Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough

Page created by Donna Hamilton
Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough
created with impact: @makesomeimpact

George Pindar School          Tel: 01723 582194
Moor Lane, Eastfield          Email:
YO11 3LW
                              Twitter: @georgepindarsch                                              Prospectus
Principal: Mrs Lesley Welsh
Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough

             Life in all                                                                                                              Welcome to
             its fullness,                                                                                                            our amazing
             a place to                                                                                                               school
                                                                                                                                                                            of our school community to be
                                                                                                                                                                            proud, independent, neighbourly,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              by every one of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  dedicated and committed staff.

                                                                                                                                                                            determined, aspirational and          At the same time, they reap
                                                                                                                                                                            respectful. We believe in a           the benefits of being a partner
                                                                                                                                                                            rounded education and are             school to other successful
                                                                                                                                                                            proud that we seek to develop the     secondary schools within the
                                                                                                                                       I am delighted to welcome you        whole child, offering experiences     Trust. By joining together, your
                                                                                                                                       to our school. I fully understand    beyond the normal school day to       child has the advantage of
              George Pindar School is one of         others and in turn, the school            flourish academically, as creative      the importance of the choices        help every child flourish. George     shared staffing expertise and
              our schools within the Hope            benefits from shared practice from        and moral young people and              prospective parents and carers       Pindar is a relatively small school   joint school trips and events.
              Sentamu Learning Trust family.         other schools in the Trust. We            as citizens who can make our            face in the coming weeks; to         with around 150 students in             As a teacher with 20 years’
              As a Trust we have a simple motto      are a big family, and we look after       community a better place to live.       entrust the care of your child       each year group which means           experience, more than half
              which is ‘Life in all its fullness,    each other so that all of our pupils         We want every young person and       to others is one of the most         that your child can truly be          of which have been at Senior
              a place to thrive.’ Living out         have the opportunity to thrive in         their family to believe that if they    important decisions you can          known as a unique individual          Leader level, I understand how
              this motto every day is crucial        a warm and welcoming learning             choose a Hope Sentamu Learning          make. Thank you for considering                                            important it is to nurture the
              to the success of the Trust. All       environment. We are relentless            Trust school, they have the best and    George Pindar School.                                                      talents of each child, to ensure
              of our schools in the Trust are        in raising academic standards,            most exciting education available.         Since joining the Hope                                                  they feel rewarded by education
              committed to supporting each           whilst making sure that we                                                        Sentamu Learning Trust in                                                  and understand their own worth
              other and working together for         develop the whole young person.                                                   2019, we are already enjoying the                                          as an individual. I want to help
              the benefit of our children.             The team at George Pindar               Helen Winn                              benefits of belonging to a growing                                         every member of our school
                George Pindar School has many        School is passionate about                Chief Executive Officer,                and successful multi-academy                                               community feel ‘Proud to be
              strengths and much to share with       enabling every young person to            Hope Sentamu Learning Trust             trust. We are collaborating with                                           Pindar’ and strive for success
                                                                                                                                       schools who have a reputation                                              in everything we do. We would
                                                                                                                                       for academic excellence,                                                    relish the opportunity to help
                                                                                                                                       investing in our staff and their                                             shape your child’s future.
              key people at George Pindar school                                                                                       professional development                                                         We are delighted to welcome
                                                                                                                                       and sharing resources.                                                        you to our Open Evening
                                                                                                                                         At George Pindar School,                                                    where you will have the
                                                                                                                                       we want the very best for                                                     opportunity to meet key staff,
                                                                                                                                       our students and have high                                                  tour the school and get a taste
                                                                                                                                       expectations for them. I                                                   of life at George Pindar School,
                                                                                                                                       believe that everyone                                                              after which I hope you will
                                                                                                                                       needs high aspirations                                                                 feel able to apply for a
               Mrs Lesley     Mr Blake         Mrs Catherine     Ms Diane          Mrs Natasha       Miss Bev Petts   Mrs Debbie
                                                                                                                                       to succeed and this                                                                      place for your child.
               Welsh          Murray           Prentice          Pickering         Koval-Meth                         Simpson          is especially true of                                                                     We look forward to
                                                                                                     Head of Year 7
               Principal      Vice Principal   Assistant         Assistant         Assistant                          PA to the        young people. Our                                                                           helping your child
                                               Vice Principal:   Vice Principal:   Vice Principal:                    Principal        PINDAR values                                                                                strive for success.
                                               Curriculum        Quality of        Pupil Premium                                       underpin the family
                                                                 Education         & Careers                                           ethos in school                                                                             Mrs Lesley Welsh
                                                                                                                                       and we expect                                                                               Principal
                                                                                                                                       all members

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Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough
our school                                                                                                                      Our school

                                 The welfare of our students is at the
                                 very heart of everything that we do.

                            Our school   The school has a warm and caring
                                         ethos and students are supported
                                         by excellent professional
                                                                             relationships with parents and
                                                                             carers and encourage you to take
                                                                             a close interest in the progress of
                                                                                                                      The school day
                                                                                                                      Students are required to be on
                                                                                                                      site by 8:35am, ready to start the
                                         relationships developed between     your children through regular            school day at 8:40am. The pattern
                                         staff and students. The welfare     communication with school.               of the school day is as follows:
                                         of our students is at the very      We use emails, text messages,            08:40 – 09:10      Registration
                                         centre of everything that we do.    letters and social media to ensure       09.10 – 10.10      Lesson 1
                                           Students are supported by         parents are fully informed and able
                                         Form Tutors and their Head of       to support the individual needs of       10.10 – 10.30      Break
                                         Year who ensure that students       students to achieve the best possible    10.30 – 11.30      Lesson 2
                                         quickly settle into the life of     learning outcomes for them.              11.30 – 12.30      Lesson 3
                                         the school and any concerns            Our school is an exciting             12.30 – 13.00      Lesson 4a
                                         raised are quickly dealt with.      place to learn. It creates               13.00 – 13.30      Lunch
                                           We have high expectations of      opportunities to broaden the
                                         all our students in every area of   range of experiences available           13.30 – 14.00      Lesson 4b
                                         school life, including uniform      to our students, helping to              14.00 – 15.00      Lesson 5
                                         and behaviour, which leads to       build confidence and self-
                                         an atmosphere of purposeful         esteem. There are a wide range of
                                         learning. Our behaviour policy      extracurricular activities on offer
                                         seeks to reward students and        across a range of sporting and
                                         encourage a positive and            non-sporting activities offered
                                         supportive environment.             to provide our students with a
                                           We strive to develop close        wide variety of opportunities.

                         food and drink at george pindar school
                         We offer a breakfast          preparing a variety of         online cashless system.
                         club from 8.10am where        dishes including hot              Any students with
                         children can have a hot       meals, pasta dishes,           allergies or specific dietary
                         drink and toast to help       sandwiches, salads, wraps      requirements are fully
                         them be ready for the         and desserts. Drinks are       catered for. Parents are
                         day. At lunch time we         available including bottled    encouraged to share this
                         work with Hutchinson          water, milk and juices.        information with us as
                         Catering who provide a        Free water supplies are        soon as possible so that
                         delicious range of healthy    also available around          we can ensure students
                         food which is extremely       school for students to         are able to dine with their
                         popular with students.        fill up their own water        peers. Students can also
                           We ensure value for         bottles. Food and drink        bring in a packed-lunch.
                         money by keeping costs        may be paid for using             Students are not allowed
                         to a minimum, freshly         ParentPay, a secure            off-site at lunchtimes.

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Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough
curriculum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          curriculum

           Our students develop confidence and                                                                                          Art                              computing                             design and                           drama
           maturity for the next stage in their lives.                                                                                Curriculum Aim
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Curriculum aim                       Curriculum aim

An extensive
                                                                                                                                      Within a supportive                                                    Design and Technology is             Our Drama curriculum,
                                                                                                                                      framework based around                                                 important because it helps           whilst equipping students
                                                                                                                                      themes, students are                                                   us to appreciate the designed        to perform with excellence,
                                                                                                                                      encouraged to produce                                                  world around us and how              is also focused on helping
                                                                                                                                      personal ideas within the four                                         many of the products we              students to build essential key
                                                                                                                                      sections of their sketchbooks:                                         encounter are manufactured           skills such as creative thinking
                                                                                                                                      Artists; Experiments;                                                  in a particular way. It offers       and expression, empathy,
                                                                                                                                      Observational Work; and                                                an opportunity to explore            communication, independent
                                                                                                                                      Plans for final pieces.                                                the processes and materials          learning, leadership and working
                                                                                                                                                                                                             involved in making a vast range      with others. These skills help
                                                                                                                                      Art students are given a                                               of products. It helps young          students to develop into young
                                                                                                                                      great deal of freedom and are    Curriculum aim                        people to develop a discerning       adults who will be increasingly
                                                                                                                                      encouraged to develop their      Computing is embedded in all          mind as informed consumers           effective in the modern world.
                                                                                                                                      sketchbooks in a unique way.     aspects of life – our students will   through the application of
                                                                                                                                      Taught elements and technique    never have known a world without      hands-on skills, manipulating a      Key Stage 3
           Our approach                                                                                                               workshops are inserted into      mobile phones, the internet           wide range of materials, with a      Curriculum Overview
           We are committed to ensuring that                                                                                          the courses to strengthen        or social media. Computing is         diverse range of techniques.         The Drama course challenges
           all students fulfil their potential,                                                                                       skills and techniques.           delivered by a passionate team of     The manipulation of materials        students to consider other views
           are well prepared for adult life and                                                                                                                        professionals in three specialist     through a wide range of              and opinions about the world in
           the world of work, and are able to                                                                                         All young artists copy. Moving   computer teaching rooms. The          processes is part of the Design      which they live, exploring many
           make a positive contribution to                                                                                            students from copying to         subject is always delivered with      Process. We will teach students      social and global issues. This
           the society in which they live.                                                                                            creating their own work is       a 1:1 computer to student ratio.      how to communicate their ideas       work is taught in a variety of
              We offer a broad and balanced                                                                                           one of our central foci.         Formal assessment takes place         to a range of audiences through      ways using contemporary texts,
           curriculum which strives to meet                                                                                           Preparing students to move       throughout the year using a           methods that are fun to use and      devised work and creative games
           the needs of students of all abilities.                                                                                    into post-16 creative courses    wide range of methods to help         encourage a range of learning        and exercises. The lessons strive
                                                                                                                                      with the ability to think and    students demonstrate their            styles to enhance creativity.        to stretch and strengthen the
           We believe that learning should
                                                                                                                                      develop projects creatively      true computing capability.            Encouraging students to think        physical and vocal capabilities
           be stimulating and enjoyable                                                                                               is at the heart of all we do.                                          for themselves, using hands-on       of our students, as well as
           and our staff employ a wide                                                                                                                                 Key Stage 3                           learning is central to our ethos.    deepening their knowledge,
           range of teaching strategies to                                                                                            Key Stage 3                      Curriculum overview                                                        understanding and appreciation
           engage and inspire students.                                                                                               Curriculum Overview              We develop and use a range            Key Stage 3                          of theatre and performance.
              We constantly monitor our                                                                                               Students will work on one or     of software and hardware              Curriculum Overview
           students’ progress to ensure                                                                                               two themes per year. Final       throughout Key Stage 3 and we         Students are encouraged to
           continued high standards of                                                                                                outcomes include larger          ensure that our students are          develop skills across all Design
           achievement and we have high                                                                                               art works linked to section      increasingly independent and          and Technology subjects in
           expectations in terms of the quality                                                                                       four of each sketchbook.         creative in the design and use        KS3. In Design and Technology,
                                                                                                                                      Workshop technical elements      of software and hardware.             students undertake creative
           of work produced. Students can            needs including dyslexia, physical     appropriate intervention groups.
                                                                                                                                      are linked to the theme and a    We also plan creative lessons         activities helping them to develop
           access additional support through         difficulties, speech, language and       Developing close, positive links        fine art diet of drawing and     to help students to develop           their communication of ideas
           specialist teaching and a dedicated       communication difficulties, autistic   with parents and carers is vital to our   painting, printmaking and        a good understanding of               and practical skills. Specialist
           team of teaching assistants who           spectrum conditions, more general      successful working. We also liaise        sculpture is embedded within     how computing can enhance             equipment, well-equipped
           focus on developing skills such as        learning difficulties, those with      with a range of external agencies,        the scheme of learning. Art      their work in other subjects          workshops and passionate
           literacy and numeracy. For more able      rare syndromes, hearing and visual     utilising their expertise to help us      history and critical studies     and become increasingly               teachers help students to
           students, there are extra opportunities   impairment and attention deficit       overcome a student’s particular           form a large part of section     independent users of computer         explore their full potential
           within and beyond the curriculum.         disorders. The Learning Support        barriers to learning. The team            one within sketchbooks.          tools and information sources.        within a highly structured,
                                                     Team works alongside each faculty      welcome enquiries and are more            Students gather evidence         Our Key Stage 3 programme             yet creative environment.
           Additional support                        and the Pastoral team. Support         than happy to meet with you to            of their own famous              of Study divided into
           Special educational needs provision       is tailored as far as possible to      answer any questions you may have.        artists as well as engaging      three key strands:
                                                                                                                                      with class examples.              1 Computer Science
           is located right at the heart of the      each individual student’s need           At all stages, the curriculum
                                                                                                                                                                       (building, programming,
           school. We work with students             and is usually a combination of        carefully considers progression                                            key developments)
           with a wide range of additional           in-class support and access to         routes and ensures close links                                              2 Digital Literacy
                                                                                            with local businesses, our primary                                         (Microsoft Office, digital
                                                                                            providers and post 16 providers to                                         media, e-commerce)
           We believe that learning should be                                               support and enhance transition                                              3 Information Technology
           stimulating and enjoyable and staff                                              arrangements. Work experience is                                           (ethics, artificial intelligence
                                                                                            offered in Year 10 and is a valuable                                       and health and safety)
           employ a wide range of teaching                                                  experience for our students, who
           strategies to engage and inspire students.                                       develop confidence and maturity                                            Each strand is developed and
                                                                                                                                                                       revisited throughout Key Stage 3
                                                                                            for the next stage in their lives.
                                                                                                                                                                       to deepen understanding.
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Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough
curriculum                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             curriculum

  english                                  french                            history                                                                      mathematics                            music                                physical                          science
LANGUAGE & LITERATURE                   Curriculum aim                     Curriculum Aim                                                               Curriculum Aim                         Curriculum Aim                       Curriculum Aim                    Curriculum aim
                                                                                                                    religious beliefs, the Black
                                        Language skills are vital for      This course is designed to               Death & Peasants Revolt             The Mathematics curriculum             The Music curriculum in our          In Physical Education lessons     Science has a huge impact on
Curriculum aim                          our country and particularly       develop an understanding               n Were the ‘terrible Tudors’         aims to help all students acquire      school helps students to develop     we offer a programme of           the world around us and as
English at George Pindar School         for our students who are           of how the actions of key                 really that terrible?              the knowledge and skills they          a passion for a great subject and    study based on a wide range       a subject, it has something
encompasses all the skills              destined to become our             individuals and events, in Britain     n An investigation into              will need to be successful in          help them develop practical skills   of activities that encourages     to offer every student. Good
students need to succeed in             future workforce. However,         and around the world, have                religious changes during           their learning. Mathematics            that will extend way beyond          mass participation whilst         science involves questioning,
their studies and to be culturally      learning a language is not only    influenced how we live today.             the Tudor period, including        is taught by a team of                 the classroom into adult life.       allowing the development          investigating, observing,
aware, global citizens.                 important for the world of         It revolves around people, how            a local study on York              enthusiastic professionals in a        Activities within this highly        of excellence through             experimenting or testing
During Years 7 and 8, students          work, it is also a wonderful       they used to live and how their        n Why did the ‘Slimy Stuarts’        suite of classrooms. There is an       structured course build musical      specialisation. This              out ideas and thinking about
study a range of literature             life-enriching skill which gives   actions affected the world.               chop off their King’s head?        interactive whiteboard in each         skills and knowledge which           programme of study is             them. We aim to foster
including titles from literary          our students the confidence to     This course allows students to         n A study of the causes              room with access to a range of         leads to students performing         organised in such a way           an enthusiasm of science
heritage and contemporary               travel and explore the world.      develop their understanding               and consequences of                software to further the learning       confidently to an audience.          that students develop their       whilst developing knowledge,
authors. Language and structure         At George Pindar School            of historical concepts, such              the English Civil War              experience of our students. A                                               decision-making skills and        understanding and the skills
are key focuses, with students          we offer French to Year 7,         as cause and consequence,                                                    variety of teaching and learning       Key Stage 3                          ability to choose a learning      needed in a good science
creating their own fiction and          building on knowledge they         change and continuity and              Once in Year 8, students start        methods are used to challenge          Curriculum Overview                  pathway for themselves.           student: one who can apply
non-fiction texts and developing        have gained in primary school.     significance. It also enables          to follow more detailed lines         and motivate students.                 At KS3 students are taught the       There is a seamless link          their knowledge to new
an appreciation for a mature and        This continues into Year 8,        students to develop their              of enquiry and develop their          Formal departmental                    fundamentals of the subject          from curriculum PE into an        contexts and use these skills
sophisticated style. Students           so that at the end of KS3          source skills, become critical         understanding of British              assessment takes place                 including how to read Music          extracurricular programme         for life in the 21st century.
are encouraged to read widely           they are able to make clear        thinkers and to investigate            and non-British History:              throughout the year at regular         if not already known. The            that meets the needs of           Our science courses also
at every opportunity and                and informed choices about         why there are different                n What was so ‘great’                intervals to help allocate             course is structured around          all students and provides         place a high emphasis on
enjoy taking part in events to          learning languages at KS4.         interpretations of the past.              about the Great War?               students to the appropriate set,       various types of Music such          a route into club sport.          cross-curricular skills from
showcase their achievements.                                               It is designed to ignite their         n Slums, slaves and serial killers   to inform students and staff of        as Film, Pop, Classical, World                                         literacy and numeracy.
                                        Key Stage 3                        curiosity and promote their            n What was life like for             progress made, and highlight           and Dance Music. Students            Key stage 3
Key Stage 3                             Curriculum Overview                love of learning about the past.          the working classes in             areas for further intervention.        work on several composition          Students are taught to: use a     Key Stage 3
Curriculum Overview                     At KS3, students’ skills are                                                 Victorian Britain?                 The school subscribes to               projects and learn how to            range of tactics and strategies   Curriculum Overview
English at KS3 is broad and             developed, their cultural          Key Stage 3                            n Free at last? How much                  compose music. They learn            to overcome opponents in          In Years 7 and 8, Science
engaging, with a variety of rich        awareness is increased             Curriculum Overview                       progress has been made             which can be accessed from             new songs and have access            direct competition through        provides the foundation stone
and inspirational texts to discover.    and knowledge acquired             Year 7 starts with a study of             by black Americans                 home, via the internet, free of        to expert tuition for the            team and individual games         for study to GCSE level. At
Students study Shakespeare,             through various topics. Key        the core skills required by all           since the days of the              charge. We are also becoming           following: vocals, guitar, drums,    develop their technique and       George Pindar we see Science
modern plays, seminal literature,       objectives include listening       good historians: chronology               Transatlantic Slave Trade?         increasingly involved with             woodwind and strings.                improve their performance;        very much as a five-year
poetry, 19th century texts and          and interpreting detail and        and using evidence before              n Chaos in the 1930s, WWII and       other online providers of                                                   developing skills to solve        course. There is a high degree
non-fiction. The focus of study         tone, reading different text       moving on to our core content:            Shaping Britain & a New World.     mathematical enrichment.                                                    problems, either individually     of practical and investigation
is not only on the analysis of          types and producing writing        n How did the Stormin’                                                                                               Philosophy                         or as a group; analyse their      content and students study
language, structure and form but        that builds vocabulary and            Normans conquer Britain?                                                  Mathematics staff offer help             and ethics                         performances compared             a range of topics to further
also challenges students to think       structure. We also focus on        n A study of the Battle of                                                  outside of lessons for all students.                                        to previous ones; and             develop their knowledge,
critically and draw comparisons         speaking and developing social        Hastings and the legacy of                                                Our high-achieving students are         Curriculum Aim                      demonstrate improvement           understanding and skills from
between issues in the texts and         and expressive techniques.            the Normans on British life                                               entered for the United Kingdom          All students study Philosophy       to achieve their personal         KS2. Topics include: Sound
the wider world. Writing is taught      This is all underpinned            n What was life like in the                                                 Mathematical Challenge at               and Ethics for one hour a week      best; take part in competitive    and light, energy, chemical
and assessed regularly, with an         by phonics and grammar,               ‘Measly Middle Ages’?                                                     Junior and Intermediate Levels,         in lessons at Key Stage 3 and       sports and activities outside     reactions, acids and alkalis,
emphasis on shaping texts to            emphasising high frequency         n An enquiry into life in                                                   some rewarded with Bronze,              Key Stage 4. The topics that        school through community          plants and photosynthesis,
purpose, audience and context.          words and tenses.                     medieval Britain, including                                               Silver or Gold certificates.            are covered include Health          links or sports clubs.            forces, electricity,
                                                                                                                                                                                                and Wellbeing, Relationships        Within KS3, students follow a     interdependence, variation
                                                                                                                                                        Key Stage 3                             and Sex Education and               thematic approach with activity   and inheritance, the Earth and
  geography                                                                                                                                             Curriculum Overview                     Living in the Wider World.          being linked to theoretical       Earth structure, particles and
                                                                                                                                                        At Key Stage 3 our                      As part of this programme,          input. Students learn skills      elements and organ systems.
Curriculum aim                          Key Stage 3                        the modern-day world.                                                        students will cover:                    we teach Religious Studies,         through many sports at
Geography is a dynamic subject          Curriculum Overview                In Year 7, topics include: Map                                               n Number                               following aspects of the North      George Pindar School such as
that will open your eyes to a           Geography is all around us and     skills; An exploration of Antarctica                                         n Algebra                              Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus           practical sport, leadership,
variety of controversial and            always will be. Some people        and the Arctic; Cultures;                                                    n Geometry                             with a focus on Christianity,       training for personal
current topics. There are               are interested in climbing         Traditions and various locations                                             n Proportional reasoning               Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam           fitness and officiating. Our
numerous opportunities for              Everest, becoming the next         in Oceania; and How geography                                                n Statistics and Probability           and Humanism. To further            aim is to develop not only
team work and we are looking to         Polar explorer like Ernest         can help save our lives.                                                                                             support the students’               knowledge, but a love of
enhance creativity and encourage        Shackleton or are inspired         In Year 8, topics include: A study                                           Calculator Licence                      personal development we             sport that leads students
inquisitive thinking. The subject       by modern day survivalists         of Africa; The controversial                                                 All Year 7 students complete            have a Character, Citizenship       into lifelong participation.
encompasses a variety of skills         such as Bear Grylls and Steve      topics of disease; Wild                                                      a Calculator Licence module             and Careers programme
such as numeracy, use of graphical      Backshall who delight in their     Weather!; Changing China;                                                    which teaches them vital skills         that is delivered in tutor          Sports routinely taught at
skills, developing the ability to       world and its unique qualities.    and Power and Poverty.                                                       of using different functions of a       time with a focus on raising        George Pindar School are:
analyse data and literacy, all skills   At KS3 we aim to provide           During our field trips, students                                             scientific calculator. These skills     aspirations and enabling            athletics, football, badminton,
highly valued by any employer.          students with an awareness         will have the opportunity to           exam. There will also be an           are essential for developing            students to be active               rugby, netball, hockey,
Ultimately our aim is to promote        and appreciation of how the        develop their fieldwork study          opportunity for some outdoor          their mathematical work                 citizens in their community         gymnastics, fitness, table
a sense of awe and wonder               uniqueness of life evolves and     techniques and address the             pursuits and challenges to help       throughout their time at George         and society as a whole.             tennis, trampolining, outdoor
about the world in which we live.       of the challenges faced within     skills relevant for Unit 3 of the      develop team work skills.             Pindar School and beyond.                                                   education (OAA) and dance.
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Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough
enrichment and aspirations                                                                                                                 enrichment and aspirations

                    We like to celebrate your success
                    here at George Pindar School.

      Strive for
                    We are proud to be a community
                    school and are committed to
                    ensuring that all our students
                    fulfil their potential, are well
                    prepared for adult life and the
                    world of work and are able to
                    make a positive and sustained
                    contribution to the area in
                    which they live. At George
                    Pindar School our values
                    form the basis for our code of
                    conduct which helps us create
                    the learning environment we
                    desire. At all times, we are:

                    celebrate success
                    Our Positive Discipline aims to
                    catch students doing what is right   are awarded stamps for basic          Looking forward
                    and reward them for it. Students     school expectations including         We want to engage all students in
                                                         attendance, punctuality and           developments at George Pindar
                                                         carrying the correct equipment,       School and our Student Council
                                                         whilst in lessons teachers give       is filled with passionate form
                                                         stamps for excellent contributions,   and year group representatives
                                                         effort and progress. In tutor         who want to make our
                                                         time, students log the stamps         community the very best it can
                                                         they have received and reflect        be. Leadership challenges are a
                                                         on their behaviour choices,           key part of the Archbishop of       We actively seek to encourage
                                                         then have the opportunity to          York Young Leaders’ Award and       students to prepare for their future
                                                         trade their stamps for small,         our students contribute to the
                                                         medium or larger rewards              local community and further
                                                                                                                                   and we are proud of the careers-based
                                                         including ice-cream vouchers,         afield through their Leadership     opportunities we offer in school.
                                                         cinema tickets or vouchers.           Challenge and charity work.

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Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough
transition and uniform

                                                                                                                                                                                                                       pic to follo

A place
to flourish
What to expect
We are delighted to welcome
                                         On joining school, your child
                                      will be placed into a tutor group
                                                                           Homework is an essential
                                                                                                             A uniform to unite us all
                                                                                                              All students at George Pindar
                                                                                                              School are required to wear school
                                                                                                              uniform. It is important that
                                                                                                              the standard of uniform reflects
                                                                                                              a pride and sense of belonging
                                                                                                                                                                        students in the best possible
                                                                                                                                                                        light to visitors and the wider
                                                                                                                                                                        community. School uniform
                                                                                                                                                                        is available from: Rumours,
                                                                                                                                                                        17 Victoria Road, Scarborough,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Representatives from
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Rumours will be available at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         the transition evening held
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         at the school in July 2022.

you to our Open Evening this          with a fixed form room, alongside    part of every child’s working      in the school and presents our                            YO11 1SB. Tel: 01723 501989
year where you can get to know        at least one other nominated         week. It develops the skills of
the school before making your         friend from their primary            independent learning, self-
application. Applications close on    school. Each child will be issued    sufficiency and determination.      girls’ uniform                                            boys’ uniform                                    unisex PE KIT
31 October. You will be notified      with a planner in which they         Homework will consolidate              lack blazer with school logo.
                                                                                                                 B                                                        lack blazer with school logo.
                                                                                                                                                                         B                                                 olo shirt with school logo.
of your child’s place at the          store their daily timetable and      skills learned or prepare             Black trousers: Formal, classic smart                  Black trousers: Formal, classic smart           Shorts to match polo shirt (can be
                                                                                                                  trousers (not skin tight, not jeans/                    trousers (not skin tight, not jeans/             purchased from Rumours).
beginning of March and during         homework and staff will use          students for their                     denim/cargo/chino/leggings)                             denim/cargo/chino/leggings).
the spring term, we will visit your   this to communicate directly         next lessons or                                                                                                                                 Socks (only navy permitted).
                                                                                                                  Kilt* (optional).                                      School tie, either KS3 version or KS4            Trainers.
child’s primary school to build       with parents. In turn, this will     support revision.                                                                               version depending on year group.
                                                                                                                   School tie, either KS3 version or KS4                                                                    Training top* (optional) with school logo,
relationships, answer questions       be your first port of call should      It often provides                      version depending on year group.                          White shirt: Loose fitting with stiff          for use outdoors.
and provide peace of mind.            you wish to contact school.          the opportunity for                 White shirt (with trousers): Loose fitting with                pointed collar to be worn with tie;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Track pants* (optional) must be navy and
  In July of Year 6, your son or         Students are able to buy lunch    the child to spend                   stiff pointed collar to be worn with tie; shirt                shirt must be long enough to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               without branding or fashion labels.
                                                                                                                                                                               tucked in and wide enough at the
daughter will visit our school        using a cashless system which        extended time on                     must be long enough to be tucked in and wide
                                                                                                                                                                               neck to fasten the top button.                  Base layers* (optional) must be plain navy.
                                                                                                                enough at the neck to fasten the top button.
to take part in our two-day           can be topped up from home or        their learning and                                                                              Slipover with school logo: KS3                      Gum shields are highly recommended
induction programme. This             they can bring a packed lunch.       dig deeper into                          *White blouse (with kilt): An open-necked
                                                                                                                     white blouse can be worn without                       – grey / KS4 – black.                                for all students for certain sporting
provides our new students             After school there are a multitude   broader contexts. It                      the school tie if wearing the kilt.                    Socks must be plain black. No                       activities such as rugby, hockey, etc
the opportunity to take part          of sporting activities and other     will be set daily as per                                                                          trainer socks please.                               in line with sporting guidelines.
                                                                                                                     Slipover with school logo: KS3
in a number of activities and         clubs, including homework club.      the homework timetable.                    – grey / KS4 – black.                                  Shoes: Plain black leather (look) flat
to start to form relationships           Each term parents receive         Each child records                         *Tights must be worn with the                          shoes (trainers/canvas/branded are
                                                                                                                                                                              not permitted). Ankle boots may
with new friends and staff. As        a report about their child’s         homework in their                           kilt and must be plain black.
                                                                                                                                                                              be worn under school trousers.
a parent you will be invited to       progress and there are two           planner and this will                       Socks must be black and are not permitted to
the school in July, to meet your      opportunities through the            be checked weekly                            be worn over tights. No trainer socks please.
child’s tutor, view uniform           year to meet both your child’s       by the form tutor.                   Shoes: Plain black leather (look) flat shoes
                                                                                                                 (trainers/canvas/branded are not permitted).
and formally register.                tutor and subject teachers.                                                Ankle boots may be worn under school trousers.

12 | Prospectus 2021-22                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Prospectus 2021-22 | 13
Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough

             We are delighted to welcome all
             students within our immediate
             catchment and those from beyond.

       Joining us...

           moors            Wrench
                            Green                                                             Barrowcliff



                The school has a designated                                                                                             SCARBOROUGH
                catchment area defined by
                                                                                                                                                                   George Pindar School

                North Yorkshire County
                Council. If you live within          East Ayton
                                                                                                                                                                   catchment area
                North Yorkshire andWestyour  Ayton
                                                                                                                                        6                                                  1   George Pindar School
                child was born between                                                                         Bank                                                                        2   Braeburn Primary School

                1 September        2010 and 31                                                                                                                                             3   Overdale Community Primary School

   Sawdon                     Hutton                                                                                                                                                       4   Cayton Community Primary School
                August 2011,  Ruscelyour child                                                                            Eastfield                                                        5   Seamer & Irton Community Primary School
                will be eligible to transfer                                        Irton         Crossgates                                Osgodby                                        6   Wheatcroft Community Primary School

                to secondary school at the                                                  5
                                                                                                                                  1                                                            George Pindar School catchment area

                start of the academic year                                                                                                                        Cayton
                                                                                            Seamer                                                                Bay
                2022-23 and you will need to
by-Sawdon       apply for    a secondary school

                place for September 2022.                                                                                                            Halls
       Brompton      You will be able to apply                                                                                                                                                 Gristhorpe

                for a secondary school place
                from 1 September 2021. If
                you do not live in North
                Yorkshire, you must apply
                directly to the authority where
                you live. We are delighted to                                                                   Flixton
                                                                                                                                                                West                                Muston
                                                                                                     Staxton                                                    Flotmanby
                welcome all students within                                   Willerby

                our immediate catchment
                and those from beyond.
                Students outside this area           request a paper copy of                                      available from the Admissions                                   A warm welcome
                and when the school is over-         the secondary common                                         Team at North Yorkshire                                         We are delighted to
                subscribed are allocated places      application form and return                                  County Council where                                            welcome you to our open
                according to the County              it to North Yorkshire County                                 council officers will also                                      evening. If you have
                Council criteria which can           Council by 31 October 2021.                                  be able to offer advice to                                      further questions and have
                be found at www.northyorks.          Information can be found                                     parents on low incomes on                                       checked our prospectus
                 at                                    assistance with uniform                                         and website, please contact
                     Parents need to make            apply-secondary-school-place                                 purchase and entitlement                                        reception and a member
                an online application or                Further information is                                    to free school meals.                                           of staff will be in touch.

         14 | Prospectus 2021-22
Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough Prospectus - George Pindar School, Scarborough
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