The Role of Community Colleges in Regional Economic Prosperity

Page created by Stephanie Moore
The Role of Community Colleges in Regional Economic Prosperity
The Role of Community Colleges in
  Regional Economic Prosperity

 Anne M. Kress and Gerardo E. de los Santos, Editors

  League for Innovation in the Community College
The League for Innovation in the Community College is an international organization dedicated to catalyzing the
community college movement. The League hosts conferences and institutes, develops Web resources, conducts
research, produces publications, provides services, and leads projects and initiatives with more than 800 member
colleges, 160 corporate partners, and a host of other government and nonprofit agencies in a continuing effort to
make a positive difference for students and communities. Information about the League and its activities is available

The opinions expressed in this book are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the League
for Innovation in the Community College.

©2014 League for Innovation in the Community College

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League for Innovation in the Community College
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Published in the United States of America

Preface ............................................................................................................................. 1
Anne M. Kress and Gerardo E. de los Santos

Anne Arundel Community College: At the Epicenter of CyberSecurity .................................... 2
Kelly A. Koermer

Economic Development in a Struggling Economy ................................................................. 6
Mary Vickers-Koch and Tony Zeiss

The Power of Partnership: Achieving Regional Economic Impact Through the Joint
Apprenticeship Training Committee (JATC) ........................................................................ 10
Jerry Sue Thornton

Johnson County Community College: Economic Engine for the County ................................. 13
Terry Calaway

Ongoing Dialogue and a Focus on the Workforce: Kirkwood Community College and the
Eastern Iowa Skills Reports ............................................................................................... 18
Mick Starcevich and Kim W. Johnson

Innovative Career Pathway Model Reaches Out to Arizona’s Underserved Populations ........... 22
Jo Jorgenson, Randy Kimmens, Karen Poole, Mary Briden, Michael Pattarozzi,
and Mike Lesiecki

Miami Dade College’s Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences: Evolution of a Workforce
Partnership ...................................................................................................................... 27
Eduardo J. Padrón

Changing to Meet the Needs of Regional Economic Development ........................................ 31
Anne M. Kress

Building Economic Prosperity in San Diego ......................................................................... 36
Constance M. Carroll

Internationalism With a Local Flair: Santa Fe College, the International Initiative and
Innovation Gainesville ...................................................................................................... 40
Jackson Sasser

The Pathways to Career Initiative ...................................................................................... 44
Jill Wakefield

Regional Economic Prosperity is often broadly characterized by economic growth, partnerships
that cross several jurisdictional boundaries of cities, counties, and states, and expanding
economic and educational opportunities and career pathways for low- and moderate-income

In a recent report from Education Testing Service (ETS), Poverty and Education: Finding the
Way Forward, Irwin Kirsch, Director, Center for Global Assessment, describes a growing
concern in our society and draws connections among poverty, education, and economic
prosperity: “Poverty is a significant and growing problem for America—one that costs our
economy hundreds of billions of dollars each year, and leaves poor families and individuals with
a greatly reduced chance of achieving the American Dream” (p. 2).

As many research studies have well documented, educational attainment is directly correlated
to income earning potential and is one of the keys to increasing economic prosperity
opportunities in our communities. In many regions in North America, community and technical
colleges serve a critical role in supporting, and often lead, regional economic prosperity
planning and collaboration.

In this monograph, leaders from League for Innovation in the Community College member
institutions share creative examples of how they are helping to advance economic prosperity in
their regions.

We thank each author and college, as well as their regional partners, for their contributions to
this important work and growing challenge.

Anne M. Kress, President
Monroe Community College

Gerardo E. de los Santos, President
League for Innovation in the Community College

Anne Arundel Community College: At the Epicenter of CyberSecurity

                                         By Kelly A. Koermer

Anne Arundel Community College (AACC)                            warriors—Maryland plays a strategic
plays a significant role in regional economic                    role in discovery, detection, and
development by preparing a highly skilled,                       defense in this emerging field.
highly qualified cybersecurity workforce to                      (O’Malley, 2011)
support the missions of several government
agencies. The National Security Agency                    AACC is one of the top-rated public
(NSA), established in 1952, is                           colleges training the cyber warriors. AACC
headquartered at Ft. George G. Meade,                    was the first community college in the
located in Anne Arundel County, Maryland.                nation to map its courseware to the
In 2010, the Department of                               Committee on National Security Systems
Defense established the                                                        4011 standards. The
United States Cyber                                                            college additionally
                                     Anne Arundel Community College
Command at Ft. Meade                                                           mapped to the 4013
                                   serves over 53,000 students annually
and, in 2011, relocated the         at its Arnold, Maryland, campus and        standards. The NSA and
Defense Information                 two degree centers, and at multiple        DHS designated AACC
Systems Agency to the                other locations. The college helps        as a Center of Academic
garrison. Additionally, the        develop the workforce supporting the        Excellence in
U.S. Department of                   U.S. Cyber Command, the Defense           Information Assurance
Homeland Security (DHS)            Information   Systems Agency,  and the      2-Year Education
leads its cyber activities          National  Security Agency, which are       (CAE2Y). AACC’s
from Ft. Meade. The co-           expected to add 40,000 jobs regionally.      technical curriculum
location of these agencies                                                     focuses on providing
concentrates the nation’s                                                      students with theoretical
cyber offensive and defensive activities just            foundations and, importantly, imparts
miles from AACC. Further, in February 2012,              hands-on applied and critical thinking skills.
the National Institute of Standards                      Additionally, many of AACC’s courses
established the National Cybersecurity                   prepare students for industry certification
Center of Excellence in Maryland. Governor               exams required by the Department of
Martin O’Malley has called Maryland “the                 Defense Directive 8570.1.
nation’s epicenter of cybersecurity.”
                                                         With a nationally recognized curriculum,
        With an abundance of cybersecurity               AACC established a CyberCenter to more
        assets—the U.S. Cyber Command,                   fully support regional public and private
        the National Security Agency, and                sector employers who are expected to hire
        other federal agencies engaged in                over 40,000 new employees over the next
        cybersecurity activities; major                  several years. The CyberCenter synthesizes
        cybersecurity companies and                      AACC’s credit and noncredit offerings that
        entrepreneurs offering the full                  support cybersecurity workforce
        spectrum of cyber-related products               development, as cybersecurity jobs
        and services; and the nation’s top-              transcend multiple disciplines ranging from
        rated public schools and renowned                technical to legal to physical security
        colleges and universities training               (National Initiative for Cybersecurity
        future generations of cyber                      Education, 2012). The CyberCenter works to

enhance the college’s capacity to expand           training demands. Against this background,
the pipeline of new workers and train the          AACC determined that entrepreneurial
incumbent workforce. The CyberCenter               activities were also necessary.
strives to constantly update and grow
technical curricula and professionally             In 2011, the college reorganized its
develop faculty in order to expand the             fledgling CyberCenter to equip it to become
college’s capacity. As enrollment numbers          entrepreneurial. AACC charged the
have exploded, growing from 40 cyber               CyberCenter to undertake enterprise activity
technical majors to nearly 400, and 800            and appointed a CyberCenter director who
enrollments to over 3,500 in just six years,       had more than 20 years of experience in
the CyberCenter also focuses on growing its        workforce development, with 12 of those
laboratory capacity. Additionally, the             years in higher education workforce
CyberCenter works with employer and                development. The CyberCenter has
community partners to build solutions to           provided customized training to the United
this expanding workforce demand.                   States Cyber Command and numerous
                                                   defense contractors. To date, the enterprise
Cybersecurity program establishment and            activity has been successful and has
capacity building costs are significant and        enabled the college to enter into a 10-year
include expenditures for professional              lease on a property within a few miles of Ft.
development, faculty and trainer salaries,         Meade that will headquarter AACC’s Center
virtual laboratory equipment, and physical         for Cyber and Professional Training (CCPT).
laboratory space and equipment.                    This facility will house 13 labs and an
Professional development for a faculty             industry testing center. The labs are being
member for a single cybersecurity course           built with state-of-the-art equipment used in
averages $5,000. Trainers can command up           industry. One lab being built for digital
to $12,000 to teach high-level cybersecurity       forensics classes is designed to meet
courses. A bare-bones virtual laboratory           specifications of the Defense Cyber Crime
environment costs approximately $350,000,          Center (DC3), which is also headquartered
and the cost to equip a single networking or       in Anne Arundel County, and will enable
penetration testing (hacking) and defense          students to work on real-world DC3 cases
lab runs about $200,000. To help cover             and learn through engaged scholarship. By
costs, the college has employed multiple           bringing these new labs online, the college
funding solutions. The CyberCenter                 hopes to serve the employers who are in
administers resources from various grants,         need of training but are having to wait
including Perkins and the Department of            because laboratory space has been filled to
Labor Pathways to Cybersecurity Careers            capacity. The CCPT lease costs will be paid
grants to help build virtual and physical          through enterprise funds.
labs. It also has relied upon these grants—
along with National Science Foundation             Customized, high-level cybersecurity
funding to the CyberWatch Center, for              training that delivers a strong return on
which AACC is a co-principal investigator—         investment is a signature CyberCenter
to fund significant portions of faculty            offering. Unlike for-profit vendors, which
professional development. For physical             primarily offer theory and test preparation,
space expansion, the college has leveraged         AACC’s CyberCenter’s educational offerings
public funding to pay for a portion of a           provide new and incumbent workers with
physical laboratory expansion project.             foundational knowledge, critical thinking
However, these external resources are still        skills, and the ability to apply knowledge
insufficient to enable AACC to fully meet          using industry-vetted equipment.

Additionally, workers equipped with AACC’s           Regional STEM Center, spotlights local
well rounded education can earn college              employers, secures internship placements,
credit and are prepared to sit for DOD               and hosts recruitment events on campus. It
8570.1 industry certification exams,                 also supports students by securing industry
including A+, Network+, Security+,                   mentorship and coaching of cyber defense
Certified Cisco Network Administrator                competition teams. The CyberCenter is
(CCNA), Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH),             currently working with a federal agency to
and Certified Information System Security            define its labor categories and qualifications
Professional (CISSP). The CyberCenter                for cybersecurity employment.
works with industry to design delivery times
and formats conducive to worker needs.               A key community partner is the Anne
AACC students have earned over 445 DOD               Arundel Workforce Development
8570.1 compliant certifications. Additionally,       Corporation (AAWDC). The CyberCenter
when employers require training not already          collaborated on an application to the U.S.
in AACC’s inventory, the CyberCenter                 Department of Labor (USDOL) for a
collaborates with industry professionals to          Community Based Job Training Grant, and
develop specialized training. For instance,          in 2010, the USDOL awarded a three-year,
the CyberCenter worked with the U.S. Cyber           $4.9 million grant to AAWDC and its three
Command and a defense contractor to                  educational partners to train 1,000 new and
develop a Windows Security course to                 incumbent cybersecurity workers. Under the
prepare soldiers for cyber battle, a course          grant, Pathways to Cybersecurity Careers,
unlike any offered anywhere in the world.            education leader AACC has trained more
This unique courseware is cutting edge and           than 550 new and incumbent workers, and
responds directly to employer needs.                 AACC grant students have earned over 250
                                                     industry certifications.
Industry relations are critical to the
CyberCenter’s mission. The CyberCenter               The CyberCenter has also supported the
builds relationships to improve its capacity,        TechAmerica Foundation in its successful
ensure instruction on cutting-edge                   bid for a USDOL H1B grant and will be the
technology and topics, support the public in         cybersecurity training vendor under the
cybersecurity awareness, and assist                  grant. In this role, AACC will provide cohort
employers in hiring highly qualified workers.        training to earn an AACC Cyber and
The CyberCenter reaches out to industry              Information Security Certificate and prepare
subject matter experts to expand its bench           students to sit for industry certification
of well qualified adjunct instructors. Subject       exams.
matter experts mentor full-time faculty on
rapidly changing technology topics and               Most notably, AACC recently received a
industry applications. Industry experts              $19.7 million award from the USDOL under
participate in curriculum development on a           the Trade Adjustment Assistance
project basis and through advisory boards.           Community College and Career Training
Industry also collaborates with AACC in              grant program funding the National STEM
delivering public forums on topics such as           Consortium (NSC). Under this grant, ten
security awareness, cyber entrepreneurship,          partner colleges in nine states will design
and obtaining security clearances, and in            one-year STEM certificates in five different
offering continuing legal education for legal        disciplines, one of which is cybersecurity.
professionals on topics such as cyber law,           These certificates are designed to prepare
e-discovery, and federal procurement. The            displaced workers for immediate
CyberCenter, in collaboration with AACC’s            employment in high-demand career fields.

AACC’s CyberCenter is the Cyber Team lead           development by training the cyber warriors
for the development of the cybersecurity            of today and tomorrow. The CyberCenter
one-year certificate.                               constantly evolves to respond to rapidly
                                                    changing technology and growing employer
The CyberCenter not only collaborates with          needs. It stays closely connected with
its NSC educational partners, it also works         national initiatives, contributing comments
with state and regional educational                 to the NIST NICE Framework and
institutions. The CyberCenter has assisted in       maintaining strong connections with the
facilitating four cybersecurity articulation        NSA, U. S. Cyber Command, DISA, DHS,
agreements with four-year institutions. It          DC3, and other federal agencies. The
serves to foster a relationship with                CyberCenter is connected to the state by
University of Maryland University College           serving on the Governor’s Workforce
(UMUC), whereby AACC cybersecurity                  Investment Board Cyber Subcommittee and
graduates can earn their bachelor’s degree          supporting the state’s CyberMaryland
at AACC’s Arundel Mills Regional Higher             initiative. It works daily with the AAWDC
Education Center, which hosts UMUC’s                and the local Workforce Investment Board.
cybersecurity bachelor’s program.                   The CyberCenter leverages resources to
Additionally, as the curriculum lead for the        maximize both capacity and quality in all
CyberWatch ATE center, AACC’s curriculum            cyber education initiatives at AACC with the
has been adopted in whole or in part by             goal of preparing the most highly
many CyberWatch member community                    knowledgeable and highly skilled workers to
colleges in Maryland and throughout the             keep Maryland as the epicenter of
nation. Furthermore, the CyberCenter                cybersecurity.
mentors other community colleges in
designing curricula, preparing for CAE2Y            References
eligibility, and assisting in the application
                                                    National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education.
process for the CAE2Y designation. AACC’s           (2012). NICE Cybersecurity Workforce Framework.
curriculum is being adopted by Carroll              Retrieved from
Community College with the long-term goal
of qualifying for CAE2Y designation.                O’Malley, M. (2011, May 12). Statement From
Because Carroll Community College does              Governor Martin O'Malley on President Obama's
                                                    Cybersecurity Legislative Proposal. Office of Governor
not have laboratory capacity to support the         Martin O’Malley. Retrieved from
complete cyber courseware, the            
CyberCenter is discussing a partnership             sp
through which Carroll students could access
AACC’s CCPT physical and virtual labs and           Kelly Koermer is Dean of the School of
articulate necessary courses for degree             Business, Computing, and Technical Studies
completion.                                         at Anne Arundel Community College in
AACC’s CyberCenter initiative plays a key
role in supporting state and local economic

The Role of the Community College in Economic Development

                               By Mary Vickers-Koch and Tony Zeiss

Economic Development in a Struggling                     economic development forum hosted by the
Economy                                                  Charlotte Chamber of Commerce, Rogers
                                                         suggested that the Charlotte region should
Economic and workforce development is                    explore the option of being an energy
most effectively achieved on a regional                  cluster, a tactic introduced by the leading
level. The Charlotte-Mecklenburg region of               strategist, Michael Porter. Mr. Rogers
North Carolina has intentionally designed                challenged the region with the question, “Is
and implemented a regional economic                      the Charlotte region recognizing and
development and workforce development                    tapping the full potential of its energy
system that proved to be flexible and                    assets for economic development?”
responsive during the                                                         (Swenson, 2011). This
economic downturn of                                                          became a rallying cry for
2009. The collaborative         Central Piedmont Community College            leaders of economic
response of Charlotte-            is the largest community college in
                                                                              development, including
area leaders and the             North Carolina, offering close to 300
                                  degree and certification programs,          those at CPCC.
integral role of Central
                                  customized corporate training, and
Piedmont Community                                                            What emerged from
                                market-focused continuing education.
College (CPCC) in the           With a vision to be the national leader       Rogers’ challenge was the
process of economic                 in workforce development, CPCC            building of the New
development is the focus        serves approximately 70,000 students          Energy Capital, with local
of this chapter.                   annually at six campuses located           economic development
                                 throughout Mecklenburg County. In            leaders building a strong,
As one of the top 25           2002, the National Alliance of Business        integrated energy
metropolitan economies           named CPCC the Community College             industry. The results were
in the United States, the       of the Year for its innovative response       impressive, as more than
Charlotte region was           to the workforce and technology needs          4,000 new energy-
known for the past two            of local employers and job seekers.
                                                                              oriented jobs have been
decades as a financial                                                        announced since 2007
services hub, with two of                                                     across diverse energy
the largest banks in the nation, Bank of                 subsets (Swenson, 2011).
America and Wachovia, headquartered
there. During the recession of 2009, San                 Mark Pringle, vice president of the Siemens
Francisco-based Wells Fargo bought                       Charlotte Energy Hub, noted the growing
Wachovia, and Bank of America experienced                success of the New Energy Capital. He said,
financial and leadership upheaval.                       “We have 250 businesses here that have to
                                                         do with energy, which is near the top for
Charlotte regional leaders did not wring
                                                         U.S. cities. And the education infrastructure
their hands, but stepped up to diversify
                                                         is here. We have a kind of fraternity of folks
area industries based on existing regional
                                                         in this city that are in the energy business,
assets. Energy was a targeted growth
                                                         and we get to know each other and see
industry, an opportunity that was initially
                                                         where we can help each other” (Head,
pointed out by Jim Rogers, chairman,
president, and CEO of Duke Energy. At an

Though there is still work to be done to            In 1998, Zeiss saw the opportunity to
continue to build the New Energy Capital,           replicate the CRP model with the ten
particularly with the transportation                colleges serving that sixteen-county region.
infrastructure, it is worth outlining how the       He assembled the college presidents and
stage was set over the past couple of               senior workforce development officers to
decades to capitalize on the new energy             engage in innovative regional initiatives.
economic development initiative. Then, we           Named the Charlotte Region Workforce
will explore the emerging vision that will          Development Partnership (CRWDP), and
help build the transportation infrastructure.       considered a partner of the CRP, the
                                                    CRWDP has worked together to apply for
Leadership Is Key                                   national grants, develop allied health
                                                    partnerships, and most recently, compile an
In The Coming Jobs War, author Jim Clifton,
                                                    inventory of energy programs at each
the chairman of Gallup, stated that the next
                                                    college for the benefit of regional energy
economic breakthrough will be due to the
                                                    companies. David Hollars, the executive
combination of the forces within cities and
                                                    director of the Centralina Workforce
powerful local leaders. He said, “The feat
                                                    Development Board, said that it is
these leaders have to pull off is doubling
                                                    remarkable that ten diverse community
their entrepreneurial energy by aligning all
                                                    colleges have been meeting together for
their local forces.”
                                                    over a decade to address issues that affect
There was a time when economic                      the entire region.
developers debated whether their role was
                                                    When Rogers issued his challenge to the
to help create jobs. In the Charlotte area,
                                                    Charlotte region to recognize and tap the
the economic developers have moved past
                                                    full potential of its energy assets for
debate and are solidly behind the unified
                                                    economic development, Ronnie Bryant,
leadership of bringing jobs to the region.
                                                    President and CEO of the CRP, initiated an
One of the fundamentals of attracting new
                                                    energy task force to capitalize on economic
jobs is a well-prepared workforce, requiring
                                                    and workforce development opportunities.
an even tighter partnership of economic
                                                    The excitement surrounding the idea of
development and workforce development.
                                                    creating an energy hub was so intense that
For the past twenty years, the vision of
                                                    people were calling the CRP asking to be on
CPCC has been to be the national leader in
                                                    the task force. Richard Zollinger, Vice
workforce development.
                                                    President of Learning at CPCC, heads the
CPCC President Tony Zeiss was an early              workforce development subcommittee that
supporter and board member of the                   held two events to help link employers with
Charlotte Regional Partnership (CRP),               potential employees that were attended by
created to represent twelve North Carolina          1,200 people.
and four South Carolina counties in and
                                                    In addition, CPCC was proactive in the
around Charlotte. The idea of regional
                                                    effort to build a regional energy hub by
economic development was an innovative
                                                    instituting three significant programs:
approach in the region when the CRP was
established in 1991. The CRP is a public-              The first mechatronics degree program
private partnership with the purposes of                in North Carolina that integrates
positioning the Charlotte region as a                   mechanical and electronic engineering
business destination and helping diversify              with computer controllers,
and deepen economic occupational clusters              The highly sophisticated and self-paced
in the region.                                          Integrated Systems Technology training

labs for new and existing energy sector         project from September 2010 through
    workers, and                                    February 2012 and expects to provide a
   The Charlotte Center for Energy                 higher level of training over the next two
    Training that is comprised of CEOs and          years. Thus far, CPCC has provided more
    COOs of area energy companies. This             than 600 classes to 2,700 pre-employment
    high-powered body advises the college           candidates and employees.
    on the local energy industry training and
    curriculum needs and financially                The customized training program has
    supports the equipment requirements of          enabled Siemens and CPCC to build
    the college.                                    partnerships in other ways as well.
                                                    Apprenticeships are an important part of the
Partnership With an International                   workforce development at Siemens, and
Energy Company                                      with the Charlotte expansion, the company
                                                    has started an apprenticeship program the
President Obama acknowledged the                    company expects to double in size each
nationally recognized partnership between           year for several years to come. Additionally,
CPCC and Siemens during his State of the            CPCC is providing the Associate Degree in
Union Address in February 2012.                     the Mechatronics program for the Siemens
                                                    apprenticeship employees.
Siemens just completed a $350 million
project, adding 450,000 square feet to its          CPCC is the first North Carolina community
plant. The Siemens Charlotte Energy Hub,            college to offer the Siemens Mechatronic
now a total of one million square feet of           Systems Certification Program. The college
manufacturing capacity, produces                    sent four instructors to the Siemens Technik
generators and steam and gas turbines for           Akademie in Berlin to become Level I and
U.S. and worldwide customers. Building on           Level II certified so they were qualified to
a base of 700 employees in 2010, Siemens            offer the Siemens Mechatronic Systems
has hired an additional 430 hourly workers,         Certification to local companies, students,
as well as engineers and other salaried and         and apprentices.
administrative positions for a headcount of
more than 1,400. Management expects to              The partnership with Siemens and CPCC
hire 400 additional employees by 2014.              strengthens the workforce at Siemens as
                                                    well as the workforce pipeline with other
CPCC has collaborated with Siemens for              local high tech companies, and enables the
more than a decade to provide training for          Charlotte region to reap the benefits of new
employees. With the Siemens expansion               capital investments and job creation.
and the commitment of senior management
to provide world-class training, the                Bob Morgan, CEO of the Charlotte Chamber
partnership between the company and the             of Commerce said,
college has expanded. CPCC is now helping
to assess the skills of potential new hires                Charlotte is recognized as an
and provide post-hire training.                            emerging energy capital in large part
                                                           because of its skilled workforce. It
The training has been funded primarily by                  matters greatly that institutions of
the state of North Carolina through a                      higher learning have rallied around
customized training grant from the North                   the energy sector and deployed
Carolina Community College System. CPCC                    resources toward the goal of
administered $1.2 million in the training                  matching worker skills with employer

needs. No institution is more “on the          area. The Charlotte region can create,
       front lines” in this effort than Central       import, manufacture, assemble, handle,
       Piedmont Community College. They               ship, and provide just-in-time delivery. The
       are constantly in touch with                   foundation for this extraordinary economic
       employers, looking to provide the              capacity is the knowledge base and skill
       skills that are needed both for today          level of its workers.
       and into the future. That is their
       mission and they do it exceptionally           The area is blessed with an abundance of
       well.                                          fine colleges and universities that care
                                                      about jobs and quality of life in this region,
Looking Toward the Future                             and chief among them is CPCC. Without this
                                                      college’s Institute for Entrepreneurship,
Charlotte leaders are describing a new and            which serves 2,000 entrepreneurs each
developing economic development idea as a             year, the ability to create things would be
broader area vision to recognize the                  severely impacted. Without CPCC’s
convergence of a number of factors that               programs to respond rapidly to new and
may lead to significant economic                      existing training needs for manufacturing
opportunities for our region.                         skills, the ability to make things might not
                                                      be realized in significant ways. Moreover,
Three visionary community leaders, Chase              without the college’s training programs for
Saunders, Michael Galles, and Tony Zeiss,             transportation professionals, the capacity
have been systematically sharing and                  for moving things would also be diminished.
refining this vision over the past year. The
Charlotte region is poised to become the              The economic future for the Charlotte
next global hub of commerce if it adopts the          region is bright and bold, and CPCC is at the
broad vision to be the best in the nation for         core of its economic development initiatives.
creating things, making things, and moving
things” (Saunders, Zeiss, and Gallis, 2011).          References
By embracing and supporting Charlotte’s               Head, Heather (2012 February). Energizing the
entrepreneurial spirit, by its remarkable             Workforce. Greater Charlotte Biz, 23-27.
ability to recruit and train skilled workers in
advanced manufacturing, and by promoting              Saunders, C., Zeiss, T., & Gallis, M. (2011). Create It,
                                                      Make It, Move It, Charlotte 2030: A Global
its soon-to-be-finished multi-modal                   Intersection of Commerce. Unpublished manuscript.
transportation center at the Charlotte
Douglas International Airport, this region            Swenson, D. (2011 Spring). Charlotte USA Energizes
will seize its economic advantage.                    Economic Development. International Economic
                                                      Development Council Journal, 18-22.
Charlotte is located at a pivotal intersection
where goods can economically be moved to              Mary Vickers-Koch is Harris Campus Dean
half the United States within 24 hours or             and Dean, Business and Industry Learning
less. Its new intermodal center would be              Services, and Tony Zeiss is President of
able to concentrate shipping containers               Central Piedmont Community College, North
from trucks, trains, and airplanes in one             Carolina.

The Power of Partnership: Achieving Regional Economic Impact
          Through the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee

                                         By Jerry Sue Thornton

Economic conditions are gradually                            workforce. Demand for skilled workers in all
improving in the Northeast Ohio region,                      construction occupations has placed
although real economic progress remains                      pressure on the construction training
slow. The beginning of the area’s recovery,                  system to quickly prepare new construction
however, is partially due to growth of the                   employees. Future employment in the
local construction industry. Construction is a               construction industry will require some kind
large part of the Cleveland area economy,                    of education past high school, including
employing nearly 28,400                                                          formal training.
workers. More
specifically, a multimillion      Cuyahoga Community College (Tri-C)             Tri-C’s Response
dollar building boom,               is Ohio’s largest community college
including a downtown               and one of the largest institutions of        To address this important
casino, the Cleveland            higher    education  in the state. Students     regional business need,
                                  can choose from 1,000 credit courses
Medical Mart, and                                                                Cuyahoga Community
                                 in more than 140 career and technical,
Convention Center,                   science, and liberal arts programs.
                                                                                 College’s (Tri-C)
renovated riverfront                   Tri-C also offers more than 500           Workforce and Economic
mixed-use buildings, and              unique, noncredit workforce and            Development Division and
substantial construction         professional development programs to            local building trades
by local colleges and              32,000 credit and 20,000 noncredit            unions worked together
universities, hospitals,         students each year. Classes are held at         to create the Joint
and cultural institutions is           four traditional campuses, two            Apprenticeship Training
creating new, high-skilled            Corporate  College    locations, the       Committee (JATC). This
construction jobs. The                Brunswick University Center, the           comprehensive
                                      Unified Technologies Center, the
strength of the                                                                  partnership helps entry
                                 Advanced Technology Training Center,
construction industry in         the Hospitality Management Center on
                                                                                 level and incumbent
the region is reflected in       Public Square, and over 50 off-campus           workers enhance their
the number of local ads                              sites.                      skills by participating in
for construction workers,                                                        college-sponsored
which has jumped 21                                                              apprenticeship training as
percent since June 2010.                                     part of a credit degree program to achieve
                                                             educational credentials that are vital for
One of the challenges facing this otherwise                  ongoing worker career success. Registered
thriving construction industry is a                          apprenticeships and training are offered for
sufficiently trained workforce, with both                    the following trades: asbestos worker,
entry level and incumbent workers needing                    boilermaker, bricklayer, carpenter, cement
higher level skill sets. Construction workers                mason, drywall/finisher, electrician, floor
need advanced skills to use the increasingly                 layer, glazier, ironworker, laborer,
complex technology in the construction                       millwright, operating engineer, painter and
industry. Additionally, construction workers                 taper, pipefitter, piledriver, plasterer,
must have sufficient math and language                       plumber, roofer/waterproofer, sheet metal
skills for comprehension and problem                         worker, telecommunications installer, and
solving, which leads to a more productive                    tile layer.

The JATC program also strengthens the                employ teaching techniques and student
community by providing education and                 engagement strategies specific to each
higher incomes to its residents. Research            trade in order to retain apprentices through
shows that for each year of community                the entire program. Furthermore,
college credit received, an individual’s             participation in the program is available free
annual earnings increases by 5 percent to 8          of charge to members of the 17 local union
percent over that of a high school graduate.         affiliates.
Additionally, higher levels of education are
linked not only to higher incomes, but also          Courses are taught by adjunct faculty who
to faster rates of income growth. Tri-C and          are journey-level trade instructors. These
its JATC partners know that delivering a             instructors bring specialization and focused
comprehensive credit degree program to               expertise to their teaching role, allowing
participants will not only ensure the success        them to give student participants a
of the local construction industry, but can          connection between education and the work
provide for increased socioeconomic                  world. A student in the program must be
benefits in the region through increased tax         accepted as an apprentice and be given
revenues and consumption, and a                      work through the union affiliate partner.
decreased reliance on government financial
support.                                             Apprentice student participants receive their
                                                     related technical instruction and academic
The program creates uniform standards for            core classes in cohort groups that have
training qualified men and women for                 been tailored and contextualized to align
successful employment within the                     with the occupational area of focus. Hands-
construction industry. Apprentices develop           on training, job instruction, and work
along a structured career path specific to a         experience are necessary to become a
construction trade, and ultimately acquire           qualified journey-level worker versed in the
the competence consistent with the                   theory and practice of a construction trade.
knowledge, skill, and ability standard of the        The construction trades apprentice program
trade, while concurrently earning college            offers student participants an opportunity to
credits towards an Associate of Applied              earn as they learn; while obtaining between
Science/Applied Industrial Technology                144 and 250 hours of trade-related
(AAS/AIT) degree.                                    classroom instruction during a three-to-five
                                                     year period, students perform between
The program consists of a strong                     6,000 and 8,000 hours of paid on-the-job
partnership between the college and 17               training. Students also earn 30 credit hours
JATC building trade union affiliates in 11           in technical coursework and 32 to 36 hours
trades and 18 specific disciplines. A                of academic preparation.
leadership council comprised of
journeyperson representatives from each              Student participants work directly with Tri-C
union affiliate and college instructional            coordinators throughout their program.
experts meets at least twice per year. More          Although classes are held at off-site union
than merely an advisory committee, this              facilities, apprentices have direct access to
dedicated leadership council makes                   college counseling, admissions, and
curriculum changes and program updates               registrar services through onsite and
as needed by closely monitoring workplace            distance options. Participating JATC
requirements and technological                       partners receive financial support from the
advancements. This leadership group                  college in the form of student tuition
ensures that adjunct faculty members

support, classroom rent, computer                      While more than 200 types of jobs are
allowance, and instructor compensation.                offered via apprenticeship training programs
                                                       in Northeast Ohio, this program is one of
In order to provide practical application of           the few that allows participants to earn
newly learned skills, apprentices earn                 degree credentials affiliated with an
competitive wages and draw benefits while              institution of higher learning while providing
working through the program toward their               on-the-job training for some of today’s most
journey-level certificate. During training, the        in-demand, high-wage jobs. Results of a
more an apprentice learns the more pay he              study examining construction craft training
or she receives. By climbing the skill and             conducted by the National Center for
education ladder, wages increase at regular            Construction Education and Research
intervals until the end of the apprenticeship          (NCCER) found that investing 1 percent of a
when students become journeypersons and                project's labor budget in training could have
draw full pay for their skills. In addition,           double digit returns in productivity, reduced
AAS/AIT degrees are transferable and                   absenteeism, and the need for rework,
recognized through articulation partnership            among other things. Workforce training is
agreements to baccalaureate studies in                 the best investment against the hidden cost
technology management or construction                  of low productivity.
management from both Kent State
University and the University of Akron.                By developing and delivering apprenticeship
                                                       programs tied to education credentials,
Model Apprenticeship Program                           Tri-C provides the region with basic-skill
                                                       instruction for new workers, upgrade
This model educational partnership                     training for incumbent workers, and
produces the highly trained and highly                 opportunities for continued learning. This is
skilled workforce the local construction               important as research has shown that U.S.
industry needs while effectively helping               cities with better educated populations not
workers qualify for stable jobs with good              only have significantly higher per capita
wages and promising career pathways. The               incomes, but also enjoy faster rates of
program has seen a steady rise in                      income growth. This creative partnership
enrollment year after year, and over 14,000            between Cleveland area building trade
workers have participated in the program to            unions and Tri-C helps to promote the
date.                                                  economic development of the region by
                                                       providing workers with postsecondary
Evaluation data is used to ensure that the             knowledge and skills, and by ensuring the
desired outcomes are achieved, specifically            continuation of skilled trade crafts men and
job placement and degree attainment.                   women, critical to building a solid
Program effectiveness is measured through              infrastructure that promotes regional
student evaluation of instruction,                     growth.
demonstration of skill attainment, number
of one-year certificates of proficiency                Jerry Sue Thornton is former President of
awarded, completion rate of those finishing            Cuyahoga Community College in Ohio.
the apprenticeship program, number of
those earning the journey-level credential,
and number of those attaining an AAS/AIT

Johnson County Community College: Economic Engine for the County

                                           By Terry Calaway

Johnson County Community College (JCCC)                  freight by rail coupled with the number of
in Overland Park, Kansas, serves as an                   current rail workers who will be retiring
economic engine for the county. This is                  means that freight railroads will hire more
accomplished through a number of                         than 15,000 employees this year alone.
partnerships and activities that reflect the
diversity of the county’s economy and the                 JCCC is prepared for these changes, thanks
agility of the college to meet a variety of               to a long and beneficial relationship with
economic needs.                                           BNSF Railway. The college first entered into
                                                          partnership discussions with BNSF in 1986.
Johnson County is a suburb of Kansas City,                The result is the largest railroad training
Missouri, with a growing population of over               facility in the country, founded on the
544,000. The county, one of the most                      college campus. Originally intended to train
prosperous in the                                                              only BNSF employees, the
country, has the highest                                                       training center over the
median household income            With  more  than  40,000  credit  and       years has come to serve
and the highest per capita           continuing education students,            other railroads as well. As
                                 Johnson County Community College,
income in Kansas. The                                                          many as 14,000 railroad
                                 Overland Park, Kansas, is the state’s
county’s workforce is             largest institution of undergraduate         employees from the U.S.
among the most highly             higher education. JCCC offers more           and Mexico come to JCCC
educated in the nation                than 50 career and certificate           each year for training.
and its economy is well            programs that prepare students to
diversified, albeit                enter the job market. Its noncredit         As part of its agreement
concentrated in the high-       workforce development program is the           with BNSF and the city of
growth service-providing        most comprehensive in the Kansas City          Overland Park, JCCC built
sectors. This diversity                            area.                       the Industrial Technical
affords JCCC a number of                                                       Center (ITC) on campus
opportunities to affect                                                        (dedicated in 1988) to
economic development in a number of                       house    the railway's national training
sectors, including transportation, health                 programs     and  provide additional office and
care, information technology, and                         classroom space for the college. The $2.9
entrepreneurship.                                         million building was financed through city
                                                          revenue bonds, with the college assuming
Transportation                                            one-third of the cost of construction and
                                                          receiving ownership of the building after 10
Kansas City has developed into one of the                 years. BNSF exercises its option to lease the
most important freight transportation hubs                facilities on a five-year basis. The college
in the Midwest. To take advantage of that,                initially received nine classrooms,
BNSF Railway is building a 443-acre                       warehouse space, and laboratory access, in
intermodal facility in the southern part of               addition to the responsibility for building
Johnson County. The facility will help the                maintenance. An expansion to the ITC that
region’s economy grow by shifting more                    opened in 1993 increased space for both
freight traffic from the highway to the rails.            BNSF and JCCC, and in 2001 the warehouse
The increasing demand to move more                        moved to a separate structure so the entire

building could be used for educational                needs of an aging population and growth in
purposes. The college was awarded a                   home health care services.
presidential citation by Vice President
George Bush in 1987, recognizing the                  Anticipating this need, JCCC built an allied
partnership as a successful model of                  health education center, the Olathe Health
cooperation between education and                     Education Center (OHEC). The process
industry.                                             began in 2008, when Olathe Medical Center
                                                      donated 5.8 acres of land to JCCC. The
In 1993-1994, the college and BNSF                    building, which opened in August 2011,
established the National Academy of                   offers classes in practical nursing, certified
Railroad Science (NARS) at JCCC, leading to           nurse assistant; certified medication aide;
the first associate degree programs in                rehabilitation aide; home health aide; IV
railroad operations in the nation. More than          therapy for LPNs; medical office,
500 students are enrolled each year in                transcription, and coding; dietary manager;
credit programs leading to associate of               phlebotomy; and ECG technician. First
applied science degrees and vocational                responder, anatomy, physiology, and
certificates in railroad electronics, railroad        general education courses are also offered
industrial technology, and railroad                   at OHEC.
                                                      Many of the OHEC classrooms have a
A railroad welders program began in                   hospital atmosphere and are equipped with
January 2004 at JCCC. NARS and JCCC offer             the same equipment—beds, privacy
the welder training program to meet the               curtains, nurse call buttons, and medical
need for qualified and technically trained            headwalls—that furnish hospital rooms.
welders in the railroad industry. The                 Four simulation bays with one-way glass
program consists of eight weeks of                    allow instructors to watch students perform
classroom and laboratory training, followed           procedures.
by 120 days of paid on-the-job training.
Major railroads recruit on campus; railroad           The up-to-date equipment and extra space
welders are among the highest paid entry-             have helped the medical billing and coding
level workers in any industry, with salaries          and the medical transcription programs
ranging from $40,000 to $60,000 a year.               grow and enabled the college to introduce
                                                      the dietary manager program this year.
The economic impact on the community
and the city of Overland Park as a result of          In response to requests from local hospitals,
the partnership between JCCC and BNSF is              JCCC has developed a new course, Patient
about $60 million, created by the thousands           Care Assistant - Acute Care, offered for the
of students who come to campus for                    first time in summer 2012. This course
training and who need to book hotel rooms,            provides classroom, lab, simulation-based,
take their meals in restaurants, and shop at          and clinical instruction for basic care of
local stores.                                         patients in acute-care hospitals. During the
                                                      clinical portion of the course, students will
Health Care                                           have a closely supervised opportunity to
                                                      care for hospitalized patients. The course is
In Johnson County, employment of licensed             designed to prepare entry-level workers for
practical nurses is expected to grow faster           hospital nursing departments to prepare
than the average for other occupations                pre-nursing students for the nursing
through 2020, thanks to the long-term care            curriculum.

HITECH at JCCC                                       New to JCCC’s HITECH program will be the
                                                     implementation support specialist and the
The health information systems field is              training certificate programs. These new
expected to grow significantly as healthcare         certificate programs teach students how to
providers such as hospitals, care centers,           implement electronic records systems and
doctors’ offices, and health clinics                 how to train others to support and
implement the Health Information                     transition to electronic medical records
Technology for Economic and Clinical Health          systems.
(HITECH) Act of 2009. This act mandates
that every United States citizen have an             The grant also creates internship
electronic health record. The transition from        opportunities for program participants in
paper records to electronic records is also          various health care settings, strengthens
tied to Medicaid reimbursements, with                the partnership with HCC to recruit and
Medicaid providers needing to meet the               train students from across Kansas, and
October 2013 deadline for meaningful use.            creates an alliance with the Workforce
                                                     Partnership Center to work with industry
In 2010, JCCC became one of 17                       employers and capitalize on internship and
community colleges in the Region C                   job opportunities. Partnerships with
Midwest Health Information Technology                employers are growing, and students are
Consortium to deliver HITECH training and            receiving job offers before completing the
the only Kansas community college selected           program.
to participate. Hutchinson Community
College (HCC) joined JCCC in reaching out            External institutional collaborative efforts
to deliver the training statewide. At this           have proven effective to truly address
writing, JCCC’s HITECH program has                   industry workforce needs and deliver timely
enrolled 116 students and demonstrated               training solutions that affect local, regional,
less than 3 percent attrition with more than         and statewide economic development, from
80 percent of students employed.                     start-up companies to companies with
                                                     global industry footprints.
The college received $292,247 as part of
the American Recovery and Reinvestment               Information Technology
Act of 2009 to implement two health
information technology workforce training            In Johnson County, 9.2 percent of the
roles that will be needed in physicians’             workforce is involved in the information
offices and related businesses. Certificate          industry, far above the national average of
program training is offered for two career           2.8 percent. Network security is a top
roles, technical/software support staff and          priority for nearly every business and
workflow and information management                  organization that uses computers.
redesign specialists.
                                                     To facilitate the learning process at JCCC,
In 2011, the HITECH program expanded                 the college’s Computing Sciences and
and strengthened, thanks to a $2.9 million           Information Technology (IT) division
grant from the U.S. Department of Labor.             worked with the Information Services
The grant allows HITECH to advance                   branch to set up a virtual learning system
curriculum development, offer new career             whereby faculty manage large numbers of
pathway options, provide internship                  complex and diverse student server
opportunities with leading industry                  networks.
employers, and develop a statewide
                                                     Faculty found that complex student network
workforce network.
                                                     projects were causing unacceptably long

system boot times on the individual student           one day own their own business, regardless
servers installed in the classrooms. The long         of what their majors might have been.
cycle times made the learning process
difficult for students, and replacement               With that in mind, Entrepreneurial Mindset
server options offered little improvement.            is a new course at JCCC, based on a best-
                                                      selling book that is now part of the
Because a cloud environment offered                   associate’s degree in entrepreneurship and
students faster response with the ability to          a component of an entrepreneurship
leave systems running but idle, thereby               certificate. While the entrepreneurship
providing more usable instruction time,               associate’s degree and certificate are not
JCCC deployed a VMware vSphere private                new, the addition of this course and its
cloud infrastructure, leveraging the latest in        groundbreaking curriculum is a major shift
IT computer, data, and networking                     in classroom focus.
resources from a joint vendor solution
known as a flex pod. Cisco, NetApp, and               The class curriculum is based on Who Owns
VMware provide this solution; more than               the Ice House? Eight Life Lessons From An
3,200 virtual machines are deployed and               Unlikely Entrepreneur, by Clifton Taulbert .
supported to create a collaborative systems           Taulbert grew up in the deep South in the
lab that forms into a true working network.           1950s, fully prepared to follow in the
                                                      generational footsteps of fieldhands all over
Using the private cloud, faculty have the             the Mississippi Delta—descendants of slaves
flexibility to teach a range of IT classes            who were without means or opportunity.
using a shared infrastructure that students           The exception was Taulbert’s uncle Cleve,
can access anytime, anywhere, and from                who ran the ice house in town. Uncle Cleve
any platform, including mobile devices. As            taught his nephew the life lessons needed
an added benefit, the environment can be              to succeed as an entrepreneur.
used to expand course offerings to teach
virtualization for public and private cloud           As Taulbert matured, he realized those
resource management that will help                    same lessons remain true more than 50
students negotiate the real world of work.            years later. With the help of co-author Gary
                                                      Schoeniger, Taulbert identified eight lessons
Entrepreneurship                                      of successful entrepreneurship from his
                                                      uncle Cleve and backed it up with present-
According to the County Economic Research             day examples.
Institute (CERI), in 1998 Johnson County’s
economy consisted of 14,971 private sector            JCCC is an academic partner with the
firms with payrolls—the state’s largest               Kauffman Foundation, which has supported
concentration of business establishments.             efforts for the Ice House project, offering
By 2008, the county had expanded to                   training for teachers and facilitators at its
17,352 firms. Over that 10-year period, the           Kansas City, Missouri, headquarters. On its
county economy added an average of 20                 website, it describes the Ice House project
new business establishments per month,                this way: “From young adults to higher
many of them small businesses. That figure            education and workforce training, this
is not likely to change. A Kauffman                   highly interactive and engaging program is
Foundation study of recent college                    designed to inspire and engage participants
graduates, as reported at the National                in the fundamental concepts of an
Association of Community College                      entrepreneurial mindset and the unlimited
Entrepreneurship Conference in October                opportunities it can provide.”
2010, found that 70 percent would like to

JCCC’s total tangible economic impact on            to meet current workforce needs and
the community is more than $182 million             prepare for a prosperous future.
each year. Through the range of its
offerings, the college serves as an economic        Terry Calaway is former President of
engine that helps the county, and the state,        Johnson County Community College in

Ongoing Dialogue and a Focus on the Workforce: Kirkwood Community
             College and the Eastern Iowa Skills Reports

                              By Mick Starcevich and Kim W. Johnson

For more than 40 years, east central Iowa                   study, the Skills 2014 Report, was released
employers and Kirkwood Community                            in the spring of 2011.
College have engaged in many collaborative
efforts to train generations of people to find              Each iteration of the survey asked a series
their best fit in the state’s economy. Over                 of questions that have to be front and
the past two decades, one crucial process                   center in the mind of any college leader:
has produced tangible                                                          What are regional
results that address the                                                       employers forecasting for
                                     Kirkwood Community College has            future employment? Are
basic conundrum of such             grown as the Eastern Iowa region
work: staying focused on                                                       Kirkwood’s programs
                                        evolved from a predominantly
the core abilities of                                                          producing the kinds of
                                       agricultural and manufacturing
workers to address the            economy into one that serves a more          skilled graduates the
evolving needs of major                broad and diverse collection of         community needs?
employers and emerging                 industries, from insurance and          Beyond a degree or
new businesses.                       communications to national and           certificate title, are
                                      international hubs for customer          graduates prepared for
The result of this process          contact, biotechnology, and green          the roles employers have
has been the                       energy   production. The   college has a    available? From the other
development of a series                local presence in seven service         perspective, does the
of skills reports—an              counties and serves more than 26,000         college understand what
                                     credit students and about 60,000
evolving set of surveys                                                        partner employers need
                                     lifelong learners in its Continuing
and assessments of the              Education and Training programs.           today? How have those
industry sectors,                  Kirkwood is the main transfer college       needs changed in the
occupational categories,               to the University of Iowa, with         past several years? What
and projected                      hundreds more students taking their         is the best course of
employment needs within          Kirkwood credits and degrees to a host        action to meet those
the Eastern Iowa service            of colleges and universities in Iowa       needs and anticipate
area. The first report,                          and  beyond.                  emerging and developing
Skills 2000, studied the                                                       demands in the local and
immediate employment                                                           regional economies?
needs of a representative cross section of
large and small employers in both the public                The Kirkwood-led Skills 2000 survey was
and private sectors. Subsequent studies                     conducted by a commission of officials from
provided a reassessment of the original                     Iowa’s 15 community colleges and top
study and expanded the scope and size of                    executives from 33 large employers,
the process, while noting progress or lack of               predominately located in the Cedar Rapids
it in the areas of employee knowledge,                      end of the Cedar Rapids-Iowa City Corridor.
needed skills, and recruitment needs across                 The strength of this new process was that
the region. Each study was titled to focus                  participants recognized the local focus and
on the near future (e.g., the Skills 2000                   autonomy of Iowa’s community colleges
Report was released in 1998). The newest                    and their personal awareness of direct
                                                            community needs.

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