Programme Updated: 3 February 2021 - XXIV SCECSAL Conference

Page created by Debra Duncan
Theme: Inclusive Libraries and Information Services Towards Achieving Prosperity for Sustainable Development in Africa

                                                   Safari Hotel
                                       Windhoek, Namibia 8-11 February 2021

                                               [Updated: 3 February 2021]

Pre-Conference Events

                                                        Sunday, 7 February 2021
14:30 - 17:30    On-site Registration of Delegates
09:00 -15.00     SCANUL-ECS (ONLINE)

                                                         Conference Events

                                                     Day 1, Monday, 8 February 2021

                                           Plenary Session 1: SCECSAL Opening Session
                           Chairperson: Dr. Sarah Kaddu - President: Uganda Library and Information Association
 09:00 – 10:15      • Namibia & African Union Anthem
                    • Welcoming Remarks - Dr Ellen Ndeshi Namhila (NIWAN Founding Member & PVC Finance and Administration
                        University of Namibia)
                    • Introduction of the Conference - Dr. Chiku Mnubi-Mchombu (Chairperson of SCECSAL National Organising
                    • Address from the SCECSAL Secretariat - Dr John Paul Anbu (In-Charge, SCECSAL Secretariat)
                    • Message of Support - Gerald Leitner (Secretary General International Federation of Library Associations
                        and Institutions)
                    • Remarks by Minister of Education- Hon. Minister Ms Ester Anna Nghipondoka (Minister of Education, Republic of
                    • Introducing the Guest of Honour - Ms Judy Grobler (Chairperson Namibia Library and Information Council, Director of
                        Namibia University of Science and Technology Library)
                    • Guest of Honour - Hon. Prof. Peter Katjavivi- (Speaker of the National Assembly, Republic of Namibia)
                    • Vote of Thanks - Ms Namutenya Hamwaalwa (Chairperson: National Information Workers Association of Namibia)
 10:20 – 10:45    Morning Refreshments

Parallel Sessions
                     Parallel Session 1A: Access to            Parallel Session 1B: Access to            Parallel Session 1C: Inclusive libraries
                  information: issues, challenges, and      information: issues, challenges, and          and library services: good practices
                                  solutions                               solutions                                and success stories
                    Room: TBA; Chairperson: Prof. K.         Room: TBA; Chairperson: Prof. D. N.            Room: TBA; Chairperson: Prof. C.
                                 Mchombu                                   Ocholla                                     Nengomasha
                Preparedness of academic libraries to                                                   Inclusiveness of academic libraries: The
                serve students with disabilities: The      Access to information for people with        case of assistive and adaptive
                case of University of Malawi’s             albinism: Issues, challenges and             technologies - Ms. L. Kiana, Dr. M.
10:45 – 11:05   chancellor college and University of       solutions - Mrs. A Ngula & Dr. C. Bitso      Ujakpa & Mrs. A. Leonard International
                Zululand - Ms. D. Eneya, Prof D. N.        University of Namibia & University of        University of Management & University
                Ocholla & Prof J. B. Mostert, University   Fort Hare, South Africa                      of Namibia
                of Zululand, South Africa
                Geo-spatial mapping of libraries to        Barriers on access to archives by people     Towards achievement of inclusive
                enhance optimal access to libraries and    with disabilities (PWDs) and inclusive       school library and information services
                global visibility - Mr. A. Malotle         solutions: A review of literature - Dr. O.   in the Kingdom of Eswatini: Barriers
11:05 – 11:25
                National Library of South Africa           Mosweu & Ms. A. Ngula- University of         and opportunities of Hhohho region -
                                                           Johannesburg, South Africa & University      Ms. L. E. Dlamini- Eswatini College of
                                                           of Namibia                                   Technology, Eswatini
                The role of libraries in meeting the       Adoption and use of assistive                Monitoring and evaluation of public
                information needs of small-scale           technologies to access information by        libraries: A case of public libraries in
                farmers in Zambia - Ms. V. M. Munsanje     students with visual impairments at          Namibia - Ms. A. Dunn -Namibia Library
11:25 – 11:45
                & Ms. M. M. Nabuyanda-International        Linchwe II Junior Secondary School - Ms.     & Archives Services, Namibia
                School of Lusaka & National Institute of   M. B. Jenkins & Mr. D. Rakemane-
                Public Administration, Zambia              Ministry of Basic Education, Botswana
                Information searching skills by distance                                                Quality assessment, does it matter for
                                                           Use of electronic resources by law
                nursing students at the University of                                                   an academic library: Case study of the
                                                           academics: A case study of the
                Zambia School of Nursing Sciences - Ms.                                                 University of Namibia Library - Ms. R.
11:45 – 12:05                                              University of Namibia - Mrs. A. Leonard,
                M. W. Monde, Ms. C. W. Kanyengo, Ms                                                     Niskala & Ms. A. Leonard-University of
                                                           Dr. M. N. Hamutumwa & Dr. C.
                C. M. Mwafulilwa & Ms. E. M.                                                            Namibia
                                                           Mchombu-University of Namibia
                Ndalameta-Theo, University of Zambia

Technology-based library orientation
                                                           and user education programme: Strides
 12:05 – 12:25   Discussions                               made by Mzuzu University Library - Dr.       Discussions
                                                           A. Chaputula, Mr. A. Kanyundo & Ms. L.
                                                           Malemia-Mzuzu University, Malawi
 12:25 – 13:00                                             Discussions
 13:00 – 14:00                                                           Lunch Break

                                                           Parallel Session 2B: Building capacities       Parallel Session 2C: Information for
                   Parallel Session 2A: Open Data &              of library and information                          empowerment
                     Research Data Management               professionals to contribute toward               Room: TBA; Chairperson: Prof
                   Room: TBA; Chairperson: Prof. O. B.           Attaining the 2030 Agenda                             Nyamboga
                               Onyancha                       Room: TBA; Chairperson: Prof. H.
                 Digital inclusion: Use of digital                                                      Making female inmates and
                                                           Capacity building for public librarians in
                 technology to increase engagement                                                      circumstantial children priority: A case
                                                           Zambia: The impact on national
                 with collections amongst Open Distance                                                 study of the Lusaka Female Correctional
                                                           development - Ms. V. M. Munsanje &
14:00 – 14:20    and e-learning ODEL students of Public                                                 Facility, Chimbokaila - S. M. Liato, D. M.
                                                           Ms. M. M. Nabuyanda- International
                 Universities in Malawi - Mr F. Ngwira,                                                 Mwango & A. M. Mwape
                                                           School of Lusaka & National Institute of
                 Mr. F. P. Majawa & Mr. M. Chaura-
                                                           Public Administration, Zambia
                 Mzuzu University, Malawi
                 Exploring the opportunities and
                 challenges of adopting research data
                                                           Awareness of librarians in attaining the     Tacit knowledge in the knowledge
                 management (RDM) practices at the
                                                           2030 Agenda for Sustainable                  economy: Mapping strategies for the
14:20 – 14:40    University of Namibia (UNAM) - Ms. A.
                                                           Development at Mzuzu University - Mr.        African nation - Ms A. O. Adesina-
                 N. Samupwa & Dr M. Kahn University
                                                           F. Ngwira-Mzuzu University, Malawi           University of Zululand, South Africa
                 of Namibia & University of Cape Town,
                 South Africa
                 Is cloud computing a solution to record   Building strong academic libraries and       Tipping the information literacy (IL)
14:40 – 15:00
                 disasters? A Case Study of Mzuzu          library professionals in Uganda through      balance: The roles of teachers, in

University Library - Mr. G. A. B. Dube,   the University of Pretoria Carnegie CPD   promoting IL integration into the senior
                Mr. A. J. Kanyundo, & Mr. H. L.           Programme - Ms. G. M. Juma, Ms. S.        secondary school curriculum in
                Abdullah- Mzuzu University, Malawi        Nakaziba & Dr. M. Holmner- Ndejje         Botswana - Dr. M. A. Onen & Prof. S. M.
                                                          University; Aga Khan University, Uganda   Mutula- Information Literacy
                                                          & University of Pretoria, South Africa    Consultancy & University of KwaZulu
                                                                                                    Natal, South Africa
                Collection development practices at
                institutions of higher learning in
                                                                                                    Evaluating information literacy skills of
                Namibia with special reference to         LIS education and training
                                                                                                    4th year open and distance e-learning
                electronic resources: The case of the     diversification for sustainable
15:00 – 15:20                                                                                       students at Mzuzu University, Malawi -
                University of Namibia - Mrs. M.           development - Ms. A. Mfengu-
                                                                                                    Mr. M. Green Chaura, Ms. L. Malemia &
                Ashilungu & Prof. O. B. Onyancha –        University of Cape Town, South Africa
                                                                                                    R. Kalima-Mzuzu University, Malawi
                University of Namibia & University of
                South Africa
                                                          Educating 21st century information        Celebrating the power of literature and
                Namibia Robotics in Libraries
                                                          professionals in Africa: Issues and       literacy: The Chikumbuso Women and
                Programming with Lego Mindstorms
                                                          proposed course of action - Prof. A.      Orphans Project School Library – Prof.
                EV3 Robots. A STEM Initiative for
15:20 – 15:40                                             Rorissa, Prof. K. Albright & Prof. D.     M. Rust & Ms. C. Barozi- Central
                Children - Mr Detlef Pfeifer, Goethe-
                                                          Kawooya – University of Albany, USA;      Washington University, USA & North
                Institut Namibia (in cooperation with
                                                          Kent State University, USA & University   Stonington Elementary School, USA
                MindsInAction, Namibia)
                                                          of South Carolina, USA
15:40 – 16:20   Discussions                               Discussions                               Discussions
16:20 – 16:30   Announcements and End of Day 1

Day 2 – Tuesday, 9 February 2021
                                                                                                         Parallel Session 3C: Information for
                                                                                                           empowerment: achieving human
                  Parallel Session 3A: Inclusive libraries
                                                                  Parallel Session 3B: Information             rights, gender equality and
                 and library services: good practices and
                                                               literacy and the knowledge economy      empowering women and children with
                              success stories
                                                                    Room: TBA; Chairperson: Ms             information through libraries and
                   Room: TBA; Chairperson: Dr. Charles
                                                                      Namutenya Hamwaalwa                          information centres
                                                                                                            Room: TBA; Chairperson: Prof. T.
                                                                                                       The role of Human Rights and
              Serving the public: African academic            Empowering the youth for the             Documentation Centre (HRDC) on
              libraries and outreach services - Mr. G.        knowledge economy: The role of           academic performance of
              Mushi & Mr Kingsley Egbukole- Sokoine           libraries – Prof. Kgomotso H. Moahi &    undergraduate law students at the
09:00 – 09:20
              University of Agriculture, Tanzania &           Ms Christinah M. Dipetso- Botswana       University of Namibia - Mr. M.
              Federal University of Technology, Owerri,       Open University, Botswana & Naledi       Hipangwa & Mr. W. Yule - Ministry of
              Nigeria                                         Senior Secondary School, Botswana        Mining & Energy, Namibia & University
                                                                                                       of Namibia
              Visibility in disability: Securing the future                                            The impact of African language material
                                                              Bridging the gap between the
              of students with visual impairment using                                                 in institutional repositories in South
                                                              information rich and information poor
09:20 – 09:40 assistive technologies - Dr. Adefunke O.                                                 Africa - Mr. S. Bangani & Dr. M. Moyo,
                                                              in Malawi - Ms. L. Malemia-Mzuzu
              Alabi & Prof. S. M. Mutula -University of                                                North-West University, South Africa
                                                              University, Malawi
              KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
              The role of school libraries in promoting                                                Empowering women economically
              students’ academic performance in                                                        through information sharing:
                                                              Usage of electronic resources by
              Tanzania: a case of selected secondary                                                   experiences from Mzuzu University
                                                              students in Omusati Region - Mrs F. N.
              schools in Dodoma Municipality - J.                                                      American corner - Mr. Kanyundo, Mr. G.
09:40 – 10:00                                                 Lukileni & Mr U. T. Katjijova-- Outapi
              James. Manyerere & J. J. Iwata - Institute                                               Dube and Dr. A, Chaputula - Mzuzu
                                                              Community Library, Namibia & Okahao
              of Rural Development Planning, Tanzania                                                  University, Malawi
                                                              Community Library, Namibia
              & Moshi Co-operative University,

10:00 – 10:30 Discussions                                 Discussions                              Discussions
10:30 – 11.00                                                               Break
                                              Plenary Session 2: Poster Presentations
                                                          Chairperson: Dr. Wilson Yule
              Libraries as Preservation Agents for Cultural Heritage and Indigenous Knowledge: Digitizing Okavango Delta Vegetation Maps
11.00 – 11.15 and Kalahari San Livelihoods Photographs at Okavango Research Institute (ORI) Library - Thupe Benjamin, Olebogeng Phaladze,
              Mosepele Mabutho
11.15-11.30   Why Dissertations and Theses are Essential in the Fourth Industrial Revolution - Jessica Porter
              The role of library and information professionals in promoting good governance in institutions of higher learning in Zimbabwe
              - Rosemary Maturure
              Attaining Competitive Advantage at the Namibian College of Open Learning (NAMCOL) through Records Management- Ms.
              Vespa Kaumbi
12.00-12.15   Click today. Learn every day. - ELibrary free of charge- Detlef Pfeifer & Paulina Hamukwaya
12.15-12.30   Systematic information search skills, A class with EBM approach - Dr. Mbachi Ruth Msomphora
12:30-13:30   Lunch Break

                                                           Parallel Sessions
                                                                                               Parallel Session 4C: Specialised information
                                                       Parallel Session 4B: Indigenous          services in support of development (e.g. in
 Parallel Session 4A: Indigenous Knowledge &
                                                    Knowledge & Preservation of Cultural            agriculture, climate change, health,
       Preservation of Cultural Heritage
                                                                   Heritage                       environment, science and technology,
  Room: TBA; Chairperson: Mr Kepi Madumo
                                                    Room: TBA; Chairperson: Ms. L. Kiana               industrialisation agenda, etc.)
                                                                                               Room: TBA; Chairperson: Ms Sara Negumbo
              From despair to hope: Cancer        Rediscovering the role of information       Building the capacity of African health
              indigenous knowledge practices      professionals in knowledge management       librarians to become knowledge brokers
              (CIK) in Uganda - Dr. S. Kaddu,     and knowledge economy in Malawi – Mr.       through a Knowledge Broker Learning
13:30 – 13:50 Ms. S. Nakaziba & Ms. G. Juma-      M. Kalindang'oma, - Mr. W. D. Chawinga,     Programme -Ms. E. N. Theo, Ms. M. W.
              Makerere University, Uganda;        Mr. G. T. Chipeta & Mr. A. Phiri- Malawi    Monde ,Dr. A. Wales, Ms. M. Moyo, Dr. J.
              Aga Khan University, Uganda &       Immigration Services & Mzuzu University,    Vallis,Mr. C. Mudenda, Ms C. Mwafulilwa &
              Ndejje University, Uganda           Malawi                                      Dr. C. Kanyengo - University of Zambia;

Scottish Government eHealth, Scotland;
                                                                                               Information Training and Outreach Centre for
                                                                                               Africa; Friends of Chitambo, Zambia
              From fable to court: Tracing the     Towards a framework for integration of      Health information utilisation among
              curation of indigenous               indigenous knowledge into services of       expectant mothers in Abeokuta Metropolis,
              knowledge in a biopiracy case -      public libraries in South Africa - Dr. M.   Ogun State, Nigeria – Mr. S. O. Adeyoyin &
13:50 – 14.10
              Mr. F. Kapepiso & Mr. R. Higgs       Mhlongo, University of South Africa         Ms. A. A. Sokoya – Federal University of
                                                                                               Agriculture, Abeokuta , Nigeria & Yaba
                                                                                               College of Technology, Lagos Nigeria.
                Indigenous knowledge               Investigation of use of traditional         Perceptions of Mzuzu University final year
                management: Roles of public        medicine by Mzuzu University staff - Mr.    nursing students on the health information
                libraries and archives in          H. L. Abdullah, Mr. G. Dube & Mr. A.        systems in Malawian hospitals - Mr M.
                preserving and providing access    Kanyundo-Mzuzu University, Malawi           Chaura, Mr. A. Kanyundo & Mr. M. Chipeta,
                to indigenous knowledge (IK) in                                                Mzuzu University, Malawi
14.10 – 14:30
                Namibia: Case study of “Preserve
                Namibia Indigenous Knowledge”
                project - Ms. N. Hamwaalwa,
                Namibia Library and Archives
                Service (NLAS)
                Preservation of traditional                                                    Specialized information service delivery for
                medicinal knowledge: Initiatives                                               appropriate use of agrochemical products in
                and techniques in rural                                                        Ghana – Mr..A. B. Fuseini & Ms. H. A
14:30 – 14:50
                communities in KwaZulu Natal –     Discussions                                 Kugblenu-Mahama - Ho Technical University,
                Ms N. C. Khanyile, University of                                               Ghana
                Zululand, South Africa
14:50 – 15:30   Discussions                                                                    Discussions
15:30 – 16:00   Announcements and End of Day 2

Day 3 – Wednesday, 10 February 2021
08:30 – 09:00   Delegates assemble at the conference hotel for tours (details to be announced during the conference)- Optional
                                           Plenary Session 3A: XVIV SCECSAL Conference Exhibition
                                                         Chairperson: Ms Ritva Niskala
09:00 – 09:45   EMERALD
                ELSEVIER: Vital tools for boosting the impact and visibility of academic institutions - Lucia Schoombee, Senior Research
09:45 – 10:30
                Intelligence Consultant
10:30 –11:00                                                                   Break
11:00 – 11:20   Namibian College of Open Learning, NAMCOL
                EBSCO: From start to finish, EBSCO is the ONE & ONLY choice for your Library. Join us for a journey into what is possible -
11:20 – 11:40
                Bronwyn Rassmann
11:40 – 12:00   SABINET: The new Sabinet Journal platform - Madira Makhubela, Portfolio Manager
12:00 – 12:45   SPRINGER NATURE
12:45 – 14:00                                                              Lunch Break
                                           Plenary Session 3B: XVIV SCECSAL Conference Exhibition
                                                         Chairperson: Ms Aletta Dunn
14:00 – 14:20   TAYLOR & FRANCIS
14:20 – 14:40   PROQUEST
14:40 – 15:00   JOVE
15:00 – 15.20   WWIS
15:20 – 16:00   Announcements and End of Day 3

                                                 Day 4 – Thursday, 11 February 2021

Parallel Sessions
                                                             Parallel Session 5B: Library and              Parallel Session 5C: Projects
  Parallel Session 5A: Innovative digital technology-     information research and community              Room: TBA; Chairperson: Dr. C.
    based library and information services in Africa                 support services                                Mchombu
       Room: TBA; Chairperson: Mr J. Ndinoshiho          Room: TBA; Chairperson: Dr. J. P. Anbu
09:00 – 09:20 WhatsApp as a platform for the delivery The impact of the basic ICT skills              IFLA: Health and Bio-sciences Libraries
               of library and information services - Dr. training on the livelihood of the            Section – IFLA-Prof. Maria Musoke-
               A. Chaputula & Mr. H. L. Abdullah-Mzuzu graduates: A case study of Oshana              (Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic
               University, Malawi                        Regional Library - Mr J. Muleka -            Affairs at Kyambogo University in
                                                         Oshana Regional Library, Namibia             Kampala, Uganda)

09:20 – 09:40 The impact of library 2.0 in the             Provision of relevant information by       All libraries in SADC region need be
              transformation of academic library           the Parliament Library of Namibia to       inclusive – Mr. Meliherius Haukambe
              services in Africa - Mr H. Tokwe -           meet the information needs of              (Acting Director-National Council for
              Midlands State University, Zimbabwe          Members of Namibian Parliament - Mrs       Disability, Namibia)
                                                           H. P. Robert, Dr C. Mchombu & Dr J.
                                                           Shimaneni - University of Namibia &
                                                           National Assembly of Namibia
09:40 – 10:00 Developing a framework for web               Awareness of electronic resources at       Joint Centre for Knowledge Sciences-
              archiving of indigenous knowledge            the national open university of Nigeria    Project/ IUM Prof. Kingo Mchombu-
              systems in selected academic                 (NOUN) library: Students' lecturers' and   Advisor: Founder and Governing
              institutional repositories in South Africa - librarians' perceptions - Mr. B.O          Council. International University of
              Mr T. Balogun & Prof. T. Kalusopa-           Oluwaseun & Prof. O. B. Onyancha-          management.
              University of Zululand & University of       National Open University of Nigeria &
              Namibia                                      University of South Africa
10:00 – 10:20 Find Yo Faya: Promoting the use of           Research and development (R&D),            Preserving Memory of African
              technology among primary school              creativity and innovation in academic      Liberation History -Ms Phyllis Johnson-
              children: A case of ShadiShadi Primary       libraries in Malawi: A way to rethink      Founding Director and Special Projects
              School -Ms. S. Molatedi & Ms. B.             library development in 21st century -      Southern African Research &
              Ketlhoilwe-University of Botswana.           Mr. S. C. Lubanga & Mr. J. Mumba-          Documentation Centre.

National Local Government Finance
                                                       Committee, Malawi & University of
                                                       Livingstonia, Malawi
10:20 – 11:00 Discussions                              Discussions                            Discussions
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch Break

                                         Plenary Session 4: SCECSAL General Assembly
                               Room: TBA; Chairperson: Ms Namutenya Hamwaalwa (NIWAN Chairperson)
14:00 – 15:30      •   Summary/Highlights from XXIV SCECSAL Conference – Ms Foibe Shaambeni SCECSAL National Organizing Committee
                   •   Country Reports – Presidents/Chairpersons of Member Associations
                   •   Key Updates from the SCECSAL General Council - SCECSAL Secretariat
                   •   XXV SCECSAL Conference (2022) Updates – LIASA President
                   •   Announcement - SCECSAL 2024 Host - SCECSAL Secretariat
                   •   Acceptance statement: host for SCECSAL 2024 – President/Chairperson – SCECSAL Member Association
                   •   SCECSAL 2020 Resolutions – SCECSAL President

                                             Plenary Session 4: Closing Ceremony
                                           Room: TBA; Chairperson: LIASA President
15:30 – 16:00 Closing Ceremony Hon Veno Kauaria (Member of Parliament; Former NIWAN Chairperson)

                                                  Post-Conference Events

                                                   Friday, 12 February 2021
09:30 - 17:00   Tours on request

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