RCEP-Countries Create Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone

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RCEP-Countries Create Asia-Pacific Free Trade Zone
NO. 3 JANUARY 2021               Introduction

RCEP-Countries Create Asia-Pacific
Free Trade Zone
Trade Facilitation but No Integrated Bloc
Heribert Dieter

The signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) on 15 Novem-
ber 2020 establishes the world’s largest free trade area. The agreement was hailed
as an important step forward for the international trade system: protectionism is no
longer the only visible option for the third decade of the twenty-first century. But
RCEP is a relatively weak instrument. It consolidates existing trade agreements in the
region, but does not represent a breakthrough to a liberal economic space. It lacks
the potential to make the Asia-Pacific region into a monolithic trading bloc, nor does
it contribute to overcoming growing political tensions in the Indo-Pacific.

The process that led to RCEP began in 2012,         RCEP does not in fact involve great change
and was initiated by the ASEAN states. The       in trade relations between ASEAN and China,
agreement includes that organisation’s           which have been governed by a free trade
ten members (Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia,        agreement since 2010. That agreement was
Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines,        an initiative of then Chinese Prime Minister
Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam) plus            Zhu Rongji rather than ASEAN.
China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and
New Zealand. One of the original motives
for the ASEAN states was to create a counter-    Japan, China, South Korea
weight to the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
After US President Donald Trump withdrew         So an agreement involving ASEAN and
from TPP in 2017, the smaller and rather         China is nothing remarkable. The problem
less ambitious Comprehensive and Progre-         was bringing together Asia’s two real eco-
ssive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partner-       nomic and political heavyweights, China
ship (CPTPP) was realised in its place. This     and Japan. Concluding RCEP despite politi-
did not represent a full substitute for RCEP     cal tensions in the region represents a
because important ASEAN members re-              notable success.
mained outside, in particular Indonesia             Tokyo’s relations with Beijing are fraught.
and Thailand.                                    Alongside the United States, Australia and
India, Japan is a member of the Quadri-         Council in 2015, most businesses were
                lateral Security Dialogue (Quad), a loose       not exploiting the opportunities offered by
                military alliance in the Indo-Pacific region.   existing free trade agreements. Just 22 per-
                Although it has been a very weak formation      cent of Asia-Pacific trade (between countries
                to date, the Quad’s principal objective is      with free trade agreements) made use of the
                clear: to form a military counterweight to      agreed preferences. The other 78 percent
                China.                                          was conducted under standard WTO rules
                   While firmly in the camp taking a criti-     and tariffs. In other words, the existing free
                cal view of China’s increasingly assertive      trade agreements did not contribute a great
                foreign policy, Japan is also interested in     deal to trade liberalisation in the Asia-
                expanding trade. In fact the rivalry between    Pacific region.
                Tokyo and Beijing explains Japan’s partici-        RCEP, on the other hand, will reduce ad-
                pation in RCEP: abandoning the agreement        ministrative costs for importers and export-
                would have allowed China to further ex-         ers. As soon as it comes into force uniform
                pand its influence on the rising Asian econo-   rules of origin will apply across all partici-
                mies.                                           pating economies, although businesses will
                   While Sino-Japanese rivalry has been         still have to compare the cost of certifica-
                simmering for decades – and occasionally        tion of origin with the tariff they would
                coming to the boil – China’s relationship       otherwise have to pay. It would certainly
                with South Korea seldom makes waves.            appear plausible to expect the share of
                One exception was a conflict in 2017, when      trade conducted under RCEP terms to be
                Chinese state media called for a boycott of     significantly higher than under many of
                South Korean consumer goods and movies          the existing trade agreements.
                after Seoul deployed a US missile defence
                system. The South Korean–owned Lotte
                supermarket chain was specifically targeted     Violation of Article 24
                after providing land for the missile system,
                and responded by announcing it would            RCEP contributes to liberalising trade be-
                withdraw from China.                            tween the participating nations by reducing
                   The biggest benefit of RCEP is that it       the costs of importing and exporting goods
                eases the application of existing trade         and services within the free trade zone. But
                agreements in the Asia-Pacific region. For      it also contributes to the ongoing erosion
                years economists have been complaining          of the multilateral trade system. Every free
                that the region’s multifarious trade agree-     trade agreement represents an exception
                ments increase rather than reduce regu-         to Article 1 of the General Agreement on
                latory obstacles, limiting their economic       Tariffs and Trade (GATT), the fundamental
                benefits. Reducing tariffs in bilateral trade   “most-favoured-nation clause” under which
                in fact increased the administrative costs      all trade liberalisations must be granted to
                for businesses, which had to deal with          all WTO members. This is permitted under
                documenting origin. To be traded tariff-free    GATT Article 24, which stipulates that
                under a free trade agreement, goods require     exempted free trade agreements must cover
                valid certification of origin. In many cases    “substantially all the trade”. RCEP does not
                the costs involved have neutralised the         satisfy that condition. Agriculture is largely
                savings attributable to abolition of tariffs.   excluded, as is fishing; the arrangements
                                                                for trade in services are weak. But these
                                                                deficits apply to almost all free trade agree-
                Simplifying Complex Rules                       ments. The reason this state of affairs is
                                                                tolerated is simple: a WTO member would
                The economic effects of trade policy have       have to lodge a complaint, and because they
                to date been disappointing. According to a      all violate Article 24 none of them have
                study for the Pacific Economic Cooperation      any interest in so doing.

SWP Comment 3
January 2021

So RCEP does not represent a return to         lic. In November 2020, Beijing’s embassy
the trade-liberalising spirit of the 1980s and    in Canberra provided the Australian media
1990s. It tends to further weaken the multi-      with a short document detailing fourteen
lateral trade system rather than strengthen-      reasons for the rapid deterioration in rela-
ing it. It is advantageous for the partici-       tions, including criticism of statements by
pating nations, but not for the global econo-     Australian politicians on Taiwan, Hong
my. Even for its members the effects are          Kong, the South China Sea and Xinjiang.
marginal. A study by the Peterson Institute
for International Economics (PIIE) suggests
that the increase in aggregate annual GDP         Australia: Canary in the Coalmine
of member economies in 2030 will be just
US$174 billion. Distributed among a popu-         Australia is where the region’s foreign policy
lation that already comprises 2.5 billion         tensions and contradictions are most ap-
people the economic benefit at the indi-          parent. It juggles close security ties with the
vidual level will be almost unmeasurable:         United States with expanding economic co-
annual per capita economic output will            operation with China. Canberra has become
increase by about US$70. Nobody will be           accustomed to fierce criticism from Beijing,
able to call that a significant gain.             for example over condemnation of human
                                                  rights violations against the Uighurs in Xin-
                                                  jiang and the suppression of the protests in
Shallow Rules without                             Hong Kong, or the exclusion of the Chinese
Shared Standards                                  technology firm Huawei from contracts
                                                  for Australia’s 5-G network. Now Beijing is
Despite fears in certain quarters, RCEP will      testing how far it can go. In that sense,
not create a new Chinese-led economic             Australia is the canary in the Asia-Pacific
bloc. Its regulatory ambition is explicitly       coalmine.
modest: It contains no environmental rules            The Australian situation is especially
at all and refrains from imposing uniform         complex. The history goes back a long way,
labour standards. Even more importantly,          with Chinese immigrants contributing to
the agreement does not constrain the future       Australia’s development since the gold rush
trade policy of its signatories. In contrast to   of the 1850s. Until the pandemic there were
the European Union, whose customs union           about 180,000 Chinese students in Australia,
involves a common trade policy for all its        and 1.2 million annual visitors. Australia
members, RCEP permits its participants to         also has roughly that number of residents
continue to pursue their own trade policies.      with Chinese roots.
For example Australia can conclude a free             No other country has profited so strongly
trade agreement with the EU as and when it        from China’s economic growth. China has
chooses. That would change if RCEP became         been Australia’s largest trade partner since
a customs union. But in the current politi-       2007. In 2018/19 it was by far the biggest
cal climate it is almost inconceivable that       destination for Australian exports of goods,
countries like Australia or Japan would sign      worth about 135 billion Australian dollars
up for a customs union with China. In that        (AUD) – plus AUD 18 billion in service
sense RCEP creates very close ties to China       exports. Japan followed with AUD 59 bil-
but only in very limited dimensions. The          lion. The sum of Australia’s exports of
agreement is not the beginning of an Asia-        goods and services to China is greater than
Pacific integration process. In fact, just two    its exports of goods and services to Japan,
weeks after its signing the political tensions    the United States, India and South Korea
blocking broader integration in the Indo-         combined. At first glance Australia would
Pacific region became very visible. The most      appear susceptible to arm-twisting.
prominent case is Australia, which has very           In fact Australian society is increasingly
close commercial ties to the People’s Repub-      sceptical towards China. In 2019 half of

                                                                                                    SWP Comment 3
                                                                                                      January 2021

Australians held a positive opinion of the         networks. Japanese firms were already very
                United States, despite all the difficulties        active in the ASEAN countries, playing a
                with the US government and President               major role in turning Thailand into a sig-
                Trump. But only about one-third thought            nificant manufacturing location for exam-
                positively of China even though Australia’s        ple. Euphoric observers were already calling
                prosperity depends heavily on resource             Thailand “the Detroit of Asia”. Simplifying
                exports to China and Chinese demand for            the rules of origin will now allow Japanese
                educational and tourism services. The nega-        carmakers to source more components
                tive stance of many Australians has hard-          from across the entire region.
                ened further in 2020, with a full 94 percent          The exclusion of agriculture is enor-
                now supporting their government’s policy           mously politically helpful for Tokyo. Japan
                of reducing dependency on China.                   has always resisted liberalising agricultural
                    In Australia we see how thin the sheen         trade, whether in the WTO or in bilateral
                of modernity can be. Journalist Richard            and minilateral free trade agreements. Japa-
                McGregor called it “a modern multicultural         nese agricultural products are expensive and
                country with deep xenophobic roots”. Aus-          cannot compete on price. Opening the Japa-
                tralia’s massive European immigration pro-         nese rice market to imports from the region,
                grammes after the Second World War were            for example, would have a high political
                accompanied by a “yellow peril” scare. In          price. Combining potentially considerable
                the 1950s Australians feared Japan, today          benefits for Japan’s still very competitive
                it is China.                                       manufacturing industries with ongoing pro-
                    Like the public, the government also           tection for Japanese farmers, RCEP appears
                struggles with ambivalent perceptions of           absolutely made-to-measure for Tokyo.
                China. When German Chancellor Angela
                Merkel visited Australia in 2014 she asked
                then Prime Minister Tony Abbott what fac-          China
                tors influenced Australia’s policy towards
                China. Abbott responded: “fear and greed”.         China stands to profit from the free trade
                All that has changed since then is that the        zone in similar ways to Japan. Chinese
                sense of threat has grown.                         enterprises will benefit from reduced trade
                    Today Beijing expects Australia to avoid       bureaucracy and the possibility to regional-
                any criticism of its internal affairs: the clas-   ise their production networks. But the ques-
                sical kowtow. RCEP will contribute absolute-       tion is whether China is actually seeking
                ly nothing to lessening tensions. Australia        such internationalisation. In November
                has lodged complaints against Beijing’s            2020 Communist Party General Secretary
                arbitrary punitive tariffs – not through the       Xi Jinping presented his new economic
                dispute settlement process in its existing         strategy, which forms the backbone of the
                bilateral free trade agreement with China,         five-year plan for 2021 to 2025. Its essence
                but through the WTO. The advantages of             is the idea of “dual circulation”.
                multilateral dispute mechanisms become                 This involves partially decoupling China
                especially clear when the going gets rough.        from the global economy. The share of
                                                                   exports in China’s GDP has already fallen
                                                                   from 36 percent in 2006 to 18 percent in
                Japan                                              2019, while the trade war with the United
                                                                   States reminded Beijing how dependent
                A free trade agreement is useful for China’s       parts of its domestic economy are on im-
                eternal rival. Tokyo was able to join RCEP         ports. Almost two-thirds of all semiconduc-
                because the agreement serves its interests         tors used in China in 2019 were produced
                without incurring significant political costs.     abroad (down from 80 percent in 2015).
                   RCEP permits Japanese businesses to fur-        16.6 percent of Chinese imports in 2019
                ther expand their regional manufacturing           were semiconductors and other electronic

SWP Comment 3
January 2021

components, with a value of US$350 bil-           Korea came from China; for Japan the figure
lion.                                             was 36.9 percent.
   The list of the ten biggest semiconductor         Many corporate leaders in South Korea
manufacturers in 2020 includes six from the       and Japan experienced a painful realisation
United States, two from South Korea and           that sourcing components from China de-
one each from Taiwan and Japan, but none          mands unfailing logistics. When the Covid
from China. Beijing aims to be 70 percent         crisis disrupted supply chains, entire pro-
self-sufficient in semiconductors by 2025,        duction lines ground to a halt; cheap com-
but analysts regard that as overambitious.        ponents suddenly cost businesses dearly.
   It is too early to predict the consequences    This experience will dampen the interest of
of the new policy of dual circulation. Xi has     East Asian manufacturers in sourcing more
described the establishment of “fully domes-      components from China and other South
tic supply chains” as a matter of national        East Asian countries after RCEP comes into
security. Essentially, this represents a re-      effect.
tread of the autarchy model of the 1930s.
If China was serious about pursuing a new
version of autocentric development, RCEP          India Stands Aside
would be superfluous.
   In fact the current leadership envisages       RCEP would have been a more significant
China continuing to participate fully in          development if India had joined. But the
international circulation. The goals of the       country has been wavering for years over
new strategy include preserving the impor-        its role in the global economy. On the one
tance of the Chinese market for foreign           hand, Indian companies are very active
companies. Continuing to import foreign-          abroad, in manufacturing as well as ser-
made goods such as luxury cars for exam-          vices. Significant parts of the British car
ple, could help deter foreign governments         industry today belong to the Indian Tata
from criticising the Communist Party’s            Group, for example (Jaguar, Land Rover).
new trade strategy too vigorously. As such,       On the other hand Indian governments
Beijing would be deliberately exploiting          have consistently worked to slow and block
the motive of greed cited by Tony Abbott to       the development of new rules for interna-
preserve dependencies. German businesses,         tional trade. Before the beginning of the
first and foremost the car industry, offer        WTO Doha Round in 2001, New Delhi threw
prime examples of such dependencies.              its weight behind the concerns of the devel-
                                                  oping countries and emerging economies.
                                                  The sometimes exaggerated demands of
South Korea                                       this group contributed significantly to the
                                                  failure of the Doha Round. Expectations
South Korea’s situation is similar to Japan’s.    that the election of Narendra Modi in 2014
South Korea has grown affluent without a          would usher in a government with the
free trade agreement with China. And like         courage to significantly liberalise India’s
Japan, South Korea also shares a profound         trade policy have proved unfounded. India
interest in protecting its agricultural sector.   is entrenched in a position of scepticism to-
   But both nations learned hard lessons          wards globalisation and is focussing – like
in the course of 2020, most prominently           China in its new five-year plan – above all
through production losses in their car in-        on domestic economic development.
dustries early in the year when components            India is a special case in the contempo-
failed to arrive from China. Hyundai and          rary international trade system, having no
Kia had to suspend manufacturing alto-            free trade agreement with any of the major
gether, while Honda and Nissan in Japan           economic spaces (East Asia, Europe, North
were forced to reduce production. In 2019         America). For a long time Prime Minister
31.1 percent of car parts imported to South       Modi created the impression that he was

                                                                                                  SWP Comment 3
                                                                                                    January 2021

determined to turn India into a modern           to a policy of economic opening. This trade
                and internationally competitive economy.         policy reversal is especially unexpected
                He often criticised the protectionism of US      because the Indian public has always re-
                President Trump, and was celebrated at the       sponded very positively to the effects of
                2018 Davos World Economic Forum for his          globalisation.
                appeal to accept globalisation and strength-
                en international institutions like the WTO.
                   Even then observers were warning about        Strong Support for Globalisation
                the gap between the Indian government’s
                words and deeds. Essentially Modi has            It is conspicuous that RCEP encounters little
                always pursued a protectionist line. India       or no political resistance in the participating
                ranked 120th in the Heritage Foundation’s        nations. The main reason for the acquies-
                2020 Index of Economic Freedom, well             cence of their civil societies is that RCEP
                behind ASEAN members Malaysia (24th),            involves a group of countries that one could
                Thailand (43rd) and Indonesia (54th).            call the “winners of globalisation”. Support
                   India’s relative economic dynamism in         for trade liberalisation and a far-reaching
                the early years of Modi’s government and         international division of labour remains
                his pro-globalisation rhetoric sustained         strong in the Asia-Pacific region. While the
                an impression that India would join RCEP.        original proponents of globalisation, prin-
                Participating would have allowed India to        cipally the majority of OECD countries, have
                liberalise its trade relations with dynamic      become weary and mistrustful, many Asian
                economies, simplify trade bureaucracy and        nations articulate a remarkably clear desire
                probably receive a great economic boost.         for greater opening and connectivity. In
                   An Indian economic opening should not         surveys the populations of Vietnam and the
                be expected in the foreseeable future, for       Philippines consistently exhibit the greatest
                two reasons. Firstly, tensions between India     support for globalisation. People in most
                and China worsened considerably in 2020,         RCEP countries regard more international
                culminating in a military confrontation in       trade as an opportunity rather than a threat.
                the Himalayas. In response New Delhi has             The consequences of globalisation are
                recalibrated its foreign policy and is today     seen a great deal more critically in many
                more willing to join the United States, Japan,   OECD states today. The loss of employment
                Australia and other democratic states in chal-   through relocation of production to coun-
                lenging China. It is currently inconceivable     tries with lower wages and weaker environ-
                that India would join a free trade agree-        mental standards outweighs the consumer
                ment in which China was also involved.           benefits of cheaper imported products. The
                   The second reason is the renaissance of       widely heard assertion that the EU and the
                an economic policy that concentrates on          United States should be taking action to
                the internal market and seeks to limit im-       liberalise their own trade policies is there-
                ports. “Atmanirbhar Bharat” seeks a high         fore a misplaced and unpolitical demand.
                degree of economic autarchy. Today New           Donald Trump won the election in 2016 by
                Delhi is pursuing the strategy that John         emphasising the negative effects of globali-
                Maynard Keynes propagated in 1933 as             sation for American workers. Support for
                “national self-sufficiency”. At the end of       trade protectionism has probably increased
                November 2020, immediately after the sign-       since then. President Biden did not win the
                ing of the RCEP agreement, Indian Foreign        2020 election by promising free trade, which
                Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar railed          lacks popularity both within the Democratic
                against globalisation, asserting that India’s    Party and among the broader electorate.
                industry had been seriously harmed by ear-           Europe, on the other hand, often regards
                lier liberalisation measures.                    itself as the trailblazer of free trade. In fact
                   The Modi government thus cannot be            of course the EU is just as protectionist as
                expected to abandon its course and revert        the United States, placing strict constraints

SWP Comment 3
January 2021

on agricultural trade, as well as certain
other sectors such as the car industry. When
the Covid crisis is over, the EU will probably
further tighten its trade policy, for example
by introducing tariffs to promote low-car-
bon production processes. For developing
countries and emerging economies such
climate tariffs can rapidly become barriers,
for example if emissions associated with
transport are factored in. Cut flowers from
African countries could then disappear                                                            © Stiftung Wissenschaft
from European shops. That kind of protec-                                                         und Politik, 2021
tionism enjoys broad public support in                                                            All rights reserved
Europe. But from the perspective of poorer
                                                                                                  This Comment reflects
countries climate-driven trade restrictions
                                                                                                  the author’s views.
represent more a threat than a promise.
   RCEP is a positive development, with a                                                         The online version of
large group of nations continuing to sup-                                                         this publication contains
port trade liberalisation. But it will not                                                        functioning links to other
                                                                                                  SWP texts and other relevant
significantly alter the future of internation-
al trade. What it will do is provide the sim-
plification of trade bureaucracy that busi-                                                       SWP Comments are subject
nesses in the Asia-Pacific region urgently                                                        to internal peer review, fact-
need, and facilitate trade in goods and ser-                                                      checking and copy-editing.
vices in the region. It will not, however, do                                                     For further information on
                                                                                                  our quality control pro-
anything to resolve the political conflicts
                                                                                                  cedures, please visit the SWP
that hinder or prevent broader economic                                                           website: https://www.swp-
and political integration in the Asia-Pacific                                                     berlin.org/en/about-swp/
region: Beijing’s contested territorial claims                                                    quality-management-for-
in the South China Sea, its increasingly                                                          swp-publications/
aggressive foreign policy and the still un-
resolved relationship between state-sub-                                                          Stiftung Wissenschaft und
sidised Chinese enterprises and trade part-                                                       Politik
ners subject to free-market processes.                                                            German Institute for
   At the same time it is conspicuous that                                                        International and
the two most populous states in the Indo-                                                         Security Affairs

Pacific region are turning away from the
                                                                                                  Ludwigkirchplatz 3–4
open trade paradigm. This will probably                                                           10719 Berlin
lead to a slowing of economic growth in                                                           Telephone +49 30 880 07-0
both countries, and especially in India                                                           Fax +49 30 880 07-100
delay recovery from the consequences of                                                           www.swp-berlin.org
the pandemic.
   RCEP will likely mark the high-water                                                           ISSN 1861-1761
mark of integration in the Asia-Pacific                                                           doi: 10.18449/2021C03
region, rather than the starting shot for re-
gional economic and political union.                                                              Translation by Meredith Dale

                                                                                                  (English version of
                                                                                                  SWP-Aktuell 97/2020)

Prof. Dr. Heribert Dieter is Senior Associate in the Global Issues Research Division at SWP and
Associate Professor at the University of Potsdam.

                                                                                                        SWP Comment 3
                                                                                                          January 2021

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