I WILL - The General Conference ...

I WILL - The General Conference ...


Seventh-day Adventist World
Church Strategic Plan

The mission of the Seventh-day Adventist
Church is to call all people to become
disciples of Jesus Christ, to proclaim the
everlasting gospel embraced in the three
angels’ messages [Revelation 14:6-12], and to
prepare the world for Christ’s soon return.
MISSION                             SPIRITUAL GROWTH                      LEADERSHIP                          HOLY SPIRIT
Objectives                          Objectives                            Objectives                          Objectives

1. To revive the concept of         5. That church members                 8. To strengthen the               To be defined as the
   worldwide mission and               regularly pray, study the              redemptive role of pastors,     Holy Spirit leads
   sacrifice for mission as a          Bible, read the writings of            teachers, and other frontline
   way of life involving not only      Ellen White, and engage in             workers and provide
   pastors, but every church           individual and corporate               them with regular growth
   member, young and old, in a         worship                                opportunities
   journey of discipleship          6. That individuals and families       9. To align world church
2. To strengthen Adventist             are being nurtured and                 resources with strategic
   outreach in large cities,           discipled to walk with, and be         objectives
   across the 10/40 Window,            faithful stewards of the gifts     10. To enhance the transparency,
   among unreached and                 of, the Holy Spirit                    accountability, and
   under-reached people             7. That youth and young adults            credibility of denominational
   groups, and to non-Christian        manifest a biblical worldview          organization, its operations,
   religions by planting and           that places God first; is              and mission initiatives
   discipling new worshipping          consistent with Adventist
   groups, creating Urban              beliefs; and is integrated with
   Centers of Influence (UCIs),        information in ways that are
   developing international            ethically, socially, and morally
   mission initiatives, and            responsible
   ministering to people caught
   in mass migration and social
3. To make developing
   resources for mission to non-
   Christian religions and belief
   systems a high priority
4. To strengthen Seventh-day
   Adventist institutions in
   upholding freedom, health,
   and hope through Jesus, and
   restoring in people the image
   of God.

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1.1 Frontline missionaries invited to speak       2.2 Demonstrable increase in number                  five years) in the number of newly
    at major camp meetings and at other               of new believers in each conference,             planted worshipping groups
    large church gatherings                           mission, and region in the 10/40            2.11 Division presidents regularly reporting
1.2 Division mission rallies held annually            Window                                           progress toward achievement of KPIs
    for church members involving                  2.3 Increased number of total members                relating to objective no. 2 to the GC
    local administrators; GC officers,                and congregations in all urban areas of          Executive Committee
    departmental directors, and associate             one million people or more
    directors; officers and departmental          2.4 At least one UCI operating in each           3.1 Each division coordinating interfaith
    directors from other divisions; and               urban area of one million people or              dialogs, in cooperation with its
    frontline workers from both their own             more                                             organizational units and with the
    and other divisions                           2.5 Mission initiatives in the 10/40 Window          assistance of the Global Mission
1.3 Mission-focused morning devotional                and large urban areas receiving                  Centers and GC Public Affairs and
    books produced, which are aimed at                assistance from institutions elsewhere           Religious Liberty (PARL)
    and made available to each grade level            in the world                                 3.2 Global Mission Center directors
    of elementary education                       2.6 GC departments facilitating, initiating,         reporting on interfaith dialogs to the
1.4 Mission readings for Adventist children           and liaising between interdivisional             2023 and 2025 meetings of the Global
    and teenagers produced in collaboration           mission projects, with active support            Mission Issues Committee
    with GC Education, Children’s Ministries,         from division and union officers             3.3 Global Mission Center directors
    Health Ministries, Youth Ministries, and      2.7 Each division, with the assistance of the        reporting yearly to Annual Council
    the Office of Adventist Mission                   Office of Adventist Mission, identifying         on approaches to, and progress in,
1.5 Increased proportion of missiologists             and acknowledging all major                      reaching world religions and belief
    teaching mission at Adventist tertiary            unreached or under-reached majority              systems
    institutions, all of whom are faithful to         populations in evangelized countries in
    biblical missional principles, Adventist-         their territories. Efforts to reach these    4.1 Every organization and institution
    educated, and endorsed by IBMTE                   populations being reported annually to           systematically reviewing and aligning
1.6 At least one story from the 10/40                 the Global Mission Issues Committee              resources with worldwide mission
    Window or from large urban areas              2.8 Each division identifying all significant        priorities
    included in every issue of GC-funded              immigrant/refugee populations in their
    periodicals                                       territories, developing initiatives to
1.7 Improved retention rates of audited               reach them, and reporting progress
    membership globally                               annually to the Global Mission Issues
1.8 Increased number of church members                Committee
    participating in outreach initiatives such    2.9 Each GC department developing
    as Total Member Involvement (TMI)                 programs that respond to global
                                                      trends in immigration
2.1 A worshipping group established in           2.10 A five-year plan developed by each
    each country of the 10/40 Window                  conference and mission outside the
    where there currently is no Seventh-              10/40 Window to achieve a measurable
    day Adventist presence                            and significant increase (e.g., 30% over

                                                                                                                                 P A G E        2

5.1 Significant increase in number of church         of Ellen White’s writings in print, on        the belief (FB 22) that the body is the
    members regularly praying, studying              mobile devices, and on social media           temple of the Holy Spirit, abstaining
    the Bible, reading the writings of Ellen                                                       from alcohol, tobacco, recreational use
    White, using the Adult Bible Study           6.1 Increased number of church members            of drugs, and other high-risk behaviors;
    Guide, and engaging in other personal            involved in fellowship and service,           embracing church teachings (FB 23) on
    devotions                                        both in the church and in the local           marriage; and demonstrating sexual
5.2 Significant increase in number of church         community                                     purity
    members regularly attending divine           6.2 Evidence of greater unity and             7.3 Increased student use of media
    service and Sabbath School                       community among church members,               platforms ethically and responsibly
5.3 Significant increase in acceptance and           and of reduced conflict in local
    practice of the church’s distinctive             churches
    beliefs, especially: Creation (FB 6);        6.3 Evidence of new members being
    Salvation by faith (FB 10); State of the         nurtured through active discipleship
    dead and the power of prayer over                programs
    witchcraft and spiritualism (FB 26, FB       6.4 Significant increase in number of
    11); Remnant Church (FB 12, FB 14);              church members regularly engaging in
    Principles of healthful living (FB 22);          family worship
    Sanctuary/Investigative Judgment (FB         6.5 Stewardship principles regarding
    24); Second Coming (FB 25); and the              time, spiritual gifts, and tithes and
    nature of the Fundamental Beliefs, as a          offerings embraced and practiced by
    whole, as Bible-centered doctrines that          all members and yet-to-be-baptized
    reflect a loving, gracious God                   young people
5.4 Increased number of people using             6.6 Church members exhibiting cross-
    Adventist social media when studying             cultural understanding and respect for
    the Bible, learning about Ellen White            all people
    and reading her writings, conducting         6.7 Evidence that local churches are
    personal devotions, and promoting                responding to the opportunities mass
    mission                                          migration provides for ministry, and
5.5 Increased number of local churches and           that immigrants are being assimilated
    individuals using Hope Channel, AWR,             and integrated into local Adventist
    Adventist World, and other official church       communities
    publications and media
5.6 Increased number of church members           7.1 Bible classes teaching the
    participating in corporate prayer                historical-grammatical method, the
    initiatives                                      historicist approach to the study of
5.7 Evidence of better understanding of the          prophecies, confidence in the Bible
    prophetic role of Ellen White and the            as divine revelation, trust in God, and
    process of inspiration                           commitment to His mission
5.8 Increased availability in local languages    7.2 Youth and young adults embracing

                                                                                                                             P A G E     3

8.1 Evidence that most pastors feel
    supported by church members and by         10.1 Widespread adoption of approved
    conference administrators, that they            membership software to enhance
    continue to feel called to ministry, and        accuracy and accountability of records
    that they are engaging in continuing            of local church membership
    education and development                  10.2 Development and widespread
8.2 Pastors with limited Seventh-day                implementation of orientation process
    Adventist education working to                  for officers and executive committee
    complete course work necessary to               members of all units of denominational
    meet their local BMTE requirements              structure
8.3 Opportunities being given to frontline     10.3 Evidence that pastors and church
    workers to deepen their passion                 leaders demonstrate the highest
    for and broaden their experience of             standards of integrity and ethical
    mission                                         behavior in interpersonal relations and
                                                    in finances
9.1 Increased availability of all General      10.4 Progress in achieving the objectives
    Conference departments’ time and                and KPIs of the I Will Go plan reported
    resources to the 10/40 Window, large            annually by divisions: both via an
    urban areas, and unreached people               online form with standardized
    groups, and departmental use of time            summative information and by a
    and resources reported by GC Treasury           presentation at each Annual Council
    to the 2023 Spring Meeting of the GC       10.5 Quinquennial reports from GC
    Mission Board                                   departments, institutions, and agencies
9.2 Increased number of International               to Annual Council focused on their
    Service personnel, volunteers, and              contribution to achieving these
    Global Mission pioneers serving in the          objectives and KPIs of the I Will Go plan
    10/40 Window, in large urban areas,
    and among unreached people groups
9.3 Recommendations made to Annual
    Council by the General Conference
    Appropriations Committee of ways to
    allocate more appropriations to the
    10/40 Window, to large urban areas,
    and to unreached people groups
9.4 The General Conference and its entities
    developing an integrated media
    plan that maximizes the potential of

                                                                                                P A G E   4

 1. A plan developed by every local church      7. Services to refugees developed by             14. Interdivisional mission projects initiated
    in consultation with its conference/           church administrators in collaboration            and facilitated by division and union
    mission to reach its community through         with the Adventist Development and                officers
    a variety of mission initiatives (UCIs,        Relief Agency (ADRA)                          15. Increased number of church members
    Mission to the Cities, Comprehensive        8. Programs that respond to global                   involved in distributing Adventist
    Health Ministry, TMI, “Christ’s method,”       trends in immigration developed by                literature
    work for and with immigrants and               departments at division and union             16. Positive relationships developed in the
    different ethnic groups)                       levels                                            community that draw on the resources
 2. An integrated media plan developed by       9. Partnerships created between selected             of GC PARL and ADRA
    every organization that connects global        institutions and mission initiatives in the   17. Departments at every level and
    and local initiatives                          10/40 Window                                      institutions/agencies collaborating with
 3. Members and organizations familiar         10. Church organizations from other                   young people who create, plan, and
    with and actively using the integrated         divisions actively assisting in mission           implement mission initiatives
    media plan as part of their personal           initiatives in the 10/40 Window and in        18. Young people involved by all
    witness                                        large urban areas                                 denominational organizations,
 4. Mission-focused social media, Bible        11. Increased number of church members                including local churches, in decision-
    study, and other mobile applications           and students in Adventist schools                 making forums, in implementation
    designed and widely used by young              involved in reading Adventist literature          of programs, and in preparation for
    people                                     12. Increased training of church members              leadership roles
 5. Annual mission rallies held by every           in the “Christ’s method” missional            19. All strategic mission priorities of the
    post-secondary educational institution         methodology                                       General Conference, division, union,
 6. Best practices in working with             13. Increased implementation of the                   local conference/mission, institutions,
    immigrants shared by divisions with            Comprehensive Health Ministry                     and local church understood by every
    impacted territories                           approach to mission                               organization and church member

20. Enhanced profile for Sabbath School and        and Nurture and Retention committees              in the areas of discipling, nurture, and
    increased group study of the Adult Bible       designated in each division and union             retention
    Study Guide in Adventist churches          23. A conference held by each division            25. Widespread implementation of unions’
21. Ten Days of Prayer and programs for            on discipling, nurture, retention, and            discipleship programs by local churches
    prayer for revival, reformation, and           reclamation                                   26. A Nurture and Retention coordinator
    repentance strongly promoted by each       24. An active discipleship program adopted            designated in each local church
    union                                          by every union, including preparation         27. Provision of training in conflict resolution
22. Nurture and Retention coordinators             of materials that meet expressed needs            and reconciliation for pastors and local

                                                                                                                                 P A G E      5
church members                               30. Teaching developed that inspires            32. Evidence of successful fostering of
28. The role of families as the basic unit of        students to study the Bible and is              youth resilience for physical, mental,
    the church and of society affirmed and           consistent with Fundamental Beliefs             emotional, and social well-being
    strengthened                                 31. Intentional collaboration, allocation of    33. Increased number of local churches and
29. Increased systematic training and                resources, and involvement of young             individuals using Hope Channel, AWR,
    development of talents and spiritual gifts       people in the mission of the church             and regional church publications
    of children and youth                            locally and globally

34. All pastors engaged in continuing                biblically grounded and are faithfully      41. Implementation of training in conflict
    education that nurtures their sense of           nurturing members                               resolution and reconciliation among
    calling and commitment to mission            39. Administrators actively and intentionally       union and conference administrators
35. Pastors trained to be trainers, thus             leading church members to recognize         42. Completion of leadership training among
    facilitating TMI                                 the need for, and to support the role           all newly elected leaders, as conducted
36. Pastors encouraged to value, support,            of, organizational structure for the            by a higher level of organization
    and promote Adventist education                  accomplishment of mission                   43. Demonstration of self-reliance,
37. Every organization systematically            40. Respective roles in denominational              commitment to the world Church, and
    reviewing and aligning resources with            structure and in mission understood             financial integrity among all church
    worldwide mission priorities                     and embraced by all board members,              entities
38. Seminary and post-seminary training              administrators, and employees of
    provided that ensures pastors are                institutions/agencies

44. GC Departments supported by division             identified by respective divisions and      49. Every church institution (division, union,
    and union officers in initiating and             initiatives developed to reach these            or conference/mission) providing
    facilitating interdivisional mission             populations                                     orientation for members of governing
    projects                                     47. Every denominational organization               boards and executive committees
45. Major unreached or under-reached                 systematically reviewing and aligning
    majority populations within evangelized          resources with worldwide mission
    countries identified and acknowledged            priorities
    by respective divisions, and initiatives     48. Administrative entities providing the
    developed to reach these significant             necessary opportunities to pastors
    populations                                      and frontline workers that enable
46. Any significant immigrant/refugee                achievement of the KPIs associated with
    populations within evangelized countries         objective no. 7

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