Program guidelines - Creative Generation

Page created by Ivan Barker
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
Program guidelines
         Be part of Queensland’s largest annual youth performing arts show
         at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
         Show week: Tuesday 13 July to Saturday 17 July 2021

         Principal partner   Major partner   Broadcast    Event       Program   Program
                                              partner    partner      partner   partner
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
Contact information............................................................................................. 1
What is Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage?..........................................2
COVID-19 information...........................................................................................2
Nomination process.............................................................................................3
1. VOCAL............................................................................................................6
     Featured and backing vocalist......................................................................................... 7


2. DANCE and DRAMA..........................................................................................11
     Featured and solo dance................................................................................................ 11

     Massed dance and regional massed dance................................................................... 16


3. INSTRUMENTAL.............................................................................................22
     Symphony orchestra and solo instrumental................................................................... 22

     Massed string orchestra............................................................................................... 24

     Big band...................................................................................................................... 25

     Drumline...................................................................................................................... 27

4. VARIETY........................................................................................................30
5. PRODUCTION................................................................................................ 31
     Student stage crew........................................................................................................31

     Student media crew.......................................................................................................31

     Teacher stage crew....................................................................................................... 33

FAQs.................................................................................................................. 35
Fact sheets........................................................................................................38
     Fact sheet 1 – Role of the coordinating teacher and supervisor...................................... 38

     Fact sheet 2 – Participant responsibilities..................................................................... 39

     Fact sheet 3 – How to nominate....................................................................................40

Vocals selection criteria.....................................................................................44
     Student expression of interest form.............................................................................. 45

     CGEN 2019 project consent form...................................................................................48

     CGEN nomination terms and conditions.........................................................................51

     Network 10 Child Talent release form............................................................................. 52

     Network 10 Adult Talent release form............................................................................. 54

ii   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021                         Program guidelines
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
Contact information
For general enquiries, please contact:
Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage                     Tayla McDonnell
Email:                        Dance, drama, costume and digital media coordinator
Website:                      Email:
Facebook:           Ph: 07 3034 4413
Twitter:                           Holley Wiles
For specific category enquiries, please contact:                Choir and drumline coordinator
Nicola Taylor                                                   Email:
Operations Manager                                              Ph: 07 3328 6628
Featured and backing vocalist, student and teacher stage        Jane Shea
crew coordinator                                                MOST, symphony orchestra, massed string orchestra and
Email:                              big band coordinator
Ph: 07 3328 6630                                                Email:
                                                                Ph: 07 3328 6620

Photography: Welcome To The Fold

                                                           Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines   1
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
State Schools Onstage

What is Creative Generation                                                 Behaviour
– State Schools Onstage?
                                                                            The department will not tolerate inappropriate action or

In 2021, Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage                        If inappropriate action or behaviour is observed or reported
(CGEN) will celebrate its 17th year as Queensland’s largest                 during the CGEN program, CGEN staff must be informed
annual youth performing arts program. Providing students                    immediately. The department will take any allegations
with exposure to the industry as young artists through                      seriously, and reports of illegal conduct will be referred
auditions, workshops, professional coaching and rehearsal                   directly to the Queensland Police Service.
opportunities from February to July. Culminating in four                    Any complaint related to bullying of others, harassment
spectacular performances at the Brisbane Convention and                     of any nature, or vilification/discrimination for any reason
Exhibition Centre (BCEC).                                                   will be responded to and managed immediately. If an
Produced by the Department of Education (DoE), CGEN                         individual is found to be associated with or involved in any
provides students, teachers and school communities with                     behaviour of this nature, they will be excluded from the
the opportunity to be involved in a professionally produced                 program.
arena spectacle. Since its inception in 2005, the large-                    Students, supervisors, staff and contractors should feel
scale event has grown from a cast of 550 students to more                   safe and respected at all times.
than 1500, and is nationally renowned for its outstanding
and vibrant display of state school talent.                                 COVID-19 information
CGEN is an inclusive arts program encouraging and                           The COVID-19 pandemic has substantially affected
providing students of all levels and abilities, the chance to               communities all around the world, leading to significant
perform in a safe and respectful environment.                               restrictions on all sectors of society, in particular the
The experience gives students the chance to acquire                         performing arts. The CGEN 2021 program will comply with
new skills by working with many of Australia’s leading                      current Queensland Government guidelines and advice
performers in a world-class event. For many students, it                    to ensure the health and safety of students, teachers,
will be their first time performing on an arena stage, while                creatives, mentors, staff, audience members and the
for others it is a valuable stepping stone for a career in the              broader community is the number one priority.
performing arts industry.                                                   The CGEN 2021 program will adhere to the relevant venue
CGEN rehearsals provide an opportunity for students                         COVID safe plans, in particular BCEC, as well as the
to display their talents and extend their networks with                     following industry COVID safe plans:
professional artists beyond those ordinarily available                      • the Dance and Physical Performing Arts Industry COVID
in schools. Auditions, workshops and rehearsals give                          Safe Plan;
students a taste of the wider performing arts industry that                 • the Choral, Vocal, Instrumental and Musical Theatre
has seen many Queenslanders achieve great success on                          COVID Safe Plan;
the international stage.                                                    • the COVID Safe Plan for Queensland’s Live Performance
CGEN is a rewarding and enriching program for both
students and teachers as it offers participants an unrivalled               As such, CGEN 2021 participants should be aware of the
opportunity to develop their creative potential, meet new                   following:
friends and take part in a professional arena production.                   • participants must adhere to all health and hygiene
The confidence and experience gained from being involved                      practices and physical distancing requirements
helps students in their lives beyond the school gate.                         outlined by the program organisers;
Additionally, CGEN is a quality professional development                    • if any participants are sick or exhibiting symptoms of
opportunity for teachers, allowing new skills, knowledge                      illness, they must not attend rehearsals, tutorials and/
and practices to be brought back to the classroom.                            or performances.
                                                                            • for purposes of COVID-19 contact tracing student
CGEN is an incredible and unique experience for all. These
                                                                              details will be captured and supplied to rehearsal and
Program Guidelines will explain how you can get involved.                     performance venues upon request.
We look forward to working with you on CGEN 2021!
                                                                            Please note that the rehearsal program and live
                                                                            performances may be subject to change based on
                                                                            directives and regulations from public health authorities.
CGEN 2021 timeline
2020                                    2021
NOVEMBER                                FEBRUARY                             APRIL                                  JULY

                                             INVITATIONS and
         NOMINATIONS                                                            REHEARSALS COMMENCE                   SHOW WEEK

2   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
Nomination process
CGEN 2021 categories
In 2021, nominations can be submitted for any of the following categories:

           VOCAL                     DANCE and DRAMA                   INSTRUMENTAL                          VARIETY                       PRODUCTION
•    featured vocalist           •    featured dance               •   symphony orchestra •             stand-alone item             •   student stage crew
•    backing vocalist            •    massed dance                 •   massed string      •             specialty act or skill       •   student media crew
•    featured choir –                 (metro)                          orchestra                                                     •   teacher stage crew
     replacing core and          •    massed dance                 •   big band
     central choir                    (regional)                   •   drumline
•    massed choir                •    solo dance                   •   solo instrumental
                                 •    drama

The nomination process
All nominations entered as complete in the CGEN 2020 database have been carried forward in to the 2021 database and
marked as ‘In Progress’. Teachers are encouraged to use their same logins from 2020 to access the existing nominations.
Teachers will need to update and individually complete any nominations for students being carried forward in to 2021, and
delete students who will not be participating. Please ensure year level, costume sizes (where necessary) and changes to
personal details are modified if required. No nomination footage will be carried forward, and must be resubmitted.
There are three steps to the nomination process:

          NOMINATION                                                INVITATION                                         ACCEPTANCE
Step 1 – Nomination                                    Step 2 – Invitation                                     Step 3 – Acceptance
An online nomination, including                        Selected students are sent an invitation                Acceptance notices are signed by the
submission of audition footage and                     letter via their CGEN coordinating                      required person/s noted on the form to
support material (if applicable), is                   teacher. The invitation will outline                    acknowledge the student’s or group’s
entered by the school’s coordinating                   the next step in the process, which                     acceptance into the program. The
teacher on behalf of the student/s.                    may include a call-back audition, a                     coordinating teacher will be required
Coordinating teachers are required to                  casting day, a workshop or a series of                  to upload the acceptance forms and
complete all school contact information                rehearsals.                                             accept the invitation in the CGEN
and all participant nomination                                                                                 database.
NB: All students nominations must be endorsed by the school’s principal and students must have completed and returned to the school an unamended CGEN 2021 project
consent form and unamended Network 10 release form. If forms are not returned, students will not be able to participate in the program.

Step 1 – Nomination

                                                                               Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021           Program guidelines         3
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
State Schools Onstage

The CGEN nomination website is
                                                                              KEY DATES
                                                                              • Friday 11 December 2020 — nominations close
Only one teacher per school can register as the                                 for all categories except instrumental. Audition
coordinating teacher during the nomination process.                             footage/support material is also required on this
Additional teacher contact information can be entered                           date.
during the nomination process, and other teachers at the                      • Friday 5 February 2021 — nominations close for
school may access the nomination website using the login                        students entering Year 7 or students at a new
details created by the coordinating teacher. It is suggested                    school in 2021, except instrumental categories.
that the coordinating teacher use their departmental email                      Audition footage/support material is also required
address and create a generic password that can be shared                        on this date.
with other teachers at the school who require access to the                   • Friday 19 February 2021 — nominations close for
nomination website.                                                             instrumental categories. Audition footage is also
                                                                                required on this date.
Please refer to Fact Sheet 3 – How to nominate on page 40
of this document for step-by-step instructions on how to
submit your nominations. To assist teachers in collecting                   Audition footage
student information, students should complete a CGEN                        • It is a requirement that audition footage be submitted
expression of interest form available in this document, on                    for the following categories: featured vocalist, backing
the CGEN nomination website and CGEN website under                            vocalist, featured choir, massed choir, regional massed
nominations.                                                                  dancers, symphony orchestra, big band, drumline, solo
When submitting nominations, the coordinating teacher                         instrumentalist, variety and media crew.
will be asked to check a box acknowledging:                                 • It is preferred that student auditions be performed to
                                                                              accompaniment or backing track.
• the school principal where the student is enrolled has
                                                                            • Student auditions should be introduced with the
  endorsed the nomination
                                                                              following information:
• all students nominating for a place in the program have
                                                                              – individual student or group name
  completed and returned to the school an unamended
                                                                              – name of category
  CGEN 2021 project consent form and unamended
  Network 10 release form. If unamended forms are not                         – school
  returned, students are not able to participate in the                       – style or title of piece performed.
  program                                                                   • One file is to be submitted per nomination. Where
• nomination and participation fact sheets 1 and 2                            a category requests two or more pieces of footage,
  have been distributed and understood by all related                         please combine two pieces of footage into one file.
  personnel supporting the students’ participation in the                     (Please note the only exception is for symphony
  program                                                                     orchestra and big band students nominating for more
• parents/carers and students understand the entire                           than one instrument. Separate video files are required
  program, and the expectations and level of commitment                       per instrument for distribution to specialists on the
  required                                                                    audition panel.)
• all school team members supporting the students’                          • Total file length per nomination must be two–four
  participation in the program understand the                                 minutes and should not exceed 50 MB (except for
  expectations and level of commitment required                               symphony orchestra, big band and media crew.
                                                                              See the relevant pages in this guideline for these
• all students (and parents/carers of those students)
  understand the DoE is collecting personal information,
  and will handle this material in accordance with                          • Please include current footage. Only media crew
  the Information Privacy Act 2009 and the Education                          audition footage should be submitted in high
  (General Provisions) Act 2006                                               resolution. Low resolution files are sufficient for all
                                                                              other categories provided that sound and image quality
• they have read, understood and agree to the terms and
                                                                              is adequate for panel members to make a reasonable
  conditions of the program.

                                                                            Supporting material
                                                                            It is a requirement that nominations for the following
                                                                            categories are supported by written documentation:
                                                                            • student stage crew
                                                                            • student media crew
                                                                            • teacher stage crew.
                                                                            Written documentation may include a current résumé,
                                                                            letters of support, photos or newspaper clippings. Support
                                                                            material must not exceed four single A4 pages (two pages
4   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
Step 2 – Invitation                                                  Step 3 – Acceptance
Students who are selected to be a part of CGEN will be sent          Acceptance notices are signed by the required person/s
an invitation letter via their CGEN coordinating teacher. The        noted on the form to acknowledge the student’s or group’s
invitation will outline the next step in the process, which          acceptance into the program. The coordinating teacher will
may include a call-back audition, a casting day, a workshop          be required to upload the acceptance forms and accept the
or a series of rehearsals.                                           invitation in the CGEN database.
Coordinating teachers will be sent the official invitations
via email. Please refer to the key dates table included on
each category page.
Some students may not be invited to be a part of the
original nomination category they applied for, but may be
offered a place in an alternative category. For example, an
individual student nominating for the variety item category
may instead be invited to attend the featured vocalist first
call-back audition.

                                                                Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines   5
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
State Schools Onstage

1. VOCAL                                                                 Sub-categories and Criteria
Students can be nominated in any of the following                        Featured Vocalist
categories:                                                              Featured Vocalists (FVs) predominantly perform as
                                                                         soloists in the show and may be required to perform as an
                              VOCAL                                      ensemble singer in Featured Vocalist ensembles of various
 •   featured vocalist                                                   sizes. The Featured Vocalist category is open to students
 •   backing vocalist                                                    from Prep to Year 12.
 •   featured choir (replacing core and central choir)                   FVs will be selected for their vocal, performance, technical
 •   massed choir                                                        and presentation skills as per the selection criteria
In 2021, students are asked to select all vocal categories               provided on page 44.
they are interested in when nominating. The judges will                  FVs will also undertake a rudimentary sight reading and
then determine which category is most appropriate based                  aural skills assessment when onsite at the live audition.
on ability and show requirements.                                        This assessment will include reading at sight an 8 bar
For example, if a student is interested in being a featured              - 12 bar sight reading example, some interval and aural
vocalist but would consider being a backing vocalist or in               work including melodic and rhythmic tests. No additional
the Featured choir, select all three categories.                         preparation is required for this assessment.

If a student only wishes to be considered for Featured
choir, only select Featured choir but keep in mind they may
                                                                         Backing Vocalist
be considered for other categories.                                      Backing Vocalists (BVs) will provide backing vocals for a
                                                                         variety of items throughout the show. It is critical students
Featured and backing vocalist auditions will take place
                                                                         have experience in choral and/or vocal ensemble training
in February and March, Featured choir auditions will take
                                                                         and performance and possess the ability to read music in
place in March and all vocal category rehearsals will begin
                                                                         SATB vocal score. BVs are predominantly upper secondary
in April.

6    Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
BVs will be selected for their vocal, performance, technical              student (not as a group). Please ensure the audition
and presentation skills as per the selection criteria                     footage meets the requirements outlined on page 4 in
provided on page 44.                                                      this document.
Additionally, BVs will be required to undertake a sight               • Students are required to audition with a backing track
reading test from an SATB choral score as part of an                    or accompaniment, with the exception of acappella
ensemble at the featured and backing vocalist casting                   repertoire.
audition.                                                             • FVs and BVs who attended the first FVBV call-back
                                                                        auditions in 2020 will automatically be invited to
BVs will also undertake a rudimentary sight reading and                 the first call-back audition on receipt of their 2021
aural skills assessment when onsite at the live audition.               nomination.
This assessment will include reading at sight an 8 bar
- 12 bar sight reading example, some interval and aural               • All FVs, BVs and Section leader students successful in
                                                                        the nomination process will be required to attend an
work including melodic and rhythmic tests. No additional
                                                                        individual audition in Brisbane, please refer to the key
preparation is required for this assessment
                                                                        dates tables on page 9.

Featured choir                                                        • Students auditioning for FV or BV casts must perform a
                                                                        song from the 2021 show repertoire as well as a song of
The Featured choir will incorporate approximately 100                   their choice during their individual audition. Teachers
secondary school students. From this ensemble of 100                    will be sent a selection of 2021 show repertoire for
singers, approximately 40 singers will be selected as                   students to learn prior to call-back auditions.
section leaders of the Featured choir. Section leaders are            • If FV/BV students are successful in the first call-back
required to attend a live solo audition and will be assessed            audition, they will be invited to attend casting auditions
as per the selection criteria provided on page 44.                      in Brisbane.
In addition to this criteria, selected students in the role           • Students who are successful at the FV and BV casting
of Feature choir section leaders are to demonstrate an                  auditions will be advised of their confirmed invitation
outstanding capacity to provide leadership of both self and             into the cast. Further audition information will be
the ensemble and be prepared to take direction well from                provided in the invitation notices.
both the Choir Director and Choir Manager. The Featured
choir section leaders will be required to perform on
microphone as a principal sound source for the show.

Massed choir
The massed choir will include approximately 500 students
from numerous primary and secondary schools from
around the state.
From April to July, students will work with the choir director
and assistant choir conductors to rehearse and perform up
to 25 items in the show, and provide a spectacular aural
and visual backdrop for the other performers on stage.
Applicants for the Massed choir are encouraged to submit
either a solo or choral video recording of a performance
from within the previous 12 – 18 month period.

Nominations and Auditions
Please refer to the Fact sheet 3 — How to nominate on page
40 for detailed instructions on how to nominate.
Featured and Backing Vocalists
• Please ensure students showcase their most suited
  genres. Audition pieces should be two contrasting
  styles (e.g. different genre, era or tempo).
• Students are required to perform their selected audition
  repertoire from memory.
• Live audition footage is required. Please do not submit
  produced audition videos or studio recordings.
• Audition footage must be submitted for each individual

                                                                 Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines   7
Program guidelines - Creative Generation
State Schools Onstage

Featured choir                                                          Rehearsal Commitment
• Please ensure students showcase their most suited
  genres. Audition pieces should be contrasting styles                  FV/BV and Featured choir students (including those from
  (e.g. different genre, era or tempo).                                 regional areas) are expected to attend all scheduled
                                                                        rehearsals unless otherwise negotiated with the category
• Students must nominate as soprano, alto, tenor or bass                manager. If students are unable to commit to rehearsals,
  voice type.
                                                                        Massed choir may be more suitable.
• Live audition footage is required. Please do not submit
  produced audition videos or studio recordings.                        In 2021, Featured and Backing Vocalist rehearsals will be
                                                                        scheduled in a new format, with specific item rehearsals
• Audition footage must be submitted for each individual                scheduled and advised in early-April for the full program.
  student (not as a group). Please ensure the audition
                                                                        The FV/BV cast will be required to attend all scheduled
  footage meets the requirements outlined on page 4 in
                                                                        rehearsals for the items in which they are cast.
  this document.
• Students are required to audition with a backing track                Massed choir students and teachers/supervisors are
  or accompaniment, with the exception of acappella                     expected to attend rehearsals between March and
  repertoire.                                                           July, except regional schools, which are encouraged to
                                                                        participate from the June rehearsal. All rehearsals are near
• Selected students who nominate for Featured choir will
                                                                        Brisbane and run by either the choir director or assistant
  be invited to attend Section leaders solo audition in
                                                                        choir conductors.
  Brisbane, please refer to the key dates tables. Audition
  material will be sent out with invitations.
                                                                        Supervision Expectations
Massed choir
• Applicants for the Massed choir are encouraged to                     Featured and Backing Vocalists
  submit either a solo or choral video recording of a                   No supervision is required for the Featured and Backing
  performance from within the previous 12 - 18 month                    Vocalist cast at rehearsals or during show week. A
  period.                                                               Department of Education employee is always onsite and
• All students nominated to participate in the Massed                   responsible for the supervision of the cast.
  choir will be offered a position in the cast provided we
  are not at maximum capacity.

8   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines
Featured choir                                                      Key Dates
At least one teacher/supervisor must attend all Featured
                                                                    Featured and Backing Vocalists
choir rehearsals. Section leaders do not require
supervision at Section leader rehearsals. A Department of           The below dates are a guide until rehearsal schedules are
Education employee will always be onsite and responsible            complete. Each item rehearses between 8 and 12 hours
for the supervision of this cast.                                   across three or four rehearsals. Some rehearsals will be
                                                                    held online in 2021, more information around the changes
Massed choir                                                        to the vocal rehearsal process will be communicated in the
At least one teacher/supervisor must attend all rehearsals          cast invitation notice.
and perform alongside their students at all performances
                                                                     Friday 11 December 2020      Nominations due
and act as a supervisor during show week.
                                                                     Friday 5 February 2021       Nominations due for new and Year 7 students

Learning Resources                                                   Friday 12 February 2021
                                                                     Saturday 20 February –
                                                                                                  Invitations issued for first call-back audition
                                                                                             First call-back auditions
A number of teaching materials are made available on the             Monday 22 February 2021
                                                                     Thursday 25 February         Invitations issued for casting auditions
Participant Gateway. Information around how to access this           2021
platform will be included in fortnightly communications              Saturday 13 March –          FV and BV casting auditions
and invitation/acceptance forms.                                     Monday 15 March 2021
                                                                     Friday 19 March 2021         Invitations issued to join the CGEN cast
Coordinating teachers will receive music scores and                  Saturday 27 March 2021       First BV rehearsal
teaching videos for choir pieces prior to rehearsals.                Saturday 27 March –          FV part allocation and Music Director rehearsal (no
Students will also be able to access these materials online.         Monday 29 March 2021         BVs required)
These will be uploaded as soon as they are available.                Saturday 8 May 2021          BV and Featured choir rehearsal (no FVs required)
Teachers are encouraged to rehearse the repertoire from              Friday 14 May – Sunday       FV vocal rehearsal (no BVs required)
                                                                     16 May 2021
the sheet music provided between scheduled rehearsals.
                                                                     Saturday 22 May 2021         Second BV rehearsal (no FVs required)
We are looking at conducting some choir rehearsals                   Saturday 29 May –            FV and BV vocal rehearsal
virtually. Further details will be communicated once                 Sunday 30 May 2021
                                                                     Saturday 5 June 2021         BV and Featured choir rehearsal (no FVs required)
                                                                     Saturday 19 June 2021 –      FV and BV vocal rehearsal
                                                                     Sunday 20 June 2021
Costumes                                                             Wednesday 30 June 2021       Third BV rehearsal (no FVs required)
Featured and Backing Vocalists                                       Thursday 1 July 2021         FV and BV movement rehearsal
                                                                     Friday 2 July – Saturday 3   FV and BV direction days with executive producer/
A number of costumes will be required to be self-sourced,            July 2021                    creative director
pending which items the student is cast in to. A detailed            Sunday 4 July 2021           FV and BV vocal rehearsal (show run order – vocal
list is supplied to the cast in May.                                                              & direction)
                                                                     Saturday 10 July or Sunday Sitzprobe
Featured and Massed choir                                            11 July 2021 (date TBC)

Students and teacher/supervisors performing with the                 Tuesday 13 July –            Show week
                                                                     Saturday 17 July 2021
choir are required to wear a CGEN white performance
shirt. Shirts will be available to purchase for $25.00 each,        Featured Choir
including GST. If students and teachers have their choir            Please note: these dates are a guide and the schedule may change depending on
                                                                    show requirements.
shirts from previous years they may be re-used if they are
still in a presentable condition.                                    Friday 11 December 2020      Nominations due
                                                                     Friday 5 February 2021       Nominations due for new and Year 7 students
The CGEN white performance shirts may be ordered online
                                                                     Friday 12 February 2021      Invitations issued for Section leader auditions
between Monday 29 March and Wednesday 28 April 2021                  Monday 15 March 2021         Auditions for Section Leaders
via the CGEN nomination database. The department will                Friday 19 March 2021         Invitations issued for Featured choir and Section
invoice the nominating school for the shirts in July 2021.                                        leaders
                                                                     Friday 23 April 2021         Featured choir rehearsal
Show week Commitment                                                 Saturday 8 May 2021          BV and Section leaders rehearsal
                                                                     Friday 14 May 2021           Featured artists’ workshop – Section leaders only
Featured and Backing Vocalists                                       Sunday 16 May 2021           Featured choir rehearsal
All vocalists are required onsite at the BCEC from the               Saturday 5 June 2021         Featured choir rehearsal
Wednesday of show week. A detailed schedule for show                 Sunday 13 June 2021          Featured and massed combined choir rehearsal
                                                                                                  (t-shirt distribution day)
week will be released in the show week Information Book
                                                                     Saturday 10 July or Sunday Sitzprobe
in June.                                                             11 July 2021 (date TBC)
Featured and Massed choir                                            Tuesday 13 July –            Show week
                                                                     Saturday 17 July 2021
Choir students are required onsite at the BCEC from either
the Wednesday or Thursday of show week. A detailed
schedule for show week will be released in the show week
Information Book in June.

                                                               Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021              Program guidelines       9
State Schools Onstage

Massed Choir                                                                        4. I can’t supervise my student at rehearsals. What other
Please note: these dates are a guide and the schedule may change depending on          options are there?
show requirements.
                                                                                         As all students must have a supervisor, we recommend
Friday 11 December 2020       Nominations due                                            approaching parents or other coordinating teachers
Friday 5 February 2021        Nominations due for new and Year 7 students                from involved nearby schools and arrange a rehearsal
Monday 15 February 2021       Invitations issued for Massed choir                        supervision rotation to share the load.
Tuesday 16 March 2021         North cell rehearsal                                  5. How is information distributed to teachers and parents
Wednesday 17 March 2021       South cell rehearsal
                                                                                       throughout the program?
Thursday 18 March 2021        West cell rehearsal
Friday 19 March 2021          Regional cell rehearsal (virtual – TBC)                    A CGEN fortnightly update is sent out by the CGEN
Tuesday 25 May 2021           Massed choir A combined rehearsal                          team, providing updates and upcoming deadlines on
Wednesday 26 May 2021         Massed choir B combined rehearsal                          all categories to coordinating teachers as nominated by
Sunday 13 June 2021           Featured choir and massed combined choir                   the school.
                              rehearsal (t-shirt distribution day)
                                                                                         Specific FVBV information will be sent out throughout
Tuesday 13 July – Saturday    Show week
17 July 2021                                                                             the process relating to costume, rehearsal and show
                                                                                         week information.
FAQ’s and Page Referrals                                                                 Specific choir related information will be sent out in
                                                                                         addition as per the Program Guidelines key dates as
1. Has Featured choir replaced Core and central choir?
                                                                                         well as ad hoc emails distributing learning material
     Yes, student’s now nominate under Featured choir                                    when it becomes available, for example music.
     instead of Core or Central choir. The Choir Director will
                                                                                         Coordinating teachers can send through a list of email
     then select students to audition for Section leaders
                                                                                         addresses to add to the distribution list, if they wish.
     within the Featured choir.
                                                                                    6. If students aren’t able to attend auditions, can they
2. I need help navigating the Nomination Database,
                                                                                       still be considered for a featured cast?
   where can I find supporting materials?
                                                                                         Students must attend FV, BV and Section leader
     Please refer to Fact sheet 3 — How to nominate when
                                                                                         auditions if they would like to be considered for these
     submitting nominations. Please use this guide as a first
     point of reference before contacting the CGEN team.
                                                                                    7. If students aren’t able to attend rehearsals, can they
3. Can students who nominate in a vocal category also
                                                                                       still be involved?
   nominate for another CGEN category?
                                                                                         FVBV students will be required to attend all scheduled
     Choir students are required onstage for the majority
                                                                                         rehearsals for the items in which they are cast. If they
     of the show and would have a commitment overlap
                                                                                         are unable to attend certain rehearsals, this must be
     between the categories. FVBV students can overlap
                                                                                         discussed with the category coordinator in advance.
     across multiple categories, in consultation with the
     category coordinator.                                                               All metropolitan choir students are required to attend
                                                                                         all choir rehearsals as outlined in the key dates per
                                                                                         category. If they are unable to attend a rehearsal, or
                                                                                         need to arrive late or leave early, please discuss this
                                                                                         with the Choir coordinator in advance.

10    Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021              Program guidelines
2. DANCE and DRAMA                                                 Students who are strong in speciality genres and cannot
                                                                   commit to the rehearsal expectations of a featured cast,
                                                                   can elect to participate as a speciality dancer, who are cast
DANCE                                                              in one or more “specialty genre” items such as hip hop/
                                                                   musical theatre/ballet, and the finale item.
Students can be nominated in any of the following
categories:                                                        Casting of students will depend on a number of factors,
                                                                   including the requirement for particular dance genres in
                          DANCE                                    the show, technical capabilities, creative concept and
 •   Featured dance                                                the number of dancers required, as dictated by the final
                                                                   production concept.
 •   Speciality dance
 •   Massed dance (metro)                                          The health and safety of students will also be considered
 •   Massed dance (regional)                                       in determining the number of items students are cast in
                                                                   during the audition and acceptance process.
The featured, speciality and massed dance casts includes
more than 700 students from both primary and secondary             It is not a requirement that students nominating undertake
schools. From March to July, students have the opportunity         dance lessons at school or be enrolled in private dance
to work with professional choreographers and artists               training.
in auditions, rehearsals and workshops leading up to
performances.                                                      Featured dance
Students are selected for placement in dance items                 Nominating and Criteria
covering genres such as contemporary, musical theatre,
                                                                   Students must be in the following year levels to be
jazz, hip hop, tap, ballet and traditional.
                                                                   considered for the below featured dance casts:
All dancers who nominate and accept their invitation               • Company: Year 7 – Year 12 (must display outstanding
are cast in the massed dance component, dependent on                 performance and technical capabilities)
numbers. This includes, but may not be limited to, one
                                                                   • Senior Ensemble: Year 10 – Year 12 (must display a high
massed dance item and the finale item. Students based in
                                                                     level of performance and technical capabilities)
regional schools who wish to learn the choreography via
recorded footage will automatically be considered for a            • Middle Ensemble: Year 7 – Year 9 (must display a high
regional massed dance cast.                                          level of performance and technical capabilities)
                                                                   • Junior A Ensemble: Year 4 – Year 6 (must display strong
A select group of students are invited to participate
                                                                     performance and technical capabilities)
in featured dance. Featured dance is a considerable
commitment and involves rehearsals most weekends in                • Junior B Ensemble: Prep – Year 3 (must display strong
the lead up to the performances. Students selected into              performance capabilities)
featured dance are cast into smaller group items including         All featured dancers are expected to attend all rehearsals
solos, pas de deux and company items.                              and performance commitments.

                                                             Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines   11
State Schools Onstage

No footage is required to be submitted when nominating                  Supervision Expectations
for featured dance, as they are expected to attend live                 All featured dancers are asked to submit a medical and
auditions.                                                              personal details form to the dance coordinator upon
Costume sizes are collected during the nomination stage.                acceptance to their cast. DoE staff onsite are able to
Once casting invitations are offered, these sizes are                   provide supervision for these students, and will have the
expected to be updated as required before the acceptance                forms on hand at all times. Parents/teachers who drop
deadline.                                                               off students are required to sign students in and out of
                                                                        rehearsals, and provide an emergency contact number for
Please refer to the Database Guide on page 40 for detailed              that day.
instructions on how to nominate.
                                                                        During show week, this same process only applies to the
Live Auditions                                                          Company cast. All other featured dancers are required to be
Secondary students nominating for featured dance                        supervised by a principal approved supervisor backstage.
are required to attend up to four auditions across two
                                                                        Learning Resources
weekends in February/March. All students wishing to
audition must be available for all specified dates, including           All featured dancers will have access to music for all dance
specialty auditions.                                                    items to enable students to rehearse in their own time.

Primary students are required to attend an audition. These              Footage of rehearsals will be uploaded online, which will
auditions are similar to a dance rehearsal and are a fun                allow students to view the routines between weekend
and positive environment for all participating.                         rehearsals, assisting in keeping them up to date with
Students are only required to prepare a 90 second piece to
perform in front of the panel, should they be invited to the            Costumes
call back auditions on the second day of the first weekend.             Costume fees vary in accordance with performer and show
                                                                        requirements, and any student who withdraws after a
Rehearsal Commitment
                                                                        deadline communicated by the dance coordinator will be
Rehearsal and performance commitments for featured                      charged for the entire cost of their costumes. Featured
dance are much greater than that of massed dance. All                   dancers generally have a costume cost that sits between
featured students are required to attend all assigned                   $150 and $300.
rehearsals, with limited allowance made for absent
students. Featured dance rehearsals are held most                       Costume payments are required to be made through
weekends from April to July 2021.                                       an app called “Qkr”, by a specific deadline that will be
                                                                        communicated by the dance coordinator. More information
                                                                        on this process will be provided.
                                                                        Show week Commitment
                                                                        Featured dancers are required onsite at the BCEC from the
                                                                        Wednesday of show week. A detailed schedule for show week
                                                                        will be released in the show week Information Book in June.
                                                                        Key Dates
                                                                        The below dates are a guide until choreographers and
                                                                        rehearsal schedules are complete. Each featured dance
                                                                        item rehearses between 8 and 12 hours across three or four
                                                                        rehearsals. Rehearsals will be held in a central location
                                                                        and items grouped where possible in order to minimise the
                                                                        number of days students are committed to rehearsals.

                                                                         Friday 11 December 2020   Nominations due (audition footage due for regional
                                                                                                   schools only)
                                                                         Wednesday 27 January      Invitations issued for auditions
                                                                         Friday 5 February 2021    Nominations due (audition footage due for regional
                                                                                                   schools only) for new and Year 7 students
                                                                         Monday 15 February 2021 Invitations issued for auditions for new and Year 7
                                                                         Saturday 27 February      Featured dance auditions - secondary
                                                                         Sunday 28 February 2021 Featured dance call-backs - secondary
                                                                         Saturday 6 March 2021     Featured dance auditions – primary
                                                                         Saturday 6 March 2021     Secondary massed dance casting day (all students
                                                                                                   auditioning for senior featured dance must attend
                                                                                                   this audition)
                                                                         Sunday 7 March 2021       Specialty dance auditions

12   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines
Monday 15 March 2021         Casting invitations and rehearsal schedule sent to          FAQ’s and Page Referrals
Friday 23 April 2021         Final date to withdraw without financial penalty            1. I need help navigating the Nomination Database,
                             (costume payments)                                             where can I find supporting materials?
Wednesday 5 May 2021         Choreography content day 1 (senior featured
                             dancers only)
                                                                                             The CGEN team have created a Database Guide for you
Thursday 6 May 2021          Choreography content day 2 (senior featured
                                                                                             to use as a guide when submitting nominations. Please
                             dancers only)                                                   use this guide as a first point of reference, before
Saturday 8 May 2021          Dance rehearsals*                                               contacting the CGEN team.
Saturday 15 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
                                                                                         2. Can students who nominate for dance also nominate
Sunday 16 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*
                                                                                            for other CGEN categories?
Saturday 22 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
Sunday 23 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*                                               Yes. Students can be nominated for multiple categories
Saturday 29 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*                                               during the nomination phase. Depending on the run
Sunday 30 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*                                               order of the production, there may be a commitment
Saturday 5 June 2021         Dance rehearsals*                                               overlap between the categories (e.g. inadequate time
Sunday 6 June 2021           Dance rehearsals*                                               for quick changes, more than one cast in the same
Saturday 12 June 2021        Dance rehearsals*                                               item) and therefore the dance coordinator will need to
Sunday 13 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*                                               use their discretion to determine what the student’s
Saturday 19 June 2021        Dance rehearsals*                                               commitment across their nominated categories might
Sunday 20 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*                                               look like. Overlap during the rehearsal stages will also
Saturday 26 June 2021        ACT 1 & 2 blocking rehearsal with creative director             need to be managed by the category coordinators.
Sunday 27 June 2021          ACT 1 & 2 dress rehearsal with creative director &
                             lighting designer                                           3. How is information distributed to teachers and parents
Monday 28 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*                                              throughout the program?
Tuesday 29 June 2021         Dance rehearsals*                                               A dance update is distributed fortnightly by the dance
Wednesday 30 June 2021       Dance rehearsals*                                               coordinator to the coordinating teachers, and parents
Saturday 3 July 2021         Dance rehearsals*
                                                                                             of featured dancers. Coordinating teachers will also
Sunday 4 July 2021           Dance rehearsals*
                                                                                             be given the option to send through a list of email
Tuesday 13 July –            Show week
Saturday 17 July 2021
                                                                                             addresses to add to the distribution list, should they
*These dates are just a guide and will be confirmed in March.

                                                                                   Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines   13
State Schools Onstage

4. If students aren’t able to attend auditions, can they                 Speciality dance
   still be considered for a featured cast?
                                                                         Nominating and Criteria
     Student’s attendance at the auditions is at their
     discretion. Should they need to arrive late or leave                Students nominating for speciality dance are unable to
     early, it will be noted by the panel and taken into                 make a commitment to the expectations of a featured
     consideration. The less time they are at auditions, the             dance cast, but must still meet a high performance and
     less exposure they have to the panel, which could be                technical capabilities standard.
     to their detriment. If they are unable to attend at all,
                                                                         Students must be in the following year levels to be
     they won’t be considered for a featured cast. If they are
                                                                         considered for the below speciality genre items in the 2021
     unable to attend the speciality auditions but wish to
     be considered, they may submit footage to the dance
     coordinator directly. It is not always guaranteed that              • Musical Theatre: Year 1 – Year 12
     this footage is considered, as the calibre of students              • Hip Hop: Year 4 – Year 12
     who do attend auditions may already meet the
     requirements.                                                       • Tap: Year 6 – Year 12

5. Can featured dancers also audition for the speciality                 All speciality dancers are expected to attend all rehearsals
   genre items?                                                          and performance commitments.
     Yes. Students who wish to be cast as a featured dancer,             No footage is required to be submitted when nominating
     are able to also attend the speciality dance genre                  for speciality dance, as they are expected to attend a live
     auditions. This would enable them to increase their                 audition.
                                                                         Costume sizes are collected during the nomination stage.
Supervising fact sheet – page 38                                         Once casting invitations are offered, these sizes are
How to nominate fact sheet – page 40                                     expected to be updated as required before the acceptance
                                                                         Please refer to the Database Guide on page 40 for detailed
                                                                         instructions on how to nominate.

14    Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines
Live Auditions                                                      Key Dates
Students nominating for specialty dance are required to             The below dates are a guide until choreographers and
attend one audition per genre they wish to be considered            rehearsal schedules are complete. Each speciality dance
for. These fall on the fourth day of auditions. Please refer to     item rehearses between 8 and 12 hours across three or four
key dates below.                                                    rehearsals. Rehearsals will be held in a central location
                                                                    and items grouped where possible in order to minimise the
Students are not required to prepare anything for
                                                                    number of days students are committed to rehearsals.
auditions. They will be taught choreography and be
required to run it for a period of time afterwards.                  Friday 11 December 2020      Nominations due (audition footage due for
                                                                                                  regional schools only)
Rehearsal Commitment                                                 Wednesday 27 January 2021 Invitations issued for auditions
All speciality dance students are required to attend all             Friday 5 February 2021       Nominations due (audition footage due for
assigned rehearsals, with limited allowance made for                                              regional schools only) for new and Year 7
absent students. Speciality dance rehearsals are held
                                                                     Monday 15 February 2021      Invitations issued for auditions for new and
across weekends from April to July 2021.                                                          Year 7 students
                                                                     Sunday 7 March 2021          Specialty dance auditions
Supervision Expectations
                                                                     Monday 15 March 2021         Casting invitations and rehearsal schedule sent
All speciality dancers are asked to submit a medical and                                          to schools
personal details form to the dance coordinator upon                  Friday 23 April 2021         Final date to withdraw without financial penalty
                                                                                                  (costume payments)
acceptance to their cast. DoE staff onsite are able to
                                                                     Saturday 8 May 2021          Dance rehearsals*
provide supervision for these students, and will have the
                                                                     Saturday 15 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
forms on hand at all times. Parents/teachers who drop
                                                                     Sunday 16 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*
off students are required to sign students in and out of             Saturday 22 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
rehearsals, and provide an emergency contact number for              Sunday 23 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*
that day.                                                            Saturday 29 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
                                                                     Sunday 30 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*
During show week, this process no longer applies. All
                                                                     Saturday 5 June 2021         Dance rehearsals*
speciality dancers are required to be supervised by a
                                                                     Sunday 6 June 2021           Dance rehearsals*
principal approved supervisor backstage.                             Saturday 12 June 2021        Dance rehearsals*
Learning Resources                                                   Sunday 13 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*
                                                                     Saturday 19 June 2021        Dance rehearsals*
All speciality dancers will have access to music for all             Sunday 20 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*
dance items to enable students to rehearse in their own              Saturday 26 June 2021        ACT 1 & 2 blocking rehearsal with creative
time.                                                                                             director
                                                                     Sunday 27 June 2021          ACT 1 & 2 dress rehearsal with creative director
Footage of rehearsals will be uploaded online, which will                                         & lighting designer
allow students to view the routines between weekend                  Monday 28 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*
rehearsals, assisting in keeping them up to date with                Tuesday 29 June 2021         Dance rehearsals*
choreography.                                                        Wednesday 30 June 2021       Dance rehearsals*
                                                                     Saturday 3 July 2021         Dance rehearsals*
Costumes                                                             Sunday 4 July 2021           Dance rehearsals*
Costume fees vary in accordance with performer and show              Tuesday 13 July – Saturday   Show week
requirements, and any student who withdraws after a                  17 July 2021

deadline communicated by the dance coordinator will be
charged for the entire cost of their costumes. Speciality           FAQ’s and Page Referrals
dancers generally have a costume cost of approximately              1. I need help navigating the Nomination Database,
$40 per item they are cast in (excluding the finale item).             where can I find supporting materials?

Costume payments are required to be made through                        The CGEN team have created a Database Handbook for
an app called “Qkr”, by a specific deadline that will be                you to use as a guide when submitting nominations.
communicated by the dance coordinator. More information                 Please use this guide as a first point of reference,
                                                                        before contacting the CGEN team.
on this process will be provided.
                                                                    2. Can students who nominate for dance also nominate
Show week Commitment                                                   for other CGEN categories?
Speciality dancers are required onsite at the BCEC from the
                                                                        Yes. Students can be nominated for multiple categories
Wednesday of show week. A detailed schedule for show                    during the nomination phase. Depending on the run
week will be released in the show week Information Book                 order of the production, there may be a commitment
in June.                                                                overlap between the categories (e.g. inadequate time
                                                                        for quick changes, more than one cast in the same
                                                                        item) and therefore the dance coordinator will need to
                                                                        use their discretion to determine what the student’s
                                                                        commitment across their nominated categories might
                                                                        look like. Overlap during the rehearsal stages will also
                                                                        need to be managed by the category coordinators.
                                                              Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021         Program guidelines        15
State Schools Onstage

3. How is information distributed to teachers and parents                Massed dance (metro)
   throughout the program?
                                                                         Nominating and Criteria
     A dance update is distributed fortnightly by the dance
     coordinator to the coordinating teachers, and parents               Massed dance includes primary and secondary students
     of featured dancers. Coordinating teachers will also                with an interest in dance, who have musicality, enthusiasm
     be given the option to send through a list of email                 and are capable of performing a variety of simple
     addresses to add to the distribution list, should they              movements. The level of choreography will be beginner to
     wish.                                                               intermediate, and teachers must ensure that all students
4. If students aren’t able to attend the speciality dance                nominated are able to manage the requirements of
   auditions, are they still able to be considered?                      rehearsals and performances.

     Student’s attendance at the auditions is at their                   Metro massed dancers are invited to perform in at least
     discretion. Should they need to arrive late or leave                two items, including the finale item, but certain students,
     early, it will be noted by the panel and taken into                 based on casting auditions or footage, may be invited to
     consideration. The less time they are at auditions, the             participate in additional items dependent on production
     less exposure they have to the panel, which could be                requirements.
     to their detriment. If they are unable to attend at all,
     they are able to submit footage (specific to the genres)            Students must be in the following year levels to be
     directly to the dance coordinator to be considered,                 considered for the below metro massed dance casts:
     although this is not guaranteed.                                    • Senior Massed A: Year 7 – Year 12 (must display strong
                                                                           musicality and enthusiasm)
Supervising fact sheet – page 38
                                                                         • Senior Massed B: Year 7 – Year 12 (must display
How to nominate fact sheet – page 40                                       musicality and enthusiasm)
                                                                         • Junior Massed: Prep – Year 6 (must display musicality
                                                                           and enthusiasm)
                                                                         Metro massed dancers will be required to attend all

16    Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021   Program guidelines
No footage is required to be submitted when nominating             show week will be released in the show week Information
for massed dance (metro).                                          Book in June.
Costume sizes are collected during the nomination stage.           Key Dates
Once casting invitations are offered, these sizes are              The below dates are a guide until choreographers and
expected to be updated as required before the acceptance           rehearsal schedules are complete. Each massed dance
deadline.                                                          item usually rehearses between 8 and 12 hours across
Please refer to the Database Guide on page 40 for detailed         three or four rehearsals. Rehearsals will be held in a central
instructions on how to nominate.                                   location and items grouped where possible in order to
                                                                   minimise the number of days students are committed to
Live Auditions                                                     rehearsals.
Metro secondary students are required to attend the
                                                                    Friday 11 December 2020      Nominations due (audition footage due for
casting audition day in March. This audition is compulsory,
                                                                                                 regional schools only)
as not all students nominated are guaranteed a position in          Wednesday 27 January 2021 Invitations issued for auditions
the dance cast.                                                     Friday 5 February 2021       Nominations due (audition footage due for
                                                                                                 regional schools only) for new and Year 7
Metro junior students are not required to attend a live                                          students
audition, but are automatically considered for the Junior           Monday 15 February 2021      Invitations issued for auditions for new and
Massed cast. If the CGEN team are required to cap numbers                                        Year 7 students
per school to ensure the safety of the students, this will be       Saturday 6 March 2021        Secondary massed dance casting day (all
                                                                                                 students auditioning for senior featured dance
communicated to teachers during the casting phase.                                               must attend this audition)
Students are not required to prepare anything for                   Sunday 7 March 2021          Specialty dance auditions
                                                                    Monday 15 March 2021         Casting invitations and rehearsal schedule sent
auditions. They will be taught choreography and be
                                                                                                 to schools
required to run it for a period of time afterwards.                 Friday 23 April 2021         Final date to withdraw without financial penalty
                                                                                                 (costume payments)
Rehearsal Commitment
                                                                    Saturday 8 May 2021          Dance rehearsals*
All metro massed dancers are expected to attend all                 Saturday 15 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
rehearsals and performance commitments.                             Sunday 16 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*
                                                                    Saturday 22 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
Supervision Expectations
                                                                    Sunday 23 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*
All metro massed dancers are required to be supervised at           Saturday 29 May 2021         Dance rehearsals*
all auditions, rehearsals and during show week. They are            Sunday 30 May 2021           Dance rehearsals*
asked to provide their coordinating teacher with a medical          Saturday 5 June 2021         Dance rehearsals*
and personal details form upon acceptance to their cast,            Sunday 6 June 2021           Dance rehearsals*
and the supervisor/s onsite should always have a copy of            Saturday 12 June 2021        Dance rehearsals*

these forms on hand.                                                Sunday 13 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*
                                                                    Saturday 19 June 2021        Dance rehearsals*
Learning Resources                                                  Sunday 20 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*
All metro massed dancers will have access to music for all          Saturday 26 June 2021        ACT 1 & 2 blocking rehearsal with creative
dance items to enable students to rehearse in their own
                                                                    Sunday 27 June 2021          ACT 1 & 2 dress rehearsal with creative director
time.                                                                                            & lighting designer
                                                                    Monday 28 June 2021          Dance rehearsals*
Footage of rehearsals will be uploaded online, which will
                                                                    Tuesday 29 June 2021         Dance rehearsals*
allow students to view the routines between weekend
                                                                    Wednesday 30 June 2021       Dance rehearsals*
rehearsals, assisting in keeping them up to date with               Saturday 3 July 2021         Dance rehearsals*
choreography.                                                       Sunday 4 July 2021           Dance rehearsals*
                                                                    Tuesday 13 July – Saturday   Show week
                                                                    17 July 2021
Costume fees vary in accordance with performer and show
requirements, and any student who withdraws after a
deadline communicated by the dance coordinator will be
charged for the entire cost of their costumes. Metro massed
dancers generally have a costume cost that sits between
$50-$150 for seniors and $50-$80 for juniors.
Costume payments are required to be made through
an app called “Qkr”, by a specific deadline that will be
communicated by the dance coordinator. More information
on this process will be provided.
Show week Commitment
Metro massed dancers are required onsite at the BCEC
from the Wednesday of show week. A detailed schedule for

                                                             Creative Generation – State Schools Onstage 2021         Program guidelines        17
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