Ramadan BULLETIN 2021 / 1442 - Manarat Foundation

Page created by Marshall Sherman
                     2021 / 1442

                            Charity Reg No: 1148223
                 Web: www.manaratfoundation.org.uk

               Email: manaratfoundation@gmail.com
                      T: 0121 213 1114 M: 07910 747 654
155 New Coventry Road, Sheldon, Birmingham, B26 3DX
Contents   2.

                    President Message / Editorial Welcome

                    Manarat Ramadan Facilties

           4.       Aligning Ourselves to the Natural Order of the
                    Universe through Fasting - By Dr Zahid Parvez

           5.       10 Significant Terms of Ramaḍân -
                    Shaikh Mohammad Shahid Ullah Azhari

           6.       Essential Ramadan Duas

           7.       The Significance of Fasting

           8.       Mf Picture Gallery

           9-10.    Sponsors

           11-12.   Kids Ramadan (Quiz & Colouring)

           13.      Fiqh of Ramadan q/a

           14.      Ramadan Appeal

           15.      Ramadan Timetable
President's Message
Assalamu ‘AlaikumwaRahmatullahiwaBarakatuh and Ramadan                   Foundation and please continue to help us with your suggestions,
Kareem!                                                                  donations and involvement. Moreover, please do not forget to
                                                                         keep us as well as the Ummah across the world in your prayers.
Ramadan is a blessed month which marks the revelation of                 May Allah (SWT) bless you and us all.
the holy Qur’an, the guidebook for the mankind. There is no
Ramadan without the Quran. This is the book of guidance which            Muhammad Saiful Islam
transformed the illiterates into the most cultured and civilised         President, Manarat Foundation
people. There were important guidelines to attain the Taqwa (God
consciousness) and defeat the shaytan. Its first command was not
to do anything else but READ: “Read in the name of the Lord who                     Editorial Welcome
has created.” Surah ‘Alaq, V: 1-5.
                                                                         On behalf of Manarat Foundation, We are pleased to present
All the branches of knowledge derived from the Qur’an ordering           to you the third edition of The Ramadan Bulletin 1442/2021.
us to read and read, spending resources on the path to acquiring         The foundation will continue producing this publication every
knowledge is encouraged as an act of worship. Hence, the                 Ramadan inshaAllah as this month remarks significant benefit for
messenger (SA) made seeking knowledge a compulsory act. The              the individual Muslims and the Ummah as a whole.
Quran differentiate a person based on knowledge: “those who
                                                                         Undeniably, Ramadan is a special period that makes the families
have knowledge and those who do not have knowledge are not
                                                                         and communities come together in collective activities throughout
equal” (Surah Az-Zumar: 9), because the sign of knowledge is
                                                                         the holy month. Every one of us is encouraged to devout ourselves
fearing Allah (swt): “Those who fear Allah the most from his
                                                                         to gain piety in this blessed month. Allah showers his mercy
servants are the knowledgeable” (35:28).
                                                                         upon us, forgives us and frees us from the hellfire especially in
                                                                         this season of bounty. Our inner selves required to be cleaned
The principal reason why Allah (swt) obligated fasting for us is
                                                                         for a fresh start and increase kindness towards the needy. Every
to fear Him and have the consciousness of Allah all the time (Al-
                                                                         moment of this month can enable us to attain reward if we are
Baqarah: 183). Ramadan is the best time to revisit the verses of
                                                                         engaged in the dhikr (invocation). We beseech and wish that this
the Quran, boost our knowledge by doing more research, most
                                                                         Ramadan brings us close to Allah and cleanse us from all our sins.
importantly understanding the messages it carries. Our eagerly
waiting and welcoming Ramadan will be fruitful if we are able to         The Ramadan Bulletin includes a brief picture of Manarat’s history,
develop our spirituality by attaining the Taqwa, The God                 activities, articles, Ramadan essentials, and many more. For the
consciousness.                                                           enhancement of our general knowledge about Ramadan and
                                                                         Islam as well as to get everyone engaged, we included a quiz
The pandemic Ramadan made this possible in many ways if                  & colouring page in the Bulletin. We wish you to fill that in and
taken the initiatives inshaAllah, may Allah (swt) enable us to seek      return to Manarat. Best achieving people will receive recognition
knowledge from the Qur’an.                                               and prizes Insha’Allah.

                                                                         This year’s magazine comes in a very difficult time. We are very
This is another year we will miss amazing Ramadan experiences
                                                                         grateful to all who contributed with important articles, supported
at Manarat Foundation. Due to the pandemic facilities had to
                                                                         through sponsorship, helped other ways to make this important
be restricted; however most services will be accommodated
                                                                         publication a success. We hope your whole family will enjoy and
following the government guidelines. Our renowned Huffaz will
                                                                         benefit from it. We wish you a spiritual and happy month of
lead Taraweeh prayers, Masjid will be open for congregations,
lectures and recitations will be aired, Itikaf will take place, funds
will be raised to continue developing facilities at the centre and
                                                                         Editorial Team
for every good cause. I would like to invite you to experience and
                                                                         The Ramadan Bulletin
take part in all our programmes and events. May Allah accept our
prayer, fasting, recitation, repentance, charity, all kind of worships
and grant us the forgiveness. We constantly pray for everyone
                                                                         The Ramadan Bulletin, 2021/1442
affected by the Virus, may Allah (swt) protect and remove this
                                                                         Editorial Board
punishment from us. (Ameen)
                                                                         Shaikh Mohammad Shahid Ullah Azhari
                                                                         Prof. Khandaker Kabir Uddin
Finally, I would like to thank for all your kind support for Manarat
                                                                         Shaikh Kazi Belal Hossen
                                                                         Ustadh Muhammad Saiful Islam
                                                                         Mohammad Nurul Abedin
                                                                         Sayed Kashif Ali
                                                                         Ustadh Muhammad Umair Yasir

                                                                                                                      BULLETIN       02
                                     Ramadan Facilties

                                                                                                   1.Sahikh Kazi Belal
  You MUST bring a face mask &
                                                                                                   Hossen Hafidh of the
    gloves, entry will NoT be        KEEP HYDRATED                 ZAKAT-UL-FITR
    permitted without them                                                                         Holy Qur’an, BA (Hons)
                                     Mosque will not provide       Manarat receives Zakat-ul-
                                                                                                   Al-Azhar University,
                                     any bottles of water for      Fitr money and distribute
                                                                                                   Egypt. He has the
                                     musallies this Ramadan.       among the poor & needy
                                                                                                   Ijazah for teaching
                                     Please bring your own         people. We have 100%
                                                                                                   Qur’an and Tajweed.
  Bring your own prayer mat and
                                     water bottle. Please          donation policy regarding
 take it back home with you. Entry   dispose the bottles in        this. Zakat-ul-Fitr can be
 will not be permitted without one                                                                 2. Hafiz Ubaidullah
                                     right place and do not        paid from the beginning
                                                                                                   Shameem, BA
                                     waste water.                  of the month to the office.
                                                                                                   (Hons in leadership
                                                                   £6/person needs to be
                                                                                                   and management,
                                                                   paid on behalf of each
                                                                                                   Alimiyah cours ,
       Strict 1.5m distance                                        family member
      should be maintained                                                                         Muslim Chaplaincy
            at all times
                                                                                                   course from mark field
                                     Please collect application                                    3.Hafiz Zakraiya Shafi
                                     forms from the office
        No wudu or toilet
     facilities - please make
                                     if you wish to stay in        EID PRAYERS                     4.Hafiz Usama
          wudu at home               I’tikaf. Allocation will be    At Manarat Fundation,          Abdul Matin
                                     decided by the Ramadan        there will be 5 big Eid
                                     management and their          Jama’at, inshaAllah.
                                     decision will be final.       1st Jama’ah: 7:00am
                                     Applications need to          2nd Jama’ah : 8:00am
                                     reach us by 25th April        3rd Jama’ah: 9:00am
                                     the latest. Note: Due to      4th Jama’ah 10:00am
                                     covid-19 retractions few      5th Jama’ah 11:00am
TARAWEEH                             people will be allowed to                                   CAR PARKING
Due to covid-19                      stay in I’tikaf.                                            There are ample parking
restrictions we will not                                                                         spaces in MF. Please
be able to accommodate                                                                           park sensibly and follow
everyone in one jama'at,                                                                         the instruction of traffic
therefore we will have                                                                           wardens.
two jama'at for Esha &
taraweeh at Manarat
foundation. Entry for                                              TAHAJJUD
                                     IFTAR MEALS
taraweeh will be based                                             There will be no Tahajjud
                                     Due to covid-19
on first come first serve.                                         Jama’ah this year in the
                                     restrictions Iftar meal       Masjid. This is because of
Once maximum number
                                     will not be provided in       Covid-19 restriction and
is reached the Masjid                                                                            SISTERS FACILITY
                                     MF. However water and
door will be closed for                                            also night is very short.     Due to lack of space, we
                                     dates will be available.
entry.                                                                                           will not be able to facilitate
                                                                                                 our sisters this ramadan.

                                                    SPECIAL REQUEST
                                                    We advise everyone to respect the right of our neighbours. As the
                                                    mosque will remain open till late night for taraweeh, please keep the
                                                    noise down and do not have gathering outside the mosque. Please
                                                    go home immediately after salah. We appreciate your cooperation .
BULLETIN        03
Aligning Ourselves to the
 Natural Order of the Universe
                                  through Fasting                                                            Dr Zahid Parvez
                                                                             Rector, Markfield Institute of Higher Education

The aim of Ibadah (worship) in Islam         To be successful, Allah has prescribed        can build a just and peaceful society
is to help us align our whole being to       a certain path for us (the right way)         and remove all forms of oppression,
the natural order of the Universe that       with a moral code, a legal framework          and unjust and exploitative practices
has been set by Allah, the Creator and       to ensure order and justice in family         that cause disorder and imbalances in
Lord of all that exists. According to        and society, and guidance for all             the world around us.
Islam, everything in the Universe is a       aspects of our lives, individual and
Muslim – that is, everything submits         collective. If we follow this path, we will   Prophet Muhammad (peace and
and follows the order set by Allah. This     become good people, develop good,             blessings of Allah be upon him)
is why we see peace and harmony in           peaceful and just societies, and be           reminded people in many different
the Universe.                                successful in the hereafter.                  ways as to what the purpose of fasting
                                                                                           was. He has said:
However, humans and Jinns have               The prescribed acts of worship in
been given the freedom to follow or          Islam (e.g. the five pillars of Islam), if    ‘Many are the fasters who get nothing
reject what Allah has set. If we actively    done properly and with sincerity and          from their fast except hunger and
try to align our hearts, minds, souls,       devotion, help us generate conviction,        thirst and many are those who
and limbs to what Allah wishes for           inner motivation and strength within          pray during the nights but gain
us, we will find true peace, happiness       us to help align ourselves to Allah’s         nothing from their prayers except for
and be in harmony with ourselves,            Will – the natural order of the Universe.     wakefulness’. (Daarimi).
with other fellow human beings, and          One of these prescribed acts of
with the rest of the Universe. If we         worship is fasting during the blessed         ‘If one does not give up falsehood and
reject to align ourselves to Allah’s Will,   month of Ramadan (the 9th month of            actions in accordance with it, God has
then we will not be in harmony with          the Islamic lunar year).                      no need that he/she should give up
the rest of creation and hence bring                                                       food and drink. (Bukhari).
misery to our lives and disorder in the      Like the other pillars of Islam
world around us; we will disturb the         (declaration of faith, Salah, Zakah,          It is therefore important not to lose
order and balance set by Allah causing       and Hajj), fasting helps to produce           sight of the real purpose of fasting
economic, environmental and social           and nurture a whole range of                  and the great qualities that can be
problems in our society and world.           positive values and qualities (through        produced in people through this act
                                             restraining from food and water from          of worship. Sincere and real fasting
Allah, our Merciful Lord, wants our          dawn to sunset), in both individuals          should directly affect our lives. It
wellbeing and happiness. He has,             and community life such as piety,             should strengthen our relationship
therefore, sent guidance for humans          moral character, self-discipline,             with Allah and motivate people to
to help us align ourselves to His Will       endurance, fortitude and patience,            strive for building a God-centred
like the rest of the Universe. This          compassion and generosity, a sense            society.
guidance (the Qur’an) focuses on             of justice and social responsibility, as
our human nature, explaining what            well as strong brotherhood/sisterhood         Fasting should not be seen as an
is good for us and what will bring           and community cohesion. All of this is        objective in itself, but as a powerful
us harm and misery; how we can               essential for building good people and        means for fulfilling the Islamic
successfully fulfill our purpose of          a good and just society.                      purpose in human life and society.
creation (as Khalifas of Allah); what will
make us losers in this life and the life     Thus, fasting is one of the prescribed
hereafter.                                   acts of worship to help us align
                                             ourselves to the Will of Allah so that we

                                                                                                                 BULLETIN      04
‫‪10 Significant Terms of Ramaḍân‬‬
                                            ‫‪Shaikh Mohammad Shahid Ullah Azhari‬‬


                                                                                                          ‫َى َو ْٱلفرْ َق ِ‬
                                                                                                         ‫انُ‬             ‫اس َوبَيِنَ ٰـتُ ِمنَُ ْٱلهد ُٰ‬
                                                                                                                                                      ‫نز َُل فِي ُِه ْٱلقرْ َءانُ ه ًۭدى لِلنَّ ِ ُ‬
                                                                                                                                                                                                 ‫ضانَُ ٱلَّذِىُ أ ِ‬
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ‫ش ْهرُ َر َم َ‬
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ‫ُ َ‬
     ‫ش ْه َُر ف َْليَص ْم ُه‬
                           ‫ش ِه ُدَ مِ نكمُ ٱل َّ‬
                                                ‫ُ فَ َمن َ‬

                                                        ‫˹‬                                            ‫˺‬

                                                               ‫صوم صيام‬


                                                        ‫ِ‬ ‫ِر‬‫أف‬
                                                             ‫َغ‬   ‫أَ‬
                                                               ‫يسأت‬ ‫ُِ‬
                                                                    ‫م‬ ‫ِه‬ ‫ْلَسأح‬
                                                                       ‫َار‬   ‫ِٱأ‬‫َب‬

                                                                             ‫صدقة الفطر زكاة الفطِ‬



                                                   ‫ِ‬ ‫ِسأك‬
                                                        ‫ُ م‬
                                                          ‫م‬ ‫َع‬
                                                          ‫َاِ‬ ‫ِ ط‬
                                                                ‫ية‬ ‫ِأ‬
                                                                  ‫دَ‬  ‫ُ‬
                                                                    ‫ه ف‬
                                                                      ‫ۥِ‬‫ُ َ‬
                                                                       ‫ون‬ ‫ِيق‬
                                                                            ‫يط‬‫َ ُ‬
                                                                                ‫ن‬   ‫َى َّ‬
                                                                                  ‫ٱلذ‬   ‫َل‬‫َع‬
                                                                                           ‫ِ و‬
                                                                                               ‫˹‬                                                 ‫˺‬


                                                                ‫ة القدر‬
                                                                      ‫ليلِ‬                                                                                                                     ‫َي‬
                                                                                                                                                                                              ‫ِ‬  ‫ِخ‬
                                                                                                                                                                                                  ‫در‬‫َأ‬ ‫ُ أ‬
                                                                                                                                                                                                     ‫ٱلق‬ ‫َِ‬
                                                                                                                                                                                                         ‫ة‬  ‫َلي‬
     ‫ِ‬      ‫َألِ‬
       ‫فِ شَه‬  ‫أأ‬‫ِِ‬
                 ‫ن‬ ‫م‬

‫‪BULLETIN‬‬              ‫‪05‬‬
Essential Ramadan Duas
 1. Du’a for sighting the new moon:

 Allahu Akbar, Allahumma ahillahu ‘alaina bil-amni wal Eimani was-Salamah wal-Islami wat-tawfeeqi Lima
 Tuhubbu wa Tardha, Rabbuna Wa Rabbukallahu.
 Allah is the greatest, O Allah! let the crescent loom above us in safety, faith, peace, and Islam and in agreement
 with all that You love and pleases You. Our Lord and your Lord is Allah.

 2. Intention for fasting:

 Wa bisawmi gadin Nawaitu min Shahri Ramadhan
 I Intend to keep fast tomorrow for the month of Ramadan

 3. Du’a for breaking the fast:

 Dhahabaz Zamau’, wabtallatil ‘Urooqu wa thabatal Ajru in-Sha-Allahu Ta’aalaa
 O Allah! I have fated for You, and I believe in You, and I break my fast with your provision

 Dhahabaz Zamau’, wabtallatil ‘Urooqu wa thabatal Ajru in-Sha-Allahu Ta’aalaa
 O Allah! I have fated for You, and I believe in You, and I break my fast with your provision

 4. Seeking forgiveness

 Allahumma inni As’aluka bi rahmatikallati wasi’at kulla Shayin an taghfira Li
 O Allaah, I ask You by Your mercy which envelops all things, that You forgive me.

 Allahumma Innka ‘Afuwun, Tuhibbul ‘Afwa, Fa’fu ‘Anni
 O Allaah, I ask You by Your mercy which envelops all things, that You forgive me.

Healthy Ramadan:
Iftar – When breaking the           Dates – Traditionally eaten      Soup – Contain pulses             Suhoor – Drink plenty of
fast, drink plenty of fluids, low   to break the fast since          such as lentils, and starchy      fluids, choose fluid-rich
fat, fluid-rich foods and foods     the time of the Prophet          foods like pasta or grains        foods to make sure you are
containing some natural             Muhammad, dates are a            consumed in many Arab             well hydrated for the day
sugars for energy. Below are        great way to break the fast as   countries, is an also a healthy   ahead and eat starchy foods
some examples:                      they provide natural sugars      way to break the fast.            for energy, choosing high
                                    for energy, provide minerals                                       fibre or wholegrain varieties
Drinks – Water, milk, fruit         like potassium, copper and       After breaking the fast –         such as oat, cereal , rice and
juices or smoothies. Drinks         manganese and are a source       Meals vary between different      brown bread where possible
based on milk and fruit             of fibre.                        cultures but try to make sure     as these tend to be digested
provide some natural sugars,                                         the foods you eat provide a       more slowly throughout the
hydration and nutrients.            Fruit – A traditional way        balance of starchy foods, fruit   day.
Avoid consuming added               to break the fast in South       and vegetables, dairy foods
sugar rich drinks or fizzy          Asian cultures, fruit provides   and protein-rich foods like
drinks.                             natural sugars for energy,       meat, fish, eggs and beans
                                    fluid and some vitamins and

                                                                                                                   BULLETIN        06
The Significance
of Fasting
Fasting, is abstaining from    the Exalted. Hence, it is      Second significance           The act of eating is,
eating, drinking and coitus    imperative to keep in          Fasting is also training      therefore, a form of
from daybreak to sunset        mind when we observe           for the servant to aspire     worship of Allah,
as a devotional ritual.        fasting that we do so only     to the Hereafter since, by    the Almighty. When
Allah, the Almighty Says       for the sake of Allah. It      fasting; he gives up some     dawn starts, Muslims
in the Noble Quran (what       becomes imperative on us       of the worldly matters,       discontinue eating and
means):                        to try our best to observe     looking forward to            drinking (and having sex
"O you who have                the rites that reflect our     Almighty Allah's reward.      with their spouses) in
believed, decreed upon         obedience to Allah, such       By observing the fast, he     compliance with Allah’s
you is fasting as it was       as the remembrance of          weighs the profit in terms    order, for He Says (what
decreed upon those             Allah, reading the Quran,      of the condition in the       means): “…Then complete
before you that you            supererogatory prayers,        Hereafter. However, those     the fast until the night
may become righteous."         charitable deeds and           who measure things in         [i.e. sunset].” [Quran;
[Quran; 2:183] That is:        donations, good manners,       materialistic terms are       2:187]. In this way, the
that you may fear Allah,       etc.                           only concerned with the       Muslim is educated about
keep away from His                                            worldly aspect of fasting.    complete servitude to
prohibitions, and fulfil       Fasting has great              As a result, they think of    Allah, the Most High, in
His Commands. Prophet          significances and aims,        it as merely deprivation      such a way that when
Muhammad said: "               which, if carefully            of the pleasures of life,     his Lord commands, he
Whoever does not give          considered, instil in us       which please the self and     complies. It is, therefore,
up forged speech and           much surprise. Among           satisfy the body. They are    not simply a matter of
evil actions, Allah is not     these significances, we        not in the least concerned    personal taste, whim and
in need of his leaving         mention the following:         with the other aspect         disposition, but a matter
his food and drink (i.e.       First significance             of its significance in the    of obedience to Allah and
Allah will not accept his      Fasting is linked with true    hereafter that constitutes    implementation of His
fasting.)" [Al-Bukhari]        faith in Allah, the Most       the real reward and the       Commands.
This means that Allah          Exalted; that is why it        genuine perpetuity. This
does not want us to            has been reported that         attitude of their hearts      Fourth significance
abstain from eating and        fasting is a secret act of     weakens their aspiration      Fasting is similarly a form
drinking only, rather, He      worship since a person         for the hereafter and its     of education to the whole
wants us to refrain from       may break his fast, if he      eternal enjoyment.            society since when the
evil deeds and vileness too.   wishes, by eating, drinking                                  fasting Muslim feels that
The Prophet instructed         or simply by not making        Third significance            people around him are all
that a fasting person, if      the intention to fast (in      Fasting is a practical        fasting, he finds fast no
offended or abused, should     which case his fast will       embodiment of submission      longer difficult, but feels
say: "I am fasting." [Al-      not be accepted even if he     and servitude to Allah, the   that he is in harmony
Bukhari] By this, as though    remains fasting the whole      Exalted, that the servant     with the society to which
the fasting person says: "It   day). Fasting, then, is a      manifests by eating and       he belongs through
is because I am fasting I      hearty, secret worship that    drinking at night only in     worship, the unifying
do not return your abuses."    concerns only the servant      response to the call of his   factor of the whole
The offender at that point     and his Creator. When          Lord, Allah Who Says in       community. Whoever
may feel embarrassed,          the servant knowingly          the Noble Quran (what         compares voluntary
and desist.                    gives up the things and        means): “And eat and          fasting to the obligatory
                               acts that nullify the fast,    drink until the white         fast in the month of
What is the purpose of         despite his ability to reach   thread of dawn becomes        Ramadan perceives a
Fasting?                       them in secret, he gives       distinct to you from the      certain difficulty in the
The purpose of fasting         indeed strong evidence         black thread [of night].”     former and easiness
is not physical training       of his certain belief that     [Quran; 2:187].That is why    in the latter due to the
to endure hunger, thirst       Allah, the Almighty,           the fasting Muslim should     aforementioned reasons.
and exhaustion; rather, it     watches over him in both       eat at the time of sunset     That is why Muslims find
is disciplining the ego to     his manifest and secret        known as Iftar (break         it very difficult to spend
relinquish the loved for       deeds. There is no doubt       fast) and just before dawn    the month of Ramadan
the sake of the Beloved.       that in this kind of conduct   Suhoor (the pre-dawn          away from Muslim
The loved are the desires      is a significant training to   meal) because continuous      environments.
of eating, drinking, sexual    strengthen faith in Allah.     fasting (day and night)
activities etc., while                                        is forbidden in Sharee'ah
the Beloved is Allah,                                         (Islamic law).

BULLETIN             07
PICTURE gallery

Main prayer hall of new premises          inter faith meeting at mf

         karate class                 Lecture by Shaykh Habibul Gaffar

 Inter-faith meeting in Manarat    Julian Knight MP meets Manarat trustees

     Prize giving ceremony                   school visit to mf

   madrAsha Sports activity             annual general meeting at mf

                                                                       BULLETIN   8
www.g10ltd.com 0121 622 6959 178 - 182 Gooch Street, Birmingham, B5 7HE

 Children will learn through modern teChnology, method and impressive aCtivities

 • Qur’an • Tajweed • Hifzul Qur’an • Masnoon Du’as • • Arabic Language • Quranic Arabic • Tafseer • Hadeeth • • Aqaid • Seerah • Fiqh •
                                                  Seerat Sahabah • Islamic History •
                                                                                                  evening & weekend maktab

                                                                                                          Hifzul Quran Course
   We focus on Saheeh Aqeedah, socio-spiritual feature of life.
   Good adaab and akhlaaq is our motto                                                  arabiC language & sHort Courses
   Mastering over all components of Arabic language
   (speaking-reading-writing-listening).                                                    tajweed for brotHers & sisters
   Honouring valued parents for special educational support
   Spiritual nights (Qiyamullayl) in our Masjid
with selected students and teachers
   Motivational and supportive extra lesson for free               monday-tHursday           saturday-sunday          monday-tHursday
   Students-led monthly assembly and a                                  5pm–6:30pm/           11:30am– 01:30pm                5pm– 8pm
ward giving ceremony                                                     6:30pm-8pm

                       27 A*s / 23 A’s / 17 students
                       inducted into UK Medicine &
                       Dentistry Courses- 2020

                ENQUIRE: 0121 517 0110
                A T E A M A C A D E M Y . C O . U K
Ramadan Quiz
        Name of the participant: ..............................................................................Tel: ...........................................................

        Address ......................................................................................................................Post Code: ........................................
        Rules of the competition:
        A)     Tick the correct answer of the multiple choice questions.
        B)     Deadline for submission: the completed questionnaire form must reach us no later
               than 20th of Ramadhan 1442 AH.
        C)     Manarat Foundation reserves the right to make changes and refuse any candidate
        D)     10 winners will be awarded, In case of multiple winners for the same positions, the
               winner will be selected by draw.

1)   which month of the Hijri calendar is ramadan?                                               16) the spirit of ramadan is primarily one of:
     1st    9th       12th      5th                                                                  Lots of parties & large dinners. Sadness                Reflection & purification

2)   what does iftaar mean?                                                                      17) during ramadan, which of the following are not required to fast?
     Eating before sunrise     Eating after Taraweeh Prayers                                         The elderly and those who are ill
     Eating after sunset to break the fast    Not to eat anything                                    Pregnant women and young children    All of the above

3)   when do muslims fast during ramadan?                                                        18) eid al-fitr is a celebration that marks what occasion?
     From Dawn to Sunset    From Sunset to Dawn                                                      The beginning of Ramadan The building of the first Mosque
     From 4 am to 8 pm   From Morning to Afternoon                                                   A day of celebration marking the first day of the month following Ramadan
                                                                                                     A large festival with lots of games
4)   which of these things should you abstain during the fasting
                                                                                                 20) what is suhur?
     period in ramadan?
                                                                                                     The special prayer said before sundown
     Eating    Drinking     Smoking    All of the above
                                                                                                     A two- day period after the end of Ramadan
5)   lailat-ul-Qadr is better than                                                                   The meal eaten before sunrise during Ramadan
     1 thousand days      1 thousand months
                                                                                                 21) which surah is called the mother of the book and the mother of the Qur’an?
     1 thousand years      1 thousand hours
                                                                                                     Al-Ikhlas    Al-Fatihah     Yasin
6)   what does lailat-ul-Qadr mean?
                                                                                                 22) the prophet yunus (pbuh) was eaten by a?
     Night of Fasting Night of Blessings
                                                                                                     Whale    horse    Flower
     Night of Power or Decree Night of Prayers
                                                                                                 23) islam is a guidance for
7)   which month comes after ramadan?
                                                                                                     Only Muslims     Whole of Mankind Only
     Shaban    Muharram      Rajab  Shawwal
                                                                                                 •   Sahabas (Companions of the Prophet, peace be upon him)
8)   which significant events took place in ramadan?
                                                                                                 24) if you do haram you will get sins?
     The Quran was revealed     The Battle of Badr
                                                                                                     True     False   Neither
     The Conquest of Makkah     All of the Above
                                                                                                 25) when did the islamic Calendar begin?
9)   How many eids are there in an islamic calendar year?
                                                                                                     From the birth of The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
     Six  One      Two
                                                                                                     From the start of the migration to Madina
10) what was revealed during the month of ramadan?                                                   From the start of the revelation of the Quran
    Hadith    Torah    Qur’an
                                                                                                 26) which tribe did the prophet muhammad (pbuh) belong to?
11) taraweeh (night prayer) is?                                                                      Quraish    Banu Shaiban     There was no tribe
    Fard   Sunnah     Nafil
                                                                                                 27) the prophet’s (pbuh) successors (who were in charge of the
12) in ramadan you must also abstain from                                                            affairs of muslims) were known as?
    Speaking    Working    Bad temper                                                                Sahaba      Khulafaa    None existed
13) which prophet addressed the king nimrod?                                                     28) ahadith are
    Adam     Yusuf    Ibrahim    Lut                                                                 Stories of the Prophets          Traditions of Prophet Muhammad (saw)
14) How many surahs are there in the Quran?                                                          Stories from the Quran
    114   109    60                                                                              29) Hadith Qudsi is
15) at what point during the year does ramadan occur?                                                Words of Prophet Muhammad (saw)
    It changes each year but always falls between August and December.                               Words of Allah narrated through Muhammad (saw)
    It changes every year because it’s in the 9th month of the Muslim calendar,                      There is no such thing
    which is a lunar calendar.   It always occurs in the winter.                                 30) who was the first young boy who accepted islam
                                                                                                     Abu Bakr al-Siddiqh
                                                                                                     Bilal ibn Rabah
                                                                                                     Ali ibn Abi Talib

                                                               please encourage you family members to participate.

     BULLETIN          11

            BULLETIN   12
Fiqh of Ramadhan q/a
1. purpose of fasting?                          4.does vomiting break                          8. Can i wear perfume                          properly distributed to those in need. It
Fasting is an exercise in self-control.         my fast?                                       wHen fasting?                                  is allowed to pay it in advance from the
Refraining from food, drink and                 Vomiting a mouthful [or more]                  It is permissible to wear perfume while        first day of Ramadan. The amount to be
intercourse is difficult because these are      intentionally does break the fast. This        fasting since inhaling that fragrance          paid has been measured in foodstuffs. It
among the strongest three desires that          is usually a rare scenario. However,           neither nourishes nor reaches the              is four double handfuls of dates, barley,
humans have. By learning to go without          unintentionally vomiting does not break        stomach.                                       raisins, or any other staple food. It is
these three human needs for a period            the fast.                                      9. if i got Hungry                             recommended to pay the value in cash if
ofime, Muslims learn self control so that       5.wHat if a woman keeps                        and broke my fast in                           it would be more helpful to the poor so
we can apply this to other aspects of our       Having pregnanCies and                         ramadan, do i just ask                         they can purchase other food or clothing.
lives. For example, a person who went           breast-feeding for a                           allaH for forgiveness?                         Fitrah, like Zakah, must only be given to
sixteen hours without water can more            few years wHere sHe is                         Whoever intentionally breaks their fast        the poor and needy who do not possess
easily resist the temptation to drink           unable to fast?                                without any excuse by eating, drinking, or     the minimum amount (nisab) of wealth
alcohol or do some other forbidden act.         This situation might make a woman              having intercourse during the                  11. Can i Hold a Copy of
This instills the quality of being conscious    miss several Ramadans and have to              month of Ramadan will not only have            tHe Qur’an or eleCtroniC
of Allah, which is the ultimate purpose         make-up fasting for a few years past.          to make-up that fast but will also be          deviCe during tarawiH
of fasting.                                     Usually, when a person misses a fast in        subject to a penalty for violating the         prayer?
2. Can i still fast wHen                        Ramadan, they must make it up before           sanctity of the month of Ramadan. This is      It is disliked to make excessive
traveling?                                      the next Ramadan comes in. In the case         to emphasise the idea that every eligible      movements during prayer that are
A person who is traveling is excused            where someone has missed more than             Muslim must take fasting in Ramdan very        not necessary. Holding a copy of the
from fasting due to the difficulties and        one Ramadan, they have more leniency           seriously. The penalty is to free a slave      Qur’an will usually result in unnecessary
inconveniences associated with a journey.       in spreading these makeup fasts over a         [which is not possible anymore]. If one is     movements, especially when going into
However, if there will be little difficulty,    longer period of time. It is recommend for     unable to do this, then they must fast for     prostration. Furthermore, the ultimate
then it is better to fast. The fasts that are   women to try making up their fasts in the      sixty consecutive days. If they are unable     purpose of congregational prayer is to
missed must be made-up after returning          winter time when days are shorter and          to do this, then they must feed sixty          listen to the recitation of the Qur’an, not
from the journey.                               spreading them out by fasting one or two       poor people for a day with two average         to read it. If someone has a difficult time
3. wHen sHould my                               days a week, if it is difficult for them due   meals. It is also allowed to feed one poor     concentrating during prayer, there are
CHildren start fasting?                         to their circumstances.                        person for sixty days or give the monetary     other methods they can employ to rectify
The Prophet Muhammad taught that                6. Can i use an astHma                         equivalent of the food. Anyone who             that issue. Using an electronic device for
children should begin praying at the age        inHaler?                                       intentionally broke                            that purpose is the same, if not worse,
of seven. This means that they should           Using an asthma inhaler does not break         his/her fast more than once in ramadan         because light emitting devices also
learn what prayer is and try to perform it,     the fast because it neither nourishes the      will still perform only one penalty            disturb the people around you who are
at-least sometimes. Then he clarified that      body nor goes into the stomach.                10. wHat is sadaQatul                          trying to concentrate in prayer.
they must pray regularly by the age of ten      7. different masajid                           fitr and wHen sHould it                        12. do i Have to renew my
and should be disciplined for not doing         Have different                                 be paid?                                       intention to fast every
so. That gives them three years to learn        timetables for wHen                            Sadaqah al-Fitr or Fitrah [lit. the charity    nigHt?
and understand what they are doing              fasting beings. wHy is                         of breaking fast] is a charity that is paid    Since fasting is an act of worship, one
and get used to it. The same rule applies       tHat?                                          at the end of Ramadan. It gives the needy      must have the intention to fast in order
for fasting. Once children reach the age        The timings for Fajr prayer [which is when     an opportunity to enjoy the day of Eid         for it to be valid. For example, if one had
of seven, they should be taught how to          fasting begins] are determined by true         without having to worry about working          the intention of dieting and abstained
fast and be encouraged to fast, atleast         dawn, which is when a clear thread of          for their livelihood on that day. Paying the   from food and drink throughout the
sometimes. Once they reach the age of           light is seen on the horizon. However,         Fitrah is an obligation on every Muslim        day, it would not count as a fast. For the
ten, their parents should encourage them        given environmental factors such as            who possesses the minimum amount               month of Ramadan, it is sufficient to
to fast the entire month.                       mountains, light pollution, and elevation,     [nisab] in excess of personal items to         make a general intention that you plan to
                                                people, even in the same city, will not be     pay Zakah on the day of Eid. A man is          fast the entire month. If anything causes
                                                able to observe dawn at exactly the same       required to pay on behalf of himself and       that intention to change, such as illness
                                                time, depending on their point of              his minor children, while a woman must         or travel, then the intention to continue
                                                observation. Therefore scientific              pay for herself. The obligation begins at      fasting in Ramadan must be made again
                                                calculations are used to approximate the       dawn on the day of Eid al-Fitr, so whoever     before starting.
                                                time of dawn. Since these calculations         possesses the amount at that time must
                                                cannot predictably determine the true          pay the Fitrah. The Fitrah mmust be paid
                                                time of dawn, there will be different          before the Eid prayer begins. However,
                                                opinions on how many degrees the sun           if one delays payment, the obligation
                                                needs to be below the horizon before           remains and must still be fulfilled. The
                                                dawn should be considered to have              Fitrah is recommended to be paid earlier
                                                occurred.                                      so that it may be

 BULLETIN                          13                                                                                                                        Ramadan
                                                                                                                                                             BULLETIN           06
Ramadan APPEAL
  “Who is it that would loan Allah a goodly loan so He may multiply it for him
   many times over? And it is Allah who withholds and grants abundance,
                   and to Him you will be returned.” Al Quran
                      Assalamualaikum, brothers & sisters,

        The month of Ramadan is approaching. It’s a time of blessing and
   generosity. We thank Allah SWT, for allowing us to see another holy month of

  Alhamdullillah, with the blessing of Allah SWT, we have paid off the outstanding
      balance of our car park. The next plan is to renovate the car park during
Ramadan. This will have a huge impact on our congregators. Allowing safety of every
       musails’ cars and keeping the surrounding area of our mosque secure
                                     and clean.

   We are pledging to our 500 brothers and sisters, to donate £100 each to make
    this mission happen. This will allow us to tarmac the entire car park. With
        Allah’s blessing and with your generosity, this can be permittable.

    May Allah SWT accept all our gracious deeds and reward us to the highest
                               here and hereafter.

    Your kind donation of £100 each, will be generously accepted.

                               Jazakallah khairan

 Manarat Foundation. HSBC Bank A/C: 31867601 S/C: 40-11-15

      Ramadan                                                                                                            Zakat-ul-Fitr, which is regularly referred to as
                                                                                                                         Fitrana, is one of the obligatory acts that Muslims
                                                                                                                         must undertake during the Holy month of
                                                                                                                         Ramadan. Zakat is one of the Five Pillars of Islam
                                                                                                                         and involves giving a portion of one’s savings to

         2021 / 1442
                                                                                                                         charity. Fitrana is similar to Zakat in this way but
                                                                                                                         must be given before Eid prayers begin at the end
                                                                                                                         of Ramadan, hence the name, Zakat-ul-Fitr. This
                                                                                                                         year Zakat-ul Fitr will be £6 per person.

                                                                                                                         The DIFFeRence BeTween
                                                    Zuhr &              Asr                         Isha &Taraweeh       ZAKAT AnD ZAKAT-UL-FITR

                             Fast Fajr     Sun                           Fast Magrib                                     The first difference lies with eligibility.
Day                                                     Jama                                1st 2nd
                            Begins Jamat   rise   Start      –ƒ”– Jamat Ends Jamat –ƒ”–                                Zakat-ul-Fitr is compulsory on all Muslims
                                                          t                               Jamat Jamat                    regardless of age or financial standing. The
                                                                                                                         only exemption is for those who do not have
—‡ ͳ͵           Ͳͳȗ        4:37   ͶǣͶ͹    ͸ǣͳͶ   ͳǣͳ͵ ͳǣ͵Ͳ ͷǣͷͷ          ͸ǣͳͷ   8:03   ͺǣͲ͸    ͻǣʹͳ ͻǣͶͲ       ͳͲǣͷͷ    one sa’ (approximately 2.6 – 3kg) of their
                                                                                                                         staple food in excess of their needs.
‡† ͳͶ           Ͳʹ         4:34   ͶǣͶͶ    ͸ǣͳͳ   ͳǣͳ͵ ̶ ͷǣͷ͸               ̶    8:04   ͺǣͲ͹    ͻǣʹʹ   ̶          ̶
Š— ͳͷ           Ͳ͵         4:32   ͶǣͶʹ    ͸ǣͲͻ   ͳǣͳʹ ̶ ͷǣͷ͹               ̶    8:06   ͺǣͲͻ    ͻǣʹͶ   ̶          ̶      Because of the wider range of people who
                                                                                                                         have to pay Zakat-ul-Fitr, it is the responsibility
 ”‹ ͳ͸           ͲͶ         4:30   ͶǣͶͲ    ͸ǣͲ͹   ͳǣͳʹͳǣ͵ͲƬʹǣͳͷͷǣͷͺ     ͸ǣ͵Ͳ   8:08   ͺǣͳͳ    ͻǣʹ͸ ͻǣͶͲ       ͳͲǣͷͷ    of the head of the household to pay for those
ƒ– ͳ͹           Ͳͷ         4:28   Ͷǣ͵ͺ    ͸ǣͲͷ   ͳǣͳʹ ͳǣ͵Ͳ ͷǣͷͻ            ̶    8:10   ͺǣͳ͵    ͻǣʹ͹   ̶          ̶      under their care. Thus, for children, this task is
                                                                                                                         undertaken by parents or guardians on their
— ͳͺ           Ͳ͸         4:26   Ͷǣ͵͸    ͸ǣͲ͵   ͳǣͳʹ ̶ ͸ǣͲͲ                    8:11   ͺǣͳͶ    ͻǣʹͺ   ̶          ̶      behalf. Zakat, on the other hand, is compulsory
‘ ͳͻ           Ͳ͹         4:23   Ͷǣ͵͵    ͸ǣͲͲ   ͳǣͳʹ ̶ ͸ǣͲͳ               ̶    8:13   ͺǣͳ͸    ͻǣ͵Ͳ   ̶          ̶      only for Muslims whose total annual wealth
                                                                                                                         meets or exceeds the Nisab value.
—‡ ʹͲ           Ͳͺ         4:20   Ͷǣ͵Ͳ    ͷǣͷͺ   ͳǣͳͳ ̶ ͸ǣͲʹ               ̶    8:15   ͺǣͳͺ    ͻǣ͵ʹ   ̶          ̶
‡† ʹͳ           Ͳͻ         4:18   Ͷǣʹͺ    ͷǣͷ͸   ͳǣͳͳ           ͸ǣͲ͵       ̶    8:17   ͺǣʹͲ    ͻǣ͵Ͷ   ̶          ̶      Another major difference centres around the
                                                                                                                         amount of money that must be given. Whilst
Š— ʹʹ           ͳͲ         4:15   Ͷǣʹͷ    ͷǣͷͶ   ͳǣͳͳ ̶ ͸ǣͲͷ               ̶    8:18   ͺǣʹͳ    ͻǣ͵ͷ   ̶          ̶      Zakat always equates to 2.5% of an individual’s
 ”‹ ʹ͵           ͳͳ         4:13   Ͷǣʹ͵    ͷǣͷʹ   ͳǣͳͳͳǣ͵ͲƬʹǣͳͷ͸ǣͲ͸     ͸ǣ͵Ͳ   8:20   ͺǣʹ͵    ͻǣ͵͸ ͻǣͷͲ       ͳͳǣͲͷ    total savings, Zakat-ul-Fitr donations tend to
                                                                                                                         be significantly smaller at around £5 or less.
ƒ– ʹͶ           ͳʹ         4:11   Ͷǣʹͳ    ͷǣͷͲ   ͳǣͳͳ ͳǣ͵Ͳ ͸ǣͲ͹            ̶    8:22   ͺǣʹͷ    ͻǣ͵ͺ   ̶          ̶
— ʹͷ           ͳ͵         4:08   Ͷǣͳͺ    ͷǣͶͺ   ͳǣͳͲ ̶ ͸ǣͲͺ               ̶    8:24   ͺǣʹ͹    ͻǣͶͲ   ̶          ̶      One final difference relates to when the two
                                                                                                                         payments are due. Zakat is one of the least
‘ ʹ͸           ͳͶ         4:06   Ͷǣͳ͸    ͷǣͶ͸   ͳǣͳͲ ̶ ͸ǣͲͻ               ̶    8:25   ͺǣʹͺ    ͻǣͶͲ   ̶          ̶      restrictive of the Five Pillars of Islam and can
                                                                                                                         be paid at any time during the year, as long
—‡ ʹ͹           ͳͷ         4:04   ͶǣͳͶ    ͷǣͶͶ   ͳǣͳͲ ̶ ͸ǣͳͲ               ̶    8:27   ͺǣ͵Ͳ    ͻǣͶʹ   ̶          ̶      as the payments reflect a full Islamic (lunar)
‡† ʹͺ           ͳ͸         4:01   Ͷǣͳͳ    ͷǣͶʹ   ͳǣͳͲ ̶ ͸ǣͳͳ               ̶    8:29   ͺǣ͵ʹ    ͻǣͶ͵   ̶          ̶      years’ worth of savings. On the other hand,
                                                                                                                         Zakat-ul-Fitr must be paid during the Holy
Š— ʹͻ           ͳ͹         3:59   ͶǣͲͻ    ͷǣͶͲ   ͳǣͳͲ ̶ ͸ǣͳʹ               ̶    8:30   ͺǣ͵͵    ͻǣͶ͵   ̶          ̶      month of Ramadan and most notably, before
 ”‹ ͵Ͳ           ͳͺ         3:57   ͶǣͲ͹    ͷǣ͵ͺ   ͳǣͳͲͳǣ͵ͲƬʹǣͳͷ͸ǣͳ͵     ͹ǣͲͲ   8:32   ͺǣ͵ͷ    ͻǣͶͶ ͳͲǣͲͲ      ͳͳǣͳͷ    the month finishes.

ƒ– MAY          ͳͻ         3:54   ͶǣͲͶ    ͷǣ͵͸   ͳǣͲͻ ͳǣ͵Ͳ ͸ǣͳͶ            ̶    8:34   ͺǣ͵͹    ͻǣͶ͸   ̶          ̶      At the very latest, Zakat-ul-Fitr must be paid
                                                                                                                         before Eid prayers commence. It’s important
— Ͳʹ           ʹͲ         3:51   ͶǣͲͳ    ͷǣ͵Ͷ   ͳǣͲͻ ̶ ͸ǣͳͷ               ̶    8:36   ͺǣ͵ͻ    ͻǣͶ͹   ̶          ̶      to keep this deadline in mind as making
‘ Ͳ͵           ʹͳ         3:49   ͵ǣͷͻ    ͷǣ͵ʹ   ͳǣͲͻ ̶ ͸ǣͳ͸               ̶    8:37   ͺǣͶͲ    ͻǣͶͺ   ̶          ̶      your payment too late renders it invalid and
                                                                                                                         as giving Zakat-ul-Fitr is obligatory for all
—‡ ͲͶ           ʹʹ         3:47   ͵ǣͷ͹    ͷǣ͵Ͳ   ͳǣͲͻ ̶ ͸ǣͳ͹               ̶    8:39   ͺǣͶʹ    ͻǣͷͲ   ̶          ̶      Muslims, this cannot be made up.
‡† Ͳͷ           ʹ͵         3:44   ͵ǣͷͶ    ͷǣʹͺ   ͳǣͲͻ ̶ ͸ǣͳͺ               ̶    8:41   ͺǣͶ͵    ͻǣͷʹ   ̶          ̶
                                                                                                                         Please contact Manarat Foundation
Š— Ͳ͸           ʹͶ         3:42   ͵ǣͷʹ    ͷǣʹ͸   ͳǣͲͻ ̶ ͸ǣͳͻ               ̶    8:42   ͺǣͶͷ    ͻǣͷ͵   ̶          ̶      to donate your Zakat. 07459788576 /
 ”‹ Ͳ͹           ʹͷ         3:39   ͵ǣͶͻ    ͷǣʹͶ   ͳǣͲͻͳǣ͵ͲƬʹǣͳͷ͸ǣʹͲ     ͹ǣͲͲ   8:44   ͺǣͶ͹    ͻǣͷͶ ͳͲǣͳͷ      ͳͳǣ͵Ͳ
ƒ– Ͳͺ           ʹ͸         3:38   ͵ǣͶͺ    ͷǣʹ͵   ͳǣͲͻ ͳǣ͵Ͳ ͸ǣʹͳ            ̶    8:46   ͺǣͶͻ    ͻǣͷ͸   ̶          ̶                Eid Jamā’aT aT
— Ͳͻ           ʹ͹         3:35   ͵ǣͶͷ    ͷǣʹͳ   ͳǣͲͻ ̶ ͸ǣʹʹ               ̶    8:47   ͺǣͷͲ    ͻǣͷ͹   ̶          ̶               manaraT masJid
‘ ͳͲ           ʹͺ         3:33   ͵ǣͶ͵    ͷǣͳͻ   ͳǣͲͺ ̶ ͸ǣʹ͵               ̶    8:49   ͺǣͷʹ    ͻǣͷͻ   ̶          ̶
                                                                                                                          1st Jamat                          7.00am
—‡ ͳͳ           ʹͻ         3:30   ͵ǣͶͲ    ͷǣͳ͹   ͳǣͲͺ ̶ ͸ǣʹ͵               ̶    8:51   ͺǣͷͶ    ͳͲǣͲͳ  ̶          ̶
                                                                                                                          2nd Jamat                         8:00am
‡† ͳʹ           ͵Ͳ         3:29   ͵ǣ͵ͻ    ͷǣͳ͸   ͳǣͲͺ ̶ ͸ǣʹͶ               ̶    8:52   ͺǣͷͷ    ͳͲǣͲͶ  ̶          ̶
                                                                                                                          3rd Jamat                         9.00am
Š— ͳ͵           Ͳͳȗ        3:27   ͵ǣ͵͹    ͷǣͳͶ   ͳǣͲͺ ̶ ͸ǣʹͷ             ͹ǣͲͲ   8:54   ͺǣͷ͹    ͳͲǣͲ͹  ̶          ̶       4th Jamat                        10:00am
                                    *Subject to sighting the new moon.
                                                                                                                          5th Jamat                         11.00am
      Manarat Masjid Radio Scanner Frequency 453.5000Hz
                                                                                                                        Please call us on 29th of Ramadan after 7pm
                                                                                                                               to know about the day of Eid.
                                                                                                                           T: 0121 213 1114 M: 07910 747 654
              Copyright © 04/21 -Designed & Printed By: G10 - Tel: 0121 622 6959 - www.g10ltd.com
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