Page created by Judy Bowers
Image: Warwick Solar Farm

LOW-COST, CLEAN               Today, Queensland’s residential electricity prices remain high. Meanwhile, renewable
                              energy accounts for just 14 per cent1 of Queensland’s electricity output – the lowest in
ENERGY SUPERPOWER             Australia. With political leadership, this can change.
Queensland’s clean            By exploiting the state’s world-class solar resources and its wind resources, Queensland
                              can grow its renewable energy industry while producing Australia’s cheapest electricity.
energy resources are          Renewable energy can be complemented by existing flexible generation sources, as well
the envy of the world.        as new investments in storage technologies to balance the grid.
At the dawn of a new          This cheap, clean electricity can cut the cost of living for households and businesses, and
decade and in response        support the competitiveness and expansion of local mining, minerals processing and
                              industrial manufacturing. It can also be exported to the power-hungry southern states
to the deep economic          and, ultimately, our resource-poor Asian neighbours who are looking for suppliers of low-
impact of COVID-19,           cost, clean hydrogen.
the Sunshine State            Since 2017, over $3.2 billion has been invested in new large-scale clean energy projects
                              in regional and rural Queensland communities, with approximately 4000 large-scale
has the opportunity           construction jobs created at peak. Around a further 4000 people are employed in
to exploit these              rooftop solar installation and the supporting supply chain, including equipment supplies,
natural advantages            logistics, sales, marketing and administration.

to bring down the             Around 5500 MW of large-scale renewable energy generation is needed between now
                              and 2030 to meet Queensland’s target of 50 per cent renewable energy2, which could
cost of electricity           attract almost $10 billion of private investment and create more than 10,000 jobs.
for households and            Investors stand at the ready, with around 17,000 MW of new large-scale renewable
                              energy projects having already secured planning approvals.
businesses, and position
                              Investment, however, has slowed dramatically in the past year due to the many complex
the state as the natural      hurdles for connecting new power supply, constraints on many operating solar and wind
home of energy-intensive      farms and inadequate transmission connections. The lack of long-term federal energy
industries in Asia Pacific.   policy has also played a material role in this slow down, with the 2020 Renewable
                              Energy Target now delivered and no clear federal policy going forward.
                              But with strong State Government leadership to manage the transition, facilitate
                              private investment and expand the market for the state’s low-cost clean energy, this
                              decline can be reversed. In the process, the renewable energy sector can also play a big
                              role in jumpstarting economic activity and jobs across the state following the impacts
                              of COVID-19, while accelerating Queensland’s transition to become a clean energy

                                  As at 31 December 2019
                                  Based on modelling for the Queensland Renewable Energy Export Panel’s Final report, 30 November 2016,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              • Promoting and supporting the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                development of green ammonia and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                green steel manufacturing sectors.

                                   RENEWABLES                                                                                                                                                                                                 • Working with industry to identify
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                suitable renewable hydrogen zones/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                hubs and supporting the acceleration
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                of development approval processes
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and connection to the electricity and
1. COMMIT TO A MINIMUM                          The Government should commit to                4. DEVELOP A TRANSMISSION                                                                                                                        gas network.
50 PER CENT CLEAN ENERGY                        maintaining transparency on its progress       STRATEGY TO LAY THE                                                                                                                            • Expanding funding to support
TARGET FOR 2030                                 in meeting the target through an online        FOUNDATIONS FOR RENEWABLE                                                                                                                        renewable hydrogen projects
Roughly 8 GW of old coal-fired power            tracker or regular public reporting. Should    ENERGY ZONES AND REGIONAL                                                                                                                        (leveraging vast private sector capital)
stations are due to retire from the National    Queensland fall behind in meeting the          DEVELOPMENT                                                                                                                                      to build scale, increase learning and
Electricity Market by the early 2030s,          target, it should work with industry to        A strong transmission network is needed                                                                                                          drive down costs.
meaning that large amounts of new               ensure the right measures are put in place     to bring new clean energy to market and
electricity generation capacity must            to bring forward investment.                   support low-cost electricity for businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              8. DEVELOP CLEAN ENERGY
be planned and built in the next 10 years.                                                     and households. Queensland’s long, skinny
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              SKILLS, TRAINING AND
                                                2. RULE OUT GOVERNMENT                         and weak network is a significant barrier to
This is an enormous opportunity for new                                                                                                                                                                       Image: Mt Emerald Wind Farm     A WORKFORCE PLAN
                                                FUNDING FOR NEW COAL-FIRED                     new clean energy investment.
investment, employment and diversified                                                                                                                                                                                                        The transition to clean energy is already
                                                POWER STATIONS
income streams for Queensland’s regional                                                       Increasing the electricity transfer capacity                                                                                                   creating a jobs boom across regional and
                                                Investors have made it very clear that                                                        5. BUILD AND EXPAND                            7. BUILD DEMAND AND
communities. If Queensland does not get                                                        between Queensland and NSW (a minor                                                                                                            rural Australia. Skilled workers are needed
                                                the lowest-cost and most effective forms                                                      QUEENSLAND’S ENERGY-                           EXPERTISE FOR A NEW
on the front foot to seize this opportunity,                                                   expansion is now under way and a further                                                                                                       across the many parts of the supply chain,
                                                of new generation is renewable energy                                                         INTENSIVE INDUSTRY,                            RENEWABLE HYDROGEN
the jobs and investment will flow to other                                                     necessary expansion is being considered)                                                                                                       design, construction and operation of
                                                and energy storage. However, policy                                                           POWERED BY CLEAN ENERGY                        INDUSTRY
states.                                                                                        and developing a Queensland Transmission                                                                                                       clean energy projects. With the right policy
                                                uncertainty is creating a major challenge                                                     With some of Australia’s best renewable        Renewable hydrogen, which can be
                                                                                               Strategy are the key priorities. With more                                                                                                     settings and procurement standards, up
New renewable energy generation is              and undermining this continued new                                                            energy resources, Queensland is in the box     produced using just water and renewable
                                                                                               interconnection, North Queensland can                                                                                                          to 75 per cent of job creation through
cheaper, cleaner and quicker to build than      investment, resulting in a 90 per cent                                                        seat to generate the lowest-cost power in      electricity, is a clean energy fuel of the
                                                                                               take advantage of its energy opportunities                                                                                                     renewable energy could be either local or
thermal generation, and will underpin           collapse in financial commitments to new                                                      the country. This would make it a natural      future. It could play an important role in
                                                                                               and all of Queensland can earn more by                                                                                                         regional.
Australia’s transition to a low-emission        large-scale investment in Queensland year                                                     home for low emissions, energy-intensive       the decarbonisation of Australia’s energy
                                                                                               exporting to the energy-hungry southern
economy.                                        on year from 2018 to 2019.                                                                    industries, such as aluminium and steel        and industrial sectors as an emissions-free      Three elements are key to providing clear
Clean energy investors are not seeking new                                                                                                    production and minerals processing.            alternative to natural gas for our homes         renewable energy career pathways to both
                                                The lack of long-term national energy          Queensland must accelerate the co-
subsidies. What they require is clear, stable                                                                                                                                                and businesses, to diesel in long-haul           regional and urban Queenslanders:
                                                policy is further exacerbated by the Federal                                                  The State Government should commit
                                                                                               ordinated development of Renewable                                                            heavy vehicles, to natural gas or coal in
and strong energy policy to give them the       Government’s openness to funding new                                                          to the development of an energy-                                                                • energy policy certainty to underpin
                                                                                               Energy Zones, so it can continue to attract                                                   the production of ammonia, and even
confidence to invest in these long-term         coal-fired generation. This creates further                                                   intensive manufacturing strategy aimed                                                            investor confidence and ensure a
                                                                                               clean energy projects and new industries                                                      to metallurgical coal in the steel-making
assets. It is therefore fundamental that        uncertainty for investors in new energy                                                       at leveraging its wind, solar, pumped                                                             steady pipeline of viable projects
                                                                                               and employers to regional areas. The                                                          process.
any Queensland Government commits to            generation in Queensland. To address                                                          hydro and green gas advantages to not
                                                                                               New South Wales Government will pilot                                                                                                          • strengthened links between renewable
a minimum 50 per cent renewable energy          this, the Queensland Government must                                                          only maintain, but greatly expand the          If Australia can successfully develop and
                                                                                               a Renewable Energy Zone in central-west                                                                                                          energy developers and local training
target for 2030, with a view to building        commit to not supporting such a project,                                                      competitiveness of its existing minerals and   drive down the cost of renewable hydrogen,
                                                                                               NSW, which will involve the state taking                                                                                                         providers
momentum to achieve a 100 per cent              which would come at considerable                                                              manufacturing sectors.                         we could also open the door to a new
                                                                                               the lead in the planning and investment
target or greater in subsequent years.          cost, undermine new investment, result                                                                                                       clean energy export to rival liquified natural   • integration of renewable energy into
                                                                                               framework. Queensland should adopt a
                                                in materially higher power prices in                                                          6. REDUCE RELIANCE ON DIESEL                   gas (LNG), supplying our energy-poor               regional development and investment
Delivering on this target will deliver new                                                     similar approach.
                                                Queensland and unnecessarily increase                                                         POWER GENERATION FOR                           neighbours throughout North Asia and               plans to ensure that the supply of
economic activity, jobs and income in
                                                greenhouse gas emissions.                      The Queensland Government could                LARGE, REMOTE CUSTOMERS                        beyond. Queensland’s relative proximity            general and skilled labour matches
regional areas, and will continue to put
                                                                                               provide funding to the relevant network        Existing remote standalone power systems       to Asia, existing LNG terminals and strong         demand and to ensure that there is a
downward pressure on electricity prices.
                                                3. ESTABLISH A 2030 ENERGY                     service providers or others to deliver         serving large remote customers and small       base of skilled energy workers would put it        broad-ranging approach to supporting
The target, supported by clear timeframes                                                      Renewable Energy Zones. Developing a                                                          in a strong position to capture any export         transition in coal regions.
                                                STORAGE TARGET TO DELIVER                                                                     communities, typically powered by high
and plans for the managed retirement of                                                        Renewable Energy Zone requires more                                                           opportunity that could emerge.
                                                FIRM CLEAN POWER, 24/7                                                                        carbon diesel generation, can be replaced                                                       The Queensland Government should
ageing coal-fired power stations, will enable                                                  than transmission investment. A co-
                                                Queensland households, businesses and                                                         by a tightly integrated combination of         The Queensland Government can support            establish a taskforce comprising renewable
investors, governments and communities                                                         ordinated approach to system strength
                                                heavy industry can be powered by the sun                                                      solar, wind and storage that significantly     the development of a local supply chain for      energy businesses, government, unions
to plan for a smooth transition.                                                               and a streamlined grid connection process
                                                and wind 24/7 with the support of energy                                                      reduces the reliance on liquid fuels.          renewable hydrogen by:                           and training and research bodies to
The Queensland Government can use                                                              are needed.
                                                storage. Energy can be stored through                                                         These systems can cut emissions                                                                 understand and map out the workforce
its own purchasing power to accelerate                                                                                                                                                       • Establishing a 10 per cent renewable
                                                pumped hydro facilities, big batteries,        It should also involve a proactive             and improve the supply reliability at                                                           needs and gaps now and in the future and
progress towards this clean energy target                                                                                                                                                      hydrogen blending target for gas
                                                or even green gas, such as biogas or           community and stakeholder consultation         competitive costs.                                                                              establish clear strategies to address them.
by updating its procurement policy to                                                                                                                                                          distribution networks, and providing
                                                renewable hydrogen.                            program to build a vision and broad
ensure that all future contracts stipulate                                                                                                    The Queensland Government should                 support for early pilots and projects.
                                                                                               community acceptance, and a strategy
                                                The Queensland Government should                                                              develop a new Microgrid Strategy and
that supply must be sourced from 100 per                                                       for building a local ‘skills ecosystem’ to                                                    • Providing support for trials of hydrogen
                                                establish an energy storage target to                                                         supporting fund, aimed at accelerating the
cent clean energy.                                                                             maximise long-term regional employment                                                          fuel cell transportation with a focus on
                                                support the 2030 energy target, broadly                                                       shift to cleaner, reliable energy supply at
                                                                                               outcomes.                                                                                       back-to-base heavy vehicles (eg. bus
                                                in line with the standard ratio of 1:4 of                                                     competitive costs.                               networks, mining operations) and long-
                                                storage capacity to renewable energy.
                                                                                                                                                                                               range road and rail transport.
                                                This target should be technology neutral.

                                  AND BATTERIES

When it comes to power prices, more           The Queensland Government should                4. TARGETED SUPPORT FOR
and more Queenslanders are choosing           develop a microgrid strategy and a fund         COMMUNITY BATTERIES
to take control of their own destiny.         to support pilot projects. The fund would
                                                                                              Provide targeted support for community
The Government can help them by               help rural and regional Queenslanders
                                                                                              batteries, which can be integrated
committing to:                                become more resilient to drought,
                                                                                              with local networks and microgrids to
                                              bushfires and other natural disasters. It
• Providing funding to support                                                                reduce network costs, improve safety
                                              would reduce exposure to high power
  stand-alone power systems, microgrids                                                       and reliability, reduce electricity costs
                                              prices and ensure the smooth introduction
  and other community-scale energy                                                            and enable higher levels of renewable
                                              of community-owned energy assets to
  assets so that regional Queensland                                                          generation to be integrated into the grid.
                                              fringe-of-grid areas.
  becomes more resilient and energy
                                                                                              The Ergon Energy network has the
                                              2. SOLAR ROLL-OUT FOR                           best potential for pilot programs using
• Giving targeted support for                 GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS                            community batteries, which can be used
  community-scale batteries and solar                                                         to strengthen weak parts of the network
  systems for schools, hospitals and          All Queensland Government buildings –           and as a ‘bank’ where customers can
  other public buildings, especially in       including schools, hospitals, police stations   store their excess solar generation for use
  remote communities.                         and public offices – should go solar. With      at night.
                                              record low payback times for solar, the
                                              State Government can make the switch to
1. HELP REGIONAL QUEENSLAND                                                                   5. TURBO-CHARGING OUR
                                              clean energy and save taxpayers’ money.
BECOME MORE RESILIENT                                                                         ELECTRIC VEHICLE TRANSITION
                                              3. ENERGY-AFFORDABLE                            The global automotive industry is going
                                              RENTAL HOUSING                                  electric, and Queensland needs to prepare
                                                                                              the necessary infrastructure to support
Stand-alone power systems, microgrids         Queenslanders who rent their homes are          a growing electric vehicle (EV) fleet and
and other community-scale energy              exposed to increasing electricity prices and    encourage a faster transition. This will
assets can improve safety and reliability,    find it hard to manage their energy costs.      reduce the state’s reliance on global oil
and reduce energy costs for rural and         The Government can reduce electricity           prices and supply chains, boost local jobs
regional Queenslanders. By supporting         bills for low income households by              and economic activity, and cut pollution
communities in the move to microgrids,        maintaining and expanding the                   in our suburbs and towns.
there will be savings and lower electricity   Government’s Solar for Renters Trial            The State Government should provide
prices for all customers – not just those     to support installation of solar PV and         support to encourage further investment
supplied by microgrids. In areas affected     battery systems in rental housing and           in EV charging infrastructure beyond the
by natural disasters, stand-alone power       aged care facilities. These initiatives will    EV super highway backbone.
can also help to reduce risks and improve     reduce energy bill pressure and improve
safety.                                       the health and well-being of tenants.

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