Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health

Page created by Greg Brown
Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health
Psa impact seared
     into the mind

                                                                                                                     Robbie (right)
                                                                                                                     and Scott Ellison.

   It arrived like a whisper but fast turned into a scream. Psa was first identified in
   New Zealand 10 years ago and what followed was one of the most tumultuous

   times in the history of the kiwifruit industry. Now Kiwifruit Vine Health has
   commissioned a project which follows some of the main players from those early
   days of Psa and tells their stories. The following are excerpts from two such tales,
   as told to local writers Sue Hoffart and Elaine Fisher.

Robbie Ellison – family feels                     Robbie was glad to be home and pleased       international skifield work and kiwifruit.
                                                                                                                                            NZ KIWIFRUIT JOURNAL Feb / Mar 2021

                                                  to see healthy vines as he spent the
      everal moments from the Psa saga                                                         Light was fading as Robbie drove past the
                                                  weekend catching up on spraying. The
      stand like vivid mental photographs                                                      Zespri building that Sunday evening, en
                                                  orchardist wasn’t thinking about Psa
      in Robbie Ellison’s memory.                                                              route to his Mount Maunganui house. But
                                                  though, he had succession planning on
The first occurred about 8pm on Sunday            his mind. He wondered how he might           he recognised the two figures standing,
night, November 7, two days after the             step back further from involvement in 18     talking earnestly outside the marketing
orchardist and his wife Karen returned            hectares of kiwifruit and perhaps begin      co-operative’s head office. What on earth,
from a European holiday. While overseas,          to divvy up ownership of four Te Puke        he wondered with some trepidation,
their plans to visit Italian kiwifruit orchards   properties amongst the couple’s three        were New Zealand Kiwifruit Growers
were curtailed by the rampant spread of a         sons Trent, Scott and Sam. Two were          Incorporated chair Pete Ombler and Zespri
bacterial infection that was creating havoc       already working in the business full time,   chief executive Lain Jager doing there at
within the industry.                              while Scotty divided his seasons between     that time of night?                          61
Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health
The next morning, I was driving to work and the phone goes. It was a Katikati
                grower and he says ‘Psa’s in New Zealand’. That’s the first thing he said.

          “You just know something big is going          in no doubt the issue was serious. Craig       winter pruning and constantly cutting out
          down” Robbie says of this, thinking            Thompson, now at Zespri, was a family          any leaders that showed signs of dieback
          back then.                                     friend and the two men had spoken about        or ooze.
                                                         the devastation Psa was causing in Italy,
          “The next morning, I was driving to work                                                      “That was a big mistake, it was obvious as
                                                         where Craig had lived and worked. Robbie
          and the phone goes. It was a Katikati                                                         soon as we got to bud burst, and we ended
                                                         expected things were going to get tough for
          grower and he says ‘Psa’s in New Zealand’.                                                    up cutting it off in September anyway. We
                                                         gold growers. In his case, 30 percent of his
          That’s the first thing he said. Not hello.                                                    should have taken the crop off and cut it off

                                                         holdings were Hort16A.
          I know exactly where I was at the time,                                                       straight away but we weren’t sure.”
          halfway along the swamp road between           Sure enough, Robbie and Sam’s suspicions
                                                                                                        Sons Trent and Sam wielded chainsaws to
          Te Puke and Welcome Bay. I thought,            were quickly confirmed; an inspection
                                                                                                        bring down the vines. Then, just as they
          ‘bloody hell’.”                                revealed one gold block at Brown Road
                                                                                                        were finishing, they walked into the next
                                                         looked okay but the second was certainly
          Robbie drove straight to Trevelyan's pack-                                                    block and found 22 of the 23 vines showing
                                                         infected. The orchard stood directly in the
          house and quizzed the first person he                                                         symptoms. So they kept cutting until all 1.1
                                                         path of the prevailing wind.
          found. Where is this Psa thing, he wanted                                                     hectares of gold had gone.
          to know. Is it Kerikeri? Gisborne? The reply   What’s more, symptoms had also appeared
                                                                                                        Robbie describes the first tell-tale cankers
          was a hammer blow; the infected property       on the first-year canopy along the front
                                                                                                        he saw, like pus-filled wounds dripping with
          lay 200m from two of the Ellison’s four        block of the Ellisons’ Red Fox orchard, on
                                                                                                        red exudate. In those days, the sound of
          Te Puke orchards.                              Te Matai Road.
                                                                                                        chainsaws roared through his place and on
          By Wednesday, son Sam had found strange        Several months of uncertainty followed         his neighbours’ orchards. Road frontages
          little angular spots on Hort16A leaves         before instruction came in February 2011 to    were frequently pocked with piles of vine-
          at their Brown Road place, downwind            cut down the problematic Te Matai Road         filled plastic bags along orchard frontages.
          of Olympos orchard. Within days, the           vines, below the graft, to knee height.
                                                                                                        It was an awful time, he says, and the
          spotting had spread through numerous
                                                         The Brown Road place had a stay of             uncertainty was far from over. Would they
          male plants and some of the females.
                                                         execution. For 10 labour-intensive months,     lose the remaining gold block at Te Matai
          While there were plenty of unanswered          the family and their staff battled to save     Road the following season? How long
 62       questions, from the outset Robbie was          the vines, harvesting a crop, embarking on     before Psa hit their other two properties?
Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health
What about the green? He held grave            “In those first six months, you could - and     Positivity paved the way
fears for the remaining 70% of his crop        some growers did - feel some resentment
                                                                                               Robbie Ellison is a natural optimist who
and wondered, could he and his family          towards people higher up in industry.
                                                                                               looks for silver linings, like the resilience
lose everything?                               In their defence, we had never come up
                                                                                               learned and the fact that plummeting
                                               against something like this. It was difficult
“There was a point when I thought ‘hell,                                                       orchard prices allowed son Trent to buy
we could lose all this. I might not have       for decision makers. It was hard for Zespri,
                                                                                               into the market at a great price.
anything to transfer to my sons.”              being the marketing arm. We had some

                                               real holes in our on-orchard biosecurity.”      But he does not minimise the extent of
On Red Fox orchard, the green was saved        He is certain the formation of Kiwifruit Vine   the crisis.
from destruction by a last-minute policy       Health (KVH) has been key to managing           “In our community, it wasn’t just us
change. A contractor was lined up to cull      the initial Psa crisis and ongoing issues       growers that were worried, it was our
the vines on the Monday morning until          with the bacteria, as well as addressing        orchard employees, our packhouse
an announcement on the previous Friday         future threats such as brown marmorated         employees and the wider community
afternoon deemed the infected green could                                                      because Te Puke is quite dependent on
                                               stink bug and Queensland Fruit Fly.
stay. Those particular vines produced fruit                                                    the kiwifruit industry.”
                                               “The industry is without doubt better set
                                                                                                                                               NZ KIWIFRUIT JOURNAL Feb / Mar 2021

for another decade and were only recently
cut to make way for Zespri Red.                up, we’ve got a better of chance handling       Robbie is adamant that getting away
                                               these things well now. Once Psa was             from the orchard is the key to maintaining
He says the initial scramble for information                                                   decent mental health. It’s a lesson the
                                               under control, so to speak, there was
and guidance was difficult for everyone                                                        orchardist has taken to heart himself and
                                               some question about the need for an
and it became obvious that no-one was                                                          one his sons instinctively knew to follow
                                               organisation like KVH. But clearly there is
properly prepared for a horticultural                                                          during the Psa outbreak. He repeated
                                               very much still a role for them.”
biosecurity incursion.                                                                         the same message to others who were
                                               “In my mind we will have future biosecurity     struggling to cope with the financial
“We had meat inspectors inspecting our
                                               breaches and we will need to handle those       uncertainty and devastation inflicted by
orchards,” he says, of the early response
                                               with a coordinated approach.”                   the bacteria.
from the Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry (MAF).                                                                                In his case, he claims fishing and a daily      63
Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health
café ritual have helped him deal with         to put your head down. You learn skills
          adversity and says the act of offering help   to be able to cope with this stuff, actually
          to others hasn’t hurt, either. Robbie was     being aware of your mental health, getting
          among a small team who travelled to           off the orchard. It’s not the fact that things
          other kiwifruit regions, to speak at grower   happen, it’s how you deal with them
          support meetings. Avoid blaming others        that matters.”
          and focus energy on dealing with the task
          at hand, he advised. And make mental          Karen Roche – Psa a
          wellbeing a priority.                         small-town hammer blow

          Forty years in horticulture and some          In shock value terms, Katikati packhouse
          brutally bad seasons have taught Robbie       boss Karen Roche rates the arrival of
          how to withstand knocks. He remains           a horticultural bacteria alongside an
          philosophical about future threats,           unforgettable royal death.
          including the effects Covid-19 may have
                                                        The Birchwood General Manager likens
          on his business.
                                                        Psa’s appearance in the Bay of Plenty to           Karen Roche.
          “At the moment we’re looking good but it’s    news that the Princess of Wales had died in
          an uncertain world. That’s part and parcel    a car crash 13 years earlier.
                                                                                                         down with a glass of wine.”
          of being a grower. We face uncertainty. Are   “I remember where I was when Lady Diana
          we going to get through without a frost or                                                     That night, Karen and her colleague started
                                                        died and it was a bit like that,” Karen says
          hailstorm? How is Covid-19 going to affect    of the day she learned a Te Puke orchard         out the way they would continue; they
          demand for our fruit?”                        had been struck by the virus.                    made a plan and began phoning their
                                                                                                         orchard managers to share the scant
          “Since Psa, this orchard has been hailed      “It was around five in the evening and my        information on hand.
          twice in consecutive seasons,” he says,       grower services manager Jane Wordley and
          nodding his chin beyond the rows of Zespri    I were still here at work when we heard.         Over the ensuing days, they set to work
          Red that form part of his Red Fox orchard.    We were thinking, what the hell? How             trying to deal with immediate fears and
          “Both times it cost quite a bit of crop but   could it possibly get here? I’ve got a little    practicalities and all the questions they
          that’s the sort of thing that can happen      fridge in the office where we keep wine,         couldn’t properly answer. Would it be as
 64       when you’re a grower and you’ve just got      usually for grower events and well, we sat       bad as the stories emerging from Italy?
Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health
We battled that attitude for a long, long time. Even when they got Psa, there
        was denial. They didn’t really believe it, they’d say ‘it’s just spotting, I’ve seen
        that before’.

Would the industry survive? Would anyone      equipment and not letting vehicles onto         Her workplace family was fearful of the job
keep their jobs? And where on earth did a     the orchard.                                    losses that initially looked inevitable as the
person find disposable overalls in extra-                                                     industry battled the bacteria, and Karen
                                              “We did all that but still we got it. Usually
large sizes?                                                                                  worked hard to reassure them. She was
                                              after a massive wind, you’d see it had
                                                                                              doing the same thing each time she visited
“All of a sudden, there were all these        sneaked into somewhere that had some
                                                                                              town and found herself talking to worried
hygiene considerations. Once we started       shelter trees down. It was a beast of
                                                                                              store owners and managers who would
sending our people out to monitor             a thing.”
                                                                                              quiz her about Psa and its progress, fearing
orchards, we had the whole exercise of
                                              When Psa landed in Karen’s lap, she             for their livelihoods and employees.
trying to find these white suits, what to

                                              was three years into the role and still
use and of course we’ve got all kinds of                                                      “They were scared. Katikati is a very small
body shapes needing them. We had to           learning, with 10 full time staff and 50
                                                                                              town so the shopkeepers were totally
source sanitising gear for tools, stuff for   supplier orchards, centred around the
                                                                                              reliant on kiwifruit and a booming kiwifruit
hands, foot baths, the list went on and on.   Katikati district. While it was her years       industry. The poor townspeople, every
The contractors who were going onto the       of administrative and other industry            time I’d go into town they’d say, what do
orchard had to do a clean-up spray of         experience that won her the job, she            you know?”
their gear. Growers didn’t always have        swears it is parenthood that best prepared
                                              her to manage the packhouse and tackle          Growers were frightened, too, and plenty
hoses or water where it was needed, so
                                              the Psa fallout. The mother of three – one      resisted the hygiene precautions, adamant
                                                                                                                                                 NZ KIWIFRUIT JOURNAL Feb / Mar 2021

you had to find a water source. Everything
                                              unexpected set of twins and a child with        it would never reach their orchards in
took longer.
                                              a disability – says running a post harvest      Katikati or Waihi.
“Later, when we picked and packed, we
                                              operation is much like looking after a          “We battled that attitude for a long, long
were advised to sanitise the picking bags
                                              busy family.                                    time. Even when they got Psa, there was
on and off the orchard, to only use picking
                                              “You’re juggling lots of balls, exactly like    denial. They didn’t really believe it, they’d
gloves once on an orchard. We were going
                                              when you have kids going to three different     say ‘it’s just spotting, I’ve seen that before’.
through all these picking gloves. We had
                                                                                              The growers who had been in denial were
to supply the tractor drivers with brushes    sports events and you’ve got to have a
                                                                                              the ones hit hardest mentally.
so there was no plant material on the         plate for one. In the packhouse, being a
tractor or bins and that meant another 15     mother helped me more than anything             “But at Birchwood, we knew it was
minutes when you got to work and half an      else. And staff squabbles are just like         inevitable. If it had got to Te Puke from
hour at the end. We were washing down         dealing with fighting kids.”                    overseas, it was blinking going to get here.       65
Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health
In the early times, I
               really did think there’s
               got to be a silver bullet,
               they’ll find this magic
               spray, but we finally
               figured that was not
               going to happen. We
               were going to have
               to live with it.

          We did get some grace in that we were          growers were invited to meet informally       green and it looked likely the industry
          fortunate to be able to observe what was       with staff, over a glass of beer or wine.     might weather the storm. Karen and her
          happening in Te Puke and we wanted to          Professional counsellors were also brought    team continued to devour information,
          front foot it. We wanted to be prepared.”      in to help both staff and growers cope.       trying to advise growers on the best
          Karen says Zespri’s Canopy website was         “I remember one of the things they said       approach, advising they strike early and
          a godsend, providing constantly-updated        was how to sleep at night. They were giving   prepare for the worst; book contractors
          information. Later, it was support from        us tools to switch off when your brain is     quickly, bring a digger in to ensure there
          Kiwifruit Vine Health (KVH) and New            going 100 miles an hour. That was me. I’d     was a hole ready to bury any infected vines.
          Zealand Kiwifruit Growers Incorporated         be running over everything I’d been doing     “It was a continual learning curve. I
          (NZKGI) that made her feel less alone          during the day. Now, did I do that? Did I     remember vividly we blowtorched
          and better informed. Both Karen and Jane       organise that? Did I let them know? Have I    some Psa and burnt it. Everyone was
          dispatched constant updates to growers         missed something? For me, the answer was
                                                                                                       trying different things and we had to be
          and regularly gathered staff to share news     having a piece of the paper by the bed, to
                                                                                                       continually telling growers, don’t listen to
          in-between attending a seemingly endless       write it all down. Lists, always lists.”

                                                                                                       those snake oil people. In the early times,
          stream of meetings.
                                                         Both Karen and her orchard services           I really did think there’s got to be a silver
          “That’s what I remember, the meetings.         manager had a personal stake in finding       bullet, they’ll find this magic spray, but
          Lots of miles, lots of late nights. All the    the best ways to manage the bacteria. Jane    we finally figured that was not going to
          phone calls and newsletters. Those             and her husband had signed a deal to buy      happen. We were going to have to live
          newsletters were hard. I’m more operations     a 4-hectare orchard planted in green and      with it.”
          and financials but all of a sudden I was       gold, with settlement day falling just 24
                                                         hours after the Psa announcement. Karen       And it wasn’t all bad. She recalls the
          having to become an expert wordsmith to
                                                         and her husband also owned an orchard.        strong sense of camaraderie and support
          get the information out there.
                                                                                                       between everyone from the Zespri chief
          “The more information we got, the more         “We had green and Gold9 but we didn’t         executive down.
          we realised how little we knew. We were        know it would be okay so we made a plan.
          just flying by the seat of our pants, hoping   When Psa decimated it, we were going to       What’s more, Karen admits Psa did have
          whatever product we were using was right.      make it into a golf driving range. Or maybe   one upside.
          Often it wasn’t and we had to say, ‘they’re    blueberries. That’s how we were thinking      “It gave us Gold3. Hort16A was horrible to
          not recommending that anymore’ and             early on.”                                    pick and pack because it had a beak. That
          change what we were doing.”                                                                  was a problem if you mishandled it, it got
                                                         By the time the infection reached the
                                                         Katikati area, Psa was better understood      a little cut. Even packing, it was really hard
          Informality the key                            and there were glimmers of hope on            to stop that physical damage. And Gold3
          Jane and Karen implemented a weekly            the horizon. It was becoming clear that       is such a beautiful fruit to pack. It’s even, it
 66       Tuesday afternoon catch-up session, where      Hort16A gold vines were harder hit than       doesn’t get that blemish.”
Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health Psa impact seared into the mind - Kiwifruit Vine Health
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