Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -

Page created by Jeanne Martinez
Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -
Professional Drivers:
Lorry, Coach and Bus
Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -

About DriveTech                                    Page 4
Why DriveTech                                      Page 4

DriveTech Accreditations and Standards             Page 5

Risk Management Journey                            Page 6

Driver CPC Courses
Daily Vehicle Checks                               Page 8
Driver Compliance                                  Page 8

Driver Fitness and Wellbeing                       Page 8

Professional Driver and the Highway Code           Page 8

Reversing and Manoeuvring                          Page 8

Safe and Secure Loading                            Page 8

Tachograph and Drivers Hours                       Page 8

Winter Driving                                     Page 8

Driving Today                                      Page 8

Managing Your Speed                                Page 8

Real World In-Vehicle                              Page 8

Sharing the Road                                   Page 9

Stress and Addiction                               Page 9

Tachograph Workshop                                Page 9

FORS Members Accredited Workshops
LoCITY Driving Course                              Page 9
Safer Urban Driving                                Page 9

Staying Legal                                      Page 9

TruckSmart                                         Page 9

VanSmart                                           Page 9

Professional Driving Courses
Advanced Driving Diploma                          Page 10
Advanced Driving Diploma Train-the-Trainer        Page 10

In-house Assessor’s Programme                     Page 10

Commercial Course Design Package                  Page 10

Driver Quality Monitoring (DQM) for Bus Drivers   Page 10

Events Training                                   Page 10

HGV and/or PCV Licence Acquisition                Page 11

Train the Trainer Course                          Page 11

Introducing Driver’s Mate                         Page 11
Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -
and technology, to
                                                                        serves 12 UK police forces and Transport for London and indirectly
                                                                        supports 34 UK forces through NDORS (National Driver Offender                      minimise risk for all road
                                                                        Retraining Scheme).                                                                users”
About DriveTech                                                Why
                                                                 Our DriveTech?
                                                                     products are specifically designed for people who are                             DriveTech Accreditations
                                                                       driving for work or professionally in a variety of different vehicles
                                                                       including:                                                                      and Standards
                                                                       • Cars                        • Coaches
                                                                       • Vans                        • 4x4s
DriveTech, part of the AA, is a market leader                          •    Trucks                   • and
                                                               DriveTech, part of the AA, is a national  Scooters/mopeds
                                                                                                             trusted                                                   Associates are specialist                Training Accreditations
in fleet risk and safety management, and driver                name in• motoring.
                                                                            Buses Our Commercial Business
                                                                                                     • Taxis                                                           suppliers who offer products             • City & Guilds: Centre No.
training. We are also the UK’s largest provider                offers Driver CPC courses that aim to deliver a                                                         and services that are aligned              051788 - qualification for
of driver offender retraining courses.                         consistent, comprehensive and complete service:                                                         to requirements of the FORS                teaching driver awareness

With over 30 years of successful experience, DriveTech         •
                                                                        Why DriveTech?
                                                                   Fulfils your Driver           • Highly-qualified                                                    Standard. Associates work with             education

                                                                                                                                                                       FORS to help their members               • Driver and Vehicle Standards
now offers fleet consultancy, driver assessment and                CPC obligations                 trainers across our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Agency (DVSA) - Induction
training services in over 95 countries and in 35 languages     •         DriveTech,
                                                                   Choice of on-road   part of the AA,  is
                                                                                                   nationala  national
                                                                                                             trainer     and trusted name in motoring. Our   Commercial    Business
                                                                                                                                                                       become         offers
                                                                                                                                                                                  safer, moreDriver
                                                                                                                                                                                              efficient           Training and Fleet Driver Trainer
through over 40 partners. These products and services                    CPC
                                                                   courses   or courses
                                                                                classroomthat aimnetwork
                                                                                                    to deliver a consistent, comprehensive and complete service: and environmentally friendly.                    Register
improve driver safety, reduce fleet running costs and              workshops                     • Over 25 years of                                                    The Fleet Operator Recognition           • Office of Qualifications and
ensure compliance with legal obligations and duty of care                                          dedicated    fleet and
                                                               •         • Fulfils
                                                                   Nationwide         your Driver CPC
                                                                                 delivery                obligations                                                   Scheme (FORS)                              Examinations Regulation (Ofqual)
                                                                   at venues   across of on-road driver
                                                                         • Choice
                                                                                                    courses    or  classroom   workshops                               is a voluntary accreditation               – qualification to be an end point
In the UK, we provide educational courses to people who            the UK or at                    expertise
                                                                         • Nationwide delivery                                                     scheme
                                                                                                     at venues across the UK or at client-specific sites      encompassing    all aspects of safety,              assessor (EPA) for PVCs
have committed a motoring offence or crashed. DriveTech            client-specific sites         • A choice of
directly serves 12 UK police forces and Transport for                    • Innovative and flexible      training products
                                                                                                   market-leading,                                 fuel efficiency, vehicle emissions and improved              • Joint Approvals Unit for
                                                               •   Innovative and flexible                                                                                                                        Periodic Training (JAUPT):
London and indirectly supports 34 UK forces through                      •    Fully
                                                                   training productsJAUPT-approved       and
                                                                                                   quality     registered
                                                                                                           courses    at   courses                 operations. FORS helps fleet operators to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Centre No. AC00032 -
NDORS (National Driver Offender Retraining Scheme).                                                                                                measure and monitor performance and alter
                                                                   Fully •    Highly-qualified trainers across our national trainer network
                                                                                                   affordable   prices
                                                               •         JAUPT-approved                                                                                                                           Periodic Driver CPC training
Our products are specifically designed for people who are          and registered    25 years of dedicated fleet and driver training expertise their operations in order to demonstrate best
                                                                         • Over courses                                                                                                                         • National Driver Offender
driving for work or professionally in a variety of different             • A choice of market-leading, quality courses at an affordable price      practice. It is open to operators of vans, lorries,            Retraining Scheme (NDORS) -
vehicles including:                                                                                                                                mini-buses, coaches and other vehicles, and to                 certified training provider
•   Buses             •   Taxis                                                                                                                    the organisations that award contracts to those
                                                                                                                           Review                  operators.Train                                              Trade Association
•   Cars              •   Trucks                                                                                                                                                                                Memberships
•   Coaches           •   Vans                                                               Review                         We survey your current              Reduce risk and develop your
                                                                                                                                                       All DriveTech’s
                                                                                                                            commercial fleet exposure by                courses
                                                                                                                                                                professional        areskills
                                                                                                                                                                              drivers’   designed
                                                                                                                                                                                              and               • Association of Driving Licence
•   Scooters/         •   4x4s                                                                                                                         with the FORS
                                                                                                                            examining your existing practices   attitudestandards
                                                                                                                                                                         with our rangein mind.
                                                                                                                                                                                          of eLearning,           Verification (ADLV)

    mopeds                                                                                                                  and procedures.            The courses    that are
                                                                                                                                                                workshop   and currently      FORS
                                                                                                                                                                                 on-road courses.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Chartered Institute of Logistics
                                                                                                                                                       accredited are marked with FORS                            and Transport (CILT)


                                                                                                                            Check                                 Manage
                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Confederation of Passenger
                                                                                                                            Ensure employees in your              Use our web-based portal,                       Transport (CPT)
                                                                                                                            organisation who drive for work       FleetRiskManager, to manage your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Energy Saving Trust (EST)
                                   Our Vision                                                                               have a valid driving licence.         professional driver community at your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Federation of Off-Road Training
    A leader in providing                                                      ai
                                                                                                                            Our on-road assessments help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                • Freight Operator Recognition

          innovative risk                                                           n                   es                  you understand your drivers’ ex-                                                      Scheme (FORS)
                                                                                                 Ass                        posure to risk while driving. JAUPT APPROVED CENTRE AC00032                         • National Association of Driver
     reduction solutions,                                                                                                                                 DriveTech is a JAUPT-Approved centre.                   Intervention

      on and off the road                                                                                                                              Only approved courses taken with approved
                                                                                                                                                                                                                International Standard
                                                                   Review                      Train                                                                                                            Certifications
                                                                   We survey your current      Reduce risk and develop                                 training centres will count towards periodic training.   • ISO 9001:2015 -
                                Our Mission                        commercial fleet
                                                                   exposure by examining
                                                                                               your professional
                                                                                               drivers’ skills and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Quality Management
                                                                                                                                                       DriveTech has developed a suite of                       • ISO 14001:2004 -
            To work together                                       your existing practices
                                                                   and procedures.
                                                                                               attitude with our range
                                                                                               of eLearning, virtual and/
                                                                                                                                                       JAUPT-approved courses for drivers of LGV                  Environmental Management
                                                                                                                                                       and PCV vehicles. These courses can therefore            • ISO 27001:2013 - Information
              to eliminate risk                                    Check
                                                                   Ensure employees in
                                                                                               or classroom-based
                                                                                               workshops, and on-road                                  contribute toward your drivers’ 35 hours.                  Security Management

             for a safer world                                     your organisation who
                                                                   drive for work have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Licence Verification and Police
                                                                   valid driving licence.      Use our web-based                                                                                                • OHSAS 18001:2007 -
                                                                                               portal, FleetRiskManager,                                                                                          Occupational Health and Safety
                                                                   Our online and on-road      to manage your
                                                                   assessments help you        professional driver
                                                                   understand your drivers’    community at your
                                                                   exposure to risk while      fingertips.

4                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     5
Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -
We are here
for your risk

not start
today?                     Review                                      Check                                    Assess                                            Train                                     Manage

                You need to know where you are before      If you’re responsible for managing        Driver assessments are a key                  The clock is always ticking for                The key to a successful commercial
                you can decide where you are going.        employees in your organisation while      component of a comprehensive road risk        professional drivers to complete their         fleet risk management programme
                                                           they drive for work, you must ensure      strategy. Using our driver assessments        compulsory periodic training, 35 hours         is the ability to identify, measure and
                Our Solution
                                                           that they have a valid driving licence.   and your telematics and/or collision data,    of training every 5 years.                     evidence the reduction in overall fleet
                We review your current commercial
                                                                                                     we can profile your drivers’ exposure         Only approved courses taken at                 risk and an improvement in efficiency.
                fleet risk exposure by examining your      Our Solution
                                                                                                     to risk based on their driving activities,    approved training centres will count           Knowing your current exposure to risk
                existing management practices and          We provide a secure, electronic driving
                                                                                                     history, attitude and knowledge. Initially    towards periodic training. DriveTech’s         and particularly who in your driving
                procedures. This identifies appropriate    licence check solution for both UK
                                                                                                     this allows us to recommend targeted          courses contribute towards the required        community has or has not completed
                systems and solutions to mitigate the      and non-UK licence holders. This
                                                                                                     and timely training interventions, focusing   35 hours. We recommend choosing                any part of your chosen driving for work
                risks associated with work-related         provides assurance that the licence is
                                                                                                     first on the highest-risk drivers, and in     courses that provide the most value to         programme is essential.
                driving.                                   valid, which categories of entitlement
                                                                                                     addition allows you to monitor, measure       the driver, the business operation and
                Our audit encompasses all legal,           are current and details of any                                                                                                         Our Solution
                                                                                                     and control risk ongoing.                     to tackle any risks identified during the
                financial and operational issues.          endorsements.                                                                                                                          FleetRiskManager, our web-based
                                                                                                     Our Solution                                  assessment.                                    portal, enables you to administer
                It culminates in a detailed report,        Our recently introduced e-Check
                identifying key risk areas together with   solution allows drivers to give their     Online - a cost-effective and accessible      After initial training, the continual          company, vehicle and driver data, as
                best practice recommendations for          permission for a driving licence check    way to assess your professional drivers’      monitoring of driver risk using telematics     well as manage your driver community
                remedial action where necessary.           with an electronic signature. Once an     risks, whilst keeping downtime to a           and other driver data can be used              at your fingertips. It’s innovative and
                                                           employee has given permission, their      minimum. The primary outcome of the           to both evidence improvements and              easy-to-use workflow capabilities
                                                           driving licence check is valid for up     assessment reflects the driver’s situation    trigger further targeted and timely            allows you to quickly identify and
                                                           to 3 years. After the employee’s first    and history, and the second part of the       interventions.                                 address any outstanding tasks.
                                                           licence check, additional checks          programme assesses knowledge on a
                                                                                                                                                   Our Solution
                                                           can be automatically scheduled, in        range of subjects to give a final overview                                                   Tasks/Capabilities include:
                                                                                                                                                   Workshops by topic and vehicle to shift
                                                           accordance with the company-defined       score indicating their potential exposure                                                    ● Driver, group and
                                                                                                                                                   culture and behaviour. Available online in
                                                           re-check policy.                          to risk.                                                                                       company-level risk profiles
                                                                                                                                                   a virtual classroom or face-to-face in a
                                                                                                     On-road - through a combination of                                                           ● Assessment status and results
                                                                                                                                                   physical classroom environment.
                                                                                                     pre-driving checks and typically a one                                                         Learning status and results
                                                                                                                                                   On-road training for maximum impact
                                                                                                     hour on-road practical driving                                                               ● On-road status and driver reports
                                                                                                                                                   on driver safety and performance. Our
                                                                                                     assessment with a fully trained driving
                                                                                                                                                   courses reinforce the fact drivers not         ● Driver-declared collision information
                                                                                                     assessor, this approach provides human
                                                                                                                                                   only need to possess the knowledge             ● Downloadable reports
                                                                                                     interaction and discussion.
                                                                                                                                                   and skills for driving, but also the ability   ● Driving licence status dashboard
                                                                                                     Driver data – by combining all available      to self-evaluate how life and work issues
                                                                                                     collision information, vehicle and driver                                                    ● Automated driver and
                                                                                                                                                   can cause a change in their driver
                                                                                                     data from various sources e.g. telematics,                                                     manager alerts
                                                                                                                                                   behaviour and increase personal risk.
                                                                                                     collision data and on-board cameras,
                                                                                                     we use our experience to identify the
                                                                                                     underlying areas of risk. This data can
                                                                                                     then be used to identify and implement
                                                                                                     interventions that will help to mitigate
                                                                                                     the risks identified and reduce costs.
                                                                                                     Analysing and measuring the results of
                                                                                                     these interventions will then demonstrate
                                                                                                     the success and return on investment.
6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -
Driver CPC Courses                                                                                                                     Sharing the Road
                                                                                                                                       This workshop is designed for all          FORS Members Accredited
                                                                                                                                       professional drivers who wish to
                                                                                                                                       increase their awareness of vulnerable
                                                                                                                                       road users. The roads are becoming
                                                                                                                                       more congested and the ability to share
                                                                                                                                       the road with other road users is
                                                                                                                                       becoming an important and life-saving
All courses in this section are JAUPT-approved and are available online or in a classroom. The courses                                                                            The courses featured here are our FORS-Accredited workshops
                                                                                                                                       skill. This course will develop the
are either 3.5 or 7 hours in length and can be mixed and matched to contribute towards your drivers’                                   delegates’ driving skills in relation to
35 hours of periodic training.                                                                                                         working in this environment and will
                                                                                                                                       include relevant current legislation,
We recommend choosing courses that provide the most value to your drivers, and your business operation.                                dealing with vulnerable road users and
                                                                                                                                       defensive driving techniques to reduce
                                                                                                                                       overall risk on the road.
Daily Vehicle Checks                         Reversing and Manoeuvring                   Driving Today                                                                            LoCITY Driving Course                    TruckSmart
Intended to give professional drivers a      Drivers of all types of vehicle have        Workshop designed for professional                                                       A classroom-based course                 This course focuses on the
deeper understanding of why vehicle          most collisions at slow speed whilst        drivers and employees who drive on                                                       that focuses on minimising the           importance of driving roadworthy
checks are needed and the importance         manoeuvring, so this course gives           a regular basis. Increases awareness          Stress and Addiction                       environmental impact of vans             HGVs and the role of the driver in
of doing them correctly on a daily basis.    drivers an insight into what to look for    of the dangers on the road and how            This workshop explores the causes of       and HGVs by reducing emissions           ensuring that vehicles and loads
                                             when reversing and how to manage            strategies can be implemented to              stress amongst drivers and the ways        through the use of pre-journey           are safe and legal at all times.
               3.5Hrs                        the risk effectively. The course includes   reduce risk.                                  stress and various types of addiction      planning and vehicle checks,             Alongside TruckSmart driver
                                             a practical element, so drivers can put                                                   affect professional drivers and their      fuel-efficient driving and alternative   training there is an eLearning
Driver Compliance                            into practice their new-found skills.                      7Hrs                           performance. It discusses coping           fuels. As London grows, so               module. The accompanying
Designed to give a better                                                                                                              strategies on how to help reduce           does traffic congestion and air          Fleet Manager Toolkit provides
understanding of the potential legal
                                                            3.5Hrs                       Managing Your Speed                           risk. Addiction is also covered with       pollution. This course aims to give      tools, guidance and resources for
consequences that a driver faces                                                         Designed for all professional drivers,        discussions on smoking, alcohol and        professional drivers the knowledge       managers looking to develop and
in their working day. The legislation        Safe and Secure Loading                     regardless of experience, to understand       both illegal and prescription drugs and    and skills needed to cut costs and       implement an HGV safety system
around operating vehicles in this            Designed to give a deeper                   the impact of speeding, including the         the role these can have on a driver’s      minimise the environmental impact        within their organisation.
sector is complex and both company           understanding of the importance             risk of collision, conviction and potential   ability to drive safely.                   of fleet operations.
and driver should be aware of the            of safe vehicle loading and the             disqualification from driving. It provokes                                                                                                      7Hrs
                                                                                                                                                      7Hrs                                              7Hrs
consequences and their associated            consequences of getting it wrong.           discussion, reflection and ultimately,
responsibilities.                                                                        a positive learning experience about                                                                                              VanSmart
                                                      3.5Hrs                             speed use and keeping to the speed limit.     Tachograph Workshop                        Safe Urban Driving                       VanSmart aims to reduce work
          3.5Hrs                                                                                                                       By the end of this course delegates        The course is divided into two           related road risks, improve safety
                                             Tachograph and                                             7Hrs                           will be able to identify and explain the   separate parts, one being a              and create long-term behavioural
Driver Fitness and                           Drivers Hours                                                                             laws and regulations that a commercial     classroom-based theory session           change in the van sector. A fully
Wellbeing                                    Designed to give professional drivers a
                                                                                         Real World In-Vehicle                         driver has to abide by and to analyse      followed by a second part of on          accredited driver CPC modular
                                                                                         A driver awareness course which can           the importance of tachograph law.          road practical riding session.           training course for van drivers
This workshop has been designed              greater understanding of the different
to give professional drivers an              types of tachograph they may come           be delivered whilst the driver is working.                                               Changing places with the cyclist         comprising of both the theory and
understanding of the potential dangers       across in their duties and how to use       It is designed to influence a driver’s                                                   gives drivers the opportunity to         practical (on-bike) modules.
to health and wellbeing associated with      them correctly. The Working Time            attitude and behaviour, and improve                                                      experience the vulnerability of riding
                                                                                         competence. It will increase a driver’s                                                  a bicycle. This course focuses on                      7Hrs
driving for a living, including the effect   Directive legislation is also included
on driving style and ability, and what to    and how it relates to drivers’ hours        safety margins, provide awareness of                                                     the risks and hazards of driving
do in the event of an accident.              legislation. This workshop can be           speed limits and compliance,                       Course Key                            heavy goods vehicles and/or public
                                             used as a part of a company induction       encourage a more proactive approach                                                      service vehicles in UK cities. It
               3.5Hrs                        process for new starters or a refresher     behind the wheel and provide a                                                           equips drivers with the knowledge
                                                                                         practical update on the Highway Code.                   Course LGV Suitable              and skills needed to share the road
                                             for those who drive under tachograph
Professional Driver and                      legislation and require an update and       At the end of the course each driver                                                     safely with vulnerable road users
                                                                                         will have a better understanding of the                                                  (VRUs), pedestrians, cyclists and
the Highway Code                             refresher on this important legislation.                                                            Course PCV Suitable
                                                                                         driving task involved on today’s roads,                                                  motorcyclists.
Designed to provide a deeper                                3.5Hrs                       be better equipped to deal with the
understanding of the history of the                                                      pressures and distractions encountered                                                                         7Hrs
Highway Code and relevant legislation.                                                                                                           Course Van Suitable
Legislation and advice is changing
                                             Winter Driving                              with work-related driving, be more
                                             Professional drivers are expected to be
                                                                                         informed and make improved driving                                                       Staying Legal
all the time and it is important that                                                    decisions, therefore reducing the driving
                                             able to drive in all conditions. The risk                                                           Course length (hours)            Designed to inform all HGV drivers
professional drivers update themselves                                                   risk.
on specific points that will affect them     of incident increases during the winter.                                                                                             of the requirements to remain
in their working day. It can be used as      This course is designed to give the                                                                                                  compliant when driving an HGV
                                                                                                        7Hrs                                     Course FORS
a part of a company induction for new        skills and awareness to reduce this risk                                                                                             commercially on public roads. The
starters or those who wish to revisit the    during these more dangerous months.                                                                                                  course aims to raise the overall
Highway Code and update themselves                                                                                                                                                HGV compliance standards, along
                                                            3.5Hrs                                                                                                                with the protection of the actual
on the changes that have taken place.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Operators Licence.
                                                                                                                                                                                                 7Hrs                      DriveTech is a FORS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Associate Member
8                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               9
Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -
Professional Driving Courses                                                                                                         HGV and/or PCV Licence
                                                                                                                                                                                  Darren Clapich, Business
                                                                                                                                                                                  Development Manager at                          The level
                                                                                                                                     DriveTech, the driver training and driver
                                                                                                                                                                                  Specialised Training, added:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  of support
                                                                                                                                     risk management operation from the
                                                                                                                                     AA, and Specialised Training have                   It is well documented that           I have received
                                                                                                                                     confirmed an agreement to partner to                there is a current shortage of
                                                                                                                                     offer a more comprehensive range of             professional drivers in the UK.          from DriveTech
Our range of additional professional courses have been created to                                                                    professional driver services.                   We are delighted to team-up
cover a comprehensive range of topics. These courses are offered                           Note: These courses do                    The relationship will strengthen each           with DriveTech to help further           has been
                                                                                                                                     organisation’s ability to offer their           promote driving careers in this
in addition to the Driver CPC courses, allowing you to go above and
beyond your Driver CPC obligations.
                                                                                           not count towards the
                                                                                           35 hours of periodic                      blue-chip customers a valuable and              industry and attract new and             fantastic...
                                                                                                                                     broader range of services in the UK.            high-quality drivers to this critical
                                                                                           training (Driver CPC)
                                                                                                                                     HGV and/or PCV licence acquisition              aspect of goods distribution.            I can thoroughly
                                                                                                                                                                                     Training offerings including Class
                                                                                                                                     is a specific need and will support
                                                                                                                                     DriveTech’s overarching driver                  C, Class D, Class C+E, Class B           recommend
Advanced Driving Diploma                     Advanced Driving Diploma                   Commercial Course                                                                            + E plus ADR (dangerous goods
The Advanced Driving Diploma has             Train-the-Trainer                          Design Package
                                                                                                                                     training appeal in the commercial
                                                                                                                                     marketplace. Similarly, this strengthens        transportation) will help keep           their services
                                                                                                                                                                                     Britain’s transportation system
been developed to meet the needs of
every business and individual for safe,
                                             Once you have completed the Diploma
                                             course, you can go onto complete the
                                                                                        In addition to our already-
                                                                                        comprehensive selection of training
                                                                                                                                     the Specialised Training reputation as
                                                                                                                                     the recognised leader in professional           running and DriveTech’s further          to any operator,
                                                                                                                                                                                     comprehensive range of driver
progressive and fuel-efficient progress
for all their journeys now and in the
                                             Advanced Driving Diploma Train-the-
                                             Trainer course.
                                                                                        courses, DriveTech can also design
                                                                                        and develop bespoke courses to suit
                                                                                                                                     truck driver licence acquisition with an
                                                                                                                                     impressive pass rate.                           training and risk management             large or
                                                                                                                                                                                     interventions are respected and
future. It replaces the formal process
of driving instruction by introducing
                                             After completing this course candidates
                                             can then go on to train their wider
                                                                                        the needs of your business. We will
                                                                                        use a structured approach to tackle
                                                                                                                                     Commenting on the new arrangement,
                                                                                                                                     Oli Stevenson, Head of Commercial
                                                                                                                                                                                     market leading too.                      small.
a method of coaching that assists            driving community to a higher standard     the research, development, design and        Development at DriveTech said:
the process of self-evaluation and           with in their company. The Advanced        delivery. Our approach and expertise
development. This enables the driver to                                                 ensure a quality programme that will be
                                             Driving Diploma programme will give                                                                                                  Train the Trainer Course
challenge their personal driving beliefs     them the ability to formulate training     authored specifically to your needs and             The ability to offer our
and the decisions made behind the                                                       in full partnership with you.                       customers HGV and/or                  DriveTech understands that many
                                             interventions and to set learning                                                                                                    in-house providers of LGV and PCV
wheel.                                       objectives. The aim is for the trainer                                                     PCV licence acquisition as
                                                                                        Driver Quality Monitoring                       a fully managed service                   driver training often don’t have the time
While the traditional elements of the        to bring their own drivers up to a test
                                                                                                                                        in partnership with such a                or resource to develop new training
advanced driving style are retained,         standard so DriveTech can evaluate         (DQM) for Bus Drivers                                                                     courses, or qualify to deliver accredited
progress is evaluated in terms of            by testing.                                                                                professional and respected
                                                                                        DriveTech can provide a comprehensive                                                     external courses.
efficient journey planning and use of                                                                                                   business is great news, and we
                                             All trainers will be able to:              and independent evaluation of bus
the vehicle in a smooth and measured                                                                                                    are delighted to team up with             Acknowledging this challenge,
                                             ● Complete driving assessments             driving. The assessments indicate any
driving style. This presents a far greater                                                                                              Specialised Training to achieve           DriveTech has an extensive and
                                                 on new drivers                         aspects of a drivers’ behaviour that
challenge to the driver who will need to                                                                                                this. Their reputation and values         continually expanding course portfolio
                                             ● Conduct ongoing driver                   falls short of the requirements and
be very aware of their personal driving                                                                                                 are perfectly matched with ours           for which we have developed a two-day
                                                 development                            expectations of passengers. DQM
traits, their vehicle and how to bring                                                                                                  and this adds another exciting            ‘train the trainer’ course. Successful
                                             ● Conduct post incident training
                                                                                        therefore provides a vital input into
all the required elements together in                                                                                                   dimension to our already                  completion entitles in-house trainers
                                                                                        the analysis of the training needs for
harmony.                                                                                                                                very comprehensive range of               to deliver certified DriveTech courses
                                             In-House Assessor’s                        drivers, and monitors trends by route,
                                                                                                                                        professional driver services.             of which most are Driver CPC JAUPT
The advantage is that the driver will                                                   garage, operator, and across the bus
                                             Programme                                  network.
be better prepared for their future
driving intentions rather than those         Designed to equip organisations with
demonstrated simply for the purpose of       their own in-house driving assessors       Events Training
a test. The Advanced Driving Diploma         to help motivate employees and their       Designed with road safety in mind,
aims to significantly reduce risk in         driving skills. The aim of the programme   DriveTech can arrange events to deliver                                              Introducing
any driving situation by enhancing           is to develop employee(s) with the         valuable training messages to groups
personalised components of driver            essential skills and tools to provide      of employees in a relaxed and informal
attitude, behaviour and competence to        driver assessments of their drivers in     setting. For professional drivers, we
an advanced level.                           order to establish risk exposure and       can organise a series of activities that
                                             training requirements. The added           will challenge and educate attendees,
Each driver will develop their own
                                             value of the Advanced Driving Diploma      giving them the opportunity to improve
personal strategies supported by
                                             will create credible assessors with        their vehicle knowledge and skills in a                            A brand new way of communicating to our
the knowledge and skills required
                                             respected opinions as their driving will   safe environment, while still enjoying the
to maintain the Advanced Diploma
                                             set a bench mark for others to follow.
                                                                                                                                                             Professional Drivers is via Driver’s Mate.
standard post-test. This includes the                                                   experience.
                                                                                                                                                            It’s all about giving drivers little reminders
development of personal tools and            Introduction to Transport
techniques to overcome their personal                                                                                                                            of their moral and legal obligations
                                             Management                                                                                                          before they start their driving shift.
barriers for their driving career.
                                             Designed to inform managers who have
                                             responsibility for professional drivers
                                             requiring an overview of the current                                                                             People remember short stories and these
                                             legislation relating to Tachograph and                                                                          will take less than two minutes of their time.
                                             the Working Time Directive (WTD).
                                             This course involves the management
                                                                                                                                                                            Find out more via:
                                             of records and awareness of the tools                                                                    
                                             required to ensure overall compliance.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         11
Professional Drivers: Lorry, Coach and Bus -
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                        +44 (0)1256 610 907
                                                                   © DriveTech 2021 – DTR338 / Issue 7 / Jul 2021. All trademarks are acknowledged and recognised
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