Primary Weekly Overview - Primary Planning - Avanti Schools Trust

Page created by Carl Carrillo
Primary Weekly Overview

Primary Planning                 Class: Year 4 – Cedar Class                                       Week beginning:18/01/21

Outline: This document outlines all planned learning for English, Maths, Topic, R.E, P.E, P.S.H.E, Craft and Yoga.
All lessons can be found on google classrooms where there is guidance and support to accompany each lesson. In addition, two
recorded Assemblies are available each week. One will be delivered by Mr Arnold and the other will follow the whole school
assembly theme.

What have you been reading recently? Comics, books, instructions to a game or the back of a cereal packet? Reading is really important.
Learning to read accurately, fluidly, and with good comprehension (understanding) will help you learn in all of your lessons. Did you know...,
learning to read is also about listening and understanding as well as working out what’s printed on the page? Through hearing stories, you learn
about a wide range of words; this helps you to build your own vocabulary: the more words you know the more you will learn!
This week, there will be a new reading resource in your google classroom that you can choose to use to help you practise your reading skills; it
uses lots of different types of text including stories, pictures, stories to listen to, and video clips. I think you will find this reading adventure
exciting as you will learn about a different destination (place) in the U.K (United Kingdom). I wonder what you will find out about the Lake
District Year 4. How many new words will you learn? Remember the more words you know, the more you will learn.
Happy reading
Primary Weekly Overview

            Monday                       Tuesday                     Wednesday                     Thursday                        Friday

LO – Imagining and punctuating    LO – To write a narrative     LO – To write an anecdote    LO – Editing anecdote        LO – To practice and
direct speech                     including direct speech       and draft a poem             poems.                       perform narrative poems.

Quiz: Secret strings              Quiz: Quiz on dialogue        Quiz: On dialogue            Quiz: On anecdote features   Quiz: Dialogue, secret strings
                                  punctuation                   punctuation                                               and anecdote features.
Narrative Poem: The Owl and                                                                  Narrative poem: Robin
the Pussycat                      Poem: Conversations with a    Poem: Have you Ever?/        Hood’s Bay                   Narrative poem: The Torch
                                  2yr Old                       Trousers Down
1. Chn to read the Narrative                                                                 1. Read Robin Hood’s Bay     1. Watch Michael Rosen
   Poem Words and say if they     1. Read Conversations with 1. Read Have you Ever?             and think about how it       perform The Torch and
   recognise the poem.               a 2 year Old out loud.      and Trousers Down              is similar to                comment on his pace,
                                                                 And explain that it                                         voice, facial expression,
2. Discuss whether this counts    2. Add punctuation and         contains anecdotes.         2. Analyse poetic features      gestures.
   as a narrative poem.              reporting clauses to the                                   (secret strings) of
                                     speech from the poem.    2. Talk through structure         Robin Hood’s Bay          2. Children to practise
3. Talk through an imagined                                      of an anecdote: Intro                                       reading their poems
   scene of when the owl and      3. Use (some or all if you     (setting/characters),       3. Make changes to              aloud, using pictures, but
   pussy-cat meet the pig and        can!) of the correctly      problem, explain,              yesterday’s draft            can read their writing.
   when they ask turkey to           punctuated sentences to     something funny                adding the features we       Not learning by heart
   marry them. Make up own           write a story.              happened, conflict.            have found in Robin          unless want to!
   dialogue.                                                     Show anecdote                  Hood’s Bay
                                                                 elements.                                                3. To perform poems on a
4. Write that dialogue into                                                                  Review                          one-off google meet.
   speech bubbles and then        Review: Share extracts from   3. Children to orally tell   Share changes to drafts.        Parents invited too!
   convert into single lines of   the children’s stories in        an anecdote of their      Before and after. Children
   punctuated dialogue.           google meet in afternoon.        own.                      to give feedback on each
                                                                                             other’s changes.

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Primary Weekly Overview

         Monday   Tuesday       Wednesday               Thursday              Friday

                            4. Draft: To write down                  Review: To give feedback on
                               their anecdote just as                other’s poems.
                               they said it.

                            Review: Sharing anecdotes
                            in google meet.

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Primary Weekly Overview

            Monday                         Tuesday                    Wednesday                       Thursday                          Friday

L.O To understand and              L.O To count squares to        L.O To make rectilinear       LO: To compare the area       LO: To review factors, using
investigate area                   calculate area                 shapes using squares          of different rectilinear      arrays
Quiz: Times tables quiz on         Quiz: Sticky note area         Quiz: On equating area to                                   Quiz: On areas of rectilinear
learned times tables               (reasoning q’s)                arrays                        Quiz: On whether 2 shapes     shapes. Calculating area with
                                                                                                have the same area – i.e      unsquared shapes.
To understand that area is the     Practice counting 1cm          Use fixed number of           can one be moved to make
space taken up by a 2D shape or    squares to calculate area.     squares to make different     another.                      Use area knowledge and link
surface.                                                          rectilinear shapes.                                         to arrays.
                                   Discuss efficient methods of                                 Using < > = to compare
Investigate different shapes       counting squares using times   Explore moving one square     rectilinear shapes and        Use arrays to find factors of
that can be made using sticky      tables.                        at a time.                    ordering shapes in size.      numbers.
notes. And find area of objects
using sticky notes.                                                                             1. Watch Mr C’s video
                                                                                                going through ppt and
                                                                                                follow along by answering
                                   1. Watch Mr C’s video          1. Watch Mr C’s video         q’s in slides.
                                      going through ppt and          going through ppt and                                    Use physical counters to
                                      follow along by                follow along by            2.Complete worksheet          make arrays and find factors
                                      answering q’s in slides.       answering q’s in slides.   independently                 by making rectilinear shapes.

                                   2. Complete worksheet          2. Complete worksheet         Review: Children to explain   Answer q’s from last week’s
To listen to Mr C’s ppt.
                                      independently.                 independently.             how they know one shape       worksheet using new
                                                                                                has a bigger area than        counters.
To complete area worksheet.
                                   Review: Answer reasoning       Review: Reasoning q’s         another or vice versa.
                                   q’s involving missing pieces   involving adding and                                        Review: Children to prove
Review: To share the areas of
                                   from squared shapes.           moving squares to form                                      that a number is or isn’t a
the objects children have found.
                                                                  standard shapes.                                            factor of another.

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Primary Weekly Overview

           Monday                       Tuesday                      Wednesday                       Thursday                          Friday

LO: To describe the human       LO: To conduct an enquiry       LO: To understand how          LO: To represent different     Craft
impact on the physical world    on the effect of altitude on    species have adapted to        climates using a range of
                                types of plant.                 live in high altitude          materials.                     Lo: To create Adi weaving
Quiz: On map symbols                                            environment.                                                  pattern.
                                Quiz: On human vs natural                                      Quiz: On specialized animal
Look at a number of images of                                   Quiz: On fair tests.           features                       Quiz: Show plants and
contrasting mountainous         Take a sample of wildlife at                                                                  children to give reasoned
regions.                        two different altitudes and     Look at animal species that    Children to demonstrate        answers as to what climate
                                record and plot data.           have adapted to live at        how plans grow in different    they are from.
Use skills of observation to                                    high altitude. Explore their   climates.
determine what is human made    Use a fixed size instrument     characteristics and features
and what is natural.            (hula hoop) and record the      and summarise how they         Use a range of materials       Look at examples of Adi
                                different plants found          have adapted to live in        including grass, stones,       weaving. Discuss geometrical
Discuss examples of the human   within. Recording number        hostile environment.           moss, leaves, sand and         patterns and colours used.
impact and whether these are    optional.                                                      sticks to recreate different
positive or negative.                                           Children to choose animal      climates.                      Use weaving board to create
                                Repeat experiment in high       pictures to annotate their                                    own Adi weaving pattern.
To answer who, what, where,     and low altitude area. I.e up   specialised features and       Write a short piece of
why and when questions.         and down a hill.                create a short                 information about what         Cut the patterns from
                                                                presentation.                  plants grow in this            weaving board and hold with
                                Display data using photos or                                   environment (using             sticks to create mini-wall
                                representations.                Include extra detail about     pictures if possible) and      hangings.
                                                                what the animal eats, what     why those plants have
                                Discuss reasons for             eats the animal, interesting   adapted to that
                                differences, if any!            facts, behaviour and           environment.
                                                                survival tactics.
                                                                                               Review: Showcase
                                                                E.g snow leopards,             creations in our google
                                                                mountain goats.                meet.
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Primary Weekly Overview

         Monday   Tuesday       Wednesday                 Thursday          Friday

                            Review: Present findings in
                            our google meet.

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Primary Weekly Overview

         Monday   Tuesday        Wednesday                 Thursday          Friday


                            LG: To understand the
                            Exodus story and examine
                            the 10 commandments

                            Children to retell the story
                            of Moses.

                            Mr C to tell the story of
                            Exodus, when the Jews left
                            Egypt in more detail.

                            Discuss the 10
                            commandments and
                            whether they are good
                            rules to live by.

                            Activity, what rules would
                            you add/ delete/ change
                            and why.

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