Page created by Elizabeth Herrera
                     SIXTH FORM COLLEGE

    It is my great honour and pleasure to
    welcome you to Thomas Rotherham College!
    We here at this historic college are all very   We take the student experience very
    proud to be associated with Rotherham’s         seriously. We are renowned for innovation,
    most important post-16 provider. There          compassion and a determination to be the
    has been a centre of academic excellence        best we can be. We all understand the value
    on this site for over 500 years. We have a      of hard work, we care about learning, we
    long and enviable tradition of providing the    care about each other and we know the
    very best educational opportunities for         importance of community.
    the young people of this region. We firmly
    believe that this successful college can        Your safety, care and wellbeing is of
    meet the needs of all learners across the       upmost importance to us in helping you as
    16-19 age range in a welcoming, supportive      you grow and prosper in this college. Not
    and safe environment.                           only will you have your own Progress Tutor,
                                                    to support you as you grow and develop
    We have been recognised locally and             during your time at college, but you will also
    nationally for our provision. We are the        have access to a huge support network;
    largest provider of A Level courses in the      including counsellors.
    area, with over 25 subjects on offer. We also
    offer a range of vocational pathways and        Thomas Rotherham College is a very
    sports academies. We are absolutely sure        special place. Our students benefit from
    we have the right course for you.               a truly wonderful learning environment.
                                                    Our commitment to excellence has seen
    With a student population of over 1500          us develop and improve our buildings,            “We have an enormous amount going on and
    (and growing) we can guarantee that our         classrooms, learning spaces and wider
    teachers are highly qualified specialists in    educational and sporting provision.
                                                                                                     Thomas Rotherham College continues to be an
    their field, who will focus on teaching their
                                                    We have incredibly strong partnerships with
                                                                                                     exciting and vibrant college. I do hope that you will take
    subjects to the highest standards, with a
    more appropriate approach for the 16-19         schools, the wider community, universities       an opportunity to visit us. Look out for our Open Evenings!
    year old learner - preparing you for your       and employers. We will work with you and
    progression on to university or employment.     those partners to ensure that you have           I hope to meet you soon and to welcome you as a student
                                                    a smooth and effective transition into
    Thomas Rotherham College will be the best
    launch pad from school to your chosen           Thomas Rotherham College and then onto           of Thomas Rotherham College.”
    educational or career path. Supported by        your chosen pathway, when you are ready
                                                    to leave us.                                     David Naisbitt, Principal
    a strong careers provision, our students
    progress to prestigious universities
    (including the Russell Group and Oxbridge),
    onto highly competitive higher education
    courses and into excellent careers.                                                              Visit our website for more information:

2                                                                                                                                                                  3
    2     Welcome
    6     The widest choice of Advanced Level courses
    8     Why choose us?
    10    What’s it like?
    12    We’ll support you all the way
    15    Centre for Learning and Study Skills
    16    Support for Learning
    18    Help with money
    19    What our students say
    20    Entry Requirements
    21    Study Programme
    22    Course Specific Entry Requirements
    24    What else can I get involved in?
    25    Sports Centre
    26    What Next?
    28    Results 2020
    30    Courses 2021
    32    A Levels
    90    Other Level 3 Courses
    126   Level 2 and GCSEs
    133   Sports Academies
    134   Virtual Open Events
    136   Apply Now
    137   How to find us
    138   Contact us

4                                                       5
    Thomas Rotherham College specialises                                                              • A levels are examined at the end of the
                                                                                                         two year course.
                                                                                                                                                        Aim high!
                                                                                                                                                        TRC students achieve great results, often
    in offering A Level and Level 3 Vocational                                                        • Students might wish to stretch and             better than they thought themselves
                                                                                                                                                        capable of. Be realistic in your choice, but
    courses. We offer the widest range of                                                                challenge themselves by taking the
                                                                                                         Extended Project Qualification (EPQ).          don’t be afraid to be ambitious - if you’re
                                                                                                                                                        prepared to work hard, we’ll make sure you
    Advanced level courses in the region.                                                                This option is offered to high-achieving
                                                                                                         students towards the end of their first        have the best chance of success! High
                                                                                                         year of study at TRC. It provides the fourth   flying students are encouraged to consider
                                                                                                                                                        application to the universities of Oxford and
    Your Study Programme                             How many Advanced level                             subject necessary for some students who
                                                                                                                                                        Cambridge. The College collaborates with
                                                                                                         wish to apply for particular medicine and
    at TRC will:                                     courses can I study?                                veterinary science courses.                    Cambridge University as the hub institution
    • Take you on to the next level in your         • Students will usually take 3 A levels or                                                        for the latter’s HE+ scheme in Rotherham,
       education, building on your achievements         A level-equivalent subjects. Guidance         • Students who have not achieved grade           involving extension activities for very able
       at school.                                       through the application process should           4/C in English Language or Maths at GCSE       students aiming for highly competitive
                                                        ensure that you choose the right courses         have to be enrolled onto these courses (or     universities.
    • Stretch and challenge you to help you to                                                          an interim equivalent in Maths) until they
                                                        from the outset. A change of course
       progress to the right university course,                                                          have passed with a grade 4 minimum.
       employment or high level apprenticeship
                                                        period is available in the first month of                                                       Fees
                                                        teaching for the minority of students                                                           Courses are free to students starting their
       at end of it.
                                                        who find that they have made the wrong        What if I want to do                              courses aged 16 – 18. Unfortunately, we are
    • Require you to remain on the equivalent          choice for them but after this students       Advanced courses but                              unable to accept applications from new
       of 3 academic subjects, or 1-2 vocational        need to stick with the 3 subjects on their    don’t meet the entry                              students aged 19 and above as we do not
       subjects at level 3 (for two years) or 4         timetable.                                    requirements?                                     have the administrative infrastructure to
       subjects at level 2 (for one year).                                                                                                              implement the funding system for these
                                                     • Students who are taking Further               There is also a range of full-time courses
                                                        Mathematics will take 4 A level or A level-   for students who achieve mostly 3 grades          students.
    • Include GCSE English and/or Maths or a
       stepping-stone Maths qualification if you        equivalents including Mathematics and         at GCSE. These can lead on to Advanced
       have not already achieved at least a grade       Further Mathematics. Further Maths is a       courses at the end of a year, or directly into
       4 in these subjects.                             good choice for very able Maths students      modern apprenticeships, employment or
                                                        who know that they want to go on to           further education at other colleges.
    • Help you to develop employability skills         Maths, Physics, Computing or Engineering
       and knowledge of career opportunities            at university.                                How do I choose
       through work experience or other events
       and activities.                               • Students will receive guidance from the       my courses?
                                                        College at interview and enrolment on the     Look up the details of all the courses you are
    • Offer you other experiences and                  best combination of subjects for them,        interested in and see which combination
       opportunities that will help develop the         given their interests, strengths and aims.    will work best for you. Make a provisional
       character, skills, attitudes and confidence      You can also contact TRC at any time for      choice on your application form and when
       to support your progression to a suitable        further advice.                               you come for interview at TRC we’ll discuss
       destination at the end of your time at TRC.                                                    these with you and make sure you’re
                                                                                                      enrolled on the programme that best meets
                                                                                                      your interests and fits your ambitions and

6                                                                                                                                                                                                       7
    If you’re unsure where you would like to
    study after completing your GCSEs, here
    are just some of the many reasons why our
    students choose TRC:
    We offer a HUGE range of A Level and Level 3 courses,
    plus a Level 2 programme.
    You can choose almost any combination of courses with no clashes!*

    TRC students have a 10%                       1500 ambitious, like-minded
    better than national chance of                students. You’ll make loads of
    progressing to achieve a First Class          new friends.
    degree. (HESA)
                                                  We offer a fantastic range of extra-
    Excellent progression to                      curricular activities. Everything
    competitive higher education                  from Duke of Edinburgh, to First
    courses, including the Russell                Aid, to Student Newspaper, to Rock
    Group and Oxbridge, prestigious               Climbing to foreign trips.
    apprenticeships and high-quality
    employment. Positive destinations             We have impressive facilities and
    for students above the national               our own on-site Sports Centre.
    average for college leavers.
                                                  Dedicated TRC bus services make
    Extensive enrichment of the                   it really easy to get to and from
    curriculum through exciting study             college.
    visits and expert visitor speakers
    and practitioners.                            We have great contacts with local
                                                  businesses giving our students
    Every student has their own                   lots of opportunities for work
    Progress Tutor to track progress              placements.
    and offer 1:1 support and guidance.
                                                  Oh, yes and our impressive,
                                                  inspiring buildings and masses of
                                                  outdoor space!

                                                  *In a few cases you can’t combine two very
                                                    similar courses.

8                                                                                               9
     Please note we have based this information on what life was like
                                                                                                     Social Life                                       Learning Resources
     at College prior to Covid-19 and the social distancing measures                                 You’ll get a great new social life at college     Centre & IT
     currently in place.                                                                             as it’s a brilliant place to meet lots of new,    Our Learning Resources Centre (LRC)
                                                                                                     like-minded people with similar interests         aims to meet the needs of a diverse range
                                                                                                     and ambitions. We run a Freshers’ Fair            of students and boasts an impressive
                                                                                                     during the first few weeks of college, which      collection of printed, audiovisual and online
                                                                                                     is all about getting involved, making new         resources. All students have their own
                                                                                                     friends and settling into college life. You’ll    LRC account and can borrow resources for
                                                                                                     also get to know the other students on            their studies. The LRC provides numerous
                                                                                                     your chosen courses and there are loads of        independent study spaces along with drop
                                                                                                     opportunities to meet people through our          in computers, loanable laptops and printing,
                                                                                                     enrichment activities, sports teams and           copying and scanning facilities. In addition
                                                                                                     events. Don’t forget everyone is in the same      to the LRC there are several IT suites across
                                                                                                     boat, so don’t be scared to choose college,       college. All PCs have access to the internet,
                                                                                                     rather than automatically staying in your         our student portal and virtual learning
                                                                                                     school sixth form. You need to weigh up the       environment that is packed with course
                                                                                                     right choice for you as an individual.            materials, links and college information.
                                                                                                                                                       Students will also be provided with their own
                                                                                                     College facilities                                college e-mail account and Wi-Fi is available
                                                                                                     Facilities include a 110-seat lecture theatre,    throughout the site
                                                                                                     specialist technologies for media and
                                                                                                     excellent language and science laboratories       Great sports facilities
                                                                                                     and well-equipped classrooms. Our art             TRC students can take advantage of our
                                                                                                     rooms provide students with the space             fully equipped fitness centre with gym, full
                                                                                                     to create, with a room also available for         size sports hall and dance studio and lots of
                                                                                                     displaying art work. There is a prayer space      outdoor sports facilities, including a large
     Your working day                              Working together in a                             available for our students to use.                artificial pitch – see the section on TRSports.
     The College working day is 9.00am to          relaxed atmosphere                                Car parking
     4.15pm Monday, Tuesday and Thursday,          One of the many aspects that students find                                                          The Courtyard
     9.00am -3.00pm on Wednesday and                                                                 We provide car parking for students, with         The Courtyard is our student social and
                                                   appealing is the informal but purposeful
     9.00am - 2.40pm on Friday, but you won’t                                                        priority permits for those with a long journey.   dining area. This is the place where you can
                                                   studying atmosphere. The environment is
     have classes all the time. You can use the    different from school and we treat you as                                                           relax, meet your friends and even study! It
     Learning Resources Centre for research,
                                                                                                     Drama and Music studios                           is also home to lots of fun lunchtime events
                                                   adults, with respect. Of course, we expect
                                                                                                     The Studio is our fully equipped                  and fundraising activities. The Canteen
     coursework and homework when you don’t        you to treat us and each other the same
                                                                                                     performance area, where Performing Arts           offers a great menu available throughout
     have a timetabled lesson.                     way. Staff and students work together at
                                                                                                     classes take place and public performances        the day and barista style coffee and snacks
     Please note timetabling is likely to differ   TRC. There is no uniform.
                                                                                                     are held. There is also a soundproof practice     are available at our TRCafe.
     to accommodate social distancing and
                                                                                                     area too for rehearsals. The Tower houses
     bubbles if these measures remain in place.    Student Safety
                                                   All students, staff and visitors to the college
                                                                                                     music studios and practice rooms with a           Induction Course /
     Studying in college                           are required to wear an identification
                                                                                                     wide range of equipment and instruments,
                                                                                                                                                       Taster Days
     Outside timetabled work you manage your                                                         from pianos and violins to mixing desks and
                                                   lanyard in order to promote the safety and                                                          Should you apply for a place, you’ll have
     own time; you will need plenty of time for                                                      PC audio technology.
                                                   security of everyone on site.                                                                       the opportunity to experience life as a TRC
     reading, homework and coursework and                                                                                                              student during our summer Induction Course
     preparing for exams. There are social and                                                                                                         taster days, helping with the transition from
     private study areas, fully equipped with                                                                                                          school to college. You’ll be able to sample
     IT that you can use whenever you need                                                                                                             the courses you are interested in and some
     them. Students will be expected to attend                                                                                                         you may not have considered and familiarise
     all timetabled lessons and unauthorised                                                                                                           yourself with the college site. To see more
     absences will be monitored.                                                                                                                       of our campus and facilities, check out our
                                                                                                                                                       virtual tour on our website.
10                                                                                                                                                                                                       11
     Student Services – here                           Careers Advice and
     to help and advise you                            Guidance
     We know that while you are a sixth form           When you first apply to TRC we offer you
     student you need support to help you              detailed guidance on whether TRC is right
     reach your full potential. Whatever your          for you and on the implications of your
     concern, there will always be someone at          choice of subjects or course. All our advice
     TRC who will try to help. If you don’t know       is independent and impartial – we want you
     who to contact then speak to our Student          to make informed decisions so that you will
     Services reception staff. They can help you       be happy here and succeed. Our carefully
     find the right person to talk to on a range of    crafted careers programme supports the
     issues including travel, trips and visits, work   Gatsby Benchmarks. Further details can be
     placements, timetable and financial help.         found at

     Your Progress Tutor                               Throughout your time at TRC, careers
     Your Progress Tutor will meet with you            information, advice and guidance is
     regularly in whole group sessions and on an       available from our experienced level 6
     individual basis.                                 qualified Careers Advisers including via
                                                       e-guidance. We also organise events              Work Experience                               Changes to the
     Your Progress Tutor will help you to:             and activities to help you choose your           All students at TRC are encouraged to         Careers Programme to
     • settle in                                       next step after College, whether this be         undertake some work placement during          accommodate Covid-19
                                                       university or work.                              their time at college. We have a great        In these unprecedented times we have had
     • meet the requirements of your Learning
                                                                                                        track record of providing our students        to make some significant changes to our
        Agreement                                      These events include:
                                                                                                        with high-quality work placements that        careers programme offer.
     • get the most out of your Study Programme       • An annual Careers Fair which attracts         are increasingly valued by employers and
        and achieve as highly as possible                 over 70 higher education institutions,        universities. Placements offer awareness      The Careers Advisers will continue to offer
     • plan and move towards your next steps             apprenticeship providers and employers.       of the real world of work and give you the    impartial advice and guidance, either face
        into higher education or employment            • A Higher Education evening event for          chance to try out career options as well as   to face in college whilst adhering to social
                                                          students and parents.                         enhancing your CV and university or job/      distancing rules or via e-guidance, Zoom,
     • access advice and support when you
                                                                                                        apprenticeship application.                   Microsoft teams etc. Due to the on-going
        need it                                        • A Job Ready event to support students
                                                                                                                                                      implications of Covid-19, we will prepare our
                                                          applying for apprenticeships or work after    Placements are an essential part of all
     Reviewing your progress                              college, including a mock interview with an   vocational courses at college and will
                                                                                                                                                      students for the new challenges ahead by
     Your Tutor will help you to track your                                                                                                           preparing them with the skills to succeed in
                                                          employer.                                     form an important part of your learning.
     progress and devise SMART targets to help                                                                                                        virtual interview situations, whether that be
                                                       • Visits from a range of speakers, including    Work experience is also essential for some    for university, Apprenticeship or work. We
     you make continuous improvements. Your                                                             university courses; applicants will not be
                                                          university Student Ambassadors, local                                                       will look at new approaches to recreate our
     teachers will give you on-going feedback                                                           accepted unless they have some recent
                                                          employers and apprenticeship providers.                                                     events whilst maintaining social distancing
     and record your grades in an electronic mark                                                       relevant work experience - for example
     book. We hold consultation evenings for you       • Practical help on applying for jobs,                                                        rules.
                                                                                                        primary teaching, social work and medical
     and your parents to discuss your progress.           writing CVs and application forms and on
                                                                                                        healthcare related courses. Students are      Our work placement coordinators will look at
                                                          interview techniques.
                                                                                                        encouraged to source their own placements     alternative ways of providing our students
     College intranet                                  • Help with all aspects of applying to          in the first instance but we do have 2        with experience of the workplace through
     There is an area on the college intranet             university.                                                                                 participation in our virtual work experience
                                                                                                        dedicated work placement coordinators’
     where you will find your personalised                                                                                                            programme.
                                                                                                        who are there to support the sourcing of
     information, for example your timetable and
                                                                                                        placements and make sure the relevant
     attendance marks and percentages.
                                                                                                        insurances and health and safety checks
                                                                                                        are in place prior to your placement.

12                                                                                                                                                                                                    13
     Making the most                                How do we work in CLASS?
                                                    With the help of qualified professionals,
     of your Thomas                                 you will be able to identify, and work on, the
                                                    specific skills of your chosen subjects. All
     Rotherham College                              the work that you do in CLASS will be subject
                                                    related and help you to achieve success.
     experience.                                    You will work on your own individual targets
                                                    within a relaxed workshop setting. The
                                                    targets may include; extended writing
     What do we do in CLASS?                        skills, understanding your assignments and
     The move from school to college can be         essay questions, understanding and using
     daunting and involves taking on more           subject terminology and managing your
     advanced skills. It requires a different way   workload.
     of thinking about your studies and taking
     responsibility for the progress of your
     learning. Similar to an athlete, a student
                                                    “I understand my work in
     will need to reflect, analyse, and drive       more depth now!”
     improvement to become an elite student.
     By identifying your key areas for further
     development, you can move forward to           When will my CLASS
     your next success, they may include;           lesson be?
     improving grades by follow - ing teacher       You may refer yourself or one of your
     feedback, improving your extended writing      teachers, or your tutor, may suggest that
     skills or challenging yourself to build your   your grades could improve if you have a
     confidence.                                    CLASS lesson on your timetable. CLASS will
                                                    help you find a suitable time when you are
     “CLASS do all they can to                      not in lesson.
     help students in a way that is
     best for every individual.”                    TR Active
                                                    TR Active is a programme of activities,
                                                    held at lunchtime and after college. It will
                                                    enrich your TRC experience by developing
                                                    confidence, helping you socialise with
                                                    new friends creating the opportunity
                                                    to challenge yourself and encouraging
                                                    positive mental health.

                                                    “I wish I had been to CLASS
                                                    sooner as it has honestly
                                                    been so helpful.”

14                                                                                                   15
     You may have disclosed a support need             Mental health Support
     that required you to seek support, of             It is quite normal for us to experience
     some kind, at school. This may include:           anxiety, low mood or feelings of not settling
     dyslexia, dyspraxia, autism spectrum,             in. Deadlines, worries about achieving the
     ADHD, mental health conditions (such as           required standard and the pressures of
     depression or anxiety), a range of medical        workload are all expected challenges of
     needs and long term health conditions.            study, at this level. Making the transition
     We strongly suggest that you disclose             to college and coping with difficulties can
     a support need to help us ensure that             be tough, but experiencing stress and
     appropriate reasonable adjustments and            difficult emotions does not, in itself, denote
     support can be arranged. Alternatively,           the presence of a mental health condition.
     you may be worried that you need support          However, when these difficulties become
     but haven’t received it previously. We            overwhelming or start to have a serious and
     have a range of qualified and experienced         negative impact on your day to day living, we
     professionals that will work with you to          would encourage you to talk to your tutor
     develop support that will enhance your            or a member of the CLASS team for advice
     time with us.                                     about where to seek support.
     You will have the opportunity to disclose
     any support needs during the application          Counselling
     process but please feel free to discuss           People do sometimes have problems for
     support with the CLASS team prior to              which they may need confidential help and
     application, they will be very happy to assist.   support. Our counselling service offers
                                                       this. For example, you may have personal
                                                       problems, stress related problems - or
                                                       perhaps you just need help to make choices
                                                       that are right for you. If you have a problem
                                                       please don’t be afraid to contact our
                                                       counsellors for an appointment. A warm
                                                       welcome awaits you.

16                                                                                                      17
HELP WITH MONEY                                                                               WHAT OUR
                                                                                                   STUDENTS SAY
                                                                                                                                          A great part of TRC is that it has a
                                                                                                                                          very welcoming, mature and relaxed
                                                                                                                                          environment where everyone
                                                                                                                                          respects each other making it so
                                                                                                                                          easy to make new lifelong friends.
                                                                                                                                          Another excellent aspect to this
                                                                                                                                          college is the teachers are very
                                                                                                                                          supportive and if you struggle with
                                                                                                                                          workload or have any difficulty in
                                                                                                       The staff are not only             learning CLASS is a great learning
                                                                                                       caring of your grades              environment to get one to one
                                                                                                       but your physical and              support to help with your studies.
                                                                                                       mental health. Each are
                                                                                                       unique and caring in               Emily Stuchbury
     Student Bursary Fund                           Support for trips and visits                       their own ways.
     The College has Student Bursary Funds.         We recommend that you find out in advance                                             Previous School: Ecclesfield
     These are available to help students           the cost of any important trips and visits         Malik Hijab
     who might be experiencing difficulty           that are either compulsory or strongly             Previous School:
     with meeting the costs of their learning.      recommended for your courses. If you have          Handsworth Grange
     Eligibility is based on an assessment of       difficulty meeting these costs, help may           Community Sports
     gross household income and assistance is       be available from the Student Bursary
                                                                                                                                                   The learning environment
                                                                                                       College                                     is great, there’s a lot more
     available towards the cost of travel (during   Fund. For more information call Karen
     term time), books, equipment, meals and        Robinson on 01709 300600, email                                                                freedom socially and that’s
     essential study visits. For more information or ask                                                           what makes college life
     call Karen Robinson on 01709 300600, email     at Student Services reception.                                                                 enjoyable. The teachers are or ask at                                                        The college environment is of                  amazing and you are treated
     Student Services reception.                    Child Care                                      complete opposite as to that of an             like an adult by not having to
                                                    If you are a young parent under the age         average school environment. The                say Miss or Sir.
     Transport                                      of 20, Care to Learn can help pay towards       teachers vividly explore the contents          Lauren Flinders
     There are special rates for students           your childcare and associated travel costs      of the lesson to the maximum in an
     when it comes to travel; information           while you are learning. For more information    expressive manor. All students have            Previous School:
     about discounted bus passes is available       visit or call          a right to a freedom of expression             Wingfield Academy
     from Student Services,                         the learner helpline on 0800 121 8989.          whether it be inside or outside college                       Alternatively, contact Karen Robinson           in representation of the college. From
     or your local (main) interchange.              on 01709 300600 or email                        my personal experience, teachers
                                                             offer all the help they can possibly can
                                                                                                    to ensure the students learning is as
                                                    NUS Totum Card                                  enjoyable as it can be.
                                                    Every enrolled student at TRC is
                                                    automatically a member of the student union     Dylan License
                                                    and entitled to purchase a Totum Card which
                                                                                                    Previous School: Wingfield Academy
                                                    provides a huge range of discounts. Check
                                                    out for a list of offers
                                                    currently available or to purchase a card.

18                                                                                                                                                                                  19
     Level 3                                           Level 2
     1) New students entering from Year 11             16 points achieved in 6 GCSE subjects,
     A minimum of 5 grade 4 GCSEs [1 of which          including at least a grade 3 in English
     could be a GCSE equivalent qualification]         Language and the potential to meet TRC
     in 4 different subjects including English         level 3 entry requirements at the end of
     Language or Literature. There are also            the level 2 year at TRC. Students who have
     coursespecific entry requirements –               already completed a Year 12 Level 2 course
     see table.                                        at another institution will not be eligible for
                                                       a further Level 2 course.
     The requirement for students to have
     achieved at least 4 of the 5 9-4s in GCSE         1) Non-traditional route (to level 2 or 3
     subjects can be waived if a student wants to      dependent on screening results)
     study a BTEC/ technical-based programme.          The following students will be eligible for
                                                       the non-traditional entry route.
     2) New students joining from a year 12
                                                       • Students who because of serious illness
     level 3 course at another institution
                                                          have not been able to take the full range
     Where students have studied the same                 of GCSEs.
     specifications as followed at TRC transfer
                                                       • Students who have been in the country
     might be possible for the second year of
                                                          for less than 2 academic years.
     study where a student’s circumstances
     require this – e.g. a move to the area from       • Students who have been home schooled
     another part of the country. A satisfactory          but achieved Maths and English GCSE.
     reference from the student’s previous             In the above circumstances students will be
     school is required.                               able to complete a Skills for Life Screening
     More usually students wanting to apply here       Assessment and placed on appropriate
     after a year at another institution are looking   courses.
     for a fresh start on different subjects from
                                                       Please visit for up-to-date
     the ones they have taken. In these instances
                                                       entry requirements.
     the student must have a supportive
     reference – indicating a good record of

     effort - from the institution where they have
     studied Year 12 courses and they need to
     have strengths in the subjects they now wish

     to study at TRC, evidenced by 6 grades in
     these or related subjects at GCSE, in addition
     to the standard TRC entry requirements.

     3) New students joining from a year 12
     level 2 course at another institution
     General entry requirements. Additionally                                                            A Level study programme:                  BTEC study programme:
     these students need to have successfully                                                            5 GCSEs at grade 4 or better (including   4 GCSEs at grade 4 or better including
     completed the level 2 course taken in Year 12                                                       English Language or Literature) and a     English Language or Literature.
     and to have a supportive reference from the                                                         minimum GCSE average of 4.5.
     institution at which this course was taken.

20                                                                                                                                                                                          21
                                                                                          Mathematics A Level   Grade 6 Maths.

                                                                                            Media Studies
                                                                                                                Grade 5 English.
                                                                                              A Level

     SPECIFIC ENTRY                                                                          Music A Level
                                                                                                                Grade 4 GCSE Music/BTEC or Grade V theory and a
                                                                                                                practical audition.

                                                                                           Music Technology
                                                                                                                Grade 4 GCSE Music or Music Tech.
                                                                                                A Level
                                                                                                                Grade 5 English. Grade 4 in another
                                                                                          Philosophy A Level
                                                                                                                humanities subject.
                           Sept 2021 Subject Specific requirements in                                           Grade 4 GCSE Art or related qualification (Grade 6 if taken
          Subject                                                                         Photography A Level
                           addition to the level 3 entry requirements                                           in combination with another Art based course).

                           GCSE Science (2x Grade 6, with a 6 in Biology if taken                               GCSE Science (2 x Grade 6, with a 6 in Physics if taken
       Biology A Level                                                                      Physics A Level
                           separately). Grade 5 Maths.                                                          separately). Grade 6 Maths.

       Business A Level    Grade 5 English. Grade 4 Maths.                                  Politics A Level    Grade 5 English.

                           GCSE Science (2x Grade 6, with a 6 in Chemistry if taken                             Grade 5 Maths. (2x Grade 4) in GCSE Science.
      Chemistry A Level                                                                   Psychology A Level
                           separately). Grade 6 Maths.                                                          Grade 5 English.

      Computer Science                                                                     Religious Studies    Grade 5 in English. Grade 4 in Religious Studies
                           Grade 6 Maths.                                                       A Level         (if taken).
          A Level

      Economics A Level    Grade 5 English. Grade 5 Maths.                                 Sociology A Level    Grade 5 English. Grade 4 in Sociology (if taken).

      English Language                                                                                          Grade 6 GCSE Spanish. Applicants with a grade 5, with a
                           Grade 5 English.                                                 Spanish A Level     proven aptitude in the language, will require and interview
           A Level
                                                                                                                with a language teacher.
      English Literature   Grade 5 English. Grade 5 English Literature
                                                                                              Applied Law       Grade 4 in English. Grade 3 in Maths.
           A Level         (if taken).
                                                                                          Applied Psychology    Grade 4 in GCSE Science. Grade 3 in Maths.
         Film A Level      Grade 5 in English.
                           Grade 4 GCSE Art or related qualification (Grade 6 if taken      Applied Science     Grade 4 in GCSE Science. Grade 4 in Maths.
       Fine Art A Level
                           in combination with another Art based course).                      Business         Grade 3 in Maths.
                           Grade 6 GCSE French. Applicants with a grade 5, with a              Business         Grade 3 in Maths.
        French A Level     proven aptitude in the language, will require and interview
                           with a language teacher.                                            Childcare        Grade 4 in English. Grade 4 in Maths.
     Further Mathematics                                                                           IT           Grade 4 in Maths.
                           Grade 7 Maths.
           A Level
                                                                                                Sport           Grade 3 in Maths.
                           Grade 5 English. Grade 4 Maths.
      Geography A Level
                           Grade 4 in Geography (if taken).
                                                                                         Additional Entry to that above
       Geology A Level     GCSE Science (2 x Grade 4). Grade 5 Maths.
                           Grade 6 GCSE German. Applicants with a grade 5, with a        Minimum average
       German A Level      proven aptitude in the language, will require and interview      GCSE score                                  Subjects
                           with a language teacher.                                          required
          Graphic                                                                                  5            Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Further Maths.
                           Grade 4 GCSE Art or related qualification (Grade 6 if taken
                           in combination with another Art based course).
          A Level                                                                                 4.5           Computer Science, Economics, Law, Mathematics.

       History A Level     Grade 5 English. Grade 4 in History (if taken).                       4.25           French, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology.

         Law A Level       Grade 5 English. Grade 3 Maths.                                         4            Business, Geology, German, Sociology.
22                                                                                                                                                                            23
WHAT ELSE CAN                                                                                     SPORTS
     I GET INVOLVED IN?                                                                                CENTRE
                                                                                                       TR Sports is set in the college grounds       Along with the gym and classes, we offer
                                                                                                       and is open to students throughout the        lunch time football, badminton and table
                                                                                                       day and to the public and students in the     tennis.
                                                                                                                                                     All students can get access to evening
                                                                                                       During your time at the college you will      activities by seeking parental permission.
                                                                                                       get use of the gym for a small charge of      This includes gym, classes and rental of
                                                                                                       £10 for the year. Instructors can design a    the sports hall and astro turf. (Form to be
                                                                                                       programme based on the individuals needs      completed from SPC reception.)
                                                                                                       free of charge.
                                                                                                                                                     For more information on the facilities please
                                                                                                       We have a variety of exercise classes         visit,
                                                                                                       run in the evening and there should be a      call 01709 300700 or email
                                                                                                       choice available for you during the day,
                                                                                                       such as Circuits, LBT, Studio cycling, Body
                                                                                                       conditioning, etc.

     We want you to make the most of the                There is a varied programme of additional                                                                  TIMES
     time that you spend at the College. As             courses such as first aid, sign language,
                                                                                                                                                         Monday – Thursday 9.00am - 4.15pm
     well as giving you the opportunity to              College production, student newspaper,
                                                                                                                                                              Friday 9.00am - 3.15pm
     achieve high academic standards, we also           counselling awareness, sports massage
     offer a range of additional activities to          and the debating group, where students                                                             The Sports Centre is open later and at
     complement the academic programme.                 have the opportunity to develop their skills                                                   weekends. Parental permission must be given
                                                        in non-traditional study. We also offer                                                        for access other than for the times indicated,
     These activities are offered at different
                                                        the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme allowing                                                                Monday – Thursday 4.45pm-9pm,
     times throughout the year; some may last
                                                        students to develop their skills through                                                                Friday 3.30pm-8.00pm and
     all year, while others may last only a few
                                                        physical, skill and volunteering sections,                                                                   Saturday/Sunday
     weeks. Some activities are available only in
                                                        culminating in an expedition to the                                                                          9.00am-2.00pm.
     timetabled blocks, but many are available
                                                        Peak District.
     at other times, including lunchtimes. The
     activities available give you the flexibility to   We offer numerous trips and visits, such
     mix and match activities to fit in with your       as the TRC South Africa volunteering trip,
     academic programme, and will give you              which offer students the opportunity to
     the opportunity to meet new people, try            explore different cultures, visit different
     something new and maybe even learn                 continents and get involved in helping
     new skills.                                        other communities.

     Our range of enrichment activities are             You will be provided with details of the
     designed to boost the enjoyment, health            activities soon after you enrol at the
     and employability of our students and              College, and, if you think there are other
     are organised through the TR Additional            activities that could be offered, just let
     Courses (TRAC) and TR Active programme.            us know!

24                                                                                                                                                                                                      25
     Studying at TRC can really keep your options                                                      Employment                                      Gap Year
                                                                                                       You can enter paid employment straight from     Taking a Gap Year after college can give you
     open for your future career.                                                                      completing your level 3 qualification. There
                                                                                                       are plenty of recruitment websites available
                                                                                                                                                       time to decide whether in fact you want
                                                                                                                                                       to go to university, or the time to consider
                                                                                                       listing current vacancies. The most common      different career paths.
     Whether you’ve studied an A-level or          Apprenticeships                                     jobs for college leavers are Business
     BTEC Level 3 pathway, an exciting range       Apprenticeships offer a great opportunity                                                           Many students use the time to travel, gain
                                                                                                       Administration, Childcare, Finance related,
     of progression opportunities awaits you.      to enter the labour market and gain                                                                 work experience, or undertake voluntary
                                                                                                       Health and Social Care, ICT and Retail.
     Our Options Event, Preparation for HE,        industry experience as well as the skills                                                           work – all of which look great on university
     Job Ready and Recruitment Fair events in      and qualifications employers are looking            The Careers staff at TRC can offer you          and work applications.
     addition to tutor and specialist careers      for while you earn. The increase in degree          practical advice on applying for jobs,
     support help you make an informed             level apprenticeships and variety of                                                                Visit to find out loads of
                                                                                                       including employability workshops on
     decision about which is the right next        apprenticeships make this an option                                                                 important information about taking a gap
                                                                                                       completing job applications, improving your
     step for you after college.                   for various vocational pathways. More                                                               year and ideas for how to spend the time!
                                                                                                       CV and interview skills.
                                                   information can be found at                                                                         Alternatively, if you are interested in the
     The Shape Your Future information available                                                       Alternatively, you could apply for a work
                                                                                                                   STEM subjects and want to gain industry
     at will help generate some                                                          experience or an internship placement
     ideas of the range of employers, jobs,        Apprenticeships are available across                                                                experience in one of these fields, visit
                                                                                                       within a company to see if it’s the kind of
     salaries, degree and apprentice options       many sectors including:                                                                   
                                                                                                       work you want to do. It is most likely this
     depending on the combination of subjects                                                                                                          which lists available placements.
                                                   • Accounting                                        would be unpaid, but would give you the
     you study.                                                                                        opportunity to gain experience within the
                                                   • Business
                                                                                                       sector which interests you and valuable
                                                                                                                                                       Support Available
     If, like around 70% of our students, you      • Law                                                                                               Careers information is available throughout
                                                   • ICT and Digital Marketing                         work skills.
     decide university is the option for you,                                                                                                          your time at TRC. You can make an
                                                   • Some Health and Care occupations                                                                  appointment to see one of our level 6
     we have a team of UCAS specialists and a
                                                   • Engineering and Manufacturing                     Vocational Route
     number of partnership agreements with                                                                                                             qualified Careers Advisers to discuss your
                                                   • Sports - Fitness                                  If you already know what career you
     universities to help get you there.                                                                                                               future plans and career aspirations … and
                                                   • Leisure, Travel and Tourism                       would like to embark upon, then working
                                                                                                                                                       the best way in.
     We have a strong track record of              • Retail and Commerce                               towards a vocational qualification is a
     supporting students securing offers for                                                           great route into the sector. There are          You could also visit
     Russell Group universities in a wide range    Generally, if you have studied A Levels/ BTEC       many vocational areas to look into and
     of degree courses including:                  you can start an Apprenticeship at Advanced         courses are available at a number of
                                                   or Higher level, and in some cases progress         levels, including university equivalent.        Come and speak to our Careers Advisers at
     • Medicine                                                                                                                                        our Open Evenings about where our courses
                                                   onto a Foundation Degree and even a                 Speak to our Careers Advisers to find out
     • Allied Health professions                                                                                                                       can take you!
                                                   Degree. Apprenticeships are recognised and          more about NVQs, BTECs and Foundation
     • Pharmacy
                                                   valued by employers as they show you have           Degrees. These vocational qualifications
     • Law
                                                   the skills and training to perform well in a role   are provided by local colleges in the region.
     • Maths
                                                   and the ability to progress.                        We have a number of links with HE and FE
     • Biology, Chemistry, Physics
                                                                                                       providers offering these courses including:
     • English                                     Some apprenticeships are not available
                                                                                                       Sheffield Hallam University, RNN, Barnsley
     • Engineering                                 in the local area so you may have to look
                                                                                                       College, Doncaster College, The University
     • Fashion                                     further afield or consider another route i.e.
                                                                                                       of Huddersfield, The University of Hull,
     • Journalism                                  a college course, if you are set on a specific
                                                                                                       Nottingham Trent University, Leeds Beckett
     • Media                                       career area.
                                                                                                       University and the University of Derby.
     • Primary Teaching
                                                   For more information visit
     • Spanish
     • Sports Coaching
     • Computing + Games Design                    TRC runs a Recruitment Event every year,
     • Art, Design and Media                       featuring local Apprenticeship Providers
     • Psychology                                  and Employers, to support students looking
     • Economics, Business & Accounting            to enter apprenticeships.

26                                                                                                                                                                                                    27
     These were our Advanced Level results for 2020:
     Subject                            A*   A     B     C     D     E    U   Total   Pass   % Pass    BTEC Extended Diploma        D*D*D* D*D*D D*DD DDD DDM DMM MMM MMP MPP PPP U Total Pass % Pass

     Art (A Level)                      4    4     11     5    0     1    0    25      25    100.0%   	
                                                                                                       BTEC Extended Diploma           6           0         1       1          1            0         0   1        0           0     0      10         10   100.0%
                                                                                                       in Business
     Biology (A Level)                  4    13    17    25    12    17   0    88      88    100.0%
     Business (A Level)                 2    4     18    17    10    1    0    52      52    100.0%   	
                                                                                                       BTEC Extended Diploma           12          7         1       2          4            0         2   1        0           2        1   32         31   96.9%
                                                                                                       in Health & Social Care
     CACHE Diploma                      7    11    0     0     0     0    0    18      18    100.0%
                                                                                                       BTEC Extended Diploma
     Chemistry (A Level)                4     7    12    14    13    12   0    62      62    100.0%                                        1       5        3        2          3            0         1   0        0           0     0      15         15   100.0%
                                                                                                       in Sport
     Computing (A Level)                0     1    3      3    2     3    0    12      12    100.0%
                                                                                                       BTEC Extended Diploma
     Economics (A Level)                2    9     12    12    4     2    0    41      41    100.0%                                    3            1       2        2          1             1        2   2        2           1     3      20         17   85.0%
                                                                                                       in Science
     English Language (A Level)         1    4     15    23    4     0    0    47      47    100.0%
                                                                                                       TOTAL                           22          13       7        7          9             1        5   4        2           3     4      77         73   94.8%
     English Literature (A Level)       2    8     20    23     3    0    0    56     56     100.0%
     Film Studies (A Level)             1    2     5     6     2     1    0    17      17    100.0%
     French (A Level)                   3    4     2     0      1    0    0    10      10    100.0%    BTEC Diploma                    D*D*        D*D      DD           DM          MM            MP          PP       U           Total         Pass       % Pass
     Further Maths (A Level)            3     3    2      1    0     0    0    9       9     100.0%
                                                                                                       BTEC Diploma in Business            12           8       6         5              4             4       1            0        40            40        100.0%
     Geography (A Level)                3     7    10    16     3    1    0    40     40     100.0%
                                                                                                       BTEC Diploma in Health              9            5        1        2              0             1       0            0        18            18        100.0%
     Geology (A Level)                  0     1    2      3     3    0    0    9       9     100.0%    & Social Care
     German (A Level)                   1    2     2     0      1    0    0    6       6     100.0%   	
                                                                                                       BTEC National Diploma               0            1        1        0              2             0       1            0         5            5         100.0%
     Graphic Communitcation (A Level)   1    5     3      3     1    0    0    13      13    100.0%    in Performing Arts
     History (A Level)                  5    6     12    15    9     0    0    47      47    100.0%    BTEC Diploma in Science                 1        3        2        1              2             2       0            0        11            11        100.0%
     Law (A Level)                      1    4     11    18    12    5    0    51      51    100.0%    BTEC Diploma in Sport                   2        3        5        2              0             0       1            1        14            13        92.9%
     Maths (A Level)                    9    23    17    15     3    2    0    69     69     100.0%    TOTAL                               24       20       15          10              8             7       3            1        88            87        98.9%
     Media Studies (A Level)            3     1    5      8     1    1    0    19      19    100.0%
     Music (A Level)                    0    0     2      2    2     0    0    6       6     100.0%
                                                                                                       BTEC Subsidiary Diploma                                           D*              D         M       P        U           Total         Pass           % Pass
     Music Technology (A Level)         1    0     3     4     0     1    0    9       9     100.0%
     Photography (A Level)              3    5     4      2    2     1    0    17      17    100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Business                                19             7             7   5        0               38            38         100.0%
     Physical Education (A Level)       0    2     4      2    2     0    0    10      10    100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Health & Social Care                    18             5            2    3        0               28            28         100.0%
     Philosophy (A Level)               0    2     2      3    5     2    0    14      14    100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in IT                                      18             12           6    1        0               37            37         100.0%
     Physics (A Level)                  2     7     7    6     5     4    0    31      31    100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Law                                     44             0            2    2        0               48            48         100.0%
     Psychology (A Level)               4    6     17    34    14    5    0    80     80     100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Media                                   6              3             7   5        0                21           21         100.0%
     Religious Studies (A Level)        0    4     2      3    4     0    0    13      13    100.0%    BTEC Extended Certificate in Performing Arts                        1             1            2    1        0                5             5         96.3%
     Sociology (A Level)                1    4     8     12    8     2    0    35      35    100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Science                                 12             2         12      0            1           27            26         100.0%
     Spanish (A Level)                  3     1    3      1    0     0    0    8       8     100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Sport                                   22             6            3    1        0               32            32         100.0%
     TOTAL                              70   150   231   276   126   61   0   914     914    100.0%    BTEC Subsidiary Diploma in Travel & Tourism                         1             4            2    1        0                8             8         100.0%
                                                                                                       TOTAL                                                              141           40         43      19       1               244           243        99.6%

                                                                                                       Level 3                                     A*       A        B              C             D        E        U               Total         Pass       % Pass

                                                                                                       Level 3 Core Maths                          0        4        1              3             3        0        0                11            11        100.0%
                                                                                                       Level 3 Diploma in Financial Studies        0        0        6              2             2        0        0                10            10        100.0%
                                                                                                       Criminology                                 5        18       13             18            17       5        0                76            76        100.0%

                                                                                                      (Results correct at time of print)

                                                                                                      These results are a reflection of a rigorously moderated process, as established by Ofqual. They broadly reflect
                                                                                                      the colleges three year trend and are primarily Centre Assessed Grades (CAGs), with minor individual uplifts /
                                                                                                      adjustments, following the Ofqual moderation process.
28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    29
     Lots of courses link                            A LEVELS                Level   Page   OTHER LEVEL 3                              LEVEL 2 AND
                                                                                            COURSES                     Level   Page   GCSES                            Level      Page
     particularly well                               Biology                  3       32
                                                                                            BTEC Applied Law             3       90    BTEC Level 2 Certificate
                                                     Business Studies         3       34
     together, but in a few                          Chemistry                3       36    BTEC Applied Psychology      3       92
                                                                                                                                       in Business                        2        126

     cases you cannot                                Computer Science         3       38    BTEC Applied Science         3       94
                                                                                                                                       GCSE English Language              2         127
                                                                                                                                       GCSE Financial Education           2        128
     combine two very                                Economics                3       40    BTEC Extended Certificate
                                                                                            in Business
                                                                                                                         3       96
                                                                                                                                       GCSE History                       2        129
     similar courses.                                English Language         3       42
                                                                                            BTEC Diploma in Business     3       98    GCSE Mathematics                   2        130
                                                     English Literature       3       44
     Please see page 22 for details on               Film                     3       46    BTEC Extended Diploma                      CTEC Media Studies                 2         131
                                                                                                                         3      100
     the individual entry requirements for                                                  in Business
     each course in addition to the general          Fine Art                 3       48                                               GCSE Combined                       2       132
                                                                                            NCFE CACHE Early Years                     Science Trilogy
     guidance given.                                                                                                     3      102
                                                     French                   3       50    Education and Care
     Look carefully at the individual entries for
                                                     Further Mathematics      3       52    NCFE CACHE Childcare
     the subjects you are interested in. Where
                                                                                            and Education Early          3      104
     there are costs for trips indicated, don’t be   Geography                3       54
                                                                                            Years Educator
                                                                                                                                       ACADEMIES                        Level      Page
     put off – look at the section Help with Money
                                                     Geology                  3       56                                               Sports Academies                  2/3        133
     on page 18 to see how we can help.                                                     BTEC Creative
                                                     German                   3       58                                 3      106
                                                                                            Media Production
                                                     Graphic Communication    3       60    Level 3 Applied General      3      108
                                                     History                  3       62    Diploma in Criminology

                                                     Law                      3       64    BTEC Dance                   3       110

                                                     Mathematics              3       66    BTEC Health & Social Care    3       112
                                                     Media Studies            3       68    BTEC IT                      3       114
                                                     Music                    3       70    BTEC Extended Certificate
                                                                                                                         3       116
                                                                                            Performing Arts (Acting)
                                                     Music Technology         3       72
                                                                                            BTEC Extended Diploma
                                                     Philosophy               3       74                                 3       118
                                                                                            Performing Arts
                                                     Photography              3       76
                                                                                            BTEC Sport - Outdoor         3      120
                                                     Physics                  3       78    Activities
                                                     Politics                 3       80    BTEC Sport - Fitness         3       122
                                                     Psychology               3       82    and Personal Training

                                                     Religious Studies        3       84    BTEC Sport - Coaching        3       124
                                                                                            and Development
                                                     Sociology                3       86
                                                     Spanish                  3       88

30                                                                                                                                     Courses expected to run at time of print.          31

     BIOLOGY                                                                                                                                                         A-LEVELS
     Level 3 • Qualification: A Level • Duration: 2 Years

     What will I study?                               Communication, homeostasis                      Cost                                          Careers
                                                      and energy                                      No more than £25 per day trip.                Veterinary medicine, medicine,
     Development of Practical Skills
                                                      This is a module based upon the anatomy                                                       dentistry, optometry, biology, zoology,
     This covers the skills of planning,              and physiology of the body, it covers           Assessment                                    ecology, animal science, marine
     implementing, analysis and evaluation            excretion as an example of homeostatic          Three written examinations. Practical         biology, life sciences, zookeeper, animal
     through a series of class practicals, and        control, the nervous and endocrine              endorsement.                                  care, veterinary nursing, pharmacy,
     field work to prepare students for future        systems, plant and animal responses                                                           pharmacology, physiotherapy, sports
     careers and higher level study in Science.       to environmental change, followed by            Entry Criteria                                science, ecology, forensic science,
                                                      photosynthesis and respiration. In addition     Minimum average GCSE score required           genetics, biochemistry, biotechnology,
     Foundations in Biology                                                                           5. GCSE Science 6,6 (with a 6 in Biology if
                                                      to preparing students for a career in                                                         biological/environmental/biomedical
     This module prepares students for A level        healthcare, it is useful for future sports      taken separately.) Grade 5 Maths.             engineering, paramedic, midwifery, nursing,
     study in biology. Topics covered include,        related careers.                                                                              microbiology, botany, animal behaviour and
     cell structure, biological molecules,                                                            Useful Supporting Courses                     wildlife conservation.
     including DNA and enzymes, followed by           Genetics, evolution and ecosystems              This course links very well with all other
     the study of biological membranes, cell                                                          sciences, including geology, psychology,
                                                      You will study the control of cellular
     division, cell diversity and organisation of                                                     maths, health and social care and PE.
                                                      activities such as protein synthesis and
     living organisms. All topics in this module      enzyme activation, the fascinating world
     will be covered in specific detail in later      of genetics, including genetic disorders.
     modules.                                         This is followed by genome manipulation,
                                                      cloning and biotechnology to help with
     Exchange and transport
                                                      disease prevention and treatment and
     This module covers the structure and             the manufacture of useful products. This
     function of the gas exchange system in           is followed by ecosystems, populations
     mammals, fish and insects, followed by           and conservation through sustainability.
     animal transport systems, which link to          Students take a global outlook of the world
     modules covered in sports studies. The           around them and how human activity
     module is completed by plant transport,          can by modified to preserve ecosystems.
     in which students study plant structure,         This module links to the International
     the role of xylem and phloem and plants          Conservation trip to South Africa.
     have evolved to survive in extreme
     environments.                                    Study Visits
                                                      Field work and biodiversity / conservation
     Biodiversity, evolution and disease              trips to the Zoo / wildlife parks and the
     You will study communicable diseases,            Natural History Museum. All biology
     disease prevention and the immune                students are invited to join an international
     system. This is particularly relevant            conservation trip to South Africa in
     for the large numbers of students who            July based in Kruger National Park and
     follow a career in health care. The unit         Sodwana Bay Marine Nature Reserve.
     concludes with biodiversity, classification
     and evolution. Students investigate the
     problems facing the wide variety of species
     on the planet, how they evolve to cope with
     a changing environment, the role of zoos in
     conservation and how modern techniques
     are being used to assist in the classification
     of current and new species.

32                                                                                                                                                                                                33

     BUSINESS                                                                              A-LEVELS
     Level 3 • Qualification: A Level • Duration: 2 Years

     What will I study?                           Study Visits
     You will study a range of issues that        Day visits such as production plant or
     cover the everyday activities of             Cadbury World. These are very helpful
     businesses such as;                          but not compulsory.

     • Marketing, including market research,     Cost
        promotional methods, pricing              Approximately £20 per trip.
        strategies and the growing use of
        social media to promote and respond       Assessment
        to customer needs.                        Examination only, three separate
     • Finance, including costs, revenues,
        breakeven analysis, cashflow and          Entry Criteria
        budgets.                                  Minimum average GCSE score required
                                                  4. Grade 5 English. Grade 4 Maths.
     • Production, including the different
        methods of products, lean
        manufacturing techniques and the
                                                  Useful Supporting
        importance of quality and efficiency in
                                                  Any other subjects, especially
        the production process.
                                                  Economics, Maths and IT.
     • Managing people, including workforce
        planning, recruitment and selection,      Careers
        motivation and leadership styles.         Business Analyst, Project Manager,
                                                  Risk Manager and Human Resources
     • Business strategy, including mergers      Manager.
        and takeovers, market and product
        development, globalisation, emerging
        economies and ethics.

     You will study techniques to help a
     business formulate a strategy for
     example critical path analysis, decision
     trees and ratio analysis. You will also
     study lots of topical business issues and
     current news items and be issued a pre
     released research theme which paper 3
     will be based upon.

34                                                                                                    35

     CHEMISTRY                                                                                                                                                           A-LEVELS
     Level 3 • Qualification: A Level • Duration: 2 Years

                                                                                                      Module 4 – Core Organic Chemistry               Study Visits
                                                                                                      This module provides an introduction to         We are constantly looking at additional trips
                                                                                                      the world of organic chemistry and its          that could enhance your experience and
                                                                                                      application, particularly in the reactions of   learning on the A level Chemistry course.
                                                                                                      and synthesis of a wide range of organic        We run a Trip to the Natural History Museum
                                                                                                      compounds, which is incredibly important in     as well as having visitors form Universities
                                                                                                      the pharmaceutical industry. You will study     into college including the Royal Society of
                                                                                                      the basic concepts of organic chemistry,        Chemistry’s Spectroscopy in a Suitcase
                                                                                                      the properties and reactions of alkanes,        visit, during which you get the opportunity
                                                                                                      alkenes, alcohols and haloalkanes, followed     to synthesise paracetamol and analyse its
                                                                                                      by organic synthesis and spectroscopy.          structure.

                                                                                                      Module 5 – Physical Chemistry and               Cost
                                                                                                      Transition Elements                             A day trip normally costs approximately £25.
                                                                                                      The content of this module builds upon
                                                                                                      the knowledge and understanding from            Assessment
                                                                                                      Modules 2 and 3. In this module, you will       Three written examinations at the end of
                                                                                                      cover in more detail rates of reaction,         year 13. You will also study and perform
                                                                                                      equilibria, acids, bases and pH, buffers        practical work throughout the course to
                                                                                                      and neutralisation, enthalpy, entropy,          be able to gain a qualification called the
                                                                                                      redox reactions, electrode potentials and       Practical endorsement.
                                                                                                      transition elements.
                                                                                                                                                      Entry Criteria
                                                                                                      Module 6 – Organic Chemistry and                Minimum average GCSE score required 5.
                                                                                                      Analysis                                        GCSE Science 6,6 (with a 6 in Chemistry if
     What will I study?                              Module 2 – Foundations in Chemistry                                                              taken separately.) GCSE Maths 6.
                                                                                                      This module builds upon the content
     The A Level Chemistry course offered            This module acts as an introduction to
                                                     the course, covering a wide range of basic
                                                                                                      studied in Modules 2 and 4. It introduces       Useful Supporting Courses
     at TRC is taught in modern dedicated                                                             several new functional groups, including        This course links very well with other
     chemistry laboratories by specialist            chemical concepts, each of which will be
                                                                                                      aromatic compounds, carbonyls, carboxylic       sciences and is particularly important
     chemistry teachers and offers a broad           studied in more detail in later modules. This
                                                                                                      acids, amines, amides, amino acids and          for students wishing to follow a career in
     introduction and insight into to the            module covers atoms, ions, compounds,
                                                                                                      polymers. It emphasises the importance          medicine or related fields.
     three branches of chemistry: organic,           equations, amount of substance, acids,
                                                                                                      of further organic synthesis, investigating
                                                     redox reactions, electrons, bonding,
     inorganic and physical.
                                                     shapes of molecules and intermolecular
                                                                                                      different ways of producing organic             Careers
                                                                                                      compounds and multi-step synthetic              Pharmacy, medicine, dentistry, chemical
     Module 1 – Development of Practical Skills      forces.
                                                                                                      pathways. It also studies analytical            engineering, material science, veterinary
     Chemistry is a practical subject and                                                             techniques such as chromatography and           science, biomedical science, environmental
                                                     Module 3 – Periodic Table and Energy
     experimental work helps to develop                                                               NMR spectroscopy, which are used in             chemist, water quality chemist,
     important practical skills needed to collect    The focus of this module is inorganic and        organic and forensic analysis.                  cosmetic chemist, agricultural chemist,
     and analyse experimental data, as well as       physical chemistry. It covers trends in the
                                                                                                                                                      biochemistry, forensic science, analytical
     enhancing your understanding of chemical        periodic table, reactivity trends in Group 2
                                                                                                                                                      chemist, optometry, and health care
     theory. It also covers the fundamental skills   and the halogens, enthalpy changes and
     of planning, implementing, analysis and         their determination, rates of reaction and
     evaluation.                                     equilibria, including how these concepts
                                                     are applied in everyday life and in industrial

36                                                                                                                                                                                                    37

     COMPUTER SCIENCE                                                                         A-LEVELS
     Level 3 • Qualification: A Level • Duration: 2 Years

     What will I study?                          Assessment
     Year 1                                      Paper 1 (40% of A Level):
     1. Fundamentals of programming.             • On screen exam with practical
                                                    programming & short answer theory
     2. Fundamentals of data structures.
     3. Fundamentals of algorithms.
                                                 • Using a skeleton C# program.
     4. Theory of computation.
                                                 • Topics 1-4. • 2 hours 30 minutes.
     5. Fundamentals of data representation.
                                                 Paper 2 (40% of A Level):
     6. Fundamentals of computer systems.
                                                 • Written exam with short & extended
     7. Fundamentals of computer                   answer questions.
         organisation and architecture.
                                                 • Topics 5-12. • 2 hours 30 minutes.
     8. Consequences of uses of computing.
                                                 Non Exam Assessment
     9. F
         undamentals of communication           (20% of A Level):
        and networking.
                                                 • Assesses a student’s ability to use the
                                                    knowledge and skills gained through
     Year 2 Above in more detail, plus:
                                                    the course.
     10. Fundamentals of databases.
                                                 • Must solve a (real-life) practical
     11. Big Data.                                  problem.
     12. Fundamentals of functional             • Large scope for potential projects.
                                                 • Able to use any language or IDE (may
     13. N
          on-exam assessment - the                 require your own laptop).
         computing practical project.
                                                 Entry Criteria
     Study Visits                                Minimum average GCSE score required
     University visits focused on studying       4.5. Grade 6 Maths.
     Computing courses at Sheffield
     University & Sheffield Hallam University.   Useful Supporting Courses
                                                 Students often combine Computer
     Cost                                        Science with Mathematics and Science
     N/A                                         subjects. Students are advised against
                                                 taking both Computer Science and BTEC
                                                 IT (or should take careers advice before
                                                 doing so).

                                                 Data Analyst, Information Systems
                                                 Manager, IT Consultant and Web

38                                                                                                       39

     ECONOMICS                                                                                                                                             A-LEVELS
     Level 3 • Qualification: A Level • Duration: 2 Years

     What will I study?                           Assessment
     1st Year                                     Paper 1:
     Developing an understanding of               Microeconomics: comprising one data
     economic theory, you will investigate        response question from a choice of two
     a range of broad economic issues and         and one essay from a choice of three
     topics.                                      titles (2 hours).

     These include: how prices are                Paper 2:
     determined in markets, the problems          Macroeconomics: comprising one data
     of providing public services such as the     response question from a choice of two
     NHS and policing, and how the credit         and one essay from a choice of three
     crunch caused shocks to our economy.         titles (2 hours).
     Further to this, a high standard of
     English Language skills will be required     Paper 3:
     to evaluate and analyse economic             Synoptic: comprising of 30 multiple
     issues and individual’s behaviour as well    choice questions and an economic data
     as being able to use maths skills to a       response (2 hours).
     high degree.
                                                  Entry Criteria
     2nd Year                                     Minimum average GCSE score required
     Here you will undertake a more in-           4.5. Grade 5 English. Grade 5 Maths.
     depth study (at the ‘micro’ level) of
     the behaviour of firms and how they          Useful Supporting
     operate, the benefits of competition         Courses
     and what is behind the psychology of         Any other subjects, especially Maths
     consumption patterns.                        and Further Maths.
     You will also examine a range of             Careers
     macroeconomic issues such as the             Statistician, Accountant, Stockbroker
     arguments for and against increased
     social provision and debates
                                                  and Local Government Officer.
                                                                                           TOMOS HADLEY                                 What I like about TRC
                                                                                                                                        The staff are accommodating and
     surrounding appropriate levels of taxes.                                                                                           produce good classroom engagement.
                                                                                           Previous school
     In depth analysis of the impact of China                                                                                           Incorporating flipped learning provides
                                                                                           UTC Olympic Legacy Park.
     and the UK’s decision to leave the EU will                                                                                         substantial independence and wider
     also be part of the focus.                                                            Subjects studied at TRC                      understanding of your subject.
                                                                                           Economics, English Literature and History.
     Study Visits                                                                                                                       How is TRC similar / different to school?
     Bloomberg Labs (University of Derby).                                                 Future career plan                           Socially speaking there is such a wide
                                                                                           To study for a PHd in History and research   variety of people to meet. This may
     Cost                                                                                  early 20th century.                          seem frightening initially, but it will soon
     £5-£10.                                                                                                                            become your favourite bit as you meet
                                                                                           Why I chose TRC
                                                                                            I searched for a place that encouraged      some different but incredible characters.
                                                                                           independence but still maintained a good     My advice to Y11 students
                                                                                           level of student support.                    Get an idea of where you want to be
                                                                                                                                        in 10, 15 year’s time. Goals like that are
                                                                                                                                        really what will spur you out of bed when
                                                                                                                                        college gets tough.
40                                                                                                                                                                                     41
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