President's Message by Carley M. Davis, MD - Wisconsin Urological Society

Page created by Geraldine Zimmerman
President's Message by Carley M. Davis, MD - Wisconsin Urological Society
2021 Pre-Convention Newsletter

President’s Message by Carley M. Davis, MD
                         Dear Wisconsin Urological Society            the management of urethral stricture disease and has another
                         Members,                                     talk planned addressing urology healthcare policy. We will
                                                                      have two new faculty presentations in addition to updates on
                          We made it through 2020, it is officially   WUS Pilot Grant projects. The resident presentations are a bit
                          over. As 2021 begins to unfold, the         different with each institution picking their top two submissions
                          peaceful downslope so many of us            to be presented. I hope the compressed agenda will be both
                          hoped for has turned out to be a            engaging and informative!
                          muddy, rock-covered section of trail.
                          Let’s hope it was a short section and       Myself and the Board of Directors would like to extend a warm
                          we can get back to the gentle rolling       thank you for both your membership and commitment to the
   Carley M. Davis, MD    hills soon. I’ve been reading about the     WUS. In times of struggle and uncertainty, the trail is best blazed
Appalachian Trail lately, so bear with me on the comparison!          with others. As both colleagues and friends, I am confident we
                                                                      will successfully navigate this path together.
Our virtual meeting will take place Saturday, April 17 and I’m
excited to be a part of it. It is a similar agenda to what we had     Happy trails,
planned for 2020, however, it is a bit different than our usual       Carley M. Davis, MD
program. We’ve condensed it into one day, packing it full of all
the highlights. Dr. Dan Eun from Temple University and Dr. Chris
Gonzalez from Loyola University will be joining us. Dr. Eun will
be talking about reconstructive robotic surgery and joins a panel
on challenging robotic cases. Dr. Gonzalez will be speaking on

                                                                                  President’s Message...................................................1

                                                                                  WUS Board of Directors..............................................2

                                                                                  Secretary/Treasurer’s Report......................................2

                                                                                  Government Relations and Advocacy Update.............. 3

                                                                                  WUS 2021 Annual Meeting Information...................... 4

                                                                                  Mark Your Calendars...................................................4

WUS News                                                                                                                                              1
President's Message by Carley M. Davis, MD - Wisconsin Urological Society
Board of Directors
                  Urological Society, Inc.               2020 – 2021

                                PRESIDENT                                        IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT
                             Carley M. Davis, MD                                   Mark J. Waples, MD, FACS
                               Milwaukee, WI                                             Milwaukee, WI

                           PRESIDENT-ELECT                               REPRESENTATIVE TO THE NCS BOARD OF
                       Sarah E. McAchran, MD, FACS                                   DIRECTORS
                                Madison, WI                                       Carley M. Davis, MD
                                                                                    Milwaukee, WI
                           Travis W. Groth, MD                                       EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
                              Milwaukee, WI                                            Samantha N. Florine
                                                                                         Schaumburg, IL

 Secretary/Treasurer’s Report by Travis W. Groth, MD
                          We are truly living in unprecedented          from University of Wisconsin. We are also excited to hear about the
                          times. A lot has changed since our last       progress from our first and second annual Wisconsin Urologic Pilot
                          Wisconsin Urological Society Meeting.         Grant for Advancement of Urology recipients: Dr. Elizabeth Roth
                          I look forward to the upcoming WUS            from the Medical College of Wisconsin and Drs. Tudor Borza and
                          Meeting on April 17, 2021 to help usher       Kyle Richards from the University of Wisconsin.
                          in the new spring season and hopefully
                          a better year. Because of COVID-19,           The Wisconsin Urologic Society remains in very good financial
                          the meeting will be virtual, and we           standing at this time. As a society we look forward to missions
                          have made several modifications to the        beyond the annual meeting that benefit urologists and our patients
                          meeting format to accommodate this            within Wisconsin. We are excited to continue to offer the Pilot Grant
    Travis W. Groth, MD   while ensuring an excellent program. The      for Advancement of Urology in Wisconsin. The purpose of this
                          meeting will only be one day in length,       grant is to help provide pilot funding for novel projects that advance
and we have waived all registration and meeting fees. Instead of        urological care in Wisconsin.
having to come or drive to the meeting, the society will be bringing
the meeting to everyone’s home.                                         The viability, impact, and growth of our society depends on
                                                                        our members support along with growth of new members. To
Dr. Carley Davis, our society president, has helped put together an     accomplish this, please encourage urologists in our state and
excellent and diverse program this year that we will all enjoy. We      advanced practice providers to join and be a part our society.
are honored to have two nationally recognized speakers coming to
our meeting. Dr. Dan Eun from Temple University will be giving two      I look forward to ushering in spring and seeing and hearing from
lectures on robotic surgery including reconstructive robotic surgery    everyone at the Wisconsin Urological Society Annual Meeting on
along with management of robotic complications. The second              April 17, 2021.
speaker for the meeting will be Dr. Chris Gonzalez from Loyola
University, who will be giving talks on urology healthcare policy and   Best Wishes,
management of urethral stricture disease.                               Travis W. Groth, MD
                                                                        WUS Secretary/Treasurer
We also look forward to new faculty educational lectures,
a Wisconsin Urologic Society tradition, from our academic
institutions. This year Dr. Meghan Schaefer from Medical College
of Wisconsin will be speaking to us along with Dr. Matthew Grimes

 2                                                                                                                            WUS News
President's Message by Carley M. Davis, MD - Wisconsin Urological Society
Government Relations and Advocacy Update
                          State COVID-19        Relief   Caught     in   Other significant provisions related to health care, medical
                          Partisan Gridlock                              education, and public health include:

                           Governor        Evers      proposed       a   1.   Additional funding for the Provider Relief Fund and continuation
                           comprehensive COVID relief measure                 of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).
                           in mid-November that included a               2.   Distribution of an additional 1,000 Medicare Funded GME
                           requirement that insurers cover all                slots.
                           telehealth services. The state Assembly       3.   Flexibility for hospitals to host a limited number of residents
                           passed its own bill January 7 that includes        for short-term rotations without being negatively impacted by a
                           liability reform as well as restrictions on        set permanent full-time equivalent (FTE) resident cap or PRA.
       Ross E. Weber       the Governor’s executive authority. Of        4.   Delay of Medicare Radiation Oncology Model implementation
                           note, the Assembly-approved measure                until January 1, 2022.
gave the legislature oversight over the state’s COVID-19 vaccine         5.   Several provisions to expand broadband accessibility with a
distribution, requires school boards to pay parents whose children            particular focus on rural and tribal communities.
are taught virtually, compels executive branch employees to return       6.   Implementation of a Rural Health Clinic (RHC) payment reform
to work in person, and prohibits local health officials from ordering         plan and creation of a voluntary Medicare payment designation
business closures or imposing capacity restrictions. The Senate               for conversion of Critical Access Hospitals (CAH) to Rural
passed its own bill January 12 that removed many of the most                  Emergency Hospitals (REH) in order to preserve emergency
controversial provisions including giving the Legislature oversight           care access to beneficiaries.
of the distribution of federal funds that are allocated to Wisconsin     7.   Creation of an evidence-based national vaccine awareness
related to combating COVID-19.                                                campaign to combat misinformation.
                                                                         8.   Provisions designated to strengthen parity of mental health
Now the Legislature must reconcile the competing versions.                    and substance use disorder benefits.
Whether or when that will happen is uncertain. Assembly GOP              9.   Enhanced funding for federal nutrition assistance programs.
Majority Leader Jim Steineke said that Republican members “will
continue to advocate for the priorities of our constituents over the     VA Non-physician Autonomous Practice
next few weeks as we move towards a response to the Senate’s
actions.”                                                                Physician groups recently signed a letter that opposes the
                                                                         Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Interim Final Rule (IFR),
Federal Budget/COVID Relief Overview for Physician Practices             entitled “Authority of VA Professionals to Practice Health Care.”
                                                                         The IFR establishes the VA’s authority to allow virtually all non-
On December 22, 2020, the President signed into law the                  physician providers to practice without the clinical supervision of a
Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021; a comprehensive omnibus           physician. In doing so, the IFR preempts state license, registration,
spending package that funds the federal government through               certification, supervision or other requirements. The letter also
FY 2021, provides a new round of COVID relief and economic               asserts that the IFR is unlawful rulemaking because the VA did not
stimulus, and imposes new restrictions on surprise medical billing.      follow the normal notice and commenting process stipulated by the
An AMA summary of select provisions in the bill can be found here.       Administrative Procedures Act.
With respect to COVID relief, the legislation would ease the impact
of Medicare fee schedule budget neutrality adjustments in calendar
year 2021 due to improved evaluation and management (E/M)
office visit payment and coding rules, as well as an extension of
the 2 percent Medicare sequester moratorium through March 2021.
An AMA analysis estimating the impact of the Medicare payment
changes (excluding the sequester moratorium extension) can be
found here.

The surprise billing provisions include significant improvements
over previous proposals, including a robust independent dispute
resolution system.

WUS News                                                                                                                                 3
President's Message by Carley M. Davis, MD - Wisconsin Urological Society
Wisconsin Urological Society 2021 Annual Meeting
                                                             April 17, 2021
                                                            Virtual Meeting
                                                           Join Us Online in April!

After much discussion, the Wisconsin Urological Society Board of Directors has made the informed decision to go virtual with the 2021 Annual
Meeting. All are invited to attend the meeting on Saturday, April 17. Registration for the meeting is complimentary, but pre-registration is required.

While we are disappointed we will not have the opportunity to interact and network in-person, the health and safety of all attendees, faculty, staff,
                                             and industry partners was paramount in our decision.

The program committee has prepared an excellent scientific program presented by expert faculty. The meeting content provides current and
relevant information that will provide an immediate impact on patient care. The program includes important topics as well as many relevant topics.

                                                             Program Highlights

                                  New Faculty Presentation: HoLEP for BPH: Advantages and Challenges
                                                    Speaker: Meghan E. Schaefer, MD
                                                    The Medical College of Wisconsin

                                     NCS Visiting Professor Lecture I: Management of Urethral Stricture
                                      NCS Visiting Professor: Christopher M. Gonzalez, MD, MBA, FACS
                                                       Loyola University Medical Center

                                          State-of-the-Art Lecture: Reconstructive Robotic Surgery
                                                        Guest Speaker: Daniel Eun, MD
                                              Lewis Katz School of Medicine At Temple University

                               To view the full program schedule visit the WUS meeting site:

                                                       Mark Your Calendars

      North Central Section of the AUA, Inc.                                        American Urological Association
            95TH ANNUAL MEETING                                                        2021 ANNUAL MEETING
              OCTOBER 6 - 9, 2021                                                     SEPTEMBER 10 - 13, 2021
             Fairmont Chicago Millennium Park                                           Sands Expo and Convention Center
                       Chicago, IL                                                               Las Vegas, NV

  4                                                                                                                                  WUS News
President's Message by Carley M. Davis, MD - Wisconsin Urological Society
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