RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association

Page created by Harry Fowler
RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association
FEBRUARY 2021/$5.00


Top subcontractors in
five trades land votes
from Islands’ leading GCs

                                INSIDE ABC HAWAII
                            TOP ROOFING PROJECTS
                                 ENERGY, CARBON
                                    AND COVID-19
RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association
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RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association

                                 HAWAII              A Bow to Subs
                  Publisher                              General contractors routinely hire subcontractors to supple-
          AMANDA CANADA                              ment their own permanent employees on projects of all sizes.
                                                     This practice enhances the GCs’ ability to complete a job on
                    Editor                           time and on budget by bringing in specialized workers while
            DAVID PUTNAM                             keeping payroll costs down.
                                                         Along with adding more flexibility in scheduling, subs
             Associate Editors
                                                     increase productivity. And in many cases, GCs and subs work on multiple proj-
     BRETT ALEXANDER-ESTES                           ects together and form long-term business relationships.
       PRISCILLA PÉREZ BILLIG                                                                              GCs are constantly looking to
                                                                                                       strengthen their network of subs, and
       Senior Advertising Director
                                                                                                       just as vital to subs is catching the atten-
                                                                                                       tion of GCs. In this issue, we showcase
       Senior Account Executives                                                                       Hawaii subs who are considered to be
           DAVID KANYUCK
                                                                                                       the best in their areas of expertise, as
                                                                                                       selected by the Islands’ leading GCs.
                                                                                                       For our second annual Red-Hot Subs
        Advertising Coordinator                                                                        feature, we asked GCs to pick their
       LORRAINE CABANERO                                                                               three favorite subcontractors in five
                                                                                                       categories—carpenters, electricians,
            Lead Art Director                       Hawaii State Hospital, a 2020 Zelinsky Co. project floorers, painters and plumbers.
            URSULA A. SILVA                                                                                Our coverage highlights the top
                                                     vote-getters. Overall, nearly 60 subs received votes, and all of them warrant
                Art Director                         congratulations for their consistently stellar work on projects large and small.
           JONATHAN TANJI                                The pandemic wreaked havoc everywhere in 2020, even affecting the “essen-
                                                     tial” construction sector as trade associations wisely opted to cancel in-person
             Graphic Designer
                                                     events in favor of virtual meeting forums. Among activities COVID-19 knocked
             DUSTIN KODA                             out in January was the Roofing Contractors Association of Hawaii’s eighth
           Circulation Manager                       annual Top Roofing Awards.
                                                         Like you, we look forward to next January when the RCAH hopefully can resume
                                                     its tradition of bestowing Top Roofing Awards to its contest-winning members.
               Press Manager                             The RCAH’s annual gala, though relatively young, is among the best in
                 ABE POPA                            Hawaii’s building industry. With the absence of this year’s RCAH show in mind,
                                                     and to contrive another way to showcase the Islands’ roofers, BIH invited lead-
              Press Operator                         ing companies to present their favorite roofing project of 2020 for this issue of
              DEAN ONISHI                            the magazine. No awards were given, just admiration for outstanding work. We
                                                     hope you enjoy reading about them.
             Bindery Operator                           A hui hou,
              AUSTIN POPA


Copyright 2021 with all rights reserved.
Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited.
Building Industry Hawaii is published on the
first day of each month by Trade Media
Hui, with offices at 287 Mokauea, Honolulu
HI 96819. Unsolicited materials must be
accompanied by self-addressed, stamped
return envelope. Publisher reserves the right
to edit or otherwise modify all materials
and assumes no responsibility for items lost
or misplaced during production. Content
within this publications is not to be
construed as professional advice; Trade Media
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the opinion of Trade Media Hui. Single copy
rate is $5, with subscriptions available at $35
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                                                                                            | 3
RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association
                                                                                Visit us online at

                              8                14                              30                                              37
Features                                            News Beat
3     A Bow to Our Subs                             47     AHL, A&B Take Gold at ICSC Global Awards North
      Coffee Break: David Putnam
                                                    47     NAWIC Hawaii Chapter Makes Foodbank Donation
                                                    48     Shintani Wins $8.9M NAVFAC Task Order
8     Unstoppable Team
                                                    48     Nan Donates $1M to Health Center
      Spotlight on Success:
                                                    48     NAVFAC Pacific Completes Barracks in Vietnam
      Moss and Associates, Hawaii
                                                    49     Schwinn Heads HLPA for 2021
                                                    49     Hensel Phelps Lands $12.8M Air Force Project
14 Inside ABC Hawaii:
                                                    49     Fundraising for Kamaile Academy Program
   ‘Heightened Interest’
      Next generation of workers seeking career
      training from trade association
                                                    6      Datebook
16 Hawaii’s Top Roofing Projects of 2020            50     News Makers
      Roofing has legs in Hawaii’s                  52     Contracts Awarded
      COVID-19 economy                              53     Low Bids
                                                                                            FEBRUARY 2021/$5.00

                                                                                            SECOND ANNUAL

30 Solar Takes Center Stage                                                                 RED-HOT
      New solar energy expansion will help          On the Cover                            SUBS
      reboot Hawaii’s economy in 2021                                                       Top subcontractors in
                                                                                            five trades land votes
                                                    Hawaii’s top GCs select their choice    from Islands’ leading GCs

                                                    subcontractors in Building Industry’s
36 Energy, Carbon and COVID-19                      second annual survey.                                                                  +
                                                                                                                             INSIDE ABC HAWAII

                                                    Design by Ursula A. Silva
      Carbon Lighthouse and Ulupono Initiative
                                                                                                                         TOP ROOFING PROJECTS
                                                                                                                              ENERGY, CARBON
                                                                                                                                 AND COVID-19

      address Hawaii’s CRE issues

37 Hawaii’s Red-Hot Subs:
   Experts at Their Craft
      Top subcontractors in five trades land             COMING IN MARCH
      votes from Islands’ leading GCs                    Building Industry Hawaii takes a look Inside
                                                         GCA of Hawaii along with bringing the latest
                                                         in Finance, Bonding and Insurance. Our
52 Contract Awards Top Record $3B                        coverage includes a special feature on Women
      Pandemic Year Delivers                             In Construction and an update on Shipping &
      Record $3B in Contracts                            Transportation.

RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association

                    Oahu 808-682-8282   Kauai 808-246-0097
                    Kona 808-329-5574   Maui 808-242-4664
                    Hilo 808-961-6673
RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association
DATEBOOK | Upcoming Classes, Events & More
      If you’d like your organization’s event to be considered for Datebook, contact
      a minimum of two months prior to your event.
Editor’s note: Due to the continuing developments surrounding COVID-19 in Hawaii, some scheduled events and activities
have been canceled, postponed or, as of press time, were unconfirmed.

 FEBRUARY 1                                                        3:30 p.m. Register at
ABC Hawaii 2021-2022 Apprenticeship                                events/180771. Email response contains link to webinar.
Programs Open Enrollment                                           For more information, go to,
   Open enrollment for the Associated Builders and Contractors or contact Lawson at 441-5333. Fee: $199
Hawaii Chapter (ABC Hawaii) 2021-2022 apprenticeship               plus tax and registration/online ticketing fee
programs begins Jan. 15. Register for required orientation for
                                                                    FEBRUARY 9
state-approved apprenticeship programs in carpentry, electrical,
painting, plumbing and roofing from February through June          Senior Safety in the Home
18; programs start in August. Orientation classes are held every      Presented by Lance Luke, host of “Ask the Building
Friday from 9-10 a.m. via Zoom. To schedule an orientation         Expert,” a webinar series. 9 a.m. Register at https://
and for more information: Ken Wilson at 845-4887.         For more information:
                                                          or 422-2132. Free.
                                                                    FEBRUARY 10
HAPI Shorts (Ongoing)
   Virtual sessions by industry professionals presented each       Entries Due: 2021 GCA Build Hawaii Awards
week during lunch hour by the Hawaii Asphalt Paving                   Completed entry forms for the 2021 GCA of Hawaii’s
Industry (HAPI). 30- to 40-minute sessions are followed by         prestigious annual awards are due Feb. 10. For more
questions and answers. February sessions are PaveXpress for        information:, or contact Gladys Hagemann at
Porous Asphalt Design (3rd), You Be The Inspector! (10th),
GPR for Layer Thickness (17th), and Intro to Balanced
                                                                    FEBRUARY 13
Mix Design (24th). For more information, go to http:// Free.                    Fall Protection Authorized Person, 8-Hour – Live Online
                                                                      Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 7 a.m.-
 FEBRUARY 1                                                        3:30 p.m. Register at
AIA Center for Architecture Programs (Tentative)                   events/183148. Email response contains link to webinar.
    Until further notice, programs at the American Institute       For more information, go to,
of Architects Honolulu Chapter’s Center for Architecture are or contact Lawson at 441-5333. Fee: $199
restricted. A limited number of programs and events are avail-     plus tax and registration/online ticketing fee.
able online. For information on the latest available programs,
                                                                    FEBRUARY 18
                                                                   NAWIC Honolulu Chapter 114
 FEBRUARY 5                                                        FEBRUARY Membership Meeting
Excavation and Trenching Competent                                    This virtual meeting of the National Association of
Person Level Course, 8-Hour – Live Online                          Women in Construction Honolulu Chapter features Carol
   Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 7 a.m.-              Hagen’s presentation of “Tools for Project Scheduling”
3:30 p.m. Register at          (Powerproject), “Employee Time Tracking” (mjobtime)
events/180741. Email response contains link to webinar.            and “Project Management” (Procore) segments. To register
For more information, go to,                 and for more information, go to, or contact Lawson at 441-5333. Fee: $199          Eventbrite or contact
plus tax and registration/online ticketing fee.
                                                                    FEBRUARY 19
 FEBRUARY 6, 13, 20                                                Respirable Crystalline Silica Competent
AGC’S STP Unit 2 | Oral and Written                                Person Level Course, 4-Hour – Live Online
Communication (2015 Edition)                                          Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 7-11
   Presented by the General Contractors Association of             a.m. Register at
Hawaii (GCA of Hawaii) via Zoom. 7:30-11:30 a.m. (daily).          events/180891. Email response contains link to webinar.
Instructor: Jon M. Young. For more information and to              For more information, go to,
register by Jan. 22:, or contact Judee at   or contact Lawson at 441-5333. Fee: $99
833-1681 ext. 14 or Fee: GCA members            plus tax and registration/online ticketing fee.
$295; non-members $395.
                                                                    FEBRUARY 19
 FEBRUARY 8                                                        NAHB Marketing and Sales Strategies
Supported and Mobile Scaffolding - Competent                       for Building Professionals
Person Level Course, 8-Hour – Live Online                             Presented by the Building Industry Association of Hawaii
   Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 7 a.m.-              (BIA-Hawaii) and the National Association of Home Builders
                                                                   (NAHB). 8 a.m.-4 p.m. via Zoom. To register and for more

RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association
information: or contact Barbara Nishikawa at     information: or contact Barbara Nishikawa
629-7505 or Fee: BIA-Hawaii members         at Fee: BIA-Hawaii members $35;
$250; non-members $350.                                        non-members $45.

 FEBRUARY 19                                                    MARCH 6, 13, 20
The Role of the Qualified, Competent and                       AGC’S STP Unit 1 | Leadership
Authorized Person, 2-Hour – Online Webinar                     and Motivation (2015 Edition)
   Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 11                  Presented by GCA of Hawaii via Zoom. 7:30-11:30 a.m.
a.m.-1 p.m. Register at           (daily). Instructor: Kristi Koga. For more information and
Ghgiuv1xQWeuX_4jKCQzTA?inf_ contact_key=0144be7                to register by Feb. 19:, or contact Judee at
fac3869e43985ec48ba6b0bfb. For more information, go to         833-1681 ext. 14 or Fee: GCA members, or contact Lawson      $295; non-members $395.
at 441-5333. Free.
                                                                MARCH 6, 13, 20, 27; APRIL 3
 FEBRUARY 23                                                   Construction Safety Hazard Awareness Training for
NAHB Universal Design Essentials                               Contractors Course 2021-0306
   Presented by BIA-Hawaii and the NAHB via Zoom. 8               Presented by GCA of Hawaii. 7 a.m.-3:30 p.m. (daily).
a.m.-4 p.m. To register and for more information: biahawaii.   GCA Conference Room, 1065 Ahua St. Instructor: Tristan
org or contact Barbara Nishikawa at         Aldeguer. For more information and to register by March 3:
Fee: BIA-Hawaii members $300; non-members $400.      , or contact Judee at 833-1681 ext. 14 or gca@
                                                      Fee: GCA members $500; non-members $750.
                                                                MARCH 9
Building Safety – Covid 19 Protocol
   Presented by Lance Luke, host of “Ask the Building          Concrete Spalling Repair Guide
                                                                  Presented by Lance Luke, host of “Ask the Building
Expert,” a webinar series. 9 a.m. Register at https://
                                                               Expert,” a webinar series. 9 a.m. Register at https:// For more information:
                                                      For more information: or 422-2132. Free.
                                                      or 422-2132. Free.
Electrical Safety Awareness, 4-Hour – Live Online
   Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 7-11
a.m. Register at
events/183149. Email response contains link to webinar. For
more information, go to, lawson-
                                                                                                                  L or contact Lawson at 441-5333. Fee: $99 plus tax
                                                                                        C O V E R I N G R E M O VA S
                                                                                    OR                            RT
and registration/online ticketing fee.
                                                                      D E C K / F LO S SHOTBLASTING EXPE
 FEBRUARY 26                                                         AN D DUSTL
Lock Out Tag Out, 4-Hour – Live Online
                                                                 • Elastomeric Coatings from            • Glued Down Carpet
   Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 11:30 a.m.-
                                                                   Concrete Parking Decks                 & Adhesives
3:30 p.m. Register at
events/183150. Email response contains link to webinar. For      • Coatings from Pool Decks             • Ceramic, Paver & Vinyl Tile
more information, go to, lawson- or contact Lawson at 441-5333. Fee: $99 plus tax
                                                                 • Epoxy Coatings & Futura Stone        • ICRI CSP Concrete Profiling
and registration/online ticketing fee.

Fall Protection Competent Person Level Course,
Construction, 24-Hour – Live Online
   Presented by Lawson & Associates via Zoom, 7 a.m.-                                                               WE OFFER
3:30 p.m. Register at
events/181091. Email response contains link to webinar. For
more information, go to, lawson-
                                                                                                                    ESTI or contact Lawson at 441-5333. Fee: $599 plus
tax and registration/online ticketing fee.
                                                                Urethane Coating Removal/Shot Blast Parking Deck
 MARCH 2                                                                                                              License No: C-23475
Securing Your Right to Payment - Hawaii Lien Law                SURFACE PREPARATION & COATING TECHNOLOGIES LLC
  Presented by BIA-Hawaii via Zoom. Speaker: Sarah              808-781-2452 | |
Love, attorney. 9-11:30 a.m. To register and for more

                                                                                | 7
RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association

TEAM                                                               Moss completes Hale Makano O Maili
                                                                   despite a whole slew of challenges
                                                                   BY DAVID PUTNAM

         ed tape, forgotten cesspools          ment buildings on a two-acre site.      designed to achieve LEED for Homes
         and COVID-19 could not                The $15 million project for developer   Silver certification.
         deter Moss and Associates,            Laulima Maili LP includes covered
            Hawaii, from complet-              bike parking and a storage area, a
ing Hale Makana O Maili, an afford-            picnic and barbecue area and
able rental homes project in West              a playground. The
Oahu. Hale Makana O Maili features             project was
51 rental units and one manager’s unit
in six low-rise garden-style apart-

RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association
“First and foremost, the start of                               As the site          Moss broke ground on the job
the project was delayed three months                            civil work began,    in September 2019 and, despite the
because of permitting delays, and due                           Rogers says the      pandemic, completed the project in
to the constraints in place for the utili-                      team uncovered 10    November 2020.
zation of the Hawaii affordable hous-                           cesspools within        Rogers says the project was “one
ing tax credits, the project completion                         the property, “the   of the first projects to implement the
date could not be extended without                              existence of which   safety protocols detailed in the Hawaii
financial impacts to the develop-                               were previously      construction industry pledge” adapted
ers,” says Moss Vice President Doug          Doug Rogers        unknown, and the     by the General Contractors Association
Rogers. “The already very aggressive         team had to make sure each of them      (GCA) of Hawaii’s COVID-19 Task
12-months construction schedule was          were exposed, completely uncovered      Force. Moss, he adds, assisted GCA of
squeezed to nine months.”                    and decommissioned with the proper      Hawaii in forming the pledge.
                                             abandonment procedures.                    Moss also assigned a dedicated
                                                “The team stepped up and             COVID coordinator, Paul Tateishi, to
                                             completed the extra work with no        focus on worker safety and adherence
                                             delaying impacts to the schedule.”      to the pledge guidelines.
                                                                                        “Our response to the COVID-19
                                                                                     pandemic brought the project team
                                                                                     together and made the workplace

                                                                                                  One of six garden-style apartment
                                                                                                   buildings at Hale Makana O Maili
                                                                                                                 PHOTO COURTESY MOSS

                                                                            | 9
RED-HOT SUBS HAWAII'S - SECOND ANNUAL - Hawaii Lumber Products Association

a safe zone with the new rules and
preventative measures we enforced,”
Tateishi says.
   “This included daily temperature
readings, daily worker observations,
100-percent face coverings, adding
multiple hand-washing and sanitizing
stations, enforcement of social distanc-
ing and weekly safety standdowns to
reinforce the severity of what we were
working through together as a ‘family.’
At the end of the project we are proud            Kitchens feature granite countertops.
                                                  PHOTO COURTESY MOSS
to report zero cases of COVID-19.”
   Hale Makana O Maili, says Chris
Chantavong, Moss’ project manager,                “quality of finishes provided for this
helps to fill a huge housing void on the          affordable housing project, such as
Leeward Coast.                                    granite countertops, luxury vinyl plank
   “As we all know, affordable hous-              flooring, energy-efficient appliances
ing is an ongoing problem here in the             and fixtures, etc., that meet or exceed
state of Hawaii,” Chantavong says.                finishes used in current market-rate
“This project will provide 51 new                 and new home construction in the            Hale Makana O Maili offers one-, two- and
                                                                                              three-bedroom rental homes.
one-, two- and three-bedroom rental               industry.”
                                                                                              PHOTO COURTESY MOSS
homes for those making 30 percent,                   He says special attention was given to
50 percent and 60 percent of the area             help the project gain LEED Silver status.   energy-efficient appliances, plumbing
median income.”                                      “Products and systems utilized to        and electrical fixtures, a solar photo-
   Chantavong says Hale Makana                    achieve the LEED requirements on the        voltaic system and electric vehicle
O Maili’s standout feature lies in the            project included thermal sheathing,         charging stations,” he says. “Onsite
                                                                                              civil drainage systems included an infil-
                                                                                              tration field, two bioretention basins,
                                                                                              GravelPave2 and PaveDrain permeable
                                                                                              paving systems.”
                                                                                              Ramirez, Moss’
                                                                                              general superin-
                                                                                              tendent, notes that
                                                                                              along with “site
                                                                                              and scheduling
                                                                                              constraints,” the
                                           Thank you
                                               &                                              team successfully
                                                                                              worked through           Marvin Ramirez
                                      Hale Makana O Maili                                     an “accelerated construction schedule
                                        MOSS                                                  due to civil redesigns and permitting
                                                                                              delays,” and dealt with the pandemic
                                                                                              by “enforcing new, strict preventative
                                                                                              measures to keep the project safe and
                                                                                                 Adds Rogers: “All of our subcon-
                                                                                              tractors really stepped up to face the
                                                                                              challenges of this project, and they are
                                                                                              the real heroes for bringing this project
                                                                                              in on time.”
                                                                                                 Joe Michael of Pacific Development
                                                                                              Group, one of Hale Makana O Maili’s
                                                                                              developers, lauded the project team.
                                                                                                 “The entire Moss team was
                                                                                              outstanding on this project, deliver-
                                                                                              ing quality apartment homes on a
                Specializing in Architectural Aluminum Products                               condensed schedule within budget,” he
                     Ph: 808-874-5908 •                              says. “Everything from project sched-

Yes, we built this!

Moss appreciates being a part of the Hale Makana O Ma‘ili project
developed by the Hawaiian Community Board in partnership with
Pacific Development Group and 3Leaf Holdings.

We honor relationships and believe every project is first
and foremost about genuine, rewarding relationships
with clients, subcontractors, suppliers, and the
surrounding community.

Hawai'i | Florida | Texas | California | | 808.427.6533
ABC 33782

Luxury vinyl plank flooring is featured thoughout.

uling, submittals, pay applications,
daily communication and monthly
reporting were excellent.                            A playground at Hale Makana O Maili.   PHOTO COURTESY MOSS
   “This was our third multifamily
project on Oahu with Moss, and we                    is that this team is treated as family, and      strove to honor the unique culture
look forward to additional projects in               we try to keep open dialogue through-            of the community for which we were
the near future.”                                    out the project as the inevitable issues         building our project. We are very
   Rogers says Moss’ style of project                arise, believing it is much easier to            proud to have been a part of this
management “consists of developing                   resolve issues from the perspective of           much-needed project that will directly
strong relationships with the project                family partners rather than adversaries.”        help struggling local families find an
owner, each of the subcontractors and                    For Hale Makana O Maili, the                 affordable and safe place to live.”
vendors, and with the lead supervisors               Moss team, he says, “respectfully
of each construction team. Moss’ view

          OVER 33 YEARS
            OF QUALITY
              SITE WORK
                                         Moss for another
                                         project well done
                                                                             Hale Makana O Maili is aiming for LEED Silver.
                                                                             PHOTO COURTESY MOSS

                                                                                 THE       WORK LIST
                                                                                 The main construction tasks and specs for Moss,
                                                                                 according to Chris Chantavong, project manager
                                                                                 on Hale Makana O Maili:
                                                                                 • Building / Site         • Fiber Cement Siding
                                                                                   Demolition              • Asphalt Shingle and
                                                                                 • Tree Removal              Standing Seam Metal
          SITE WORK SPECIALISTS!                                                 • Grading                   Roofing
                                                                                 • Concrete Foundations    • Interior Finishes
              Servicing Oahu and Maui                                            • Metal Framing           • Exterior Finishes
    1176 Sand Island Parkway                                                     • Wood Framing /          • Solar PV
    Honolulu, HI 96819-4346                                                        Sheathing               • AC Paving / Permeable
    Phone: (808) 843-0500                                                        • Thermal Sheathing /       Paving
    Fax: (808) 843-0067                                                            Insulation              • Hardscape
    Lic. # ABC-14156                                                                • MEPF Systems         • Landscape

ABC Hawaii’s 32 Anniversary                                                         nd
                                           Representing 65.6% of all of the State of Hawaii licensed contractors, the Associated
                                              Builders and Contractors Hawaii Chapter has been serving Hawaii’s merit shop
                                          contractors with 32-years of service and would like to extend a warm felt ‘Mahalo and
                                           Congratulations’ to our dedicated members for their years of continued membership!
                                          They know a good thing when they see it and we are proud to have them as members.
                                          Without the continued support of all our valued members, the voice of the merit shop
                                                  contractor’s philosophy in the state of Hawaii would only be a whisper.

  Mahalo to all the ABC Hawaii membership for all your years of dedication and belief!
                 ABC Hawaii Extends a Warm Mahalo to All Our Members
                      for Their Continued Support and Participation

535 Plumbing LLC                         Consolidated Painting LLC                Jack Wolfe Insurance, Inc.            PipeSmith Plumbing Inc.
57 Engineering, Inc.                     Construction Engineers, LLC              Jacob Electric, LLC                   PLS Power LLC
A & B Electric Co., Inc.                 Construction R Us, Inc.                  Jacobsen Construction Company, Inc.   Power Constructors LLC
A Honu Wiring Service                    Contech Engineering Inc                  JB Construction LLC                   Prestige Plumbing LLC
Abhe & Svoboda, Inc.                     Cushnie Construction Company, Inc.       JBL Hawaii, Ltd.                      ProSource Wholesale Floorcoverings
Accurate Plumbing & Repairs, LLC         CW Associates, CPAs                      JCC Electric, Inc.                    PSH Insurance, Inc.
Aina 1 Plumbing LLC                      D.Y.C. Electric SRVC LLC                 JD Pacific LLC                        Quillopo Painting, Inc.
Akamai Resources LLC                     Diamond Head Electric Inc.               Jen Construction, LLC                 Raymond’s Painting Company, Inc.
Akamai Roofing, Inc.                     Diede Construction, Inc.                 JMI Electric                          Redhammer LLC
Alaea Corp.                              Direct Electric Hawaii                   Ke Nui Construction LLC               Rhema Electric Pacific
All Maintenance and Repair LLC           DM Pacific, Inc.                         King & Neel, LLC                      Roto Rooter
Allied Electric LLC                      Drayko Construction, Inc.                Kitsap Construction, LLC              RTM Electric Corp
Allied Pacific Builders, Inc.            Eagle Electric, LLC                      Kolona Painting & General             Sapigao Construction Inc.
Aloha Sheet Metal, LLC                   ECA LLP                                    Construction, Inc.                  Sasaki Painting & Services LLC
Alpha, Inc.                              ELCCO Inc                                Kona Kau Construction Services &      Shinco Construction LLC
Alternate Energy Inc.                    Electrical Contractors Hawaii, Inc.        Supplies, Inc.                      Shizuru Electric Inc.
Amethyst Builders, LLC                   Elite Pacific Construction, Inc.         Koo Electric Service                  Smith Pacific Construction LLC
Applied Surfacing Technology             Enable Energy, Inc.                      KYK Electrical LLC                    Society Contracting LLC
Arita Poulson General Contracting, LLC   Fast Rooter Plumbing, LLC                LB Electric                           Stagg Electric LLC
A’s Mechanical & Builders, Inc.          First Hawaiian Bank                      Lindemann Construction, Inc.          StarCom Builders, Inc.
Associated Builders, Inc.                G.H. Alapa Plumbing                      M. Okamura Contractor Inc.            Su-Mo Builders
Atlas Sales Company, Inc.                Glidewell Plumbing, LLC                  M. Torigoe Plumbing, Inc.             Sunbelt Rentals
Aukai Electrical LLC                     Global Specialty Contractors, Inc.       M.H. Electric Co.                     T&T Electric, Inc.
Ayko Group, LLC                          Hammertech LLC                           Mashima Electric                      TCG, A Coporation of Idaho, Inc.
B R Anderson Electric Inc.               Harvey Brothers LLC                      Maui Plumbing Inc.                    The Contractors Plan
Belau Electric, LLC                      Hawaii Energy Connection, LLC            Maxum Construction of Hawaii, LLC     The H.E. Johnson Company, Inc.
Best Plumbing & Electric, LLC            Hawaii Geophysical Services              MCBH Kaneohe                          Titan Industries LLC
Beylik Drilling & Pump Service, Inc.     Hawaii Pacific Solar LLC                 Mechanical Enterprises, Inc.          Tory’s Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc.
Big Island Electric, Incorporated        Hawaii Plumbing Group, LLC               MEI Corporation                       Trade Media Hui, Inc.
Bora, Inc.                               Hawaii Works Inc.                        Merritt Electric                      Triton Marine Construction Corp.
Boss Communication Technologies          Hawaiian Building Maintenance            Molina Engineering Ltd.               Ultimate Electric LLC
Brian the Electrician LLC                Hawaiian Isle Electric LLC               Moriyama Construction, Inc.           Ulu Builders
Bringham Young University of Hawaii      Hawk Contracting Group                   Niking Corporation                    United Electric, LLC
C C Engineering & Construction, Inc      Heartwood Pacific LLC                    Nova Group, Inc.                      Up-Country Electric Co., Inc.
Certified Construction, Inc.             Helix Electric                           O&E Matias Electrical Service, LLC    West Maui Construction LLC
Chad’s Plumbing, Inc.                    Hellas Construction, Inc.                Oceanic Companies, Inc.               XR Electric LLC
Ching Construction                       Huf Corp.                                Ogami Plumbing LLC                    Yamada Paint Contracting, Inc.
Civil-Mechanical Contractor              Index Builders Inc.                      One Stop Windows & Doors              Yama’z Painting Service LLC
CML Security                             Integrated Security Technologies, Inc.   Pacific Blue Construction, LLC        Yap’s Electric Co.
Commercial Industrial Electric, LLC      International Roofing & Bldg             Pacific Lines Painting Inc.
Commercial Roofing & Waterproofing         Construction, Inc.                     Peterson Bros. Construction Inc.
 Hawaii, Inc.                            Island Electrical Contracting LLC        PhotonWorks Engineering LLP

     Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) is a national construction industry trade association representing nearly 21,000 chapter
      members. Founded on the merit shop philosophy, ABC and its 70 chapters help members develop people, win work and deliver
           that work safely, ethically, profitably and for the betterment of the communities in which ABC and its members work.
                                          Visit us at or in Hawaii at

  Next generation of workers seeking
  career training from trade association

              look at any construction               Construction students learn to oper-
              jobsite in Hawaii reveals what      ate basic hand tools, the safe handling
              many in the industry already        of tools, the proper way to frame, how
              know: The workforce is aging.       to build a wall or window, weld, the
      Finding and training the next gener-        use of plywood sheeting, hurricane
  ation of skilled trade workers has                      ties, foundations, footings and
  been a priority for the industry,                           cabinets. It’s based on
  but even with more people out of
  work because of the COVID-19
  pandemic, that has been difficult.
      To find new workers, Associated
  Builders and Contractors (ABC)
  Hawaii, which is part of a national
  trade association that trains workers
  in safety, ethics and meets licensing
  standards, turned to social media to
                      bolster its normal
                      of mouth and
                         “We’ve always
                      done outreach for
                      students,” says
                      Ken Wilson, ABC
                      Hawaii education
Ken Wilson            director. “We’ve
  gone to high schools and done career
  day presentations. I can’t do that now.
  I’m trying to do it virtually but there’s
  not much interest. So we bumped
  up our presence on social media and
  that’s bringing in inquiries.”
      The association is made up
  of primarily non-union construction
  contractors who support, lobby and
  train workers in five areas: roofing,
  carpentry, painting, plumbing and
  electrical work. Training can take up
  to five years for plumbing and electri-
  cal, four years for carpentry and three
                                                                               Fernan Verano, an apprentice with his father,
  years for roofing and painting.
                                                                               Nardo Verano, inserts a snake to clear a drain.
                                                                               PHOTO COURTESY ABC HAWAII/NARDO VERANO
The ABC Hawaii Chapter is at
                                                                                                        1375 Dillingham Blvd. For
the idea from the National Center for            other demands of life.
Construction Education & Research                    “You gotta go school and work
                                                                                                        more information, call 845-
that the training needs to be research-          during the day as an apprentice,”                      4887 or go to
based and uniform.                               Verano says. “It’s not an easy task. I
    But in the end, that training offered        had my family. I did my studying. When
in tools, math,                                  I was working as an apprentice, I was                 “Construction has always been
safety and indus-                                grateful to my supervisor. I learned a             looked at as a fallback job, but
try standards can                                lot. It’s hard, depends on your drive.             that’s not the reality,” Durham says.
often lead work-                                 If you have the mindset, you can be a              “Construction can provide you with a
ers to independence                              plumber. There’s a lot of guys who talk            good living, even here in Hawaii.”
and their own firm,                              about it, but people don’t last long.”
says Jeff Durham,                                    Although he’s licensed, he’s not part of       Training commitment
ABC Hawaii chapter                               a union, but is earning a wage that allows             Even in the middle of a pandemic,
president.                                       him to support his family, Verano says.            the trade association has been able to
                           Jeff Durham
                                                     “I can help the younger generation             maintain its classes. In fact, it is about
Solid wages                                      to do plumbing correctly using plumb-              to launch enrollment for its fall series
    A higher wage meant that Nardo               ing code,” Verano says. “You don’t want            of classes. Instead of in-person classes
Verano could afford to be the family man         to end up getting sued. If you don’t do it         for instruction and hands-on learn-
he wanted to be for his four children.           right, you leave it there leaking, mold can        ing, the association has switched to
Verano, 44, began his journey of becom-          grow. It’s not safe for anyone. Plumbers           online instruction and small in-person
ing a plumber first as a laborer earn-           are like doctors: We are supposed to               hands-on instruction at its facility on
ing $12 an hour. He gradually worked             protect the health of the public.”                 Dillingham Boulevard.  
up to about $35 an hour after putting                Working in the trades is a solid                   Electricians require 240 hours of
in the classroom hours, the 10,000 hours         alternative for recent high school                 classes before a student can become a
of apprenticeship and passing the state          graduates who are not college-bound,               journeyman, says Wilson, the educa-
licensing exam. At some point, he plans          says Durham, the chapter’s president.              tion director. The class that began in
to start his own plumbing firm.                  Classes are at night, and students work in         January normally has up to a dozen
    It all started when Verano heard a           the field during the day, reinforcing learn-       students, but this time 20 enrolled. And,
radio recruitment advertisement for              ing and expanding their knowledge base.            in February, the association planned to
ABC Hawaii.                                          “Apprenticeship programs allow                 begin the orientation process for the
    Verano, who is now a teacher at              young people to earn while you learn,”             other classes that will begin in the fall.
the trade association, says he was one           Durham says. “It’s a good way for some-                Plumbing and electrical require the
of four graduates from his initial class         one to get into an industry and make a             most training commitment to achieve
of 16. It wasn’t always easy, he says,           living and support their families.”                journeyman status, Wilson says. But the
working full time, attending classes                 And a construction job shouldn’t be            median wage for a plumber on Oahu
twice a week at night and juggling the           viewed as a second choice, he says.                was $72,920 a year in 2019, accord-
                                                                                                    ing to the most current U.S. Bureau of
                                                                                                    Labor Statistics data. That’s higher than
                                                                                                    the state median wage for all jobs, which
                                                                                                    was at $54,930, according to the data.
                                                                                                        “There’s a heightened interest because
                                                                                                    with the falling out of tourism, people are
                                                                                                    out of work, people are seeing construc-
                                                                                                    tion as a possible source of income,”
                                                                                                    Wilson says. “When tourism is down,
                                                                                                    there’s always been a strong showing
                                                                                                    for apprenticeship, but we’re anticipat-
                                                                                                    ing more students this coming year.”
                                                                                                        ABC Hawaii, which operates off the
                                                                                                    philosophy that compensation should be
                                                                                                    awarded based on contribution and not
                                                                                                    seniority, provides networking opportu-
                                                                                                    nities for students seeking entry to these
                                                                                                    kinds of jobs or to move up, Wilson says.
                                                                                                        “We call that the merit shop,” he says.
                                                                                                    “The employer is responsible for a safe
                                                                                                    workplace and fair compensation. The
                                                                                                    employee is responsible for providing
ABC Hawaii students get hands-on experience in plumbing at a jobsite last semester with instruc-    good work for that compensation.”
tor Nardo Verano.				                                   PHOTO COURTESY ABC HAWAII/NARDO VERANO

                                                                                          | 15
                                                TOP ROOFING
                                                                                          OF 2020

                                                                  METAL SHINGLES:
                                                                  A New Classic
Roofing has legs in Hawaii’s                                         “In 2021, HPM is adding the
                                                                  increasingly popular Oxford
COVID-19 economy                                                  Shingles by Isaiah Industries
BY BRETT ALEXANDER-ESTES                                          to our array of roofing prod-
                                                                  ucts,” says Shane Makalii, HPM

                                                                                                       Shane Makalii
            oofing, deemed “essential” last year to help offset   Building Supply roofing sales
            the economic impact of COVID-19, is also prov-        manager. “Oxford Shingles are an aluminum roof-
            ing to be very resilient.                             ing system that perfectly blends beauty, durabil-
               Hawaii hospitality properties are taking advan-    ity and energy efficiency, allowing homeowners to
tage of reduced visitor counts to upgrade or replace their                                            maintain a clas-
roofs. Demand is also strong in Hawaii’s other building                                               sic look with
sectors. And roofers—who have a good chance of evading                                                the exceptional
COVID-19 on their outdoor job sites—are seizing the day.                                              longevity and
   Kokua Roofing Services started a project in Kona at “the                                           energy savings
beginning of the pandemic,” says Debora Letelier, Kokua’s                                             of metal roof-
operations manager. Additional health and safety protocols                                            ing. We foresee
were immediately put into place and “required an amplified                                            this innovative
focus on the many details of our daily operations,” she says.                                         architectural
   After meeting these and other jobsite challenges, Kokua’s
                                                                                                      design being a
project was a success—as were many completed last year by
                                                                                                      top choice for
the state’s leading roofers. Building Industry Hawaii’s Top
Roofing Projects of 2020 demonstrate the industry’s resolve
                                                                                                      Hawaii home-
during the current uncertainties and its strength going                                               owners in the
forward, and were chosen by the roofers themselves.                                                   future.”
                                                                  Oxford Shingles’ aluminum roofing system
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Commercial, Low Slope
CONRAC (Step A), DKI International Airport
PROJECT START: June 2017 • PROJECT WRAP: October 2020 • GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Watts Constructors
MATERIAL MANUFACTURERS: Kloeckner Metals, Grace Construction Products, Sarnafil
MATERIAL SUPPLIERS: Kloeckner Metals (Standing Seam Metal Roofing), CanDo Construction Supply (Below-Grade
Waterproofing), RSI Roofing & Building Supply (PVC Roofing)

   The Consolidated Rental Car facility (CONRAC) at the
Daniel K. Inouye International Airport is “one of the larg-
est public works projects to be completed in Hawaii,” says
Joseph Glade, Beachside Roofing LLC project manager.
The project has two phases: Step A (completed) and Step B
(ongoing construction).
   Glade says Beachside’s Step A project “consisted of
multiple elevator and escalator pits, and multiple roofs to
include odd radius roofs as well as a standing seam metal
roof, called the ‘core canopy,’ which had panels approxi-
mately 120 linear feet in length.
   “For the below-grade work,” Glade says, “Grace
Bituthene 3000 and Grace Preprufe 300R were used. After
completing the below-grade work, Hydroduct 220 Drainage
Mat was installed.

                                                               Beachside Roofing installed the roof on the CONRAC facility at DKI
                                                               International Airport.
                                                               PHOTO COURTESY BEACHSIDE ROOFING LLC

   We are Maui’s Leader in Wood Roof Trusses                     “For the Sarnafil PVC roofing, seven total roofs were
                                                              completed on Step A. All seven roofs required Sarnafil
          We can engineer roof trusses for any type of
       structure whether it be residential or commercial,     Coping, which had to be specially made and brought in.
      from the most economical family home to the most        One of the roofs, the mechanical room roof, had a radius
          complete residential or commercial projects.        built in which made the roof more complex to complete.
                                                              The total system included 60-mil Fleeceback on one-half-
                                                              inch DensDeck Prime on Sarnatherm PolyISO insulation,
                                                              adhered to concrete deck.
                                                                 “The core canopy roof consisted of steel decking, upon
                                                              which DensDeck Prime and Underlayment were installed,
                                                              followed by the fastening of 120-linear-foot panels. Only
                                                              three-quarters of the roof was complete, as the other one-
            Providing you excellent product,                  quarter was part of Step B. We completed this portion in
           design, engineering and the quality                October 2020. This also consisted of a hidden gutter behind
             service you expect & deserve.                    the skylight, and a regular gutter and downspouts through
                                                              the entire roof.”
                                                                 No safety incidents occurred during construction, he says.
                                                                 “One of the most unique issues with respect to the proj-
                                                              ect was not only rolling the 120-linear-foot panels on the
                                                              jobsite, but using a crane to lift the panels five stories to the
                                                              roof,” Glade says. “For the last quarter portion, which was
                                                              completed later, the crane was not available, so a portable
                                                              crane and a lot of manual labor was required in order to get
          Call or Email for a frEE EstimatE                   the remaining panels on the roof.
    808-877-0036 ·                  “This,” he says, “consisted of using dollies to move the
                          panels around for a safe installation.”

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Commercial, Low Slope
Kahuku High School
PROJECT START: October 4, 2020 • PROJECT WRAP: November 1, 2020 • PROJECT FOREMAN: Jenn Daguro

                                                                   Surface Shield installed a new 40,000-square-
                                                                   foot roof at Kahuku High School.
                                                                   PHOTO COURTESY SURFACE SHIELD ROOFING CO

                                                                      “We started the reroof of Kahuku
                                                                   High School’s main multi-story
                                                                   classroom building on October 4,”
                                                                   says Shon Gregory, Surface Shield
                                                                   Roofing Co. owner, “and immedi-
                                                                   ately confronted steady high winds
                                                                   and constant wind-driven rain that
                                                                   made tearing off the old roof and
                                                                   installing the new one difficult and
                                                                      “The roof was 40,000 square
                                                                   feet. We also had to restore the
                                                                   gutter trough and install new roof
                                                                   hatches, roof ladders and new
                                                                   powered ventilation units—all on a
                                                                   tight schedule.
                                                                      “After tear-off, we installed a
                                                                   new Firestone Fleece-Back 135
                                                                   TPO roof over insulation and cover
                                                                   board. The new 40,000-square-foot
                                                                   roof has a 20-year warranty. Thanks
                                                                   to the skill of Foreman Jenn Daguro
                                                                   and our 12-person crew, Surface
                                                                   Shield delivered the new roof on
                                                                   November 1—in less than 30 work-
                                                                   ing days.”

Honolulu residence

                                           Winner of RCAH
                                           2019 Project of th
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Kapolei warehouse

                                             Kaumakapili Church

           Find out for yourself the difference an experienced,
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             (808) 739-9599
Commercial, Low Slope
Hilton Waikoloa Beach Resort
PROJECT START: July 23, 2019 • PROJECT WRAP: May 29, 2020 • ROOFING CONSULTANT: Mosaic Engineering
   At the Hilton Waikoloa Beach Resort
on Hawaii Island’s Kohala Coast, “resort
ownership took proactive measures
to prevent leaks from occurring that
included hiring a consulting firm for
roof evaluations,” says Larry Young,
Commercial Roofing & Waterproofing
Hawaii Inc. vice president and project
managing estimator. “Two of the roofs
inspected were at the end of their life
cycle and required attention. Commercial
Roofing was contracted to perform work
to keep the building’s roof watertight.”
   The six-story Palace Tower had a
built-up roof with gravel aggregate
on top and eight-foot parapet walls.
“Removing the gravel was a chal-
lenge,” Young says.
                                                                                                                    Commercial Roofing was contracted to keep
                                                                                                                    the Hilton Waikoloa Beach Resort building’s
                                                                                                                    roof watertight.
                                                                                                                    PHOTO COURTESY COMMERCIAL ROOFING &
                                                                                                                    WATERPROOFING HAWAII INC.

                                                                                                                        A Tremco flood coat product was
                                                                                                                    installed over the existing roof to
                                                                                  UNPARALLELED                      create a smooth surface. The majority
   EXCEEDING                                                                      QUALITY & ON-TIME                 of the roof was still useable, so “wet
   EXPECTATIONS                                                                   DELIVERY                          insulation areas were repaired and a
                                                                                                                    Tremco Alphaguard fluid-applied roof
                                                                                                                    system was installed over the existing
                                                                                                                    (surface),” Young says. “The savings
                                                                                                                    from not having to do a complete roof
                                                                                                                    replacement is huge. As an added green
                                                                                                                    benefit, it minimized materials going to
                                                                                                                    the landfill.
                                                                                                                       “The laundry room roof was a
            METAL                                  STEEL                               HOT-DIP                      complete tear-off and installation of
            ROOFING                                SERVICE                             GALVANIZING                  a Siplast two-ply 20/30 SBS modified
                                                   CENTER                                                           bitumen system,” he says. “A Siplast
  Trusted, Tested, Tough, our                Hawaii’s largest inventory          Protecting Steel for Generations   Parapro system was also utilized to
  high-performance, premium                  of quality steel products. We       Hot-Dip Galvanizing provides       waterproof certain areas” and a schedule
  Metal Roofing Systems have                 offer reliable on-time delivery,    superior long-term protection,     was developed to allow laundry services
  a long, successful track                   and responsive service from         ideal in Hawaii’s demanding        below to continue uninterrupted.
  record in Hawaii, with many                our experienced team.               environment.                          “By proactively addressing possible
  design and color options.                                                                                         leaks, resort ownership was able to avoid
                                                                                                                    a potential loss in revenues due to leaks
                        SERVING ALL ISLANDS SINCE 1959
                                                                                                                    into guest rooms or hotel amenities,”
                        Oahu (808) 682-3000 | Neighbor Islands (800) 352-3920 | Email
   A Reliable Partner
                                                                                                                    Young says. “The warranties include
                                                                                                                    labor and material, giving the owner
                                                                             peace of mind for the next twenty years.”

Commercial, Low Slope
Warehouse Facility for HDC Properties LLC (Hanua St.)
PROJECT START: May 9, 2020 • PROJECT WRAP: October 15, 2020 • PROJECT FOREMEN: Crew No 1: Delbert
Mercado / Crew No. 2: Kepa Clarke • GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Honolulu Builders LLC • MAXIMUM NUMBER OF

   “This was a new building,” says Sandra GT Ward,
Tory’s Roofing & Waterproofing Inc. administrative
manager. “So the roofing project was nice, straightforward.
Scope of work involved roofing 4,640 squares—which is
huge. We were able to go in and complete the project to the
customer’s satisfaction.”
   Tory’s roofed the new Honolulu warehouse building with
a Firestone .60-mil TPO self-adhered membrane, approxi-
mately 231,000 square feet.
   Tory’s mechanically installed new 3.8-inch R-22
flat stock Polyiso insulation and new one-quarter-inch
DensDeck using eight fasteners in the field, 16 fasten-
ers at the perimeter and 32 fasteners at the corners. This
was followed by new Firestone .60-mil TPO self-adhered
membrane, installed according to manufacturer’s specifi-
cations, Tory says. Next came new pipe boots around 130
anchor points, new ES-1 drip edge flashing at the eaves,
new cap flashings at parapet walls, and installing new TPO

                                                                                Tory’s Roofing project at Honolulu’s largest warehouse required 4,640
                                                                                squares of a single roof coverage.
                                                                                PHOTO COURTESY TORY’S ROOFING & WATERPROOFING INC.

                                                                                at the awning roof, approximately 900 square feet. The
                                                                                roof, Tory says, is guaranteed watertight for five years, with
                                                                                a manufacturer’s NDL for 25 years.
                                                                                   Tory’s Vice President Mike Tory says “there were three
                                                                                unique factors to this project. First, this is considered to be
                                                                                the largest single building on Oahu with a massive 4,640
                                                         Hawaii State Capitol
                                                                                squares of a single roof coverage.
                                     • SERVING HAWAII FOR MORE                     “Second, the timeframe in which to complete this
                                       THAN 48 YEARS.
                                                                                massive project was tight. This required us to pull a large
                                     • ONE OF HAWAII’S LARGEST
                                       ROOFING CONTRACTORS.                     portion of our workforce to focus on this project. It
                                                                                required logistical coordination and balance to ensure that
      Dedication.                    • LOCALLY OWNED FAMILY
                                       BUSINESS.                                we were able to complete our other in-progress projects
      Dependability.                                                            on-time simultaneously.
                                     • EACH ROOF INSTALLED WITH
      Delivered.                       PRECISION AND EXCELLENCE.                   “Third, the other factor that helped us with the time-
      Since 1972, Tory’s Roofing & Waterproofing, Inc. has                      frame was the roofing product we used, which was a top-
      established a solid reputation for being an honest and                    of-the-line, self-adhering peel-and-stick membrane. This
      trustworthy contractor.
                                                                                new product technology allowed for faster installation and
      Tory’s dedication to delivering cutting edge technology
      and flawless workmanship are the few reasons that
                                                                                has a higher wind-up lift technology. We were able to cover
      contributed to our success for more than 48 years.                        approximately 100 squares a day with our workforce and
                                                                                   “Overall,” he says, “this project is a milestone—combin-
                            96-1382 Waihona Street, Pearl City, HI 96782        ing its size, schedule and products used, this was definitely a
                         808-456-5990 •                        top roof-of-the-year project.”

     E E
  FR ATES                                   Hawaii
   T I M                                   Since 1972

3 generations, family owned and operated for 48 years

   all commercial and residential
        all new roofs re-roofs roof maintenance
 painting Rain gutters general contracting crane lifts
            mod bit shingles, shakes, tile, tpo
           roof and deck coating waterproofing
        also find us on Instagram and Yelp
                    Lic number BC-32740
Commercial, Low Slope
Large National Grocery Vendor Cold Storage Facility
PROJECT START: July 6, 2020 • PROJECT WRAP: October 16, 2020 • GENERAL CONTRACTOR: Tri State General
PROJECT: 15 (MRC Roofing); 50+ (all other trades) • MATERIAL MANUFACTURERS: National Coatings Corp., a
Henry Company A410 Vapor Barrier Coating (acrylic), SRC 740 Silicone Top Coat (silicone), NCC 2 Pound Closed Cell
Spray Polyurethane Foam • MATERIAL SUPPLIERS: National Coatings Corp., a Henry Company

   Together, MRC Roofing LLC and National Coatings
Corporation converted a Honolulu metal building into a
cold-storage facility for a national grocery vendor.
   “The entire building was encapsulated in spray-applied
polyurethane foam in various thicknesses,” says Jason
Simms, Hawaii/Guam/Pacific technical sales manager for
National Coatings Corporation, a Henry Company.
    “Working with MRC Roofing,” Simms says, “we did
5.5 inches of polyurethane spray foam insulation on the
walls of the interior, which included an intumescent coating
as an ignition barrier. More than 12,000 square feet of inte-
rior walls were insulated to meet an R value of 33.
   “On the roof we did 5.5 inches of polyurethane spray
foam and a hybrid acrylic/silicone coating system encap-
sulating the foam,” he says. This also included a vapor

                                                License #BC-31624

       • Locally Owned and Operated for 34 Years in Hawaii
                    • Residential • Commercial
                 • Full Roof Replacement & Repair                   MRC Roofing and National Coatings Corp. converted a metal building
           • Spray Foam Insulation • Cool Roof Experts              into a cold-storage facility for a large national grocery vendor.
                           • Waterproofing                           PHOTO COURTESY HAWAII INDUSTRIAL PHOTOGRAPHY

                                                                    barrier. “MRC Roofing used a spray robot to install most
                                                                    of the spray-applied foam on the roof. This enabled a
                                                                    smoother skin on the foam and also faster output.
                                                                       “The roof directly above the cold storage area, approxi-
                                                                    mately 22,200-plus square feet, was insulated with 5 inches
                                                                    of 3-pound density spray-applied polyurethane foam for
                                                                    an R value of R34. This was then covered with an acrylic
                                                                    vapor barrier before being coated with 20 mils of silicone
                                                                       Similarly, overhangs and roofing areas over office spaces
                                                                    were insulated with 3-pound density spray-applied polyure-
                                                                    thane foam in 1-inch thicknesses (overhangs) and 3.5-inch
                                                                    thicknesses (office spaces). Both were then coated with
                                                                    38 mils of silicone coating. All systems on the project are
                                                                    covered by National Coatings’ 20-year Manufacturer Labor
         Call for FREE Estimate 808-842-4464                        and Material Warranty.
                                                                       Simms says “it is always a challenge” to convert a metal
                                                                    building into cold storage (37 degrees F). “The insulating
                                                                    system used in this project was the most ideal to meet the
                                                                    R value required and the time constraints to complete the
                                       project on schedule.”

Residential, Steep Slope
Keauhou Kona Surf
& Racquet Club
KOKUA ROOFING SERVICES                                        Kokua Roofing replaced the roofs on 21 buildings at the Keauhou Kona
                                                              Surf & Racquet Club.
Mid-August, 2020 • PROJECT FOREMAN: Dennis Ibanez
MAXIMUM NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES ON PROJECT: 17                    round residents,” Letelier says. “Following CDC guidelines,
                                                              daily employee temperature checks were implemented and
                                                              logged, the use of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
MATERIAL SUPPLIER: ABC Supply Co. Inc.                        was routine and social distancing was followed. The Kokua
                                                              team demonstrated their commitment to maintaining a safe
    The Keauhou Kona Surf & Racquet Club on Hawaii            job site for the residents, as well as the crew.
Island features 21 waterfront residential buildings “that         “The Terracotta-colored roof shingle used on this project
were in desperate need of roof replacement,” says Debora      was custom-made by CertainTeed,” Letelier says. “The finished
Letelier, Kokua Roofing Services operations manager. “This    look highlights the building design and the beautiful oceanfront
property is home to rental units and year-round residents.    location.” Kokua also took great care, she says, to avoid nega-
    “The previous roofs,” Letelier says, “were comprised of   tively impacting the surrounding landscaping and ecosystem.
a layer of metal roof tiles and a layer of cedar shingles—        “This project was all about attention to detail,” she
both of which were removed, which was no small feat. A        emphasizes. “From the roof shingle choice, to follow-
custom-colored CertainTeed Landmark shingle roof system       ing additional safety measures for the crew, residents and
was installed that included new plywood and self-adhered      the environment, every facet of the Keauhou Kona Surf &
roof underlayment beneath the shingles.”                      Racquet Club project was treated with precision and care.
    COVID-19 appeared worldwide just as Kokua arrived             “As a result,” she says, “the project was completed on
on-site. “This property is home to rental units and year-     time, on budget and with no health concerns.”



         Innovative Roofing                       High Performance                               Superior Quality

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