Programme Annual Nursing Education Conference 5 - 7 September 2018 - Fundisa

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Programme Annual Nursing Education Conference 5 - 7 September 2018 - Fundisa
Annual Nursing Education Conference
         5 - 7 September 2018


                     Teaching is what we do.
Programme Annual Nursing Education Conference 5 - 7 September 2018 - Fundisa
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Programme Annual Nursing Education Conference 5 - 7 September 2018 - Fundisa
2018 Annual Nursing Education Conference (ANEC) Programme
                         Published by

                    FUNDISA & NEA
                          PO Box 35763
                           Menlo Park

                       Tel: +27 12 333 1415
                       Fax: +27 12 333 4970
        Email: /

           First published by FUNDISA and NEA 2018
  © FUNDISA – Forum for University Nursing Deans in South Africa
              NEA – Nursing Education Association

                     ISBN 978-0-6399538-0-9

                     Conference proceedings
Concept, design and printing FUNDISA, NEA and Media Chef, Pretoria
Programme Annual Nursing Education Conference 5 - 7 September 2018 - Fundisa
Table of Contents

    5                  Message from the Chairpersons

    6                  Delegates Message

    8                  Keynote Speakers

    10                 Sponsors

    11                 Programme

    14                 Acknowledgements

    15                 List of Oral Presenters

    17                 Abstracts: Oral Presentations

    37                 List of Poster Presenters

    38                 Abstracts: Poster Presentations

4        Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
Message from the Chairpersons

                                           Prof Nokuthula Sibiya
                                           FUNDISA Chairperson

On behalf of FUNDISA, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the 2018 ANEC Conference. This year, the theme is Innovation in Education:
Teaching is what we do. As nurse educators, our core business is teaching. In order for us to be able to successfully offer new nursing
programmes that are aligned to the Nursing Act and the HEQSF, we need to be innovative. UNICEF argues that innovation does not just
mean new technology. Educational innovation can be found in processes, services, programmes and partnerships. Education has seen
more innovation in its methods, practices, tools and philosophies in the past few years. I sincerely hope that the conference will provide
a unique environment that can, albeit indirectly, contribute to improving education, research, community engagement and practice in
improving teaching and learning through innovative ways of teaching.

The conference consists of plenary presentations, poster presentations, gala dinner and an exhibition. Through these dynamic scientific
and social events, you will have many opportunities to network and to form potential collaborations to identify, assess and incubate
promising innovations with participants. I wish you a very productive and fruitful conference.

                                           Dr Sue Armstrong
                                           NEA Chairperson

It is with great pleasure that NEA co-host the Annual Nursing Education Conference, an event that has become a highlight in the annual
nursing education calendar. While all groups represented at the conference have their own defined membership and objectives, this
event allows everyone to jointly address the challenges facing the profession and nursing education. The profession is undergoing
change in many areas – the implementation of the new nursing education and training programmes are due to be implemented in 2020;
the amendments to the Higher Education and Training Act to include all NEIS; the Nursing Strategy on Nursing Education, Training and
Practice as well as the Human Resources for Health Strategy are under revision, we await the appointment of new Nursing Council and
an amended Nursing Act.

Therefore there is work to be done and all of us as stakeholders have a role to play. Our theme for 2018, Innovation in Education, creates
opportunity for us to reflect on the successes of previous collaboration with a variety of partners and plan for exciting innovative
initiatives for the future. The future of nursing is in the hands of nurse educators as we transform nursing one nurse at a time. The
implementation of the new nursing qualifications and the development of professional nurses at graduate level are going to raise the
bar in nursing and will elevate the profession while at the same time translate to improved patient outcomes.

We will make this journey by walking reflectively remembering our successes of the past and taking bold steps as we eliminate the
barriers that divided us at so many levels in the past.

                                                                                       Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018    5
Delegates Message
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Hilton Conference Centre, Sandton for the 2018 Annual
Nursing Education Conference to consider how innovation can assist educators to provide the
education that will inform quality and safe practice for the future of South Africa.
It was Madiba who said "When learning and teaching continually improves, everything improves. Quality is never an accident; it is always
the result of intelligent effort.” We invite you to join us in engaging with our professional future as we give life to our conference theme
“Innovation in Education. Teaching is what we do”. This theme urges us to take hands on our journey to create a new legacy for nursing
in our quest to discover new ways to work together as leaders, educators and practitioners. There is no doubt that we are dependent
on our shared knowledge, skills and energy to undertake this journey. We therefore believe that we have put together a programme
that will provide you with the intellectual and personal stimulation and motivation for the journey into new territory as December 2019

We wish you a successful and pleasurable engagement with the conference programme as you engage and network with each other as
well as all our sponsors and exhibitors during the next two and a half days. Remember to complete the conference evaluation form to
tell us what you enjoyed and what you would like to see at future conferences.

                            Dr Elizabeth Mokoka                                                    Dr Nelouise Geyer
                            CEO FUNDISA                                                            CEO NEA
                            012 333 1415                                                           012 333 1415

6       Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
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                                                           Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018         7
                                                                                                  Image by Christof van der Walt
Keynote Speakers

                                                                                       Dr Hanne Helleshoej
                                                                                       President of the Basic Health Care College Fredericia-Vejle-Horsens, Denmark

                                                                                       President Dr. Hanne Helleshoej has many years of experience within the Health Care field
                                                                                       and has held numerous important senior positions eg. as President at the school for dental
                                                                                       assistants and dental care at Copenhagen University, President at University College South,
                                                                                       President at the Froebelseminariet, President at the Nursing Professional Diploma Studies at
                                                                                       the National Nursing School and President at the Nursing School in Silkeborg. In addition,
                                                                                       Dr. Hanne Helleshoej attends a number of boards and committees and has also been a member
                                                                                       of the Danish government’s health education council under the Ministry of Education. Hanne
                                                                                       Helleshoej is a trained nurse and also holds a Ph.D. degree in education and psychology.


     Frances Ganges
    Johnson and Johnson
       Frances Ganges is a nurse, midwife and public health professional with more than three

       decades’ experience in over 20 countries.
                                                                                Currently the Scientific Engagement Leader for Baby
                                                               ϱ͘ dŚĞƉĞĚĂŐŽŐŝĐĚŝŵĞŶƐŝŽŶŝŶŶƵƌƐŝŶŐ͘
       and Feminine Care at Johnson andZĞĚ͗͘
ŝƉůŽŵĂ^ƚƵĚŝĞƐĂƚƚŚĞEĂƚŝŽŶĂůEƵƌƐŝŶŐ^ĐŚŽŽůĂŶĚWƌĞƐŝĚĞŶƚ      Johnson           Consumer,
                                                                         :ĂŶŶĞ >LJŶŐĂĂ͘                   Inc., Frances
                                                                                          WƵďůŝƐŚĞƌ DƵŶŬƐŐĂĂƌĚ͘  tŝůů ďĞ    is also the immediate past
ĂƚƚŚĞEƵƌƐŝŶŐ^ĐŚŽŽůŝŶ^ŝůŬĞďŽƌŐ͘                              ƉƵďůŝƐŚĞĚŝŶ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌϮϬϭϱ͘
       Chief Executive of the International Confederation of Midwives (ICM). Her background also
       includes roles as educator, project director,
ĂŶĚĐŽŵŵŝƚƚĞĞƐĂŶĚŚĂƐĂůƐŽďĞĞŶĂŵĞŵďĞƌŽĨƚŚĞĂŶŝƐŚ                           advisor and technical writer. Frances holds an MPH
       from       Johns      Hopkins         University
government’s health education council under the Ministry of
                                                              and  is
                                                                  ZĞĚ͗͘pursuing           doctoral
                                                                         :ŽŚŶ :ƵƵů ƌŝŬƐĞŶ
                                                                                              ŽŐ >ŝƐĞ ,ŽƵŶƐŐĂĂƌĚ͘      in health sciences.

ĚĞŐƌĞĞŝŶĞĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶĂŶĚƉƐLJĐŚŽůŽŐLJ͘                                      dŚĞĂŶŝƐŚDŝŶŝƐƚƌLJŽĨĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶ͘
ŝďůŝŽŐƌĂƉŚLJ                                                          ϴ͘ WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶ ŽŐ ƉƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŝƐŵ WƵďůŝĐĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ DĂŐĂnjŝŶĞ

Ϯ͘ ƵƐďŝůĚƵŶŐƐŐćŶŐĞ ŝŶ WĨůĞŐĞtŝƐƐĞŶƐĐŚĂĨƚĞŶ ƵŶĚ                                  Prof Ethelwynn L Stellenberg
                                                                       ϵ͘ dŚĞhƐĞŽĨ^ŝŵƵůĂƚŝŽŶǁŝƚŚŝŶƚŚĞ,ĞĂůƚŚĂƌĞĞĚƵĐĂƚŝŽŶƐ͘
   Ƶƌ  WƌŽĨĞƐƐŝŽŶĂůŝƐŝĞƌƵŶŐ ĚĞƌ WĨůĞŐĞ͘ >ĞƵĐŚƚƚƵƌŵͲsĞƌůĂŐ͕                    Stellenbosch University
                                                                       ϭϬ͘ η^hE^DDEͲ,ĞĂůƚŚLJdŽŐĞƚŚĞƌͲĂŬŽĨ,ĞĂůƚŚ͕
   dLJƐŬůĂŶĚ͘                                                              ŽŵŵƵŶŝƚLJĂŶĚŽŽƉĞƌĂƚŝŽŶ͘^K^h&s,͕ϮϬϭϴ͘
   :ĂŶŶĞ>LJŶŐĂĂ͘WƵďůŝƐŚĞƌDƵŶŬƐŐĂĂƌĚ                                               Prof Ethelwynn Stellenberg is an Associate Professor in Nursing at Stellenbosch University. Her
                                                                                     focus research area is safe quality patient care, specifically malpractice litigation in nursing practice.
                                                                                     She recently obtained a NRF competitive award for national research in malpractice litigation
                                                                                     in nursing practice in South Africa (2016-2018). Obtained a Discovery award for a social impact
                                                                                     project with emphasis on building capacity in leadership and management of PHC operational
                                                                                     managers in Mpumalanga and Northern Cape (2018-2020). Her qualifications include a Doctorate,
                                                                                     Master’s, Honours (Nursing Education and Community Health Nursing Science) and Bachelor’s
                                                                                     degrees in Nursing. Post graduate diplomas include Nursing Administration, Psychiatry and
                                                                                     Intensive Care Nursing. Achievers’ Awards include three Rector’s awards.

                                                                                     She is a National Ministerial appointment of the first board of the Office of Health Standards
                                                                                     Compliance (OHSC) (2014-2016) and reappointed for a second term (2017 - 2019). She serves on
                                                                                     the Board of COHSASA and Board of George & Annie Starck Homes for the Elderly. She delivered
                                                                                     numerous papers both nationally and internationally, undertook study tours internationally with
                                                                                     the emphasis on quality assurance and international collaboration. She has published articles,
                                                                                     chapters and is the chief editor of a Medical-Surgical Nursing: Hospital and Community textbook
                                                                                     (2007) for Africa. She has extensive experience in clinical management, teaching and learning,
                                                                                     research, community engagement and medico-legal litigation. Member of various professional
                                                                                     organizations which include Academy of Nursing of South Africa, Sigma Theta Tau International,
                                                                                     DENOSA and Nursing Education Association.

       8                Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
Keynote Speakers

                                          Prof Judith Bruce
                                          University of Witwatersrand

                                          Professor Judith Bruce is an academic and researcher, with more than 30 years’ experience
                                          in nursing education. She joined Wits University in 1993 where she was responsible for the
                                          postgraduate education of nurse educators. She obtained her PhD in 2003. In 2012 she
                                          was appointed onto the Ministerial Task Team for Nurse Education and Training and on the
                                          Health Portfolio of the Academy of Science of South Africa. In recognition of her education
                                          scholarship she was inducted as a Fellow into the Academy of Nursing of South Africa and the
                                          Hall of Fame for Research Excellence in Nursing. Professor Bruce is currently the Head of the
                                          School of Therapeutic Sciences at Wits University.

Ms Gloria Ash
South African Nursing Council

Joined SANC in 2010 as a professional advisor: Education and Training.
Currently a manager for Professional Practice: Preliminary Investigation and Impairment
section. Before joining SANC, she was in the United Kingdom where she practiced as a critical
care nurse.

Education: General and Midwife Diplomas, BA cur Unisa, Honors degrees Professional Practice
and Adult Critical Care.

                                         Dr Jabulile Nonhlanhla Makhanya
                                         Chief Nursing Officer

                                         Dr Makhanya started her professional nursing career as a community health nurse and
                                         educator. She joined the Durban University of Technology as a lecturer and then Head
                                         of Nursing Studies in the Faculty of Health Sciences in 2004. Dr. Makhanya was the Head
                                         of Ministry in an advisory portfolio to the Provincial Ministry of Health for the Provincial
                                         Department of Health in the KZN whereafter she was appointed as the first Government Chief
                                         Nursing and Midwifery Officer for South Africa.

                                         Within this portfolio, her responsibility specific to nursing education relates to development
                                         of national policy frameworks harnessing intra- and inter-professional collaboration to ensure
                                         that nursing education and training is harmonised with population health needs.

                                         Dr Makhanya represents the nursing sector on health on a national, regional and global level.
                                         She is a former President of the South African Nursing Council (2004-2008) and a former
                                         Chairperson (2008-2013).

Ms Winnie Moleko
Office of Health Standards

Winnie is currently employed by the Office of Health Standards Compliance (OHSC) as the Executive Manager. She holds a Diploma
in General Nursing and Midwifery from Baragwanath Nursing College, a Degree in Nursing Education and Management (MEDUNSA);
Master’s in Education (MeD) for Primary Health Care (University of Manchester –UK); Post Graduate Diploma in HIV/AIDS Management
(University of Stellenbosch), Advance Course in Health Management (FPD and YALE University) and Master’s in Philosophy from
University of Stellenbosch. She was employed by Wits Reproductive Health and HIV Institute (WRHI) for 18 years. From May 2011
was seconded to the National DOH as Quality Improvement: Senior Technical Advisor to assist with quality improvement/quality
assurance work. She played a pivotal role in the establishment of the OHSC an independent entity mandated to promote quality and
patient safety. She gained extensive QI knowledge and expertise through coaching and mentoring from Quality Assurance Project
and Institute for Health Care Improvement (US based organisations). She has presented in conferences at local and international level
on quality since 2001.

                                                                                     Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018   9
We thank the following donors and sponsors for their generous support:


Excellence Awards:



Gifts and Donations:

10        Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018

Registration: Tuesday, 4 September 2018
15:00 – 17:00    Registration                                                                                              Hilton Hotel Foyer, Sandton

Day 1: Wednesday, 5 September 2018
                                           Plenary Session - Chair: Dr Elizabeth Mokoka, Ceo Fundisa
07:00 – 08:25    Registration                                                                                              Hilton Hotel Foyer, Sandton
                                                                                                                               Dr Elizabeth Mokoka
08:30 – 08:40    Welcome address
                                                                                                                     Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott Williams
08:45 – 09:00    Word from the sponsors
                                                                                                                                and Wilkins
                 A Pedagogical Model – Students´ Meaningful Involvement in Health Care Education based                      Dr Hanne Helleshoej
09:00 – 09:45    on a mutual understanding of challenges among faculty members – and development of                      President of the Basic Health Care
                 engaging and innovative methods in education                                                             College Fredericia-Vejle-Horsens
                                                                                                                                Ms Francis Ganges
09:45 – 10:30    Innovate Yourself
                                                                                                                              Johnson and Johnson
10:30 – 11:00                                                              Refreshment break
                                                                           Breakaway sessions
                            Session 1:                       Session 2:                           Session 3:                         Session 4:
                 Clinical Teaching and Learning           Community Nursing             Positive Practice Environments       Nurse Educator Development

    Venue             Ballroom 2 and 3                      Kwena Suite 1                       Kwena Suite 2                       Li-Duba Room
 Session Chair       Prof Kefiloe Maboe                  Ms Madeleen Jooste                   Mrs Magda Cunze                     Dr Memme Makua
                 Experiences of Learner Nurses                                          Perceptions of Nurses of their
                                                       Experiences of Community
                   During Simulated Clinical                                              Roles and Responsibilities            Experiences of Newly
                                                          Health Nurses in the
                    Assessment in the Skills                                             in Realisation of the “Back to     Employed Nurses Educators at
11:05 – 11:25                                              Tuberculosis Work
                 Laboratory at an Institution of                                         Basics Nursing Care” Quality       a Nursing College in Gauteng
                        Higher Learning                                                     Improvement Initiative                 Mrs M Tshabalala
                                                          Mrs GTM Motswasele
                        Mrs GO Sumbane                                                             Mrs R Els
                                                                                                                                 Experiences of Newly
                                                          The Intergenerational
                                                                                                                                 Employed Academics
                   Simulation Debriefing and            Silence Regarding Sexual          Perceptions of Nurses in
                                                                                                                               Regarding Induction and
                  the Development of Clinical           and Reproductive Health           a Private Hospital Group
                                                                                                                               Mentoring in the Nursing
11:30 – 11:50    Judgement of Student Nurses             Promotion in Families:            Regarding Continuing
                                                                                                                              Department at a University
                   at a University in Gauteng           An Integrated Literature         Professional Development
                                                                                                                               in the Gauteng Province,
                         Mrs MP Dubula                           Review                        Dr S Vasuthevan                        South Africa
                                                            Dr MS Mataboge
                                                                                                                                    Ms FM Mkhonto
                                                        Mental Health Symptoms
                                                                                          The Perceptions of Newly
                       The Promotion of                  Experienced by Patients                                                 A Research-Training
                                                                                          Qualified Nurses of Their
                     Metacognition During             Awaiting a Kidney Transplant                                          Programme for Self-Leadership
11:55 – 12:15                                                                            Readiness to Practice in an
                     Simulation Debriefing           at a Public Hospital in Tshwane,                                             of Nurse Educators
                                                                                        Academic Hospital in Gauteng
                         Mrs A Welman                          South Africa                                                           Prof K Jooste
                                                                                               Mrs SS Shongwe
                                                            Mrs PG Ndimande
                    Factors influencing clinical
                                                                                         Community Service Nurses’
                 learning experience of nursing         Health-Support Needs of                                               Why Should the Journey of
                                                                                        Experiences Regarding Health
                   students at clinical learning       Widows in South Africa: A                                             Every Clinical Facilitator Start
12:20 – 12:40                                                                              Care Services in a Public
                     environment in Limpopo            Phenomenological Inquiry                                                    with Mentoring?
                                                                                         Hospital in Tshwane District
                      province, South Africa                 Dr GL Sekgobela                                                           Mrs I Loots
                                                                                                Ms NL Nkoane
                 Prof ML Mangena-Netshikweta
                                                                                          An Exploration of Clinical
                                                       Caregivers’ Experiences on                                                Professional Nurses’
                   A Preceptorship Model to                                                 Support to Nursing
                                                      the Transition of Adolescents                                          Perceptions of Their Role as
                  Facilitate Clinical Education                                             Community Service
12:40 -13:00                                           with Intellectual Disabilities                                        Mentors for Novice Nurses in
                           in Botswana                                                  Practitioners in UGU District,
                                                             into Adulthood                                                     the Operating Room
                        Prof MA Rakhudu                                                         KwaZulu-Natal
                                                             Dr RG Malapela                                                        Mrs M Liebenberg
                                                                                               Mrs IT Malunga
13:00 – 14:00                                                                   Lunch break
     Venue                      Li-Duba Room                                    Kwena Suite                                 Ballroom 2 and 3
                                Scientific Writing                       Research Ethics Education:                Resilience in Nursing Education
14:00 – 16:00                    for publication                          A value-based approach                           Dr Sue Armstrong and
                          Prof Gisela van Rensburg                            Dr Retha Visagie                             Mrs Caroline Maloney
16:00 – 16:30                                                               Refreshment break
16:30 – 17:30    NEA Annual General Meeting

                                                                                               Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018             11

Day 2: Thursday, 6 September 2018
07:30 – 08:15       Registration                                                                                            Hilton Hotel Foyer, Sandton
                                                 Plenary Session - Chair: Dr Nelouise Geyer, CEO NEA
                                                                                                                           Prof Ethelwynn L Stellenberg,
                    Investigation into malpractice litigation in nursing practice in private health care in                   Ms Yashmin Samlal and
08:15 – 09:00                                                                                                                     Ms Amy Williams
                    South Africa
                                                                                                                               Stellenbosch University
09:00 – 09:30       South African Neonatal Skincare Guideline                                                                   Core Working Group
09:30 – 10:00                                                                   Refreshment break
      Venue                                                                         Ballroom 1
10:05 – 10: 55                                               Poster sessions                                            Poster presenters
                                                                                Breakaway sessions
                             Session 5:                           Session 6:                       Session 7:                         Session 8:
                        Teaching and Learning                Teaching and Learning              Education Research                 Midwifery Practice
                             Experiences                           Strategies
     Venue                 Kwena Suite 2                       Ballroom 2 and 3                  Li-Duba Room                        Kwena Suite 1
  Session Chair            Mrs Izelle Loots                  Mrs Lize van Niekerk               Mrs Toy Vermaak                  Mrs Zodwa Mphego
                                                                                                                               The Effectiveness of the 20
                    Nursing Student’s Experiences                                           Student Engagement in a
                                                          Leaving the past behind –                                           Hour Lactation Management
                       of Transition from High                                              Post-Basic Programme in a
                                                        teaching the future generation                                         Course (LMC) in Improving
11:00 – 11:20       School to a Tertiary Institution:                                      Nursing Education Institution
                                                            of health professionals                                           Breastfeeding Knowledge of
                             A Case Study                                                        in KwaZulu-Natal
                                                                Dr S Armstrong                                                    Professional Nurses
                              Mrs B James                                                           Prof NG Mtshali
                                                                                                                                     Mrs N Makhudu
                                                                                          Analysing Cognitive Levels on
                                                                                                                               Strategies to Reduce High
                                                                                          Final Examination Questions
                    Academic Support Programme                                                                                  Perinatal Morbidity Rates
                                                          Engaging the Mind – From           for the Diploma Nursing
                      for Nursing Students at a                                                                                in Mankweng-Polokwane
                                                          Classroom to Technology:          Programme Using Revised
11:25 – 11:45        Public College in the Eastern                                                                             Complex of the Capricorn
                                                                A Case Study                  Bloom’s Taxonomy at a
                    Cape Province, of South Africa                                                                             District, Limpopo Province,
                                                                  Mrs L Crous              Selected Nursing College in
                               Dr NI Senti                                                                                             South Africa
                                                                                                 the Eastern Cape
                                                                                                                                   Mrs MG Mathebula
                                                                                                    Ms NI Fayilane
                     The Experiences of Nursing           When eLearning Becomes
                                                          Compulsory: ICT Adoption           Measuring and Building
                      Students Regarding Nurse                                                                                  Labour Support Practice
                                                         by Student Nurses Despite a       Resilience in Undergraduate
                    Educators as Role Models in a                                                                               by Nurses and Midwives:
11:50 – 12:10                                                   Digital Divide                 Nursing Students in
                    Military Teaching and Learning                                                                                 A Scoping Review
                                                                                                   South Africa
                              Environment                         Mrs K Smit                                                        Ms MC Uwimana
                                                                                                    Mrs C Maloney
                           Dr K Zagenhagen
                        Reflections of Nursing           Engaging adult learners in a                                        Factors Affecting Experiential
                                                        distance learning programme          An Assessment of Eating
                     Students Regarding Online                                                                                  Learning for Midwifery
                                                             through technology               Behaviours of Nursing
12:15 – 12:35       Portfolios in a Health Sciences                                                                          Students at the Public College
                                                                                               Students in Gauteng
                          Education Module                       Mrs KD Shopo                                                         of Nursing
                                                                                            Mrs M Mare and Mrs J Jones
                             Dr MG Makua                                                                                               Mrs N Pama
                                                                                                                                 Factors Contributing to
                      Narrative of Undergraduate
                                                          Teaching Pharmacology                                                Sub-Standard Utilization of
                         Students on Clinical
                                                          to Nursing Students at a            Appreciative Feedback            Partograph By Midwives in
                         Accompaniment at a
12: 40 – 13:00                                          Rural University Using Coggle         Practices for Educators         Greater Tzaneen Municipality,
                     Nursing Education Institution
                                                                (Mind Maps)                          Prof I Coetzee             Mopani District, Limpopo
                             in North West
                                                                Mrs AS Joubert                                                          Province
                          Mrs PT Motsilanyane
                                                                                                                                      Ms SA Malatji
13:00 – 14:00                                                                      Lunch break
     Venue                         Kwena Suite                                    Li-Duba Room                               Ballroom 2 and 3
                                Innovative teaching                                                                         Inspiring the use of
                                                                                 Forensic Nursing
                                   and learning                                                                         Technology in the Classroom
14:00 – 16:00                                                               Ms Jeanette Sebaeng and
                               Prof Yvonne Botma and                                                                               Pearson
                                                                             Prof Sinegugu Duma
                                   Dr Idalia Venter
16:00 – 16:30                                                            Refreshment break
18:30 – 22:00                                            GALA DINNER: NEA Awards and Researcher’s Hall of Fame

12      Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018

Day 3: Friday, 7 September 2018
07:30 – 08:10   Registration                                                                                      Hilton Hotel Foyer, Sandton
                                         Plenary session chair: Dr Elizabeth Mokoka, CEO FUNDISA
                                                                                                                    Mr Stephan Terblanche
08:30 – 08:40   Word from the sponsors
                                                                                                                       Prof Judith Bruce
08:45 – 09:30   Innovation in Health Science Education
                                                                                                                  University of Witwatersrand
                                                                                                                        Ms Gloria Ash
09:35 – 10:05   Unfitness to Practice Nursing
                                                                                                                 South African Nursing Council
                                                                                                                      Ms Elaine le Roux
10:05 – 10:30   Launch of hand hygiene campaign
                                                                                                                            B. Braun
10:30 – 11:00                                                          Refreshment break
                                             Plenary session chair: Dr Nelouise Geyer, CEO NEA
                                                                                                               Dr Jabulile Nonhlanhla Makhanya
11:00 – 11:45   Transformation of Nursing Education
                                                                                                                      Chief Nursing Officer
                Using National Core Standards as a Catalyst for Quality Improvement in South African Health            Ms Winnie Moleko
11:45 – 12:30
                Establishments                                                                                     Office of Health Standards
12:30 – 13:00   Conclusion and lucky draws
13:00 – 14:00                                                        Lunch and departure

                                                                                         Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018      13
     Our gratitude to the following individuals for their assistance with ANEC 2018 arrangements:

                                                         Scientific Committee
                                                   Prof Jennifer Chipps (Chairperson)
                                                       Prof Anita S van der Merwe
                                                           Prof Yvonne Botma
                                                            Prof Karen Minnie
                                                            Prof Lizeth Roets
                                                            Mrs Lizelle Crous
                                                      Prof Salaminah Moloko-Phiri

                                                           Office staff
                                              Dr Elizabeth Mokoka (CEO FUNDISA)
                                                   Dr Nelouise Geyer (CEO NEA)
                                           Mrs Judy Thompson (Programme Manager)
                                             Mr Lebohang Khonke (Finance Officer)
                                          Ms Patricia Mbongo (Administrative Assistant)
                                          Ms Terecia Bosoma (Administrative Assistant)
                                            Mrs Johanna Mapokane (Office Assistant)

                                                          Conference Organiser
                                                            Mrs Carina Young

14   Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
List of Oral Presenters

Presenters in                Title of presentation                                                                                   Session
alphabetical order

Armstrong, S
                             Leaving the Past Behind – Teaching the Future Generation of Health Professionals                              6

Coetzee, I
                             Appreciative Feedback Practices for Educators                                                                 7

Crous, L
                             Engaging the Mind – from Classroom to Technology: A Case Study                                                6

Dubula, MP                   Simulation Debriefing and the Development of Clinical Judgement of Student Nurses at a
Life Healthcare/WITS         University in Gauteng

Els, R                       Perceptions of Nurses of their Roles and Responsibilities in Realisation of the “Back to Basics
Life Healthcare/UNISA        Nursing Care” Quality Improvement Initiative

Fayilane, NI                 Analysing Cognitive Levels on Final Examination Questions for the Diploma Nursing Programme
LCoN/UKZN                    Using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy at a Selected Nursing College in the Eastern Cape

James, BC                    Nursing Student’s Experiences of Transition from High School to Tertiary Institution: A Case
LCoN/UFH                     Study

Jooste, K
                             A Research-Training Programme for Self-Leadership of Nurse Educators                                          4

Joubert, AS
                             Teaching Pharmacology to Nursing Students at a Rural University Using Coggle (Mind Maps)                      6

Liebenberg, M                Professional Nurses’ Perceptions of Their Role as Mentors for Novice Nurses in the Operating
SUN                          Room

Loots, I
                            Why Should the Journey of Every Clinical Facilitator Start with Mentoring?                                     4
NEA: Pretoria Chapter/UNISA

Makhudu, N                   The Effectiveness of the 20 Hour Lactation Management Course (LMC) in Improving
WITS                         Breastfeeding Knowledge of Professional Nurses

Makua, MG                    Reflections of Nursing Students Regarding Online Portfolios in a Health Sciences Education
UNISA                        Module

Malatji, SA                  Factors Contributing to Sub-Standard Utilization of Partograph by Midwives in Greater
UL                           Tzaneen Municipality, Mopani District, Limpopo Province

Malapela, RG                 Caregivers’ Experiences on the Transition of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities into
UNISA                        Adulthood

Maloney, C
                             Measuring and Building Resilience in Undergraduate Nursing Students in South Africa                           7

Malunga, IT                  An Exploration of Clinical Support to Nursing Community Service Practitioners in UGU
KZNCN/DUT                    District, KwaZulu-Natal

Mangena-Netshikweta, ML      Factors Influencing Clinical Learning Experience of Nursing Students in the Clinical Learning
UNIVEN                       Environment in Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mare, M and Jones, J
                             An Assessment of Eating Behaviours of Nursing Students in Gauteng                                             7
NEA: Johannesburg Chapter

Mataboge, MS                 The Intergenerational Silence Regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion in
UP                           Families: An Integrated Literature Review

                                                                                      Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018       15
List of Oral Presenters

Presenters in                       Title of presentation                                                                         Session
alphabetical order

Mathebula, MG                      Strategies to Reduce High Perinatal Morbidity Rates in Mankweng-Polokwane Complex of the
UL                                 Capricorn District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mkhonto, FM                        Experiences of Newly Employed Academics Regarding Induction and Mentoring in the
SMU                                Nursing Department at a University in the Gauteng Province, South Africa

Motsilanyane, PT                   Narrative of Undergraduate Students on Clinical Accompaniment at a Nursing Education
UP                                 Institution in North West

Motswasele, GTM
                                   Experiences of Community Health Nurses in the Tuberculosis Work Environment                      2

Mtshali, NG                        Student Engagement in a Post-Basic Programme in a Nursing Education Institution in
UKZN                               KwaZulu-Natal

Ndimande, PG                       Mental Health Symptoms Experienced by Patients Awaiting a Kidney Transplant at a Public
UP                                 Hospital in Tshwane, South Africa

Nkoane, L                          Community Service Nurses’ Experiences Regarding Health Care Services in a Public Hospital in
UNISA                              Tshwane District

Pama, N                            Factors Affecting Experiential Learning for Midwifery Students at the Public College
LCoN/UFH                           of Nursing

Rakhudu, MA
                                   A Preceptorship Model to Facilitate Clinical Education in Botswana                               1

Sekgobela, GL
                                   Health-Support Needs of Widows in South Africa: A Phenomenological Inquiry                       2

Senti, NI                          Academic Support Programme for Nursing Students at a Public College in the Eastern Cape
LCoN/UFH                           Province, of South Africa

Shongwe, SS                        The Perceptions of Newly Qualified Nurses of Their Readiness to Practice in an Academic
WITS                               Hospital in Gauteng

Shopo, KD
                                   Engaging Adult Learners in a Distance Learning Programme Through Technology                      6

Smit, K                            When eLearning Becomes Compulsory: ICT Adoption by Student Nurses Despite a
NWU                                Digital Divide

Sumbane, GO                        Experiences of Learner Nurses During Simulated Clinical Assessment in the Skills Laboratory
UL                                 at an Institution of Higher Learning

Tshabalala, M
                                   Experiences of Newly Employed Nurses Educators at a Nursing College in Gauteng                   4

Uwimana, MC
                                   Labour Support Practice by Nurses and Midwives: A Scoping Review                                 8

Vasuthevan, S                      Perceptions of Nurses in a Private Hospital Group Regarding Continuing
Life Healthcare/NMU                Professional Development

Welman, A
                                   The Promotion of Metacognition During Simulation Debriefing                                      1

Zagenhagen, Z                      The Experiences of Nursing Students Regarding Nurse Educators as Role Models in a
SAMHS/UNISA                        Military Teaching and Learning Environment

16        Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
Abstracts: Oral Presentations

Session 1: Clinical Teaching and Learning

Title:         Experiences of Learner Nurses During Simulated Clinical Assessment in the Skills Laboratory at an Institution of
		Higher Learning
Presenter:     Mrs Gsakani O Sumbane
Co-author(s):  Prof TM Mothiba
Institution:   University of Limpopo (UL)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                    Results
The study determined, described and explored the experiences          Three themes and seven subthemes were identified from the
of learner nurses during simulated clinical assessment in a skills    content analysis, namely (i) assessment processes logistics, (ii) the
laboratory at an institution of higher learning.                      use of mannequins as patients and (iii) questionable allocated
                                                                      time for skills performance.
A qualitative, explorative and descriptive research design was        Discussion
used. The population included all learner nurses registered for       Learner nurses expressed more negative than positive
Bachelor of Nursing Science at the selected institution of higher     experiences regarding simulated clinical assessments. Negative
learning. Forty seven (47) participants were selected through         experiences signify reduction in performance quality. These
non-probability purposive sampling to participate in five focus       included: inadequate space, equipment and materials; fellow
group interviews. Data were analysed using Tesch’s open coding        learner nurses utilised as patients; anxiety related to clinical
data analysis method. Trustworthiness criteria adhered to were        assessment; lack of response from mannequin patients and
credibility, dependability, transferability and confirmability.       insufficient time allocated during clinical assessment. While the
                                                                      positive feeling was provision of safer learning environment.
Ethical clearance was sought with the relevant research and ethics
committee and permission to collect data was obtained from the        Recommendations
Director of School of Health Care Sciences. Informed consent was      Provision of enough space for circuit running, equipment and
obtained from participants. Confidentiality and anonymity were        materials, and guidance of simulated patients on the presentation
maintained.                                                           of a clinical problem. Perform drills with all learner nurses to
                                                                      ensure that skills can be completed in allocated time and for
                                                                      acquaintance with the assessment processes.

Title:              Simulation Debriefing and the Development of Clinical Judgement of Student Nurses at a University in Gauteng
Presenter:          Mrs Mapule P Dubula
Co-author(s):       Dr CH Thurling and Dr S Armstrong
Institution:        Life College of Learning - East Rand Learning Centre / University of the Witwatersrand (WITS)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                    Discussion
This study sought to test the effect of debriefing after simulation   Debriefing is a critical element of simulation-based learning for
on the development of clinical judgement in second and fourth-        the development of clinical judgement as it gives the students
year nursing students in a university in Gauteng.                     the opportunity to reflect on their actions during the simulation
                                                                      action, and plan for improvement.
A quantitative, one group pre-test/ post-test quasi-experimental      Recommendations
design was utilised in this study to examine the effects of           The findings from this study support the inclusion of debriefing in
simulation debriefing on the development of students’ clinical        all simulation learning experiences; it is therefore recommended
judgement skills. The target group was Bachelor of Nursing            that nursing education institutions train educators on debriefing
students (n=56).                                                      following simulation. It is also recommended that further studies
                                                                      be carried out comparing students’ self-evaluation and faculty
The Lasater Clinical Judgment Rubric (LCJR) was adapted and           evaluation of students’ clinical judgement using the LCJR to
used as a self-administered questionnaire to collect data pre- and    eliminate related to self-evaluation.
post debriefing. The debriefing method used in this study was
Debriefing for Meaningful Learning.

An independent t-test indicated that the mean clinical judgment
scores (M= 38.02) post debriefing were significantly higher than
the pre-test scores (M=34.75) for both second and fourth year

                                                                                     Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018   17
Session 1: Clinical Teaching and Learning

Title:              The Promotion of Metacognition During Simulation Debriefing
Presenter:          Mrs Anne-Marie Welman
Co-author(s):       Prof M Mulder and Prof Y Botma
Institution:        University of the Free State (UFS)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                     thinking and reflection-on-action. Metacognition in students
The aim of this research is to recommend strategies that will          is associated with action-, transformative- and self-regulation
promote metacognition during simulation debriefing.                    learning theories. Debriefing for meaningful learning, the OPT,
                                                                       the ALACT and 3D frameworks are associated with the promotion
Methodology                                                            of metacognition development.
A librarian searched two scientific platforms, including 12
databases, which yielded 265 results. Thirty-seven publications        Discussion
that answered the research question were included in the               With metacognition, students understand how their emotions
literature review. A qualitative analysis of the data led to the       influenced their actions and critically reflect on their assumptions
identification of five themes related to metacognition and             and thinking processes. Students reflected beyond their actions,
simulation debriefing, which included definitions of both the          promoting the development of self-regulation. The widely used
concepts, applicable learning theories, simulation debriefing          Plus/Delta framework does not allow students to explore their
frameworks, requirements for effective debriefing and the              individual mental frames.
measurement of metacognition.
Results                                                                Debriefing facilitators should use higher-level Socratic and
Patient simulation with debriefing allows educators to create          epistemic questioning during the analysis phase and students
student-centred, self- regulated and significant learning              should be given the opportunity to apply their newly formed
opportunities for students. Research on reflection associated with     mental frameworks during a similar simulation experience.
simulation debriefing and metacognition, has included aspects
of self-monitoring, self-evaluation and goal-orientated behaviour
but the link between these processes is not clear. Simulation
debriefing is associated with the release of emotions, critical

Title:              Factors Influencing Clinical Learning Experience of Nursing Students at Clinical Learning Environment in
		                  Limpopo Province, South Africa
Presenter:          Prof Lizzy ML Mangena-Netshikweta
Co-author(s):       JL Mafumo
Institution:        University of Venda (UNIVEN)
Email address:

Background                                                             the type of interpersonal relationships they had with the clinical
Awareness of any issue that may affect the learning process            staff and preceptors affected their learning experiences. Almost
of nursing students in the clinical area is essential to ensure        (75.8%) of the respondents were of the opinion that there were
that maximum benefits are gained from this aspect of nursing           reasons to be anxious in the clinical area.
education. Factors which influenced learning in the clinical areas
among students at clinical learning environment located in             Conclusion
Limpopo province were studied.                                         Positive interpersonal relationships and the use of demonstration
                                                                       and return demonstration were identified as being influential
Methodology                                                            to learning in the clinical area. These factors should inform the
A descriptive cross-sectional study with stratified random             teaching of nursing students through preceptorship in the clinical
sampling of 200 level 2 and 3 students enrolled in a four year         area.
baccalaureate nursing programme (R425) was conducted. Data
were collected using a 32-item self-administered questionnaire
and analysed using SPSS version 23 computer program.

All selected respondents in level 3 and 70.3% of level 2 recruits,
participated in the study; mean age was 23.9 ± 4.52 years
(range 19-42 years) and 80.3% were females. The majority of the
respondents, identified preceptorship (89.6%), support from
the clinical staff (58.4%), ratio of preceptor to students (64.8%)
and the quality of pre-clinical conferences (49.5%) as having the
greatest impact on learning. Over 70% of students indicated that

18      Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
Session 1: Clinical Teaching and Learning

Title:              A Preceptorship Model to Facilitate Clinical Education in Botswana
Presenter:          Prof Hunadi MA Rakhudu
Co-author(s):       Mrs A Dube
Institution:        North West University (NWU)/ Kanye SDA College of Nursing: Botswana
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                   Conclusion
Preceptors constitute an indispensable cadre of human resource       Implementation of the model will be helpful can be a functional
through their contribution to the clinical teaching and learning     reality in the delivery of quality educational experiences and has
process for nursing students. However, despite the wide use of       far-reaching implications for the institutions and students.
preceptorship there is evidence that preceptorship and the role of
preceptor in clinical nursing education is not clearly understood    Recommendations
or supported resulting in several challenges associated with the     Collaboration among the key role players in nursing education
implementation of preceptorship.                                     and managerial commitment are critical for the success of the
                                                                     model. More research is required to pilot and evaluate the model
Purpose                                                              at different levels campuses of the health training institutions in
The purpose of this study was to develop a preceptorship model       Botswana.
to facilitate clinical nursing education in Botswana.

A convergent mixed method was used to measure, explore
and describe the perceptions of nurse educators regarding
preceptors. Subsequently a model of preceptorship using Dickoff
et al survey list and chin and Kramer’s approach.

The results indicated the need for the model. The model has six
elements, namely, context, agent, recipients, process, dynamics
and terminus.

Session 2: Community Nursing

Title:              Experiences of Community Health Nurses in the Tuberculosis Work Environment
Presenter:          Mrs Granny TM Motswasele
Co-author(s):       Prof MD Peu and Prof SS Moloko-Phiri
Institution:        SG Lourens Nursing College (SG) / University of Pretoria (UP)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                   Discussion
To explore and describe the experiences of community health          The community healthcare nurses should be in position to
nurses in the TB work environment to ensure safe practices and       identify health risks related to TB to reduce the severity of the TB
excellent service delivery.                                          infection and prevent new TB cases.

Methodology                                                          Recommendations
A qualitative descriptive phenomenological design was used           Community health nurses should be conversant with current
to describe the experiences of community health nurses in the        policies and guidelines related to TB and be trained on how to
TB work environment. A purposive sampling method was used            utilise personal protective equipment to ensure safe practices and
to select twenty nurses. Ethical principles were adhered to and      excellent service delivery.
trustworthiness strategies were applied throughout the study.
Data were collected through individual in-depth interviews and
were analysed using the seven steps of the Colaizzi process of
data analysis.

The essence of the experiences deduced four themes: fear
of being infected with TB, control of infection, defaulting TB
treatment and screening services.

                                                                                    Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018   19
Session 2: Community Nursing

Title:         The Intergenerational Silence Regarding Sexual and Reproductive Health Promotion in Families: An Integrated
		Literature Review
Presenter:     Dr Sanah MS Mataboge
Co-author(s):  N/A
Institution:   University of Pretoria (UP)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                   Instances where grandparents are heading families the age gap is
The aim of this paper was to explore and describe the                wider which exacerbate the transgenerational silence. In addition
intergenerational silence regarding Sexual and Reproductive          parents assume that educators are open with their children at
Health (SRH) promotion in families.                                  school on SRH. Meanwhile children get SRH information using
                                                                     technology with no guidance from an adult as most parents
Methodology                                                          cannot catch up with the advancement.
An integrated literature review was conducted. The primary
concepts used during literature review were: silence on SRH,         Recommendations
communication on SRH, predisposing factors of teenage,               It is recommended that a family centred SRH promotion
unintended and unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted              programme to initiate family dialogues on SRH be developed as
infections and HIV and AIDS. Secondary concepts were:                it will address all the barriers and support adults. Parents support
Technology advancement, media, educational institutions, health      should include the use of technology and facilitation of dialogue
institutions and parent and child communication on SRH. Sites        referring to specific issues discussed on SRH.
used for searching included Google Scholar, CINAHL, Medline.

Three themes that emerged were: Culture of silence within
families on SRH, technological advancement and the inclusion of
SRH in school curriculum.

Parents based their silence on how they were raised as they
observed parental silence on SRH issues when growing up.

Title:         Mental Health Symptoms Experienced by Patients Awaiting a Kidney Transplant at a Public Hospital in Tshwane,
		South Africa
Presenter:     Mrs Phumzile G Ndimande
Co-author(s):  Dr MS Mataboge and Dr AE Van der Wath
Institution:   University of Pretoria (UP)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                   Results
The aim of the study was to explore and describe the mental          The symptoms of mental illness as experienced by participants
health symptoms experienced by patients awaiting a kidney            emerged as emotional symptoms related to physiological
transplant in a selected public hospital in Tshwane, South Africa.   changes and functional impairment.
The kidneys may slowly stop working over 10 - 20 years before
end-stage renal disease results. The patients undergo a period       Discussion
of heamodialysis and peritoneal dialysis until they come into        The study confirms that participants developed mental health
consideration for a kidney transplant. This period of dialysis is    symptoms such as fear, anger, and suicidal ideas. Related
characterised by many stressors and patients experience a lot of     physiological changes included loss of energy, loss of libido that
restrictions that may affect their mental health.                    resulted to functional impairment.

Methodology                                                          Recommendations
The study used a qualitative design. A purposive sampling            Recommendations were made to support these patients
method was used and the sample consisted of 16 patients with         and ensure that they have quality life until they get a kidney
chronic kidney disease who were undergoing heamodialysis and         transplant.
peritoneal dialysis in academic hospital. Individual qualitative,
unstructured interviews were conducted in 2016. Trustworthiness
was ensured. Data were analysed using qualitative data analysis
by Tesch. Ethical principles were adhered to.

20      Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
Session 2: Community Nursing

Title:              Health-Support Needs of Widows in South Africa: A Phenomenological Inquiry
Presenter:          Dr Gopolang L Sekgobela
Co-author(s):       Prof MD Peu and Dr AE van der Wath
Institution:        University of Pretoria (UP)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                      socially disruptive experience; the need for person-centred care;
To explore and describe the health-support needs of widows that         the need for appropriate referral and peer support.
can be addressed by primary health care services.
Methodology                                                             Nurses in primary health care services should be in a position to
A qualitative, descriptive phenomenological approach grounded           identify and effectively manage widows who are experiencing
in Husserl’s philosophy (1859-1938) was followed to explore the         health risks. This will assist in reducing the severity of health
health-support needs of widows that can be addressed by nurses          problems related to widowhood and to prevent new health
in the primary health care services. The population was widows          conditions from occurring.
from Sepedi, Sotho and Tswana ethnic groups residing in the City
of Tshwane, Gauteng Province, South Africa. Purposive sampling          Recommendations
was used until data saturation was reached. The sample size             Training should be provided to all primary health care nurses with
was 12 widows aged between 25-65 years. Data were collected             regard to the health support needs of widows and management
through unstructured individual phenomenological interviews             thereof to ensure continued excellence in service delivery.
and analysed using a qualitative descriptive phenomenological

The essence of the experience of widowhood deduced eight
constituents that emerged from the data analysis: widowhood as
an embodied experience; widowhood as an intense emotional
experience; cognitive impact related to the effects of widowhood;
widowhood experienced on an existential level; widowhood as a

Title:              Caregivers’ Experiences on the Transition of Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities into Adulthood
Presenter:          Dr Rakgadi G Malapela
Co-author(s):       Prof GB Thupayagale-Tshweneagae
Institution:        University of South Africa (UNISA)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                      NGOs and prospective participants. Credibility, dependability,
To explore and describe the caregivers’ experiences on the              transferability and conformability were observed to enhance
transition of adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities (IDs) into     trustworthiness.
adulthood and to recommend a strategy for the transition of
adolescents with IDs into adulthood as informed by findings.            Results
                                                                        Five themes emerged from the initial phase namely: caring
Methodology                                                             experiences; needs of intellectually disabled adolescents,
The exploratory sequential mixed method for this study was done         emotions toward teaching intellectually disabled adolescents,
in three phases. The primary focus of this abstract is on the initial   factors influencing the transition into adulthood and
phase which followed a qualitative descriptive and explorative          recommendations to transit into adulthood.
approach. Non-probability, purposive and snowballing sampling
methods were used to select participants. Parents, teachers,            Discussion
health care workers and occupational therapists participated in         There is a need for caregivers to facilitate the transition process
this study. The study was conducted in Special schools, Non-            for adolescents with intellectual disabilities into adulthood.
Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Care and Rehabilitation
Centres situated in the Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality of            Recommendations
Gauteng Province in South Africa. Narratives and individual, and        Informed the nurses, teachers, parents, policy-makers and
focus group interviews were used for data collection.                   other stakeholders in supporting transition possibilities for
                                                                        the adolescents with intellectual disabilities into adulthood.
Interpretative analysis proposed by Terrablanche, Durrheim and          Collaboration of various departments is necessary in order
Kelly (2006) was used limited to a sample of N=29 participants.         to facilitate transition possibilities for the adolescents with
Ethical clearance was granted. Permission was obtained from             intellectual disabilities into adulthood.
the Department of Education, Department of Health, various

                                                                                       Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018     21
Session 3: Positive Practice Environments

Title:               Perceptions of Nurses of their Roles and Responsibilities in Realisation of the “Back to Basics Nursing Care”
		                   Quality Improvement Initiative
Presenter:           Mrs Roelien Els
Co-author(s):        Prof GH van Rensburg
Institution:         Life Healthcare/University of South Africa (UNISA)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                        management; and patient care responsibilities. For each theme
The study aimed to gain an in-depth understanding of how                  various categories and subcategories were identified.
nurses perceive their roles, responsibilities and challenges in
delivering basic nursing care, linked to the organisational quality       Discussion
improvement (QI) initiative “Back to Basics”. From the findings           The participants perceived their roles and responsibilities in the
recommendations were made regarding practical ways to                     QI initiative as overwhelming. An imbalance in the distribution
enhance QI initiatives at the bedside of the patient.                     between administrative and managerial responsibilities and
                                                                          direct patient care was highlighted as a challenge. The study
Methodology                                                               identified several organisational challenges that nurses face to
A qualitative study, utilising an explorative and descriptive             meet stakeholder expectations. A concern was that rendering
contextual study design, was conducted.                                   basic nursing care is no longer considered to be the responsibility
                                                                          of the registered nurse.
Data was collected by means of focus groups with registered
nurses. Data analysis was done using Creswell’s data-analysis             Recommendations
cycle. Ethical principles were maintained to safeguard the rights         Innovative ways of distributing administrative tasks could
of the institution, including the research sites, and the rights of       alleviate the high load that recordkeeping brings and thus
the study participants. To ensure trustworthiness the consistent          affecting the available time for patient care. In-service training
employment of the underpinning principles of credibility,                 and continuous professional development programmes should
dependability, transferability, authenticity and confirmability           be provided with a focus on the development of sustainable
were adhered to.                                                          competence to meet the diverse and complex demands and
                                                                          expectations in terms of nursing care. Commitment to the QI
Results                                                                   initiative is necessary to ensure the success thereof.
The themes that emerged from the data were: managerial
responsibilities; administrative responsibilities; expectation

Title:               Perceptions of Nurses in a Private Hospital Group Regarding Continuing Professional Development
Presenter:           Dr Sharon Vasuthevan
Co-author(s):        Prof EJ Ricks and Mrs L Fletcher
Institution:         Life Healthcare / Nelson Mandela University (NMU)
Email address:

Aim and objectives                                                        An important finding was a strong conviction by some
The aim of this study was to establish the perceptions of nursing         participants that nurses should participate in decision making
staff regarding the Continuing Professional Development (CPD)             regarding the content of a CPD programme.
programme implemented in a private hospital group so that the
findings could be used to assist management in reviewing and              Discussion
adapting the programme.                                                   CPD is an important intervention in the quest for promoting
                                                                          competence, keeping abreast with evidence based practice and
Methodology                                                               personal growth.
A descriptive, cross section study design was used to conduct
this study. The research population comprised all nursing staff           If an organisation intends making a CPD programme compulsory,
employed at the private group’s hospitals throughout South                it is important that nurses working in the organisation participate
Africa. Stratified random sampling was used to select a sample            in identifying content specific to their needs and that the
of 800 respondents. Data analysis was conducted with the                  programme makes a meaningful contribution to uplifting
assistance of a statistician. Descriptive and inferential statistics      standards in the fields in which they work.
were used to analyse the data.
Results                                                                   The design of a compulsory CPD programme must be a
The main findings indicated that nurses found the CPD                     collaborative effort between all stakeholders.
programme to be valuable in increasing their professional
knowledge, updating their skills and refreshing their memories
on what they had learned during training. They felt completion of
the CPD programme allowed them to provide better care to their

22       Annual Nursing Education Conference Programme 2018
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