Province Press - Assumption BVM Province

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Province Press - Assumption BVM Province
Province                 Press
        February 2018


                          from The Communications Office
                                         Franciscan Friars
                                    Assumption BVM Province
                              Summary of the Provincial Council Meeting
                                            Franklin, WI
                                     January 16, 17, 18, 2018


Present: James Gannon, OFM, Edward Tlucek, OFM, Jerome Wolbert, OFM, Joachim Studwell, OFM;
Craig Wilking, OFM, John Cella, OFM.

Friary Personnel and Friaries

Emmanuel Bialoncik:
February 1st, Jim will meet with Emmanuel
to discuss his return to the Province.
                                                                          Flag of South Korea
Stephen Cho:
Friar Stephen Cho from South Korea patiently waits at Lourdes Friary, Cedar Lake, IN for immigration
issues to be resolved. Brian Bangart is continuing to deal with our immigration lawyer and the R-1 status
for Stephen Cho. Once this is resolved, Stephen will receive his faculties to function within the Diocese of
Gary, IN. We are presently paying for his legal fees.

Friar Aegidio Hyeon Seop Jeon:
Friar Aegidio, Holy Korean Martyrs Province of South Korea, will return from South Korea with Jim
Gannon to live for thirty days within our Assumption BVM Province. Aegidio is contemplating working
in parish ministry within our province. During his time with us, Aegidio will attend the ESL Program at
Sacred Heart School of Theology and reside at Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI. After thirty days,
Aegidio will return to South Korea and discern with his provincial, Friar Carolo Ho, a three year commit-
ment to live and minister within the Assumption Province.

Stephen Dupuis:
Friar Jim Bok and the friar community of Mary Gate of Heaven, Negril and St. Luke Parish, Little London
in Jamaica, welcome our brother Steve with open arms. In consultation with Jim Bok and Mark Soehner
(Provincial SJB) we anticipate a three-year commitment. Steve joined the Provincial Council and shared
his experience and his desire to return to Jamaica.

Bill Stout:

After several discussions and reflection, Bill has decided not to return to Edinburg, Texas. Bill is open
Province Press - Assumption BVM Province
to doing work in the Archives, but is also looking at Prison Ministry and possibly campus ministry.

Joachim Swarick:
Joachim has made a remarkable recovery from his fall on New Year’s Day. Although his convalescence
at Queen of Peace originally was a temporary assignment, Joachim has requested to remain at Queen of
Peace Friary.

Jude Lustyk:
With the decision to “moth ball” St. Francis Friary, Burlington, WI,
Jude asked that he be allowed to accept an invitation to minister at
the Holy Land Commissariat, Washington, DC.
The council unanimously approved Jude’s request.

Friar Transitions:

William Stout:
From St. Junipero Serra Friary/Parish Minister at Sacred Heart Parish, McAllen, TX and Holy Family
Parish, Edinburg, TX to Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI and Provincial Archivist, St. Francis Friary,
Burlington, WI.

Thomas Marchetti:(See written letter from Thomas on Page 7)
In consultation with the members of the Friar Community, Greenwood, MS and the directors of the in-
terprovincial post novitiate formation program, Thomas has stepped out of formation and returned to his
home in Texas. We thank Thomas for his presence to our provincial community. As we were blessed by
his gentle presence, he was blessed by us. Please remember Thomas in this time of transition.

Stanley Janowski:
From St. Francis Friary, Burlington, WI to Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI. Stan will continue his
ministry as Site Manager, Francis Meadows, Burlington, WI.

Gregory Plata:
From St. Francis Friary, Burlington, WI to Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI.
Greg will continue his ministry as Provincial Director of Vocations and Secretary of Formation for the As-
sumption BVM Province. Greg’s office is in Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI.

Jim Gannon:
Friary residence TBA

Meeting with the Care Team at Queen of Peace Friary:
Because of previous appointments with Friars and doctors, Paul Reczek and Provincial Nurse, Charlene
Duley, were unable to attend the meeting with the Council. Carmen Scuderi, Vicar, Queen of

Province Press - Assumption BVM Province
Peace and Rob Frediani, V.P for Mission and Liaison to Milwaukee Catholic Home, were present for an
update on the continuing development of the relationship between Queen of Peace Friary and the Mil-
waukee Catholic Home. Carmen gave an update on the health of the friars at Queen of Peace, St. Anne’s
Salvatorian Campus and Milwaukee Catholic Home.

Paul Reczek, Guardian, Queen of Peace, gave his report on Thursday, January 18th. The Provincial Coun-
cil affirmed Paul Reczek, Carmen Scuderi, Michael May and Charlene Duley for their love, care and sup-
port for the Friars.

Report from the Secretaries of Formation:
Secretary for Formation, Greg Plata(pictured right),
provided a paper and electronic copy of his report.

•Report on Candidacy:
-Greg reports that Candidate Albert “Fritz” Newburger is doing well at Lourdes Friary, Cedar Lake, IN.

•Report on Postulancy:
-Greg Plata reported that all “seems to going well” with Andrew Aldrich who is a member of the Interpro-
vincial Postulant Program, Holy Name College, Silver Springs, MD.

•Report on Post-Novitiate:
-Joachim Studwell, previous Secretary of Formation and Greg Plata, present Secretary of Formation, sum-
marized the post-novitiate interprovincial program.

Investments and Credit Cards:
Brian, Ramona and Nicole along with John Cella, presented a financial update. The investments are a
significant income-producing source for the Province. The conversation then moved to the issue of credit
cards, credit card debts and other related financial concerns. An important discussion about driving tests
and the ABVM Province driving policies followed.

Pulaski, Printery:
Brian Bangart, Property Manager, continues to work with the Brown County Public Library (Pulaski
Library) and The Gorman Group who is pursing the overall project for the Printery Building. Progress
continues to be made.

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St. Francis Friary, Greenwood, MS:
Craig Wilking, Guardian, St. Francis Mission and Pastor Joachim Studwell gave an update on several
meetings with parents, teachers, staff, and friends of the Mission, pursuing new ideas for increasing the
enrollment of the school and developing new options for financial support.

West Chicago property:
Property is still on the market.

Sybertsville, PA:
The Provincial Council will meet at Holy Dormition Friary, Sybertsville, PA, March 20, 21, 22. The
property will be on the agenda.

Hoffman Planning and Design:
The Provincial Council has hired the services of Hoffman Planning and Design to perform a compre-
hensive survey of the Burlington property. This survey is scheduled for the spring. Hoffman will also
do a survey for the following properties: Pulaski, Franklin and Cedar Lake.

Future Planning:

Update on the Extraordinary Provincial Chapter – Jim Gannon, John Cella and Ed Tlucek will
visit with Felician Sister Connie to review the schedule for the Chapter and Leadership Workshop.
Friar Michael Heine, OFM Conventual has accepted our invitation to lead us in reflections during the
Extraordinary Chapter and the Leadership Workshop.

Extraordinary Chapter and Leadership Workshop: Felician Center, Chicago, IL.
The proposed schedule is as follows: Extraordinary Chapter: May 29 + 30, 2018

Tuesday, May 29th:                                     Wednesday, May 30th:
4:30 Evening Prayer with Reflection                    8:00 Breakfast
(Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conventual                     9:00 Morning Prayer/Re-
 will reflect with us)                                 flection
5:30 Supper,                                           10:30 Jubilee Eucharist
7:00 Social                                            12:00 Meal
                                                       1:30 Prayer
                                                       2:00 The “R + R” Vote
                                                       3:00 Departure

Province Press - Assumption BVM Province
Leadership Gathering: May 30th-

  Wednesday afternoon, May                                      REMINDER
  30th:                                                  1. Fill out straw ballot.
  4:30 Evening Prayer with Reflection,            2. Register for Extraordinary Chapter
  5:30 Supper,                                              May 29-20, 2018.
  7:00 Social                                   Both due March 1st to the Franklin Provin-
  Thursday, May 31st:                                            cial Office
  7:30 Eucharist with Sisters 8:00
  9:00 Morning Prayer/Reflection
  9:30 On Anger (Speaker: TBA)            Topics for the Leadership Gathering:
  12:00 Meal                              •    On Aging;
  1:30 Driving and Rumors(Speaker:        •    On Anger Management
  Brian Bangert)                          •    On Finances and Driving Policies and Rumors.
  3:30 On Aging(Speaker: TBA)             •    Presidium Update
  5:00 Evening Prayer
  5:30 Supper followed by departure

Reaccreditation Visitation:
Presidium Reaccreditation Visitation is scheduled for December 2018.
Craig Wilking, Edward Tlucek and Jim Gannon have begun the process of
updating the information for the visitation.


Renewal & Restructuring Discussion/Voting
•    Results of the Survey will be available the week of February 4, 2018
•    Interprovincial Retreat, March 12-15, 2018
		         St. Francis Friary, Burlington, WI
		         Please register before March 1, 2018
		         Friar Michael Blastic, OFM, Retreat Director
•    ABVM Straw Ba lot, due March 1, 2018
•    Delegate Registration for the Extraordinary Chapter, May 29, 30, 2018 due March 1, 2018.

Review of Friary Chapters:
•    Holy Dormition Friary Chapter, Sybertsville, PA.

Province Press - Assumption BVM Province
•     St. Francis Friary Chapter, Greenwood, MS
•     Francis & Clare Friary Chapter, Franklin, WI.
•     St. Francis Friary Chapter, Burlington, WI.
•     Queen of Peace Friary Chapter, Burlington, WI
•     Assumption Friary Chapter, Pulaski, WI.

•     Mishawaka Friary Chapter, Mishawaka, IN

How have we responded to poor persons?
Once again, we dealt with the issues surrounding our mission at Greenwood, MS., a ministry that serves
the poor, to whom we are fiercely dedicated.

Future meetings for the Provincial Council:

•     March 20, 21, 22, 2018, Holy Dormition Friary, Sybertsville, PA.

•     April 24, 25, 26, 2018, Assumption Friary, Pulaski, WI.

•     May 28, 29, 30, 31, Felician Center, Chicago, IL

•     July 8-13, 2018, retreat and planning, Door County, WI

•     August 20-24, 2018, Interprovincial Provincial Councils Meeting.

•     October 16, 17, 18, 2018, Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI.

•     December 18, 19, 20, 2018, Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI.

Jim’s Schedule:
•     February 4-9, 2018: Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI
•     February 10-17, 2018: Meet with Provincial Carolo Ho, Province of the Holy Martyrs
      of South Korea.
•     February 18-24, 2018: Mississippi, and visit with Lyle Chrobak, Miami, AZ.
•     February 25-28, 2018: Francis + Clare Friary, Franklin, WI and GSFM, Waterford, WI.
•     March 1+2, 2018: Blessed Giles Friary, Chicago, IL

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Brothers ~

I’ve left with goodwill for the Province and the Order and thanksgiving for
the many gifts I’ve received over the past 3 years and for our relationship.

At this time, I hold all of the brothers in my heart and am very grateful for
the prayers received from all of you. If there’s ever anything more I can do
for the Province, I hope to do so.

As far as where I am now - I’m peacefully with family at my parents’ home
discerning where to find love and to be of service to Our Lord Jesus. My
family is very supportive for me at this time.

                            My current address:

                              895 N Main St
                             Reklaw, TX 75784

                             Thomas Marchetti

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Friar Photos
            Left: Brother Andrew Giba pays his respects to re-
            cently departed friar, Fr. Bert Pepowski. The friars of
            the Assumption BVM Province in Pulaski, WI held a
            funeral mass for Bert last month.

            Below Left Column : Fr. Placid Stroik leads a discus-
            sion on the annual “Wednesday Movie” at Francis-
            cans Downtown in Downtown Stevens Point, WI.
            Below Right Column: FD patrons gather to honor a
            friend who recently passed away.

Franciscans Downtown

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