Page created by Gloria Horton

We pack a lot of important                             Table of contents
information on our ID cards.                           Managed care plans�������������������������������������������������������������������3
This brochure can help define and clarify
                                                            Network Open Access������������������������������������������������������������������3
information that appears on Cigna’s most
common customer ID cards. It can also help you              Open Access Plus����������������������������������������������������������������������������3
understand the requirements associated with our
various plans, allowing you to quickly and                  HMO Open Access and POS Open Access �������������������������3
efficiently serve your patients.
We may occasionally update this brochure during
the year. Download the most current version at              HMO, POS, and HMO POS ����������������������������������������������������������5
Cigna.com > Health Care Professionals >
Resources > Doing Business with Cigna.                      Network and Network POS��������������������������������������������������������5

                                                            PPO or EPO���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������7
Important information about
this guide                                             Individual & Family Plans���������������������������������������������������������7
Please note: Some Cigna ID cards include                    Connect Network����������������������������������������������������������������������������7
“GWH-Cigna” or a “G” in the upper-right
corner, and may have different service                      LocalPlus Network��������������������������������������������������������������������������9
channels, including customer service phone
numbers and claim appeal addresses.                         Focus Network���������������������������������������������������������������������������������9

Sample standard Cigna ID card images are shown              Open Access Plus Network���������������������������������������������������������9
in this guide. However, the actual content may
vary to conform to an individual state’s legislative   Global Health Benefits plans��������������������������������������������������11
and regulatory requirements.                                Networks in U.S.: PPO and OAP���������������������������������������������� 11
Always be sure to check the back of your patient’s
ID card for the correct contact information.                Networks Outside U.S.: Vary by location����������������������������� 11
You can also refer to the Important contact
                                                       Cigna Choice Fund® plans������������������������������������������������������ 13
information page in the back of this guide, or
refer to the Cigna Reference Guide for physicians,          Cigna Choice Fund or
hospitals, ancillaries, and other health care               Cigna Choice Fund Open Access ������������������������������������������ 13
professionals by logging in to the Cigna for Health
Care Professionals website (CignaforHCP.com).          Shared Administration Repricing plans������������������������������� 13

                                                            Shared Administration PPO������������������������������������������������������ 13

                                                            Shared Administration Open Access Plus�������������������������� 13

                                                       Strategic Alliance plans���������������������������������������������������������� 15

                                                            Open Access Plus�������������������������������������������������������������������������� 15

                                                       Indemnity plans������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15

                                                            Indemnity������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 15

                                                       The myCigna Mobile App������������������������������������������������������� 18

                                                       Important contact information��������������������������������������������� 20


                                                                    Network: Network Open Access

                                   CSN logo                                                                                                              WWW.CIGNA.COM
              TPV logo      11                                                      Client
                                                                                     logo               You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage. You must comply with all
                                   Care Network        6                                                terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.

           Legal entity name                   5           5                                         12 INPATIENT ADMISSION:
                                                                                                        Your provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents for your
           Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY                     Network Open Access
           Group: 1234567
                                               7                   No referral required
                                                                                                        pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your primary
                                                                                                        care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
           Issuer (80840)                                           PCP Visit        $10/$25
                                                                                                           For information about mental health services and coverage, call MHSA Stmt Tel
           ID: U23456789 01 1
                                                                    Specialist       $10/$25
           Name: John Public                                        Hospital ER 4        $50               Med Group: Sunset Med Group
           PCP: James Smith 8
                                                                    Urgent Care          $25               Send claims to: 123 Main Street, Suite 999, Anytown, USA 12345-6789 13
                                                                    Vision               Yes               For Pharmacy, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                PCP Name Ln2
                                                                    Rx $10/20%/40%/100%                    For Vision, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
           PCP Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX                                  Rx Indiv Deduct      $50               Cigna Claims: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           ID card acct name 10
                                                                     Coinsurance applies
                                                                                           3               TPV Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                                                                     CSN Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           DOI                                                 9                            SAR            Customer Service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX 14        MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX

          PCP required                         Referral required                                  Away from home care                                                     Out-of-network benefits
          Encouraged                                           No                                                 No                                                                                No
                                                                    For more information, see the next page.

                                                                        Network: Open Access Plus

                                CSN logo       18                                                                                                  WWW.CIGNA.COM
            TPV logo      11                                                         Client             You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
                                                   6                                  logo              You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.
                                Care Network

           Legal entity name 5
                                                                                                     12 INPATIENT ADMISSION AND OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES:
                                                                                                        Your network provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents
           Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY             7       Open Access Plus                     for your pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your
           Group: 1234567                                           No referral required                primary care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
           Issuer (80840)                                           PCP visit       $10/$25
                                                                    Specialist      $10/$25             For pharmacy, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
           ID: U23456789 01 1                                       Hospital ER          $50 4          For vision, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
           Name: John Public                                        Urgent care          $25
           PCP: James Smith 8                                       Vision               Yes               Send claims to:
                PCP Name Ln2                                        Rx            $10/20/30                CAD name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                                                                    Network Coinsurance:                   TPV name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           PCP phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX                                  In             90%/10%
           ID card acct name 10                                     Out 3          70%/30%                 All others: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                              Med/Rx deductible applies              Customer service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX 14      MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX
           DOI                                                 9                           Cat#            We encourage you to use a PCP as a valuable resource and personal health advocate. 15        AWAY FROM HOME CARE

          PCP required                         Referral required                                  Away from home care                                                     Out-of-network benefits
          Encouraged                                           No                                                Yes                                                                               Yes
                                                                    For more information, see the next page.

                                         Networks: HMO Open Access and POS Open Access

                               CSN logo
           TPV logo                                                                Client
                                                                                                        You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
                                  Cigna                                    2        logo                You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.
                               Care Network

           Legal entity name
                                               5                                                     12 INPATIENT ADMISSION:
                                                                                                        Your network provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents
           Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY         7           POS (or HMO) Open Access
                                                                    No referral required
                                                                                                        for your pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your
           Group: 1234567                                                                               primary care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
           Issuer (80840)                                           PCP Visit       $15/$25
                                                                    Specialist 4 $15/$25                   For information about mental health services and coverage, call MHSA Stmt Tel
           ID: U23456789 01 1
           Name: John Public                                        Hospital ER          $50               Med Group: Sunset Med Group 13
                                                                    Urgent Care          $25               Send claims to:
           PCP: James Smith 8                                       Vision               Yes
                PCP Name Ln2                                                                               For pharmacy, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                                                                    Rx $10/20%/40%/100%                    For vision, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
           PCP Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX                                  Rx Indiv Deduct      $50               Cigna claims: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           ID card acct name 10                                                                            TPV name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                              Coinsurance applies    3               CSN name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           DOI                                             9                               SAR             Customer service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX 14      MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX

          PCP required                         Referral required                                  Away from home care                                                     Out-of-network benefits
    HMO   Encouraged                                           No                                                 No                                                                                No
    POS   Encouraged                                           No                                                 No                                                                               Yes

                                                                    For more information, see the next page.

Network Open Access
                                                                  Refer to this key for explanations of the
Plans that use this network offer customers access to health      information found on the sample Cigna ID cards
care professionals who participate in the network, with no        featured in this brochure.
referrals required.
                                                                  1 Use this ID number for all claims and inquiries.
›   Flexible plan designs allow for an array of
                                                                  2 Indicates a seamless network where a patient
    cost-sharing options, including copayments,
                                                                    can receive in-network care on a regional or
    coinsurance, and deductibles.
                                                                    statewide basis.
›   Customers can select a PCP to help coordinate care;           3 For patients with coinsurance, submit claims
    it’s recommended, but not required.                             to Cigna or its designee, and receive an
›   Referrals are not required to see specialists in the            explanation of payment (EOP), which will show
    Cigna network.                                                  any remaining amount due from the patient.

›   Precertification may still be required for certain services   4 Collect any copayment at the time of service.
    and procedures.                                               5 May read as: “Cigna Health and Life Insurance
                                                                    Company” or “Connecticut General Life
›   Out-of-network coverage for emergencies only.*
                                                                    Insurance Co.” or “Cigna HealthCare of
For a directory of health care professionals who participate in     XXXX, Inc.”
this network, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.                       6 ID cards with the Cigna Care Network® logo
Open Access Plus                                                    indicate the patient’s liability varies based
                                                                    on the health care professional’s Cigna Care
Plans that use this network offer customers direct access to a      designation status. Refer to the online health
broad, national network of health care professionals.               care professional directory at Cigna.com>
They include health advocacy programs to help customers             Find a Doctor to determine a physician’s
engage in wellness initiatives and manage chronic conditions.       Cigna Care designation status.

›   Customers can select a PCP to help coordinate care;
                                                                  7 Effective date of coverage.
    it’s recommended, but not required.                           8 Name of patient‘s primary care
                                                                    physician (PCP).
›   Referrals are not required to see participating or
    non-participating specialists.                                9 Network Savings Program (NSP) logo indicates
                                                                    that out-of-network discounts may be available
›   Precertification may still be required for certain services     to the customer.
    and procedures.
                                                                  10 Employer name.
For a directory of health care professionals who participate
                                                                  11 If a third party administers services in
in this network, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.                       conjunction with Cigna, the ID card may
                                                                     include multiple logos, and show a different
                                                                     claim address or telephone number on the
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Open Access
                                                                     back of the card.
and Point of Service (POS) Open Access
                                                                  12 Precertification requirements may be shown as
Plans that use these networks offer customers access to
                                                                     either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient
local health care professionals and a variety of different
                                                                     Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’
benefit options.
                                                                  13 Submit claims to the claim submission address
They include negotiated network-specific discounts and fee           shown on the card.
schedules, along with robust medical management, to help
                                                                  14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated
reduce use of non-essential procedures.                              on the card. Some plans have dedicated
›   Customers can select a PCP to help coordinate care;              numbers for accessing information. Always
    it’s recommended, but not required.                              check the card for the correct number or refer

›   Referrals are not required to see specialists.
                                                                     to the Important contact information page in
                                                                     this guide.
›   Precertification may still be required for certain services
                                                                  15 “Away From Home Care” indicates the patient
    and procedures.                                                  has access to the Cigna national Open Access
›   Out-of-network coverage for emergencies only.*                   Plus network.
For a directory of health care professionals who participate      16 Indicates shared administration repricing.
in these networks, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.                  17 Union identifier.
*Emergency services as defined in their plan.                     18 Client-specific network (CSN) logo.

                                                                           Network: LocalPlus®

                                             CSN logo                                                                                            WWW.CIGNA.COM
                  TPV logo      11                          18                   Client                  You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
                                                                                  logo                   You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.
                                                                                                         INPATIENT ADMISSION AND OUTPATIENT PRECEDURES: 12
               Legal entity name
                                                                                                         Your provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents for your
               Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY
                                                                LocalPlus                                pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your primary
               Group: 1234567                                     No referral required                   care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within EF hours.
               Issuer (80840)                                     PCP Visit           $10                Coinsurance/deductible is paid directly to the doctor/facility by Cigna using individual’s available health funds.
               ID: U23456789 01 1                                 Specialist          $15 4
                                                                                                         Carve out 1 Prt Line
                                                                                                         Carve out 2 Prt Line 13
               Name: John Public                                  Hospital ER         $50
                                                                  Urgent Care         $25
               PCP: James Smith                                   Vision               Yes               Send claims to:
                    Jane Smith                                    Rx            $10/20/30                CAD Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
               PCP Phone: 860.123.4567                            Network coinsurance:                   TPV Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
               ABC12 & Sons Company                               In            90%/10%
                                                                  Out           70%/30%                  All Other: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
               RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                        Med/Rx deductible applies              Customer Service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX 14          MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX                             Open Access Plus         15
               DOI                                          9                            Cat #           We encourage you to use a PCP as a valuable resource and personal health advocate.                  AWAY FROM HOME CARE

              PCP required                         Referral required                             Away from home care                                                    Out-of-network benefits
              Encouraged                                     No                                                Yes                                                                                 No
                                                                 For more information, see the next page.

                                                            Networks: HMO, POS, and HMO POS

                                                                           2      Client
                                                                                   logo                  You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
                                                                                                         You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.
               Legal entity name              5                                                     12   INPATIENT ADMISSION:
                                                                                                         Your network provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents
               Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY      7        HMO (or POS)
                                                                                                         for your pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your
               Group: 1234567                                     PCP visit          $15
                                                                                                         primary care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
               Issuer (80840)                                     Specialist         $15
                                                                  Hospital ER 4      $50                 Med group: Sunset Med Group
               ID: U23456789 01 1                                                                        Send claims to: 123 Main Street, Suite 999, Anytown, USA 12345-678       13
                                                                  Urgent care        $25
               Name: John Public                                  Vision             Yes                 For pharmacy: Call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
               PCP: John Smith 8                                  Rx          41/$20/$40                 For vision: Call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
               PCP phone: XXX-XXX-XXXX                            Rx indiv deduct    $50
               ID card acct name 10                                                                      Cigna: PO Box XXXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                                                                  Coinsurance applies 3
               RxBIN Rx Bin RxPCN Rx Contr
                                                            9                            Cat#
                                                                                                         Member services: 1.800.XXX.XXXX            MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX                                                             C

              PCP required                         Referral required                             Away from home care                                                    Out-of-network benefits
      HMO            Yes                                    Yes                                                 No                                                                                 No
      POS            Yes                                    Yes                                                 No                                                                                Yes

                                                                 For more information, see the next page.

                                                            Networks: Network and Network POS

                                                   18                                                                                                   WWW.CIGNA.COM
                TPV logo
                              11    CSN logo
                                                                          2       Client              You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage. You must comply with all
                                    Care Network
                                                    6                              logo               terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.

                Legal entity name 5
                                                                                                    12INPATIENT ADMISSION:
                                                                                                      Your provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents for your
                Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY     7          Network
                                                                                                      pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your primary
                Group: 1234567                                                                        care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
                Issuer (80840)                                     PCP Visit      $15/$20
                                                                   Specialist 4 $15/$20                  For information about mental health services and coverage, call MHSA Stmt Tel
                ID: U23456789 01 1                                                                       Med Group: Sunset Med Group
                Name: John Public                                  Hospital ER        $50
                                                                   Urgent Care        $25                Send claims to: 123 Main Street, Suite 999, Anytown, USA 12345-6789 13
                PCP: James Smith 8                                 Vision             Yes                For Pharmacy, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                     PCP Name Ln2
                                                                   Rx $10/20%/40%/100%                   For Vision, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                PCP Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX                            Rx Indiv Deduct    $50                Cigna Claims: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                ID card acct name 10                                                                     TPV Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                        Coinsurance applies     3             CSN Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                DOI                                         9                             OAP#           Customer Service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX 14     bo MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX

              PCP required                         Referral required                             Away from home care                                                    Out-of-network benefits
    Network          Yes                                    Yes                                                 No                                                                                 No

    Network          Yes                                    Yes                                                 No                                                                                Yes
                                                                 For more information, see the next page.
                                                                   Refer to this key for explanations of the
Plans that use this network offer customers access to care         information found on the sample Cigna ID cards
through a network that is limited to local doctors, physicians,    featured in this brochure.
and hospitals in their home area, plus a suite of wellness
                                                                   1 Use this ID number for all claims and inquiries.
services and programs to help customers get on the right
path to health.                                                    2 Indicates a seamless network where a patient
                                                                     can receive in-network care on a regional or
›   Customers must go to health care professionals who               statewide basis.
    participate in the LocalPlus network in their home area,
                                                                   3 For patients with coinsurance, submit claims
    or in any area in the country where one exists,
                                                                     to Cigna or its designee, and receive an
    for coverage at the in-network cost.
                                                                     explanation of payment (EOP), which will show
›   In areas where the LocalPlus network is not available,           any remaining amount due from the patient.
    they can access care through our Away From Home Care           4 Collect any copayment at the time of service.
    (OAP) feature for coverage at the in-network cost.
                                                                   5 May read as: “Cigna Health and Life Insurance
›   If customers choose to go to health care professionals           Company” or “Connecticut General Life
    outside the LocalPlus network (or outside the Away From          Insurance Co.” or “Cigna HealthCare of
    Home Care feature when the LocalPlus network isn’t               XXXX, Inc.”
    available) they will likely pay more. (With the LocalPlus IN
                                                                   6 ID cards with the Cigna Care Network® logo
    plan, they will pay the full cost of their care.)
                                                                     indicate the patient’s liability varies based
›   Precertification may still be required for certain services      on the health care professional’s Cigna Care
    and procedures.                                                  designation status. Refer to the online health
For a directory of health care professionals who participate in      care professional directory at Cigna.com>
this network, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.                          Find a Doctor to determine a physician’s
                                                                     Cigna Care designation status.
                                                                   7 Effective date of coverage.
                                                                   8 Name of patient‘s primary care
                                                                     physician (PCP).
Plans that use these networks offer customers cost savings,
                                                                   9 Network Savings Program (NSP) logo indicates
and access to a local network of health care professionals.
                                                                     that out-of-network discounts may be available
›   Customers must select a PCP who participates in                  to the customer.
    the network to coordinate care for coverage at the             10 Employer name.
    in-network cost.
                                                                   11 If a third party administers services in
›   Referrals are required to see specialists except OB/GYNs.         conjunction with Cigna, the ID card may
›   HMO POS plans include benefits and features similar to            include multiple logos, and show a different
    HMO plans, plus out-of-network coverage at reduced                claim address or telephone number on the
    benefit levels.                                                   back of the card.
                                                                   12 Precertification requirements may be shown as
For a directory of health care professionals who participate
                                                                      either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient
in these networks, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.
                                                                      Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’
                                                                   13 Submit claims to the claim submission address
                                                                      shown on the card.
Network and Network POS
                                                                   14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated
Plans that use these networks offer customers cost savings,           on the card. Some plans have dedicated
local convenience, and choice.                                        numbers for accessing information. Always
›   Customers must select a PCP from a local network to               check the card for the correct number or refer
    coordinate care for coverage at the in-network cost.              to the Important contact information page in
                                                                      this guide.
›   Referrals are required to see specialists except OB/GYNs.
                                                                   15 “Away From Home Care” indicates the patient
›   Network POS plans include benefits and features similar to        has access to the Cigna national Open Access
    Network plans, plus out-of-network coverage at reduced            Plus network.
    benefit levels.
                                                                   16 Indicates shared administration repricing.
For a directory of health care professionals who participate in    17 Union identifier.
these networks, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.
                                                                   18 Client-specific network (CSN) logo.

                                                                       Networks: PPO or EPO

                                 CSN logo       18                                                                                                WWW.CIGNA.COM
           TPV logo         11                                                Client             You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
                                 Care Network   6                              logo              You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.

           Legal entity name 5                                                                12 INPATIENT ADMISSION AND OUTPATIENT PROCEDURES:
                                                                                                 Your network provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents
           Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY       7        PPO                                for your pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your
           Group: 1234567                                       Dr. visit     $10/$25            primary care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
           Issuer (80840)                                       Specialist    $10/$25
                                                                Hospital ER        $50
           ID: U23456789 01 1
                                                                Urgent care
                                                                             4     $25              For pharmacy, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
           Name: John Public                                    Vision             Yes              For vision, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                                                                Rx          $10/20/30               Send claims to:
           ID card acct name     10                             Network coinsurance:                CAD name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789 13
           RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                          Out
                                                                         3 90%/10%
                                                                                                    TPV name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                                                                                                    All others: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
           DOI                                                  Med/Rx deductible applies
                                                         9                         Cat#
                                                                                                    Customer service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX      14MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX                   15              AWAY FROM HOME CARE

          PCP required                          Referral required                           Away from home care                                                      Out-of-network benefits
    PPO   Encouraged                                         No                                             Yes                                                                               Yes
    EPO    Encouraged                                        No                                              Yes                                                                               No

                                                               For more information, see the next page.

                                                                  INDIVIDUAL & FAMILY PLANS

                                                                           Network: Connect

                                                                       3                                                                                                                   13

          PCP required                          Referral required                           Away from home care                                                      Out-of-network benefits
                 Yes*                                        Yes*                                            No                                                                               No
                                                               For more information, see the next page.

     *PCP selection and referrals are encouraged in Missouri.

                                                                Refer to this key for explanations of the
PPO or EPO                                                      information found on the sample Cigna ID cards
Plans that use these networks offer customers access to         featured in this brochure.
participating health care professionals across the country.     1 Use this ID number for all claims and inquiries.
PPO:                                                            2 Indicates a seamless network where a patient

›   Both in- and out-of-network benefits are available.
                                                                  can receive in-network care on a regional or
                                                                  statewide basis.
›   Customers can access services from health care              3 For patients with coinsurance, submit claims
    professionals who do not participate in the network,
                                                                  to Cigna or its designee, and receive an
    but will assume additional costs and be reimbursed at
                                                                  explanation of payment (EOP), which will show
    a lower coinsurance level.
                                                                  any remaining amount due from the patient.
EPO:                                                            4 Collect any copayment at the time of service.
›   Out-of-network coverage for emergencies only*               5 May read as: “Cigna Health and Life Insurance
›   Referrals are not required to see specialists in the          Company” or “Connecticut General Life
    Cigna network.                                                Insurance Co.” or “Cigna HealthCare of
                                                                  XXXX, Inc.”
For a directory of health care professionals who participate
                                                                6 ID cards with the Cigna Care Network® logo
in these networks, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.
                                                                  indicate the patient’s liability varies based
                                                                  on the health care professional’s Cigna Care
                                                                  designation status. Refer to the online health
Individual & Family Plans                                         care professional directory at Cigna.com>
                                                                  Find a Doctor to determine a physician’s
Cigna offers Individual & Family Plans with medical,
                                                                  Cigna Care designation status.
pharmacy, and (when applicable) pediatric dental benefits
in Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida,         7 Effective date of coverage.
Georgia, Maryland, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina,    8 Name of patient‘s primary care
Tennessee, and Texas. Depending on the plan, customers            physician (PCP).
will have access to health care professionals who participate   9 Network Savings Program (NSP) logo indicates
in one of four networks: Connect Network, Focus Network,          that out-of-network discounts may be available
LocalPlus Network, or Open Access Plus Network. The               to the customer.
network name will appear on the top right of the ID card.       10 Employer name.
Connect Network                                                 11 If a third party administers services in
Plans that use this network offer customers access to health       conjunction with Cigna, the ID card may
care professionals in their local area.                            include multiple logos, and show a different
                                                                   claim address or telephone number on the
›   Customers must select a PCP** who participates in the
                                                                   back of the card.
    network to coordinate their care.
                                                                12 Precertification requirements may be shown as
›   Referrals are required to see specialists.**                   either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient
›   Out-of-network coverage, except in emergencies,* and           Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’
    Away From Home Care are not included.                       13 Submit claims to the claim submission address
For a directory of health care professionals who participate       shown on the card.
in this network, visit Cigna.com/IFP-Providers.                 14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated
* Emergency services as defined in their plan.
                                                                   on the card. Some plans have dedicated
** PCP selection and referrals are encouraged in Missouri.         numbers for accessing information. Always
                                                                   check the card for the correct number or refer
                                                                   to the Important contact information page in
                                                                   this guide.
                                                                15 “Away From Home Care” indicates the patient
                                                                   has access to the Cigna national Open Access
                                                                   Plus network.
                                                                16 Indicates shared administration repricing.
                                                                17 Union identifier.
                                                                18 Client-specific network (CSN) logo.

                                                                    Network: LocalPlus

                         1                                                                13

                     PCP required                      Referral required         Away from home care             Out-of-network benefits
    LocalPlus                No                               No                           Yes                             Yes*
    LocalPlus IN             No                               No                           Yes                             No**

                                                           For more information, see the next page.
         *Cigna Health plans in California, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, and Texas, as well as Cigna California plans.
        **Cigna Vantage® plans in Colorado, Florida, and Texas.

                                                                      Network: Focus

                                  8                                   4                                             13


                PCP required                      Referral required         Away from home care             Out-of-network benefits
                    No                                   No                          No                               No
                                                          For more information, see the next page.

                                                              Network: Open Access Plus


                                  8                             3

                PCP required                      Referral required         Away from home care             Out-of-network benefits
                    No                                   No                          Yes                             Yes
                                                          For more information, see the next page.

LocalPlus Network                                                 Key
Plans that use this network offer customers access to             Refer to this key for explanations of the
health care professionals who participate in the national         information found on the sample Cigna ID cards
LocalPlus network.                                                featured in this brochure.
In areas where the LocalPlus Network is not available,            1 Use this ID number for all claims and inquiries.
if the customer has a:                                            2 Indicates a seamless network where a patient
›   Cigna Vantage® plan                                             can receive in-network care on a regional or
                                                                    statewide basis.
      In Florida or Texas, out-of network visits are not
                                                                  3 For patients with coinsurance, submit claims
      covered, except in emergencies.*
                                                                    to Cigna or its designee, and receive an
    – In Colorado, they can access Away from Home Care              explanation of payment (EOP), which will show
      using the Open Access Plus network for coverage at            any remaining amount due from the patient.
      the in-network cost.
                                                                  4 Collect any copayment at the time of service.
›   Cigna Health plan                                             5 May read as: “Cigna Health and Life Insurance
    – In California, Florida, Georgia, or Tennessee,                Company” or “Connecticut General Life
      they can access Away from Home Care using the                 Insurance Co.” or “Cigna HealthCare of
      Open Access Plus network for coverage at the                  XXXX, Inc.”
      in-network cost.                                            6 ID cards with the Cigna Care Network® logo
›   Visits to non-participating health care professionals           indicate the patient’s liability varies based
    when in a LocalPlus area will not be covered except             on the health care professional’s Cigna Care
    for emergencies.*                                               designation status. Refer to the online health
                                                                    care professional directory at Cigna.com>
›   Referrals are not required to see specialists.                  Find a Doctor to determine a physician’s
For a directory of health care professionals who participate        Cigna Care designation status.
in this network, visit Cigna.com/IFP-Providers.                   7 Effective date of coverage.
*Emergency services as defined in their plan.                     8 Name of patient‘s primary care
                                                                    physician (PCP).
Focus Network
                                                                  9 Network Savings Program (NSP) logo indicates
Plans that use this network offer customers access to               that out-of-network discounts may be available
health care professionals in their local area.                      to the customer.
›   Customers can select a PCP to help coordinate care;           10 Employer name.
    it’s recommended, but not required.                           11 If a third party administers services in
›   Referrals are not required to see specialists.                   conjunction with Cigna, the ID card may

›   Customer visits to providers not in the network are
                                                                     include multiple logos, and show a different
                                                                     claim address or telephone number on the
    considered out-of-network, except in the case of
                                                                     back of the card.
    emergency services as defined by their plan.
                                                                  12 Precertification requirements may be shown as
For a directory of health care professionals who participate
                                                                     either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient
in this network, visit Cigna.com/IFP-Providers.
                                                                     Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’
                                                                  13 Submit claims to the claim submission address
Open Access Plus Network                                             shown on the card.
Plans that use this network offer customers access to             14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated
health care professionals who participate in the national            on the card. Some plans have dedicated
Open Access Plus network.                                            numbers for accessing information. Always
›   Customers can select a PCP to help coordinate care;              check the card for the correct number or refer
    it’s recommended, but not required.                              to the Important contact information page in
                                                                     this guide.
›   Referrals are not required to see specialists in- or
                                                                  15 “Away From Home Care” indicates the patient
                                                                     has access to the Cigna national Open Access
›   Precertification may still be required for certain services      Plus network.
    and procedures.                                               16 Indicates shared administration repricing.
For a directory of health care professionals who participate      17 Union identifier.
in this network, visit Cigna.com/IFP-Providers.
                                                                  18 Client-specific network (CSN) logo.
Policy No:

                                                                               GLOBAL HEALTH BENEFITS PLANS
                                                                                                                     To verify benefits, please see the contact information on the back of this card.

                                                                                  Networks in U.S.: PPO and OAP                                                                                      www.CignaEnvoy.com

     A customer with this card lives in the U.S. and makes frequent visits outside the U.S.

                                                                                                                     Preferred care network in the U.S.: Cigna HealthCare PPO

                                                                                                                     All benefits are subject to verification of eligibility, definitions, exclusions,
                                                            Medical Benefits Abroad                                  and contract limitation. Card possession does not certify eligibility
                                                                                                                     for benefits. For U.S.-inpatient services pre-authorization required.

                                                                                                                     Members and Providers
          Policy No:                                                                                                 US Provider:                 Payor ID# Cigna – 62308
                                                                                                                     Fax Claims:                  1.800.243.6998 (toll-free) or 001.302.797.3150 (direct fax)

          Employer:                                                                                                  Contact:                     1.800.243.1348 (toll-free) or 001.302.797.3535 (outside the U.S.)
                                                                                                                                                                                    302.797.3535 (inside the U.S.)
                                                                                                                     Mail Claims:                 Cigna PO Box 15111, Wilmington, DE 19850-5111
         To verify benefits, please see the contact information on the back of this card.                            Courier:                     Cigna 300 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington DE 19809-3718
                                                                                                                     Website:                     www.CignaEnvoy.com

                                                                                                                                         Network Savings Program                          AWAY FROM HOME CARE

         Preferred care network in the U.S.: Cigna HealthCare PPO
                                                                         Networks outside U.S.: Vary by location
         All benefits are subject to verification of eligibility, definitions, exclusions,
         and contract limitation. Card possession does not certify eligibility
     A   customer           with this
         for benefits. For U.S.-inpatient      card
                                           services      lives outside
                                                     pre-authorization     required. the     U.S. and makes frequent visits to the U.S.
         Members and Providers
         US Provider:                 Payor ID# Cigna – 62308
         Fax Claims:                  1.800.243.6998 (toll-free) or 001.302.797.3150 (direct fax)
         Contact:                     1.800.243.1348 (toll-free) or 001.302.797.3535 (outside the U.S.)
                                                                        302.797.3535 (inside the U.S.)
         Mail Claims:                 Cigna PO Box 15111, Wilmington, DE 19850-5111
         Courier:                     Cigna 300 Bellevue Parkway, Wilmington DE 19809-3718                      12
         Website:                     www.CignaEnvoy.com
                                                                              AWAY FROM HOME CARE
                             Network Savings Program

                                                                                                                        9                                                                    15

               PCP Required                                    Referral Required                             Away from home care                                          Out-of-network benefits
                 Encouraged                                                   No                                          Yes                                                                    Yes
                                                                                   For more information, see the next page

                                                                                                                                                                   112094 11/15
Global Health Benefits plans                                     Refer to this key for explanations of the
We offer Cigna Global Health Benefits® plans for globally        information found on the sample Cigna ID cards
mobile employees, including U.S. expatriates and inpatriates     featured in this brochure.
to the U.S. There are multiple coverage options                  1 Use this ID number for all claims and inquiries.
encompassing medical, business travel medical, dental, life,
                                                                 2 Indicates a seamless network where a patient
accidental death and dismemberment, and a range of
                                                                   can receive in-network care on a regional or
ancillary coverage. The network name will appear on the
                                                                   statewide basis.
ID card.
                                                                 3 For patients with coinsurance, submit claims
For more information and to access the directory of
                                                                   to Cigna or its designee, and receive an
participating health care professionals, visit CignaEnvoy.com.
                                                                   explanation of payment (EOP), which will show
                                                                   any remaining amount due from the patient.
                                                                 4 Collect any copayment at the time of service.
                                                                 5 May read as: “Cigna Health and Life Insurance
                                                                   Company” or “Connecticut General Life
                                                                   Insurance Co.” or “Cigna HealthCare of
                                                                   XXXX, Inc.”
                                                                 6 ID cards with the Cigna Care Network® logo
                                                                   indicate the patient’s liability varies based
                                                                   on the health care professional’s Cigna Care
                                                                   designation status. Refer to the online health
                                                                   care professional directory at Cigna.com>
                                                                   Find a Doctor to determine a physician’s
                                                                   Cigna Care designation status.
                                                                 7 Effective date of coverage.
                                                                 8 Name of patient‘s primary care
                                                                   physician (PCP).
                                                                 9 Network Savings Program (NSP) logo indicates
                                                                   that out-of-network discounts may be available
                                                                   to the customer.
                                                                 10 Employer name.

                                                                 11 If a third party administers services in
                                                                    conjunction with Cigna, the ID card may
                                                                    include multiple logos, and show a different
                                                                    claim address or telephone number on the
                                                                    back of the card.
                                                                 12 Precertification requirements may be shown as
                                                                    either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient
                                                                    Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’
                                                                 13 Submit claims to the claim submission address
                                                                    shown on the card.
                                                                 14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated
                                                                    on the card. Some plans have dedicated
                                                                    numbers for accessing information. Always
                                                                    check the card for the correct number or refer
                                                                    to the Important contact information page in
                                                                    this guide.
                                                                 15 “Away From Home Care” indicates the patient
                                                                    has access to the Cigna national Open Access
                                                                    Plus network.
                                                                 16 Indicates shared administration repricing.
                                                                 17 Union identifier.
                                                                 18 Client-specific network (CSN) logo.

                   Networks: Cigna Choice Fund or Cigna Choice Fund Open Access Plus

                                 CSN logo       18                                                                                WWW.CIGNA.COM
         TPV logo     11                                             Client            You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
                                 Care Network    6                    logo             You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.

      Legal entity name 5
                                                                                    12 INPATIENT ADMISSION:
                                                                                       Your provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents for your
      Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY   7    Choice Fund OA Plus                   pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your primary
      Group: 1234567                               No referral required                care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
                                                   PCP Visit     15%/20%
                                                   Specialist 3 15%/20%
      Issuer (80840)                                                                   Coinsurance/deductible is paid directly to the doctor/facility by Cigna using individual’s available health funds.
      ID: U23456789 01 1                           Hospital ER        20%              For Pharmacy, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
      Name: John Public                            Vision               Yes            For Vision, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                                                   Rx       30%/40%/50%
      PCP: John Smith
           PCP Name Ln2 8                          Network Coinsurance:             13 Send claims to:
                                                   In            90%/10%               CAD Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
      PCP Phone: XXX.XXX.XXXX                      Out           70%/30%               TPV Name, PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
      ID card acct name 10                      9 Med/Rx deductible applies            All Others: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
      RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                                                      Customer Service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX 14 MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX
      DOI                                                                 Cat#         We encourage you to use a PCP as a valuable resource and personal health advocate.                  AWAY FROM HOME CARE

                                                     For more information, see the next page.

     PCP required                    Referral required                           Away from home care                                                      Out-of-network benefits
           No                                   No                                               Yes                                                              Varies by network

                                      SHARED ADMINISTRATION REPRICING PLANS

                                                Network: Shared Administration PPO

                                                                                       You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
         TPV logo      11                                            Client            You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.
                                                                      logo          12 INPATIENT ADMISSION:
                                                                                       Your provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify your medical services or benefits may be affected. Refer to your
      Legal entity name 5                                                              plan documents for your plan’s precertification requirements. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then notify Cigna within 48 hours.
      Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY   7   Provider network:                      Mail all non-medical claims and correspondence to: ID card name back
      Group: 1234567                            Cigna HealthCare PPO                   SAR fund name
      Issuer (80840)                              Doctor visit $10 4                13 Submit/mail claims to: Cigna Payor 62308, PO Box 188004, Chattanooga, TN 37422-8004
                                                                                       All other:
      ID: U23456789 01 1                          Specialist   $20
                                                  Coinsurance 3                        TPV N&A print line
      Name: John Public
                                                  In-network      90% / 10%            Pre-certification: Member Srvc Nu                  Pharmacy Questions: 1.800.244.6224
      S 16
      This plan is self-funded by:
                                                  Out-of-network 70% / 30%             Eligibility, Benefit and Claim questions please call: SAR TPA phone            14
                                                  Rx         30% / 40% / 50%
      ID card account name                                                             To access the online provider directory go to www.CignaSharedAdministration.com
      Fund #: SAR F                                                                    To access member pharmacy tools go to www.myCigna.com
      RxBIN Rx Bin RxPCN XXXXXXXX                    Deductible applies
                                                                                    15         AWAY FROM HOME CARE                      Benefits are not insured by Cigna HealthCare        17

                                   Network: Shared Administration Open Access Plus

                                                                                       You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
        TPV logo      11                                             Client            You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.
                       5                                              logo          12 INPATIENT ADMISSION:
     Legal entity name                                                                 Your network provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents
     Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY
                                            7                                          for your pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your
     Group: 1234567                               Open Access Plus                     primary care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
     Issuer (80840)                                No referral required                Mail all non-medical claims and correspondence to:
     ID: U23456789 01
                         1                         PCP visit $15 4                     Fund name
                                                   Specialist $20                      Fund address
                                                                                       Send claims to: Claims address 13
     Name: John Public
     S 16                                          Rx 30% / 40% / 50%
     PCP: James Smith                              Network coinsurance:                All others: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
          PCP name Ln2                             In 90% / 10% 3                      Pre-certification: Member Srvc Nu                  Pharmacy Questions: Pharm Num
     PCP phone: 860-555-1212                       Out 70% / 30%                       Eligibility, Benefit and Claim Questions: Please call Payor Num          14
     Fund Name                                     Deductible applies                  To access the online provider directory go to www.cignasharedadministration.com
     Fund #: Fund number                                                               To access member pharmacy tools go to www.mycigna.com
     RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                                                       We encourage you to use a PCP as a valuable resource and personal health advocate.
     DOI                                                                  Cat#                 AWAY FROM HOME CARE               15                                                      17

     PCP required                    Referral required                           Away from home care                                                      Out-of-network benefits
     Encouraged                                 No                                               Yes                                                                               Yes
                                                     For more information, see the next page.

Cigna Choice Fund® plans                                          Refer to this key for explanations of the
These plans combine an employer-funded health                     information found on the sample Cigna ID cards
reimbursement account (HRA) or employer/employee-funded           featured in this brochure.
tax-advantaged health savings account (HSA) with certain          1 Use this ID number for all claims and inquiries.
medical plans.
                                                                  2 Indicates a seamless network where a patient
Depending on the plan, customers will have access to health         can receive in-network care on a regional or
care professionals who participate in one of five networks          statewide basis.
(PPO, EPO, Open Access Plus, LocalPlus, or indemnity).            3 For patients with coinsurance, submit claims
Cigna Choice Fund or Cigna Choice Fund Open Access Plus             to Cigna or its designee, and receive an
Plans that use these networks offer customers access to a           explanation of payment (EOP), which will show
suite of health care professionals, and allow them to be in         any remaining amount due from the patient.
charge of how and when they spend their health fund dollars.      4 Collect any copayment at the time of service.

›   Customers can select a PCP to coordinate care;                5 May read as: “Cigna Health and Life Insurance
    it’s recommended but not required.                              Company” or “Connecticut General Life
                                                                    Insurance Co.” or “Cigna HealthCare of
›   Referrals are not required to see specialists.                  XXXX, Inc.”
›   No copayments are required.                                   6 ID cards with the Cigna Care Network® logo
›   Health care professionals should bill Cigna directly.           indicate the patient’s liability varies based
                                                                    on the health care professional’s Cigna Care
›   Precertification may still be required for certain services
                                                                    designation status. Refer to the online health
    and procedures.
                                                                    care professional directory at Cigna.com>
For a directory of health care professionals who participate in     Find a Doctor to determine a physician’s
these networks, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.com.                   Cigna Care designation status.
                                                                  7 Effective date of coverage.
                                                                  8 Name of patient‘s primary care
                                                                    physician (PCP).
Shared Administration Repricing plans
                                                                  9 Network Savings Program (NSP) logo indicates
The Shared Administration Repricing plan is offered by
                                                                    that out-of-network discounts may be available
the Cigna Taft-Hartley and Federal Business Segment.
                                                                    to the customer.
It’s designed for Taft-Hartley and federal plan employers
                                                                  10 Employer name.
that want to continue processing and paying their claims,
retain customer and provider service, or use a third-party        11 If a third party administers services in
administrator to perform these functions.                            conjunction with Cigna, the ID card may
                                                                     include multiple logos, and show a different
Shared Administration PPO and Open Access Plus                       claim address or telephone number on the
Plans that use these networks offer customers access to a            back of the card.
national network of health care professionals.                    12 Precertification requirements may be shown as
›   Customers can select a PCP to help coordinate care;              either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient
    it’s recommended, but not required.                              Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’

›   Referrals are not required to see specialists.
                                                                  13 Submit claims to the claim submission address
                                                                     shown on the card.
›   Both in- and out-of-network benefits are available.
                                                                  14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated
    Customers can access health care professionals that
                                                                     on the card. Some plans have dedicated
    participate in a national network that includes Away
                                                                     numbers for accessing information. Always
    From Home Care.
                                                                     check the card for the correct number or refer
For a directory of health care professionals who participate in      to the Important contact information page in
these networks, visit Cigna.com/HCPDirectory.com.                    this guide.
                                                                  15 “Away From Home Care” indicates the patient
                                                                     has access to the Cigna national Open Access
                                                                     Plus network.
                                                                  16 Indicates shared administration repricing.
                                                                  17 Union identifier.
                                                                  18 Client-specific network (CSN) logo.

                                                         Network: Open Access Plus

       TPV / Alliance                                 CareLink      Client
          logo          11                              logo         logo
                                                                                        You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage.
                                                                                        You must comply with all terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.

     Legal entity name 5
                                                                                     12 INPATIENT ADMISSION:
                                                                                        Your network provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents
     Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY           Open Access Plus                     for your pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your
     Group: 1234567                                  No referral required
                                                                                        primary care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within 48 hours.
     Issuer (80840)
                                      7              PCP visit          $15
     ID: U23456789 01 1                              Specialist    4 $30                   Coinsurance/deductible is paid directly to the doctor/facility by Cigna using individual’s available health funds.
     Name: John Public                               Hospital ER        $50          13 For pharmacy: Call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                                                     Urgent care        $25                For vision: Call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
     PCP: John Smith
                                                     Vision             Yes                Send claims to: CSN name, PO Box XXXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
          PCP name Ln2
                                                     Rx $10/$20/$40/90%
     PCP phone: 860.555.1212                                                               All other: PO Box XXXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                                                     Rx indiv deduct $50
     ID card acct name 10                            Network coinsurance: 3                Customer service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX 14MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX
     RxBIN XXXXXX RxPCN XXXXXXXX                     In            90%/10%
     DOI                                       9                        Cat#               We encourage you to use a PCP as a valuable resource and personal health advocate. 15               AWAY FROM HOME CARE

     PCP required                    Referral required                             Away from home care                                                        Out-of-network benefits
     Encouraged                                    No                                              Yes                                                                                  Yes
                                                     For more information, see the next page.

                                                                 INDEMNITY PLANS

                                                           Network: Not Applicable

                                                                  Client                You may be asked to present this card when you receive care. The card does not guarantee coverage. You must comply with all
                                                                   logo                 terms and conditions of the plan. Willful misuse of this card is considered fraud.
                                                                                     12 INPATIENT ADMISSION:
     Legal entity name 5                                                                Your provider must call the toll-free number listed below to pre-certify the above services. Refer to your plan documents for your
     Coverage effective date: MM/DD/CCYY   7       Indemnity                            pre-certification requirements. Failure to do so may affect benefits. In an emergency, seek care immediately, then call your primary
     Group: 1234567                                  Rx $10/20%/40%/100%                care doctor as soon as possible for further assistance and directions on follow-up care within ### hours.
     Issuer (80840)                                  Rx indiv deduct    $50
                                                     Indiv deduct     $300                 Coinsurance/deductible is paid directly to the doctor/facility by Cigna using individual’s available health funds.
     ID: U23456789 01 1                              Family deduct    $500
                                                                                        Note: You can reduce your out-of-pocket expenses if you use a Network Savings Program provider. Use of a Network Savings
     Name: John Public  1                            Hospital deduct $200               Program provider does not affect your benefit coverage. For help finding a participating provider, please visit our website, or call
                                                     ER deduct          $50             the toll-free number listed on this card.
     ID card acct name      10                       Medical       80%/20%           13 For Pharmacy, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                                                                                        For Vision, call ABC Company 1.800.XXX.XXXX (Not a Cigna Company)
                                                    Med/Rx deductible applies              Send Claims to: PO Box XXXX, Anytown, USA 12345-6789
                                               9                           Cat#            Customer Service: 1.800.XXX.XXXX        14MH/SA: 1.800.XXX.XXXX

     PCP required                    Referral required                             Away from home care                                                        Out-of-network benefits
     Encouraged                                    No                                              N/A                                                                                  Yes
                                                     For more information, see the next page.

                                                                  Refer to this key for explanations of the
Strategic Alliance plans                                          information found on the sample Cigna ID cards
                                                                  featured in this brochure.
Cigna has entered into strategic alliances with several
                                                                  1 Use this ID number for all claims and inquiries.
nationally recognized health care companies. These plans give
our customers access to an alliance’s network of health care      2 Indicates a seamless network where a patient
professionals and discounts in specific geographic areas. They      can receive in-network care on a regional or
also provide the alliance’s customers with access to Cigna’s        statewide basis.
national health care professional network and discounts           3 For patients with coinsurance, submit claims
outside their specific geographic area.                             to Cigna or its designee, and receive an
›   Customers can select a PCP to help coordinate care; it’s        explanation of payment (EOP), which will show
    recommended, but not required.                                  any remaining amount due from the patient.

›   Referrals are not required to see specialists.
                                                                  4 Collect any copayment at the time of service.
                                                                  5 May read as: “Cigna Health and Life Insurance
›   Precertification may still be required for certain services
                                                                    Company” or “Connecticut General Life
    and procedures.
                                                                    Insurance Co.” or “Cigna HealthCare of
                                                                    XXXX, Inc.”
                                                                  6 ID cards with the Cigna Care Network® logo
                                                                    indicate the patient’s liability varies based
                                                                    on the health care professional’s Cigna Care
                                                                    designation status. Refer to the online health
                                                                    care professional directory at Cigna.com>
                                                                    Find a Doctor to determine a physician’s
Indemnity plans                                                     Cigna Care designation status.
These plans give customers the freedom to choose any health       7 Effective date of coverage.
care professional.                                                8 Name of patient‘s primary care
›   No network requirements.                                        physician (PCP).

›   Referrals are not required to see specialists.                9 Network Savings Program (NSP) logo indicates
                                                                    that out-of-network discounts may be available
                                                                    to the customer.
                                                                  10 Employer name.

                                                                  11 If a third party administers services in
                                                                     conjunction with Cigna, the ID card may
                                                                     include multiple logos, and show a different
                                                                     claim address or telephone number on the
                                                                     back of the card.
                                                                  12 Precertification requirements may be shown as
                                                                     either “Inpatient Admission” or “Inpatient
                                                                     Admission and Outpatient Procedures.’’
                                                                  13 Submit claims to the claim submission address
                                                                     shown on the card.
                                                                  14 Call the customer service number(s) indicated
                                                                     on the card. Some plans have dedicated
                                                                     numbers for accessing information. Always
                                                                     check the card for the correct number or refer
                                                                     to the Important contact information page in
                                                                     this guide.
                                                                  15 “Away From Home Care” indicates the patient
                                                                     has access to the Cigna national Open Access
                                                                     Plus network.
                                                                  16 Indicates shared administration repricing.
                                                                  17 Union identifier.
                                                                  18 Client-specific network (CSN) logo.
The myCigna Mobile App
     The myCigna Mobile App gives Cigna customers a simple way to personalize, organize, and access their important
                myCigna - ID Cards - Print or Request                                                        Page 1 of 1
     health and coverage information – on the go. Your patients may present their Cigna ID card claims information and
      myCigna -eligibility
     coverage   ID Cardsto - Print
                              you or
                                       the app on their smartphone or tablet.              Page 1 of 1
     Sample ID card information you might see on your patients’ myCigna Mobile App:

                       ID Cards - Print or Request
         ID Cards - Print or Request

                      Click the "Print" button below to print your card.
      Click the "Print" button below to print your card.

      Please note: Please  note:
                   Temporary       Temporary
                               cards are not ancards
                                                exact are
                                                      copynot   an exact
                                                             of your      copy of
                                                                     permanent    IDyour
                                                                                     card permanent   ID cardalland
                                                                                          and do not contain     the do notinformation
                                                                                                                     same    contain allasthe same information as
      your permanent  ID permanent   ID card. Your
                         card. Your temporary       temporary
                                               card will expire incard  will expire
                                                                   ten days         in ten
                                                                             or on your    days or
                                                                                        coverage    ondate,
                                                                                                  end  yourwhichever
                                                                                                             coverageisendfirst.date, whichever is first. To request
                                                                                                                                 To request
                   a permanent
      a permanent ID              IDCards--Print
                     card, go to ID  card, go to or
                                                    Cards--Print or Request.

                        Issue Date: 07/21/2015
         Issue Date: 07/21/2015                                         You may be asked to You     maythis
                                                                                               present    becard
                                                                                                               askedwhento you
                                                                                                                           present  this card when you access
                                                 For coverage info: care. This card doesn't
                                For coverage info:                                             care.  This card
                                                                                                 guarantee         doesn't
                                                                                                             coverage.    Youguarantee
                                                                                                                               must       coverage. You must
                                                                        comply with all items and  conditions
                                                                                                        with allofitems
                                                                                                                    the plan.
                                Review your coverage
                                                 Reviewon the            on theof this card is comply
                                                          your coveragemisuse                  considered   fraud.
                                                                                                                               conditions of the plan. Willful
                                myCigna website myCigna
                                                 or mobile app,
                                                                                               misuse   of this  card is considered fraud.
                                                            website or mobile  app,
                                                                        Hospital  Admission:Hospital
                                                                                                Prior to any  non-emergency
                                or               or                                                       Admission:        Priorhospital
                                                                                                                                  to any non-emergency hospital
                                                                        admission, you or your doctor must call the toll-free
         Nov Eleven
                      Nov Elevencall 1.866.494.2111.                                           admission, you or your doctor must call the toll-free
         ID:100654369                            call 1.866.494.2111. Customers and HealthCustomers
                                                                                                Care Professionals number shown
                                                                                                             and Health Care Professionals number shown
         PREFERRED ID:100654369                                         below to request "precertification." In the case of an
         PROVIDER PREFERRED                                             emergency, you, your family,toorrequest
                                                                                               below      your doctor"precertification."
                                                                                                                          must call withinIn the case of an
                      PROVIDER                                                                 emergency,
                                                                        48 hours of hospital admission.       you,toyour
                                                                                                          Failure           family,
                                                                                                                       contact      or will
                                                                                                                                Cigna  your doctor must call within
         Group Number:ORGANIZATION                                      affect your coverage. 48 hours of hospital admission. Failure to contact Cigna will
                       Group Number:                                                             affect
                                                                             In an Emergency: Seek       your
                                                                                                      care     coverage.Go directly to the
         Coverage Effective Date:                                                                In anorEmergency:
                                                                             nearest emergency facility   call 911.    Seek care immediately. Go directly to the
         01/01/2014    Coverage Effective Date:                                                  nearest Visit
                                                                             Health Care Professionals:.   emergency    facility or call 911.
                                                                                                                www.CignaforHCP.com       or
         Issuer: 80840 01/01/2014                                            call 800-882-4462. Health Care Professionals:. Visit www.CignaforHCP.com or
                        Issuer: 80840                                        Customers and Health call 800-882-4462.
                                                                                                          Send Medical Claims To:
                                                                             Care Professionals:          Cigna
                                                                                                  Customers and Health          Send Medical Claims To:
     ID card features                                                        1.866.494.2111
                                                                                                          1000 Great-West Drive
                                                                                                        Professionals:          Cigna
                                                                             (24 hours a day, 365 days Kennett, MO 63857
     ›    Quickly view ID card information (front and                       back)
                                                                             a year)              1.866.494.2111
                                                                                                   (24 hours a day, 365 days
                                                                                                                                1000 Great-West Drive
                                                                                                                                  Kennett, MO 63857
          for the entire family                                                                    a year)

     ›    Easily print, email, or scan right from a smartphone                                            Payer ID: #62308
          or tablet                                                                                                               Payer ID: #62308

      PRINT     app features:

     The myCigna
              PRINT Mobile App includes features that help your patients – and you – have an
     easier health care experience.
     Health care professional directory                                                        Trackers
     ›    Locate doctors and health care facilities                                            › View in-network and out-of-network medical
     ›    © 2015 Cigna. All rights reserved.
          Access maps for instant driving directions                                             and dental year-to-date deductibles, as well as
          Selecting these links will take you away from myCigna.com. Cigna does not control the linked sites' content orand    annual maximums
                                                                                                                        links. Details
     Health wallet
     ›                © 2015 Cigna. All rights reserved.
        Store and organize all contact information for
        doctors, hospitals,            thesepharmacies                                         ›
                                             links will take you away from myCigna.com. CignaSee  does plan     coverage
                                                                                                        not control  the linkedand
                                                                                                                                       content orinformation
                                                                                                                                                   links. Details for

     ›  Add health care professionals to contact list right
                                                                                                 medical, dental, pharmacy, behavioral health,
                                                                                                 substance abuse, and disability
        from a claim or directory search
     Claims                                                                                    › Access and view health fund balances

     ›  View and search recent and past medical, dental, and                                   › Review plan deductibles and coinsurance
        pharmacy claims
     ›    Bookmark and group claims for easy reference

17    http://a-mycigna-0024.cigna.com/web/secure/my/profile/id-cards/!ut/p/a1/hc9ND4IwDAb...                                            7/21/2015
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