Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin

Page created by Michelle Smith
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin

 Annual Review No. 3
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin

Flussbad Berlin e.V.
Falckensteinstraße 48
10997 Berlin
Phone +49 30 5557445-0

Concept: Barbara Schindler, Jan Edler, Hans Georg Hiller
von Gaertringen, Katrin Hiller von Gaertringen
Editors: Barbara Schindler, Hans Georg Hiller
von Gaertringen, Katrin Hiller von Gaertringen

Design: NODE Berlin Oslo
Translation: Julie Hagedorn Group
As of June 2018
Cover: cc Marc Beckmann 2016 / OSTKREUZ
© all rights reserved by the copyright holders
cc: all rights reserved by the copyright holders under CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

Flussbad Berlin team: Susanne Bernstein / Office manager; Lisa Blum / Events & Planning;
Kai Dolata / Treasurer; Jan Edler / Chairman; Tim Edler / Project author & Planning; Elena
Erickson / Planning; Charlotte Hopf / Deputy chairman; Barbara Schindler / Press & Public
Relations; Ana Shalin Stoeckermann / Education & Participation

Flussbad Berlin e.V. receives funding from the “National Urban Development Projects”
programme operated by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community
as well as from the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing.
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin
Table of Contents

4   Editorial                           40	Plants, wastewater and us.
                                            On the scientist Käthe Seidel
7   Official greeting                       Charlotte Hopf
    Katrin Lompscher
                                        42	A pioneering test filter – the
8	A work in progress                       path to a transparent river
   – Site plan                              Kai Dolata

10	When is the Flussbad going    46 Welcome to the
    to become a reality?              Flussbad garden!
    A conversation with Jan Edler
                                  48	A more vibrant environment
15	Getting the Flussbad flowing.     along the canal
    The November 2017 political       A talk with Jörg Rocholl
    debate in Berlin’s state
    parliament                    52 Journal 2017

22	Swimming. No more and               56	Best of …
    no less                                 press commentaries 2017
    Sylvia Metz
                                        58	A great reason to
28	“The spark that triggers                step out of the house
    other initiatives”                      New insights on
    A conversation with Hubert              Flussbad Berlin
    Weiger, Olaf Zimmermann
    and Tim Edler                       60 Volunteers voices

32 Spree residents                      63 Get involved and make
   Stefan Marx                             Berlin even better!

34	Singing in lieu of swimming
    3th Berlin Flussbad Cup

38	Planned weak points in the
    system. A brief history of
    wastewater disposal in Berlin

Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin

All parties were in agreement! Well, almost all of them.         To this day, many Berliners are still unaware of exactly
On 30 November 2017, the various members of Berlin’s             how polluted the river gets after every downpour – and
House of Representatives – the parties known as the              how complicated it is to clean it. For this reason, we
SPD, CDU, die Linke, die Grünen and FDP – voted in               ­decided to explain as best we could the historical events
­supporting the Flussbad project under the title “Das             that led to Berlin’s so-called “overflow sewerage” sys-
 Flussbad zum Fließen bringen or “Getting the Flussbad            tem. We also take a look at the groundbreaking scientist
 flowing”. The AfD, a right-wing party, abstained. The            Käthe Seidel, who came up with the plant-based treat-
 Berlin Senate was thus given the task of advancing the           ment technique we’re thinking to use in the Flussbad.
 implementation of the Flussbad and creating the condi-           We also provide an overview of the current filter systems
 tions for the project to receive all the permits it re-          being tested under real-life conditions at the future site
 quires to begin operation. Thanks to this motion, we             of the Flussbad; indeed, this pioneering undertaking
 are now one major step closer to achieving our goal of           marks the first time ever in the world that such a system
 generating a clean Spree Canal open to all.                      is being attempted in a river.
      In our third Flussbad annual review, we are under-                We are delighted at how many new members joined
 standably eager to show how this political decision re-          our association in 2017, and we owe a large number of
 flects an overall shift in consciousness – one that has          our activities to their voluntary commitment. These ac-
 come about as a result of our efforts over the past              tivities include our regular on-site walking tours as well
 years. In turn, our work would not have been possible            as all the presentations and discussions we organised
 without the funding we received from the German fed-             and participated at from Berlin to Paris. It also includes
 eral government and the state government of Berlin.              the organisation of our annual Berlin Flussbad Swimming
 Besides, over the past several years, administrators and         Cup and the refitting of the “Hans-Wilhelm” barge to
 people in general have become much more conscious                house our prototype test filter. As you might already
 of the ecological importance of downtown waterways,              know, we had to cancel our annual swimming cup in July
 their tangible social force and the crucial role they play       2017 due to record-breaking rainfall and the resulting
 in growing urban communities.                                    pollution of the Spree Canal. However, we were thrilled
      But when is the Flussbad actually going to become           to see how many people nevertheless joined us at the
a reality? This is the question we posed to Jan Edler, one        Monbijoubrücke that day, where we sang Barbara Mor-
of the co-initiators of the project and the current asso-         genstern’s new Flussbad song with the Chor der
ciation chairman. We invite you to read his answers in            ­Kulturen der Welt; this impromptu sing-along was a won-
the interview we carried out for this review. Just like            derful substitute for the event we had been planning for
Jan, we never get tired of pointing out that the Flussbad          months.
is about much more than just being able to swim in the                  We hope you enjoy reading this year’s annual review.
Spree. Indeed, as Sylvia Metz argues in her essay, swim-           If you find yourself feeling inspired and enthusiastic
ming is so important it should probably accepted as                about the Flussbad idea and all the work we do, then we
a basic human right. In fact, the contemporary debate              encourage you to join us and become a member!
about “environmental justice” demonstrates that uni-               There’s no better way to make sure the Flussbad Berlin
versal access to clean and swimmable water continues               becomes a reality.
to be a pivotal social issue.
      We were also interested in finding out what cultural           Sincerely,
and environmental leaders think about the Flussbad.                  Barbara Schindler,
Is it possible to reconcile the ecological aspirations of            Katrin and Hans Georg Hiller von Gaertringen
a clean and sustainable public swimming area with the                Editors of the Flussbad Annual Review
protection of longstanding cultural values and monu-
ments? In a conversation on the pages of this year’s re-
view, Hubert Weiger from Friends of the Earth Germany
(BUND) and Olaf Zimmermann from the German Cultural
Council (Deutscher Kulturrat) agree that the future
Flussbad public swimming area is located in precisely
the right spot in the historic “cultural district” of Berlin’s
Museum Island and Humboldt Forum. Both emphasise
the opportunities provided by the Flussbad at the cen-
tre of the city to raise awareness among the general
public with regard to urgent ecological and social tasks.

4                                                     Flussbad Berlin
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin
The “Hans-Wilhelm” barge containing
                       our test filter makes its way to the
                       Spree Canal in May 2017
cc 2017 Axel Schmidt

Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin
cc 2016 Espen Eichhöfer / OSTKREUZ

Swimmers wait in the crystal clear Spree Canal for the start of the 2nd Berlin Flussbad Cup, July 2016

6                                                                 Flussbad Berlin
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin
Official Greeting

                                                                                         cc 2017 Stefanie Loos
Since the end of 2014, Germany’s federal government               I consider the Flussbad Berlin to be a truly valuable un-
and the federal state of Berlin have been jointly support-        dertaking. It is an important urban development ­project
ing the Flussbad Berlin Association in its efforts to drive       with a high international profile, tremendous innovation
forward the innovative “Flussbad Berlin” project. Our             potential and an above-average level of public
support comes in the form of a nationwide programme               participation.
known as the National Urban Development Projects. Our                  In the past three years, the Flussbad Berlin Associa-
decision to support the Flussbad followed on a tremen-            tion has achieved a great deal. It has worked tirelessly to
dous level of cross-party political support and advocacy          publicise the project idea, to promote its multiple goals
for the project on the part of civil society actors.              and to raise the level of enthusiasm for a Spree Canal
        Why are Germany’s federal government and the              that is clean, accessible and open to the general public.
state of Berlin supporting such a project? At first glance,       At the end of 2016, Berlin’s governing coalition agreed to
it might appear that the Flussbad is only about making it         enable swimming in the Spree and also to foster the re-
possible for people to swim in the Spree Canal. In fact,          alisation of projects such as the Flussbad Berlin. Since
however, the creative and enterprising team at the                then, with the help of funding and support from impor-
Flussbad Association has set its sights on something              tant partners, the Flussbad Association was able to open
much bigger; their goal is to bring new life to the histori-      an information platform depicting the project in the
cal centre of Berlin.                                             courtyard of the European School of Management and
        Until 1920, it was commonplace for Berliners to           Technology (ESMT Berlin), which is now housed in the
bathe in the Spree. Indeed, there were roughly 30 bath-           former GDR’s State Council Building (Staatsratsgebäude).
ing facilities well into the 20th century, all of which were      The Flussbad team also anchored a pilot facility designed
forced to close as a result of industrialisation and the          to test the various possible water-filter processes in the
­related problems with sanitation and hygiene.                    adjacent Spree Canal.
        Berlin’s waterways are part of the public identity,            The year 2017 came to a crowning finish when Berlin’s
 with the Spree River in particular acting as a lifeline. If we   parliament passed the cross-fractional proposal “Getting
 want to draw on this precious resource to invigorate our         the Flussbad flowing” on 30 November 2017. This political
 urban environment, it is essential that we make full use         mandate represents a major step in the work being done
 of the multitude of functions it offers us. We have the          by the Flussbad Association to develop and implement
 exciting and worthwhile opportunity to link the high-cul-        the project in collaboration with a range of authorities.
 ture museum environment found at the northern end of                  The Flussbad has captured the spirit of our time.
 the Spree Island with the everyday life and recreational         Berlin now joins the ranks of cities all over the globe at-
 activities at its southern tip. The Fischerinsel would           tempting to make their waterways viable for swimming
 ­experience a considerable improvement in quality as a           and urban recreation again. Chicago, Paris, London, Co-
  ­residential space if it had an attractive and welcoming        penhagen, Brussels and Munich are just a few examples.
   area along its natural shoreline. Without a doubt, the         In Berlin, the Flussbad also represents the attempt to cre-
   Flussbad would provide an essential impulse to this in-        ate a unique link between the past and the modern era.
   ner-city residential district.                                      I am delighted that the Flussbad Berlin is taking on
        Again, let’s not forget; the Flussbad is not just about   shape after 20 years. I am also excited to see that the
   making it possible for Berliners to swim in the Spree.         implementation of the project is now within tangible
   The project combines ecology and the careful handling          reach. Congratulations to the Flussbad Berlin Associa-
   of natural water resources with sustainable and integra-       tion on its fifth anniversary. I offer my personal support
   tive urban development. It also achieves the very chal-        in all of your efforts going forward and wish you much
   lenging task of linking a breathtaking World Heritage Site     success in the future!
   with the day-to-day lives of Berliners living in the here
   and now.                                                           Katrin Lompscher
                                                                      Berlin Senator for Urban Development and Housing

                                                       Official Greeting                                                    7
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin
A project in
  Flussbad Berlin is an urban development project designed to reactivate a stretch of
    water in Berlin’s historical centre known as the Spree Canal, which has lain almost
  ­entirely dormant for 100 years. The plan divvies up the 1.8 kilometre-long canal into
three sections: after an ecological regeneration zone and a filter section, the project is
 designed to allow for a swimming area in one of Berlin’s most historical settings, while
  also fostering a new relationship among the adjacent buildings and open-air spaces.

It’s been twenty years since the project founders       Additional key developments in our ongoing
came up with initial idea and design for the            ­planning were the alternatives we devised for the
Flussbad. A first reworking of the project took          large staircase originally planned for the Lustgar-
place after it won the 2011 LafargeHolcim Award          ten – which became strongly criticised from her-
in Gold, Europe’s most important global prize for        itage protection officials – and the related idea of
sustainable architecture and urban development.          “central” access to the swimming area. We now
The designers moved the changing rooms from              favour the installation of several decentralised
the banks of the Lustgarten to an area at the            water-access areas: at the ESMT Berlin, across
pedestal of the memorial to freedom and unity            from the Bode Museum and in front of the Hum-
that was planned at the time. In 2012, the project       boldt Forum. Each of these areas would have its
was able to win over the jury of the global edition      own unique character, scope and function, thus
of the LafargeHolcim Award, which granted the            also requiring individual measures to realise them.
Flussbad its Bronze prize. In 2014, the design was            The planned access area located at the weir
adjusted again after the project received support        steps next to the ESMT Berlin has a special im-
from the LOTTO foundation. These funds were              portance for the project. It would enhance the
used to test the Flussbad’s technical feasibility,       opening-up of the park area behind the Staats-
and the project also reduced the extent of its           ratsgebäude – a measure that is also being sought
previously planned structural interventions: the         by the federal state of Berlin – and transform it
current design maintains the canal appearance in         into an extraordinary public space for recreation
the upper area at the Fischerinsel, and the              and swimming right in the middle of the city. At
changing rooms are now foreseen as a temporary           this point, it seems that the open staircase at the
floating facility under the monument base, so as         Humboldt Forum is an option that many of the
to limit the need to intervene in existing struc-        neighbouring institutions can already agree upon
tures. In addition, the planned jetty along the left     today – even independently of the Flussbad pro-
waterside has been exchanged in favour of an             ject itself. Yet another project adjustment was
­invisible solution involving a bypass canal for the     made in response to criticism from monument
 funnelling of sewage system overflows.                  protection officials; the plant filter around the
      In 2014, the project became part of the fed-       Jungfernbrücke will be omitted so as to preserve
 eral programme known as the “National Urban             the reflecting effect the canal water has for the
 Development Projects”, and since then, we have          historical buildings surrounding it.
 been working on creating the basic conditions                The following three pages provide an overview
 necessary to implement the project.                     of the essential adjustments we’ve made over the
      In the past several years, we took part in         past years. Each one of them reflects the “work
 many discussions with the Flussbad’s various            in progress” nature of our project. From the very
 neighbours and tenants in an attempt to learn           beginning, our planning activities have aimed at
 more about their respective needs, concerns and         gathering all parties at the table, listening to all
 objections. Among our discussion partners were          attitudes and approaches, and ultimately bringing
 the neighbouring museums, the Humboldt Forum,           the project to a successful close with the help of
 the ESMT Berlin, the Federal Foreign Office, the        compromises and alternatives.
 Historic Harbour and the passenger ship compa-
 nies. No less important was our ongoing e  ­ xchange
 with public authorities, including the Waterways
 and Shipping Office and the Berlin Monument
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin
End weir/
                  Non-return valve            Bode Museum

                                               Temporary floating pier at
                                            ­Monbijoubrücke/ Museumshöfe

                                            Changing rooms,
                                            WCs, lockers, etc.

                                                                                                                              Museum Island

                                                                                                        James Simon Gallery

                                                                                                                                                Altes Mu


            ise                        ss
                  d w
                      a te r a   cce

Museum Courtyards [ >2035 ]

              Swimming area
              This 835-metre stretch of the Spree Canal along the west side of Museum Island
              would have clean, swimmable water thanks to a plant filter located upstream. This
              new bathing area would transform the canal – which remains almost entirely unused
              to this day – into a public swimming and recreational space right in the middle of
              downtown Berlin. After receiving criticism from heritage protection officials for the
              open staircase planned at the Lustgarten in the original 1998 Flussbad design, the
              planners came up with an alternative concept that features decentralised access to
              the water, including a staircase and a new weir at the ESMT Berlin (2017 draft) and a
              seasonally based floating dock at the Monbijoubrücke (2017 draft). The open staircase
              at the Humboldt Forum (2012 draft) could be used as an additional access point to
              the water, if required.
              This new public space in the heart of Berlin would serve a number of different pur-
              poses: it would be a site of recreation and sports involving clean river water, a space
              for gathering, a new connection route and much more. People’s everyday physical ex-
              periences in the area would enable a completely different feel for the city; it would
              also create new levels of awareness, meaning and usage for this part of central Berlin,
              where otherwise the focus is more on retrospective history.

              Decentralised water access (2017)
              Opening up the swimming area via two main access areas at both ends of the
              canal section:
              1) Access at the northern section: seasonally based floating dock installed at
              the shoreline of the area known as “Am Kupfergraben” or Monbijoubrücke
              2) Access at the southern section: open staircase at a new weir near the
              ESMT Berlin garden (2017)

              The open staircase at the Humboldt Forum (2012) has a supplementary
              function. In this iteration, it does not involve functional access for
              swimmers; however, it could be retrofitted with changing rooms, WCs,
              lockers, etc. constructed on pontoons floating under the base of the

      Project illustration according to specifications by the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Development and Housing, IV C Urban Development/Urban R
Annual Review No. 3 2018 - Flussbad Berlin
Filter area
                                                                                              The Flussbad foresees installing a natural plant filter stretching from
                                                                                              Gertraudenbrücke to the Foreign Office that will clean the Spree
                                                                                              water flowing through it. If this water is ever contaminated, it is due
                                                                                              to wastewater discharge from Berlin’s mixed sewage system during
                                                                                              heavy rainfall. In this roughly 300-metre filter area, the Spree water
                                                                                              will flow through a layer of gravel lined with aquatic plants, thus
                                                                                              cleaning it in a microbiological manner and making it possible for
                                                                                              people to swim in the subsequent water area.

                                                 Berlin Cathedral



                                                                                             Humboldt Forum (2019)

                                                        Open staircase
                                                      at Humboldt Forum

                                                                                                         Drainage control structure

                                                                                                                Water terrace
                                                                                                                at Schlossplatz

                                                                                                                     Changing rooms,

                                                                                                                     WCs, lockers, etc.
                                            wa te r           s
                                                      acces                                                                               ESMT Berlin (former GDR

                                                                                                                                                   New combination
                                                                                                                                                     weir system

                                                                                                                                                        Open staircase
                                                                                                                                                  at the ESMT Berlin garden
                                                       Federal Foreign

                                                                                      Weir steps
                                                                           (1.5 metre water level difference)

                                                                           en                                              )

                                                                                tr                             2                                                              Gravel filter
                                                                                     ali                  s s(                                                                with reeds
                                                                                         sed            e
                                                                                             water a cc

Renewal. The Flussbad Berlin Association suggests also other concept variants.
Mühlendamm lock

                                                                                                                               Island terraces
                                                                                                                                                 harbour area

                                                                                                                           Pedestrian jetty

                        Fischerinsel                                                                                        at water level

Natural waterway
The idea is to transform the section of the canal at Fischerinsel into an            Sloped shoreline area
ecological regeneration zone similar to that of an oxbow lake. The shal-             (“Historical window”)
low water zone would provide a much-needed living and reproduction
space for flora and fauna. This would contribute to improving the eco-                                  Bridge underpass
logical condition of the water. By removing certain parts of the existing
canal walls, lush green areas with shallow embankments will be gener­
ated acting as “historical windows” into Berlin’s old city wall, which
remains hidden underground to this day. A new jetty at water level will
invite visitors to explore the canal.
                                                                                                                                                                cc 2018 realities:united / Flussbad Berlin e.V.

                              Pedestrian jetty
                               at water level

                                         Shoreline shallow
                                                                  Bridge underpass
                                            water zone
           Bridge underpass
When is the Flussbad
 going to become a reality?
                                  A conversation with Jan Edler

                                                                                                       cc 2017 Dawin Meckel / OSTKREUZ
Editors: Jan, you and your brother         important international prize for        €110,000 in funding from the Berlin
Tim came up with the idea of creat-        ­sustainable architecture and urban      LOTTO Foundation to undertake an
ing the Flussbad in the Spree Canal         development. It comes with prize        initial study that would test the pro-
twenty years ago. Can you give us           money totalling $100,000 US, which      ject’s basic technical feasibility. Since
a quick overview of the genesis of          places it on par with the well-known    2014, the association has received a
the project and the results you’ve          Pritzker Prize. In 2012, we followed    total of €4 million as part of the “Na-
achieved since then?                        that up with the Bronze prize at the    tional Urban Development Projects”
     We presented our Flussbad idea         global level of the competition, this   programme operated by the federal
in public for the first time in 1998.       time with $50,000 US. The unique        and state governments. These funds
Thomas Flierl, who was building             thing about this award is that it ac-   were used to develop the basic pa-
councillor for the district of Berlin-­    knowledges outstanding projects          rameters of the Flussbad concept so
Mitte back then, said the project was      that have not yet been realised –        that social and political decisions can
“unrealistic enough to be able to dis-     projects that need a little push to      be made by the end of 2018 with re-
cuss it in an impartial way”. That re-     get out there in the world. It provid-   gard to the realisation of the project.
sponse reflected the prevalent belief      ed the initial spark for the Flussbad
that our proposal was a utopian idea,      project. This recognition from out-      Didn’t that already happen? The
albeit one that many people thought        side, coupled with broad media cov-      Berlin Senate seems to have already
was great. At the time, Berlin still had   erage, also paved the way for our        made a preliminary decision in fa-
a somewhat fractured relationship          first talks with political figures. It   vour of implementing the Flussbad
to its waterways, including the Spree      awoke the interest of Berlin’s Senate    project.
River and Spree Canal, and almost          Department of Urban Development               Indeed, some of the facts point
everybody underestimated the im-           and motivated us to found our            in that direction. Since late 2016, the
portance of water in the process of        non-profit Flussbad Association to       Flussbad project has been anchored
urban development. A lot has hap-          move the project forward.                in the state government’s coalition
pened since then.                                                                   agreement as an urban development
                                           How has the Flussbad Association         policy objective. And in November
When did the project gain                  developed since?                         2017, a cross-fractional proposal re-
momentum?                                      We started out with 15 founding      garding the Flussbad was adopted by
    In 2011, the Flussbad project was      members, and that number has now         the majority in Berlin’s parliament.
awarded Europe's LafargeHolcim             grown to roughly 400 today. In 2014,     The senate was given the task of
Award in Gold. The Holcim is the most      the association was able to acquire      supporting our project by establishing

10                                                    Flussbad Berlin
a working committee and making             We came up with an initial cost esti-       authorities are obliged to provide
sure the Flussbad receives the per-        mate when we launched the techni-           lifeguards? As a society, we accept
mits it needs to get realised.             cal feasibility study financed by the       the fact that we swim in bodies of
     But we’re still waiting for a clear   LOTTO funds. At the moment, we’re           natural water outside cities – thus
political decision with regard to the      having these numbers verified by an         putting ourselves in danger – without
realisation of the project. And, of        engineering office. As soon as possi-       the state preventing us from doing
course, we’re going to need broad          ble, we’re going to take these num-         so. In other words, our goal in this
and ongoing support, especially from       bers and adjust them to fit the pro-        realm is to come to some sort of so-
the public. In other words, if Berlin-     ject development that has taken             cial agreement. On this issue, it helps
ers want the Flussbad, then things         place since then. At the end of 2018,       to take a look abroad. In the Swiss
will work out. Membership in our as-       we will publish the numbers together        city of Basel, for example, public au-
sociation is a great way to express        with the updated planning status.           thorities construct and manage infra-
your support and encourage our                                                         structure facilities that enable resi-
work. There are many other valuable        What kind of legal challenges does          dents to swim in the water, but the
building blocks and ways to help us        the project face?                           residents do so at their own liability.
promote the Flussbad project, such               First of all, as I mentioned above,
as telling other people about it, and      we have to deal with questions of           Does that mean there is no need for
even sharing and liking items on so-       ownership. Like almost all rivers in        any official institutional body
cial media.                                Germany, the Spree Canal belongs to         responsible?
                                           the federal government. And, al-                 Of course, public authorities
How can you continue working on            though very few ships have sailed           would be the institutional body offi-
the project after 2018 when the            through here in the past 100 years, it      cially responsible for the project,
funding ends?                              is still officially a federal waterway.     just like they are responsible for
     That has already been taken care Even though it belongs to the federal            public parks and green spaces. On
of, at least partially. For the first time government, the canal is used today         the off chance that public authori-
ever, a separate title was created for primarily by the state of Berlin as a           ties reject the idea of taking on this
the Flussbad in the 2019 state budget. receptacle for untreated sewage                 responsibility – which I don’t think
This symbolises a strong political         during heavy rainfall. On the other         they will – I can see the Flussbad be-
commitment to our project. We are          hand, the fortifications along the riv-     ing operated by a non-profit associ-
also going to try to acquire addition- erbank are shared equally by the fed-           ation or foundation.
al funds so that when our current          eral, the state and the municipal gov-
funding comes to an end, we can            ernment. This is a highly complex           The idea of filtering a river in the
guarantee a secure transition into a       situation that requires a legal agree-      middle of the city and keeping it
realisation project.                       ment supported by all participating         clean involves many technical chal-
     In other words, even though           partners. What it ultimately comes          lenges. How are things looking on
construction is by no means under-         down to is the scope of each part-          this point?
way, we can counter Mr Flierl’s quip       ner’s responsibilities with regard to              The study we carried out using
about the Flussbad being “unrealis-        preservation and maintenance; in            funds from the LOTTO foundation
tic enough” and argue that our pro- other words, as so often in these                  allowed us to produce the numbers
ject is now sufficiently realistic that    cases, it’s about money. It is a fact       showing that it’s theoretically possi-
we can start dreaming about having         that it already costs a lot of money to     ble to clean the Spree Canal in a nat-
a clean Spree River for everyone at        maintain the canal today, even              ural way. We are now testing out our
the centre of Berlin.                      though it is of no use to the general       calculations at our true-to-scale wa-
                                           public other than generating private        ter filter test facility on a barge
What are the most urgent issues            revenue from the few remaining ex-          called the “Hans-Wilhelm”, which is
you’re currently working on?               cursion boats that still operate on         anchored in the Spree Canal. This
     There are quite a few! For exam- the canal. This economic imbalance               makes it possible for us to amass the
ple, questions of ownership, exclu-        alone gives us a good argument in fa-       data we need for the subsequent
sive usage rights and the develop-         vour of the Flussbad, especially in         planning of the filter. At this point,
ment of legal frameworks that              terms of being for the common good.         it’s still too early to be able to pres-
permit the safe operation of the                                                       ent results. Ultimately, things are
Flussbad in the middle of the city.        Who would handle the day-to-day             probably not going to focus on
We have to secure financing for the        management of the Flussbad? And             whether it’s possible to get the water
construction, operation and all the        who would be liable if something            clean enough, but instead which
related sponsorship issues. And, of        happens?                                    specific filters get the job done best.
course, there are a number of plan-              We’ve noticed that many people
ning aspects that will have to be          assume that having the Flussbad in          Have the issues regarding the pro-
clarified at a later stage.                the centre of the city automatically        ject’s desired water-entrance areas
                                           means that there will also be an or-        been resolved? There was a great
Let’s cover each of these individual       ganised bathing facility with all the       deal of criticism on this point from
points. What is the current project        associated operating and safety             the museums and heritage protec-
status with regard to economic mat- measures. This begs the following                  tion officials, specifically regarding
ters? Many people have asked how           question: if we make it possible for        the stairs foreseen for the Lust­
much it will cost to actually realise      the general public to gain access to        garten area.
the Flussbad. Have you already cal-        clean bathing water, does this auto-            We sought out a dialogue with
culated how much?                          matically also mean that public             heritage officials and neighbouring

                               When is the Flussbad going to become a reality?                                               11
cc 2016 Annette Hauschild / OSTKREUZ

Participants in the 2nd Berlin Flussbad Cup at the Bode Museum, July 2016

12                                                              Flussbad Berlin
institutions so that we would be able        Heritage Foundation, which is the          When do you think the Flussbad will
to better understand the reserva-            owner and operator.                        open?
tions and fears expressed by these                                                           If we approach the Flussbad as a
groups. This allowed us to develop           The Flussbad also came in for some         large-scale project, then I would
the project further while also taking        criticism relating to the plant filter     have to say it’s going to take a while.
into account their concerns. We also         and how it would alter the visuals on      However, if we are prepared to see it
under­took the very first comprehen-         the surface of the water at the            as a series of individual measures
sive documentation of the historical         Friedrichsgracht.                          building successively upon one an-
heritage found in the entire project              Wherever we can, we try to ad-        other, then we just need courage
area from the tip of the Fischerinsel        dress the concerns people might            and determination to be able to
all the way to the Bode Museum,              have in terms of our concept and the       make this happen – at least the
just to make sure that people can            technology we use. This includes the       swimming part of it – quite quickly.
judge for themselves whether the             criticism that the canal will lose its     One thing we need above all is a reli-
Flussbad is in accordance with her-          role as a reflecting water surface in      able and ongoing method of measur-
itage protection. We made a num-             the area where the natural filter will     ing the water quality. Our floating
ber of planning-related adjustments          be set up. The heritage authorities        test facility on the “Hans-Wilhelm”
designed to address those areas              specifically found fault with the          could provide a basis for this; we
that came under the most criticism;          reeds we want to use as a natural fil-     would also need some water access
and we made these changes in such            ter, so we’ve been conducting a            points, however temporary they
a way that they comply entirely with         number of tests on the “Hans-Wil-          would have to be. Then we would be
the requirements of heritage pro-            helm” barge – which has been in op-        able to test the Flussbad.
tection. This includes, in particular,       eration since last summer in the
fundamental changes to the wa-               Spree Canal – and we’re investigating      How do you stay calm in the face of
ter-access concept.                          to what extent the natural filter sys-     all these challenges?
                                             tem can function effectively without            There are a number of examples
What aspects did you change?                 the use of reeds. We shouldn’t for-        across the globe that prove it’s pos-
        The original access plan envis-      get, however, that any filter we install   sible to reclaim even heavily polluted
aged the Lustgarten as a large green         will be entirely reversible and gener-     water and make it fit for human use
space. Indeed, if you look at a map          ally considered to be a temporary          again. Just look at what happened in
of the area around Museum Island, it         installation, seeing as the long term      Basel, Switzerland. When people saw
makes sense to have this spot act as         goal is to be able to swim in the wa-      those apocalyptic images of the
a link to the widest space in the ca-        ter without the need for such a filter.    Rhein stained red with thousands of
nal. However, heritage protection            At that point, the visibility of the wa-   dead fish as a result of the 1986 San-
­officials were especially opposed           ter surface would be fully restored.       doz catastrophe, it triggered massive
 to the open-air stairs at Lustgarten;            All in all, we value the fact that    opposition to the ongoing industrial
 they argued that our plans would            Berlin’s heritage officials are taking     exploitation and pollution of that riv-
 ­affect the urban ensemble (Altes           our project seriously and actively         er; today, you can swim in the river
  ­Museum, Lustgarten and Schloss-           working to develop perspectives as         again. Or think of Copenhagen,
   brücke) designed by Karl Friedrich        to how to process such an extraordi-       where only a few years ago the port
   Schinkel and also lead to the overuse     nary urban development project. In-        area seemed inaccessible due to
   of the Lustgarten.                        deed, the project raises a number of       heavy use and pollution; today, the
        Based on their objections, we        questions that touch on the goal of        location has several port swimming
   came up with an alternative “dual”        sustainable urban development in           areas, and even more nearby spaces
   access concept that focuses on the        general, and not just in Berlin. Usual-    are going to be designated as swim-
   neighbouring residential areas. A         ly, however, these issues don’t have       ming areas soon.
   staircase at the southern part of the     to be solved so concretely. This is             In addition to these inspiring ex-
   project near the former State Coun-       one of the tasks and challenges fac-       amples, which give us plenty of hope
   cil Building (Staatsratsgebäude) – to-    ing cultural development.                  for our own project, we are also see-
   day occupied by the European                                                         ing a significant increase in the levels
   School for Management and Technol-        How is the dialogue going with the         of awareness people have as to how
   ogy – would link the Flussbad to the      museums?                                   important it is to foster the ecologi-
   Fischerinsel and Luisenstadt areas.            We have launched a regular dis-       cal, sustainable and equitable devel-
   A second access point could be near       cussion roundtable with those muse-        opment of our growing cities. The
   the Museum Courtyards (Museums­           ums that are managed by the Prus-          time is ripe!
   höfe) opposite opposite the Bode          sian Cultural Heritage Foundation.
   Museum. Our subsequent discus-            Our goal here is to incorporate their            Jan Edler is co-creator of the Flussbad
                                                                                              Project. He is a founding member and
   sions with heritage officials were        concerns into our planning. We’ve                the current board chairman of the non-
   much more positive that the first         already seen some encouraging pro-               profit Flussbad Berlin Association.
   round. And yet, I would argue that        gress here; the foundation has                   Together with his brother, Tim Edler, he
                                                                                              has been working since 1997 on projects
   the open staircase we initially pro-      moved away from its initial and quite            that inhabit the interface of art and
   posed – which would be set up at          public rejection of the project. The             architecture – since 2000 as “reali-
   the Humboldt Forum – remains a            president of the foundation, Her-                ties:united, studio for art and architec-
                                                                                              ture”. He was interviewed by Barbara
   practical option. This is viewed less     mann Parzinger, recently stated that             Schindler and Katrin and Hans Georg
   critically by heritage officials and is   the issue is no longer if people will            Hiller von Gaertringen.
   even explicitly welcomed as a public      soon be swimming along Museum Is-
   area by the Prussian Cultural             land, but rather how they’ll do it.

                                When is the Flussbad going to become a reality?                                                      13
cc 2016 Annette Hauschild / OSTKREUZ

Synchronised swimmers from the Schwimm-Club Wedding 1929 e.V. at the Bode Museum during
the 2nd Berlin Flussbad Cup, July 2016
14                                                         Flussbad Berlin
Getting the Flussbad
           flowing—a political
         debate in Berlin’s state
    On 30 November 2017, the government fractions that make up
   Berlin’s state parliament – BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN, CDU, SPD,
    Linkspartei, FDP and AfD – deliberated on a motion relating to
 ­further support for the Flussbad Berlin. Immediately following the
­debate, the motion was approved without opposition by a majority
 comprising the coalition and other contributing fractions. The AfD
  abstained. The following are excerpts from the speeches given by
       members of parliament in the order in which they spoke.

                                                              compatible. The ownership structure
                                                              is, to say the least, complicated. We
                                                              still need to build a bridge to the
                                                              Waterways and Shipping Office,

                                                                                                                                          © Tobias Koch
                                                              above all others, even though we are
                            © Rainer Christian Kurzeder

                                                              already in constant dialogue with
                                                              them. Of course, cleaning the water
                                                              is also a big task. If we get that up
                                                              and running and manage to build a           CDU | Dr. Gottfried Ludewig, deputy
                                                              great filter – the feasibility of which     chairman and parliamentary group
                                                              is currently being tested – then we         healthcare policy spokesperson in
BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN | Silke                                 could also apply this knowledge and         Berlin’s state parliament:
­Gebel, parliamentary group envi-                             experience to other bodies of water,             (…) I am particularly pleased
 ronmental policy spokesperson in                             such as the Wuhle or the Panke, and         that we managed to bring the mo-
 Berlin’s state parliament:                                   generate even more ecological ben-          tion to the plenary with the support
      (..) It’s going to be a marathon,                       efits for the entire city. At this point,   of all parliamentary groups, so that
 not a short-distance run, which is                           we’ve set aside money in the budget         we can make it clear that we, as a
 why we decided to table this mo-                             so that the project team can contin-        whole parliament, stand behind this
 tion. We want to give the project                            ue working and concentrating on the         project across all parliamentary
 some tailwind and get clear that we                          future. Once again, our goal with this      groups. It is a project we have sup-
 intend to push it forward and sup-                           motion is to generate tailwind for          ported for so many years now al-
 port it across all departments and                           the project and ensure that the             ready. […] The Flussbad takes free
 levels. Planning is already underway.                        working group functions across all          and open spaces and gives them a
 It would be fatal if things were built                       levels. I hope that by the time the         new function and meaning. These
 in the area that ultimately ran coun-                        2018 Flussbad Cup takes place […]           are free and open spaces that are
 ter to the Flussbad, even though                             we will have a report ready and be          less and less available in our city,
 perhaps everyone involved says:                              able to say that we’ve taken a major        which continues to grow at a rapid
 “Wow, that would be a great idea.”                           step forward here. I’m looking for-         pace. This type of use is exactly our
 It cannot be incompatible, which is                          ward to it.                                 goal. […] I am delighted that this
 why we said we need a working body                                                                       ecologically innovative bathing area
 that brings together all of this and                                                                     allows us to create something
 where we, as political actors, can                                                                       unique, something typically Berlin. It
 make sure that it continues to be                                                                        sends out the signal that

                                                          A political debate in Berlin’s state parliament                                                 15
developments such as these are still             expired – we are going to support                         accessible to all, as are the plan-
possible in Berlin; that the craziest            the project office with €250,000                          ning-related data on the social in-
and most exciting projects in the                from the state budget. This is an im-                     dex. The Fischerinsel is found at the
world are being carried out in Berlin            portant means of support for this                         southern end of the Spree Canal,
and nowhere else. However, it has to             great idea. […] I am also on the Cul-                     and Stadtmitte is also not far away.
be clear to all of us that this is not a         tural Committee, and I thoroughly                         What we have here are high-stress
project put forth by one individual. It          enjoy examining issues relating to                        areas that are still disadvantaged.
is not a CDU project, it’s not an SPD            monument protection and questions                         This is why we want to take advan-
or a Green party project, it’s not an            of urban planning; however, to this                       tage of this idea of swimming in the
FDP project. Instead, it’s a project by          day, I still cannot comprehend how                        Spree to offer inner-city residents
and for all of us, and it will continue          some monument preservationists                            some sort of improvement in terms
to be a collaborative project, a clas-           can say that the idea of removing a                       of environmental justice. We also
sic example of how this project,                 piece of the old quay wall and re-                        have a strong social interest in mak-
which is based on an original idea               placing it with stairs leading down to                    ing this happen. […] The Flussbad
put forth by Tim and Jan Edler and               the water for this project is, for                        project also provides an answer to
their friends, was promoted over the             them, unimaginable. If this is the                        the question of what could possibly
years until it found an ever-increas-            case, then I can only say, Ladies and                     prompt us to take a step towards
ing group of supporters, made its                Gentlemen, how is it possible that a                      the otherwise sluggish implementa-
way to us here in the parliament and             new entrance area – the James-Si-                         tion of the European Water Directive
all the way to where we find our-                mon-Gallery – is being built on Mu-                       in Berlin. Indeed, in addition to the
selves today with this motion. […] I             seum Island? Oddly enough, that this                      good condition of the Spree’s sur-
am delighted that this is taking place           project is entirely compatible with                       face water, the Flussbad would give
across all parties. It would be great            monument preservation, but when it                        us a new opportunity to use publi-
if, in addition to having this debate            comes to reinstalling a quay wall, all                    cally accessible and clean water in
today, we also took up the senate’s              of a sudden, the story is different.                      the Spree Canal. I have worked to
progress report – which is available             This isn’t something we can explain                       ensure that we can vote directly on
twice a year – at least once a year. If          to a normal person. […] And this is                       this motion today, especially seeing
we were to hold discussions with                 the reason why the Berlin state par-                      as it is a cross-party motion. […]
one another, we might be able to                 liament – indeed, all of us together                      Summer swimming is a great thing,
push this mammoth project forward                – must announce that we want to                           but why not also set up an academy
year by year and perhaps even go for             get this Flussbad flowing. We want to                     for children and youth to monitor
a swim together one summer in the                create new areas of experience in                         and explore the new and all-natural
future – maybe in 2021 or 2022, al-              the city for ourselves and for visi-                      water filter. Interested parties could
though I know the Senate is not so               tors. We see this being done in other                     join together with experts to in-
good with dates. Many thanks to                  metropolises, and it means winning                        crease their knowledge about water
everyone who participated.                       back a piece of our city. I believe the                   and aquatic environments in a cen-
                                                 Flussbad continues to be a fascinat-                      tral downtown space at Museum Is-
                                                 ing, exciting project. Today, I am de-                    land. In my opinion, there are a myr-
                                                 lighted that we can clearly state –                       iad of exciting development
                                                 across all parties in the immediate                       opportunities – public bathing being
                                                 vote – that this project can and                          only one of many – to look forward
                              Foto: SPD Berlin

                                                 should be brought forward. To                             to here in the city centre, but also at
                                                 everyone who is still hesitating, we                      other waterside locations through-
                                                 simply say “Join us!” If you do, in a                     out the city.
                                                 couple of years, we’ll be able to go
SPD | Daniel Buchholz, chairman of               swimming together in the Spree in
the urban development working                    Berlin.
group of the SPD parliamentary
                                                                                                                                           Foto: FDP-Fraktion Berlin

group in Berlin’s state parliament:
    (...) The German federal govern-
                                                                                 © Ben Gross Photography

ment and the state government of
Berlin have made €4 million available
so far [to fund the project]. Until
now, however, there was no clear                                                                           FDP | Stefan Förster, FDP parlia-
decision as to whether the project                                                                         mentary group spokesperson for
would actually be implemented. This                                                                        building, living, monument protec-
is why it is very important that we              DIE LINKE | Marion Platta, DIE LINKE                      tion in Berlin’s state parliament:
– as Berlin’s state parliament and               spokesperson for environmental                                (...) What it’s going to take are
across all political parties – demon-            policy and sustainability in Berlin’s                     active individuals and a project team
strate clearly that this idea is very            state parliament:                                         that is truly committed and full of
important to us, not just as an ideal.                (...) I’ve been interested in the                    passion for their work. These are the
We have succeeded by working to-                 distribution of environmental justice                     basic prerequisites for the success
gether. If I’m not mistaken, all parlia-         for many years now. The statistics                        of any idea like this. And the Edler
mentary groups agreed, and now,                  regarding air pollution, noise pollu-                     brothers are doing just that. And the
starting in 2019 – the point at which            tion, bio-climatic conditions and the                     people that are working with them
the project financing would have                 level of green spaces are publically                      are doing the same, which means

16                                                          Flussbad Berlin
cc 2018 Annette Hauschild / OSTKREUZ
              From left to right: Daniel Buchholz (SPD), Stefan Förster (FDP), Silke Gebel (BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN),
              ­Gottfried Ludewig (CDU) and Katalin Gennburg (DIE LINKE)

they already have the essential               approved. Instead, we’ve had                       losing another one. We have consen-
building blocks. A project like this          non-binding discussions, whereby                   sus on that point among all of us ap-
wouldn’t work if it were prescribed           the preservation people pointed to                 plicants, I believe. […] And now, we
by the state; the civil-society ap-           a few problems with the preliminary                want to send out a positive signal to
proach is the most effective ap-              plan, which they are absolutely right              the project team – those great vi-
proach. State actors can and should           to do. None of us want any part of                 sionaries – that they should get
support the project, but the people           the UNESCO World Heritage Site to                  started. Indeed, we want them to
who came up with the idea are the             be lost the way it was in Dresden.                 start going into detail with the
ones who need to implement it. Our            We simply don’t want that. In this re-             knowledge that we will accompany
job is to support them to the best of         spect, we are going to do our ut-                  them in a constructive way through-
our ability. […] The same goes for            most to ensure that the framework                  out the process. We want everyone
the question of historic preserva-            conditions are right – and, indeed,                to know that we also believe in
tion. I’m not as sceptical as others          we are going to work together with                 re-thinking Berlin time and again,
on this question. To date, there sim-         the heritage preservation team, not                just to make sure the city stays
ply have been no concrete plans               against them. Our goal is to gain a                exciting.
that we could have officially                 major attraction in Berlin without

Flussbad Berlin sincerely thanks all of those political parties and
members of parliament who have campaigned for our project for
their support.

                                        A political debate in Berlin’s state parliament                                                                        17
The buoy at Lustgarten marking the halfway point of the 2nd Berlin Flussbad Cup, July 2016

18                                                              Flussbad Berlin
Flussbad Berlin
                  cc 2016 Axel Schmidt
2nd Berlin Flussbad Cup in front of the Bode Museum, July 2016

     cc 2016 Axel Schmidt
Swimming. No more
                      and no less
                                                               Sylvia Metz

                                                                                  © Barbara Schindler 2017

Leopold Kuchwalek (100), Berlin’s oldest swimming instructor

22                                                              Flussbad Berlin
motor disorders in children, obesity and ever-increasing
                                                                                    media consumption are cited as the reasons for this.3
                                                                                    The large number of swimming pool closures is also
                                                                                    seen as one of the biggest causes. When municipalities
                                                                                    stop spending money on swimming pools or delay their
                                                                                    renovation, this inevitably leads to a shortage of sports
                                                                                    facilities. If there is no pool in the vicinity of a school,
                                                                                    then swimming lessons simply don’t take place. The re-
                                                                                    sult is that people are dying today simply because they
                                                                                    can’t master a sequence of easy-to-learn physical

                                                         Foto: Ed. Gross Rimini
                                                                                         And what’s more, swimming is great for our health:
                                                                                    it has positive effects on a person’s mental abilities,
                                                                                    helps to reduce stress hormones, promotes blood cir-
                                                                                    culation, stimulates the heart and circulation, strength-
                                                                                    ens muscles and relieves joints. One of Germany’s lead-
My love for water came into being at the same time as                               ing daily newspapers, the Süddeutsche Zeitung, titled a
my love for Italian ice cream. And both of these affec-                             recent article: “Learning to swim. It’s as important as
tions continue uninterrupted to this day. As a child, my                            learning how to count.”4 This is the right approach.
family and I travelled every summer to the Adriatic coast                         Swimming is the fourth most popular sport among
in Italy. The area we stayed in had Luna Parks with                               ­Berliners.5 If someone asked me, I would put swimming
bumper-car swans us kids would drive around and                                     at the top of my list. However, not everyone is as enthu-
around in at night; however, more importantly, they also                            siastic as I am. In fact, swimming lessons have even be-
had delicious Gelato and a Mediterranean sea that was                               come the subject of regular lawsuits; Germany’s Federal
as warm as a bath. In fact, I frolicked in this sea before I                        Constitutional Court recently determined that parents
even learned how to swim.                                                           of Muslim girls are not permitted to excuse their daugh-
     For me, it was only logical that I should learn how to                         ters from joint swimming lessons with boys for religious
swim properly as soon as possible. Shortly before I                                 reasons.6 The court argued that the state’s responsibility
started primary school, my parents signed me up for a                               to educate is more important than any religious objec-
swimming course on Saturday mornings in a pool in a                                 tions. In my research on the theme, I came across
town next my own in the State of Hessen, Germany. In                                something called the UNESCO “International Charta for
the 1980s, it was perfectly normal for children to learn                            Physical Education, Physical Activity and Sports.”7 This
how to swim at the age of five. We proudly wore our                                 actually exists, and I’m delighted it does. It states, for
“seahorse” badges on our swimsuits, and when we grew                                example, that sports are part of human beings’ non-­
out of those suits, our mothers would sew the old badg-                             material heritage. Article 1 of the Charta says: “Every
es on our new suits. I had so much fun swimming that I                              person has a basic right to physical education, physical
went straight on to the “bronze” and “silver” levels and                            activity and sports without any difference made in
even joined the Marburg Swimming Association (MSV).                                 terms of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, language,
When regular swimming lessons started in fifth grade, I                             religion, political or other convictions, national or social
ended up teaching our sports teacher how to do                                      origin, wealth or other characteristics.”
butterfly.                                                                               With regard to swimming, I wonder how concretely
     A recent non-representative survey of my col-                                  these noble principles can be put into actual practice.
leagues on the Flussbad Berlin team showed that 95 %                                Can every family afford swimming courses when even
of them learned how to swim at a nearby pool at the                                 schools can’t offer them as part of physical education
age of five. The most common name for a swimming in-                                due to a lack of facilities? At the moment, swimming
structor was Uwe. When we think back to our first swim-                             courses during the school holidays at the Berliner
ming experiences – no matter whether we come from                                   Bäder-Betriebe (BBB), Berlin’s official public swimming
East or West Germany – we can all vividly remember the                              pools, cost €105. Other providers charge up to €150. In
smell of chlorine.                                                                  early 2011, Germany introduced its so-called “Bildungs­
     Unfortunately, it is no longer a given that children in                        paket”, an education package that states that “children
Germany learn to swim as early as we did. In fact, more                             in need should not be excluded from participating in
than half of all 10-year-olds in Germany don’t know how                             recreational activities. They must be able to participate
to swim.1 The German Lifesaving Association (DLRG) reg-                             in sports, play and culture. For this purpose, a monthly
ularly calls on schools to implement swimming instruc-                              amount of up to €10 is available, for example, for mem-
tion more consistently. In 2015, almost 500 people                                  bership in a sports club, for fees for a music school or,
drowned in Germany, including 25 girls and boys aged                                in exceptional cases, also for equipment such as sports
up to 15 years old and 72 teenagers and young adults                                shoes and music instruments”.8 If a family dependent on
between the ages of 16 and 25.2 In 2016, for the first                             such funding decides in favour of the €105 swimming
time in ten years, the number of drowning deaths even                              course, its means that all other sports-club events are
grew to over 500. Refugees were also among those who                               out of the question for a good ten months. The family
died; indeed, many refugees cannot swim and often un-                              also has to decide, for example, between swimming les-
derestimate the dangers associated with swimming.                                  sons and, let’s say, an arts class or football practice. In
However, refugees alone do not explain this distressing                            other words, the fact that so many children cannot
trend.                                                                             swim these days is likely also due to social causes.
     Some say that the blame for the growing number of                                   But let’s assume that the family nevertheless
non-swimmers lies with our changing lifestyle. General                             ­decides in favour of sending their kid to a swimming

                                            Swimming. No more and no less                                                                    23
course. Once the child gets its “seahorse” badge, it             organisations as being very important; indeed, they
    might want to go swimming more often. Today, it costs            ­represent the theoretical basis for our practical action.
    €9 for a family with one kid to go swimming at one of             Federal states, cities and communities receive orienta-
    the BBB pools. If you don’t have this kind of money,              tion aid and planning assistance for a form of sustainable
    there’s simply no going to the pool. If your neighbour-           urban planning that is environmentally friendly while
    hood pool falls victim to the wave of closings – roughly          also fostering health and social justice. In fact, a clean
    80 pools are shut down in Germany each year – you                 environment is the prerequisite for being able to move
    might even have to seek out a public swimming spot.9              around freely and engage in sports in public, no matter
    Berlin indeed offers several lovely and often free beach-         whether you’re in the city, in the countryside or on a
    es and lakes, but most of these are not found in down-            river.
    town Berlin. While access to these swimming spots is                    However, we should not allow this approach to
    possible in theory, it’s usually hard to organize such visits     ­remain in the theoretical realm. We need to think very
    in practice. And while some people enjoy “driving to the           concretely about how each and every one of us – in the
    lake for the weekend”, for others, this is simply not an           context of our own personal lives and spheres of activity
    alternative, whether for financial or time-related r­ easons.      – can work to realise these goals. The Flussbad project
    In other words, it’s simply not the case that people who           wants to make swimming possible for everyone, and also
    find Berlin’s swimming pools too expensive or too far              to make it a part of our right to personal health and a
    away can just drive to a lake. For this reason, public and         clean environment. The Flussbad envisages a swimming
    freely accessible spaces for sports and recreation in the          area in a central location with excellent accessibility,
    city should not be seen a luxury, but rather as a neces-           free entrance and the opportunity to swim for leisure
    sary investment in a healthy community.                            or for sport. This is the vision! And yet, for our society,
         For a number of years now, this quandary has come             swimming can only be the beginning. No more and
    under increasing public scrutiny, with the focus being             no less.
    placed on the word “Umweltgerechtigkeit” or “environ-
    mental justice”. In 2015, Berlin joined with the “Bund                    Dr. Sylvia Metz was responsible for public affairs at Flussbad Berlin
                                                                              from July 2015 to December 2017.
    Naturschutz” environmental group to generate the
    “Umweltatlas” or “environmental atlas”, a study that
    ­investigated the unequal distribution of environmental
     pollution in Berlin, including noise pollution, air pollution
     and too few green spaces.10 That report states the fol-
lowing: “It has long been known and scientifically proven
that social milieu influences people’s health and life
­expectancy”. In fact, the study shows that negative
 ­environmental factors and low-level social status
  ­encounter one another directly in some neighbour-
   hoods. In other words, if you live in certain parts of
   Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, Wedding, Reinickendorf or
   Neukölln, you might want to refrain from mentioning so
   to your healthcare insurer if they one day attempt to
   ­introduce a new rating system based on external health
    risk factors. If we were able to increase the opportunities
    to learn how to swim in these neighbourhoods, it could
    act as a great counterbalance.
         By 2050, it is very likely that not just my family and
    I, but also around 70% of the world’s population, will live
    in cities. At a recent event focusing on health, I learned
    that the World Health Organisation (WHO) has already
    started thinking about what can be done to ameliorate
    enormous urban crowding. Indeed, in its “Urban Health            1­        9	See
                                                                        bilanz-2016.html (consulted online on           sport-mehr/news/detail/news/1041_
    Initiative”, it explicitly welcomes urban projects that             July 10, 17).                                   schwimmbaeder_geschlossen_oder_
    foster health and help to avoid illnesses.11 Flussbad Berlin     2
                                                                                                                        von_schliessung_bedroht/ (consulted
                                                                                                                        online on September 21, 2017).
    is an urban project that embodies this very spirit.                 Downloads/Verbandskommunikation/            10
                                                                        PM_Statistik_Ertrinken_PM-Dokument_             umwelt/umweltatlas/index.shtml (con-
         As I explored the topic further, I realised that the           neu.pdf (consulted online July 10, 2017).       sulted online on August 23, 2017).
    link between health and urban planning today forms a             3
                                                                                                                    11	See
    part of each and every contemporary sustainable devel-              wichtig-und-falsch-erzogen.html                 tainable-health.pdf?ua=1 (consulted
                                                                        ­(consulted online July 10, 2017).              online on August 24, 2017).
    opment agenda. For example, one of the goals of the              4	See Süddeutsche Zeitung, July 12, 2017,     12	See
                                                                         S. 24.                                         rium/ziele/2030_agenda/index.html
    United Nations’ “Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Develop-            5	 See https://www.statistik-berlin-­             (consulted online on August 24, 2017).
    ment” is to make cities and residential settlements in-    
    clusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.12 They are also            (consulted online July 10, 2017).              and
                                                                     6	See the decision handed down by Ger-            wp-content/uploads/2017/05/Draft-
    looking into whether the “right to a healthy environ-                many’s Federal Court, Az. 1 BvR 3237/13.       project-of-the-Global-Pact-for-the-
    ment” should be recognised as a new fundamental hu-              7­
                                                                                                                        Environment-24-June-2017.pdf (con-
                                                                                                                        sulted online on August 24, 2017).
    man right. The first step towards recognition has been               (July 10, 17).
    taken, and soon a draft treaty will be submitted to the              itsmarkt/Grundsicherung/Leistungen-­
    UN General Assembly.13                                               Bildungspaket/leistungen-bildungspaket.
         I see these admirable expressions of intent and the             html;jsessionid=3068527098331358B-
                                                                         9D2A2C44E3874D9 (consulted online on
    key goals pursued by the major health and environmental              July 19, 17).

24                                                        Flussbad Berlin
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