Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019

Page created by Alicia Powers
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
— • 10th Annual •—
National Tribal
Public Health
Summit       ALBUQUERQUE
             NEW MEXICO
             MAY 13-15, 2019
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019

         BAD HAND
         Kristina Maldonado Bad Hand is a Sicangu Lakota & Cherokee artist
         that hails from Taos, New Mexico. Her passion for community and social
         justice have led her to create, through illustration, a place in which
         indigenous youth, and particularly indigenous women, are empow-
         ered. She studied for four years at the Art Institute of Colorado and is
         an entrepreneur with big dreams. Kristina is currently a Community
         Liaison with Jeffco Indian Education, a commissioner on the Denver
         American Indian Commission and Chief Creative Director/co-founder
         of publishing and media start up, áyA Studios LLC.
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
           Why Use the National Indian Health Board Event Mobile App?.....2
           Welcome Letter...............................................................................3
           What is the National Indian Health Board?....................................4
           2019 Public Health Innovation Awards.........................................10
           Agenda At-A-Glance.....................................................................12
               Sunday, May 12, 2019...............................................................15
               Monday, May 13, 2019..............................................................15
               Tuesday, May 14, 2019 ............................................................22
               Wednesday, May 15, 2019........................................................30
           NIHB Board Bios...........................................................................33
           Summit Information.....................................................................35
           Albuquerque Convention Center Floorplan.................................36
           Exhibitors and Passport to Prizes................................................38
           Summit Sponsors............................................... Inside Back Cover

                                          —      • 10th Annual •—
                                      National Tribal
                                      Public Health
                                      Summit                                                                     ALBUQUERQUE
                                                                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                                                                 MAY 13-15, 2019
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
    I t’s convenient. View the agenda, speakers, sponsors, maps, evaluations, receive event
     reminders, and more!
    Works on all your mobile devices.
     o more paper evaluations! Submitting electronic evaluations via the app saves roughly
    3,000 sheets of paper, helping to reduce NIHB’s environmental footprint.
    The evaluations are for Plenary Sessions, Workshops, and Roundtable Sessions.

1. DSownload
             the NIHB app
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        Health Board and            2. Select the TPHS    3. Log in
        download the app from          2019 event             • Enter your First and Last Name.
        the Apple Store or Google                             • Type in your email and a verification
        Play, or enter this                                      code will be sent to your email inbox.
        url into your mobile                                  • Enter the verification code from
        browser https://                                         your email.
                                                             OR just use this QR code to download
                                                                   the app and then follow from
                                                                          #2 above!!

                                                                              Available for iOS
                                                                             and Android.

Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019

 May 13 - 14, 2019
                                                      s, and Friends:
                          Advocates, Colleague
 Dear Tribal Leaders,                                                                                          nual
                                                      is   pl ea  se d   to   we  lco me you to its 10th An
                        Health Board (NIHB)                               to be here in this beau
                                                                                                      tiful location
 The National Indian                       it. W e   ar e   ho  no  re d
                       ic Health Summ
 National Tribal Publ
 in Albuquerque, New                                                                                             ssly
                                                             ho  ut  In  di an   Co  un  try, has worked tirele
                                                    ro  ug
                        ership with Tribes th                              frastructure, and colla
                                                                                                      borations that
  The NIHB, in partn                       he  n th  e  sy  ste  m  s, in                                          the
                        cades to strengt                                                   This week represents
  over the past four de                                  be   in g  of   ou  r Pe  op le.
                           for the collective well-                                                 focus on devel-
  allow us to better care                       th at   sh  ar ed   wo   rk. The Summit will
                          d culmination     of                                                                 muni-
  annual celebration an                                  ge   in  pu  bl ic   he alt h efforts across our com
                          Indian Country to en                            otion and Disease Pr
                                                                                                     evention; Tribal
   oping the capacity of                    ns  on   He   alt  h  Pr om                                           alth;
                            feature sessio                                                 se and Behavioral He
   ties. The Summit will                              ste   m  s;  Su  bs  tan  ce  M  isu
                           Infrastructure and Sy                          ergency Preparedness
                                                                                                       and Emerging
   Public Health Policy,                      Ch an   ge  ;  an  d  Em                                          rs and
                          h and Climate                                                 keholders, practitione
    Environmental Healt                                     Tr  ib al  lea  de  rs, sta
                             h. We will hear from                            ensure healthy Nativ
                                                                                                       e communities
    Issues in Public Healt                   n jo in   to ge   th er  an  d                                      nities
                           how we all ca                                                 ll present key opportu
    health innovators on                                    in g.  Th   is  we   ek  wi
                              blic health programm                             n return home feeling
                                                                                                         enriched and
    through innovative pu                       in g  so    th  at yo  u   ca
                             lationship-build                                                     ney together.
     for networking and re                n co  nt in ue    to  sh are this important jour
                               that we ca
     connected to others so
                          g us in Albuquerque,
     Thank you for joinin                        per-
                           ing your time and ex
     Mexico and for shar                            b-
                            u to our sponsors, exhi
     tise with us. Thank yo                      this
                           attendees for making
     itors, presenters and                        ing
                            look forward to hear
      Summit a reality. I                            .
                             hout the next few days
      from all of you throug


        Victoria Kitcheyan
        Chairperson, NIHB Bo

                                                             NATIONAL TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT   • MAY 13-15, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 3
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
To advocate for the rights of all federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes through the fulfillment of the
trust responsibility to deliver health and public health services.

Established by the Tribes to advocate as the united voice of federally recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes,
NIHB seeks to reinforce Tribal sovereignty, strengthen Tribal health systems, secure resources, and build capacity to achieve
the highest level of health and well-being for our People.

The National Health Board (NIHB) is a 501(c) 3 not for profit, charitable organization serving all 573 federally recog-
nized Tribal governments for the purpose of ensuring that the federal government upholds its trust responsibilities to
provide health care to the Tribes. Whether Tribes operate their own health care delivery systems through contracting and
compacting or receive health care directly from the Indian Health Services (IHS), NIHB is their national advocate. NIHB also
provides policy analysis on American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) health and public health services, facilitates Tribal
budget consultation, delivers timely information to all Tribal Governments, leads national Tribal public health programs,
assists with Tribal capacity building, provides national and regional Tribal health events, conducts research, and provides
training and technical assistance. These services are provided to Tribes, Area Health Boards, Tribal organizations, Tribal
Leaders and members as well as federal agencies and private foundations. NIHB works collaboratively with the Tribes,
through the Tribal health organizations, in the twelve IHS Service Areas, to accurately capture and present the Tribal
perspective in response to federal legislation, regulations and policy. NIHB also serves as a conduit to foster collaboration
between Indian Country and national and international organizations, foundations, corporations, academic institutions and
other key stakeholders, in its quest to advance Indian health.

Because NIHB serves all federally-recognized Tribes, our work must reflect the unity and diversity of Tribal values and
opinions in an accurate, fair, and culturally-sensitive manner. This objective is accomplished through the efforts of the NIHB
Board of Directors, which is comprised of representatives elected by the Tribes in each of the twelve IHS Service Areas,
through their regional Tribal Health Board or health-serving organization. Each Health Board elects a representative and an
alternate to sit on the NIHB Board of Directors. In Areas where there is no Area Health Board, Tribal governments choose
a representative. The NIHB Board of Directors elects an Executive Committee comprised of Chairman, Vice-Chairman,
Treasurer, and Secretary, who serve staggered, two-year terms and a Member-at-Large who serves a one year term. The
Board of Directors meets quarterly.

NIHB serves and represents all Federally Recognized Tribes through our Board of Directors and partnership with Tribal
Health Boards or health-serving organizations in each of the twelve IHS Service Areas:
•   Victoria Kitcheyan – Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska Tribal Council Member, NIHB Chairperson and Great Plains Area Representative
•   William Smith – Valdez Native Tribe Chairman, NIHB Vice Chairperson and Alaska Representative
•   Lisa Elgin – California Rural Indian Health Board Chairperson, NIHB Secretary and California Representative
•   Sam Moose –Director of Human Services at Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, NIHB Treasurer and Bemidji Area Representative
•   Andrew Joseph, Jr. – Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation Tribal Council Vice Chairperson, Northwest Portland Area Indian Health
    Board Chairperson, NIHB Member-at-Large and Portland Area Representative
•   Marty Wafford – Southern Plains Tribal Health Board Chairperson, Oklahoma City Area Representative
•   Donnie Garcia – Albuquerque Area Indian Health Board Chairperson, Albuquerque Area Representative
•   Kaci Wallette – Fort Peck Assiniboine and Sioux Tribal Council Member, Billings Area Representative
•   Beverly Cook – St. Regis Mohawk Tribe Chief, Nashville Area Representative
•   Jonathan Nez – President, Navajo Nation, Navajo Area Representative
•   Phoenix Area – Vacant
•   Sandra Ortega – Tohono O’odham Nation Tribal Council Member, Tucscon Area Representative

Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
ia n He a lt h   B   o  a  rd      In   c.
                                lb   u   q  u   e  rq____u__e__A            d
                                                                  rea In ________________             __ __ __ __ __ ______
                           A                                                                 __ __ __
                                             __ __ __          __________________                            Mescalero Apache Tri
                           __ __ __ __ __ __
                                                                 nd of Na vaj os * Jicarilla Apache Nation *           tain Ute Tribe
                                                   Tóhajiilee Ba                                  ian Tribe * Ute Moun
                                                     ma h  Ba nd of Na vaj os * Southern Ute Ind

                                                           Letter of Support
                                                                                       Summit and
                                                              l Tribal Public Health                           ce
                                        10th Annual Nationa             e Nationa l Beha vioral Health Conferen
                                                       d Al ask a Nativ
                      The 2019       American Indian an

                                                                                      ral Conference attende
                    mmit and AI                    /AN National Behavio
Dear NIHB Health Su                                                                                                                              to the 10th Annual
                                                                                             .,  we    are   ple ased to welcome you                                          alth
                               querque Area Indian
                                                              Health Bo       ard    ,  Inc                                                  tional Behavioral He
                                                                                                              and Alaska Native Na
On behalf of the Albu                                         the 20   19   Am      eri  can     Ind   ian
                                                                                                                                   selected to ho      st   the  se im    po rta  nt
                              c Health Summit and                                                 west Region has been
National Tribal Publi                                         qu  erq  ue  Ar   ea    So   uth
                                                                                                                             t the country      .
                               lighted that the Albu                                       us people throughou
Conference We are de                         alt h  an d wellness of Indigeno
                          mo   te   the   he
conferences to pro                                                                                                                    hip with the Nationa
                                                                                                                                                                       l Indian
                                                                   HB   ), Inc   .  ha   s a  lon    g tradition of partners                        esp  eci  ally  gra   teful
                     Ar ea  Ind   ian   Health Board (AAI                                             rta  nt  he alt h initiatives. We are
Albuqu      erq  ue                                           conferences an             d im    po                                             work; the pro home   ud
                ard , Inc . (N  IHB) to host events,                                        ds,    his  tor  y, culture, language and                                       serve
 He  alt  h Bo
                                  share our indigenous
                                                                 hospital     ity  , foo                                                our culture night to ob
 for the opportunity to                                             an  d  Tr  ibe    s.  We      inv  ite all of you to attend                     of  the    co re  act  ivi ties
               Ind  ige no  us  Ba   nd  s, Nations, Pueblos                              ate   r  un   de  rst an din  g  and appreciation                                h of
 to the 27                                                        d bridge a gre                                                                            from eac
                                 al songs and dances an                                                                     k forward to learning
  some of our tradition                                  d  res ilie nc e  for   gen     erations. We also loo                          t  are tak  ing   pla  ce to promote
                                  to our health       an                                                   ventive practices       tha
  that have contributed                                       tions,   an  d   pro     mi  sin    g pre
                                                                                                                                      t our country       . .
                                us research, interven                                                mmunities throughou
  you about the vigoro                        lan ds  an d  in urban Indigenous co
                                     tri ba l
   health and wellness on                                                                                                                      lla Apache Nation, the
                                                                                         Ra   ma    h   Ba   nd  of Navajos, the Jicari                                      the
                                  the Tóhajiilee Band of
                                                                  Navaj    os,   the                                                   ibe, formed in 1980 for
   The AAIHB, namely                                                   e Tr  ibe     an   d  the    So   uthern Ute Indian Tr                        ma  tte  rs  tha  t pe  rta in to
                                       , the Ute Mountain          Ut                                                   vides leadership in
             ler o Ap  ach  e Tr   ibe                                                      of   tri be   s; an  d pro
   Mesca                                                            and wellness
                                     ent toward the health
    interest and commitm                          pe  op le.
                                   eing of its
    the health and well-b                                                                                                         vent and reduce the im
                                                                                                                                                                     pact of
                                                             s in  the   co  ns  ort    ium      communities that pre                             int ain  ing   tru  st responsi-
                                  bli c health activitie                                                         d  and advocate for         ma
                      po rts  pu                                                              nu    es   to  lea                                                                 IHB
     AA   IH  B  sup
                                       ns and health disparit
                                                                      ies; an   d    co   nti                                                  For four decades, AA
     adverse health conditio                                                h  car     e ser  vic   es    for  all Native Americans.                      e  tri ba l pu   bli c health
                                           nm   en t for quality he     alt                                                 ass istance to enhanc
                       fed era  l go  ver                                                           , an   d  tec hn  ica l
     bility by the                                                e services, training
                                     ality tribal health car                                                  d cultural values.
     has provided high qu                           llness  wh  ile  respecting spiritual an
                                aci  ty,  an  d we
      infrastructure, cap                                                                                                                 ibal Epidemiology Ce
                                                                      n   to  the     Al  bu   qu   erq    ue Area Southwest Tr                        ce   Al  bu qu    erq ue Area
                                       the  parent organizatio                                                            Indian Health Se         rvi
                             ves   as                                                                        ns  in  the
       AAIH     B als o ser                                            s, Pueblos          an  d    Na  tio                                         alth promotio isease   n/d
                                      ves the 27 Tribes, Band                                                       health assessment, he
       (AASTEC) which ser                                                idemi      olo   gy,    co  mm     un  ity
                                                                                                                                            opment, health resear
                                                                                                                                                                              ch, and
                                        h services including ep                                            veillance, student devel
       to provide public healt                                        n,  pu  bli   c   he  alt  h  sur
                                        n, program evaluatio
       prevention interventio                                              can Indians.
                   to  im  pro  ve   the   quality of life of Ameri                                                                                                             me you
        tra ini ng                                                                                                                            le we serve, we welco
                                                                           alt h    Bo    ard   ,  Inc  .  an d the indigenous peop                       o   im  po  rta  nt  eve nts.
                    lf of the   Al  bu  qu  erq  ue Area Indian He                                    rt   by  yo ur  pa  rti cip ation in these tw
        On beha                                                            to your suppo
                                          gion. We look forward
         all to the Southwest Re                          en da nc  e.
                                          for your att
         Thank you in advance

                               ian                Health Board, Inc.
          Albuquerque Area Ind

                                                                                 ________________                               __________________
                                           __________         __________________            (Voice/Tdd) * Fax 505
                                                                                                                  /76                       4-0446 * Toll Free 1-8
         __________________                                          o 87110 * 505/764-0036
                               ct Pla ce NE * Albuquerque, New Mexic
                 7001 Pro  spe

                                                                                        NATIONAL TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT   • MAY 13-15, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 5
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
Workshops:                                 Roundtables:                                                     Trainings:
A workshop is a standard 90-minute         A roundtable is a 90-minute                                      Trainings are half or full-day long
presentation on a topic relevant to one    informal participatory session. Each                             classes that provide a more in-depth
or more of the conference tracks.          session will consist of 4-5 individual                           exploration of a topic, as well as more
                                           15-minute rounds. Every 15 minutes,                              activities and skills-building opportu-
                                           attendees will rotate to the next table                          nities. Institutes will have appropriate
                                           in the round. Presenters will remain                             breaks as planned by the facilitator.
                                           stationary.                                                      All institutes are offered on the post-
                                                                                                            Summit day, Wednesday, May 15th.

The Summit sessions are organized by different tracks that have grouped related content together. Tracks are color-coded
and participants will be able to identify which breakouts belong to each Summit track by reading the session descriptions in
the program book or looking at the Agenda At-a-Glance chart (in the program book and on the At-A-Glance poster by regis-
tration). Tracks include:

 Health Promotion          Environmental             Substance Misuse                       Public Health Policy,                           Emergency
 and Disease               Health and                and Behavioral                         Infrastructure and                              Preparedness and
 Prevention – A            Climate Change–           Health – This track                    Systems –Efforts                                Emerging Issues in
 cornerstone of Tribal     Environmental             looks at behavioral                    towards improving                               Public Health –This
 public health is the      stressors and             health as an inte-                     health outcomes                                 track addresses
 effort undertaken to      climate change            gral component                         for Tribal commu-                               preparedness and
 encourage individ-        pose unique risks         of holistic health.                    nities must also pay                            response capabilities
 uals and communi-         for Tribal popula-        Behavioral health                      close attention to                              of Tribal communi-
 ties to explore their     tions across Indian       captures a wide                        macro-level factors                             ties. It is important
 own health status         Country. These            degree of factors                      that influence those                            that Tribal nations
 and assist them to        stressors can affect      including substance                    health outcomes.                                are prepared and
 make better choices       everything from           and alcohol misuse                     Many factors play a                             equipped when
 that will improve         fish and mammal           and overdose, mental                   role including: law                             facing health emer-
 and maintain health       migration patterns        health illnesses such                  and policy, public                              gencies. Changes
 and healthy life-         to water sanitation,      as PTSD and depres-                    health accreditation,                           in factors such
 styles. This leads to     allergen levels, air      sion, suicide, and                     and the capacity                                as environments,
 a culture of wellness     pollution, severe         exposure to trauma                     of systems tasked                               economies, systems,
 rather than one of        weather occur-            and interpersonal                      with protecting and                             social structures
 sickness. The best        rences, prevalence of     violence. Behavioral                   promoting health and                            and even laws and
 opportunities to          vector borne disease,     health concerns may                    wellness.                                       policies can pose
 create a culture of       and a multitude           co-occur with other                                                                    new threats to the
 wellness in Indian        of other impacts.         health conditions                                                                      public’s health and
 Country rely upon         Facing these and          such as chronic                                                                        equally important
 disease preven-           other challenges are      disease, and can                                                                       is a health system’s
 tion and health           an important compo-       pose significant                                                                       ability to recognize
 promotion.                nent of maintaining       challenges for                                                                         and respond to
                           holistic health.          individuals, fami-                                                                     emerging threats.
                                                     lies, and commu-
                                                     nities. Improving
                                                     behavioral health
                                                     outcomes remains
                                                     an important priority
                                                     for Indian Country.

                                                            NATIONAL TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT   • MAY 13-15, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 7
Public Health National Tribal - NEW MEXICO MAY 13-15, 2019
Monday, May 13, 2019
OPENING PLENARY                            OPENING RECEPTION, SDPI POSTER           Special Diabetes Program for Indians
(8:30 AM-12:00 PM)                         SESSION AND ANNUAL PUBLIC                programs across Indian Country.
                                           HEALTH INNOVATION AWARDS                 Congress established SDPI in 1997
Please join us as we welcome national                                               to address the growing epidemic
leaders from across the country in         PRESENTATION
                                                                                    of diabetes in Indian Country and it
addressing public health in Indian         (BEGINNING AT 6:00 PM)                   quickly grew into the nation’s most
Country. We will be hearing from           Please join us for an opening recep-     strategic, comprehensive, and effec-
the U.S. Surgeon General Jerome M.         tion to kick off the Summit events,      tive effort to combat diabetes and its
Adams, U.S. Congresswoman Debra            help us honor our National, Regional,    complications.
Haaland (N.M.) and IHS Deputy              and Local Public Health Innovation
Director RADM Michael Weahkee              Award winners and to learn more
and many more!                             about the amazing work of the

Tuesday, May 14, 2019
FITNESS EVENT: ELDERS FITNESS              Clinic. So rise and shine, dress         PRIZE DRAWINGS
(6:30 AM-7:30 AM)                          comfortably, and bring a water bottle.
                                                                                    Up to 3 lucky winners will be drawn
Join us for an early morning elder                                                  for the Exhibitor and Marketplace
fitness class, where gentle aerobic,
                                           CLOSING PLENARY (3:15 PM-5:00 PM)        Passport prizes. See the back of the
stretching, and balance exercises          Will feature researchers and experts     book on how to qualify. You must be
will be adapted to your needs. All         on climate change and smokeless          present at the closing plenary to win.
are welcome to join this class led by      tobacco as well as remarks from          Six winners will be also be chosen
Kevin Tushka (Choctaw), a Diabetes         Jefferson Keel, President, National      from a pool of attendees who used
Treatment and Prevention Lifestyle         Congress of American Indians.            the conference app to complete
Coach at the Oklahoma City Indian                                                   session evaluations.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019
NATIONAL OPIOID RESPONSE                   CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL              strategy initiatives. Tribal leaders,
                                           AND PREVENTION LISTENING                 health department staff, researchers,
PLANNING (9:00 AM-12:00 PM)                                                         individuals living with and at risk for
The Northwest Portland Area Indian
                                           SESSION – E-CIGARETTES AND
                                                                                    infection, and other stakeholders
Health Board and National Indian           INDIAN COUNTRY (3:00 PM – 5:00 PM)
                                                                                    from Indian Country are encouraged
Health Board are working to build a        The Office on Smoking and Health         to attend a listening session to share
strategic framework to be co-owned         (OSH) would like to hear from            with federal leaders their input for
by all Tribes to help form a clear foun-   tribal public health practitioners       these national strategies and federal
dation to develop and elevate priori-      and leaders on the use, impacts,         action plan.
ties for action and further learning.      and challenges of e-cigarettes
                                           in their communities and across          CULTURE NIGHT (6:00 PM-8:00 PM)
INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE (IHS) AND            Indian Country.
                                                                                    You won’t want to miss this exclu-
VETERANS AFFAIRS (VA) LISTENING                                                     sive evening at the Indian Pueblo
SESSION (9:00 AM-10:30 AM)                 SPECIAL LISTENING SESSION:
                                                                                    Center featuring a Southwest indig-
IHS and VA welcome your input,
                                           DEVELOPING THE NATIONAL                  enous buffet and cultural stories,
comments and recommendations               STRATEGIES FOR HIV AND VIRAL             dances and songs. Culture night is
to consider prior to formally initi-       HEPATITIS AND AN STD FEDERAL             sponsored by the Albuquerque Area
ating Tribal Consultation and Urban        ACTION PLAN (1:00 PM-3:00 PM)            Indian Health Board in partnership
Confer on updating a Memorandum            During this session, federal leaders     with Indian Pueblo Cultural Center,
of Understanding (MOU) between             will provide brief remarks on the        Tóhajiilee Band of Navajos, Jicarilla
IHS and VA later this year, as well as     process, policies, and scientific        Apache Nation, Mescalero Apache
other IHS or VA programs.                  advances that guide HHS’ efforts         Tribe, Ramah Band of Navajos,
                                           to develop the next iterations of        Southern Ute Indian Tribe, and Ute
                                           the national HIV and viral hepatitis     Mountain Ute Tribe.


The Special Diabetes Program for Indians (SDPI) has been changing the lives of American Indians and Alaska Natives for the
past twenty years. Congress established SDPI in 1997 to address the growing epidemic of diabetes in Indian Country and it
quickly grew into the nation’s most strategic, comprehensive, and effective effort to combat diabetes and its complications.
Once a year, the National Indian Health Board is proud to host SDPI programs from around Indian Country, and this year is
no exception. We are thrilled to welcome the SDPI program participants to the Annual SDPI Poster Session, once again at
the Summit Opening Reception, Monday, May 13, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm, Ballroom B/C!

Alaska Native Tribal Health                Navajo Nation                                                     Southern Indian Health Council, Inc.
Consortium                                 Navajo Nation Special Diabetes                                    Native Own Wellness (California)
Diabetes Prevention Program (Alaska)       Program (Navajo)
                                                                                                             Spirit Lake Tribe
Chinle Comprehensive                       Oklahoma City Indian Clinic                                       Spirit Lake Tribe SDPI Program
Healthcare Facility                        Get SET (Oklahoma City)                                           (Great Plains)
Chinle Service Unit Diabetes
Program (Navajo)                           Parker Indian Health Services                                     Stockbridge-Munsee Health and
                                           CRIT Special Diabetes Project-                                    Wellness Center
Fond du Lac Human Services                 Recreation Program (Phoenix)                                      Stockbridge-Munsee Diabetes
Fond du Lac Band of Lake Superior                                                                            Program (Bemidji)
Chippewa Diabetes Program (Billings)       Rosebud Sioux Tribe
                                           Rosebud Wellness Program                                          Winslow Indian Health Care Center
Three Affiliated Tribes                    (Great Plains)                                                    Hozhoogo Iina Wellness
Fort Berthold Diabetes Program                                                                               Program (Navajo)
(Great Plains)                             Sault Tribal Health Center/
                                           Community Health-                                                 Yukon-Kuskokwim Health
Indian Health Service, Towaoc, CO          Diabetes Program                                                  Corporation
Sleeping Ute Diabetes Prevention           Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa                                YKHC Diabetes Prevention &
Program (Albuquerque)                      Indians Diabetes Program (Bemidji)                                Control (Alaska)

Navajo Area Office                         SouthEast Alaska Regional Health                                  Zuni Pueblo
Navajo Wellness Model                      Consortium (SEARHC)                                               Zuni Healthy Lifestyles Program
Curriculum (Navajo)                        SEARHC Diabetes Program (Alaska)                                  (Albuquerque)

                                                           NATIONAL TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT   • MAY 13-15, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 9
                   PUBLIC HEALTH
                   INNOVATION AWARDS
                   The Public Health Innovation Award were created to honor individuals, Tribes, organizations, and
                   programs that have enriched and improved American Indian and Alaska Native public health.
                   NIHB recognizes that public health is a Native traditional value, and that Tribes have led the
                   way in creating and implementing public health programming and services that align not only
                   with contemporary needs, but with cultural beliefs as well. The winners of these awards work to
                   improve health status, implement new programming, address long standing health disparities,
                   and/or increase the visibility of public health concerns.

                   This year NIHB received many deserving nominations from across Indian Country. Though we only
                   have three awards to grant, we would like to extend our thanks and congratulations to all of the
                   hardworking, dedicated nominees.

                   NATIONAL RECIPIENT
                                                                 James Segura (Salamatof Native Association)
                                                                 Chairman of the Board of Directors, Southcentral
                                                                 James Segura has served as Southcentral Foundation
                                                                 (SCF) Board Chairman for 35 years. SCF is a nonprofit
                                                                 Tribal organization serving 65,000 indigenous peoples.
                                                                 With his commitment to strong governance, he has led
                                                                 this Native Community through realizing the dream
                                                                 of a customer-owned, customer-driven health care
                                                                 system. The resulting Nuka System of Care has proven
                                                                 to impact whole population health. Consistent with
                                                                 the Native value of “sharing what we know,” Segura is
                                                                 expanding the reach of these innovations through his
                                                                 support for SCF’s Learning Institute, a new avenue for
                                                                 sharing knowledge and expertise with other Tribes/
                                                                 Tribal organizations. The Institute develops and
                                                                 delivers workshops, trainings and consulting services
                                                                 for organizations interested in replicating Nuka
                   concepts to improve health outcomes in their communities. Segura ensures the work is guided
                   by the client’s core values so the collaboration can help the people of any region achieve whole-
                   person wellness.

                                            Dr. Melanie Nadeau (Turtle Mountain Band of
                                            Chippewa Indians)
                                            Operational Director, American Indian Public Health
                                            Resource Center
                                            The American Indian Public Health Resource Center
                                            (AIPHRC) was developed to provide technical assis-
                                            tance around public health initiatives to Tribes in the
                                            Northern Plains, Minnesota, and across the nation.
                                            While at North Dakota State University, Dr. Nadeau
                                            obtained her PhD in social and behavioral epidemi-
                                            ology and focused her research on breast cancer
                                            risk factors for American Indian women on the Turtle
                                            Mountain Reservation, a study that was the first of its
                                            kind. Through her work at AIPHRC, Dr. Nadeau has
                                            been able to train and teach Tribal communities in
                                            Minnesota on Indigenous Evaluation through a public
                                            health lens. Melanie also specializes in data analysis
and is great at working with Tribal communities and making data easy to understand and read. Dr.
Nadeau was able to build the American Indian Public Health Resource Center from a small center
to what the center is now - which operates on several grant projects that focuses on health equity,
maternal and child health, and opioid use. Melanie is also a mother and wife and keeps up with her

                                  Toiyabe Indian Health Project Infection Control &
                                  Safety Committee
                                  The Toiyabe Indian Health Project is a non-profit community
                                  health clinic for residents of Inyo and Mono counties and provides
                                  services such as medical care, dental care, dialysis, pharmacy,
                                  optometry, counseling and behavioral health services, diabetes
                                  care, and family services. The Toiyabe Indian Health Project
                                  Safety and Infection Control Team, in partnership with Reno
                                  District IHS OEH&E, demonstrated exceptional leadership and
                                  commitment to improving the quality of care for patients, and
                                  outstanding cooperation in achieving program goals and objec-
tives. To address health and safety issues identified by IHS during routine clinic assessments, the
teams were able to prioritize and address safety issues, and implemented corrective action that
significantly enhanced conditions at all clinic sites. The team’s dedication, commitment to mission,
and leadership has resulted in significant improvements in safety management and the quality of
care at the three Toiyabe Health Clinic sites.

                                                Main          La Sala Lobby                Ballroom B/C                        Cochiti                              Taos                          Picuris
                                           Level Lobby
                                           Registration and
MAY 12

                     1:00 PM - 6:00 PM    Information Desk
                                          1:00 pm - 6:00 pm

                     6:30 AM - 8:00 AM
                     8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
                                                                                       OPENING PLENARY SESSION
                    8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                                    8:30 am - 12:30 pm

                    12:30 PM - 1:30 PM                                                                                                                                                                Lunch on your own
                                                                                                                      Culturally Tailored Tobacco                                          Blooming Large: Tackling
                                                                                                                                                       Public Health Risk Communication
                                                              Exhibitor Hall Open                                     Messaging Among American                                                the Health Risks of
                     1:30 PM - 3:00 PM                                                                                                                      in Emergency Responses
                                                               8:00 am - 5:00 pm                                         Indians in Minnesota                                                    Harmful Algae
                                           Registration and                                                                                                     1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
                                                                                                                           1:30 pm - 3:00 pm                                                   1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
                                          Information Desk
                                          6:30 am - 6:00 pm                                                                                                                                 Collaborative Climate
                                                                                                                     Two Spirit Natives - Acceptance         Crisis and Emergency            Adaptation for Tribal
                     3:30 PM - 5:00 PM                                                                                    is Suicide Prevention              Risk Communication             Community Wellbeing
                                                                                                                            3:30 pm - 5:00 pm                 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm               3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
                                                                                        OPENING RECEPTION, SDPI
                                                                                      POSTER SESSION, AND ANNUAL
                     6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                                                 PUBLIC HEALTH INNOVATION
                                                                                         AWARDS PRESENTATION
                                                                                           6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

                     6:30 AM - 7:30 AM                             FITNESS EVENT - ELDERS FITNESS, LAGUNA, LOWER LEVEL 6:30 am - 7:30 am
                     8:00 AM - 8:30 AM
                                                                                                                                                         The Role of Law in the Opioid       When Shellfish Strike
                                                                                                                                                        Crisis: Exploring the Role that    Back. How Environmental
                                                                                                                     Healthy Aging in Indian Country    Federal, State, and Tribal Laws     Monitoring Can Enhance
                    8:30 AM - 10:00 AM                                                                                     8:30 am - 10:00 am           Play in Facilitating a Response      Access to Traditional
                                                                                                                                                         to the Opioid Crisis in Indian           Resources
                                                                                                                                                         Country 8:30 am - 10:00 am           8:30 am - 10:00 am

                                                                                                                                                         IHS American Indian/Alaska
                                                                                                                       Mino Bimaadiziiwin: Living          Native Community Crisis         Complexity and Simplicity
                                                                                                                     the Good Life by Reconnecting
                    10:30 AM - 12:00 PM                                                                                                                Response Guidelines: Community      of Food Security Systems
                                                                                                                         Wellness to Tradition            Connections and Readiness           10:30 am - 12:00 pm
                                           Registration and                                                               10:30 am - 12:00 pm                10:30 am - 12:00 pm
                                          Information Desk    Exhibitor Hall Open
                    12:00 PM - 1:30 PM    6:30 am - 6:00 pm                                                                                                                                        Lunch on your own
                                                               8:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                       Using a Diné Framework    to
                                                                                                                     Which way did the Coyote go? :                                       The Power of Children
                                                                                                                                                       Examine the Impacts of the
                                                                                                                      Defining Qualitative Indicators                                      to Promote Change:
                                                                                                                                                      Gold King Mine   Spill on Diné
                     1:30 PM - 3:00 PM                                                                                 and Performance Measures                                       Integrating Science, Culture,
                                                                                                                                                        Communities   and  Deepen
                                                                                                                     from an Indigenous Perspective Understanding of Lessons Learned      and Collective Action
                                                                                                                            1:30 pm - 3:00 pm                                               1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                           1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
                                                                                       CLOSING PLENARY SESSION
                     3:15 PM - 5:00 PM                                                     3:15 pm - 5:00 pm

                     5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

                     6:30 AM - 8:00 AM
                     8:30 AM - 9:00 AM

                    9:00 AM -10:30 AM

                                                                                                                                                       National Opioid Response Planning
                                                                                                                                                              9:00 am - 12:00 pm
                    10:30 AM - 12:00 PM                                                                                                                                                      Dialetical Behavioral
                                           Registration and                                                                                                                                    Therapy Training
                                          Information Desk    Exhibitor Hall Open                                                                                                             8:30 am - 3:45 pm
                    12:00 PM - 1:00 PM    6:30 am - 6:00 pm    8:00 am - 4:00 pm                                   Lunch on your own 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

                     1:00 PM - 3:00 PM                                                                                  START UP! : Art Therapy            Tips for Successful Grant
                                                                                                                         Trauma Treatment for                   Writing Institute
                                                                                                                        Native American Youth                  1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                                                                                                                           1:00 pm - 5:00 pm
                     3:00 PM - 5:00 PM

                     6:00 PM - 8:00 PM                                          CULTURE NIGHT HOSTED BY THE ALBUQUERQUE AREA INDIAN HEALTH BOARD AT THE INDIAN PUEBLO CULTURAL CENTER 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm

                                                         KEY               Track: Health Promotion
                                                                           and Disease Prevention
                                                                                                                   Track: Emergency Preparedness and
                                                                                                                     Emerging Issues in Public Health
                                                                                                                                                                               Track: Environmental Health
                                                                                                                                                                                   and Climate Change
National Tribal Public Health Summit
           Santa Ana                      Navajo/Nambe                            Isleta/Jemez                            Anasazi                          San Miguel/Ruidoso                                Zuni

12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
    Needle Exchange and Healing                                              Providing Nutrition Education      Health Promotion and Disease
     to Wellness Court: Effective        Aging in Place on the                   for the Non-Dietitian            Prevention 1 Roundtable
      Methods in Indian Country      Reservation 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm                1:30 pm - 3:00 pm                   1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
         1:30 pm - 3:00 pm                                                                                                                                                                       Federal Partners Ready Room
                                        Public Health Leadership                                                                                                                                      6:30 am - 8:00 pm
        Indian Country Drug         Development for Tribal Leaders: A                                              Substance Misuse and
        Endangered Children         Promising Practice for Promoting                                            Behavioral Health Roundtable
         3:30 pm - 5:00 pm               Public Health Advocacy                                                      3:30 pm - 5:00 pm
                                           3:30 pm - 5:00pm

     Collaboration and Strategic                                             Tribal Epidemiology Centers:            Public Health Policy,
       Planning to Reduce and       Federal Indian Law as a Structural         Connecting Communities                 Infrastructure and
    Prevent Opioid and Substance         Determinant of Health                   with their Health Data              Systems Roundtable
       Use Disorders in Alaska             8:30 am - 10:00 am                     8:30 am - 10:00 am                  8:30 am - 10:00 am
         8:30 am - 10:00 am

       Advancing Indigenous         As Dementia Impacts Our        SOAR (Stop, Observe, Ask,                      Environmental Health and
   School-Based Health Services: Communities, What Can Be Done? Respond) for Native Communities                  Climate Change Roundtable
  Wholeness and Healing by Design     10:30 am - 12:00 pm            10:30 am - 12:00 pm                             10:30 am - 12:00 pm
        10:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

    Native Community Approach       PHAB Accreditation: Challenge            HIV and the Opioid Epidemic;       Health Promotion and Disease
    to Integration of Behavioral         Accepted, Challenge                  How to Address it Locally           Prevention 2 Roundtable
          Health Services           Accomplished 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm                1:30 pm - 3:00 pm                   1:30 pm - 3:00 pm
         1:30 pm - 3:00 pm

                                                                                                                                                                                                Climate Ready Tribes Climate
                                                                                                                                                                                               and Health Learning Community
                                                                                                                                                                                                 In-Person Networking Event
                                                                                                                                                                                                      5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

                                                                                                                                                        Indian Health Service (IHS) and
                                                                                                                                                          U.S. Department of Veterans
                                                                                                                                                           Affairs Listening Session
                                                                                                                                                               9:00 am -10:30 am
                                                                                                                                                          Centers for Disease Control
                                                                                                                                                        and Prevention (CDC) Listening
                                                                                                                                                       Session – E-cigarettes and Indian
                                                                                                                                                         Country 10:30 am - 12:00 pm
                                                                         Lunch on your own 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
                                                                                                                                                           Dept. of Health and Human
                                                                                                                                                          Services Listening Session:
                                                                                                                                                         Developing National Strategies
                                                                                                                                                         for HIV and Viral Hepatitis and
                                                                                                                  Culture & Drugs Don’t Mix                a STD Federal Action Plan
                                                                                                                      1:00 pm - 5:00 pm                         1:00 pm-3:00 pm
     CDC Environmental Health
        Discussion Session
        3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

    Track: Substance Misuse                   Track: Public Health Policy,
     and Behavioral Health                     Infrastructure & Systems
                                                                                                                NATIONAL TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT   • MAY 13-15, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 13

     MONDAY, MAY 15               MONDAY, MAY 15                 TUESDAY, MAY 16            TUESDAY, MAY 16            TUESDAY, MAY 16
     1:30 - 3:00 PM               1:30 - 3:00 PM                 8:30 AM - 10:00 AM         10:30 AM - 12:00 PM        1:30 - 3:00 PM

                                  Table 1
                                  An Assessment of
     Table 1                                                                                                           Table 1
                                  Alcohol Regulation
     Reducing Tobacco-Related                                    Table 1                    Table 1                    Wisdom of Our Elders: A

                                                                                                                                MAY 12, 2019 • SUND AY
                                  Policies and the Impact
     Health Disparities through                                  CDC Tribal Public Health   Reconnecting with Mother   Process for Developing
                                  on Alcohol-Related
     Policy, Systems, and                                        Framework Roundtable       Earth – Soul to Soil       Traditional Cultural
                                  Deaths in American
     Environmental Changes                                                                                             Practices Curricula
                                  Indian and Alaskan Native
                                  Communities, New Mexico

     Table 2                      Table 2
                                                                                                                       Table 2
     Developing a study of        Cultivating Generational       Table 2
                                                                                            Table 2                    A Policy Framework
     colorectal cancer risk       Changes in Eastern             Community Health
                                                                                            Food Sovereignty as        to Reduce the Tobacco
     and protective factors       Tribal Nations through         Representative: Tribal
                                                                                            a Climate Adaption         Disparity among Native
     among Alaska Native          Traditional Practices          Program Perspectives
                                                                                            Strategy; Myk              Americans: The Canli
     people using a commu-        under the Good Health          on Workforce Policy
                                                                                            Heidt, Swinomish           Coalition of Cheyenne
     nity-based participatory     and Wellness in Indian         and Sustainability
                                                                                                                       river Sioux Tribe
     research framework           Country (GHWIC) Grant

                                                                                                                       Table 3
                                                                                                                       An Innovative Partnership
     Table 3                                                     Table 3
                                  Table 3                                                                              Between Public
     Advancing Food                                              Promoting Cultural         Table 3
                                  Cultural Connections and                                                             Health Professionals
     Sovereignty on the Navajo                                   Awareness in the Health    Collaborative Climate
                                  Social Support: Four-                                                                and Academic
     Nation: A Native Youth’s                                    Sciences through           Adaptation for Tribal
                                  years of knowing from the                                                            Researchers to Promote
     Journey through Advocacy                                    Relationship-Building      Community Wellbeing
                                  Tribal Prevention Initiative                                                         Adolescent Sexual and
     and Policy Research                                         and Immersion Training
                                                                                                                       Reproductive Health
                                                                                                                       on the Navajo Nation

                                                                 Table 4
                                                                                                                       Table 4
                                                                 A Comparative Analysis
     Table 4                      Table 4                                                   Table 4                    A Qualitative Analysis: A
                                                                 of Telephone Versus
     Integrating Tribal           Disparities in Sexually                                   When Shellfish Strike      Pilot Study to Determine
                                                                 In-Person Survey
     Practices for Chronic        Transmitted Diseases                                      Back. How Environmental    the Efficacy of a Vetted
                                                                 Administration for
     Disease Prevention in        (STD) among American                                      Monitoring Can             Provider Program for
                                                                 Health Risk Factor
     American Indian/Alaska       Indians and Alaska                                        Enhance Access to          Tribal Community Health
                                                                 Surveillance in Three
     Native Communities           Natives (AI/AN)                                           Traditional Resources      Aides Serving Rural
                                                                 Tribal Communities
                                                                                                                       and Remote Regions
                                                                 in New Mexico


                                                                                                                                                                         M O N D AY • MAY 13, 2019
                                                                    —      • 10th Annual •—
                                                               National Tribal
                                                               Public Health
                                                               Summit                                                            ALBUQUERQUE
                                                                                                                                 NEW MEXICO
                                                                                                                                 MAY 13-15, 2019

                                                                                                                                                                        S U N D AY • MAY 12, 2019
SUNDAY, MAY 12, 2019
1:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Registration and Information

MONDAY, MAY 13, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                      M O N D AY • MAY 13, 2019
6:30 AM - 6:00 PM                                          8:45 AM – 8:50 AM
Registration and Information
MAIN LEVEL LOBBY                                           8:50 AM – 9:00 AM
                                                           Opening Remarks
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM                                          CHAIRPERSON KITCHEYAN, NIHB BOARD CHAIR

Exhibit Hall Open                                          9:00 AM – 9:40 AM
                                                           Tribes and the U.S. Public Health Service
                                                           Commissioned Corps: Working Jointly to Improve
                                                           Public Health Outcomes in Native Communities
8:30 AM - 12:30 PM                                         U.S. SURGEON GENERAL DR. JEROME ADAMS, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH &
                                                              HUMAN SERVICES
BALLROOM B/C                                               9:40 AM – 9:50 AM
                                                           Tribal Collaboration with Congress to Promote
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM                                          Tribal Health and Wellbeing (video address)
Drum group & posting colors, Opening Prayer                REPRESENTATIVE DEB HAALAND, U.S. CONGRESSWOMAN (NM)

9:50 AM – 10:10 AM                                                             1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
                                                                                                           Breakout Sessions
MAY 13, 2019 • M O N D AY

                               NATIVE HEALTH

                            10:10 AM – 10:40 AM
                            Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)                                           1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
                            Presentation                                                                   Culturally Tailored Tobacco Messaging Among
                            DR. DONALD WARNE, ASSOCIATE DEAN FOR DIVERSITY, EQUITY, AND INCLUSION /        American Indians in Minnesota

                            10:40 AM – 11:40 AM                                                             Track: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
                            HIV/HCV Harm Reduction Panel                                                   COCHITI
                            VICKI BRADLEY, SECRETARY OF PUBLIC HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, EASTERN BAND     Traditional tobacco plays a vital role in many American
                               OF CHEROKEE INDIANS                                                         Indian (AI) cultures. Commercial tobacco use rates are high
                            JESSICA RIENSTRA, REGISTERED NURSE, LUMMI TRIBAL HEALTH CENTER                 throughout AI communities which contributes to significant
                            DR. CHRISTINA ARREDONDO, MEDICAL DIRECTOR/PSYCHIATRIST, PASCUA YAQUI TRIBE     disparities in lung cancer, heart disease, and other smok-
                               HEALTH SERVICES DIVISION                                                    ing-related diseases. Understanding best practices for
                            CLINTON ALEXANDER, INTERIM DIRECTOR, BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIVISION - WHITE        smoking cessation and prevention is critical to improving
                               EARTH BAND OF OJIBWE                                                        health outcomes for AI people. We proposed that percep-
                                                                                                           tions of smoking cessation messages and beliefs about
                            11:40 AM – 12:00 PM                                                            cessation and prevention of smoking are more positive when
                            Indian Health Service Updates on the White                                     message arguments stress keeping tobacco sacred. To test
                            House HIV Initiative                                                           this hypothesis a community engaged study was designed.
                            RADM MICHAEL WEAKHEE, INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE, PRINCIPAL DEPUTY                  We believe that arguments that link smoking cessation
                                                                                                           and prevention to AI cultures will resonate stronger with AI
                            12:00 PM – 12:10 PM                                                            adult smokers and youth. AI adult smokers were sampled at
                            Alzheimer’s Roadmap for Indian Country                                         community events in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Findings
                            DR. LISA MCGUIRE, LEAD, ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE AND HEALTHY AGING PROGRAM,         show a highly consistent pattern that sacred tobacco
                                                                                                           messages induced more positive responses vs. health conse-
                            12:10 PM – 12:20 PM                                                            quences and generic tobacco messaging. Data collection into
                            Closing Remarks                                                                the prevention of commercial tobacco use among AI youth
                            STACY A. BOHLEN, CEO, NATIONAL INDIAN HEALTH BOARD                             is underway. We theorize a similar outcome that culturally
                                                                                                           inclusive messages will resonate more so than generic
                                                                                                           tobacco messaging. Cultural cues in smoking cessation and
                            12:30-1:30 PM                                                                  prevention messages can positively affect perceptions and
                            Lunch                                                                          beliefs around smoking commercial tobacco. This study
                                                                                                           has important implications for the design of messages that
                                                                                                           encourage AI adults to quit smoking and prevent AI youth
                                                                                                           from initiating.
                                                                                                           TARLYNN TONE-PAH-HOTE, MICHAEL MUDGETT, AMERICAN INDIAN CANCER FOUNDATION

                                                                                                           1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
                                                                                                           Providing Nutrition Education for the
                                                                                                            Track: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
                                                                                                           Nutrition education is integral to total diabetes care and
                                                                                                           education. However, it is not always available from an
                                                                                                           Registered Dietitian (RD). The session will provide an over-
                                                                                                           view of goals and outcomes non RDs may consider estab-
                                                                                                           lishing with patients with diabetes as they provide nutrition
                                                                                                           education. Improving health and glucose control through
                                                                                                           food choices and physical activity will be emphasized.
                                                                                                           KELLI BEGAY, IHS DIVISION OF DIABETES

1:30 PM - 3:00 PM                                                                1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
Blooming Large: Tackling the Health Risks of                                     Aging in Place on the Reservation

                                                                                                                                                                                            M O N D AY • MAY 13, 2019
Harmful Algae
                                                                                   TRACK: Public Health Policy, Infrastructure & Systems
 Track: Environmental Health and Climate Change                                  NAVAJO/NAMBE
PICURIS                                                                          There is much we do not understand about the struggles
One climate related health threat to coastal and tribal                          rural elders face when it comes to remaining independent.
communities is increased Harmful Algae Blooms (HABs).                            Accounting for the elder point of view and context are essen-
Warming sea temperatures have contributed to increased                           tial in evaluating and improving services directed to keep
frequency, duration, and severity of naturally occurring                         elders independent and at home. Few studies have examined
HABs events. The biotoxins from HABs bio-accumulate in                           the elder perspective on what they see as obstacles and
filter feeding shellfish such as clams, oysters, and mussels                     facilitators to aging in place. The driving research question
making them unsafe for human consumption. Last year                              is: How do Tribal Elders perceive barriers and facilitators to
biotoxins reached lethal levels within important shellfish                       health in their community? Photovoice allows the opportunity
harvest areas for the Lummi Nation and biotoxins are                             to capture the elder point of view on health in their commu-
predicted to continue to increase with a warming climate.                        nity by using photographs paired with narrative to frame
Lummi Nation tribal members have relied on intertidal shell-                     the salient issues. Participants were provided cameras and
fish harvesting since time immemorial and it is paramount                        prompts to facilitate their photography. Follow up interviews
for the tribe to increase monitoring, improve education, and                     were conducted to gather qualitative data to match the
enhance distribution of HABs and shellfish biotoxin levels                       photos taken keeping the narrative in the elder’s voice. This
to the community to protect the health of tribal members.                        study is a qualitative, participatory research project exam-
The Lummi Nation is currently working towards improving                          ining the obstacles and facilitators to elders’ health while
efforts to protect the health of the community from HABs /                       living in their homes. The elders told their stories that create
biotoxins.                                                                       three primary categories of narrative: safety (environmental
MEGAN HINTZ, TAYLOR SOLOMON, LUMMI NATION                                        events, changing home needs, and victimization), comfort
                                                                                 (family nearby, pets, home updates to ease mobility), and
                                                                                 support (home visits form providers, assistance with bills,
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM                                                                activity facilitation). Photovoice is an effective tool to give
Needle Exchange and Healing to Wellness Court:                                   voice to the elders to drive the narrative. The photos illus-
Effective Methods in Indian Country                                              trate a nuanced understanding of aging in place.
                                                                                 ANNA TRESIDDER, EASTERN WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY
 Track: Substance Misuse and Behavioral Health                                   NORA FLETT, SPOKANE TRIBE OF INDIANS
Indian Country has been disproportionately impacted by the                       1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
opioid crisis and its unintentional impacts. United South and                    Public Health Risk Communication in
Eastern Tribes, (USET) is partnering with IHS Nashville area                     Emergency Responses
Tribal Nations to identify best and promising practices for
prevention, treatment and intervention practices. Recently,                        Track: Emergency Preparedness and Emerging Issues in
USET held a day long workshop for Tribal Nations to share                          Public Health
information on various initiatives implemented. During this
presentation, USET, will provide an overview of what was                         TAOS
learned in this workshop. Vicki Bradley, Health Director from                    Clear communication tailored to diverse audiences is critical
the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (EBCI) will talk about                      to effectively managing a public health emergency response.
their successful needle exchange program. Vickie will share                      This workshop will discuss key principles for communi-
supportive statistics demonstrating the early and continuing                     cation in emergency situations, with focus on American
participation in this program targeting at reducing the prev-                    Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) populations. The workshop will
alence of Hep C in the community. Rhonda Decontie, Clerk                         also include a scenario-based learning exercise on AI/AN
of Courts from Penobscot Nation, will talk about Penobscot’s                     resilience-building communication approaches and unique
“Healing to Wellness “court and how it is a successful                           psychological stressors these populations may experience.
model incorporating traditional methods to support those                         Finally, there will be a guided overview of online health
in recovery.                                                                     education resources and self-directed public health train-
KATE GRISMALA, UNITED SOUTH AND EASTERN TRIBES, INC.                             ings available through the Centers for Disease Control and
RHONDA DECONTIE, PENOBSCOT NATION TRIBAL COURT                                   Prevention (CDC).
                                                                                    CONTROL AND PREVENTION

                                                                                                                                                        Track: Emergency
                     Track: Health           Track: Environmental        Track: Substance                       Track: Public Health
   KEY              Promotion and
                  Disease Prevention
                                                   Health and
                                                Climate Change
                                                                            Misuse and
                                                                         Behavioral Health
                                                                                                                Policy, Infrastructure
                                                                                                                     & Systems
                                                                                                                                                        Preparedness and
                                                                                                                                                         Emerging Issues
                                                                                                                                                         in Public Health

                                                                    NATIONAL TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT   • MAY 13-15, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 17
1:30 PM - 3:00 PM                                                       Table 3 - Advancing Food Sovereignty on the
                                                                                                    Navajo Nation: A Native Youth’s Journey through
                            Health Promotion and Disease Prevention 1
                                                                                                    Advocacy and Policy Research
MAY 13, 2019 • M O N D AY

                            Roundtable Session
                                                                                                    xAs part of the National Indian Health Board Health Policy
                             Track: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention                         Fellowship, Native youth have the opportunity to research
                                                                                                    health policy issues pertinent in their Tribal communities.
                                                                                                    Fellows then take action and share their recommendations
                            How do Roundtables work? Start at any table you would like              with their Tribal leadership. For the 2017-2018 cohort of
                            and you will have to opportunity to visit the other tables every        Health Policy Fellows, food sovereignty and substance abuse
                            15 minutes and in any order that suits you.                             prevention were two top priorities. During this interactive
                                                                                                    round table, one 2017-2018 Health Policy Fellow, Natahlia
                            Table 1 - Reducing Tobacco-Related Health                               Enoah, will discuss her research on Diné food policies and
                            Disparities through Policy, Systems, and                                share her policy recommendations for advancing food sover-
                            Environmental Changes                                                   eignty in her Tribal Nation. Ms. Enoah will also share infor-
                            To respond to the multi-factored causes of chronic diseases             mation about the National Indian Health Board Health Policy
                            burdening the Alaska Native and American Indian peoples,                Fellowship and how your young people and Tribal communi-
                            including tobacco use and exposure, the Alaska Native                   ties may benefit from participating in this unique program.
                            Epidemiology Center (EpiCenter) and the Inter Tribal Council            NATAHLIA ENOAH, PRESBYTERIAN CENTER FOR COMMUNITY HEALTH
                            of Arizona, Incorporated (ITCA) received separate five-year
                            grants under “A Comprehensive Approach to Good Health                   Table 4 - Integrating Tribal Practices for Chronic
                            and Wellness in Indian Country” from the CDC in 2014.                   Disease Prevention in American Indian/Alaska
                            The ANTHC EpiCenter and ITCA partners with their Tribes                 Native Communities
                            and Tribal Health Organizations (THOs) to address chronic               Tribal Practices for Wellness in Indian Country (TPWIC), a
                            diseases through community chosen, and culturally respon-               3-year program funded by the Centers for Disease Control
                            sive, Policy, Systems, and Environmental (PSE) changes. The             and Prevention, supports tribal practices as a protective
                            results of the partnership between ANTHC EpiCenter and                  factor for building strength, resilience, and wellness in
                            nine THO Partner Sites culminated in over 35 PSE changes                American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities. Seven
                            including tobacco-free healthcare campus policies, clinical             strategies were identified to strengthen connections to
                            protocol and EHR improvements, tribal resolutions, and                  family, community, and culture, which can contribute to the
                            increased community-clinical linkages. With the assistance              reduction of chronic disease in AI/AN. The presenters will
                            of ITCA, Tribes have developed and strengthened their                   introduce TPWIC and engage the participants by having them
                            tobacco policies, expanded the reach federal tobacco educa-             share their program approaches and innovations as it relates
                            tion campaigns, and created tobacco education materials.                to tribal practices. This will create a space for dialogue on
                            TAJIA REVELS, ALASKA NATIVE TRIBAL HEALTH CONSORTIUM                    how tribes are engaging and implementing traditional and
                            VANESSA DODGE AND GLENDA TOVAR, INTER TRIBAL COUNCIL OF ARIZONA, INC.   cultural practices, intergenerational learning that supports
                                                                                                    well-being and resilience, seasonal cultural practices that
                            Table 2 - Developing a Study of Colorectal Cancer                       foster health and wellness, and promoting traditional healthy
                            Risk and Protective Factors among Alaska Native                         foods and physical activity.
                            people using a Community-based Participatory                            SHANNON SALTCLAH, GORDON QUAM, CENTERS FOR
                            Research Framework                                                        DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION

                            Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the second leading cancer among
                            Alaska Native (AN) people, and the second leading cause
                            of cancer mortality. We are developing a study of lifestyle
                            and genetic risk and protective factors for CRC among AN
                            people, conducted within a community-based participa-
                            tory research framework. This presentation will engage
                            attendees in a discussion on developing community-engaged
                            research studies to understand risk and protective factors
                            for chronic diseases among Tribal communities, using high-
                            lights from our work. We will present our formative research
                            process, how stakeholder feedback was incorporated into
                            our study protocol, our plans for continued stakeholder and
                            participant engagement, as well as for the return of research
                            results to the AN community. We hope to hear from others
                            engaged in similar research in other Tribal communities
                            about their processes. Finally, this presentation will provide
                            an opportunity for discussion of the respectful conduct of
                            research involving biospecimens in AIAN communities.

3:30-5:00 pm                                                                      concepts; public health policy development; and real time,
                                                                                  emerging public health issues of local and national impor-

Breakout Sessions                                                                 tance. Workshop participants will learn about the TLPHS

                                                                                                                                                                                             M O N D AY • MAY 13, 2019
                                                                                  planning process and evaluation results from two annual
                                                                                  symposia, and will participate in a focused conversation to
                                                                                  identify engagement strategies with tribal leaders to gain
3:30-5:00 pm                                                                      public health support in their home communities.
Two Spirit Natives - Acceptance is Suicide                                        TASSY PARKER, NATHANIA TSOSIE, NORMAN COOEYATE, UNM CENTER FOR NATIVE
Prevention                                                                           AMERICAN HEALTH

 Track: Health Promotion and Disease Prevention                                   3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
COCHITI                                                                           Collaborative Climate Adaptation for Tribal
In 1990, at a Gathering in Winnipeg, Canada, Native American                      Community Wellbeing
and First Nations people, then called LGBT Natives, decided
to reclaim the sacred nature of what it meant to families,                          Track: Environmental Health and Climate Change
Tribes and Nations when a child born exhibiting gender                            PICURIS
fluidity and/or an affinity for a gender other than what was
biologically apparent. Those gathered in Winnipeg chose a                         Some of the most tragic impacts of climate change are
name that would speak to the sacred nature of the Ancestors                       projected to come in the form of illness, injury, and death
while reclaiming our places as strong people of medicine                          as well as collective psychosocial and cultural hardships.
and healing. History speaks of those Ancestors who held                           The Pala Band of Mission Indians was recently awarded an
honoured places within the Tribal community while moving                          NIHB Climate Ready Tribes grant to complete and implement
fluidly between genders. In fact, many Tribes identified                          a climate adaptation plan that engages tribal community
multiple genders and often, a gender was not assigned until                       stakeholders in increasing tribal health, wellbeing, and
the child told the Tribe whom they were. Along with that                          resilience. This project builds upon previous work Pala has
identity came sacred responsibilities to the Tribe, as healers,                   done to assess its own climate health vulnerability, and to
as the namers and caretakers of children, as mediators                            help prepare tribes across the country through the federally
between the genders and as protectors of the Tribe. Post                          funded Tribal Climate Health Project. Presenters will facil-
contact, and with the creation of the genocidal tactic of what                    itate an interactive workshop to share the lessons learned
was known as the Boarding/Residential Schools, many tradi-                        from these initiatives to date, including tools, templates,
tional roles were destroyed in an effort to “kill the Indian to                   and other materials developed to support tribes. Presenters
save the man.” In spite of multiple attempts to “eradicate the                    will also review the latest literature and evidence that has
Indian problem,” the resilience of Indigenous people perse-                       informed Pala’s uniquely collaborative approach to building
vered and now, Two Spirit people are working hard to regain                       tribal cohesion and wellbeing before, during, and after
our places in the Sacred Hoops of our people. This workshop                       climate disasters.
will share historical evidence of the sacred nature of Two                        SHASTA GAUGHEN, PALA BAND OF MISSION INDIANS
Spirit people and how acceptance is a suicide prevention                          ANGIE HACKER, PROSPER SUSTAINABLY
SADE HEART OF THE HAWK ALI, ZERO SUICIDE INSTITUTE                                3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
                                                                                  Indian Country Drug Endangered Children
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
                                                                                    Track: Substance Misuse and Behavioral Health
Public Health Leadership Development for Tribal
Leaders: A Promising Practice for Promoting                                       SANTA ANA
Public Health Advocacy                                                            Tribal communities are experiencing the highest rates of
                                                                                  substance use disorders among any population. This US
 TRACK: Public Health Policy, Infrastructure & Systems                            Department of Justice course will present facts, a brief over-
NAVAJO/NAMBE                                                                      view of why substance use rates are on the rise and discuss
                                                                                  how this is impacting and contributing to tribal youth trauma.
Leaders of Native Nations, Pueblos, and Tribes address
                                                                                  We will learn from our past, look at the present, and discuss
wide-ranging and pressing issues, including matters of
                                                                                  strategies and methodologies – both western medicines
public health. To promote informed, public health advocacy
                                                                                  based and culturally rooted – that offer ways on combating
and leadership skills of elected and appointed leaders, a
                                                                                  substance use disorders. Discussion on data collection,
team from the University of New Mexico Health Sciences
                                                                                  evidence-based practices vs. evidence informed, community
Center for Native American Health collaborated with tribal
                                                                                  involvement, and local and regional agencies with tools to
leaders to establish an annual Tribal Leaders Public Health
                                                                                  address local problems requiring local solutions.
Symposium (TLPHS). A six-month planning process involving
tribal leaders provided the format and content of the first                       JACQUE GENCARELLE, DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY
annual TLPHS (2017). The TLPHS provides tribal leaders
with a working knowledge of the public health model and

                                                                                                                                                         Track: Emergency
                      Track: Health           Track: Environmental        Track: Substance                       Track: Public Health
   KEY               Promotion and
                   Disease Prevention
                                                    Health and
                                                 Climate Change
                                                                             Misuse and
                                                                          Behavioral Health
                                                                                                                 Policy, Infrastructure
                                                                                                                      & Systems
                                                                                                                                                         Preparedness and
                                                                                                                                                          Emerging Issues
                                                                                                                                                          in Public Health

                                                                     NATIONAL TRIBAL PUBLIC HEALTH SUMMIT   • MAY 13-15, 2019 • ALBUQUERQUE CONVENTION CENTER • ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO 19
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