INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind

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INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind
Unlocking value for Agents
through real-time back office
INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind
INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind
distriBind      distriBind is a London-based InsurTech solving problems
               caused by Bordereaux. These problems are widely rec-
               ognised but existing solutions have fallen short of solving

                distriBind is an Automated Data Exchange and Back Office
               that can help all participants across the value chain. Whether
               you distribute using traditional “relationship-based” sales
               methods or use digital distribution via App, Portal or Digitial
               Quote & Bind, distriBind can help improve your process.

                distriBind CEO Dave Connors has experienced bordereaux
Dave Connors   problems first hand over 20+ years in the industry focused on
               Delegated Authority and Reinsurance in the London, US and
               International markets.

                In 2018 Dave founded distriBind with the mission to finally
               fix a problem everyone recognises but nobody has been able
               to crack.
INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind
 i)    About Us
 ii)   Contents

    A Snapshot of the Market
     Misaligned Expectations
    Poor Data and Manual Effort
    The Impact of Covid
    Priorities and Diagnosis
    The Limits of Data Standardisation
    Automated Bordereaux Misses the Point
    Your Carrier is not an Archaeologist
    Bordereaux are holding you back
    Taking a different approach
    Use Data Models, not Bordereaux Maps
    Data separation is Transformational
    Management by Exception
INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind
 This paper will investigate the exsiting state of “Agent-led” distribution, it’s
challenges, and how the proper application of automation to back office can
unlock value for distributors.

 Throughout this paper, we will use the        ration” arrangement between a distributor
catch-all terms “Agent” and “Delegated Au-     and an Insurance Capacity provider regard-
thority” for ease and consistency.             less of the level of authority delegated.

 “Agent” is used to mean any Insurance          “Carrier” is used to mean any regulated
Agent, Authorised Representative, MGA,         Insurance Risk Carrier providing Capacity to
Coverholder or other distributor using their   Agents.
own underwriting and marketing knowledge
on behalf of an Insurance Capacity provider.
Agents may hold differing (or no) levels of

 “Delegated Authority” is used to mean
any Binding Authority, Lineslip, Program,
Scheme, Consortia or other “Master / Decla-
INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind
Misaligned Expectations
 Delegated Authority represents a significant
section of the market, generally around 7 –            Agents and Carriers have an important if
10% of more developed markets and higher              strange relationship. Agents could not op-
in emerging markets.                                  erate without Capacity provision, and they
                                                      provide important extensions to Carriers’
 The UK MGAA estimates its members write              underwriting expertise and marketing reach.
over 10% of the UK General Insurance mar-
ket1, and in the Lloyd’s Market Delegated
Authority contributes nearly 40% of annual

 In the US, an estimated $45bn of premium
                                                             10%                                  44.9
is written annually through Agents, although
inconsistencies in reporting mean this may            Share of UK GI Premium        US Agent/Program Annual
                                                      written by MGAA members       Premium in $bn
be over $50bn.3

1     MGAA Website
2     According to LMA at launch of their Delegated        DA Share of Lloyd’s Market Premium
Authority Committee
3     Conning, 2020: Managing General Agents -
Managing Through the Storm
                                                                                  DA Premium   Other
INSURANCE NOT ARCHAEOLOGY - Unlocking value for Agents through real-time back office automation - distriBind
Misaligned Expectations
The value of Agent-led distribution is clear in vide additional capacity in a sector that was
most analysis:                                  showing above average premium growth and
 In the last major study covering the 10 years
up to 2015, MGAs maintained a combined
ratio nearly 7% lower than the broader P&C
market1 and their premium growth has tend-
ed to outstrip the general market - Conning
                                                                               Maintain or reduce
estimated MGA growth of 32% in 2016 and                                        capacity
that trend continued through 20192.

 Similarly, ACORDs 10-year analysis showed              Reduce or hold steady
                                                        available capacity -
that 73% of their “Intelligent Growth” Carri-           56%
ers leveraged Agent distribution3.
 Despite this demonstrable value, it was
noticeable that Clyde & Co’s 2019 MGA sur-                                   Seek additional ca-
vey 4showed a clear mismatch in capacity                                     pacity
plans for 2020: 61% of Agents expected to                                    61%
seek increased capacity while 56% of Carri-
ers expected their capacity provision to hold           Increase available
steady or reduce.                                       capacity -

Why might there be a lack of appetite to pro-
1     Grant Thornton, 2015: Growth strategies
through MGAs: Opportunities and challenges
2      Conning, 2019: Managing General Agents -
The Super Model of the Insurance Industry                  Carriers                Agents
3      ACORD, 2021: Digitization and Distribution
4      Clyde & Co, 2019: Which way now? Is the UK
MGA Market at a crossroads?


ACORD’s study “Intelligent Growth - Intent, Decisions, Outcomes” was used as the basis for
their “Digitization and Distribution” paper.

The study defines Intelligent Growth as surpassing the study average in both financial perfor-
mance and market share growth.
Poor data and manual effort
 The EY / Insurance Insider Market Senti-        analysis process overly labour intensive.”
ment1 report from 2019 makes sober reading.      (EY/INSIDER SURVEY RESPONDENT)
With a 58/42 London Market / Non-London
response split, and with half of the Lloyd’s      “[Carriers] need to allocate their internal
Market DA Premium coming from North              expense to [Agents] more accurately to re-
America, it gives a good insight to issues ev-   flect the actual time and resource required
erywhere.                                        to support an [Agent].” (EY/INSIDER SURVEY
 Whereas the vast majority of respondents
saw Acceptable or better Combined Ratio re-       “No growth. I see a decreasing number of
sults from Delegated Authority business, 40% [Agent]s securing partners long term.” (EY/
also thought performance measurement of          INSIDER SURVEY RESPONDENT)
DA business was ineffective. 47% of respon-
dents thought Agent remuneration was too
high given the oversight burden.                  These responses, contemporary to the Clyde
                                                 & Co report, perhaps shed light on why a
                                                 sector with ostensibly favourable results also
 The EY/Insider survey is particularly insight- faces significant challenges.
ful because it contains comments from the
respondents, and this clearly has a theme:
                                                  The response from Agents should be clear
                                                 - give better, faster data. Reduce the cost of
 “Data provision (or its availability) is often understanding what business you’ve writ-
substandard/poor. This makes the whole           ten, and the cost of process it. This is how to
1      EY/Insurance Insider Market Sentiment Re-
port, Delegated Authority
                                                 attract and maintain capacity.
% of MGAs expecting Covid      % of MGAs expecting Covid      % of Carrierss expecting    % of Carrierss expecting
  to reduce available capacity   to increase available          Covid to reduce available   Covid toincrease available
                                 capacity                       capacity                    capacity

          50%                                                           47%
                                    12%                                                               28%
  Carriers are more optimistic than Agents about the impact of Covid on Capacity, but still more expect
  capacity to reduce than increase. Agents need to position themselves to be more attractive.

The Impact of Covid
 While this paper is not about the effects of                too true for many familiar with the state of
the Covid-19 pandemic, it is obviously an                    Delegated Authority. Doing this on two large
event of major significance that requires                    screens in an office was merely ordinarily
addressing.                                                  inefficient – doing it from home on a laptop is
                                                             another order of magnitude.
 Like many aspects of the pandemic, there is
unlikely to be a blanket impact with a uni-                   The Clyde survey shows 41% of Carriers only
form effect across the sector; rather more                   providing capacity to MGAs with strong tech-
likely is that there will be winners and losers.             nology, demonstrating the importance of the
This is borne out by Clyde & Co’s October                    MGAs technology and processes.
2020 follow-up survey: 47% of Carriers and
50% of MGAs think the pandemic will make                      Covid will also have an impact on Insurance
less capacity available, yet 28% of Carriers                 needs – accelerating the increase in Usage
and 12% of MGAs thought available capacity                   Based Insurance and short term insurances
would increase. (Clyde & Co, 2020: proceed-                  as work-life habits change particularly in mo-
ing with caution)                                            tor, travel, and professional insurances.

 What’s clear is that the pandemic and the                    Agents who can demonstrate value and
switch to home working has strengthened                      efficiency through automation will maintain
the need for good technology and operation-                  strong relationships and be well-placed to
al efficiency. The image of a back-office tech-              reap benefits.
nician with two screens on the go, a spread-
sheet on each comparing rows and columns
in a manual reconciliation exercise will ring
Priorities and Diagnosis
 The common focus of MGA technology is in            business as 40% of Premium Income in the
underwriting and in particular the capture           Lloyd’s Market and 30% in other markets1.
and analysis either of new data or extracting        Transformative back-office efficiency is the
information from existing data (e.g. mort-           key to getting these numbers down.
gage applications) to avoid lengthy question-
naires.                                               Bordereaux are regularly held-up by anyone
                                                     familiar with Delegated Authority as a cost-
 It is clear why the focus is on this area –         sink, a process that is time consuming, costly
making better underwriting decisions and             and overwhelmingly manual.
improving customer journeys are of obvious
importance. At the same time, the technolo-           Hitherto, approaches taken to bordereaux
gy to capture and integrate such data – from         have been piecemeal and tackling the wrong
wearables, telematics devices and more –             problem and in discussing two of the main
has become ever cheaper.                             approaches it is clear why.

 However, there is no question that Insurance
is a costly business to administer – when
launching the “Future of Lloyd’s Prospectus”
Lloyd’s CEO John Neal cited the cost of doing 1            John Neal, Future of Lloyd’s Prospectus
                                                     Launch, 2019

                     40%                                           30%
     Cost of doing business as percentage of Premium Income at Lloyd’s (left) & other markets (right)
The Limits of Data Standardisation
 The data standardisation approach typical-      ever-lower level are doomed to failure.
ly results in “death by a thousand maps”…
In seeking to align distribution data capture     Given the slow progress on this at an indus-
with capacity provider systems allowing          try level, it is an arms race that cannot be
“mapping” of one to the other and agree-         won. The volume and sources of additional
ment of a common reporting standard.             data available to underwriters has increased
                                                 massively over the last 5 years, while prog-
 There are numerous problems with this           ress on lower level standards has been gla-
approach including adding tension to the         cial.
Agent/Insurer relationship via disagreements
over report formats and data capture, and       Additionally progress in Graph Theory and
manual process due to the building of new      Machine Learning has made any Standard-
maps and regular “re-mapping”. This is with- isation approach beyond a basic taxonomy
out considering that the industry has been     obsolete.
working on common data standards for years
without much progress.
                                                Too often Software Vendors treat variance as
                                               a data problem for the Users to smooth out,
 While a basic common taxonomy of risk (or     not an engineering problem for the Software
premium or claim) entities is needed to facil- to resolve. Agents can reap significant bene-
iatate exchange, and ACORD have proven the fits from finding innovative Vendors tackling
appetitie and success for this approach, the   the real problems rather than reheating old
attempt to drive common standards to an        solutions.

“Automated Bordereaux” misses the point
 Many Agent Core systems will output             • Hold Ups – 1 item with errors holding
spreadsheets in more or less the format            up multiple error-free items slows cash-
Insurers require, and consider the problem         flow for all parties, and automated bor-
solved. However, there are still a number of       dereaux don’t address this.
issues with this approach:                       • Version Control – when changes are
                                                   made as a result of errors and error res-
 •     The forgotten binder – Core Systems         olution, managing the current version of
are “product-centric”: reflecting policy prod-     the bordereaux is onerous, manual and
ucts with little to tie policies together or       often unclear.
provide Binder-level processing.
 •     Resolution Management – workflows         If your Core System provider suggests Auto-
for rerror esolution ofaren’t collaborative      mated Bordereaux without addressing these
with other value chain partners and the state    issues, the chances are they don’t under-
of a particular risk may be disconnected         stand the real issues you’re facing.
across the chain.
Your carrier is not an Archaeologist
 Besides these unaddressed issues, there is      forms and the use of digital aggregators and
the simple fact that even the most automat-      Quote and Buy platforms mean that for a
ed bordereaux is a historic document, reflect-   significant portion of business, bordereaux
ing the state of an account 6 weeks or more      could be eliminated virtually overnight.
                                             Where technology doesn’t allow for this, a
 As the trend towards increased Usage Based flexible back-office system can deliver many
and Short-Term Insurances increase, bor-    benefits of automation to even traditional
dereaux will become indefensible. Allied    operations to keep them attractive to capaci-
Market Research cite a 2019 premium value   ty providers.
for the UBI market of $28.7 billion in 2019
with forecast growth to $149.2 billion by

 With policy terms measured in hours or
days, or with price/exposure switches based
on use over minutes (or miles), a reporting
cycle of weeks will not be sustainable. More
importantly, with all this data captured by
smart devices, de-digitising it into a monthly                 $149.2bn
spreadsheet should be seen as unacceptable.
 The prevalence of API-enabled Agent plat-

1    https://www.alliedmarketresearch.           Projected value of Usage Based Insurance premium
com/usage-based-insurance-market                 by 2027
Bordereaux are holding you back
 In a bordereaux world, users are interact-         error handling.
ing with 100% of the data, often in low value
mapping and querying.                                This has never been an efficient process,
                                                    and it is now an obsolete process. Technol-
 Back Office automation reduces this, ensur-        ogy exists today to ensure that digital insur-
ing that effort is concentrated at high-value       ance risks never need be de-digitised, while
tasks that resolve exceptions or are actions        at the same time delivering the benefits of
based on insight.                                   data separation and automated validation/
                                                    reconciliation to more traditional distribu-
 A Back Office automation system that re-           tors.
moves low value data handling task from the
agent while giving them transparent informa-
tion in an intuitive manner is transformation-

 The benefits are multiple and extend across
the value chain. An Agent with an automat-
ed back office supplies its carrier and broker
partners better, faster data. All parties benefit
from faster cash flow and less time spent in

Taking a different approach
 Insurance as an industry moves slowly, and          For agents, the benefits of effective back
bordereaux are embedded in the anatomy              office automation that move away from tra-
of the sector – most contracts refer to bor-        ditional bordereaux are clear, but the journey
dereaux frequency for example.                      to get there may not be so obvious.

 With the industry unwilling or unable to            Not everyone will be in a position to fully
move collectively overnight, any solution will      eliminate bordereaux and “go digital”, and
require flexibility to provide maximum auto-        even those who can may be constrained
mation while neither enforcing the unwilling        by the technology of their carriers and the
to speed up nor the fast to slow down. “One         clauses of their agreements.
size fits all” has failed.
                                                    However, there are 3 clear approaches that
agents, utilise to help minimise the negative
impact of bordereaux. These approaches
have the benefit of sharing positive im-
pacts with Brokers and Carriers while “fu-
ture-proofing” the Agent’s business and mak-
ing them ready to eliminate bordereaux as
soon as they or their partners can embrace
digital data exchange.

Use Data Models, not Bordereaux Maps
The difference between a “Data Model”, and       the taxonomy of the entity (be it risk, pre-
a “Bordereaux Map” may not be obvious and        mium or claim) and processes that separate
even seem like semantic nitpicking, but con-     from the particulars of the actual ingestion
ceptually the two are worlds apart.              format, including translation of different data
In traditional “Bordereaux Management”
systems, “Bordereaux Maps” are spread-           By such approach, a single data model can
sheet templates, mapping 1 field in an Agent     be used for multiple contracts, even those
system to 1 field in a Carrier System and        that receive and send data in different ways
usally driven by either the Carrier imposing     (i.e. API and bordereaux).
their own structures or (as with Lloyd’s bor-
dereaux templates) the dubious wisdom of a        A data-centric and flexible approach to
central committee.                               modelling risk, premium and claims entities
                                                 provides maximum ingestion flexibility.
Typically, 1 “Map” = 1 bordereaux version,
and each new contract or any change in the
                                                  When variance is treated not as a data prob-
bordereaux spreadsheet requires “re-map-
                                                 lem to be sent back to a user but rather an
ping” (and in extreme cases re-coding).
                                                 engineering problem to be solved via flexi-
                                                 bility and know-how, it is possible to move
It is common for Bordereaux Management
                                                 away from the “map and re-map” approach.
systems to fail to handle such common
spreadsheet features as total/sub-total rows,
split or additional header rows, changed col-
umn order or bordereaux starting on differ-
ent rows from one month to the next. These
require manual manipulation of the spread-
sheet or re-mapping of the “Map” before

By contrast, a Data Model approach outlines
Data Separation is transformational
 One of the most onerous burdens imposed         for all time.
by bordereaux is the “all or nothing” ap-
proach, meaning every item on a bordereaux        By providing a mechanism to decouple and
must be agreed for any single item to prog-      recouple individual items within a bordere-
ress.                                            uax, even non-digital traditional agents can
                                                 see huge automation gains.
 It is common for a few errors on a couple of
rows to hold up a bordereaux with hundreds        Validated data can flow through from dis-
of rows and potentially tens of thousands of     tribution to capacity without any manual
dollars of premium. One Global MGA report-       touchpoint, allowing speedy agreement and
ed that it typically took 15 submissions to      settlement. In the meantime, issues can be
get a single bordereaux agreed and signed        resolved without impacting the validated
through the London Market Bureau, while a        entries.
typical lapse between policy sale and premi-
um/commission release was over 16 weeks1.
                                                  Recoupling the data allows “as-at” reporting
                                                 and provides the traditional bordereaux view
 Data Separation flows from the insight that     for anyone demanding “What did January
the joining of risks or transactions in a bor-   look like?”
dereaux is fundamentally arbitrary. There is
no reason why these entries should be joined
1     distriBind Analysis, 2020

Management by Exception
 In recognising that in the real world data      to resolve. This is the result of effective Back
won’t be perfect, one accepts that automa-       Office Automation.
tion won’t be 100%. The true goal of au-
tomation is thus ensuring low value tasks         Traditional approaches to managing the
don’t swamp the user, reducing capacity for      reporting of Agent data and the resolution of
high-value tasks.                                issues is manual, time-consuming and forces
                                                 Agents and Carriers to engage in low-value
 Moving good data from point A to point B        tasks. Agents who move beyond this ap-
is a low value task, ripe for automation. In     proach will prosper by delivering the benefit
doing so, Agents are more likely to be able to   of Back Office Automation to themselves and
truly add value by focussing on “edge cases”     their Carriers.
where their expertise can speed resolution.
                                                  Bordereaux turn Insurance into Archaeolo-
 Management by Exception is achieved by          gy - it’s time they took their own place in the
maximising the automation of the good data       past.
and making issues both transparent and easy
To discuss any of the issues outlined in this whitepaper, please get
in touch with CEO Dave Connors at

distriBind for MGAs is a cloud-based SaaS solution offering Back
Office Automation and Straight-Through Processing for Insurance
Delegated Authority.

Find out about our solutions for MGAs, Brokers, and Carriers at

                     Copyright distriBind Ltd
                 Registered Office: 130 Old Street,
                        London, EC1V 9BD
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