CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School

CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
11th March 2021
                                           No. 7

                                           Gisborne Primary School

                                                 CHALK TALK

Diary Dates           PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE
TERM ONE              Clean Up Australia Day and Sustainability
                      Last Friday our Sustainability team, led by Alex Furphy, organised a Clean-Up Australia Day
MARCH 2021            activity. This was enthusiastically embraced by our students who did a great job of cleaning up
                      our yard and the paths around the school. The students learnt that this not only makes our school
*Wed 17th March       environment look better, but is also positive for our waterways and ultimately our birds, fish and
School Council        other wild life who are impacted when they ingest plastics. 4C, 3B and 2C were the winners of
AGM Meeting           the Clean Up Australia Day bags for the classes who collected the most rubbish.
*Thur 18th March      At our assembly, three of our students will be receiving Principal Awards for their proactive
Yr.3-6 House          contribution to the Sustainability efforts around the school. This includes showing school pride
Cross Country         and responsibility as well as supporting their classrooms with FOGO, recycling bins and straying
                      paper when bins are moved to the kerbside. The three students are Charlie S and Lochie F from
*Frid 19th March      3A and Rex V from 4A. Congratulations.
Ride to School
Day                   e-Safety tip : Boundaries & People
                      Sure, you're fascinating, but you don't need the world watching your every move. Regularly check
APRIL 2021            your privacy settings on apps and social media, and make sure people can't track your location. Don't
*Thur 1st April       share passwords (no, not even with your best friend), and always think before you post. Photos that
Term 1 concludes      show your school uniform or the outside of your house might make you a little too easy to find.
Early finish          (Source: eSmart alannah & madeline foundation)
                      School Council Community Member
TERM TWO              We have had a nomination for our vacancy on school council for a community member.
                      Wednesday is our AGM and first meeting of the new council where we elect the office bearers
APRIL 2021            for 2021. These will be announced next week.
*Mon 19th April
Term 2                Canteen on Wednesday next week – Cross Country on Thursday
commences             Due to cross country next Thursday, the canteen will not be opening for lunches or over the
                      counter sales. Next week’s canteen day will be Wednesday with sushi and r ice paper r oll
REMINDER              orders and over the counter sales; Year 6s are doing a great job of supporting Rebecca, our
                      canteen manager.
If your child/ren
are unwell they       Canteen and Healthy Achievement
must be kept          Please note that due to allergies etc. we do not allow students to share food or buy food for other
home.                 children. Over the counter products are quite inexpensive so $1-$2 is plenty for your child’s
                      purchases. A more comprehensive lunch order menu will resume in Term 2 in line with our
Cold symptoms?        ‘green’ healthy items. We are seeking volunteers to support Rebecca in the canteen on
Upset tummy?          Wednesdays and Fridays 10-2pm for the whole shift or 2x2hour shifts. Please register your
                      availability at the office.
All unwell
children need to      Building Works
be kept home          Our project is still on schedule for the new, competition standard gym to be ready for use from
from school.          the end of June. The completion of the new admin building on Prince St is also on track to be
                      completed in July and new classrooms in the old gym will be completed by the end of Term 3.
If your child has     We are working with the VSBA to have the portables on the oval removed by the end of the year.
                      This will free up further spaces which will be for playground equipment and ball courts. We are
had any gastro
                      actively working with Macedon Ranges Council to release Brantome St for basketball/netball
symptoms, they        courts in Term 4. The new playground works for this term on Fisher Street have been completed.
need to be kept       A further playground between this one and the passive play area on the corner will be completed
home for 24 hours     in Term 2. Another play space near the new gym will be completed in Term 3. The site at this
AFTER all             link is regularly updated by the VSBA that oversees this project.
symptoms have
                      Have a great weekend.
Unwell children       Julie Soutter.
sent to school will
be sent home.
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
                 Caring Hearts, Caring Minds, Caring Actions
Individual Education Plans (previously Individual Learning Plan)
As part of our Teaching and Learning practices at Gisborne Primary School, some students have
been identified for an Individual Education Plan (IEP). Classroom teachers write these plans for
students requiring additional assistance or extension tasks who fall outside of the differentiated
program within the classroom. It also guides the work of our Education Support staff. An IEP is
structured to outline the additional strategies that will be implemented in the classroom as well
as approaches that can be used at home to support children with building on their current
learning ability and/or social, emotional need. If your child has been identified as requiring an
IEP. These will be sent home by the end of this week.

Wellbeing Counsellor
Renee Nadzielski, our new Wellbeing Counsellor will be starting at GPS on Monday. A permission
note went out via email earlier this week for families to allow Renee to see your child/ren as
needed. We understand that many families have already provided permission via hard copy,
however we are streamlining our processes by having all permission completed through the
digital form. We would appreciate it if families signed this permission via the online portal. We
are looking forward to having Renee as part of our team where she can support our students
with their wellbeing needs on a short term capacity.

Learning Walks
At GPS we have a process that supports our teaching and learning practices across the school.
Learning Walks are held each term with different focuses where a group of teachers visit a host
classroom to view the practices and speak with the children about what they are learning and
where they go for help as needed. This allows for the opportunity to celebrate our successes as
well as receive feedback and an understanding of the trends across the school, which supports
our whole school focuses and next work.

Mel Hunter, PLC Link Leader, works with schools across the Network and beyond to support them
with processes and structures and part of that is to hold Learning Walks. Along with support from
leadership, Learning Walks are held regularly across the school with our own staff as well as
having other schools visit GPS. This week we have had a school visit as well as holding our own
Learning Walks with a focus on the Wellbeing approaches across the school.

Have a fantastic weekend everyone
Regards, Lisa Maxwell
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
                  SAY NO TO RUBBISH!
On Friday our students all pitched in to help out with cleaning up our school as part of the Australia
Day Clean Up Activities. Thank you to all our students for their enthusiasm and contribution to
this event.

                                ALL HANDS ON
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
Congratulations to the following students below who received
                      a Student of the Week Award in the last few weeks

        PB — Scarlett H                                                 3B — Sadie S
        PD — Piper W                                                    3B — Harrison P
        PE — Cleo C                                                     3D — Emily T
        1A — Alex L                                                     5B — Tom C
        1B — Peter K                                                    5B — Anamaya C
        1C — Kanan S                                                    5C — Oakley M
        1C — Bonnie G                                                   6B — Gabriel B
        2A — Josephine F                                                6C — Millie D
        2A — Yuri W
        2C — Harriet R                                                      WELL DONE
        2C — Samuel W                                                       EVERYONE

                               A THANK YOU IS IN ORDER !
                    We thank one of our parents, Parrish Dunston, for all of the
                    stationary items that he donated to the school which were
                    excess from his workplace. Items included scissors,
                    staplers, binding machines, tape dispensers, calculators and
a hoard of other very useful items. Thank you for your generosity and for thinking of Gisborne
Primary School. Gisborne Primary School is committed to recycling and the reuse of items where
possible. These things will go on to have another life at our school.


                                                                                  DUE DATE
                                                                         FOR ONLINE PERMISSION AND
     ACTIVITY / DATE                       PERMISSION/COST
                                                                                (If applicable)

       Maths Mental Book
     (Years 3, 4 and 6 only)                  $12.00 per student                   OVERDUE

                                   Prep      - $20.00 / student
    Parent Payments 2021 —         Yr. 1 & 2 - $50.00 / student
      Technology Payment           Yr. 3 & 4 - $75.00 / student                    OVERDUE
      All Grades / Students        Yr. 5     - $100.00 / student
                                   Yr. 6     - $100.00 / student

 Year 4 Kitchen Garden Program               $25 payable via Qkr                   OVERDUE
                                            No permission required

                                      $225 (Annual payment) or Term 1
        Parent Payments                 instalment $56.25 per student           Friday 19th March
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
Here at Gisborne Primary School we

8.50am War ning bell & music (all gr ades)
8.55am Class bell (all gr ades)
10.55am to 11.25am - Break 1 for Prep to Yr. 2
11.40am to 12.25pm – Break 1 for Yr. 3 to 6
1.40pm to 2.25pm – Break 2 for Prep to Yr. 2
2.25pm to 2.55pm – Break 2 for Yr. 3 to 6
3.25pm Dismissal (all gr ades)
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
                       TERM 1 (2021)
The canteen will open for lunch orders from today. Please note that next week due to the Yr. 3-6
House Cross Country, the canteen will be open on Wednesday the 17th of March instead of
Thursday the 18th of March. After next week, the canteen will open on Thursdays until the end of
this term. A limited menu will be available.

The following items will be on the Qkr lunch menu:
   Sushi Roll - Tuna ($4)
   Sushi Roll - Avocado ($4)
   Sushi Roll - Teriyaki Chicken ($4)
   Rice Paper Roll - Vegetarian ($3.50)
   Rice Paper Roll - Teriyaki Chicken ($3.50)
   Soy Sauce (20c)
   Paper Bags (10c) - see note 1 below*

*Note 1: reusable lunch order bags are currently not in use. Please purchase a paper bag with ALL
lunch orders.
Note 2: lunch orders must be placed on Qkr by 8am on the day the canteen is open.

             TERM 1 (2021)
Over the counter items for sale at recess & lunch time are:
   Mini licks (different flavours) (50c)
   Bag of popcorn (10c)
   Frozen fruit (different fruits) (30c)

                     CANTEEN HELPERS NEEDED
                          TERM 2 (2021)
In Term 2 the canteen will open for lunch orders, placed via Qkr. For the canteen to operate, our
canteen staff member Rebecca Morgan needs some parent helpers. Can you help on a Wednesday
or Friday 10-2pm for the whole shift or 2x2hour shifts.? If you can help, please email the office at

                                All Canteen helpers
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
Community News
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
Community News
CHALK TALK - Gisborne Primary School
Community News
Community News
Community News

Pilates + Play!
Encourage movement, coordination, strength social development and teamwork for long term
positive health through our fun, supervised Pilates + Barre classes.

Holiday program April 6th - 16th

Register your child and find more information
On our website!
Community News

REBELS NETBALL — MRNA Winter Competition
Under 9's Registration now open via the link below. This is for players wanting to participate
in the Saturday morning MRNA Winter Competition.

Please note that Under 9 registration is via the Net Set Go

This is not the introductory Net Set Go program - more
info on that will be available shortly.

Link for registrations

Rebels Facebook Link
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