Provider Directory for WellSpan Provider Network and Other Select Providers and Facilities (Tier 1 Benefit Level) - ...

Page created by Everett Adams
Provider Directory for WellSpan Provider Network
and Other Select Providers and Facilities
(Tier 1 Benefit Level)

Beginning January 1, 2021

Please go to the following website to receive the most up-to-date provider listing:
Glossary of terms

Allergy & Immunology                 Endocrinology                          Gynecology                              Internal Medicine
Allergy and Immunology is the        Endocrinology is the diagnosis and     Gynecology is the examination,          Internal Medicine is the diagnosis
diagnosis and treatment of           treatment of problems stemming         diagnosis and treatment of the          and medical (nonsurgical)
disorders caused by abnormal         from the body’s hormone systems.       female reproductive system.             treatment of the internal problems
reactions of the body’s immune       These include metabolic                                                        of the body, focusing generally on
system. This includes treatment of   malfunctions, such as diabetes and     Hematology/ Oncology                    the treatment of adolescents and
people with asthma, hay fever, and   thyroid disorders.                     Oncology is the study, diagnosis        adults.
certain types of skin diseases or                                           and treatment of cancer.
other allergic reactions.            Family Practice                        Hematology is the study, diagnosis      Maternal & Fetal Medicine
                                     Family Practice focuses on the         and treatment of diseases of the        Maternal & fetal medicine deals
Anesthesiology                       comprehensive care of all              blood and blood-forming tissues.        with pregnant women and unborn
Anesthesiology is the practice of    members of a family.                                                           children.
administering anesthetic to                                                 Hospice and Palliative Care
patients to make them insensitive    Gastroenterology                       Medicine                                Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine
to pain during surgery or certain    Gastroenterology is the diagnosis      The professional organization for       Neonatology focuses on the
medical procedures.                  and treatment of disorders of the      physicians taking care of people        diagnosis, treatment and
                                     digestive organs including the         at the end of                           management of problems in the
Cardiovascular Disease               stomach, bowels, liver, gallbladder    life.                                   newborn, such as prematurity or
Cardiovascular Disease is the        and related organs.                                                            respiratory disorders.
study, diagnosis and treatment of                                           Imaging
diseases of the heart, lungs, and    General Surgery                        Imaging is the specialty which          Nephrology
blood vessels, including heart       General surgery includes surgery       focuses on the utilization of radiant   Nephrology is the diagnosis and
attacks, angina, abnormal heart      and management of a broad              substances, to prevent, diagnose        treatment of disorders of the
rhythms, rheumatic heart disease,    spectrum of surgical conditions        and treat diseases including            kidney including fluid and mineral
etc.                                 affecting almost any area of the       cancer.                                 imbalances, inadequate kidney
                                     body.                                                                          function and hypertension.
Cardiothoracic Surgery                                                      Imaging and Radiation Oncology
Cardiothoracic Surgery focuses on    Geriatric Medicine                     Imaging and Radiation Oncology is       Neurology
surgery of the heart, but also can   Geriatric Medicine is the study of     the specialty which focuses on the      Neurology is the diagnosis and
include other surgery of the chest   aging and the treatment of             utilization of radiant substances,      treatment of disorders of the
area, from the lungs to the          problems in the elderly frequently     including x-rays and radioactive        nervous system which commonly
esophagus.                           addressing the psychological and       isotopes to prevent, diagnose and       includes headaches, epilepsy,
                                     social aspects of aging, in addition   treat diseases, including cancer.       numbness, movement or memory
Dermatology                          to the physical aspects.                                                       loss.
Dermatology is the study,                                                   Infectious Diseases
diagnosis and treatment of skin      Gynecological Oncology                 Infectious Diseases is the specialty
diseases, including acne,            Gynecological Oncology focuses         which focuses on treatment of a
psoriasis, warts, skin infections    on the diagnosis and treatment of      broad range of infectious or
and skin cancer.                     disorders of the female                contagious diseases including
                                     reproductive system, including         HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis.
                                     tumors and cancer.
Glossary of terms

Neurological Surgery                  Otolaryngology                         Plastic Surgery                         Urology
Neurological Surgery is the           Otolaryngology is the diagnosis        Plastic Surgery focuses on the          Urology is the study, diagnosis and
surgical treatment of disorders of    and treatment of disorders and         repair or reconstruction of defects     treatment of conditions related to
the nervous system, including the     diseases of the ears, nose and         or imperfections caused by injury,      the kidneys, bladder and urethra.
brain, spinal cord and nerves.        throat.                                the aging process, heredity, birth or   Urologists treat both men and
                                                                             disease.                                women.
Obstetrics & Gynecology               Outpatient Therapy Services
Obstetrics focuses on the             Outpatient Physical, Occupational      Podiatry                                Vascular Surgery
management and treatment of           and Speech Therapy Services            Podiatry is the diagnosis and           Vascular surgery focuses on
pregnant women, including delivery    provide rehabilitation and support     treatment of disorders and              surgery of the veins and arteries.
of infants. Gynecology is the         services to persons recovering         diseases of the foot and related
examination, diagnosis and            from illness, injury or surgery.       structures.                             Wound Care
treatment of the female               (These services may also be                                                    Wound care is a comprehensive
reproductive system.                  obtained at most participating         Pulmonary Disease                       program of specialized wound care
                                      hospitals.)                            Pulmonary Medicine focuses on           management by highly-skilled
Ophthalmology                                                                diagnosis and treatment of              clinicians. Treatment modalities
Ophthalmology is the study,           Pain Management                        disorders of the respiratory system,    include transcutaneous oxygen
diagnosis and treatment of all eye    (Anesthesiology)                       including treatment of pneumonia,       measurement, dressing changes,
and visual problems, as well as       Physicians and other pain experts      cancer, bronchitis, emphysema           hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and
medical and surgical disorders of     choose from an extensive series of     and other disorders of the lungs.       wound debridement.
the eye.                              diagnostic tests to precisely
                                      identify the source of a patient’s     Rheumatology
Optometry                             pain.                                  Rheumatology is the diagnosis and
A specialist trained to examine the                                          treatment of disorders of the
eyes and to prescibe, supply, and     Pediatrics                             muscles and joints, including
adjust glasses or contact lenses.     Pediatrics is the study, diagnosis     arthritis and related disorders.
                                      and treatment of medical
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery          conditions in children from birth to   Sports Medicine
Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery          adolescence.                           The field of medicine devoted to
focuses on the medical and                                                   athletic injuries. Doctors
surgical treatment of diseases or     Physical Medicine &                    specializing in sports medicine
disorders involving the mouth and     Rehabilitation                         help patients prevent and recover
face.                                 Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation     from a range of injuries.
                                      is the specialty dealing with the
Orthopaedic Surgery                   treatment and rehabilitation of        Urogynecology
Orthopaedic Surgery is the use of     patients with muscular or skeletal     Urogynecology is a surgical
medical, surgical and physical        injuries or diseases.                  subspecialty of urology and
methods to treat problems of the                                             gynecology.
ligaments, joints, muscles,
tendons, and related structures.
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Adams County, PA
                                                               40 V Twin Dr                        Nora Olson MD
 Advanced Heart Failure &                                      Ste 102                             Talbot L Smith MD
 Transplant Cardiology                                         Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                               Phone: 717-851-6454                 Family First Health
 WellSpan Cardiology                                           Nikhilesh M Korgaonkar MD           1275 York Rd
 450 S Washington St                                                                               Ste 17
                                                               Dermatology                         Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Ste A
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                                                              Phone: 717-337-9400
 Phone: 717-339-3105                                           Dermatology Associates of           Asceline S Go MD
 Adnan S Malik MD                                              York                                Carolyn S DeLoe CRNP
                                                               246 Hanover St                      Catherine R Mauss DO
 Behavioral Health                                             Gettysburg, PA 17325                Christian O Bengtson MD
                                                               Phone: 717-741-4666                 Debra A Bell MD
 WellSpan Philhaven                                            Heather L Salvaggio MD              Elizabeth A Horst DO
                                                               John G Stoner DO                    Heather A Rosario PAC
 40 V Twin Dr                                                                                      Hetal V Patel MD
                                                               Laura S Spears MD
 Ste 202                                                                                           Junia P Tiruchelvam MD
                                                               Luciano J Iorizzo MD
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                                                              Kathleen A Byrne MD
                                                               Ninad C Pendharkar MD
 Phone: 717-339-2710                                                                               Luis I Garcia MD
                                                               Steven E Caplan MD
 Angelo J Fiordimondo PhD                                                                          Marie L Kellett MD
 Brandi M Avery LPC                                            Endocrinology                       Melanie K Finkenbinder MD
 Christopher E Silva PhD                                                                           Nicole R Durham CRNP
 Deborah A Asper LCSW                                                                              Oluwatomi O Uwazota MD
                                                               WellSpan Endocrinology
 Jennifer L Anderson LCSW                                                                          Samantha B Henry CRNP
 Johar A Shah MD                                               40 V Twin Dr                        Sara A Miller CRNP
 Julie A Staub LCSW                                            Ste 205                             Wanda D Filer MD
 Kimberly C Griffin CRNP                                       Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Marisa E Barra PhD                                            Phone: 717-339-2790                 Gettysburg Family Practice
 Marivi S Mauricio-Tan MD                                      Ashok K Kuruvilla MD
 Mija Serrano LPC                                                                                  524 S Washington St
                                                               Jhansi L Ganji MD
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Nicole K Smith PAC                                            Nazia S Shamsuddin MD
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-334-2183
 Pradipta Majumder MD                                          Peggy B Lovelace LDN
 Syed Z Manzoor MD                                                                                 Adam I Wasserman MD
                                                               Sally M Guise LDN
                                                                                                   Douglas E Eyer MD
 Cardiology                                                    Facility                            Kristi L Allen CRNP
                                                                                                   Melissa C Kaminski PAC
                                                                                                   Tracey A Long CRNP
 WellSpan Cardiology                                           Gettysburg Hospital                 William J Adair MD
 450 S Washington St                                           147 Gettys St
 Ste A                                                                                             Kanagasabapathy
                                                               P.O. Box 3786
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                          Gettysburg, PA 17325                Arumugarajah, MD
 Phone: 717-339-3105                                           Phone: 717-334-2121                 10 W King St
 Brian T Schuler MD                                            Gettysburg Hospital                 Littlestown, PA 17340
 Doris C Lawson CRNP                                                                               Phone: 717-359-7114
 George N Logothetis MD                                        WellSpan Center for                 Kanagasabapathy Arumugarajah MD
 Habib Habib MD                                                Mind/Body Health
 Jefferson H Lee MD                                                                                WellSpan Family Medicine -
                                                               40 V Twin Drive
 John P Zornosa MD                                             Suite 205, Room 2512                Aspers
 Kweku A Appau MD                                              Gettysburg, PA 17325                2060 Carlisle Rd
 Lisa A Tomko CRNP                                             Phone: 717-851-5590                 Aspers, PA 17304
 Lydia Danso CRNP                                                                                  Phone: 717-339-2585
 Lyle A Siddoway MD                                                                                David L Wampler MD
 Momina Mastoor MD                                             Family Practice                     Emily G Hahn PAC
 Richard A Howard MD                                                                               Jessica A Nelson CRNP

 Cardiothoracic Surgery                                        Apple Ridge Family Medicine         Mary E Hoff CRNP
                                                                                                   Nina L Wyatt CRNP
                                                               1311 Biglerville Rd                 Orville G McBeth MD
 WellSpan Thoracic Surgery                                     Gettysburg, PA 17325                Paul J Zeshonsky MD
                                                               Phone: 717-334-8165                 Rachel K Wallace CRNP
                                                               Meagan L Weaver PAC

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                   Page 5 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Adams County, PA
                                                                                                   450 S Washington St
 WellSpan Family Medicine -                                    Female Pelvic Medicine &            Ste B
 East Berlin                                                   Reconstructive Surgery              Gettysburg, PA 17325
 105 4th St                                                                                        Phone: 717-337-4487
 PO Box 727                                                    WellSpan Urogynecology &            Mark A Miller DO
 East Berlin, PA 17316                                         Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery       Okechukwu A Ibeanu MD
 Phone: 717-812-4900                                           450 S Washington St
 Amanda L Keller-Smith DO                                      Ste B                               Hematology/Oncology
 Annie M Harberger DO                                          Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Ashlee G Metzger PAC                                          Phone: 717-337-4487                 WellSpan Medical Oncology
 Catherine B Heilman MD                                        Carlos A Roberts MD                 and Hematology
 Lauren M Cashman MD                                           Katelyn A Matthew CRNP
                                                                                                   40 V Twin Dr
 Maria E Renteria CRNP                                         Tiffanie M Kemp CRNP
                                                                                                   Ste 104
 Matthew T Staub PAC
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Rachel B Markey MD                                            Gastroenterology
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-339-2560
 Robyn M Hess PAC
                                                                                                   Ikechukwu I Akunyili MD
 Stephanie J Ellwood DO                                        Rajesh Bajaj, MD                    Kara R Flickinger CRNP
 2900 Carlisle Pike                                                                                Robert L Rice MD
                                                               147 N Washington St
 New Oxford, PA 17350                                                                              Uzoma Nwakuche MD
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Phone: 717-812-4900
                                                               Phone: 717-337-2684
 Amanda L Keller-Smith DO                                                                          WellSpan Palliative and
                                                               Rajesh Bajaj MD
 Annie M Harberger DO                                                                              Supportive Care
 Ashlee G Metzger PAC
                                                               WellSpan Digestive Health           147 Gettys St
 Catherine B Heilman MD
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Lauren M Cashman MD                                           37 N 5th St                         Phone: 717-338-4525
 Maria E Renteria CRNP                                         Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                                                                   Robert L Rice MD
 Matthew T Staub PAC                                           Phone: 717-339-3125
 Rachel B Markey MD                                                                                423 S Washington St
                                                               Amber L Diaz PAC
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                               Cara M Davis PAC
 WellSpan Family Medicine -                                                                        Phone: 717-338-4525
                                                               David N Speranza MD
 Fairfield                                                                                         Robert L Rice MD
                                                               Rajat P Malik MD
 4910 Fairfield Rd                                                                                 Hospice and Palliative Care
 Ste A                                                         General Surgery
 Fairfield, PA 17320                                                                               Medicine
 Phone: 717-339-3175                                           WellSpan Bariatric Surgery          WellSpan Palliative and
 David S Moore MD
 Elizabeth S Carson CRNP                                       450 S Washington St                 Supportive Care
                                                               3rd Floor, Ste C                    147 Gettys St
 WellSpan Family Medicine -                                    Gettysburg, PA 17325                Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                               Phone: 717-741-0733                 Phone: 717-338-4525
 Herr's Ridge
                                                               James P Ryan MD                     Ann B Norwich CRNP
 820 Chambersburg Rd
                                                               Matthew B Smith MD                  Jill G Madigan CRNP
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Phone: 717-337-4410                                                                               Mary A Shultz-Viersma CRNP
                                                               WellSpan Surgical Specialists
 Audrey C Watts CRNP                                                                               423 S Washington St
 Neal R Garverick CRNP                                         450 S Washington St                 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Stephanie E Boyer CRNP                                        3rd Flr Ste C                       Phone: 717-338-4525
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325                Ann B Norwich CRNP
 WellSpan Family Medicine -                                    Phone: 717-339-3110                 Jill G Madigan CRNP
 Littlestown                                                   Benjamin J Smith MD                 Mary A Shultz-Viersma CRNP
 300 W King St                                                 David A Doud DO
                                                               Rajesh Makkenchery MD               Imaging
 Ste C
 Littlestown, PA 17340                                         Roxanna H Nemec PAC
 Phone: 717-339-2390                                           Tara L Assi PAC                     Gettysburg Diagnostic
 Barbetta A Moffatt CRNP                                       Timothy R McKee MD                  Imaging, PC
 Christopher J George MD                                                                           147 Gettys St
 Jaime B Henson CRNP
                                                               Gynecological Oncology
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Jennifer M Clark CRNP                                                                             Phone: 717-339-2015
 Kenneth Lepone MD                                             WellSpan Gynecologic                Tanya G Bromery MD
                                                               Oncology                            Wilson S Tan MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                    Page 6 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Adams County, PA
                                                               450 S Washington St                 40 V Twin Dr
 Imaging & Radiation                                           Suite B1                            Ste 205
 Oncology                                                      Gettysburg, PA 17325                Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                               Phone: 717-339-2475                 Phone: 717-339-2790
 WellSpan Radiology and                                        Elizabeth A Wargo LDN               Arnold G Salotto MD
 Radiation Oncology                                                                                Grant C Sorkin MD
 40 V Twin Dr                                                  Massage Therapy                     Joel W Winer MD
 Ste 102                                                                                           Michelle M Schauer CRNP
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                          WellSpan Center for                 Troy J Hamilton PAC
 Phone: 717-339-2640
                                                               Mind/Body Health
 Amit B Shah MD                                                                                    Neurology
                                                               40 V Twin Drive
 Gregory A Fortier MD
                                                               Suite 205, Room 2512
 James A Tegeler MD
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325                WellSpan Neurology
 Lesley A Hughes MD
                                                               Phone: 717-851-5590
 Michael R Watson MD                                                                               40 V Twin Dr
                                                               Austin C Greene LMT                 Ste 205
 Ori B Shokek MD
                                                               Carissa L Kolar LMT                 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Reena K Pramanik DO
                                                               Cynthia A Korpanty LMT              Phone: 717-339-2790
 Robena E Medbery MD
                                                               Deirdre V Bradley LMT               Albert W Heck MD
 Sherif F Yacoub MD
                                                               Jennifer L Wagman LMT               Anthony C May MD
 Whoon Jong Kil MD
                                                               Jennifer R Charles LMT              Fengjun Jiang MD
 Internal Medicine                                             Joanne Nicholson LMT                Ravi Dukkipati MD
                                                               Kimberly A Haga LMT                 Robert L Sterling MD
                                                               Loretta L Strine LMT                Xi Lin MD
 Family First Health                                           Robert B Mahan LMT
 1275 York Rd                                                  Sandy L Boyer LMT                   Obstetrics & Gynecology
 Ste 17                                                        Shannon N Dillman LMT
                                                               Shannon S Harley LMT
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                                                              WellSpan OB/GYN
 Phone: 717-337-9400                                           Tifani V Ennis LMT
 Raymond E Mathews MD                                          Vicki E Neely LMT                   450 S Washington St
                                                                                                   Ste B
 Wellspan Internal Medicine - V                                Maternal & Fetal Medicine           Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Twin Dr                                                                                           Phone: 717-337-4487

 40 V Twin Dr
                                                               WellSpan Maternal Fetal             Charles H Marks DO
 Ste 204                                                       Medicine                            Chelsea Marks DO
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                                                              Emily M Grieve CNM
                                                               450 S Washington St
 Phone: 717-339-2424                                                                               Felicia M Rohrbaugh CNM
                                                               Ste D
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325                Giovanna R Biles CNM
 Abroo Nawaz MD
                                                               Phone: 717-338-3292                 Janice M Bollinger CNM
 Jason G Rahme MD
                                                                                                   Jessica L Tocks DO
 Jennifer P Bishop CRNP                                        Cynthia L Anderson MD
                                                                                                   Katherine E Johnson CNM
 Joanne E Smith CRNP                                           Erik J Smith DO
                                                                                                   Kwadwo B Baryeh MD
 Saeeda W Shah MD                                              Kelley D Clark MD
                                                                                                   Lauren R Smith-Leed MD
 Shubha R Acharya MD                                           Kimberly S Caple CRNP
                                                                                                   Marianne D Jolin CNM
 WellSpan Internal Medicine                                    Nephrology                          Mary L Hitchcock CRNP
 -Washington Street                                                                                Mary O Keperling DO
                                                                                                   Nancy L Reinhart CNM
 423 S Washington St                                           WellSpan Nephrology
                                                                                                   Renee D Pistilli CNM
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                               40 V Twin Dr                        Susan E Martin CNM
 Phone: 717-339-3165
                                                               Ste 205                             Tasneem S Ahmed MD
 David F Kamsler MD
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325                Theresa Y Acquaah MD
 Kathy K Miller CRNP
                                                               Phone: 717-339-2768
 Kelly P Miller MD                                                                                 Ophthalmology
                                                               Kayode C Lawrence MD
 Patrick Quinlan DO
 Tomarra M Dalton CRNP
                                                               Neurological Surgery                Gettysburg Ophthalmology
 WellSpan Medical Weight                                                                           Associates, P.C.
 Management                                                    WellSpan Neurosurgery               455 S Washington St
                                                                                                   Ste 24
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-334-9159

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                 Page 7 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Adams County, PA
 Duane M Whitlock MD                                                                               201 Harrisburg St
                                                               Pediatric Neurology                 East Berlin, PA 17316
 Optometry                                                                                         Phone: 717-259-8637
                                                               WellSpan Neurology                  Todd A Zeno DPM
 Gettysburg Ophthalmology
                                                               40 V Twin Dr                        KPMA, PC, d/b/a Biglerville
 Associates, P.C.                                              Ste 205
 455 S Washington St                                                                               Foot & Ankle Center
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Ste 24                                                        Phone: 717-339-2790                 23 N Main St
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                                                              PO Box 526
                                                               Jeremy S Timothy MD
 Phone: 717-334-9159                                                                               Biglerville, PA 17307
                                                               Matthew T Hendell CRNP
 Radhika Patel OD                                                                                  Phone: 717-541-8802
                                                               Todd F Barron MD
                                                                                                   Darrell R Hoppes DPM
 Orthopaedic Surgery                                           Pediatric Ophthalmology             Elizabeth A Hinton DPM
                                                                                                   Howard L Schake DPM
 WellSpan Orthopedics                                                                              Ian M Yarger DPM
                                                               Christianne Schoedel, MD
                                                                                                   Richard A Rogers DPM
 18 Deatrick Dr                                                20 Expedition Trail                 Thomas C Beideman DPM
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                          Ste 110-B
 Phone: 717-339-2500                                           Gettysburg, PA 17325                Pulmonary Disease
 Cortlin A Dell PAC                                            Phone: 717-757-2020
 Eric M Flickinger PAC                                         Begona Aristimuno MD                WellSpan Pulmonary and
 John C Sefter DO                                              Christianne Schoedel MD             Sleep Medicine
 Kimberly A Vogan PAC
                                                                                                   40 V Twin Dr
 Kyle J Messick MD                                             Pediatrics
                                                                                                   Ste 205
 Lawrence D Bailes PAC
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Robert C Gillis MD                                            Family First Health                 Phone: 717-339-2790
 Winsor C McBeth PAC
                                                                                                   Deborah D Yommer CRNP
                                                               1275 York Rd
 Otolaryngology                                                                                    George R Robinson MD
                                                               Ste 17
                                                                                                   Jeffrey C Lazar MD
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                               Phone: 717-337-9400                 Lee A Maddox MD
 Adams Hanover ENT
                                                                                                   Maria A Mayorga MD
                                                               Nicole M Toth MD
 508 S Washington St                                                                               Richard J Murray MD
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                          Gettysburg Pediatrics               Tara M Cooke CRNP
 Phone: 717-334-8171
 Bret T Sobota MD                                              11 Hunters Trail                    Reproductive Endocrinology
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325
 James A Manning MD
                                                               Phone: 717-334-7681                 WellSpan Urogynecology &
 Outpatient Therapy Services                                   Bradley R Hoch MD
                                                                                                   Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery
                                                               Carol A Blank MD
                                                                                                   450 S Washington St
                                                               Cathyrn L Karchner MD
 WellSpan Center for                                                                               Ste B
                                                               David K Nelson MD
 Mind/Body Health                                              Mary J Jaromahum-Flaherty MD
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-337-4487
 40 V Twin Drive                                               Scott M Jaeger MD
 Suite 205, Room 2512                                                                              Melanie E Ochalski MD
 Gettysburg, PA 17325                                          Podiatry
 Phone: 717-851-5590                                                                               Rheumatology
 Rosalind K Flickinger LMT                                     Atlantic Foot and Ankle
                                                                                                   WellSpan Rheumatology
 Pain Management                                               Specialist
                                                               525 W Middle St                     40 V Twin Dr
 (Anesthesiology)                                                                                  Ste 205
                                                               Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                                                                   Gettysburg, PA 17325
 WellSpan Interventional Pain                                  Phone: 717-334-1825
                                                               Baraka K Senzira DPM                Phone: 717-339-2790
                                                               Scott M Henry DPM                   Angela L Borger CRNP
 40 V Twin Dr                                                                                      Mark P Diehl DO
 Ste 205                                                       East Berlin Foot and Ankle
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
                                                               Center, PC                          Sports Medicine
 Phone: 717-339-2790
 Segun T Dawodu MD
                                                                                                   WellSpan Orthopedics

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                Page 8 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Adams County, PA
 18 Deatrick Dr
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Phone: 717-339-2500
 Hannah P Leahy DO

 Urgent Care

 WellSpan Urgent Care
 455 S Washington St
 Ste 12
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Phone: 717-339-2875


 WellSpan Urology
 450 S Washington St
 Ste E
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Phone: 717-339-3150
 Clyde A Strang MD
 Gregory W LaNouette MD
 William K Daiber DO

 Vascular Surgery

 WellSpan Vascular Surgery
 450 S Washington St
 Ste A
 Gettysburg, PA 17325
 Phone: 717-851-6454
 Nancy L Harthun MD
 Oluwafunmi O Awonuga MD
 Yaseen A Tomhe MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                             Page 9 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Anne Arundel County, MD


 Salman Ali MD LLC
 500 S Camp Meade Rd STE A
 Linthicum Heights, MD 21090
 Phone: 443-354-1300
 Salman Ali MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                             Page 10 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Berkeley County, WV

 Pulmonary Disease

 Pulmonary Consultants of
 115-1 Aikens Center
 Martinsburg, WV 25401
 Phone: 304-267-5450
 Imtiaz Khurshid MD
 Johny P Alencherry MD
 Kalim Ahmed MD
 Pajman A Danai MD
 Shaheen Iqbal MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                             Page 11 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Berks County, PA

 Family Practice

 Penn State Health Medical
 Group - Schuylkill Valley
 5 S Centre Ave, Ste A3
 Leesport, PA 19533
 Phone: 610-926-5707
 Gregory C Tuke MD


 Penn State Health Medical
 Group - All About Children
 655 Walnut St
 West Reading, PA 19611
 Phone: 610-372-9222
 Abdullah Sakarcan MD
 Abimbola T Ajayi MD
 Amy L Zisa MD
 Anna Karasik MD
 Desiree M Webb MD
 Shilu Joshi MD
 Susan G Yoder CRNP
 Tatiane B Reyda CRNP

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                             Page 12 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Chester County, PA

 Orthopaedic Surgery

 Lancaster Orthopedic Group
 950 S Octorara Trail Ste 40
 Parkesburg, PA 19365
 Phone: 717-560-4200
 Michael A Campbell DO

 Outpatient Therapy Services

 The Rehab Center
 1351 Walnut St
 Honey Brook, PA 19344
 Phone: 610-273-4304
 Alisha L Greene DPT
 Brittany A Bechtold DPT
 Christina B Ragonesi DPT
 Danielle L Burns DPT
 Jolanta Zurawska PT
 Kelly M DeAngelis DPT
 Kendra M Neff PT
 Kimberly R Bond PT
 Lindsay M Felker DPT
 Robert T Wiegand DPT
 Sarah E Crowther DPT
 Sarah E Yeatman DPT
 Stacy L Hostetter PT
 Stephanie A Prokopik DPT
 Teresa M Maxwell PT
 Thomas J Crassas DPT
 Timothy B Rementer DPT
 Timothy L Basom DPT
 Timothy W Myers PT

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                             Page 13 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Cumberland County, PA
                                                               Safa P Farzin MD
 Audiology                                                                                         WellSpan Family Medicine
                                                               Diabetes Treatment &
                                                                                                   46 Walnut Bottom Road
 WellSpan ENT & Hearing                                        Education                           Suite 200
 Services                                                                                          Shippensburg, PA 17257
                                                               WellSpan Endocrinology
 354 Alexander Spring Road                                                                         Phone: 717-532-4148
 Suite 3                                                       354 Alexander Spring Road           Adelina L Palade MD
 CARLISLE, PA 17015                                            Suite 3                             Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD
 Phone: 717-217-6870                                           Carlisle, PA 17015                  Karen F Bryson MD
 Christine K Lindeman AuD                                      Phone: 717-217-6820                 Kashif A Sandhu MD
 Kristin N Jones AuD                                           Barbara E Van Meerbeke LDN          Laurel P Bailey MD
                                                               Brittany N Baird RD                 Leo Kratz DO
 Behavioral Health                                             Jennifer M Ruby LDN                 Robert B George MD
                                                               Melissa T Benzon LDN                Stephen B Flack MD
 WellSpan Counseling                                                                               Timothy T Owolabi MD
                                                               WellSpan Orthopedics                Todd V Peterson MD
                                                                                                   William A Kramer MD
 46 Walnut Bottom Road                                         97 Progress Boulevard
 SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257                                        SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257              97 Progress Blvd
 Phone: 717-267-4839                                           Phone: 717-263-1220                 Shippensburg, PA 17257
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-532-4148
 Satyajit Mukherjee MD                                         Brittany N Baird RD
                                                                                                   Adelina L Palade MD
 Cardiology                                                    WellSpan Surgical Specialists       Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD
                                                                                                   Karen F Bryson MD
                                                               97 Progress Boulevard               Kashif A Sandhu MD
 WellSpan Cardiology                                           SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257              Laurel P Bailey MD
                                                               Phone: 717-217-6800
 97 Progress Boulevard                                                                             Leo Kratz DO
 SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257                                        Brittany N Baird RD                 Robert B George MD
 Phone: 717-217-6944                                                                               Stephen B Flack MD
                                                               Endocrinology                       Timothy T Owolabi MD
 Anthony G Johnson MD
 Arshad M Safi MD                                                                                  Todd V Peterson MD
 Aylmer C Tang MD                                              WellSpan Endocrinology              William A Kramer MD
 Betsie Figueroa-Cruz MD
                                                               354 Alexander Spring Road           WellSpan Urgent Care
 Bishnu Subedi MD
                                                               Suite 3
 Madan K Badal MD                                              Carlisle, PA 17015                  46 Walnut Bottom Road
 Mallory L McClure MD                                          Phone: 717-217-6820                 Suite 100
 Rajesh S Chintala MD                                                                              Shippensburg, PA 17257
                                                               Carina Signori DO
 Shaiful Islam MD                                                                                  Phone: 717-477-2764
                                                               Tiffany L Morton MD
                                                                                                   Alexander L Madeira DO
 Certified Nurse Midwife                                       Family Practice                     Brooke E Sheffler MD
                                                                                                   Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD
 WellSpan OB/GYN                                               Baxter Drew Wellmon, II, DO,        Frank E Mozdy MD
                                                                                                   Jacqueline M Fignar DO
 97 Progress Boulevard                                         PC
                                                                                                   James A Uslin DO
 SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257                                        93 Progress Blvd
                                                                                                   James W Freeman MD
 Phone: 717-217-6882                                           Shippensburg, PA 17257
                                                                                                   Joseph T McDermott DO
 Jacqueline Y Sullivan CNM                                     Phone: 717-532-3211
                                                                                                   Rebecca L Pound MD
 Lindsay A Thomas CNM                                          Baxter D Wellmon DO
                                                                                                   Teresa M Joy DO
 Nylene Brittain CNM                                           Nathan A Petula PAC
                                                                                                   Thomas A Steinour MD
 Selena Neiderer CNM
                                                               WellSpan Convenient Care
 Critical Care Medicine
                                                               354 Alexander Spring Road
                                                               Carlisle                            Regional GI
 Penn State Health Medical                                     Carlisle, PA 17015
 Group - Pulmonary & Critical                                  Phone: 717-462-6873                 241 Alexander Spring Rd
 Care Medicine                                                 Brooke E Sheffler MD                Carlisle, PA 17015
                                                               Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD       Phone: 717-245-2888
 50 N 12th St
 Lemoyne, PA 17043                                             James A Uslin DO                    Atul Bhardwaj MD
 Phone: 717-234-2561                                           Ryan C Crim MD                      Jade A Etter PA
                                                               Thomas A Steinour MD                Jonathan J Verrecchio DO

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                   Page 14 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Cumberland County, PA
 Kristine R Kuhn PAC                                           Kathleen E Yesavage CRNP            354 Alexander Spring Road
 Melissa D Zegley CRNP                                         Kathleen L Meyer CRNP               Suite 3
 Robert B Levy DO                                              Kathryn Peroutka MD                 Carlisle, PA 17015
 Tareq Yasin MD                                                Kumudini N Rao MD                   Phone: 717-263-8811
                                                               Lily H Shah MD                      Kavitha Ramaswamy MD
 General Surgery                                               Margarita R Gareis MD
                                                               Mary A Simmonds MD                  WellSpan Pulmonary & Sleep
 WellSpan Surgical Specialists                                 Mona Patel PAC                      Medicine
                                                               Rajesh Surapaneni MD                354 Alexander Spring Road
 97 Progress Boulevard                                         Saritha Ravella MD                  Suite 3
 SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257                                        Yang Liu MD                         Carlisle, PA 17015
 Phone: 717-217-6800
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-264-1600
 Akia D Caine MD                                               Hospice and Palliative Care
                                                                                                   Pratima P Behari MD
 Bennet K Togbe MD                                             Medicine
 Catherine Plzak MD                                                                                97 Progress Boulevard
 Collin L Myers MD                                             Penn State Health Medical           SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-264-1600
 David A Guthrie MD                                            Group - Andrews Patel
 David S Bryant MD                                                                                 Pratima P Behari MD
                                                               Hematology Oncology
 Nadeem A Quazi MD
                                                               355 N 21st St STE 301               Nephrology
 Gynecology                                                    Camp Hill, PA 17011
                                                               Phone: 717-798-3720                 WellSpan Nephrology
                                                               Kristina B Newport MD
 WellSpan OB/GYN                                                                                   354 Alexander Spring Road
                                                               Matthew P Debo DO
 97 Progress Boulevard                                                                             Suite 3
                                                               3912 Trindle Rd
 SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257                                                                            Carlisle, PA 17015
                                                               Camp Hill, PA 17011
 Phone: 717-217-6882                                                                               Phone: 717-263-8811
                                                               Phone: 717-761-8740
 Laurice A Heine MD                                                                                Shalanki Baiswar MD
                                                               Kristina B Newport MD
                                                               Matthew P Debo DO
 Hematology/Oncology                                                                               Obstetrics & Gynecology
                                                               Internal Medicine
 Penn State Health Medical                                                                         WellSpan OB/GYN
 Group - Andrews Patel                                         Penn State Health Medical           97 Progress Boulevard
 Hematology Oncology                                           Group - Pulmonary & Critical        SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257
 355 N 21st St STE 301                                         Care Medicine                       Phone: 717-217-6882
 Camp Hill, PA 17011                                           220 Wilson St, Ste 104              Angelique L Ridore MD
 Phone: 717-798-3720                                           Carlisle, PA 17013                  Christine A Molloy MD
 Amy E Cleck CRNP                                              Phone: 717-234-2561                 Constance I Glass MD
 Elizabeth F Jones CRNP                                        Charles R Inners MD                 Ginger R Bricker CRNP
 Jihua Cheng MD                                                                                    Mawuli J Brosius MD
                                                               50 N 12th St
 Joshua L Shipley MD                                                                               Neesaytee K Boulden MD
                                                               Lemoyne, PA 17043
 Kathleen E Yesavage CRNP                                                                          Sulang Rosado MD
                                                               Phone: 717-234-2561
 Kathleen L Meyer CRNP                                                                             Tasneem S Ahmed MD
                                                               Charles R Inners MD
 Kathryn Peroutka MD                                                                               Waymee L Conner MD
 Kumudini N Rao MD                                             WellSpan Family Medicine
 Lily H Shah MD
 Margarita R Gareis MD                                         46 Walnut Bottom Road
 Mary A Simmonds MD                                            Suite 200                           Kilmore Eye Associates
                                                               Shippensburg, PA 17257
 Mona Patel PAC
                                                               Phone: 717-532-4148                 890 Century Dr
 Rajesh Surapaneni MD
                                                               Ryan M DeCort DO                    Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
 Saritha Ravella MD
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-697-1414
 Yang Liu MD                                                   97 Progress Blvd
                                                               Shippensburg, PA 17257              John W Pratt MD
 3912 Trindle Rd
                                                               Phone: 717-532-4148                 Vance E Kilmore MD
 Camp Hill, PA 17011
 Phone: 717-761-8740                                           Ryan M DeCort DO
                                                                                                   Stoken Wagner Ophthalmic
 Amy E Cleck CRNP                                                                                  Associates
                                                               WellSpan Nephrology
 Elizabeth F Jones CRNP
                                                                                                   338 Alexander Spring Rd
 Jihua Cheng MD
                                                                                                   Carlisle, PA 17015
 Joshua L Shipley MD
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-249-6337

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                   Page 15 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Cumberland County, PA
 Drew J Stoken MD                                              Kristin Reichard DPT                Hiren B Shingala MD
 Melvin E Wagner MD                                            Melise M Rowan DPT                  Joshua C Hoffman MD
                                                               Nicole T Sabol DPT                  Kellie A Shapiro CRNP
 Optometry                                                     Susan K Gerhard DPT                 Margarita E Yoder CRNP
                                                                                                   Mary K Purtle PAC
 Kilmore Eye Associates                                        Podiatry                            Nam N Duong PAC
                                                                                                   Philip D Carey MD
 890 Century Dr                                                KPMA, PC, d/b/a West Shore          Richard G Evans DO
 Mechanicsburg, PA 17055                                                                           Rommel Bebe MD
 Phone: 717-697-1414
                                                               Foot & Ankle Center
                                                                                                   Sarah L Ganly CRNP
 Foster E Kreiser OD                                           5001 Louise Dr
                                                                                                   Todd S Eckroth PAC
                                                               Ste 104
 Ryan J Hershberger OD
                                                               Mechanicsburg, PA 17055
                                                                                                   WellSpan Pulmonary & Sleep
 Stoken Wagner Ophthalmic                                      Phone: 717-458-5611
 Associates                                                    Darrell R Hoppes DPM
                                                               Elizabeth A Hinton DPM              354 Alexander Spring Road
 338 Alexander Spring Rd                                                                           Suite 3
                                                               Howard L Schake DPM
 Carlisle, PA 17015                                                                                Carlisle, PA 17015
                                                               Ian M Yarger DPM
 Phone: 717-249-6337                                                                               Phone: 717-264-1600
                                                               Richard A Rogers DPM
 Stephen B West OD                                                                                 Antony Lixon MD
                                                               Thomas C Beideman DPM
                                                                                                   Bikash Bhattarai MD
 Orthopaedic Surgery
                                                               Pulmonary Disease                   Peter M Jablin MD
                                                                                                   Santhosh Gheevarghese John MD
 WellSpan Orthopedics                                                                              Saroj P Kandel MD
                                                               Penn State Health Medical
                                                                                                   Tarkeshwar Tiwary MD
 97 Progress Boulevard                                         Group - Pulmonary & Critical
                                                                                                   97 Progress Boulevard
 SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257                                        Care Medicine                       SHIPPENSBURG, PA 17257
 Phone: 717-263-1220
                                                               220 Wilson St, Ste 104              Phone: 717-264-1600
 Brad J Conner DO                                              Carlisle, PA 17013                  Antony Lixon MD
 Brandon L Raudenbush DO                                       Phone: 717-234-2561                 Bikash Bhattarai MD
 Michael S Day MD
                                                               Baba H Limann MD                    Peter M Jablin MD
 Richard S Richards MD
                                                               Brian A Hirsh MD                    Santhosh Gheevarghese John MD
 Robert P Lyons MD
                                                               Cara M Centrella PAC                Saroj P Kandel MD
 Roger Robertson MD
                                                               Christopher C Shaffer MD            Tarkeshwar Tiwary MD
 Thomas A Little MD
                                                               Christopher S Lohr CRNP
 William M Gunnett DO
                                                               Deborah H Smith CRNP                Urology
                                                               Elizabeth A Tuttle PAC
                                                               Henry E Ostman MD                   WellSpan Urology
                                                               Hiren B Shingala MD
 WellSpan ENT & Hearing                                        Joshua C Hoffman MD                 354 Alexander Spring Road
 Services                                                      Kellie A Shapiro CRNP               Suite 3
 354 Alexander Spring Road                                     Margarita E Yoder CRNP              Carlisle, PA 17015
 Suite 3                                                       Mary K Purtle PAC                   Phone: 717-217-6803
 CARLISLE, PA 17015                                            Nam N Duong PAC                     Ashish Behari MD
 Phone: 717-217-6870                                           Philip D Carey MD                   Christopher Robison DO
 Anna Grigoryeva MD                                            Richard G Evans DO                  Louis L Glass MD
 H. Carter Davidson MD PhD                                     Rommel Bebe MD                      Mohan Verghese MD
 Joshua L Dunklebarger MD                                      Sarah L Ganly CRNP                  Virgilio A Centenera MD
                                                               Todd S Eckroth PAC
 Outpatient Therapy Services                                   50 N 12th St
                                                               Lemoyne, PA 17043
 Central PA Rehabilitation                                     Phone: 717-234-2561
 Services                                                      Baba H Limann MD
 3916 Trindle Rd                                               Brian A Hirsh MD
 Camp Hill, PA 17011                                           Cara M Centrella PAC
 Phone: 717-730-6171                                           Christopher C Shaffer MD
 Darlene A Bingaman PT                                         Christopher S Lohr CRNP
 Erin W Snyder DPT                                             Deborah H Smith CRNP
 Jill L Sitlinger PT                                           Elizabeth A Tuttle PAC
 June M Perry PT                                               Henry E Ostman MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                   Page 16 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Dauphin County, PA
                                                               4518 Union Deposit Rd               Erin E Stone DPT
 Family Practice                                               Ste 201                             Karissa L Solomon PT
                                                               Harrisburg, PA 17111                Kurtis A Kinna DPT
 Penn State Medical Group -                                    Phone: 717-526-1030                 Lisa G Schutt PT
 Cocoa                                                         Kristina B Newport MD               Melise M Rowan DPT
                                                               Matthew P Debo DO                   Nicole T Sabol DPT
 1120 Cocoa Ave
                                                                                                   Olivia A Hollenback DPT
 Hershey, PA 17033
 Phone: 717-533-4141
                                                               Imaging                             Rebecca L Hartranft DPT
                                                                                                   Susan K Gerhard DPT
 David T Thoryk MD
                                                               Penn State Health Medical           Victoria G Shogren DPT
 Elizabeth A Meck MD
 Frank J Battista MD                                           Group - Radiology                   2850 Commerce Dr Ste 200B
 Heidi Hutchison DO                                                                                Harrisburg, PA 17110
                                                               4520 Union Deposit Rd
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-727-1337
 Katelynn M Sheaffer DO                                        Harrisburg, PA 17112
 Melanie R Fleischmann MD                                      Phone: 717-531-0949
                                                                                                   Michele R Kelley MPT
 Stefani Magazino CRNP                                         Brian P Bloom MD                    3003 Elizabethtown Rd
 Tiffany A Gonzalo CRNP                                        Brian S Bentley DO                  Hershey, PA 17033
                                                               Dennis M Duryea DO                  Phone: 717-838-7940
 Gastroenterology                                              Joachim J Huerter MD                Kathleen K Liszka MPT
                                                               Maria T Pettinger MD                Katrina S Bridgeman MPT
 Penn State Health Medical                                     Mark R Labuski MD                   Stephen A Hahn PT
 Group - Lancaster Specialties                                 Paul L Stagg MD                     36 S River Rd Unit 2
                                                               Rhondey I Harford MD                Halifax, PA 17032
 1120 Cocoa Ave
                                                               Scott W Wise MD                     Phone: 717-827-3306
 Hershey, PA 17033
 Phone: 717-715-1001                                           Shervin C Dean MD                   Erin W Snyder DPT
 Alison Platt DO                                               Stacy J Castaldi DO                 Melise M Rowan DPT
                                                               Todd R Sanders MD                   Nicole T Sabol DPT
 Hematology/Oncology                                                                               Susan K Gerhard DPT
                                                               Internal Medicine                   4830 Londonderry Rd
 Penn State Health Medical                                                                         Harrisburg, PA 17109
                                                               Lebanon Internal Medicine           Phone: 717-724-4888
 Group - Andrews Patel
                                                               Associates, PC                      BrieAnn N Buletza DPT
 Hematology Oncology                                                                               Erin W Snyder DPT
                                                               34 Northeast Dr Ste 1A
 4518 Union Deposit Rd                                                                             Mark A Brown PT
                                                               Hershey, PA 17033
 Ste 201                                                                                           Matthew J Sayre DPT
                                                               Phone: 717-273-6706
 Harrisburg, PA 17111                                                                              Melise M Rowan DPT
                                                               Edwin M Kase MD
 Phone: 717-526-1030                                                                               Susan K Gerhard DPT
 Amy E Cleck CRNP                                              Penn State Health Medical           Tanner J Reed DPT
 Elizabeth F Jones CRNP
                                                               Group - Post Acute Care             4897 State Route 209
 Jihua Cheng MD
                                                               1120 Cocoa Ave                      Elizabethville, PA 17023
 Joshua L Shipley MD                                                                               Phone: 717-362-8810
                                                               Hershey, PA 17033
 Kathleen E Yesavage CRNP
                                                               Phone: 717-531-0003                 Brynne A Manning DPT
 Kathryn Peroutka MD
                                                               Leah E Ross MD                      Darlene A Bingaman PT
 Kumudini N Rao MD
                                                                                                   Erika L Peterson PT
 Lily H Shah MD
                                                               Outpatient Therapy Services         Erin W Snyder DPT
 Margarita R Gareis MD
                                                                                                   Melise M Rowan DPT
 Mary A Simmonds MD
                                                               Central PA Rehabilitation           Nicole T Sabol DPT
 Mona Patel PAC
 Rajesh Surapaneni MD                                          Services                            Podiatry
 Saritha Ravella MD                                            100 S First St, Ste B
 Yang Liu MD                                                   Millersburg, PA 17061
                                                                                                   KPMA, PC, d/b/a Londonderry
                                                               Phone: 717-692-4708
 Hospice and Palliative Care                                                                       Foot & Ankle Center
                                                               Bradley Shaffer DPT
 Medicine                                                      Caitlin A Gardner MPT               845 Sir Thomas Court Ste 2
                                                               Cheryl E Wenger PT                  Harrisburg, PA 17109
 Penn State Health Medical                                     Christina M Creamer PT              Phone: 717-652-5811
 Group - Andrews Patel                                         Christopher A Vereb PT              Darrell R Hoppes DPM
 Hematology Oncology                                           Darlene A Bingaman PT               Elizabeth A Hinton DPM
                                                               Dorene A Dececco PT                 Howard L Schake DPM
                                                               Emily M McKeon MPT                  Ian M Yarger DPM

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                    Page 17 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Dauphin County, PA
 Richard A Rogers DPM
 Thomas C Beideman DPM

 KPMA, PC, d/b/a Paxtonia
 Foot & Ankle
 6100 Old Jonestown Rd
 Harrisburg, PA 17112
 Phone: 717-541-0988
 Brian S Rougeux DPM
 Darrell R Hoppes DPM
 Elizabeth A Hinton DPM
 Howard L Schake DPM
 Richard A Rogers DPM
 Tarisayi A Hoto DPM


 Lebanon Internal Medicine
 Associates, PC
 34 Northeast Dr Ste 1A
 Hershey, PA 17033
 Phone: 717-273-6706
 David C Trostle MD
 Ernesto Gutierrez MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                             Page 18 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Franklin County, PA
                                                               Ewa M Malinowski MD                 Norman F Bradford MD
 Anesthesiology                                                Heather Klinedinst MD               Peter D Resnick MD
                                                               Heather M Klinedinst MD             Rajkumar Mongia MD
 WellSpan Anesthesiology                                       Joseph Alexander Leckie MD          Rhonda L Weitzel CRNA
                                                               Kay Thompson CRNA                   Roger T Weiss DO
 112 N 7th St                                                  Kimberlee J Bardo CRNA              Ryan Cheng DO
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        Kris A Wagner CRNA                  Sandra M Cifor DO
 Phone: 717-267-7164                                           Maria C Gatuz CRNA                  Shauna W Bomer MD
 Andrew J Boryan MD                                            Mary F Nevin MD                     Shazia Choudry MD
 Bradley W Heffner MD                                          Meagan Horst MD                     Stephen O Okoth CRNA
 Brian D Bentzen MD                                            Melissa L Dean CRNA                 Sudhakar Yennam MD
 Brian E Dunlap CRNA                                           Michael A Davis CRNA                Sudhakar R Yennam MD
 C. L Ng CRNA                                                  Michael C Creech CRNA               Timothy J Sempowski DO
 Candace L Bender CRNA                                         Michael K Idun MD                   Todd A Price MD
 Charles D Klingensmith CRNA                                   Nathan Martz CRNA                   Wendell D Martz CRNA
 Emily R Decker CRNA                                           Nicole Omeis CRNA                   William D Bricker CRNA
 Ewa M Malinowski MD                                           Norman F Bradford MD
 Heather Klinedinst MD                                         Peter D Resnick MD                  Audiology
 Heather M Klinedinst MD                                       Rajkumar Mongia MD
 Joseph Alexander Leckie MD                                    Rhonda L Weitzel CRNA               Keystone Pediatric
 Kay Thompson CRNA                                             Roger T Weiss DO                    Developmental Center
 Kimberlee J Bardo CRNA                                        Ryan Cheng DO
 Kris A Wagner CRNA                                                                                111 Chambers Hill Dr STE 101
                                                               Sandra M Cifor DO
                                                                                                   Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Maria C Gatuz CRNA                                            Shauna W Bomer MD
                                                                                                   Phone: 717-709-7997
 Mary F Nevin MD                                               Shazia Choudry MD
 Meagan Horst MD                                                                                   Carolyn A Coss AUD
                                                               Stephen O Okoth CRNA
 Melissa L Dean CRNA                                                                               Melissa L Kohler AUD
                                                               Sudhakar Yennam MD
 Michael A Davis CRNA                                          Sudhakar R Yennam MD                WellSpan ENT & Hearing
 Michael C Creech CRNA                                         Timothy J Sempowski DO
 Michael K Idun MD                                                                                 Services
                                                               Todd A Price MD
 Nathan Martz CRNA                                             Wendell D Martz CRNA                22 St Paul Drive
 Nicole Omeis CRNA                                                                                 Suite 202
                                                               William D Bricker CRNA
 Norman F Bradford MD                                                                              Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               501 East Main Street                Phone: 717-217-6870
 Peter D Resnick MD
                                                               WAYNESBORO, PA 17268
 Rajkumar Mongia MD                                                                                Christine K Lindeman AuD
                                                               Phone: 717-765-3425
 Rhonda L Weitzel CRNA                                                                             Kristin N Jones AuD
                                                               Andrew J Boryan MD
 Roger T Weiss DO                                                                                  24 Antrim Commons Drive
                                                               Bradley W Heffner MD
 Ryan Cheng DO                                                                                     GREENCASTLE, PA 17225
                                                               Brian D Bentzen MD
 Sandra M Cifor DO                                                                                 Phone: 717-217-6870
                                                               Brian E Dunlap CRNA
 Shauna W Bomer MD                                                                                 Christine K Lindeman AuD
                                                               C. L Ng CRNA
 Shazia Choudry MD                                                                                 Kristin N Jones AuD
                                                               Candace L Bender CRNA
 Stephen O Okoth CRNA                                                                              601 East Main Street
                                                               Charles D Klingensmith CRNA
 Sudhakar Yennam MD                                                                                Waynesboro, PA 17268
                                                               Emily R Decker CRNA
 Sudhakar R Yennam MD                                                                              Phone: 717-217-6870
                                                               Ewa M Malinowski MD
 Timothy J Sempowski DO                                                                            Christine K Lindeman AuD
                                                               Heather Klinedinst MD
 Todd A Price MD                                                                                   Kristin N Jones AuD
                                                               Heather M Klinedinst MD
 Wendell D Martz CRNA
                                                               Joseph Alexander Leckie MD
 William D Bricker CRNA
                                                               Kay Thompson CRNA                   Behavioral Health
 12 St Paul Drive                                              Kimberlee J Bardo CRNA
 Suite 100                                                     Kris A Wagner CRNA                  Keystone Behavioral Health
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        Maria C Gatuz CRNA
 Phone: 717-217-6072                                                                               110 Chambers Hill Dr
                                                               Mary F Nevin MD
 Andrew J Boryan MD                                                                                Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               Meagan Horst MD
 Bradley W Heffner MD                                                                              Phone: 717-709-7930
                                                               Melissa L Dean CRNA
 Brian D Bentzen MD                                            Michael A Davis CRNA                Amy L Stewart LCSW
 Brian E Dunlap CRNA                                           Michael C Creech CRNA               Amy R Baker LCSW
 C. L Ng CRNA                                                  Michael K Idun MD                   Angela J Sleichter LCSW
 Candace L Bender CRNA                                         Nathan Martz CRNA                   Ann Pernilla V Lovegrove LMFT
 Charles D Klingensmith CRNA                                   Nicole Omeis CRNA                   Arthur E Caron LCSW
 Emily R Decker CRNA                                                                               Barbara I Larew-Adams MSW

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                       Page 19 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Franklin County, PA
 Hope C Clever LPC                                                                                 Betsie Figueroa-Cruz MD
 Marcia R Johnson-Reinhart LCSW                                WellSpan Counseling                 Bishnu Subedi MD
 Stephanie R Amarteifio LCSW                                   Services                            Christa Hoffeditz CRNP
 Stephen E Peters LCSW                                         12 St. Paul Drive                   Colette R Lasek MD
 Tammi C Tanner LCSW                                           Suite 101                           David G Kann MD
 Tiffany A Belanger LCSW                                       Chambersburg, PA 17201              Jacquelynn Ortega CRNP
 Trond A Harman LCSW                                           Phone: 717-217-6930                 Jennifer Ensminger PA-C
 110 Chambers Hill Drive                                       Satyajit Mukherjee MD               Katherine E Cornwell PA-C
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        24 Antrim Commons Drive             Lisa A Tomko RN, MSN, CRNP,
 Phone: 717-709-7930                                           GREENCASTLE, PA 17225               Madan Badal MD
 Abhishek R Nitturkar MD                                       Phone: 717-267-4839                 Madan K Badal MD
 Ann Bell CRNP                                                 Satyajit Mukherjee MD               Mallory L McClure MD
 Irakli Mania MD                                                                                   Paul P Logan PhD
                                                               3106 Philadelphia Avenue
 Jagdeep Kaur MD                                                                                   Rajesh S Chintala MD
                                                               CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201
 Mallory D Markloff MD                                                                             Shaiful Islam MD
                                                               Phone: 717-267-4839
 Rebecca Eleanya MD                                                                                Shani L Gadwaw CRNP
                                                               Satyajit Mukherjee MD
 Sabeen Faris MD                                                                                   501 East Main Street
 Sandra Gascon MD                                              Breast Surgery                      2nd Floor West
 Santiago A Garcia Merino MD                                                                       Waynesboro, PA 17268
 Zeeshan Faruqui MD                                                                                Phone: 717-217-6944
                                                               WellSpan Breast Care
                                                                                                   Anthony G Johnson MD
 WellSpan Behavioral Health                                    22 St Paul Drive                    Arshad M Safi MD
                                                               Suite 207                           Aylmer C Tang MD
 176 South Coldbrook Avenue
                                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201              Betsie Figueroa-Cruz MD
 Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               Phone: 717-709-6599                 Bishnu Subedi MD
 Phone: 717-267-7480
                                             Catherine Plzak MD                                    Christa Hoffeditz CRNP
 Indranil Chakrabarti MD
                                             Kareen C Ayre MD                                      Colette R Lasek MD
 Jena Leisher CRNP
                                             Meredith L Cashdollar PA-C                            David G Kann MD
 Laura M Hanes CRNP
                                             601 East Main Street
                                                                                                   Jacquelynn Ortega CRNP
 Lisa-Marie Wright CRNP
                                             Waynesboro, PA 17268                                  Jennifer Ensminger PA-C
 Nathan J Lee MD
                                             Phone: 717-709-6599                                   Katherine E Cornwell PA-C
 Rebecca A Newcomer MSN, RN, CRNP, NP-C, PMHNP-BC
                                                                                                   Lisa A Tomko RN, MSN, CRNP,
 Sarina T Akers CRNP                         Catherine Plzak MD
                                                                                                   Madan Badal MD
 Satyajit Mukherjee MD                       Kareen C Ayre MD
                                                                                                   Madan K Badal MD
 24 Antrim Commons Drive
                                             Meredith L Cashdollar PA-C
                                                                                                   Mallory L McClure MD
 Phone: 717-267-7480
                                                               Cardiology                          Paul P Logan PhD
                                                                                                   Rajesh S Chintala MD
 Indranil Chakrabarti MD                                                                           Shaiful Islam MD
 Jena Leisher CRNP                           WellSpan Cardiology
                                                                                                   Shani L Gadwaw CRNP
 Laura M Hanes CRNP
                                             12 St Paul Dr                                         601 East Main Street
 Lisa-Marie Wright CRNP
                                             Suite 204                                             Waynesboro, PA 17268
 Nathan J Lee MD                             Chambersburg, PA 17201                                Phone: 717-217-6944
 Rebecca A Newcomer MSN, RN, CRNP, NP-C, PMHNP-BC
                                             Phone: 717-217-6886                                   Anthony G Johnson MD
 Sarina T Akers CRNP
                                             Anthony G Johnson MD                                  Arshad M Safi MD
 Satyajit Mukherjee MD
                                             Arshad M Safi MD                                      Aylmer C Tang MD
 Chambersburg Hospital 112 North 7th         Aylmer C Tang MD                                      Betsie Figueroa-Cruz MD
 Street                                      Christa Hoffeditz CRNP                                Bishnu Subedi MD
 Behavioral Health Unit Third Floor          Christina L Hershey CRNP                              Christa Hoffeditz CRNP
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                      Daniel J Kosinski MD                                  Colette R Lasek MD
 Phone: 717-267-7771
                                             David L Brewer CRNP                                   David G Kann MD
 Indranil Chakrabarti MD                     Francis P Day MD                                      Jacquelynn Ortega CRNP
 Jena Leisher CRNP                           Lisa A Tomko RN, MSN, CRNP,                           Jennifer Ensminger PA-C
 Laura M Hanes CRNP                                                                                Katherine E Cornwell PA-C
                                             22 St Paul Drive
 Lisa-Marie Wright CRNP                                                                            Lisa A Tomko RN, MSN, CRNP,
                                             Suite 201
 Nathan J Lee MD                                                                                   Madan Badal MD
                                             Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Rebecca A Newcomer MSN, RN, CRNP, NP-C, PMHNP-BC
                                             Phone: 717-217-6944                                   Madan K Badal MD
 Sarina T Akers CRNP                                                                               Mallory L McClure MD
                                             Anthony G Johnson MD
 Satyajit Mukherjee MD                                                                             Paul P Logan PhD
                                             Arshad M Safi MD
                                             Aylmer C Tang MD                                      Rajesh S Chintala MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                 Page 20 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Franklin County, PA
 Shaiful Islam MD                                                                                  Brittany N Baird RD
 Shani L Gadwaw CRNP                                           Chiropractic Medicine
                                                                                                   WellSpan Surgical Specialists
 Wellspan Chambersburg                                         Keystone Chiropractic               120 North 7th Street
 Hospital                                                      Services                            Suite 200
 112 North 7th Street                                          423 Limekiln Dr                     Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Suite 200                                                     Chambersburg, PA 17201              Phone: 717-217-6800
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        Phone: 717-709-7939                 Brittany N Baird RD
 Phone: 717-267-7168
                                                               Bradley A Jahn DC                   24 Antrim Commons Drive
 Francis P Day MD
                                                               Mindy L Rouzer DC                   Floor 2
                                                                                                   GREENCASTLE, PA 17225
 Certified Nurse Midwife                                       Diabetes Treatment &                Phone: 717-217-6800
                                                               Education                           Brittany N Baird RD
 WellSpan OB/GYN
                                                                                                   601 East Main Street
                                                               WellSpan Endocrinology
 12 St Paul Drive                                                                                  WAYNESBORO, PA 17268
 Suite 207                                                     12 St Paul Dr                       Phone: 717-217-6800
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        Suite 210                           Brittany N Baird RD
 Phone: 717-217-6882                                           Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Jacqueline Y Sullivan CNM                                     Phone: 717-217-6820                 WellSpan Weight
 Lindsay A Thomas CNM                                          Barbara E Van Meerbeke LDN          Management
 Nylene Brittain CNM                                           Brittany N Baird RD                 12 St Paul Drive
 Selena Neiderer CNM                                           Jennifer M Ruby LDN                 Chambersburg, PA 17201
 120 North Seventh Street                                      Melissa T Benzon LDN                Phone: 717-263-8811
 Suite 200                                                     24 Antrim Commons Drive             Brittany N Baird RD
 CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201                                        GREENCASTLE, PA 17225               1624 Orchard Drive
 Phone: 717-217-6882                                           Phone: 717-217-6820                 Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Jacqueline Y Sullivan CNM                                     Barbara E Van Meerbeke LDN          Phone: 717-267-6427
 Lindsay A Thomas CNM                                          Brittany N Baird RD                 Brittany N Baird RD
 Nylene Brittain CNM                                           Jennifer M Ruby LDN                 601 East Main Street
 Selena Neiderer CNM                                           Melissa T Benzon LDN                Waynesboro, PA 17268
 24 Antrim Commons Dr                                          601 East Main Street                Phone: 717-267-2427
 Greencastle, PA 17225                                         Waynesboro, PA 17268                Brittany N Baird RD
 Phone: 717-765-5086                                           Phone: 717-217-6820
 Jacqueline Y Sullivan CNM                                     Barbara E Van Meerbeke LDN          Endocrinology
 Lindsay A Thomas CNM                                          Brittany N Baird RD
 Nylene Brittain CNM                                           Jennifer M Ruby LDN                 WellSpan Endocrinology
 Selena Neiderer CNM                                           Melissa T Benzon LDN
 24 Antrim Commons Drive                                                                           12 St Paul Dr
 GREENCASTLE, PA 17225                                         WellSpan Orthopedics                Suite 210
 Phone: 717-765-5086                                                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               120 North 7th Street                Phone: 717-217-6820
 Jacqueline Y Sullivan CNM                                     Suite 101
 Lindsay A Thomas CNM                                                                              Barbara E Van Meerbeke LDN
                                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Nylene Brittain CNM                                                                               Brittany N Baird RD
                                                               Phone: 717-263-1220
 Selena Neiderer CNM                                                                               Carina Signori DO
                                                               Brittany N Baird RD
                                                                                                   Elizabeth A Wolfinger CRNP
 601 E Main St                                                 24 Antrim Commons Drive             Gwendolyn M Orfan CRNP
 Waynesboro, PA 17268                                          GREENCASTLE, PA 17225               Jennifer M Ruby LDN
 Phone: 717-765-5086                                           Phone: 717-263-1220                 Kristine Lively-Helman CRNP
 Jacqueline Y Sullivan CNM                                     Brittany N Baird RD                 Melissa T Benzon LDN
 Lindsay A Thomas CNM
                                                               601 East Main Street                Tara J Irvin CRNP
 Nylene Brittain CNM
                                                               Waynesboro, PA 17268                Tiffany L Morton MD
 Selena Neiderer CNM
                                                               Phone: 717-765-5060                 Tracey E Wiley CRNP
 785 5th Avenue
                                                               Brittany N Baird RD                 24 Antrim Commons Drive
 Suite A
                                                                                                   GREENCASTLE, PA 17225
 CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201                                        WellSpan Radiation Oncology         Phone: 717-217-6820
 Phone: 717-267-4800
                                                               260 North 7th Street                Barbara E Van Meerbeke LDN
 Jacqueline Y Sullivan CNM
                                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201              Brittany N Baird RD
 Nylene Brittain CNM
                                                               Phone: 717-262-4660                 Carina Signori DO

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                     Page 21 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Franklin County, PA
 Elizabeth A Wolfinger CRNP                                    820 Fifth Ave                          1624 Orchard Drive
 Gwendolyn M Orfan CRNP                                        Chambersburg, PA 17201                 Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Jennifer M Ruby LDN                                           Phone: 717-709-7999                    Phone: 717-217-6915
 Kristine Lively-Helman CRNP                                   Barbara A Haeckler MD                  Brooke E Sheffler MD
 Melissa T Benzon LDN                                          Candy L Moschetti CRNP                 Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD
 Tara J Irvin CRNP                                             David T Steves DO                      James A Uslin DO
 Tiffany L Morton MD                                           Emily Hoger CNM                        Ryan C Crim MD
 Tracey E Wiley CRNP                                           Genia C Greenland CRNP                 Thomas A Steinour MD
 601 East Main Street                                          Helena H Choi MD                       550 East Second Street
 Waynesboro, PA 17268                                          James R Owens MD                       Waynesboro High School
 Phone: 717-217-6820                                           Jennifer P Chan MD                     WAYNESBORO, PA 17268
 Barbara E Van Meerbeke LDN                                    Kimberly Amsley-Camp CNM               Phone: 717-264-3278
 Brittany N Baird RD                                           Kochumol Thomas MD                     Brooke E Sheffler MD
 Carina Signori DO                                             Michael C Gaudiose MD                  Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD
 Elizabeth A Wolfinger CRNP                                    Raghavendra Tirupathi Govindaraju MD   James A Uslin DO
 Gwendolyn M Orfan CRNP                                        Rebecca A Patterson DO                 Ryan C Crim MD
 Jennifer M Ruby LDN                                           Stacey L Deihl CRNP                    Thomas A Steinour MD
 Kristine Lively-Helman CRNP
                                                                                                      785 5th Avenue
 Melissa T Benzon LDN                                          UPMC Primary Care Phoenix
                                                                                                      Suite A
 Tara J Irvin CRNP                                             Drive                                  CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201
 Tiffany L Morton MD                                           435 Phoenix Dr STE A                   Phone: 717-267-4800
 Tracey E Wiley CRNP                                           Chambersburg, PA 17201                 Ryan C Crim MD
                                                               Phone: 717-264-6185
 Family Practice                                               Antonia M Chadwick MD                  WellSpan Family Medicine
                                                               Dameion R Helfrick CRNP
 Greencastle Family Practice                                                                          12 St Paul Drive
                                                               Waynesboro Family Medical              Suite 101
 50 Eastern Ave                                                                                       Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Suite 135                                                                                            Phone: 717-217-6760
                                                               1051 E Main St Welty Ste 1
 Greencastle, PA 17225                                                                                Alexander L Madeira DO
                                                               Waynesboro, PA 17268
 Phone: 717-597-3151                                                                                  Ashley B Martin DO
                                                               Phone: 717-762-9118
 Duane E Sipes MD                                                                                     David E Newlin PA-C
                                                               Anna J Benner PA-C
 Joseph K Thornton MD                                                                                 Dawn S Rheam CRNP
                                                               Gary L Gallo MD
 Michael S Fitzpatrick DO                                                                             Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD
                                                               Kathryn E Blednick CRNP
 Nathan T Derstine DO                                                                                 H. Wallace Brubaker MD
                                                               Nikki L DeBoer CRNP
 50 Eastern Ave Ste 135                                                                               Heather M Olvera CRNP
                                                               Patricia L Curley CRNP
 Greencastle, PA 17225                                                                                James D Kent MD
                                                               Stephen J Rettig MD
 Phone: 717-597-3151                                                                                  Joelene F Kline CRNP
                                                               14961 Buchanan Trail E                 Karla D Lowman MD
 Candace V Deverell CRNP
                                                               Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214            Kashif Sandhu MD
 John C Strickler PAC
                                                               Phone: 717-762-9118                    Kashif A Sandhu MD
 Mindy L Barnhart CRNP
                                                               Anna J Benner PA-C                     Robert B George MD
 Keystone Community Health                                     Gary L Gallo MD                        Ryan C Crim MD
                                                               Kathryn E Blednick CRNP                Ryan M DeCort DO
                                                               Nikki L DeBoer CRNP                    Sandra M Quick CRNP
 111 Chambers Hill Drive
                                                               Patricia L Curley CRNP                 Stacie M Beaver CRNP
 Suite 102
                                                               Stephen J Rettig MD                    Stephen B Flack MD
 Phone: 717-709-7908                                                                                  Teresa M Joy DO
                                                               WellSpan Convenient Care
 McHaley A Hoffman CRNP                                                                               Timothy T Owolabi MD
 Yvette M Brown MD                                             1015 Philadelphia Avenue               Todd V Peterson MD
                                                               CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201                 Troy J Halteman PA-C
 Keystone Family Medicine                                      Phone: 717-264-3278                    William A Kramer MD
                                                               Brooke E Sheffler MD                   William E Leppert DO
 111 Chambers Hill Drive
                                                               Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD          12 St. Paul Drive
 Suite 200
                                                               James A Uslin DO                       Suite 203
 Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               Ryan C Crim MD                         CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201
 Phone: 717-709-7922
                                                               Thomas A Steinour MD                   Phone: 717-264-6511
 Emily Hoger CNM
                                                                                                      Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD
 Kimberly Amsley-Camp CNM
                                                                                                      Kashif A Sandhu MD
                                                                                                      Robert B George MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                      Page 22 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Franklin County, PA
 Stephen B Flack MD                                            Kashif A Sandhu MD                         Robert B George MD
 Teresa M Joy DO                                               Leo Kratz DO                               Stephen B Flack MD
 Timothy T Owolabi MD                                          Melanie H Reaser PA-C                      Timothy T Owolabi MD
 Todd V Peterson MD                                            Michelle R Adams CRNP                      Todd V Peterson MD
 William A Kramer MD                                           Robert B George MD                         2055 Scotland Avenue
 2 Keefer Drive                                                Ryan M DeCort DO                           CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201
 Mercersburg, PA 17236                                         Stephen B Flack MD                         Phone: 717-217-6055
 Phone: 717-328-2119                                           Svetlana S Harmon CRNP                     Kashif A Sandhu MD
 Carey E Strong CRNP                                           Teresa M Joy DO                            Robert B George MD
 Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD                                        Timothy T Owolabi MD                       Stephen B Flack MD
 Heather Wolfe PA-C                                            Todd V Peterson MD                         Timothy T Owolabi MD
 Joseph T McDermott DO                                         William A Kramer MD                        Todd V Peterson MD
 Kashif Sandhu MD                                              601 East Main Street                       2075 Scotland Avenue
 Kashif A Sandhu MD                                            Waynesboro, PA 17268                       Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Leo Kratz DO                                                  Phone: 717-765-5085                        Phone: 717-217-6055
 Robert B George MD                                            Dennis L Dolsen PA-C                       Kashif A Sandhu MD
 Ryan M DeCort DO                                              Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD                     Robert B George MD
 Sara M Leis CRNP                                              Edward T Schuurman PA-C                    Stephen B Flack MD
 Stephen B Flack MD                                            Eileen L Hissong CRNP                      Timothy T Owolabi MD
 Timothy T Owolabi MD                                          Jacqueline M Fignar DO                     Todd V Peterson MD
 Todd V Peterson MD                                            Jan Hershberger CRNP
                                                                                                          601 East Main Street
 Vincent J Barnhart MD                                         Jane G Leotaud-Moreno MD
                                                                                                          Level 3
 Wendy Day CRNP                                                Joseph T McDermott DO                      Waynesboro, PA 17268
 William A Kramer MD                                           Kashif Sandhu MD                           Phone: 717-765-5087
 24 Antrim Commons Drive                                       Kashif A Sandhu MD
                                                                                                          Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD
 GREENCASTLE, PA 17225                                         Leo Kratz DO
                                                                                                          Jane G Leotaud-Moreno MD
 Phone: 717-597-5553                                           Lisa K Higginbotham MD
                                                                                                          Kashif A Sandhu MD
 Danielle P Dobbins PA-C                                       Muhammad M Jawaid MD
                                                                                                          Robert B George MD
 Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD                                        Robert B George MD
                                                                                                          Timothy T Owolabi MD
 Edward T Schuurman PA-C                                       Ryan M DeCort DO
                                                                                                          Todd V Peterson MD
 Jacqueline M Fignar DO                                        Stephen B Flack MD
 Jane G Leotaud-Moreno MD                                      Timothy T Owolabi MD                       WellSpan Occupational
                                                               Todd V Peterson MD
 Jane M Rice CRNP                                                                                         Health
 Joseph T McDermott DO                                         William A Kramer MD
                                                                                                          1610 Orchard Dr
 Karen F Bryson MD                                             6155 Anthony Highway                       Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Kashif Sandhu MD                                              Waynesboro, PA 17268                       Phone: 717-261-0929
 Kashif A Sandhu MD                                            Phone: 717-749-3181
                                                                                                          Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD
 Leanna M Hollingshead CRNP                                    Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD
                                                                                                          24 Antrim Commons Drive
 Leo Kratz DO                                                  Jonah D Burke DO
                                                                                                          GREENCASTLE, PA 17225
 Nina F Geiger CRNP                                            Kashif Sandhu MD
                                                                                                          Phone: 717-261-0929
 Robert B George MD                                            Kashif A Sandhu MD
                                                                                                          Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD
 Ryan M DeCort DO                                              Kla J Brosius MS, NCC, MSN, FNP-BC, CRNP
 Stephen B Flack MD                                            Leo Kratz DO                               Wellspan Palliative and
 Timothy T Owolabi MD                                          Meredith J Schellhase PA-C
                                                                                                          Supportive Care
 Todd V Peterson MD                                            Morgan T Hippenstiel PA-C
 William A Kramer MD                                           Robert B George MD                         112 North 7th Street
                                                               Ryan M DeCort DO                           Chambersburg, PA 17201
 3106 Philadelphia Avenue
                                                                                                          Phone: 717-262-4546
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        Sheena M Bonebrake CRNP
                                                               Stephen B Flack MD                         Anna R Kent DO
 Phone: 717-264-3644
                                                               Timothy T Owolabi MD                       Iwona J Janicka MD
 Bonnie B Buchanan PA-C
 Daniel P Champigny PA-C                                       Todd V Peterson MD                         601 E Main St
 Danielle M Hull PA-C                                          William A Kramer MD                        Waynesboro, PA 17268
                                                                                                          Phone: 717-262-4546
 Diana J Lyon-Loftus MD
                                                               WellSpan Internal Medicine                 Anna R Kent DO
 Heather M Olvera CRNP
 Jacqueline M Fignar DO                                                                                   Iwona J Janicka MD
                                                               1425 Philadelphia Avenue
 Joelene F Kline CRNP                                          The Manor                                  WellSpan Urgent Care
 Joseph T McDermott DO                                         Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Kaitlin N Chasler PA-C                                        Phone: 717-217-6055
 Kashif Sandhu MD                                              Kashif A Sandhu MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                          Page 23 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Franklin County, PA
 1000 Norland Avenue                                           Nathan J Yeasted MD
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        Rachel A Wilcox PA-C                WellSpan Surgical Specialists
 Phone: 717-267-6363                                           Ryan R Gaffney DO
                                                                                                   120 North 7th Street
 Alexander L Madeira DO                                        Wayne C Hoover MD
                                                                                                   Suite 200
 Brooke E Sheffler MD                                                                              Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               WellSpan Digestive Health
 Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD                                                                     Phone: 717-217-6800
 Frank E Mozdy MD                                              24 Antrim Commons Drive             Akia D Caine MD
 Jacqueline M Fignar DO                                        GREENCASTLE, PA 17225               Bennet K Togbe MD
 James A Uslin DO                                              Phone: 717-765-3648                 Brittany N Baird RD
 James W Freeman MD                                            Andrew T Lininger CRNP              Catherine Plzak MD
 Joseph T McDermott DO                                         Fawaz Z Hakki MD                    Collin L Myers MD
 Rebecca L Pound MD                                            MaryStuart D Seifarth CRNP          David A Guthrie MD
 Teresa M Joy DO                                               Nadeem A Quazi MD                   David L Wolfe PA-C
 Thomas A Steinour MD                                                                              David S Bryant MD
                                                               501 East Main Street
 24 Antrim Commons Drive                                       Waynesboro, PA 17268                Frances J Puleo MD
 GREENCASTLE, PA 17225                                         Phone: 717-765-3648                 Heather Buchman CRNP
 Phone: 717-593-0512                                                                               Nadeem A Quazi MD
                                                               Andrew T Lininger CRNP
 Alexander L Madeira DO                                        Fawaz Z Hakki MD                    24 Antrim Commons Drive
 Brooke E Sheffler MD                                          MaryStuart D Seifarth CRNP          Floor 2
 Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD                                 Nadeem A Quazi MD                   GREENCASTLE, PA 17225
 Jacqueline M Fignar DO                                                                            Phone: 717-217-6800
 James A Uslin DO                                              General Surgery                     Akia D Caine MD
 James W Freeman MD                                                                                Bennet K Togbe MD
 Jane G Leotaud-Moreno MD                                      WellSpan Breast Care                Brittany N Baird RD
 Joseph T McDermott DO                                                                             Catherine Plzak MD
 Muhammad M Jawaid MD                                          22 St Paul Drive                    Collin L Myers MD
 Rebecca L Pound MD                                            Suite 207                           David A Guthrie MD
 Teresa M Joy DO                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201              David L Wolfe PA-C
 Thomas A Steinour MD                                          Phone: 717-709-6599                 David S Bryant MD
 601 East Main Street                                          Catherine Plzak MD                  Frances J Puleo MD
 WAYNESBORO, PA 17268                                          Kareen C Ayre MD                    Heather Buchman CRNP
 Phone: 717-765-5088                                           601 East Main Street                Nadeem A Quazi MD
 Alexander L Madeira DO                                        Waynesboro, PA 17268                601 East Main Street
 Brooke E Sheffler MD                                          Phone: 717-709-6599                 WAYNESBORO, PA 17268
 Carlos R Sandoval-Martinez MD                                 Catherine Plzak MD                  Phone: 717-217-6800
 Jacqueline M Fignar DO                                        Kareen C Ayre MD                    Akia D Caine MD
 James A Uslin DO                                                                                  Bennet K Togbe MD
 James W Freeman MD                                            WellSpan Digestive Health           Brittany N Baird RD
 Jane G Leotaud-Moreno MD                                                                          Catherine Plzak MD
                                                               24 Antrim Commons Drive
 Joseph T McDermott DO                                                                             Collin L Myers MD
                                                               GREENCASTLE, PA 17225
 Muhammad M Jawaid MD                                                                              David A Guthrie MD
                                                               Phone: 717-765-3648
 Rebecca L Pound MD                                                                                David L Wolfe PA-C
                                                               Nadeem A Quazi MD
 Teresa M Joy DO                                                                                   David S Bryant MD
 Thomas A Steinour MD                                          501 East Main Street
                                                                                                   Frances J Puleo MD
                                                               Waynesboro, PA 17268
                                                                                                   Heather Buchman CRNP
 Gastroenterology                                              Phone: 717-765-3648
                                                                                                   Nadeem A Quazi MD
                                                               Nadeem A Quazi MD
 Chambersburg                                                                                      WellSpan Weight
                                                               WellSpan Radiology
 Gastroenterology Associates,                                                                      Management
                                                               112 N 7th St                        12 St Paul Drive
                                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201              Chambersburg, PA 17201
 835 Fifth Avenue
                                                               Phone: 717-262-4499                 Phone: 717-263-8811
 Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               Nadeem A Quazi MD                   Caissa F Troutman MD
 Phone: 717-263-0629
 Aimee C Gish CRNP                                             12 St Paul Dr                       1624 Orchard Drive
                                                               Suite 208                           Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Brittany N Wagner CRNP
                                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201              Phone: 717-267-6427
 Joy L Goetz CRNP
                                                               Phone: 717-217-6026                 Caissa F Troutman MD
 M. Farooq Khokhar MD
                                                               Nadeem A Quazi MD
 Matthew A Nikoloff MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                 Page 24 of 73
WellSpan Provider Network Participating Providers

 Franklin County, PA
 601 East Main Street                                          260 North 7th Street                Kenneth A Griggs MD
 Waynesboro, PA 17268                                          Chambersburg, PA 17201              Michael V Rossini MD
 Phone: 717-267-2427                                           Phone: 717-262-4660                 Nathan W Finch MD
 Caissa F Troutman MD                                          Amit B Shah MD                      Niteen N Sukerkar MD
                                                               Brittany N Baird RD                 Robert S Pyatt MD
 Gynecology                                                    Gregory A Fortier MD                Stephen T Thuahnai MD
                                                               Kishor Singapuri MD                 501 East Main Street
 WellSpan OB/GYN                                               Lesley A Hughes MD                  Waynesboro, PA 17268
                                                               Max S Laguerre MD                   Phone: 717-267-7149
 12 St Paul Drive                                              Michael R Watson MD                 Andrew D Mullins DO
 Suite 207                                                     Ori B Shokek MD                     Ann E Lewandowski MD
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                        Reena K Pramanik DO                 April C Butsch MD
 Phone: 717-217-6882
                                                               Robena E Medbery MD                 Barbara L Knisely MD
 Laurice A Heine MD                                            Sherif F Yacoub MD                  Charles P Magal MD
 120 North Seventh Street                                      Whoon Jong Kil MD                   Henry T Ching MD
 Suite 200                                                                                         Kenneth A Griggs MD
 CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201                                        Hospice and Palliative Care         Michael V Rossini MD
 Phone: 717-217-6882                                           Medicine                            Nathan W Finch MD
 Laurice A Heine MD                                                                                Niteen N Sukerkar MD
 24 Antrim Commons Dr                                          Wellspan Palliative and             Robert S Pyatt MD
 Greencastle, PA 17225                                         Supportive Care                     Stephen T Thuahnai MD
 Phone: 717-765-5086                                           112 North 7th Street
 Laurice A Heine MD                                            Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                                                                   WellSpan Radiology
 24 Antrim Commons Drive                                       Phone: 717-262-4546
                                                                                                   112 N 7th St
 GREENCASTLE, PA 17225                                         Anita M Ocker CRNP                  Chambersburg, PA 17201
 Phone: 717-765-5086                                           Anna R Kent DO                      Phone: 717-262-4499
 Laurice A Heine MD                                            Chitra A Mohan MD                   Andrew D Mullins DO
                                                               Fawn M Eutzy CRNP
 601 E Main St                                                                                     12 St Paul Dr
 Waynesboro, PA 17268                                          Iwona J Janicka MD
                                                                                                   Suite 208
 Phone: 717-765-5086                                           Joelene F Kline CRNP
                                                                                                   Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               June H Taylor CRNP                  Phone: 717-217-6026
 Laurice A Heine MD
                                                               Louis E Coda MD
                                                                                                   Andrew D Mullins DO
 Hematology/Oncology                                           Ryan M DeCort DO
                                                               601 E Main St                       Imaging & Radiation
 WellSpan Medical Oncology &                                   Waynesboro, PA 17268                Oncology
                                                               Phone: 717-262-4546
                                                               Anita M Ocker CRNP                  WellSpan Radiation Oncology
 22 St Paul Drive
                                                               Anna R Kent DO
 Suite 100                                                                                         260 North 7th Street
                                                               Chitra A Mohan MD
 Chambersburg, PA 17201                                                                            Chambersburg, PA 17201
                                                               Fawn M Eutzy CRNP
 Phone: 717-217-6020                                                                               Phone: 717-262-4660
                                                               Iwona J Janicka MD
 Abigail B Kick CRNP                                                                               Lesley A Hughes MD
                                                               Joelene F Kline CRNP
 John F Robinson MD                                                                                Max S Laguerre MD
                                                               June H Taylor CRNP
 Kevin J Lorentsen MD                                                                              Whoon Jong Kil MD
                                                               Louis E Coda MD
 Mahinur H Khan MD
                                                               Ryan M DeCort DO
 Michael R Cashdollar MD                                                                           Infectious Disease
 Sri Lakshmi Hyndavi Yeruva MD                                 Imaging
 601 East Main Street                                                                              Keystone Infectious Disease
 Waynesboro, PA 17268                                          Chambersburg Imaging
 Phone: 717-765-5025                                                                               111 Chambers Hill Drive
                                                               Associates                          Suite 102
 Abigail B Kick CRNP
                                                               112 North 7th Street                CHAMBERSBURG, PA 17201
 John F Robinson MD
                                                               Chambersburg, PA 17201              Phone: 717-709-7909
 Kevin J Lorentsen MD
                                                               Phone: 717-267-7149                 Melissa Tiyouh MD
 Mahinur H Khan MD
 Michael R Cashdollar MD                                       Andrew D Mullins DO                 Raghavendra Tirupathi Govindaraju MD
 Sri Lakshmi Hyndavi Yeruva MD                                 Ann E Lewandowski MD
                                                               April C Butsch MD                   Internal Medicine
 WellSpan Radiation Oncology                                   Barbara L Knisely MD
                                                               Charles P Magal MD                  Balhara Internal Medicine
                                                               Henry T Ching MD

Tier 1 WellSpan Provider Network Partcipatng Provider Listng                                                                   Page 25 of 73
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