PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College

Page created by Carolyn Santos
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
ON OUR                            CONTENTS
                                  Welcome to our new and improved Majuba TVET College Prospectus. We are pleased
                                  to present our new design which is clean and professional. At Majuba TVET College
                                  we continuously strive for perfection, that is why we have taken the time and effort to

                                  deliver to you not only this prospectus but improved courses as well.

                                         National Qualifications                                                    8

TODAY!                                   Career Guidance Information                                                9 - 25

                                         National Certificate (Vocational) NQF Level 2-4                            26
                                         Engineering and Related Design                                             27
                                         Electrical Infrastructure Construction                                     28
 /MajubaTVETCollege                      Civil and Building Construction                                            29
                                         Primary Agriculture                                                        30
 @majuba_tvet_college                    Office Administration                                                      31
                                         Hospitality                                                                32
                                         Tourism                                                                    33
                                         National Certificate Vocational (N-Courses)                                34 - 35
                                         Mechanical Engineering                                                     36 - 37
 Search for Majuba TVET College          Mechanical Engineering                                                     38 - 39
                                         Electrical Engineering                                                     40 - 41
                                         Civil Engineering                                                          42 - 43
                                         Chemical Engineering                                                       44 - 45
                                         Business Engineering                                                       46
                                         Financial Engineering                                                      47
                                         Human Resource Management                                                  48
                                         Management Assistant                                                       49
                                         Farming Management                                                         50
                                         Hospitality                                                                51
                                         Public Management                                                          52

                                         Campuses at Majuba TVET College                                            54 - 61

                                         Student Support Services                                                   62 - 63

                                         Student Work-Placement Opportunities                                       64 - 69

                                         Contact Details                                                            70 -71

                                  83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                       3
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College

                                               irstly, we would like to welcome all            through our doors. The pressure is on, our goal
                                               prospective students to our College as          is not only to ensure that our students pass
                                               we enter a new dawn for Technical and           and enter the workforce as competent, skilled
                                         Vocational Education and Training (TVET)              workers, but that they actually get employment.
                                         Colleges. On 1 April 2015, all TVET Colleges were     For this reason, we engage with the major
                                         fully transferred from the Provinces into the         industries to employ our students and this is
                                         control of the Department of Higher Education         also so that the hard work our lecturers put into
                                         and Training (DHET). The former FET Colleges          our students does not go to waste.
                                         became institutions where most people went to
                                         because they could not gain access at University.     It is also very important to keep our lecturers up
                                         This was a major problem for the country as the       to date to ensure that the standard of teaching
                                         Vocational programmes offered in the Colleges         and learning remains high. Our students are
                                         are needed by the economy. Corrective actions         our main priority and we are ready to face
                                         will be taken to ensure that students feel that       any obstacles that might arise to ensure their
                                         they are entering useful educational institutions.    success.
                                         The integration of these institutions into a
                                         coherent post-school system means among               The College is performing exceptionally well,
                                         other things that College qualifications must         our standards of quality are high, but there is
                                         be recognised by Higher Education institutions        always room for improvement and we will up
                                         in order to ensure articulation between the           our passion for our College; for our students;
                                         institutions.                                         and most of all for the quality of education we
                                                                                               offer at Majuba TVET College.
                                         Youth development is close to my heart. It is a
                                         passion of mine to see people excel. The country      The launch of the new Campus in Dundee

“Our students
                                         has a severe shortage of skilled workers. It is an    (Dundee Technology Centre) will bring new
                                         honour and privilege for me to be part of the         tidings for Majuba TVET College. The new
                                         process of educating young people and sending         Campus will offer Engineering and Business
are our main                             them into the workforce armed with the skills
                                         they need to excel at their jobs. In this way, we
                                                                                               studies in one location, utilising current
                                                                                               structures to be able to accommodate more
priority and we                          are not just providing one person with a future,
                                         we are providing that person’s family with a
                                                                                               students. There is great anticipation for the
                                                                                               opening of the Campus and the main focus is on

are ready to face                        future and we can take it further by saying we
                                         are creating a better future for all South Africans
                                                                                               all post-school students too, bridging the gap
                                                                                               between simple skills and College students. We

any obstacles                            by putting skilled people into the necessary
                                         places. This is good for the economy and in turn
                                                                                               humbly appeal to stakeholders to fully support
                                                                                               the new Campus, extending thanks to the

that might arise                         good for the country.                                 SAPS and all contributors for their service. Local
                                                                                               government and business can work together

to ensure their
                                         Majuba TVET College is one of the largest             and make this new Campus a profound success.
                                         Colleges in South Africa. We currently have
                                         approximately 30 000 students studying                Mr S.J. Mlotshwa
success. “
   Majuba TVET College |   Majuba TVET College |                                                                    5
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College

         ajuba TVET College is one of 50      Majuba TVET College is committed to
         public Technical and Vocational      education and training, using cutting-
         Education and Training (TVET)        edge technology and innovative teaching
Colleges in South Africa, operating under     methodologies, to enhance and optimise
the auspices of the Department of Higher      teaching and learning opportunities.
Education and Training (DHET). The
College is one of the largest Technical and   Situated in Newcastle, Northern KwaZulu-
Vocational Education and Training service     Natal, the College plays a significant role in
providers in the country, specialising in     the holistic development of our students,
priority skills development.                  as part of preparing them for the world-
                                              of-work. In addition to the Ministerial
Majuba TVET College is the key service        programmes, namely, the National
provider for Technical and Vocational         Certificate (Vocational) and Report 191
Education and Training in the Amajuba         (N1-N6); the College offers NQF-aligned
and Umzinyathi Districts. It services         Learnerships (in collaboration with
major industries in these areas, in the       Business and Industry), Skills Programmes
sectors of iron- and steel manufacturing,     and Apprenticeship Training.
mining (mainly coal), textile and
clothing production, cement chemical          The College regards itself as an important
manufacturing, tyre production,               social partner in realising the shared socio-
engineering and primary agriculture.          economic objectives of the local, provincial
                                              and national government. To this end, the
There are 8 Campuses, spread over a wide      College creates access to education and
geographical area that includes Newcastle,    training opportunities; and empowers
Madadeni and Dundee. The College offers       our students with the relevant knowledge
a diverse range of nationally recognised      and skills to become economically active         Situated in
vocational and occupational programmes.       citizens.
                                                                                               Newcastle, Northern
VISION : Empowering our nation through quality education, training and development.
MISSION : We will Provide Responsive and Relevant Education, Training and
Development to Cater for the Needs of Business, Industry and Communities.
                                                                                               the College plays
VALUES : Our motto Reaching Greater Heights Together guides our values which are:
                                                                                               a significant role
 • Creativity : To Be Resourceful, Innovative and Unconventional Thinkers in What We Do
                                                                                               in the holistic
 • Respect : To Accord Dignity to All those Whom We Serve and Work With
 • Integrity : To Demonstrate A Sense of Justice and Honesty in Everything We Do
                                                                                               development of our
 • Service: To Respond Efficiently and Effectively to the Needs of Our Staff and Clients
 • Perseverance : To Continuously Apply Ourselves to the Best of Our Abilities
                                                                                               students, as part of
                                                                                               preparing them for
                                                                                               the world-of-work.
6         Majuba TVET College |
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
NQF LEVEL   GRADE DESCRIPTION                                  CATEGORY

            General Education Certificate (Grade 9); or
LEVEL 1     Adult General Education and Training Certificate

            Grade 10 (School); or
            NC(V) Level 2 Certificate; or

                                                               FET - FURTHER EDUCATION
            N1 Certificate

                                                                      AND TRAINING
            Grade 11 (School); or
            NC(V) Level 3 Certificate; or
                                                                                          THE RIGHT
            N2 Certificate

            National Senior Certificate (Grade 12); or
            National Trade Certificate (Trade School)
            And National Senior Certificate; or
LEVEL 4     NC(V) Level 4 Certificate; or
            N3 Certificate + 2 Official Languages                                         Choosing the right career can be a very daunting task
                                                                                          especially in a world which offers an array of paths all
                                                                                          of which seem to be leading to a golden goal. Careers
                                                                                          can actually make or break one’s life, so it is important
            NQF LEVEL 5
                                                                                          to make the right choice. Career guidance can help you
            N4, N5 and N6 Certificate; or
                                                                                          in pursuing the right courses, in the right Colleges or
LEVEL 5     NC(V) Level 5 Certificate; or
            Higher Certificate                                                            institutes and can guide you in choosing the suitable

                                                                                          Choosing a career can be very satisfying if you have
                                                                 HET - HIGHER EDUCATION

            NQF LEVEL 6                                                                   made the right choice. Like the famous adage goes,
            National Diploma; or
LEVEL 6     Advanced Certificate
                                                                                          if you choose the job you like, you don’t have to work
                                                                                          a single day in your life. On the other hand, a wrong
                                                                       AND TRAINING

                                                                                          decision can leave you wishing that you had followed
                                                                                          a different path.
            Bachelors Degree; or
LEVEL 7     Advanced Diploma                                                              While doing a career it is imperative to have the correct
                                                                                          career information. An informed choice is always better
                                                                                          that an uninformed one. The right career advice can
            Honours Degree; or                                                            help you to choose a career to suit your personality as
            Postgraduate Diploma; or                                                      well as your aspirations.
LEVEL 8     Professional Qualification Degree
                                                                                          Education, of course, plays an important role in getting
                                                                                          you the right job in your chosen field. The stepping
                                                                                          stones or pre-requisites for choosing your dream career
            Masters Degree
LEVEL 9                                                                                   are of course, the qualifications required to achieve it.
                                                                                          With the right qualifications, the top careers are open to
                                                                                          you and the power of choice would be with you.
LEVEL 10    Doctoral Degree
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                         CAREER GUIDANCE

ENGINEERING                                                                                                                                           BUSINESS
ABOUT ENGINEERING                                                                              ABOUT BUSINESS
In a world that is technologically driven, Engineering careers are among the most popular      Business is such an all encompassing field that it touches almost all aspects of our day
today. Engineering Careers are sought after not only because of the high pay packet            to day activities. So it is not surprising that Business careers are among the most popular
but also because they give you an opportunity to contribute to a growing technological         careers today. More and more candidates take the option of Business courses over
world. Engineering courses generally offer specialization in particular fields. With correct   other career courses. As Business is such a broad category, there are many employment
career guidance you can choose the fields of your choice. The subjects you choose at this      opportunities.
stage determine what type of trade you would follow. It is imperative that all prospective
students should choose Mathematics and Science subjects at High School level in                Many entry-level positions are available for those who have pursued a National Diploma
order to meet the pre-requisites or minimum requirements to study Engineering related          in Business. The type of Business career you can pursue depends on the area of your
courses at tertiary level.                                                                     interest and choice of specialisation. There are many different types of Business careers,
                                                                                               to suit individual qualifications and aptitudes. Some of the popular types include
Certain personal qualities like analytical abilities and out-of-the-box thinking with an       Business Management, Office Administration, Financial Management, Human Resource
eye for details will be an added advantage when you aim for an Engineering career. With        Management, etc.
technology touching different spheres of our lives today, it is important for an Engineer
not to only have technical skills but also good communication skills. This is important        Business careers require strong oral and written communication skills as well as good
when you interact with people related to non-technical fields.                                 computer skills. You must have strong analytical skills as well as basic knowledge of
                                                                                               management and marketing. A career in business helps you to hone skills which can be
ENGINEERING CAREER TYPES                                                                       applied to various facets of your life, be it your professional or personal life.
Engineering is a vast field and specialization is required to pursue an Engineering
career. However, a number of Engineering institutions offer many different branches            Generally, those opting for business careers work a regular schedule. If you have opted
of specialization. The most popular Engineering courses are: Automotive Engineering,           for marketing or sales, then you may be travelling a lot. Some jobs like Financial Analyst
Computer Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering        or Investment Banking are desk jobs.
and Chemical Engineering to name a few.
                                                                                                                                                                Business careers
The job description for Engineers would include many skill-sets. Engineers are
generally involved in designing, developing, testing, manufacturing, producing, and                                                                             are demanding and
maintain products. The safety of the functioning of various products also becomes the
responsibility for Engineers. In keeping with the evolving technology advances, Engineers                                                                       you have to put in
are expected to continually update their subject-knowledge and skills-sets.
                                                                                                                                                                a minimum 40 hour
Depending on the branch of Engineering, you may be either working in an office                                                                                  work week. Most
environment, laboratory or an industrial plant. Most of the time you are expected to put
in a 40-hour work week. The working hours can be longer in some circumstances to meet                                                                           jobs in this field
production targets. However, working under the constraints of a limited budget, meeting
deadlines and coping with unexpected problems can get stressful.                                                                                                require you to work
                                                                                                                                                                in a team, so good
Engineering or Artisans earn at minimum of R 15 000 a month at junior level and can earn
from R 30 000 to as much as R 50 000 per month at a senior level. Most certainly there                                                                          interpersonal skills
are good opportunities in this field. It is great to see more and more women entering the
workforce as Engineers and Artisans. It’s not only males who can do physical and hard                                                                           are a must for a
work. Females are embracing Engineering careers too these days.
                                                                                                                                                                career in Business.

10        Majuba TVET College |                                                  83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                     11
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                           CAREER GUIDANCE

BOILERMAKING                                                                                                           FITTING & TURNING
WHAT DO BOILERMAKERS DO?                                                                         WHAT DO FITTERS & TURNERS DO?
Boilermakers are specialized Artisans who mark off and fabricate structural steel and            Fitters & Turners are highly skilled crafts people who manufacture and construct
other metal stock to make or repair metal products and structures including boilers and          components for machinery and use power operated tools such as lathes, milling- and
pressure vessels.                                                                                drilling machines. They maintain and repair many different kinds of machines. They are
                                                                                                 also responsible for the assembling and fitting of new components and equipment. It is a
WHAT DUTIES AND TASKS DOES A BOILERMAKER PERFORM?                                                highly skilled job.
••Develops layout and plans sequence of operations for fabricating and assembling
  structural metal products, applying trigonometry and knowledge of metal.                       If you consider yourself good with metal and repairing parts, then a career in Fitting &
••Locates and marks bending and cutting lines onto work piece, allowing for stock                Turning may be just for you!
  thickness and machine and welding shrinkage.
••Hammers, chips, and grinds work piece to cut, bend, and straighten metal.                      WHAT DUTIES AND TASKS DOES A FITTER & TURNER PERFORM?
••Reheats work pieces to render them malleable, using hand torch or furnace.                     ••Assembles and fits components for machinery;
••Positions, aligns, fits, and welds together parts, using jigs, welding torch and hand tools.   ••Maintains and repairs machinery;
                                                                                                 ••Uses blueprints/plans to measure material for production;
WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES MUST I HAVE TO BECOME A BOILERMAKER?                                   ••Monitors machinery and repairs faults;
••Active Listening (Giving full attention to what other people say and taking time to            ••Fits parts required to complete the machine;
  understand the points being made);                                                             ••Drill and tap holes;
••Time Management (Must be able to manage their own time and the time of others                  ••Overhaul valves;
  effectively);                                                                                  ••Maintain and align couplings;
••Equipment Selection (Be able to determine the kind of tools and equipment needed to            ••Tension and align V-belts; and
  do a job);                                                                                     ••Use machinery (such as lathe and milling machine) to manufacture components.
••Equipment Maintenance (Perform routine maintenance on equipment and                            ••What skills and abilities must I have to become a Fitter and Turner?
  determining when and what kind of maintenance is needed);                                      ••Good at working with your hands;
••Quality Control Analysis (Conducting tests and inspection of products, services or             ••Must be very mechanically minded;
  processes to evaluate quality or performance);                                                 ••Must be able to take exact measurements and work accurately;
••Mathematics (It is used to solve problems);                                                    ••Must be mathematically minded;
••Critical Thinking (Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of       ••Must be able to concentrate under noisy working conditions; and
  alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems); and                             ••Be able to read three-dimensional drawings.
••Have the ability to Speak (Talk to others to convey information effectively).

                                                                                                                                                     WHAT ARE THE WORKING
WHAT ARE THE WORKING                                                                                                                                       CONDITIONS OF A
CONDITIONS OF A                                                                                                                                           FITTER & TURNER?
Most Structural Metal Fabricators or                                                                                                                     Fitters & Turners generally work in
Boilermakers work in workshops that are                                                                                                               noisy, dirty and sometimes crowded
often noisy, but lighting and ventilation are                                                                                                          conditions. There are many physical
generally good. The work requires constant                                                                                                          demands in the job, such as: standing,
physical activity. Most workshops have                                                                                                               bending and crouching which can be
modern equipment. Possible work hazards                                                                                                             tiring. Fitters & Turners work overtime
are flying metal chips, falling metal objects                                                                                                               on public holidays as well as do
and burns from welding torches.                                                                                                                               weekend and nightshift work.

12        Majuba TVET College |                                                    83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                       13
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                           CAREER GUIDANCE

MOTOR MECHANICS                                                                                                                                ELECTRICAL
WHAT DO MOTOR MECHANICS DO?                                                                    WHAT DO ELECTRICIANS DO?
Motor Mechanics repair, maintain and test motor vehicle and other internal combustion          An Electrician works in commercial, industrial or residential settings. They usually install,
engines and related mechanical components.                                                     repair and maintain electrical systems designed to provide heat, light, power, control,
                                                                                               signal or fire alarms for all types of buildings, structures and premises.
••Diagnose and correct the causes of faulty vehicle and equipment operation.                   WHAT DUTIES AND TASKS DOES AN ELECTRICIAN PERFORM?
••Overhaul, adjust and repair: gaseous fuel engines; clutches; transmissions and               ••Reading and interpreting electrical, mechanical and architectural drawings and
  differentials; ignition; wiring; lighting; fuel; cooling; braking and complex hydraulic        electrical code specifications to determine wiring layouts.
  systems; steering; wheel and suspension mechanisms; and body cab and frame                   ••Cutting, threading, bending, assembling and installing conduits and other types of
  components.                                                                                    electrical conductor enclosures and fittings.
••Diagnose and repair electronic engine control systems, anti-lock brake systems, and air      ••Pulling wire through conduits and holes in walls and floors.
  conditioning.                                                                                ••Positioning, maintaining and installing distribution and control equipment such as
••In some instances the incumbent will be required to test drive equipment, complete             switches, relays, circuit breaker panels and fuse enclosures.
  reports, use parts catalogues, and perform other related duties.                             ••Installing data cabling or fibre-optic systems.
                                                                                               ••Testing circuits to ensure integrity and safety.
MECHANIC?                                                                                      WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES MUST I HAVE TO BECOME AN ELECTRICIAN?
••Ability to diagnose problems.                                                                ••Good communication and reading skills;
••To be skilled in areas such as air conditioning system repair and installation, electrical   ••An aptitude for Mathematics;
  system repair, fuel system repair and installation and computer skills.                      ••Mechanical ability, strength and manual dexterity;
••To be able to continuously adapt to new technology.                                          ••The ability to distinguish colours to work with colour-coded wiring (Must not be colour
••To be able to transfer skills to younger Mechanics.                                            blind);
••To be able to communicate with team members.                                                 ••The ability to work at heights;
                                                                                               ••The ability to lift between 11 and 25 kilograms;
                                                                                               ••The ability to get along well with co-workers;
                                                                                               ••The willingness to keep up with new developments in the field;
                                                                                               ••The ability to create new ways of doing things;
                                                                                               ••The ability to do very precise work expertly; and
WHAT ARE                                                                                       ••Ability to work at a variety of exciting tasks.           WHAT ARE THE WORKING
                                                                                                                                                             CONDITIONS OF AN
THE WORKING                                                                                                                                                  ELECTRICIAN?
CONDITIONS OF A                                                                                                                                              Electricians usually work a 40
MOTOR MECHANIC?                                                                                                                                              or 45 hour, five-day week plus
                                                                                                                                                             overtime when required. In
Light vehicle Motor
                                                                                                                                                             construction, there may be no
Mechanics work mainly                                                                                                                                        guarantee of permanent work.
in workshops and wear                                                                                                                                        Working conditions can change
protective clothing.                                                                                                                                         dramatically from one job to
They need to keep up                                                                                                                                         another, varying from indoors
with changes in motor                                                                                                                                        in clean conditions to outdoors
                                                                                                                                                             on scaffolding, to indoors in
industry technology.
                                                                                                                                                             cramped conditions.

14       Majuba TVET College |                                                   83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                       15
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                       CAREER GUIDANCE

CIVIL ENGINEERING & BUILDING                                                                     CHEMICAL ENGINEERING
WHAT IS CIVIL ENGINEERING ABOUT?                                                               WHAT IS CHEMICAL ENGINEERING ABOUT?
The Civil Engineering programme prepares the student with the planning, designing,             Chemical Engineering is a branch of Engineering that applies to
maintenance and management of projects associated with the construction of houses,             Physical Sciences (e.g. Chemistry and Physics) and Life Sciences (e.g.
roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams, bridges, and water supply and sewage systems.       Biology, Microbiology and Biochemistry) together with Mathematics and Economics
                                                                                               to produce, Transform, Transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy.
WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES MUST I HAVE TO PURSUE IN A CAREER IN                                 Chemical Engineers design, construct and operate process plants.
••Good analytical skills are a must for any Civil Engineer. Civil Engineers have to read and   WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES MUST I HAVE TO BECOME A CHEMICAL
  interpret many drawings, complex charts, diagrams, maps and reports;                         ENGINEER?
••Good communication skills. Civil Engineers need to correspond with a wide array of           ••Must have a good understanding of Science (will often use scientific rules and methods
  individuals throughout their profession from construction workers to CEOs of large             to solve problems);
  corporations;                                                                                ••Must have a good understanding of Mathematics (used to constantly solve problems);
••Excellent problem solving capabilities. The role of a Civil Engineer is not an easy one.     ••Critical thinking is important (Use logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and
  There will be problems that arise from time to time which the Civil Engineer will be           weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems);
  responsible for solving problems; and                                                        ••Must be an active listener – (give full attention to what other people are saying and
••Advanced skills in Mathematics, including Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, Calculus            take time to understand the points being made);
  and Statistics are crucial to become a Civil Engineer, who must apply the appropriate        ••Must have complex problem solving skills (Identifying complex problems and
  mathematical formulas and principles in his design work as well as to problem solving.         reviewing related information to develop and evaluate options and implement
                                                                                                 solutions); and
WHAT ARE THE WORKING CONDITIONS OF A CIVIL ENGINEER?                                           ••Be able to manage time effectively (manage one’s own time and the time of others.)
Civil Engineers generally work indoors in offices. However, many spend time outdoors at
construction sites so they can monitor operations or solve problems onsite.

IF I WANT TO BECOME A CIVIL                                                                                                                            WHAT ARE THE WORKING
ENGINEER, WHAT DO I DO                                                                                                                                     CONDITIONS IN THE
BEFORE LEAVING SCHOOL?                                                                                                                                   CHEMICAL INDUSTRY?
••Visit Civil Engineering companies                                                                                                                                    Chemical Engineers
  to gain more knowledge about the                                                                                                                               work mostly in offices or
  field and what it entails.                                                                                                                                       laboratories. They may
••Go for an aptitude test to determine                                                                                                                           spend time at industrial
  if you have the ability to become a                                                                                                                         plants, refineries, and other
  Civil Engineer.                                                                                                                                                    locations, where they
••Visit or contact Technical and                                                                                                                             monitor or direct operations
  Vocational Education and Training                                                                                                                             or solve onsite problems.
  (TVET) Colleges to enquire about
  the entrance requirements to do
  Civil Engineering courses.
••Attend Career Exhibitions in your
  area to liaise with Technical Colleges
  and obtain application forms.

16        Majuba TVET College |                                                  83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                   17
PROSPECTUS - Majuba TVET College
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                       CAREER GUIDANCE

AGRICULTURE                                                                                                   PUBLIC MANAGEMENT
WHAT IS PRIMARY AGRICULTURE ABOUT?                                                           WHAT IS PUBLIC MANAGEMENT ABOUT?
Primary Agriculture deals with the science or practice of Farming, including cultivation     •• Public Management is an approach to run a public serviced organization used in
of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and     government and private sector institutions at local, provincial and national levels.
other products. Primary Agriculture remains a significant provider of employment in          •• Students will be given information on the separation of powers among the three
South Africa, especially in the rural areas, and is a major earner of foreign exchange.        branches of the state i.e. Legislative, Executive and Judiciary that should remain
                                                                                               independent to each other to ensure the protection of civil liberties and survival of
WHAT IS FARMING MANAGEMENT ABOUT?                                                              democracy.
Students credited with this National Diploma will understand how producers manage            •• Public Management unpacks the Constitution of South Africa.
the farm business in the agricultural environment. They will also understand the             •• It is concerned with the study of government, its processes, structures, functions as
management functions, production decisions, how to utilise resources, manage finances          well as how society is managed.
and evaluate agricultural assets. They will also understand the economics of plant and       ••The course was introduced to describe approaches developed as part of an effort to
animal production and how to conduct marketing. Through the computer modules the               improve the efficiency of service delivery in government institutions, private sector and
student is presented with the theoretical knowledge that they will need to be computer         State Owned Enterprises for e.g. Eskom, Transnet, SABC and so forth.
literate to manage the farm.
                                                                                             HOW DOES PUBLIC MANAGEMENT BENEFIT OUR COMMUNITY?
WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES ARE REQUIRED TO ENTER THE AGRICULTURE                              •• Amajuba District is characterized by the growth of a number of private and public
INDUSTRY?                                                                                      institutions that require competent personnel to lead the District to the right direction.
••Initiative;                                                                                •• The newly built and extended institutions, for e.g. Newcastle Airport and Newcastle
••Good written and oral communication skills;                                                  Public Library have a wide range of services that require personnel who have
••Sales and persuasion skills, along with the ability to maintain relationships;               knowledge of leadership in different departments. Public Management program is
••Technical and analytical skills;                                                             there to narrow the skills gap required by the growing industry.
••Business acumen;
••Proficiency in using computers; and
••The ability to work well within a team.
                                                                                                                                                    WHAT IS THE SCOPE ONCE
                                                                                                                                                    A STUDENT COMPLETES
                                                                                                                                                    THIS COURSE?
                                                                                                                                                    •• Public Management Graduates
                                                                                                                                                      will be responsible for leading,
Due to the nature                                                                                                                                     developing, implementing policies
                                                                                                                                                      and legislations at government
of the work, it helps                                                                                                                                 institutions as well as managing
if graduates enjoy                                                                                                                                    public finances with the aim of
                                                                                                                                                      providing for needs of the public.
working outdoors. A                                                                                                                                 •• Trained Personnel will form
driving licence and car                                                                                                                               part of planning, organization
                                                                                                                                                      development, leadership and
often feature among                                                                                                                                   motivation, policy- making, control
the list of essential                                                                                                                                 and evaluation, policy analyses and
                                                                                                                                                      strategic management at mainly
                                                                                                                                                      government institutions.

18        Majuba TVET College |                                                83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                     19
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                          CAREER GUIDANCE

BUSINESS MANAGEMENT                                                                                                                                         FINANCE
WHAT IS BUSINESS MANAGEMENT ABOUT?                                                               WHAT IS FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ABOUT?
Business Management is the function that coordinates the efforts of people in an                 Financial Management deals with the efficient and effective management of money
organisation to accomplish goals and objectives using available resources efficiently and        (funds) in such a manner as to accomplish the objectives of an organization. Through
effectively. It includes planning, organizing, staffing, leading or directing, and controlling   case studies, lectures, videos, readings and exams, students learn the basic concepts and
an organization to accomplish the goal.                                                          how to apply them in financial decision making.

WHY BECOME A BUSINESS MANAGER?                                                                   WHAT ARE THE DUTIES AND TASKS OF AN ACCOUNTANT?
Being a Manager or Supervisor means more responsibility and work. Therefore, if you              ••Prepare, examine, and analyze accounting records, financial statements, and other
are interested in becoming a business manager, you should look for a role in a field or            financial reports to assess accuracy, completeness, and conformance to reporting and
industry that interests you.                                                                       procedural standards.
Most people aim for management level in order to further their careers and earn more             ••Compute taxes owed and prepare tax returns, ensuring compliance with payment,
money.                                                                                             reporting and other tax requirements including VAT returns and PAYE submissions.
                                                                                                 ••Analyze business operations, trends, costs, revenues, financial commitments, and
WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES ARE REQUIRED TO BECOME A BUSINESS                                        obligations, to project future revenues and expenses or to provide advice.
MANAGER?                                                                                         ••Establish tables of accounts and assign entries to proper accounts.
••Good time management (must manage the time of their teams and themselves and                   ••Develop, maintain, and analyze budgets, preparing periodic reports that compare
  prioritise work so that projects are completed to deadline);                                     budgeted costs to actual costs.
••Interpersonal and relationship-building skills (Managers work closely with people in           ••Processing of transactions using a computerized Accounting package, eg. Pastel
  their team, assigning them work as well as keeping them motivated. In order to do all            Accounting.
  of this, Managers must be approachable, compassionate and diplomatic);
••Must be able to delegation tasks (Sometimes it’s tempting to do a job yourself because         WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES MUST I HAVE TO CHOOSE A FINANCE
  it’s quicker than explaining it to someone else. However, managers should learn to             CAREER?
  delegate work where necessary to share responsibility and accountability);                     ••Need to be detail-oriented (allows you to find errors and detect fraud);
••Good Communication skills;                                                                     ••Excellent analytical skills (ability to visualize and solve complicated problems and make
••Problem-solving (Managers may encounter problems in their work. They have to be                  an accurate and informed decision);
  able to think on their feet and solve problems as soon as they happen);                        ••Good communication skills (the ability to communicate findings about financial
••Good Administrative and financial skills (Managers will usually be expected to set               statements with subordinates, and superiors through the use of business writing
  budgets, manage them and carry out other administration such as writing reports. For             formats such as letters, memos and reports);
  this, they will need good numeracy, literacy and computer literacy skills); and                ••Technical skills (must know how to increase and decrease accounts and how accounts
••Must have leadership qualities (Being a leader involves persuading others to follow the          are compiled into financial statements);
  direction you want to go in).                                                                  ••Time Management and good teamwork (must be able to manage their own time and
                                                                                                   the time of others effectively);
                                                                                                 ••The ability to use basic computer functions such as word processing, spread sheet and
                                                                                                   database software to produce and record information; and
                                                                                                 ••The ability to organize and synthesize information also is important, since a lot in
                                                                                                   accounting is about classification and reporting.

                                                                                                 WHAT ARE THE WORKING CONDITIONS OF AN ACCOUNTANT?
                                                                                                 Most Accountants and Auditors work in offices, although some work from home. Auditors
                                                                                                 may travel to their clients’ places of business. Accountants generally work 40 hours per
                                                                                                 week. Longer hours are typical at certain times of the year, such as at the end of the
                                                                                                 budget year or during tax season.

20        Majuba TVET College |                                                    83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                    21
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                       CAREER GUIDANCE

OFFICE ADMINISTRATION                                                                        HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
ABOUT OFFICE ADMINISTRATION                                                                  ABOUT HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT
Office Administration is the process of overseeing the day-to-day activities of an office.   Human Resource Management (HRM, or simply HR) is a function in organisations
An employee that undertakes these activities is commonly called an Office Administrator      designed to maximize employee performance of an employer’s strategic objectives. HR is
or Office Manager.                                                                           primarily concerned with the management of people within organizations, focusing on
                                                                                             policies and systems.
••Supervise and coordinate activities of staff;                                              WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES ARE REQUIRED?
••Administer salaries and determine leave entitlements;                                      A wide range of skills is needed for most HR professional jobs. The best Human Resource
••Prepare annual estimates of expenditure, maintain budgetary and inventory controls         professionals have excellent written and verbal skills, as well as proficiency with
  and make recommendations to management;                                                    computers.
••Maintain management information systems (manual or computerized);
••Review and answer correspondence; and                                                      THE FOLLOWING SKILLS AND ABILITIES ARE NEEDED FOR THE DIFFERENT
••Provide secretarial or executive type of duties.                                           HUMAN RESOURCE PROFESSIONALS:
                                                                                             • Selection, Recruiting, and Placement Specialists - good judge of character; tact;
WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES MUST I HAVE TO BECOME AN OFFICE                                      self-confidence; excellent verbal and presentation skills; and ability to build a network
ADMINISTRATOR?                                                                                 of relationships within the organisation as well as with other organisations and
••Able to supervise others;                                                                    prospective employees.
••Good oral and written communication skills;                                                • Development and Training Specialists - excellent interpersonal and verbal skills;
••Aptitude for working with computers; and                                                     good writing skills; good sense of humour; imagination; leading edge knowledge in
••Good planning and organization skills.                                                       training areas; and understanding of the organisation’s future knowledge needs.
                                                                                             • Compensation and Benefits Specialists - strong quantitative and analytical skills;
OFFICE ADMINISTRATORS SHOULD BE PROFICIENT IN THE USE OF THE                                   knowledge of statistics and ability to communicate the meaning of the numbers
FOLLOWING OFFICE EQUIPMENT:                                                                    in plain English; verbal skills; comprehensive understanding of how the whole
••Computers;                                                                                   organisation works; knowledge of laws and regulations; fair labour standards; and
••Filing systems;                                                                              affirmative action.
••Voice messaging systems;                                                                   • Employee Relations and Labour Specialists - integrity; sense of fairness; ability to
••Fax machines; and                                                                            converse comfortably with people of all education levels; communication skills; and
••Photo copier machines.                                                                       negotiation skills.

22        Majuba TVET College |                                                83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                     23
CAREER GUIDANCE                                                                                                                                       CAREER GUIDANCE

TOURISM                                                                                                                                      HOSPITALITY
WHAT IS TOURISM ABOUT?                                                                        ABOUT HOSPITALITY                              WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES MUST
Over 200 million people work in the Travel and Tourism industry worldwide. Tourism is         Does the idea of sitting in an office from
                                                                                                                                             I HAVE TO CHOOSE A HOSPITALITY
the activities of people traveling to and staying in places outside their usual environment   nine till five turn you off? Are you looking   CAREER?
for leisure, business or other purposes for not more than one consecutive year.               for a career with plenty of variety? Do        • Multitask: At all levels, careers in
                                                                                              you like meeting people? Like food?              hospitality require employees to handle
There‘s a wide variety of roles or job opportunities in the Tourism field which range from:   Enjoy travel? Then you’ll love working in        multiple responsibilities simultaneously.
Travel agents, Tour Operators, Hotel managers, Air Hostesses, Transportation, Events          Hospitality! Hospitality is the relationship   • Flexibility: On the job, they must be
Organisers, etc.                                                                              between the guest and the host, or the           ready to switch gears at a moment’s
                                                                                              act or practice of being hospitable. This        notice if unexpected situations arise.
WHAT SKILLS AND ABILITIES ARE REQUIRED IN THE TOURISM INDUSTRY?                               includes the reception and entertainment       • Pay attention to detail: It’s the little
••Active Listening (Giving full attention to what other people say and taking time to         of guests or visitors.                           things that make a guest’s experience
  understand the points being made);                                                                                                           extraordinary;
••Time Management (Must be able to manage their own time and the time of others               WHAT ARE THE DUTIES AND TASKS                  • Time Management and good
  effectively);                                                                               REQUIRED IN THE HOSPITALITY                      teamwork: Must be able to manage
••Have the ability to speak good English (Talk to others to convey information                INDUSTRY?                                        their own time and the time of others
  effectively);                                                                                                                                effectively;
                                                                                              ••Duties vary with the size and type of the
••Good communication skills are needed in order to communicate with different kinds                                                          • Basic computer skills: Computers are
  of people. Imagine how especially important communication skills are for roles which                                                         used to write reports about their area or
                                                                                              ••In large hotels, general Hospitality
  involve contact with guests and clients; and                                                                                                 to order food or supplies;
                                                                                                Managers are in charge of the entire
••Team working skills are also very important. With so many different departments and                                                        • Good language skills: Fluency in
                                                                                                hotel. They set room rates, monitor
  different employees working in a hotel, teamwork is essential for providing a quality                                                        English is important so that the
                                                                                                income and expenses, and supervise
  service to hotel guests.                                                                                                                     customer’s needs and expectations are
                                                                                                other staff.
                                                                                              ••Large hotels have restaurants and
                                                                                                                                             • Technical skills: Having the ability to
                                                                                                meeting rooms. These hotels hire
                                                                                                                                               wield a knife or successfully carry three
DOES TOURISM                                                                                    assistant Hospitality Managers to
                                                                                                supervise these various areas of the
                                                                                                                                               plates is vital requirements to workings

JOBS INVOLVE                                                                                    hotel.
                                                                                              ••Food and beverage managers oversee
                                                                                                                                               as a waiter or chef;
                                                                                                                                             • Communication skills: Communicating
TRAVELLING?                                                                                     restaurants and banquets. They plan
                                                                                                                                               is important for a meal service to run
                                                                                                menus, set prices, and order supplies.
When you think of tourism                                                                     ••Chefs and head cooks prepare, season,
                                                                                                                                             WHAT ARE THE WORKING
                                                                                                and cook food. They also supervise,
you may immediately think of                                                                                                                 CONDITIONS IN THE HOSPITALITY
                                                                                                train, and observe cooks and kitchen
cruise ships sailing the seas or                                                                workers.                                     INDUSTRY?
air hostesses serving customers                                                               ••Waiters take orders and serve food and       It isn’t easy working in the Hospitality
                                                                                                beverages to patrons at tables in dining     industry - guests can be rude, the holiday
on airlines. But in reality many                                                                                                             rush is nightmarish and employees work
jobs in this industry are based in                                                            ••Assistant Managers hire, train, and          seven days a week. Most jobs within this
one area or location. Consider                                                                  supervise the members of their staff.        industry do not have the standard hours of
                                                                                                                                             9am to 5pm, you must be prepared to put
working in a travel agency for                                                                                                               in the hours.
example, or in a hotel.

24        Majuba TVET College |                                                 83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                   25
NQF LEVEL 2 - 4                                                                                                      ENGINEERING & RELATED
The NC(V) is a Vocational Programme               ••Primary Agriculture
                                                                                                        (FITTING & TURNING / BOILERMAKING / WELDING / MOTOR MECHANICS)
offered at Level 2 to 4 of the National                                                                                                                   NQF LEVEL 2-4
Qualifications Framework (NQF) and               Business Studies Field:
is offered by all public TVET Colleges            ••Hospitality (Accommodation, Events and                                                       NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL)
countrywide. The qualification is intended          Catering Services)
to directly address the priority skills           ••Office Administration
demand of the modern South African                ••Tourism
economy.                                                                                                             NQF Level 2                   NQF Level 3                 NQF Level 4
                                                 NC(V) CURRICULUM
The NC(V) Qualification is designed to           Each NC(V) Qualification has a total of 7                         • The following subjects are compulsory for each level:
provide both theory and practice, thus           subjects per NQF Level:                           Fundamental     • English 1st Additional Language
granting students an opportunity to gain         There are three fundamental subjects                Subjects      • Mathematics
                                                                                                                   • Life Orientation
work experience during the period of             which are common for all learning fields
study. Practical experience may be gained        and are compulsory.                                               • Engineering                 • Engineering Practice      • Engineering Processes
in either a simulated or real workshop                                                                               Fundamentals                  and Maintenance           • Professional
environment.                                     THE FUNDAMENTAL SUBJECTS                                          • Engineering Technology      • Material Technology         Engineering Practice
                                                                                                                   • Engineering Systems           Engineering Graphics      • Applied Engineering
                                                 ARE:                                                              • Fitting & Turning             and Design (CAD)            Technology
NC(V) PROGRAMMES OFFERED BY                       ••Life Orientation;                                                (Elective) or               • Fitting & Turning         • Fitting & Turning
MAJUBA TVET COLLEGE:                              ••English First Additional Language;              Vocational     • Engineering Fabrication       (Elective) or               (Elective) or
Engineering Related Field:                        ••Mathematics or Mathematical Literacy           Subjects Per      - Boilermaking (Elective)   • Engineering               • Engineering
                                                                                                                   • Automotive Repair and         Fabrication-                Fabrication-
 ••Engineering and Related Design (Fitting                                                            Level
                                                                                                                     Maintenance (Elective)        Boilermaking (Elective)     Boilermaking (Elective)
   and Turning or Boilermaking or Motor          There are four vocational subjects which                            or                            or                          or
   Mechanics)                                    are aimed at preparing students for the                           • Welding (Elective)          • Automotive Repair &       • Automotive Repair and
 ••Electrical Infrastructure Construction        world-of- work, within the field of their                                                         Maintenance (Elective)      Maintenance (Elective)
   (Light Current or Heavy Current)              choice. Of the four vocational subjects,                                                          or                          or
                                                                                                                                                 • Welding (Elective)        • Welding (Elective)
 ••Civil Engineering and Building                one is an elective subject, which allows the
   Construction (Carpentry and Roof Work         students to specialize in a specific subfield.
                                                                                                                   • A year-end school
   or Masonry)                                                                                                       report for grade 9, 10,
                                                                                                    Admission                                    • NQF Level 2 in the        • NQF Level 3 in the
                                                                                                                     11, or 12 certificate
                                                                                                    Required                                       specific programme          specific programme
                                                                                                                   • An NQF Level 1
CAMPUS KEY:                                                                                                          Qualification

                                                                                                    Duration                1 year                        1 year                     1 year
       Majuba Technology Centre                            IT And Business Campus

                                                                                                                      er       Paths
                                                                                                        Possible Care
       Newcastle Technology Centre                         Centre For People Development                                                                                Majuba Technology Centre

       Dundee Technology Centre                            Open Learning Unit                                        nd Turne                                          Newcastle Technology Centre
                                                                                                         • Fitter a ker
                                                                                                                   rm  a
                                                                                                         • Boile              ic
                                                                                                          • Motor              ic
                                                                                                             D ie se l Mechan      THE COLLEGE RESERVES THETHE     RIGHT
                                                                                                                                                                           TO: RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:
                                      FOR APPLICATIONS:                                                   •
                                                                                                             W  e ld e r Only offer programmes
                                                                                                                                                         justified by that
                                                                                                                                                                           are justified
                                                                                                                                                                      student numbers.
                    To apply for the NC(V) , kindly visit                                •
                                                                                                                       Change the location / venue
                                                                                                                                                                  / venue
                                                                                                                                                                           of the programme offering.

26       Majuba TVET College |                                                      83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                                   27
ELECTRICAL INFRASTRUCTURE                                                                                                                                   CIVIL & BUILDING
CONSTRUCTION                                                                                                                                                 CONSTRUCTION
(LIGHT CURRENT / HEAVY CURRENT) NQF LEVEL 2-4                                                                     (BRICKLAYING / PLASTERING / PLUMBING / CARPENTRY) NQF LEVEL 2-4
NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL)                                                                                                                         NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL)

                  NQF Level 2                   NQF Level 3                   NQF Level 4                                       NQF Level 2                   NQF Level 3                 NQF Level 4

                • The following subjects are compulsory for each level:                                                       • The following subjects are compulsory for each level:
 Fundamental    • English 1st Additional Language                                                          Fundamental        • English 1st Additional Language
   Subjects     • Mathematics                                                                                Subjects         • Mathematics
                • Life Orientation                                                                                            • Life Orientation

                • Electric Principles and     • Electrical Principals and   • Electrical Principles and                       • Construction Planning       • Construction Planning     • Construction Planning
                  Practice                      Practice                      Practice                                        • Plant and Equipment         • Plant and Equipment       • Construction
  Vocational    • Electronic Control and      • Electronic Control and      • Electrical Control and                          • Materials                   • Materials                   Supervision
 Subjects Per     Digital Workshops             Digital Electronics           Digital Electronics                             • Masonry (Elective) or       • Masonry (Elective) or     • Materials
                                                                                                           Subjects Per
    Level       • Workshop Practice           • Electrical Workmanship      • Electrical Workmanship                          • Carpentry and               • Carpentry and             • Masonry (Elective) or
                                                                                                              Level             Roofwork (elective) or        Roofwork (elective) or    • Carpentry and
                • Electrical Systems and      • Electrical Systems and      • Electrical Systems and
                  Constructive (Elective)       Construction (Elective)       Construction (Elective)                         • Plumbing (Elective)         • Plumbing (Elective)         Roofwork (Elective) or
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Plumbing (Elective)
                • A year-end school           • NQF Level 2 in the          • NQF Level 3 in the
                  report for grade 9, 10,       specific programme            specific programme                              • A year-end school           • NQF Level 2 in the        • NQF Level 3 in the
  Admission       11 or 12 certificate                                                                                          report for grade 9, 10,       specific programme          specific programme
  Required                                                                                                  Admission
                • An NQF Level 1                                                                                                11 or 12 certificate
                                                                                                            Required          • An NQF Level 1
     Duration            1 year                        1 year                        1 year
                                                                                                            Duration                   1 year                        1 year                     1 year

                   er          Paths                                                                                             er Paths
     Possible Care                                                   Majuba Technology Centre                 Po s s ib le Ca re
                                                                                                                                                                                   Majuba Technology Centre
      • Electric nt Mechanician                                                                                 • Plumb r
                 e                                                                                                          nte
      • Instrum                                                                                                           e
                                                                     Newcastle Technology Centre                  C a rp                                                           Dundee Technology Centre
                                                                                                                        k  la yer
                                                                                                                 • Bric
                                                                                                                 •T il e r

                                            THE COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:                                                           THE COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:
                                  Only offer programmes that are justified by student numbers.                                 Only offer programmes that are justified by student numbers.
                                    Change the location / venue of the programme offering.                                       Change the location / venue of the programme offering.

28         Majuba TVET College |                                                            83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                                     29
                                                                                                                     OFFICE ADMINISTRATION                                                     NQF LEVEL 2-4
NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL)                                                                                                                    NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL)

                  NQF Level 2                   NQF Level 3                  NQF Level 4                                   NQF Level 2                   NQF Level 3                 NQF Level 4

                • The following subjects are compulsory for each level:
                • English 1st Additional Language                                                                        • The following subjects are compulsory for each level:
 Fundamental                                                                                             Fundamental     • English 1st Additional Language
                • Mathematics Literacy
   Subjects                                                                                                Subjects      • Mathematics literacy
                • Life Orientation
                                                                                                                         • Life Orientation

                • Soil Science                • Soil Science               • Farming Planning and
                                                                                                                         • Business Practice           • Business Practice         • Business Practice
                • Plant production            • Plant production             Mechanization
  Vocational                                                                                                             • Office Practice             • Office Practice           • Office Practice
                • Animal Production           • Animal Production          • Advanced Plant
 Subjects Per                                                                                                            • Office Data Processing      • Office Data Processing    • Office Data Processing
                • Agri Business (Elective)    • Agri Business (Elective)     Production
                                                                                                          Vocational     • New Venture Creation        • New Venture Creation      • Personal Assistance
    Level                                                                  • Animal production
                                                                                                         Subjects Per      (Elective) or                 or                          (Elective) or
                                                                           • Agri Business (Elective)
                                                                                                                         • Wholesale and Retail        • Wholesale and Retail      • Wholesale and Retail
                                                                                                                           (Elective)                    (Elective)                  (Elective)
                • A year-end school           • NQF Level 2 in the         • NQF Level 3 in the
                  report for grade 9, 10,       specific programme           specific programme
  Admission       11 or 12 certificate
  Required      • An NQF Level 1
                                                                                                                         • A year-end school           • NQF Level 2 in the        • NQF Level 3 in the
                                                                                                                           report for grade 9, 10,       specific programme          specific programme
                                                                                                                           11 or 12 certificate
     Duration            1 year                        1 year                       1 year                Required       • An NQF Level 1

                                                                                                          Duration                1 year                        1 year                     1 year
                                                                     Majuba Technology Centre

              Ca re e r Paths
     Possible                                                                                                           Ca re e r Paths
                                                                                                                                                                              Centre For People Development

                        n                                                                                  Po s s ib le
      • Plant P roduction                                                                                            Adminis
                                                                                                                               trati                                        IT And Business Campus
               lP                                                                                          • Office ecretary
      • Anima                                                                                                          S
                                                                                                           • Private Reception
                                                                                                                     ine                   es
                                                                                                            • Frontl cretarial Servic ping                                  Dundee Technology Centre
                                                                                                                      Se                    ee
                                                                                                            • Legal              d B o o k-k
                                                                                                                       nting an
                                                                                                             • Accou anagement
                                                                                                                      e  M                   t
                                                                                                             • Offi  c             agemen
                                                                                                                Pe rs o n nel Man
                                            THE COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:                                                          THE COLLEGE RESERVES THETHE     RIGHT
                                                                                                                                                                                 TO: RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:
                                  Only offer programmes that are justified by student numbers.                               Only offer programmes
                                                                                                                                                              justified by that
                                                                                                                                                                                 are justified
                                                                                                                                                                            student numbers.
                                    Change the location / venue of the programme offering.                                     Change the location / venue
                                                                                                                                                     Change  ofthe
                                                                                                                                                                     programme/ venue
                                                                                                                                                                                       of the programme offering.

30         Majuba TVET College |                                                          83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                                  31
                                                                                                                                                                                      TOURISM      NQF LEVEL 2-4
NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL)                                                                                                                       NATIONAL CERTIFICATE (VOCATIONAL)

                     NQF Level 2                   NQF Level 3                   NQF Level 4                                  NQF Level 2                   NQF Level 3                  NQF Level 4

                   • The following subjects are compulsory for each level:                                                  • The following subjects are compulsory for each level:
 Fundamental       • English 1st Additional Language                                                       Fundamental      • English 1st Additional Language
   Subjects        • Mathematics literacy                                                                    Subjects       • Mathematics Literacy
                   • Life Orientation                                                                                       • Life Orientation

                   • Hospitality Generics        • Hospitality Generics         • Hospitality Generics                      • Science of Tourism          • Science of Tourism         • Science of Tourism
                   • Food Preparation            • Food Preparation             • Food Preparation                          • Client Services and         • Client Services and        • Client Services and
  Vocational       • Client Services and         • Client Services and          • Client Services and                         Human Relations               Human Relations              Human Relations
 Subjects Per        Human Relations               Human Relations                Human Relations           Vocational      • Sustainable Tourism In      • Sustainable Tourism        • Sustainable Tourism
    Level          • Hospitality Services        • Hospitality Services         • Hospitality Services     Subjects Per       South Africa                  in South Africa and          In South Africa and
                     (Elective)                    (Elective)                     (Elective)                  Level         • Tourism Operations            Regional Travel              International Travel
                                                                                                                              (Elective)                  • Tourism Operations         • Tourism Operations
                   • A year-end school           • NQF Level 2 in the           • NQF Level 3 in the                                                        (Elective)                   (Elective)
                     report for grade 9, 10,       specific programme             specific programme
  Admission          11 or 12 certificate                                                                                   • A year-end school           • NQF Level 2 in the         • NQF Level 3 in the
  Required         • An NQF Level 1                                                                                           report for grade 9, 10,       specific programme           specific programme
                     Qualification                                                                          Admission         11 or 12 certificate
                                                                                                            Required        • An NQF Level 1
     Duration               1 year                        1 year                        1 year                                Qualification

                                                                                                            Duration                 1 year                        1 year                      1 year

                         r Paths
                                                                          Centre For People Development

         s ib le Ca re e                                                                                               le Ca re e r Paths
     Po e-keeping                                                         IT And Business Campus                  s ib
                                                                                                               Pos odation Managemnennint g                                       Centre For People Development
     • Hous            verage                                                                                              m
                                                                                                               • Accom ce and Events P rk
               and Be
     • Food                                                                                                    • Confe
                                                                                                                         ren                   ri Wo                              Dundee Technology Centre
                  ement                                                                                                     Range a
                                                                                                                                    n d S a fa
        Manag                 ent
                  M anagem ervices                                                                              • Game
       • Ho  te l
                         ti o n S                                                                                     v e l Agency
                   moda                                                                                         • Tra
       • Accom anagement                                                                                         • Tour   G  uide
        • Events
         • Chef            nd Foo
                   urant a
         • Resta
                                               THE COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:                                                     THE COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:
                                     Only offer programmes that are justified by student numbers.                           Only offer programmes that are justified by student numbers.
                                       Change the location / venue of the programme offering.                                 Change the location / venue of the programme offering.

32         Majuba TVET College |                                                            83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                                  33
NATIONAL N-DIPLOMA                                                                             candidate’s vocation;
This qualification is primarily aimed at giving a student theoretical knowledge, practical   •• Completed the relevant DHET application form, requesting to be awarded the National
knowledge and workplace knowledge and skills required in their chosen vocational area.         N-Diploma. This application form must be accompanied by a detailed letter from the
The design of the qualification enables students to progressively obtain the qualification     student’s Employer/s, confirming that the student has acquired the relevant workplace
by completing the related N1, N2, N3, N4, N5 and N6 courses, in a particular vocational        experience in the required time.
area.                                                                                        ••All applications are done via the relevant College Examination Centres. Such
                                                                                               applications are reviewed and, where appropriate recommended by the Academic
MAJUBA TVET COLLEGE OFFERS THE N1-N6 COURSES BOTH FULL-TIME                                    Board of the College to the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
The full-time component is offered by:                                                       ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
Business Studies (N4–N6):
                                                                                             The N4+N5+N6, must be followed by or integrated with the relevant 18 months practical
 ••CPD Campus, DTC Campus, ITB Campus and Open Learning Unit
                                                                                             workplace experience for General/Business Study Diplomas; and 24 months of practical
Engineering Studies (N1–N6):
                                                                                             workplace experience for the Engineering Studies Diploma.
 ••DTC Campus, MTC Campus, Newtech Campus and Open Learning Unit

THE PART-TIME COMPONENT IS OFFERED THROUGH OUR OPEN                                          A student applying for the Business Studies N-Diploma must produce documentary
LEARNING UNIT, WITH THE FOLLOWING AIMS:                                                      proof of at least eighteen (18) months of relevant experience in commerce and industry,
                                                                                             relevant to the two instructional offerings offered on the N6 level.
••To create access for company-employed students aspiring to enhance their
  qualifications, either to change their careers or to access promotional opportunities;
                                                                                             A student applying for the Engineering Studies N-Diploma must produce documentary
••To facilitate access for employed students who are not in close proximity to a TVET
                                                                                             proof of two years relevant experience in industry, relevant to the two instructional
                                                                                             offerings offered on the N6 level.
If you are interested in enrolling for the N1-N6 courses, kindly log onto:
                                                                                             CAMPUS KEY:
                                                                                                    Majuba Technology Centre                        IT And Business Campus
A student is required to satisfy the following requirements. He/she must have:
••Achieved the N4, N5 and N6 Certificates; with a minimum of twelve instructional
                                                                                                    Newcastle Technology Centre                     Centre For People Development
  offerings (i.e. subjects);
••A minimum of two instructional offerings on the N6 level must be relevant to the
                                                                                                    Dundee Technology Centre                        Open Learning Unit

                            THE COLLEGE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO:
                  Only offer programmes that are justified by student numbers.
                    Change the location / venue of the programme offering.

34        Majuba TVET College |
                                                                      83 Allen Street, Newcastle, 2940 | T: 034 326 4888 | F: 034 326 4889                 35
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