Graduate Tiger Handbook - 2021-2022 OUACHITA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY

Page created by Allen Bradley
Graduate Tiger Handbook
O U A C H I T A   B A P T I S T   U N I V E R S I T Y

The Graduate Tiger Handbook is the official university guidebook for
                  graduate students. It is provided to students and applicants for their
                  general guidance only. It does not constitute a contract, either expressed
                  or implied, and is subject to change at the university’s discretion.

                  The Arkansas Baptist State Convention authorized Ouachita Baptist College as its higher
                  education institution in November, 1885. In December of that year the trustees of the
                  university voted to locate the institution in Arkadelphia, Arkansas. Classes began in
                  September, 1886, and the institution has operated without interruption in the same location
                  since that date. On January 14, 1965, the Board of Trustees voted to change the name from
                  College to University.

                  Ouachita Baptist University seeks to foster a love of God and a love of learning by creating
                  for students and other constituents dynamic growth opportunities both on campus and
                  throughout the world. With foresight and faithfulness, Ouachita makes a difference.

                  Ouachita Baptist University is a Christ-centered learning community. Embracing the liberal
                  arts tradition, the university prepares individuals for ongoing intellectual and spiritual
                  growth, lives of meaningful work and reasoned engagement with the world.

                  Ouachita strives to be an academic community of vision, integrity and service grounded in
                  the following values:

                  Faith. We believe that life is lived most abundantly in response to the love of God through
                  Jesus Christ.

                  Scholarship. We advance excellence in teaching, learning, research and creative expression.

                  Growth. We foster broad-based education, encouraging growth in intellectual, spiritual,
                  physical and social domains.

                  Character. We affirm that respect and honesty undergird responsible citizenship and

                  Community. We promote a vibrant community strengthened by diversity, sustained by
                  common aims and supportive relationships and committed to leadership and service on
                  campus and beyond.

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                            1
ACADEMIC SUPPORT                                                 FOR INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION
SERVICES                                                             The Daniel and Betty Jo Grant Center for
                                                                 International Education offers Ouachita students the
    Ouachita is committed to providing students with
                                                                 opportunity to study abroad during semesters or summers
supplemental resources to meet the demands of a rigorous         each year. The program facilitates study programs in 16
curriculum and to assist them with academic problems             countries including Australia, Austria, China, Costa Rica,
which may arise. The following services and programs are         England, France, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Japan, Jordan,
designed to accomplish these two goals.                          Lithuania, Morocco, Scotland, South Africa and Spain.
                                                                     Study abroad programs have limited availability.
ACADEMIC ADVISING                                                Opportunities may be available for graduate students to
     Program faculty serve as academic advisors for              participate in study abroad opportunities.
students in graduate programs, providing guidance for                For more information contact the Daniel and Betty Jo
students in registering for courses each semester, as well as    Grant Center for International Education in Lile Hall 104
assisting students with other academic needs.                    or call 870-245-5197.

                                                                 OTHER STUDENT SERVICES
      Ouachita Career & Calling provides career counseling
for graduate students. In addition, the office assists           COUNSELING SERVICES
students and graduates in finding employment
opportunities. The office maintains reference files for               Counseling services are provided by Ouachita’s
prospective employers, provides career information,              Counseling Center licensed staff and graduate student
coordinates job interview sessions and maintains a current       interns. These services are available to students who are
list of job openings. Additional services are provided,          experiencing a broad range of personal or interpersonal
including resume writing, interview techniques and video         difficulties. Typical problems for which students seek
resumes. Location: Cone-Bottoms Hall 125                         assistance include, but are not limited to:
                                                                      • Personal mental health issues — depression,
RILEY-HICKINGBOTHAM LIBRARY                                                loneliness, anxiety, stress management, sexual
                                                                           concerns, eating disorders, grief, PTSD,
     The library offers materials, equipment, special areas                adjustment difficulties;
and services to serve students.                                       • Interpersonal issues — dating relationship
     Materials include reference books and e-books for                     difficulties, friendship/peer disturbances;
quick answers; general circulation books for more in-depth            • Family issues — conflicts in family relationships,
coverage of topics or leisure reading; and periodicals                     family crises, divorce;
(journals, magazines and newspapers) and electronic
                                                                      • Other concerns — issues relating to physical or
databases for current and retrospective information on a
                                                                           sexual abuse, alcohol or substance abuse, poor
wide range of subjects. In addition to these traditional
materials, the library also offers select federal and state
                                                                      All records are confidential. Information disclosed by
government documents and manuscript collections of
                                                                 students during counseling sessions remains confidential
religious and regional interest. The library’s holdings total
                                                                 unless the student is thought to be in imminent danger of
some 850,000 items.
                                                                 harming himself/herself or is in danger of harming other
     Equipment available for student use in the library
                                                                 persons. Students may also give written authorization if
includes copy machines and computers with printer access.
                                                                 they desire the release of their records to other
From the library’s website, current students may access the
                                                                 persons/agencies or if they desire the university counselor
library’s electronic resources when off campus. Services
                                                                 to consult with a family member or other professionals.
include reference help for all patrons and interlibrary loans,
                                                                 Remote, telemental health counseling sessions are also
through which the library offers students access to
                                                                 available as well to students who prefer this format.
materials in approximately 21,000 libraries worldwide.
                                                                      Services provided are free of charge to currently
                                                                 enrolled students. Appointments may be requested by
                                                                 calling the Student Development Office at 870-245-5591.
                                                                      Students who require assistance beyond the scope of
                                                                 the University Counseling Services may be given a referral
                                                                 to a professional or agency in the community or other

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                      2
Location: Evans Student Center Suite 137, located in
the hallway behind the campus post office.
                                                                STUDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES
                                                                     The Student Financial Services office, on the first floor
                                                                of Cone-Bottoms Hall, provides a number of services. It
     The university food service management is contracted       collects monies for all university expenses and maintains
to Sodexo Services, Inc., a leading food management             records of all scholarship funds.
company. When on campus, graduate students have the
option to load cash onto their ID cards or pay in cash if       FITNESS AND WELLNESS FACILITIES
they wish to eat at campus dining facilities. During the
Fall and Spring semesters, options include the Commons;              The Roy and Christine Sturgis Physical Education
Tiger Express, located down the stairs in the Ouachita          Center is a multipurpose facility containing an Olympic-
Commons entrance area; and the Tiger Grrrill, Sandella’s        size pool, racquetball courts, classrooms, offices, the
Flatbread Café and Chick-fil-A Express – all located in         varsity basketball arena and two multipurpose courts.
Evans Student Center.                                                Evans Student Center has a Wellness Center on its
     Dr. Jack’s Coffeehouse in Evans Student Center             second level containing televisions, recreational equipment
allows students to use their programmed IDs on a limited        for muscle toning and building and machines for
basis to get fresh brewed coffee.                               cardiovascular stimulation.
     Some options may not be available during summer
terms.                                                          E-MAIL
                                                                     Each student is given an e-mail address when accepted
                                                                to Ouachita. The address is [the first three letters of the
                                                                student’s last name][the student’s ID number]
When present on campus, graduate students may opt for                E-mail accounts provided by the university are
health services. Health education, first aid, simple            considered an official means of communication between
diagnosis and treatments for minor illnesses by a registered    each student and the university’s employees. Ouachita
nurse on campus are available at no cost. Medical services      students are responsible for reading e-mail messages sent
for more serious cases may be received at the offices of        to their Ouachita e-mail account and for responding to
local physicians or at the Baptist Health Medical Center of     these e-mails if requested.
Arkadelphia. The cost for medication and supplies other
than those available in Health Services are not included in     STUDENT WEB PORTAL
university general fees. Some services provided are at a
cost to the student such as influenza shots, TB skin tests           Ouachita maintains a web based information portal for
and allergy injections. The university requires that students   each student. This student web portal is designed for a
show proof of one MMR, but prefer they have two. The            student to log in and access his/her personal information
student’s final registration may be delayed if the records      on file in the university’s administrative computer system.
are not uploaded as requested. If you were born outside              Information in the portal includes academic program,
the United States or have lived outside the U.S. for more       cumulative hours, grade point average (GPA), transcripts,
than six months, you will be required to submit records of      current and pre-registered course enrollment, financial aid,
TB skin testing. If you have been on mission trips outside      and current balance and pending transactions in the
of the U.S. it is highly recommended that you get a TB          Student Financial Services office. The portal also has an
skin test before coming to campus. A tetanus/diptheria          easy method for contacting each department when
vaccination is recommended within the last 10 years.            clarification is needed for any information displayed. The
     Location: second level of Evans Student Center next        information displayed in the portal is current.
to the Office of Student Development. Office hours are 9             A student's web portal account is created upon
a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.                       application, and can be accessed at The log-
                                                                in page has a link called “Need a Web Portal” where
BOOKSTORE                                                       students can establish their portal account. The I.T.
                                                                Services support web site,, has
     The Ouachita Bookstore, located on the lower floor of      instructions for using the web portal.
Evans Student Center, is the center for textbooks, supplies
that are requirements for particular classes, clothing and
gifts with Ouachita imprints.                                   STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS
     The bookstore is open Monday through Friday from 8
a.m. until 7 p.m. It is often open on Saturdays for home            Professional student organizations may be given a
football games and other special events.                        charter and granted recognition by the university
                                                                administration upon recommendation of (1) the Student
Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                       3
Life Committee, (2) the Student Senate and (3) the                   Hazing by any club, person, or organization is
Graduate Council. A petition setting forth the need for the     prohibited by university policy and Arkansas state law.
organization, the purpose of the proposed organization, a       Violation of that prohibition renders the person/group
list of qualified charter members, the faculty sponsors and     inflicting the hazing, the person submitting to the hazing,
a proposed constitution for the organization must have          and those knowledgeable of the hazing subject to
been submitted to each governing body prior to approval.        disciplinary action up to and including suspension. See also
A signed copy of the approved charter must be on file           Standards of Student Conduct, and Laws and Acts, in the
with the vice president for student development and the         Graduate Tiger Handbook for more information.
director of student life.
                                                                      Action(s) of any club or organization which violate(s)
ORGANIZATIONS                                                   its constitution and/or bylaws or brings discredit or
     In order to maintain recognition after approval, the       embarrassment to Ouachita Baptist University and/or its
organization must respect the mission and values of the         student body will result in disciplinary action by the
university, abide by the policies and regulations of the        appropriate authority. Sanctions include, but are not
university and conform to administrative direction of the       limited to, a written warning, probation for the group,
Student Senate and appropriate university officials. A          removal of a pledge class, and temporary or permanent
current copy of the constitution and bylaws of the              suspension of the organization’s charter. For club conduct
organization and a current membership list must be kept         violations, the club may be held responsible as a group and
on file with the vice president for student development,        its individual members may also be held responsible.
the director of student life and the Student Senate office.     Written appeals may be heard by the Student Life
All changes in officers should be reported to the above         Committee. If the president of the university makes a
officials.                                                      decision related to a club, that decision is final.
     University policies and guidelines supersede club or             Refer to the Arkansas Law on Hazing found under
organization constitutions and bylaws when at variance          “Acts, Laws, and University Policies.”
with one another.
                                                                SPONSORS OF ORGANIZATIONS
REACTIVATION OF A CHARTERED                                         In order to be recognized, each campus organization
ORGANIZATION                                                    must have a sponsor who has signed the appropriate form
    If an organization does not meet for a period of one        agreeing to sponsorship. The sponsor serves the following
year, it is placed on inactive status and is removed from all   functions:
current listings. Should there be a need to activate an             • The sponsor shall strive to help students achieve
inactive organization, interested students may petition the             the maximum educational opportunities and
vice president for student development with the same                    benefits that are inherent in the leadership of such
information as required for organizing a club. If the same              an organization.
constitution is used, the club may be activated with the            • The sponsor shall encourage student/faculty
approval of the vice president for student development                  rapport.
and the director of student life. If constitutional changes         • The sponsor shall be expected to attend meetings
are made, the organization must follow the guidelines for               as frequently as deemed necessary but should have
recognition of a new organization.                                      some periodic meetings to assist in establishing,
                                                                        planning, implementing and evaluating goals.
MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS FOR CLUBS                                   • The sponsor must be a full-time faculty or
AND ORGANIZATIONS OTHER THAN SOCIAL                                     administrative staff member at Ouachita and must
                                                                        have been employed for at least one academic
     To join any club or organization a student must have a         • All established organizations are expected to
cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.000                  comply with policies and Christian principles of
through the preceding semester and must not be on                       Ouachita Baptist University. The sponsor should
disciplinary probation. Should the organization charter call            assist in the interpretation and understanding of
for a higher GPA for membership, that higher grade will                 these policies and principles.
be the one required.                                                • The sponsor should be available to advise and
                                                                        supervise the expenditures of the organization’s
HAZING                                                                  funds.

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                      4
FINANCES OF ORGANIZATIONS                                            As a member of the Ouachita community, I am
                                                                 committed to fostering a culture of honor. I affirm that an
    For their protection, all student organizations should       academic environment can be enriching only when its
be prepared to submit a financial statement to the               members commit to mutual integrity, trust, responsibility
university on the request of the vice president for student      and respect. I will refrain from all forms of academic
development. The statement will show the beginning               dishonesty, and I will act responsibly when confronted
balances as of June 1, all deposits listed as to date, amount,   with the knowledge of such behavior. I recognize that
and source of income, and all dated itemized expenditures        academic excellence is more than the absence of
with canceled checks and/or receipts.                            dishonesty; true scholarship entails devotion to my studies
                                                                 and respect for my professors and classmates. With the
SOLICITATION OF FUNDS BY ORGANIZATIONS                           aim of academic and personal growth I make this pledge to
      Chartered student organizations may sponsor fund-          myself and to the women and men of Ouachita Baptist
raising programs/events on campus, so long as these have         University.
been scheduled and approved by the director of student
life. In general, those sales or projects which are in line      STANDARDS OF STUDENT
with the purpose of the organization and guidelines of the
university are approved. Funds, donations, sponsorships,         CONDUCT
etc. may not be solicited from off-campus sources,
including but not limited to businesses, alumni, etc., until          Ouachita Baptist University is a Christ-centered
written approval is obtained from the vice president for         learning community. Embracing the liberal arts tradition,
student development and the vice president for                   the university prepares individuals for ongoing intellectual
development.                                                     and spiritual growth, lives of meaningful work, and
      Tax-deductible donations must be made through the          reasoned engagement with the world. Ouachita encourages
Development Office and deposited into an account                 all of its students to live by Christian commitments as
managed by the Business Services Office. Deposits and            articulated in the Bible. However, Ouachita also recognizes
expenditures of organization funds through the Business          that students in its graduate programs are adults and are,
Services Office must follow university policies and              therefore, responsible for their own choices about moral
procedures. Expenditure of these funds must be approved          behavior. Accordingly, Ouachita expects students enrolled
by the organization’s sponsor.                                   in graduate programs to show respect for Ouachita’s
                                                                 Christian identity. Ouachita reserves the right to address
ACTIVITIES/SCHEDULED EVENTS ON                                   persistent behavior that conflicts with its Christian identity
UNIVERSITY CALENDAR                                              or unduly disrupts the learning of other members of the
                                                                 Ouachita community.
    Regularly scheduled meetings, special occasions and
programs by student organizations must conform to
university policy and must be scheduled through the              SOCIAL MEDIA
Office of Student Life. No organization may schedule                 Although online content is not routinely monitored,
regular or special activities on or off campus during regular    students may be held accountable for content posted on
church hours on Sunday or on Wednesday nights.                   social media or the Internet at large. Any violation of laws
                                                                 or university policy or evidence of such a violation may be
                                                                 subject to sanction as detailed in this document.
COVENANT ON ACADEMIC                                                 The university desires for its students to learn the
                                                                 significance and potential widespread impact of an
HONOR                                                            individual’s online presence.
     We believe that a university under the Lordship of
Jesus Christ must involve itself in the pursuit of honor. In
all academic endeavors our commitment is to build a              DISCIPLINARY
community of scholars characterized by the highest
standards of integrity consistent with Ouachita’s Christian      PROCEDURES
ideals. We hope this pursuit of integrity will extend beyond
the classroom and be reflected in every area of our daily             Violations of standards of student conduct or
lives.                                                           university policy will be handled through the personnel of
                                                                 the Office of Student Development. The dean of students
                                                                 will determine the appropriate person(s) or committee to
                                                                 interview and evaluate an incident. Cases of suspected

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                         5
violations will be handled by the personnel within Student      NAME CHANGES
Development or a duly constituted and trained committee.
     Students who have reportedly committed a conduct               If there is a name change for any reason, legal
violation will be interviewed. The administrator conducting     documentation must be shown at the Office of the
the interview will determine if university policies or          Registrar before records can be changed.
standards have been violated and will prescribe appropriate
action/sanctions.                                               STUDENT DEMONSTRATIONS
     These disciplinary procedures will not be used for         AND RALLIES
allegations of sexual misconduct. Instead, all allegations of        As a private, religiously-affiliated institution, Ouachita
sexual misconduct as that term is defined in the Sexual         reserves the right to restrict or prohibit any unauthorized,
Misconduct Policy will be processed in accordance with          disorderly, disruptive or offensive on-campus
the Sexual Misconduct Policy.                                   demonstrations or rallies. Students who participate in any
                                                                unauthorized, disorderly, disruptive or offensive
APPEAL PROCESS                                                  demonstrations or rallies will be subject to disciplinary
     Appeals to sanctions on violations of academic             action. Student demonstrations or rallies must be
integrity are handled by the Judicial Council. See the Tiger    authorized by the Office of Student Development.
Handbook (found at for details on
its composition and process. In cases involving graduate        COMMUNICABLE DISEASES
students, graduate student representatives to the Council            Ouachita reserves the right to restrict campus activities
will be called upon.                                            or access for any student, prospective student or campus
                                                                visitor who has been diagnosed as having a contagious or
DISCIPLINARY SANCTIONS                                          communicable disease or virus.
     A verbal or written warning to the student that he/she     THE LAW, UNIVERSITY
is in violation of a university policy.
                                                                POLICIES & PROCEDURES
                                                                     All colleges and universities in the United States
     Because of the violation of university policy, the         receiving any type of federal student aid must prepare and
student is required to meet with a member of the                distribute to all students, faculty and staff members their
university staff who will help him/ her explore alternatives    campus safety policies and procedures and statistics
to the exhibited behavior. This involves a contract, and the    concerning certain crimes and fires that may have
breaking of this contract will jeopardize the student’s         occurred.
continuation at Ouachita.
                                                                EDUCATIONAL RECORDS
                                                                     The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of
     Termination of status as a student at Ouachita Baptist     1974, Public Law 93-380, requires that the student give
University for a period of time, usually one semester to        written permission for the release of “any personally
one full year. The suspension may be immediate or               identifiable information” other than general “directory
deferred until the end of the current term. Suspended           information.” Directory information includes the
students are not allowed on campus during the period of         following data: name, local address and phone number,
suspension without permission from the Dean of Students.        permanent address and phone number, place and date of
     Students receiving an immediate non-academic               birth, citizenship status, class schedule, dates of
suspension during the 2/3 of a term will receive a “W” for      attendance, classification, academic major, full or part time
all classes in which they are enrolled. Students receiving an   status, academic and non-academic honors, letter of
immediate non-academic suspension during the final 1/3          commendation, high school or college attended,
of a term will receive a “W” in all classes in which they       scholarship information, withdrawal date, other academic
have passing grades and an “F” in all classes in which they     institutions attended, degree obtained and date conferred,
have failing grades at the time of suspension.                  campus activities, leadership positions and height and
                                                                weight of varsity athletes.
                                                                     At the time students register for courses, they may
GENERAL UNIVERSITY                                              notify the registrar in writing that directory information
                                                                relating to them may not be released. Restricting the
POLICIES                                                        release of public information directly affects the

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                             6
publication of the Ouachita directory, yearbook, programs            For more information, see the Sexual Misconduct
and news releases concerning student activities, honors          Policy at
and awards. The appropriate form is available online and             Inquiries or complaints about Title IX, sex
at the Office of the Registrar.                                  discrimination, sexual harassment, or other forms of sexual
     Additional information on educational records is            misconduct may be directed to the University’s Title IX
released only upon written student request except to the         Coordinator:
following persons:
     • Ouachita staff with legitimate educational interest       Christa Neal
     • Federal, state and local officials as specified by law    Title IX Coordinator
     • Research and accreditation representatives                Ouachita Baptist University
     • Officials of other schools in which students intend
                                                                 Berry Peeples Bible Building Office 131
         to enroll
     • Financial aid representatives
     • National Student Clearinghouse
     Individual students may sign a consent granting             HARASSMENT
Ouachita the right to disclose a student’s educational                Ouachita Baptist University is committed to providing
record to another person or persons.                             an environment in which all persons are safe from
     The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act               harassment and intimidation. Harassment can include
(FERPA) also grants students the right to inspect and            physical conduct or verbal innuendo which creates an
review their education records.                                  intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. Such
     A copy of the full text of the Family Educational           harassment is contrary to the Christian standards of
Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 is available in the Office of     conduct expected of all members of the university
the Registrar along with information about types of              community, students, staff and faculty; it may also be
student records maintained at Ouachita, the procedure for        illegal.
gaining access to records and procedure for challenging               Ouachita Baptist University is committed to providing
the content of those records.                                    students, faculty, and staff with an environment free from
                                                                 implicit and explicit coercive behavior used to control,
POLICY STATEMENT ON NONDISCRIMINATION                            influence, or affect the well-being of any member of the
     In accordance with applicable federal and state laws,       university community. Sexual harassment can include
such as Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,       physical conduct, verbal innuendo or nonverbal innuendo
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section            of a sexual nature which creates an intimidating,
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age                   unwelcomed, hostile, or offensive environment. Sexual
Discrimination in Employment Act, and the Americans              harassment of any person is inappropriate and
with Disabilities Act and ADA Amendments, the                    unacceptable and is grounds for disciplinary action
University does not illegally discriminate on the basis of       including expulsion or termination of employment; it may
sex, gender, race, color, national origin, age, disability,      also be illegal.
genetic information, veteran status, religion, or any other           For more information about the University’s
protected status under federal, state or local law applicable    prohibition of sexual harassment, the steps for recourse
to the University, in its education policies, programs, and      for those who are subjected to sexual harassment, and the
activities, in its admissions policies, in employment policies   procedures for determining a violation of University
and practices, and all other areas of the University. As a       policy, see the Sexual Misconduct Policy.
faith-based institution, the University is exempt from                Allegations of sexual harassment should be reported
certain laws and regulations concerning discrimination.          according to the reporting procedures identified in the
     Sex discrimination is prohibited by Title IX of the         Sexual Misconduct Policy. Any allegation of other types of
Education Amendments of 1972, a federal law that                 harassment should be reported immediately to the dean of
provides that: “No person in the United States shall, on         students or vice president for student development.
the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination        HAZING
under any education program or activity receiving Federal            Ouachita Baptist University abides by the definition
financial assistance.” Sexual harassment is a form of sex        and restrictions related to hazing set forth in Arkansas
discrimination. In accordance with Title IX, the                 Code Annotated sections 6-5-201 (-204) as described
University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy addresses the              below:
University’s prohibition of the following forms of sex
discrimination: sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic      DEFINITION
violence, dating violence, stalking, and sexual exploitation.

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                       7
Hazing is defined as follows:                               information within his knowledge of the presence and
      • Any willful act on or off the property of any             practice of hazing in this state to an appropriate
          school, college, university or other educational        administrative official of the school, college, university or
          institution in Arkansas by one student alone or         other educational institution in Arkansas.
          acting with others, directed against any other              Any act of omission or commission shall be deemed
          student done for the purpose of intimidating the        hazing under the provisions of this subsection.
          student attacked by threatening him with social or
          other ostracism or of submitting such student to        PENALTIES
          ignominy, shame or disgrace among his fellow                The offense of hazing is a Class B misdemeanor. (Fine
          students, and acts calculated to produce such           not exceeding $500 and up to 90 days in jail.)
          results; or                                                 Upon conviction of any student of the offense of
      • The playing of abusive or truculent tricks on or          hazing, he shall, in addition to any punishment imposed by
          off the property of any school, college, university     the court, be expelled from the school, college, university
          or other educational institution in Arkansas by         or other educational institution he is attending.
          one student alone or acting with others, upon a
          student to frighten or scare him; or                    OUACHITA POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
      • Any willful act on or off the property of any
          school, college, university or other educational             The statement of policies of the university is published
          institution in Arkansas by one student alone or         annually in the Tiger Handbook for undergraduate students,
          acting with others, which is directed against           the Graduate Tiger Handbook for graduate students, and in
          another student done for the purpose of humbling        the University Faculty/Staff Manual for employees. The
          the pride, stifling the ambition or impairing the       Graduate Tiger Handbook is available on Ouachita’s student
          courage of the student attacked; or to discourage       intranet portal. The University Faculty/Staff Manual is
          him from remaining in such school, college,             available to employees and prospective employees upon
          university or other educational institution; or         request from the Administrative Services office in Cone-
          reasonably to cause him to leave the institution        Bottoms Hall, telephone 870-245-5410.
          rather than submit to such acts; or
      • Any willful act on or off the property of any             CAMPUS SECURITY AND FIRE SAFETY
          school, college, university or other educational        POLICIES
          institution in Arkansas by one student alone or              The following Annual Security and Fire Safety Report
          acting with others, in striking, beating, bruising or   information is provided by Ouachita Baptist University in
          maiming; or seriously offering, threatening or          compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus
          attempting to strike, beat, bruise or maim; or to do    Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act and the
          or seriously offer, threaten or attempt to do           Higher Education Act, as amended by the Higher
          physical violence to any student of any such            Education Opportunity Act and inclusive of the Violence
          educational institution; or any assault upon any        Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013. All enrolled
          student made for the purpose of committing any          students and university employees, as well as all
          of the acts, or producing any of the results, to        prospective students and prospective employees, are
          such student as defined in this Section.                entitled to request a copy of this information. If you
      The term hazing as defined in this Section does not         accessed this information in an electronic format, a paper
include customary athletic events or similar contests or          copy will be provided upon request to the Office of
competitions and is limited to those actions taken and            Student Development, OBU Box 3758, Arkadelphia, AR,
situations created in connection with initiation into or          71998, telephone 870-245-5220.
affiliation with any organization.
                                                                  ANNUAL SECURITY REPORT
                                                                       Ouachita Baptist University compiles an Annual
      No student of any school, college, university or other      Security Report. This report includes statistics for the
educational institution in Arkansas shall engage in what is       previous three calendar years concerning reported crimes
commonly known and recognized as hazing, or encourage,            that occurred on campus; in certain off campus buildings
aid or assist any other student in the commission of this         or property owned or controlled by Ouachita Baptist
offense.                                                          University; and on public property within, or immediately
      No person shall knowingly permit, encourage, aid, or        adjacent to and accessible from, the campus. The report
assist any person in committing the offense of hazing, or         uses the Federal Bureau of Investigation UCR (Uniform
willfully acquiesce in the commission of such offense, or         Crime Reporting Handbook) guidelines for each report
fail to report promptly his knowledge or any reasonable           classification. Offenses occurring off campus generally are

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                             8
not subject to inclusion on Ouachita’s report. Thefts           responding quickly and effectively to needs for assistance,
(unless the circumstances meet the UCR criteria for the         through ensuring that university standards are upheld and
classification of burglary) also are not subject to inclusion   by consistent monitoring of university buildings, grounds
on the report. The collection and publication of the            and activities. The Office of Campus Safety and
Annual Security Report is the responsibility of the dean of     Emergency Management administratively reports to Dr.
students. If you have questions concerning the annual           Wesley Kluck, vice president for student development.
report, contact the Office of Student Development at 870-            The Office of Campus Safety and Emergency
245-5220.                                                       Management is located in Evans Student Center. Each
                                                                building on campus has a closing time established by its
FIRE SAFETY STATISTICS AND DOCUMENTATION                        building manager. The safety officer on duty completes a
                                                                routine checklist of buildings. Provisions for exceptions
     Beginning with calendar year 2009, a record of fires on
                                                                are made through the Office of Student Life in Evans
campus has been maintained in the Student Development
                                                                Student Center (870-245-5539).
office in Evans Student Center. It includes for each fire,
                                                                     Incident reports are filed as needed by safety officers
the nature of the fire, the date and time it occurred and the
                                                                concerning problems related to lighting, unauthorized
general location of the fire. The most recent 60-day period
                                                                visitors, etc.
is open to public inspection upon request during normal
                                                                     Each member of the university community is
business hours. Older portions of the log will be made
                                                                encouraged to act responsibly, to take safety precautions
available within two business days of a request for public
                                                                and to be aware of the safety of others. Any individual
inspection. The log will be maintained for three years
                                                                should promptly and accurately report any suspected crime
following the publication of the last annual report to which
                                                                to the Office of Campus Safety and Emergency
it applies.
                                                                Management or a law enforcement agency.
     Statistics will be collected and reported annually in a
                                                                     Every resident student is urged to keep his/her room
fire safety report and in the Department of Education’s
                                                                door locked, to mark personal property and to record
web-based data collection system for each housing facility.
                                                                serial numbers of items of significance. Crime prevention
The number of fires and the cause of each fire will be
                                                                and safety information is offered periodically to groups
categorized as unintentional (cooking, smoking materials,
                                                                through new student orientation and in residence hall
open flames, electrical, heating equipment, hazardous
                                                                programming or meetings. Upon request, this information
products, machinery/industrial, natural, other), intentional,
                                                                will also be offered to student organizations, classes or
or undetermined. The number of deaths related to fires,
                                                                other groups or individuals.
the number of injuries related to fires resulting in
treatment in a medical facility and the value of property
damage related to fires will be recorded.                       ALCOHOL AND DRUGS
                                                                     The university intends to fully comply with the Drug
DAILY CRIME LOG                                                 Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989
     A record of crimes reported to Office of Campus            (PL 101-226). The university believes that its students and
Safety and Emergency Management is maintained in the            employees can best function when they are free of any
Office of Student Development in Evans Student Center.          mind-altering substances. Its goals are to provide an
The log includes the nature of the crime, the date the          environment where the campus is aware of the health and
crime was reported and the date and time it occurred, the       safety risks of alcohol and drug use; to discourage possible
general location of the crime and the disposition of the        use of alcohol and illegal drugs; and to provide confidential
complaint, if known. The university reserves the right to       and redemptive help to students and employees who seek
temporarily withhold information in some cases if there is      assistance.
clear and convincing evidence that the release of                    The possession, consumption, manufacture, sale,
information would jeopardize an ongoing investigation;          transfer, purchase or distribution of alcoholic beverages or
jeopardize the safety of an individual; cause a suspect to      controlled/illegal drugs by any individual or group on
flee or evade detection; or result in the destruction of        campus is prohibited. Any student who is arrested for
evidence. The log for the most recent 60-day period is          alcohol or drug related offenses may be subject to
available for public inspection during normal business          discipline under university policies.
hours in the Office of Student Development. Older logs               Drug and alcohol abuse information is available
will be made available upon request within two business         through Counseling Services or Health Services in Evans
days.                                                           Student Center.

                                                                REPORTING CRIMES AND OTHER
     Campus Safety and Emergency Management works to            EMERGENCIES
facilitate a safe and secure university environment by
Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                       9
In the event of any emergency, call 911 immediately.        are encouraged to inform persons they are counseling of
For matters that are important but do not require an            these procedures when deemed appropriate.
emergency response, call the Office of Campus Safety and
Emergency Management at (870)245-4000 or (870) 260-             Counseling Services
5691. The telephone number and address (or location on          870-245-5591
campus) of each is below:                                       Evans Student Center
                                                                Mr. Dan Jarboe, LPC
OBU Office of Campus Safety and Emergency                       Mrs. Sue Poole, MSW
870-245-4000                                                    Health Services
Evans Student Center                                            870-245-5244
Mr. Jeff Crow, Director of Campus Safety & Emergency            Evans Student Center
Management                                                      Dr. Wesley Kluck, MD
                                                                Mrs. Molly Wallace, RN
Student Development
870-245-5220                                                    Campus Ministries
Evans Student Center                                            870-245-5537
Dr. Wesley Kluck, Vice President for Student Development        Evans Student Center
Mr. Rickey Rogers, Dean of Students                             Mr. James Taylor, Director
                                                                Ms. Hannah Walker, Assistant Director
Arkadelphia Police Department
870-246-4545                                                    VICTIM SERVICES
700 Clay Street
                                                                    A comprehensive listing of victim services available in
Chief Jason Jackson
                                                                the area, including sex offender victim services, is
                                                                maintained on the website of the Arkansas Crime
Clark County Sheriff’s Office
                                                                Information Center at:
                                                                    University staff members listed above will assist
406 South 5th Street
                                                                members of the university community in locating and
Sheriff Jason Watson
                                                                accessing victim services when requested.
    Students and employees should report criminal
                                                                SEX OFFENDERS
offenses for the purpose of making timely warning reports
and for the annual statistical disclosure required by the            Law enforcement agency information concerning
Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and           registered sex offenders provided by the State of Arkansas
Campus Crime Statistics Act and inclusive of the Violence       through the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement
Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013.                      Act of 1994 is available by accessing the website of the
                                                                Arkansas Crime Information Center at:
     If you are a victim of a crime but do not wish to
pursue action either within the university disciplinary         EMERGENCY RESPONSE
process or the criminal justice system, you may still wish to       The safety and security of our students, faculty, staff,
consider making a confidential report. With your                and visitors is a top priority of Ouachita Baptist
permission, any of the following individuals can file a         University. The safety of our campus community is each
report on the details of the incident without revealing your    of our responsibility and each of us plays a critical role in
identity. The University’s goal is to comply with your wish     keeping our students, faculty, staff, and visitors safe.
to keep the matter confidential, while taking whatever          In an emergency, follow the procedures set out in this link:
steps it can to ensure the future safety of yourself and
others. Depending on what information you permit to be              Upon confirmation of a significant emergency or
shared, such steps could include keeping an accurate            dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the
record of the number of incidents involving students,           health or safety of students or employees, the campus
determining where there is a pattern of crime with regard       community will be notified through the RAVE Alert.
to a particular location, method or assailant, and alerting     Campus authorities will, without delay and taking into
the campus community to potential danger. A confidential        account the safety of the community, determine the
report, however, may impact or limit the scope of the           content of the notification and initiate the notification
response of the University depending on what information        system, unless the notification will, in the professional
is permitted to be shared. The staff members listed below       judgment of responsible authorities, compromise efforts to
Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                     10
assist victims or to contain, respond to, or otherwise        PP, 870-245-5189
mitigate the emergency.
     Notifications will provide information on the nature     CAMPUS CRIME ALERTS
of the emergency and the appropriate action one should
take. The notification methods that may be used are e-             The Clery Act requires the University to issue a crime
mail, text messaging, loudspeakers, designated telephones     alert (timely warning) to the campus community about
in residence director apartments and certain faculty and      certain reported offenses which may represent a serious or
staff offices.                                                continuing threat to students and employees. The timely
     When uncertain that a significant emergency exists and   warning may include that an incident has been reported,
when time allows, at least two of the campus authorities      general information surrounding the incident, and how
listed below will confer and determine whether or not to      incidents of a similar nature might be prevented in the
activate the RAVE Alert. Other members of                     future. The timely warning will not include any identifying
Administrative Council may be consulted when                  information about the individual who has alleged the
appropriate. The individual who initiates the activation of   crime.
the RAVE Alert is responsible for determining the content          If a report of a violent crime against a person or a
of the notification.                                          major crime against property on campus represents a
     While the RAVE Alert is designed to reduce the           severe, ongoing threat to the safety of members of the
probability of harm to campus students, employees and         university community, the director of Campus Safety and
guests, no system can insure the safety of persons on         Emergency Management, vice president for Student
campus. Rather, this represents the university’s efforts to   Development, Dean of Students, Assistant to the
exercise reasonable care in the face of an emergency          President for IT Services, Assistant to the President for
situation.                                                    Communications and Marketing, or other authority will
     The RAVE Alert is tested at least once per year. These   issue a crime alert.
annual tests are coordinated by Office of Campus Safety            Crime alerts may be distributed by e-mail, posted in
and Emergency Management, Administrative Services and         areas frequented by students, included in other university
Student Development personnel. A description of the           publications or otherwise distributed. The release of a
exercise as well as the date and time of the exercise and     crime alert will be subject to the availability of facts
whether it was announced or unannounced is maintained         concerning the incident.
on file in the Office of Campus Safety and Emergency               The telephone number/location of those authorized
Management. Office of Campus Safety and Emergency             to issue crime alerts on the campus is below:
Management procedures will be publicized in conjunction
with at least one test per calendar year.                     Mr. Jeff Crow
     When appropriate, emergency information will be          Director of Campus Safety & Emergency Management
disseminated to the larger community through local and        ESC, 870-245-4000
state media sources including newspaper, radio and
television, as well as through the university’s website       Dr. Wesley Kluck
( The Office of Communications is                Vice President for Student Development
responsible for the coordination of such efforts and may      ESC, 870-245-5220
be contacted at 870-245-5208 or in Lile Hall Suite 238.
     The telephone number/location of those authorized        Mr. Rickey Rogers
to issue emergency notifications on the campus is below:      Dean of Students
                                                              ESC, 870-245-5220
Mr. Jeff Crow
Director of Campus Safety & Emergency Management              Mr. Bill Phelps
ESC, 870-245-4000                                             Chief Information Officer
                                                              CB250, 870-245-4552
Dr. Wesley Kluck
Vice President for Student Development                        Mrs. Brooke Zimny
ESC, 870-245-5220                                             Assistant to the President for Communications & Marketing
                                                              LH235, 870-245-5208
Mr. Bill Phelps
Chief Information Officer                                     FIRE SAFETY PROCEDURES
CB250, 870-245-4552                                                As defined by the Higher Education Opportunity Act,
                                                              for the purposes of fire safety reporting, a fire is, “Any
Mr. John Hardman                                              instance of open flame or other burning in a place not
Director of Facilities Management

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                     11
intended to contain the burning or in an uncontrolled                  No person may reenter the building until emergency
manner.”                                                          personnel give permission for doing so.
      Each housing facility owned or controlled by Ouachita            Fire safety education and training programs will be
is equipped with a fire safety system. Anthony, Maddox,           provided to faculty and staff upon request to the Office of
Gosser, Tollett, Georgia Hickingbotham and Everett Halls          Campus Safety and Emergency Management. New student
are equipped with a sprinkler system with hardwired heat          orientation and residence hall programs periodically
and smoke detectors and central alarms. O.C. Bailey,              provide fire safety education to students.
Crawford and Flippen-Perrin Halls have hardwired heat                  The telephone numbers and locations of those to
and smoke detectors with central alarms. Tatman Corner,           whom reports of a fire on the campus should be reported
Caddo Place, Lancelot, Starlight, Kluck Hillside and Stone        (after emergency personnel have been summoned if
Apartments have 110v with 9v battery backup smoke                 appropriate) are below:
      Fire drills are conducted on a regular basis, with at       Mr. Jeff Crow
least one occurring for each housing unit each year.              Director of Campus Safety & Emergency Management
      Portable electrical appliances are allowed in campus        ESC, 870-245-4000
housing except those that have an open heating coil or
open flame. Halogen lamps, candles and incense are                Mr. John Hardman
prohibited.                                                       Director of Facilities Management
      Housing staff members, including residence directors        PP, 870-245-5189
and resident assistants (RAs), will maintain an accurate
listing of all students living in the building and the location   Dr. Wesley Kluck
of each person’s room. Copies of the lists for all floors will    Vice President for Student Development
also be provided to each RA in the building. In the event         ESC, 870-245-5220
of an evacuation, the lists will be used to determine
whether individuals may still be in the building. A resident      EVACUATION PROCEDURES
of the building who has a disability that impairs mobility,
vision or hearing will be noted on the list. Individualized            In the event of a required evacuation of the entire
evacuation plans and/or responsible person will be                Ouachita campus or portions thereof, the vehicular
designated for such situations.                                   evacuation plan will be followed. The plan is designed to
      When smoke or fire is noticed, the nearest alarm            allow the fastest possible evacuation from campus with the
should be pulled and 911 should be called. The Office of          least amount of confusion by segregating the campus into
Campus Safety and Emergency Management should also                five zones and directing those zones to the nearest public
be notified at 870-245-4000.                                      street exiting the campus. The plan is also designed to limit
      When fire is suspected (alarm, smoke, etc.) the entire      the amount of cross traffic and the potential for vehicles to
building must be evacuated. Elevators are not to be used          interfere with emergency vehicle access. (See map in
when a possibility of fire exists. Residence directors and        Appendix A)
RAs are responsible for notifying the residents of the need
to leave the building. If the alarm is positively determined      Zone 1
to be a false alarm, the evacuation may be halted and             Exits south following 6th Street to Pine Street and includes
residents may return to their rooms.                              the following areas:
      If a serious fire or other emergency seems to exist,             • Cone-Bottoms/Commons lot (104 spaces)
residence directors and/or RAs will notify emergency                   • Cone-Bottoms West lot (18 spaces)
personnel. Residence directors and RAs will make room-                 • Frances Crawford lot (47 spaces)
to-room efforts to alert the residents of the necessity of             • Flippen-Perrin lot (140 spaces)
evacuating the building until such time as their own safety            • Maddox South and West lots (120)
becomes compromised.                                                   • Verser/JPAC lot (114)
      A location outside each housing facility is designated
as the meeting place for residents from the hall in order to      Zone 2
facilitate the checking of occupant lists. This designated        Exits south following 4th Street to Caddo Street and
meeting place is communicated by the residence director           includes the following areas:
to residents at times throughout the year.
                                                                       • 5th Street/Ouachita Street (48)
      Upon the arrival of emergency personnel and in the
existence of an actual fire emergency, the residence                   • Jones Science Center lot (92)
director and RAs will immediately leave any alert or rescue            • Anthony lot/4th Street (55)
efforts to the trained personnel.
                                                                  Zone 3

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                       12
Exits south following Ouachita Street to 6th Street then              When a student is thought by a reporting person to be
Pine Street and includes the following parking areas:            missing, personnel from Student Development and the
    • Ouachita Street near Lile Hall (33)                        Office of Campus Safety and Emergency Management will
    • O.C. Bailey lots (134)                                     gather essential information. The student’s acquaintances,
    • Mabee/McClellan lots (43)                                  family and friends may be interviewed. Appropriate
                                                                 campus staff will be contacted and their assistance
    • Ouachita Street near McClellan (11)
                                                                 requested to aid in searching for the student. The student’s
    • Walker lot (16 spaces)                                     campus ID photo may be disseminated to assist in
                                                                 identifying the missing student and card access logs may be
Zone 4                                                           analyzed. Other campus computer resources may be
Exits west following University Drive and includes the           checked for student logins or e-mail usage.
following parking areas:                                              Ouachita Baptist University reserves the right to
     • Frances Crawford lower lot and west lot (110              implement these procedures in less than 24 hours if
        spaces)                                                  circumstances warrant a faster implementation.
     • Triangle lot (45 spaces)                                       If an individual is concerned that a fellow student
     • Gosser lot (200 spaces)                                   might be missing or otherwise be in danger, he or she is
                                                                 encouraged to immediately notify one of the persons or
Zone 5                                                           offices below:
Exits north following Elrod Boulevard and includes the
following parking areas:                                         Mr. Jeff Crow
     • Tollett Hall lot (250 spaces)                             Director of Campus Safety & Emergency Management
     • Elrod Blvd lot (210 spaces)                               ESC, 870-245-4000
     • Sturgis lot (120 spaces)
                                                                 Dr. Wesley Kluck
     A full evacuation of the Ouachita campus would be           Vice President for Student Development
initiated only in rare and extreme situations due to the         ESC, 870-245-5220
problems inherent in evacuating 1,500 – 1,800 vehicles. If
a partial evacuation of specific buildings or areas of the       POLICY ON NON-ATTENDANCE
campus occurs, those areas will evacuate based on the                 When a student, for whatever reason, has ceased to
routes designated for the zone in which they are located.        attend classes, that student by his/her actions is stating
Notification to evacuate will be initiated through activation    that he/she no longer wishes to be a part of the Ouachita
of the Ouachita RAVE Alert System and other means of             community. The student may be withdrawn from the
communication as necessary. The evacuation plan will be          university.
distributed to all students, faculty and staff periodically to
maintain high awareness of the evacuation routes.                POLICY ON INVOLUNTARY ADMINISTRATIVE
                                                                      A student will be subject to involuntary administrative
     A Ouachita Baptist University residential student who       withdrawal from the university, from university housing or
is unaccounted for and absent for a period of 24 hours or        both if it is determined that the student engages or
longer without any known reason may be deemed to be              threatens to engage in behavior which poses a danger of
missing. The vice president for student development or a         causing physical harm to self or others, or engages or
designee is responsible for determining whether a student        threatens to engage in behavior which would cause
is missing. The Office of Campus Safety and Emergency            significant property damage or directly and substantially
Management and local law enforcement with jurisdiction           impede the lawful activities of others or the university.
in the area will be immediately notified that a student is            At the discretion of the university, a student may be
missing in every instance once the determination has been        required to submit documentation from an appropriately
made.                                                            licensed mental health professional certifying a student’s
         Each student living in Ouachita housing has the         readiness to continue or to reenter the university’s
option to register a confidential contact person to be           academic program and/or housing facilities. Student
notified in the case that the student is determined to be        agreement to ongoing treatment by an appropriately
missing. Only authorized campus officials and law                licensed mental health professional may be stipulated by
enforcement officers in furtherance of a missing person          the university as a requirement for continued academic
investigation may have access to this information if a           enrollment and/or housing in university facilities.
confidential contact person is registered by the student. To
do so, contact Student Development at 870-245-5220.

Graduate Tiger Handbook • Ouachita Baptist University                                                                      13
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