Birth                             Immunization Records Proof of Income
                       Provide proof of your child’s birth.       Provide student immunization               Provide proof of household annual adjusted
                       A copy of birth certificate, I-94 or       records, document of conscientious         gross income for all levels of tuition except
                       passport are acceptable.                   opposition or medical exemption.           Level F. Two current paycheck stubs, taxes
    Send in
                                                                  To go to school in Minnesota               or W-2 forms are acceptable. Scholarship
   required                                                                                                  applications may require different proof of
                                                                  students must show they’ve had the
    now to                            4                           required immunizations, or must file       income.
                                                                  a legal exemption* with the school.
 registration          Health Forms                               * Parents may file a medical
                                                                  exemption signed by a health care
                       If a child has a health related need       provider or provide notarized, signed
      Email:           that requires medication or special                                              conscientious objection. For more
                       attention while at school parents/         information, call your health care
        Fax:           guardians are required to complete         provider.
    763-391-8762       health form(s). Health forms are
                       available from the program nurse or
 Drop off in           on the district website at: district279.
person or mail         org/services/health-services

                       Lottery                                    Payment                                    Class Confirmation
     STEP              Space in our program is limited.           A non-refundable $25 registration fee      After the lottery date (Feb. 25) allow five
  THREE                Participants are selected through a
                       random lottery on February 25, 2022.
                                                                  and first month tuition payment is
                                                                  collected at time of registration.
                                                                                                             to seven business days to receive class
                                                                                                             confirmation and payment receipt by email.
                       All required registration documents        Payment transactions will not occur        If all of your class choices have filled parents/
                       must be turned in no later than noon       until after the lottery is held. Charges   guardians will be contacted by phone.
     Lottery           on February 24, 2022 to be included        will appear as Osseo Area Schools.
                       in the lottery on February 25, 2022.                                                  Registrations received after February 25,
                                                                  Cash, Check, Discover, MasterCard,         2022: class placements will be communicated
                                                                  VISA, Amex or electronic bank              from our office by email.
   Class                                                          payments are accepted. Make checks
                                                                  payable to ISD 279.

6                        REGISTER AT OSSEO.CE.ELEYO.COM                       |    LEARN MORE AT OSSEOEC.ORG
 Calendar                                         Discounts                                        Photo/ Image Agreement
 Classes in our program follow a schedule         l   5% discount for tuition paid in full for     A parent/guardian or scholars photo/image may
 from Sept. 6, 2022 to June 8, 2023.                  the school year.                             be used by the program in print, computer or
                                                                                                   electronic media, video or audio recording and
                                                  l   15% tuition discount for a sibling(s)
 Cancellation Policy                                  enrolled in our Preschool or PreK
                                                                                                   film. If a parent/guardian wishes to deny this,
                                                                                                   follow the school Board Policy and Procedure
 The $25 registration fee is non-refundable.          program during the same school year          515 found on the school district website www.
 Tuition refunds will be prorated based on                                               
 your scholars last day of class.
                                                  Financial Assistance
 If a class is canceled by the program due to
                                                  Monthly tuition is on a sliding fee scale        Pre-Registration
 low enrollment the $25 registration fee and
                                                  based on adjusted gross household income         Scholars currently registered for the 2021-2022
 first month of tuition will be refunded in
                                                  and family size.                                 school year have an opportunity to pre-register
                                                 Early Learning Scholarships are available         for the 2022-2023 school year.
 Continuous Registration                         through the State of MN. To learn more
                                                 about scholarship eligibility and application     Tuition
 After the lottery date registration will
                                                 process call 763-585-7330 or email           Tuition is divided into nine equal monthly
 continue year round until all classes are full.
                                                               payments from September to May. Invoices are
                                                  To discuss financial assistance call        emailed monthly to account owners. Tuition is
                                                  763-391-8777 or email due on the 15th of each month. A $10 late fee
                                                                                              will be charged if a payment is not received by
                                                                                              the 20th of the month. Tuition will be prorated
                                                                                              based on the date your child starts in a class.

 Select family size and annual household income to find the monthly tuition for a class. Proof of income is required at time of registration except
 for Level F. If the income guidelines and tuition rate would prevent you from registering your child call 763-391-8777 to discuss financial assistance.

Family Size         Scholarship        Level A               Level B              Level C              Level D            Level E           Level F

Two                 $0-$22,646      $22,647-$27,092       $27,093-$31,538       $31,539-$35,984     $35,985-$40,430    $40,431-$44,876      $44,877+
Three               $0-$28,548      $28,549-$34,164       $34,165-$39,780       $39,781-$45,396     $45,397-$51,012    $51,013-$56,628      $56,629+
Four                $0-$34,450      $34,451-$41,215       $41,216-$47,980       $47,981-$54,745     $54,746-$61,510    $61,511-$68,275      $68,276+
Five                $0-$40,352      $40,353-$48,267       $48,268-$56,182       $56,183-$64,097     $64,098-$72,012    $72,013-$79,927      $79,928+
Six                 $0-$46,254      $46,255-$55,318       $55,319-$64,382       $64,383-$73,446     $73,447-$82,510    $82,511-$91,574      $91,575+
Seven               $0-$52,156      $52,157-$62,370       $62,371-$72,584       $72,585-$82,798     $82,799-$93,012    $93,013-$103,226     $103,227+


2 day 2.5 hour      scholarship     $49/month             $79/month             $103/month          $129/month         $159/month           $199/month
                                    $441/year             $711/year             $927/year           $1,161/year        $1,431/year          $1,791/year
2 day 4 hour        scholarship     $71/month             $115/month            $151/month          $186/month         $231/month           $288/month
                                    $639/year             $1,035/year           $1,359/year         $1,674/year        $2,079/year          $2,592/year
3 day 2.5 hour      scholarship     $64/month             $103/month            $135/month          $168/month         $207/month           $259/month
                                    $576/year             $927/year             $1,215/year         $1,512/year        $1,863/year          $2,331/year
4 day 2.5 hour      scholarship     $82/month             $132/month            $173/month          $214/month         $264/month           $330/month
                                    $738/year             $1,188/year           $1,557/year         $1,926/year        $2,376/year          $2,970/year
5 day 2.5 hour      scholarship     $93/month             $149/month            $195/month          $242/month         $298/month           $373/month
                                    $837/year             $1,341/year           $1,755/year         $2,178/year        $2,682/year          $3,357/year
Saturday		                          $49                   $78                   $102               $127                 $156                $196
(one session)

Questions? Call 763-391-8777 En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586 | Email                                             7
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                                                                           SCAN CODE

Early Childhood & Family Education (EC&FE)
                                                                          TO REGISTER
                                   Willow Lane Early Childhood Center
Arbor View Early Childhood Center
9401 Fernbrook Ln. N.              7020 Perry Ave. N.
Maple Grove, MN 55369              Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 | 763-391-8777
En Español, Lus Hmoob, Bằng Tiếng Việt: 855-938-0586                    Early Childhood & Family Education
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