The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta

Page created by Jessie Love
The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta

                        SPRING 2020

The 43rd Biennial Convention
Tampa, Florida
The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
        still got
        covered                                    ••
         with Honor Cords and NEW items
         from Award Concepts, Inc.                               01    Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                      Letter from the President....................................................... 04

                                                                  02  Board of Directors.....................................................................
                                                                         Lorem   Ipsum dolor sit amet                                                        05

                                                                      AED Regions...............................................................................06
                                                                      03    Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                      AED Regional Directors...........................................................07

                                                                         04    Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                      AED Scholarship Winners 2019-2020................................. 08

                                                                              05  Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                      Chapter Reports.........................................................................13

                                                                      Are You A National Member...................................................53
For over 30 years,                                                                    Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
Award Concepts has been a leading designer and provider
of custom manufactured jewelry, honor cords, apparel and              How to Submit a Scalpel Report........................................... 71
branded products. We offer a variety of custom items to
to make your membership with AE� a memorable one.
                                                                                          Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                      Alpha Epsilon Delta Chapter Directory................................72
To visit the online store, please visit and click on "Merchandise"
in the banner at the top of the screen.
                                                                                          Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
                                                                      AED Announcements...............................................................78

                                                                       The 43rd Biennial Convention Photos.................................80
                                                                                               Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet

                                                                                                     10            Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet
The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                     SPRING 2020

                                     Message from                                                                                                    ALPHA EPSILON DELTA
                                     Cindy Stanfield, Immediate Past President                                                                            Board of Directors

                                                                                                                       AED National President                   AED Member-at-Large
                                                                                                                       Sovent Taylor, Ph.D.                        Carol Bokros, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                       University of Mississippi                    Mercer University

        hank you for allowing me to serve as your            the door for some new ideas on the Board from Dr.
                                                                                                                       AED Vice President                AED Liaison to National Office
        President from 2012 –2020. It was an honor           Robert Kearns. Dr. Kearns served as Region 4 Director     Jill Duncan                                  Phil Hartman, Ph.D.
        and I hope the changes that occurred during          for many years and has always been one of our most        Texas Christian University            Texas Christian University
my tenure were positive. I strongly believe that AED, the    active Regional Directors. Mary Anne Hoskins was a                  
Prehealth Honor Society, belongs to the students and         vibrant member of the Board and will also be missed.
the Board of Directors serve the students. I will continue   Our new Secretary, Amy Raimondo, comes to the Board
to be on the Board as your Immediate Past President.         with much energy and enthusiasm. Last, we welcome
                                                                                                                       AED National Treasurer                  AED National Counselor
                                                             Carol Bokros as our Member-at-Large. Carol has been
The elections at convention came with joy and                                                                          Kenneth Crawford, Ph.D.                     Robert Kearns, Ph.D.
                                                             active in the prehealth advisor organizations and her     Western Kentucky University    
sadness. I always believed that Board members should
                                                             knowledge and enthusiasm for her students will be
be actively engaged with prehealth students, which
                                                             helpful. You can find the list of all our Board members
is why I stepped down from the President position.
                                                             on the AED website at
Your new President, Dr. Sovent Taylor, works for his
students. His passion rises beyond that of most AED
                                                                                                                       AED National Secretary                       AED Past President
advisors. Dr. Taylor loves all sports. He attended two       As you move forward in your local chapters, remember      Vanarat Amy Raimondo                       Cindy Stanfield, Ph.D.
preseason Yankee games while we were in Tampa,               that the National Office, Laura Dixon and Aelanda         Houston Baptist University
even though he does not like the Yankees! Now that           Counts, as well as your Board of Directors and Regional
is commitment. I have full confidence that Sovent will       Directors, are here for you. We want the local chapters
lead AED in the right direction, with the students always    to be strong in the support of your prehealth students,
at the front of decision making. The loss of Dr. Frank       your school, and your community.
Dyer as Counselor, which he served for about 30 years
                                                             Cindy Stanfield, Ph.D.
was heart-breaking for Board members but opened

The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
AED REGIONS                                                                                                                                                                        CONTACT INFORMATION
    & REGIONAL DIRECTORS                                                                                                                                                                REGIONAL DIRECTORS
                                                                                                                                                                                  Nuran M. Kumbaraci, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Stevens Institute of Technology
                                                                                                                                                                       REGION 1
     ALASKA                                                                                                                                                                       Associate Professor of Chemistry
                                                                                                                                                                                  1 Castle Point on Hudson
                                                                                                                                                                     NORTHEAST    Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
                                                                                                                                                                                  (201) 216-5554

                      WASHINGTON                                                                                                                                                  Jen Oza, M.Ed.
                                                          NORTH                                                             new hampshire
                                                                                                                                              maine                               University of Michigan
                                             MONTANA      DAKOTA
                                                                                                                              vermont                                 REGION 2    Coordinator of PreHealth Programs
                  OREGON                                                                                                                                                          555 S. Forest Room 113
                                                          SOUTH                  wisconsiN
                                   IDAHO                             minnesota                                               NEW YORK                                             Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2013
                                              WYOMING     DAKOTA                                   MICHIGAN
                                                                                                                                                  RHODE ISLAND                    734-764-4473
                                                                        iowa                                           PENNSYLVANIA                                     
                        NEVADA                            NEBRASKA
                                                                                                   INDIANA   OHIO                           new jersey

                                      UTAH     COLORADO
                                                                                     ILLINOIS                    west                     maryland
                                                           KANSAS                                               virginia
                                                                                                                           virginia     delaware                                  Severine Groh, Ph.D.
                  CALIFORNIA                                                                        KENTUCKY                                                                      Delta State University
                                                                                                                    NORTH CAROLINA                                     REGION 3   Associate Professor of Biology
                                               NEW           OKLAHOMA arkansas                                       SOUTH                                                        DSU Box C-4 Walters 114 E
                                              MEXICO                                                                                                                              Cleveland, MS 38733
                                                                                                   ALABAMA GEORGIA
                                                          TEXAS                      MISSISSIPPI
                                                                             louisiana                         FLORIDA
                                                                                                                                                                                  Richard Sanker, Ph.D.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Baylor University
                                                                                                                                                                       REGION 4   Senior Director of PreHealth Programs
                                                                                                                                                                                  BSB B111

                                                                                                                                                                     SOUTHWEST    Waco, TX 76798

                                                                                                                                                                                  Daniel Bubb, Ph.D.
              REGION 1                                                                   REGION 2                                                                                 University of Las Vegas Honors College
                                                                                                                                                                       REGION 5   University of Las Vegas, Nevada
                                                                                                                                                                                  4505 S. Maryland Parkway
              REGION 3                                                                   REGION 4
                                                                                                                                                                       WEST       Las Vegas, NV 89154
                                                                                                                                                                                  (702) 895-1571
              REGION 5                                                                   FUTURE CHAPTERS

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The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                       SPRING 2020

     aed scholarship winners 2018-2019
                                                 V.L. Tweedie Scholarship
                                                 Justin Raman
                                                 University of Texas Dallas - Region 4   Moore Scholarship $2,500                                   Moore Scholarship $2,500
                                                                                         Region 2                                                   Region 4
                                                                                         Margaret Shope                                             Nadhish Lokesh
                                                                                         University of Michigan                                     University of Texas Dallas

                                                                                                                    Moore Scholarship $2,500
                                                                                                                    Region 3
                                                                                                                    Christina Mattingly (Sego)
                                                                                                                    Western Kentucky University
                    T. G. Jackson Scholarship
                            Ashna Shah
                        Mercer University - Region 3

                                                                                                                                                  Stevens Institute of Technology

                                                                                         Moore Scholarship $2,500                                   Donald Schreiweis
                                                                                         Region 5                                                   Scholarship $1,500
                                                                                         Tala Shahin                                                Region 1
                                                       Moore Scholarship $2,500
                                                       Region 1                          University of Arizona                                      Anne Marie
                                                       Baadal Vachhani                                                                              Stevens Institute of
                                                       Muhlenberg College                                                                           Technology
                                                                                                                    Donald Schreiweis
                                                                                                                    Scholarship $1,500
                                                                                                                    Region 1
                                                                                                                    Annu Suresh
                                                                                                                    Muhlenberg College

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The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                            SPRING 2020

                                                                                          University of South Carolina                                  Texas Christian University

     Donald Schreiweis                                      Donald Schreiweis               Donald Schreiweis                                             Donald Schreiweis
     Scholarship $1,500                                     Scholarship $1,500              Scholarship $1,500                                            Scholarship $1,500
     Region 2                                               Region 2                        Region 3                                                      Region 4
     Alexandra Peirce                                       Leah Wolfer                     Leslie Thelan                                                 Sarah Nagel
     University of Michigan                                 University of Cincinnati        University of South Carolina                                  Texas Christian University
                              Donald Schreiweis                                                                            Donald Schreiweis
                              Scholarship $1,500                                                                           Scholarship $1,500
                              Region 2                                                                                     Region 3
                              Katelyn Hagood                                                                               Allison Burns
                              University of Toledo                                                                         Virginia Polytechnic Inst.
                                                                                                                           & State University

                                                                                                                                                        Montana State University

     Donald Schreiweis                                      Donald Schreiweis               Donald Schreiweis                                             Donald Schreiweis
     Scholarship $1,500                                     Scholarship $1,500              Scholarship $1,500                                            Scholarship $1,500
     Region 2                                               Region 3                        Region 4                                                      Region 5
     Madeline Gerdes                                        Maria-Camila Ochoa              Sophia Sakers                                                 Samantha Clark
     University of Dayton                                   University of South Alabama     University of Oklahoma                                        Montana State University

                              Donald Schreiweis                                                                            Donald Schreiweis
                              Scholarship $1,500                                                                           Scholarship $1,500
                              Region 3                                                                                     Region 4
                              Kelly Tillman                                                                                Caroline Graham
                              University of South Alabama                                                                  Oklahoma State University

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The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta

  Attendees of the national convention in Tampa, Florida.


The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SPRING 2020

     Alabama ALPHa                                                                                                                                                                                           ALABAMA DELTA
     University of Alabama                                                                                                                                      University of Alabama at Birmingham
     submitted by Brenton Bicknell                                                                                                                                                                                      submitted by Nicole Nguyen

     The Alpha Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta had a great Fall          Our initiatives have many exciting activities planned this   The Alabama Delta chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta has         Outside of raising funds for the Spirit of Luke Charitable
     semester and is off to a great start in this new year. At          semester. We are especially excited about our Social         continued working hard to recruit new members and give       Foundation, our members also have the opportunity to
     the University of Alabama, our initiatives are what makes          Initiative. This initiative is designed to help students     back to the community. After a successful fall semester      volunteer at the Foundation’s mobile clinics. Students
     us unique and continue our student-led and student-                slow down the pace, enjoy the little moments, and have       at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, our chapter      are able to assist with set-up, triage, pharmacy, and are
     focused mission.                                                   some fun in the context of a community. Pre-health           is looking forward to a prosperous and fruitful spring       even able to shadow physicians. In addition to Spirit
                                                                        students across the country will relate to the stress and    semester through exceptional meeting attendance,             of Luke clinics, we have continued volunteering with a
     Our chapter of AED has 8 initiatives designed to empower           pressure that comes with trying to balance the classes,      great volunteering efforts, and outstanding fundraising      local partner that caters to our pre-physical therapy and
     students to have the experience and opportunities                  studying, activities, and self-care. This Spring’s events    events. Our chapter also continues to demonstrate            pre-occupational therapy members: The Red Barn. This
     needed to make a lasting impact in the field of health care.       include intramural dodgeball, kickball and basketball,       exponential growth in membership by reaching a record        nonprofit offers an encouraging environment where
     Our initiatives had quite a successful fall semester. Our          as well as a movie night, all leading up to our end-of-      number of applications each year, as well as having a        disabled children and adults work with therapy horses
     volunteering initiative led a blanket making night, which          year party, led by our social initiative. We look forward    large social media outreach to over twelve-hundred           to strengthen their minds, bodies, and souls.
     gives opportunities for our students to make comfortable           to the initiation of our new members in April. The Alpha     Instagram followers (@uabaed)— the largest number of
     blankets for patients of Birmingham’s Children’s Hospital.         chapter continues to strive to make a positive impact        followers of all AED chapters.                               Beyond volunteering, shadowing, and fundraising,
     Our Capstone Mentoring Initiative, which pairs pre-health          on our campus, our surrounding community, and every                                                                       our chapter holds weekly general business meetings
     juniors and seniors with sophomores and freshmen who               member of our group.                                         This semester, our chapter has planned three fundraisers     for members to attend and gain insight into health
     are seeking the guidance needed to navigate college,                                                                            in the efforts to raise funds for the Spirit of Luke         professional fields. Students from all pre-health tracks
     paired over 30 students with mentors in the Fall. Our              [Below: former University of Alabama students who            Charitable Foundation. The Spirit of Luke Charitable         are welcome to listen in to help understand and create
     Medically Related Experiences initiative connected many            currently attend The University of Alabama School            Foundation hosts a free mobile medical clinic that travels   a more unified healthcare system. This semester, we
     students with local shadowing opportunities and local              of Medicine made their way back to Tuscaloosa from           across the rural Black Belt communities of Alabama           look forward to having many diverse and informative
     medical scribing positions. We also have 5 students set            Birmingham for a student panel. Our former student           on the first Saturday of each month. This is organized       meetings such as a Student Organization Showcase,
     to attend a medical mission trip to Colombia over Spring           answered relevant questions and talked about their           by Dr. Sandra Ford and Mr. Henry Ford, who are close         Professional School Student Panel, and a Diversity in
     Break. This is just a glimpse of the impact that the initiatives   own personal journeys to Medical School!]                    friends of Alabama Delta and our school, the University      Medicine meeting. Lastly, one of the most anticipated
     of the Alpha Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta are making in                                                                       of Alabama at Birmingham. The clinic’s main focus is to      events of the spring semester is the New Member
     the lives of both its students and of the community.                                                                            provide basic primary healthcare to underserved regions      Induction Ceremony. The Alabama Delta chapter has
                                                                                                                                     of Alabama through free checkups and medication. Our         already received several application requests, and we
                                                                                                                                     fundraisers this spring semester will include a Buffalo      are so excited to welcome eager and deeply driven pre-
                                                                                                                                     Wild Wings percentage night, Krispy Kreme sale, and          health students. All in all, the Alabama Delta chapter of
                                                                                                                                     raffle ticket drawing.                                       Alpha Epsilon Delta is looking forward to such a bright
                                                                                                                                                                                                  year of opportunities, academic growth, and service.

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The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
TH E SCA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                                                                SPRING 2020

     Alabama EPSILON                                                                                                                                                                                     ALABAMA ETA
     University of Alabama Huntsville                                                                                                                                  Birmingham-Southern College
     submitted by Samin Riyaz                                                                                                                                                                                  submitted by Lee Bowman

     The Alabama Epsilon Chapter of AED at the University           events and speakers, we hope to familiarize our         For the Spring ’20 semester, our AED chapter executive      Finally, we will be conducting our semesterly blood
     of Alabama in Huntsville is excited to continue our            members about different fields of medicine and build    committee is focusing on exposing our members to a          drive in April. For these, we pair with The Red Cross
     community service by volunteering at Manna House on            their interprofessional skills as future healthcare     number of speakers regarding their respective health        and advertise as much as possible through social
     a biweekly basis. Manna House is a local charity that          professionals.                                          field interests. This will afford them the opportunity to   media and word of mouth to fill the slots and donate
     provides food and other necessary supplies to people in                                                                connect and network with individuals in their discipline    as much as we can. The blood drive is always an easy
     need. We assist this public charity in distributing food and   Our chapter will also be hosting our annual AED         of interest, as well as educating them on the process       but powerful way in which we, as an AED chapter and
     unloading boxes. The goal of this volunteer opportunity        induction ceremony on March 24, 2020. We plan           necessary to achieve that career. We will have speakers     as a higher-education institution as a whole, are able to
     is to promote community service in our members while           to discuss our mission and role as AED members          come to talk about dentistry, nursing, medicine, and        give back to the community.
     also giving back to our local community.                       while also hearing from a keynote speaker to help       physical therapy, as well as having a student panel.
                                                                    instill these values in us. We will be continuing our
     We are looking forward to hosting speakers who will            fundraising efforts on campus this semester and bring
     present about medical ethics, optometry, dentistry and         awareness to new students about how to become
     medicine this semester. We plan to talk with current           AED members.
     students, alumni and admissions representatives from
     The University of Louisville School of Dentistry, The          The Alabama Epsilon Chapter hopes to continue
     University of Alabama School of Optometry and The              educating its members about the numerous fields
     University of South Alabama College of Medicine. This          of healthcare and help them gain a lifetime of
     will allow our members to learn from the experience            interprofessional skills to successfully pursue their
     of students and ask them specific questions about the          academic and pre-professional goals.
     application process, what life is like in professional
     school, and specific field related issues. We also plan
     to put on an MCAT trivia night to help prepare our pre-
     medical students for the MCAT as well as help other
     pre-professional students prepare for their respective
     entrance exams. Through our variety of planned

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The - The 43rd Biennial Convention Tampa, Florida - SPRING 2020 - Alpha Epsilon Delta
TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                                                               SPRING 2020

     Alabama Gamma                                                                                                                                                                                    Alabama Iota
     University of Alabama                                                                                                                                                                                 Troy University
     submitted by Kaylee Burlingame                                                                                                                                                                          submitted by Abby Hamilton

     The Alabama Gamma chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta           reviewing resumes, personal statements, and other           The Troy University Alabama Iota chapter had a successful   Looking forward to this semester we have many events
     at Auburn University takes pride in providing unique       essays needed for professional schools and offers           fall semester and is excited about looking forward to       to look forward to. Our chapter will host an initiation
     opportunities to students and individuals seeking a        feedback on ways to enhance these documents.                future events planned for the upcoming semester. Our        to welcome new members to continue to grow our
     future in Pre-Health fields. This chapter is devoted in    Workshops are offered to help students navigate the         chapter’s goal is to allow our members to participate in    chapter. We will host various professional schools to
     establishing an atmosphere where members are given         different application services, as well as determining      community service projects, allowing them to connect        help prepare our members. We also have a CPR class
     the right tools to become a competitive applicant to       which information should be included. Each PPAC             with each other and community members, as well as           planned, which will be open for all students. Later this
     professional schools. The Spring semester is filled with   member is evaluated during a series of interviews           providing education about opportunities for the future.     semester we will host our Annual Ground Water Festival
     many events aimed to assist individuals applying to        by faculty, and the evaluations are submitted to the                                                                    for the second graders to learn about the water cycle.
     their prospective professional school. One of the most     designated applicant service or school. Auburn’s PPAC       This past semester our chapter focused on our local         This is an event that everyone involved enjoys. We are
     beneficial resources for future applicants is PPAC. The    is an incredible resource for future applicants to use,     community. We hosted a health booth for our students        also looking forward to Heart Walk. This event is for the
     Pre-Professional Advisory Committee (PPAC) at Auburn       and is a great way to strengthen overall applications. In   providing information about the local doctors and ways      entire community and is aimed at raising awareness
     University is a faculty committee that helps students      addition to PPAC events and workshops, the Alabama          to stay healthy. We also gave back to our professors        for stroke and heart disease, while also providing a fun
     with the application process to dental, medical, and       Gamma AED chapter will be hosting meetings with             by creating goodie bags with supplies that professors       way to teach kids about heart health.
     optometry schools, as well as rural medicine program       guest speakers from professional schools as well as         could use throughout the semester. Our chapter also
     applicants. Once students meet the eligibility criteria    various programs in the Auburn community to discuss         participated in judging science fairs in our town’s         The Iota chapter is excited about all the events planned
     for PPAC, they will be given information regarding         opportunities in service, study abroad, and research.       schools. Our members were able to participate in            for the upcoming semester and is proud of everything
     aspects of which school they are applying to. PPAC         To wrap up the spring semester, AED is honored to           community service projects while also being able to see     we accomplished this past semester. We hope to
     members are guided through the application process         congratulate and welcome new members and National           their impact on our community. Our chapter will also be     continue to grow and leave a positive impact on our
     by experienced faculty. The faculty will assist in         members into society with an initiation ceremony.           continuing our Adopt-a-Mile program, where we clean         community.
                                                                                                                            up a mile of US231.

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TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                                                                        SPRING 2020

     Alabama LAMBDA                                                                                                                                                                                          Alabama ZETA
     University of North Alabama                                                                                                                                                  University of South Alabama
     submitted by AnnaGrace Heinkel                                                                                                                                                                              submitted by Joshua Penninger

     The Alabama Lambda chapter has had a wonderful                chapter will continue our medical mentorship program,        Alabama Zeta has had an outstanding academic year              affects over 11 million people in the United States alone,
     semester at the University of North Alabama! For the Fall     in which members of our chapter are given a medical          thus far. We had 129 members, which accounts for over          can be slowed down with treatment. In many cases,
     2019 semester, our chapter strived to provide valuable        school student to help provide guidance and advice in        2,000 service hours, who were given active member              individuals do even not realize they may be losing their
     information and opportunities to our members, as well as      their journey to their health professions school.            status for the Fall 2019 semester. In addition, Alabama        sight until they have taken a vision screening.
     serving our campus and community. In the fall of 2019,                                                                     Zeta has been fortunate enough to raise over $12,079.16
     we did several service projects to serve our students on      We are also looking forward to holding workshops such        for our chapter and $9,485.17 for our Mega-Musical Chairs      Several times a semester, the Alabama Zeta chapter
     campus as well as those in the community. As a chapter,       as test prep lectures, personal statement workshops          philanthropy event. Touching the lives in our campus           also holds a vital sign clinic in the student center on our
     we hope to provide diverse resources and experiences          and a panel of accepted health professions students          and community is what ignites our passion for medicine.        campus. This opportunity gives AED members the ability
     to our members. A highlight of our Fall semester this         to assist members in developing their applications to        Two regular service events that allow us to do this is our     to advocate for student wellness and lend a listening
     year was holding a suture clinic for our students, pictured   health professions schools.                                  Campus Vital Sign Clinic & Community Vital Sign Clinic         ear to our peers. Educating our fellow classmates on the
     below, to provide our students with hands-on learning                                                                      for the elderly.                                               importance of vital signs will hopefully increase medical
     experience.                                                   As a chapter, we are committed to serving our                                                                               awareness on our campus. In order to organize these
                                                                   community and campus through service projects that           Our chapter has been able to provide vital sign readings       events, we received funding from our SGA to purchase
     Our chapter aims to be a valuable resource to its             we complete throughout the semester. For Spring              for individuals residing in communities across Mobile,         the medical equipment needed to take vital signs. Ethan
     members, and to achieve this, we have organized several       2020, our chapter will be collecting donations for a local   Alabama. Our members work with an organization called          Hayes, an Alabama Zeta member, says “The Campus
     speakers to present to our students on various topics         domestic violence shelter, as well as serving through        AHEPA (American Hellenic Educational Progressive               Vital Sign Clinic is a way for AED members to not only
     and professions. These speakers included students from        University organized days of service and providing           Association), which provides housing for the low-              learn how to take vital sign readings, but also to learn
     health professions schools, as well as leaders in the         various volunteer opportunities for our students.            income elderly and disabled persons. This mutualistic          how to communicate with people on a personal level.”
     health professions within our community. This semester,                                                                    activity affords AED members the opportunity to learn
     we are excited to welcome veterinarians, doctors, and         We are looking forward to an eventful semester and           and practice how to take vital signs, and also gives the       By strengthening our roots and expanding our passion
     physical therapists to speak to our students on their         cannot wait to attend convention this spring! Roar Lions!    elderly individuals an accurate reading of blood pressure,     for healthcare, Alabama Zeta continues to serve as
     respective professions. As in previous semesters, our                                                                      respiration rate, temperature, and oxygen level. While         a leader in our area. We look forward to remaining
                                                                                                                                it may seem rather insignificant to just come to a site        involved in our campus and community throughout the
                                                                                                                                and only take vital signs, an abnormal vital sign reading      remainder of the semester. Service events like Ozanam
                                                                                                                                may prompt these people to see their medical provider          Charitable Pharmacy, Salvation Army, Feeding the Gulf
                                                                                                                                for a routine check-up or medication adjustment. In            Coast, USA Student Run Free Clinic, etc. are planned
                                                                                                                                addition, our members have started conducting basic            for our chapter in the upcoming weeks. We cannot wait
                                                                                                                                vision screenings at these sites as well. If detected early,   to finish this academic year strong and begin preparing
                                                                                                                                diseases like Age-related macular degeneration, which          for the next one!

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TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                                                                         SPRING 2020

     Arizona Beta                                                                                                                                                                                      CALIFORNIA DELTA
     University of Arizona                                                                                                                                                                        University of San Diego
     submitted by Ryan R. Silva                                                                                                                                                                                            submitted by Kate Kohler

     The completion of the 2019 fall semester signaled another          recently expanded in both size and scope of its realistic        The University of San Diego chapter is very excited to   disadvantaged children with physical deformities
     impressive year and marked a dramatic growth and change            surgical and medical simulations. Presenting real-life           begin our second year on campus. In our first year we    caused by birth, accidents, abuse, or disease. Last
     in the Arizona Beta chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta at the          emergency, surgical, and practical applications of medicine      had some big accomplishments and we are looking          April our chapter raised $2,600 for Fresh Start. This
     University of Arizona. Through the strengthening of our            in a team building environment has been an invaluable            forward to seeing what we can achieve in the future.     year, our goal is to get a larger audience at the event
     Kaplan partnership and outreach to numerous organizations          experience and opportunity in developing pre-health              Last February we inducted the first fifteen members to   and double the amount of money that was raised last
     on campus and around the Tucson community, we are taking           professionals within Arizona Beta by helping them practice       AED on the University of San Diego’s campus. Since       year.
     this momentum in stride as we approach the beginning of our        how to intubate, suture, assist in surgery, and assess life-     then, we have welcomed many more members to              This year we plan to emphasize the importance of
     2020 academic year.                                                threatening situations.                                          our chapter, and are looking forward to our second       being involved in the community. Our hope is for our
                                                                                                                                         induction ceremony this semester. Our hope for this      members to recognize the importance of forming
     As the national convention approaches, Arizona Beta has            Arizona Beta hosted our semesterly Benefit Dodgeball             semester is to continue to grow our presence both on     strong connections in the community and seeing how
     raised funds for national members who are determined and           Tournament through collaboration with other health focused
                                                                                                                                         campus and in the community.                             service may positively impact their lives. To help all of
     committed to collaborating and meeting additional AED              organizations on campus in order to support Parkinson’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                  our members get involved, we are planning to organize
     members on a national scale. With this emphasis on outreach,       Wellness Recovery Gym and research. With continued
                                                                                                                                         In March, we will be hosting our second philanthropy     different community service events throughout the
     Arizona Beta has been communicating with chapters in other         involvement in their organization we hope to make strides in
     states and regions to begin working on an impactful and            Parkinson’s research while remaining active with our other       event. This event will be a comedy show and all          spring semester. We believe this will help our chapter
     meaningful events that can be executed in the near future.         partnered organizations: Tucson Community Food Bank,             of the proceeds will go to Fresh Start. Fresh Start is   grow closer while also giving back to the community.
                                                                        Z-Mansion, and Habitat for Humanity.                             an organization that works to provide surgeries to
     In order to assist our members in outreach to organizations on
     campus and within the community, we have had a wide variety        As Arizona Beta continues to grow, we have had incredible
     of health events that have focused on underrepresented             opportunities to expand and connect with the faculty and
     topics such as native medicine in rural areas and the opioid       leadership here at the University of Arizona. This past
     epidemic. Furthermore, we have had professional health             semester we hosted a general meeting at the home of the
     panels and events with professionals that have examined            President of the University of Arizona, Dr. Robert Robbins. In
     the role of transgender health care, disability and sexuality,     addition to hosting the meeting, the Deans of the College of
     and mental health; areas often overlooked or ignored in the        Medicine, Pharmacy, and Nursing were all able to attend to
     pre-health field. Experts and speakers on these topics have        discuss their respective programs and teach our members
     presented realistic and important information in the field of      about the future of the health field.
     modern health, allowing our members to stay updated with
     active problems and potential solutions in the pre-health field.   Arizona Beta looks forward to an incredible year ahead as we
                                                                        expect to incorporate alumni while increasing opportunities
     Arizona Beta has continued collaboration with the Arizona          and pre-professional development in order to prepare our
     Simulation Technology and Education Center which has               members for their bright futures as health professionals.

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     California KAPPA                                                                                                                                                                             Colorado ALPHA
     Dominican University of California                                                                                                                           University of Colorado at Boulder
     submitted by Sepanta Alamooti                                                                                                                                                                                 submitted by Chris Pascale

     Dominican University of California’s Kappa Chapter             San Francisco dental school over UCLA, Southern           The Colorado Alpha chapter of AED at the University of       in an effort to inform the sports community of AED-
     is looking forward to continuing into the Spring 2020          Illinois, and UT Houston. AED member Tia Furness          Colorado at Boulder has made leaps and bounds within         sponsored events such as blood drives, health fairs,
     semester with opportunities for its members to collaborate     was accepted into College of Podiatric Medicine           the last two years. We are exuberant to announce the         Habitat for Humanity builds and much more. While our
     and connect with each other as well as the community.          Western University. This Spring, Dominican University     substantial growth in both community affiliation as well     chapter strives to serve the community, we recognize
     Our chapter works closely with unique volunteer locations      of CA, California Kappa Chapter is hosting an in person   as the number of individuals involved in our club. We        the importance of building social relationships as well.
     throughout San Rafael and surrounding cities. One of the       Kaplan MCAT prep course which has seven enrolled          experienced our largest pledge class to date this past       Notable up and coming events include our Valentine’s
     best parts about AED is the volunteer ideal that it upholds.   students and provides accessible MCAT preparation         semester boasting 60 students.                               day social, Big-Little reveal, and our annual retreat. This
     Seeing our members go out into the community and find          for its students.                                                                                                      year, we are holding a fun weekend in the mountains
     something that interests them, then connect it to the                                                                    In an attempt to supply a breadth of students with the       where our members and pledges can bond and enjoy
     honor society’s ideal through volunteer involvement is a       New to our chapter, and campus is a partnership with      sought-after resources and direction so many desire,         a stress-free environment. In addition, our merchandise
     wonderful way to maintain and strengthen the legacy of         Atlantis and the Global Education Office of Dominican,    we introduced our first-ever spring pledge class. In this,   committee has created a wonderful new tee shirt design
     community for our future members. In addition, throughout      which is sending five students from AED the               we gave 27 eager students the opportunity to become          to commemorate the memories and bonds formed.
     the semester our chapter will be working with each             opportunity to pursue a medical shadowing internship      involved with our chapter without having to wait for
     other as well as with faculty, to prepare its members for      at The Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense     the following academic year. We are proud to say the         While our club has experienced substantial gain, we
     overall experiences relating to professional schools. This     in Northwestern Galicia region of Spain. AED is also      Colorado Alpha chapter has grown substantially from a        are not done yet. We hope to continue our upward
     Spring our chapter is planning to host chapter meetings        eager for members Olivia Lang-Brown, Evangeline           mere 17 members in 2018 to an astounding 107 upon the        trend in an attempt to leave larger footprints within
     with topics such as “Financing your professional school        Adana, and Kayla Kukaua to showcase their skills at       completion of this semester.                                 our community. With Alpha Epsilon Delta becoming a
     education”, “Personal statement” and “Interviewing”.           the National Conference on Undergraduate Research                                                                      recognized name here at the University of Colorado at
                                                                    2020 and demonstrate their involvement with campus        This spring, we aimed to compile an itinerary that           Boulder, we are eager for what is to come.
     Some highlights from our AED members include Vice              research. Through these achievements, the chapter         encapsulates AED’s motto. We are now affiliated
     President Casey Bravo’s acceptance into Dental School.         hopes to keep setting examples and models for future      with the University of Colorado athletics department
     Casey will attend the University of the Pacific’s Dugoni       members and promote the ideals of Alpha Epsilon
     School of Dentistry this coming summer, selecting the          Delta to the campus.

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     Colorado Gamma                                                                                                                                                                                     Florida ALPHA
     Regis University                                                                                                                                                                             University of Florida
     submitted by Kristian Hooker                                                                                                                                                                                    submitted by Sarah Klein

     Members of the Colorado Gamma chapter at Regis Uni-          This spring our chapter looks forward to making a differ-   This year in Alpha Epsilon Delta at the University of        the costs of the treatment for burns and dehydration,
     versity finished the 2019 Fall Semester strong and are       ence in the community by organizing another craft par-      Florida, we have branched out in new ways. This past         as well as aid the hospital’s incredible efforts towards
     very excited for another semester to climb closer to ac-     ty for the kids at the Children’s Hospital, coordinating    May, a group of our members traveled to El Salvador          building water stations in the millions of acres that have
     complishing our goals of becoming healthcare profes-         with Art For The Nations to help fundraise art supplies     with the Climb For Cancer Foundation to both hike and        been destroyed from the fires. Since our “adoption”,
     sionals. Students developed professionally and intellectu-   for communities across the U.S., and well as volunteer      volunteer in a health clinic. Our members spent a week       our koala has been released from the ICU and the
     ally through a cadaver lab hosted on campus, networking      for Project Angel Heart to prepare meals for families in    here, traveling, volunteering, and raising over $5,000       hospital has purchased and placed nearly 20 drinking
     with representatives from pre-health programs and med-       the Denver area. Our bi-weekly meetings will consist of     for the Climb For Cancer Foundation. Each year, our          stations in wild areas affected by the fires to help the
     ical schools, and professional development workshops.        guest speakers of diverse healthcare professions and        members have taken a trip with the Climb For Cancer          dehydrated wildlife, along with planning workshops
                                                                  admission representatives, a med school student pan-        Foundation and its co-founder, Ron Farb. We have             for locals across Australia to help with building and
     Our chapter gave back to the community last fall by writ-    el board, member induction, and application prepara-        traveled to Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia, as      distributing many more. Being able to know about and
     ing thank you cards for professors that had to adapt to      tion workshops that cover letters of recommendation,        well as numerous other locations, to hike mountains and      see what our donation went to and how much it helped,
     campus wide technology issues and throwing another           personal statements, studying for standardized testing,     raise money for this amazing foundation. Branching out       has helped us understand the value and importance
     arts and crafts party with kids at the Children’s Hospital   and interview etiquette.                                    to include some medical service trips simultaneously had     in monetary donations, even if they feel less valuable.
     at the CU School of Medicine. The kids at the Children’s                                                                 been a mission of ours, and we were so excited to see        While we do raise lots of money for the philanthropies
     Hospital absolutely loved the arts and crafts party, and     The Gamma chapter is very excited to make a differ-         this come to fruition. Our executive board for the 2019-     we serve, our main contribution to our community is
     our members thoroughly enjoyed the event as well.            ence in our community through various service projects      2020 year has also made environmental health a key           through our volunteering, so it was exciting to be able to
                                                                  and take more steps toward becoming the next gener-         value of ours. While our main service is to the healthcare   help a city and country so far away. Our next upcoming
                                                                  ation of healthcare professionals.                          community around us, we also wanted to prioritize            environmental outreach is selling beautiful t-shirts that
                                                                                                                              environmental health, as it holds great importance           promote environmental health; the profits made off
                                                                                                                              to all of us. We created a new Environmental Health          of these shirts will be donated to an organization that
                                                                                                                              division, to reach out into our community even further,      we decide would really benefit from it. We are excited
                                                                                                                              and start making ties with more organizations in this        to keep moving forward and making new waves in
                                                                                                                              realm, as well as to have our members be a part of this      healthcare related fields, but also beyond that and into
                                                                                                                              important outreach to our community and the nature that      the surrounding communities, and we are hopeful that
                                                                                                                              surrounds us. Some of our recent outreach in this area       our current executive board and members have set
                                                                                                                              has involved “adopting” a koala from the Port Macquarie      those waves in motion, and that our future executive
                                                                                                                              Koala Hospital in New South Wales, which helped fund         boards and members will continue on with them.

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TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SPRING 2020

     Florida Epsilon                                                                                                                                                                                              Florida Iota
     Florida International University                                                                                                                                                     Florida Southern College
     submitted by Leslie Gonzalez                                                                                                                                                                                  submitted by Addison Cantor

     For the second half of the semester, AED has provided        and members volunteer in elementary, middle and                The Florida Iota Chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta at Florida   In November, we partnered with the Health Professions
     many opportunities not only for our active members,          high schools and other public organizations to help            Southern College has had a wonderful school year thus        and STEM Career Development Center at Florida
     but also for the community. One of those events was          out kids that may not be feeling their best. We have           far. Our members volunteer at local hospices, hospitals,     Southern to host a Health Professions Guest Panel. The
     the splinting workshop. In these kinds of events, we         done activities such as coloring, replicating organs and       and free clinics; work as teaching assistants in our labs;   panel featured a Family Medicine physician assistant, a
     demonstrate to our members the importance of being           their functions, and creating our own slime. This event        and shadow local clinicians in the dental, veterinary, and   physical therapist, a veterinarian, and a Family Medicine
     able to take and monitor vitals, such as heart rate and      teaches kids the importance of teamwork with other             medical fields often. To serve current members looking       physician-author. The professionals spoke to their
     blood pressure, as well as how to splint limbs or fingers    classmates, or any other person. It is also a chance for       to pursue the physician assistant track, we recently         undergraduate experiences and how they decided to
     in case of an emergency. These skills are also important     our own members to work together. Stem Saturdays               appointed a pre-PA representative that organizes             pursue their respective professions. They also spoke
     for our members who are going into the medical field, as     provide the kids with a day where they forget about            speaker events and helps to coordinate shadowing             about their experiences in professional school and
     that is one more thing they know how to do and were          their disabilities and enjoy fun activities. It is important   opportunities for pre-PA students. At this year’s monthly    how the current reality of their professions compares
     properly taught by physician assistants. Monitoring vitals   to show these children, their parents and/or caregivers        general meetings, we have hosted guest speakers,             with their expectations for the day-to-day reality of their
     and being well prepared for accidents is an essential life   that they are not alone and do not have to go through          held raffles, and coordinated Q & A sessions in which        careers. It was wonderful to see the students engage
     saving skill that everyone should know.                      the hard times alone.                                          younger students could ask upperclassmen about the           with the panel guests during the discussion and network
                                                                                                                                 professional school application process.                     with them afterwards.
     Another important event we do is Stem Saturdays. On
     the first Saturday of every month, our executive board                                                                      Our school is located in Lakeland, Florida, which is         This spring, we are looking forward to holding an event
                                                                                                                                 home to one of the most successful free clinics in the       called “AED with AED”, in which we will offer American
                                                                                                                                 country, Lakeland Volunteers in Medicine. Several of         Red Cross AED and CPR Certifications to our members
                                                                                                                                 our older members volunteer at LVIM, but we wanted           and other Florida Southern College students at a reduced
                                                                                                                                 to give the freshman and sophomore members an                price. We are also going to co-host a speaker event with
                                                                                                                                 opportunity to see the clinic and explore the different      our campus ACS chapter and counseling center called
                                                                                                                                 volunteer opportunities they have available. In October,     “Avoiding Burnout: Check Yourself Before You Wreck
                                                                                                                                 we brought 10 members to the clinic to receive a tour        Yourself”, in which physician-author Dr. Amaryllis Sánchez-
                                                                                                                                 from the CEO. Since then, several of the members have        Wohlever is going to speak about her experience with
                                                                                                                                 started volunteering weekly or monthly at the clinic,        physician burnout in the context of her newest novel,
                                                                                                                                 and we are very proud to be associated with such an          Recapturing Joy in Medicine. In April, we are going to
                                                                                                                                 incredible non-profit organization.                          induct the most national members that we have ever
                                                                                                                                                                                              inducted at one time and we could not be more optimistic
                                                                                                                                                                                              about the future of the Florida Iota chapter.

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     Georgia ALPHA                                                                                                                                                                                     Georgia Epsilon
     The University of Georgia                                                                                                                                                                                Mercer University
     submitted by William Jones                                                                                                                                                                                    submitted by Jennifer Villegas

     Throughout the spring semester, the AED chapter at the       the end of the meeting where members took turns being           The Georgia Epsilon chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta at         who were interested in meeting other students with
     University of Georgia has held two major events. The         the interviewer and the interviewee. This exercise was          Mercer University had an amazing 2019 Fall semester           similar interests, ask questions, get advice, and get to
     first being how to prepare for medical school interviews,    tremendous in demonstrating how long applicants will            and we welcome the new year with our new goals and            talk and meet with some professors. We look forward
     specifically multiple mini interviews (MMIs), and the        be expected to speak for. It gave me an appreciation for        aspirations. We are excited to present all of our new         to continuing to have similar events in the future to
     second discussed the medical school admissions               the time it takes to talk for three to four minutes straight;   members at our induction ceremony in the first week           provide more mentoring opportunities.
     process. Our chapter’s vision focuses on how to              your answers have to be thoughtful and well organized.          of February. In addition to recognizing our member’s
     increase our member’s chances of acceptance into                                                                             excellence, we also look forward to continuing our mission,   This semester we are excited to present our members
     health professional school. We hold seminars to spread       Our other main meeting discussed the pieces needed              to strive and spread awareness while encouraging all          with the opportunity to volunteer with First Choice
     important information that equip our members with the        in the medical school application. This includes taking         members to be active with the community as they pursue        Primary Care, in Macon, and be a part of their mission
     tools they need to become successful and stand out in        the MCAT, developing a personal statement, asking for           their pre-professional education.                             “to improve the health of the medically underserved in
     their professional school applications.                      letters of recommendations, and the work and activities                                                                       Middle Georgia and provide quality care.” This amazing
                                                                  section. For the MCAT, it is recommended that students          Last semester we hosted several Culture Competence            volunteer opportunity encourages our members to
     Many medical schools are changing the way they conduct       study between three to six months, for 350 total hours.         Series and had the opportunity to collaborate with a lot      become more involved with our local community in
     interviews to a newer model. The purpose of MMIs are         The ideal time to take the MCAT is from May 19th to             of other organizations. These series successfully spread      addition to providing exposure to the clinical setting.
     used to assess skills and qualities that are overlooked or   June 9th. The personal statement should reflect why the         awareness and broaden our perspectives overall. Hence,
     not conveyed in a traditional interview setting. Around      applicant wishes to pursue a career in medicine. This           we plan on continuing our journey to promote knowledge        Our AED chapter is also looking forward to our “Love is
     50 medical schools have adopted the MMI format and           aspect of the application will be unique to each individual     of different cultural practices and world views through       More Than Romance” event, where we will be writing
     that list is expected to grow. This interview process is     and should tell a story. Letters of recommendation often        our Culture Competencies Series. AED started the              valentine letters to send to the Daybreak Homeless
     also used by dental schools, optometry schools, PT           differ for each school. However, medical schools typically      spring semester of 2020 by welcoming all members in           Shelter in Macon. The simple act of writing thoughtful
     programs, pharmacy schools, and some PA programs.            ask for one to two letters from science professors, one         our first meeting along with a presentation by Dr.Bokros      letters and sharing them with everyone at Daybreak
     Typically, an MMI consist of 6 to 10 distinct stations in    letter from a non-science professor, and one physician          on “Demonstrating Competencies in Your Application”.          with the goal of creating smiles on their faces is yet
     the span of two hours. In these stations, applicants will    letter. Lastly, the work and experience section includes        Not only do we encourage our members to understand            another of our ways for getting more involved with our
     be asked to answer questions or to reason through a          a maximum of 15 activities. Applicants should strive            and embrace cultural differences with these series, but       local community.
     difficult decision. Other stations assess communication      to include seven to ten meaningful experiences that             we also hosted this presentation that highlighted the
     skills with a partner or other individuals. After going      have demonstrated their character and commitment                importance of cultural competence for graduate school.        We look forward to having yet another successful year
     into detail about how to approach each situation and         to pursuing a medical career. While applying to health                                                                        and to continue encouraging professionalism to our
     question type, we discussed what to do and what not          professional school can be an arduous process, we               In efforts to provide our members with opportunities to       members as they pursue their goals and prepare for
     to do during an interview. Our biggest piece of advice       strive to help alleviate the stress of application process      engage with upperclassmen, we had our first Mentor Café       their professional education.
     was to stay composed because there will be multiple          by making it more manageable.                                   event of the year. This event was open to all members
     opportunities to do well. Lastly, there was an activity at

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TH E S CA L P E L                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SPRING 2020

     Illinois DELTA                                                                                                                                                                                     Illinois Kappa
     University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign                                                                                                                                                       Bradley University
     submitted by Julia Beck                                                                                                                                                                                  submitted by Orion Eddlemon

     The 2019 fall semester was a huge success for the Delta      Our chapter also began collaborating with The             Bradley’s Illinois Kappa chapter of Alpha Epsilon Delta        therapists, and a veterinarian. These meetings allowed
     chapter at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.   Princeton Review for guest speaker meetings on            has had a very successful fall semester. We have strived       our members to ask insightful questions and develop
     Beginning with a recently implemented rush process,          test-taking, professional applications, and admissions    to provide our members with opportunities to involve           professional connections. This spring, we intend to
     we welcomed 77 new PHPS members to our growing               processes. In the fall, the Academic Chair organized      themselves with our chapter and the greater Peoria             further expand our chapter as well as our involvement in
     family. This group of pre-health students underwent an       a practice full-length MCAT to help prepare               community. We have also dedicated a lot of effort              the community. We are currently planning an induction
     education program for a smooth transition into college       undergraduates for the exam.                              to fundraising events for our chapter including local          ceremony for incoming members. The ceremony will
     and the Delta chapter. Some activities included team-                                                                  restaurant nights, a bake sale, and Kaplan course raffle.      feature a keynote speaker from Bradley University as
     building exercises and interviewing executive members.       Service plays a vital role to our members in the          Funds raised from these events will be used to increase        well as a reception for the inductees and their friends
                                                                  surrounding       Champaign-Urbana        communities.    member involvement and allow our chapter to engage             and families. We look forward to expanding our chapter
     Beginning in Fall 2018, the Philanthropy Chairs set          Throughout the semester, members volunteered at           in more activities pertaining to pre-professional health.      and anticipate a very successful spring semester.
     a goal to dedicate all fundraising profits to All in for     Swann Special Center, a live-in center that aids those    Our chapter has coordinated volunteer opportunities
     Ethan, a non-profit organization supporting those with       with intellectual and physical disabilities. Volunteers   with with Easter Seals and Almost Home Kids. We have
     giant axonal neuropathy (GAN). GAN is a rare inherited       ran activities such as reading books, karaoke, and        also welcomed a variety of speakers to present at our
     genetic disorder that affects both the central and           craft making. Members also volunteered at UniPlace        meetings and share their experiences in their respective
     peripheral nervous systems. This organization holds a        Church Community Dinners, Urbana-Champaign Books          fields of medicine including chief medical scribes, physical
     special place to a Delta active member, and we are           to Prisoners, and Salvation Army Canteen Run. These
     so proud to collaborate with them. Through hard work         unique experiences have developed member’s passion
     by the entire chapter, a total of $3,950 was raised          for helping those in need.
     for All in for Ethan in just one year. Several events
     helped us reach this goal: Chipotle and Panda Express        Looking ahead to the spring, we are very excited to
     fundraisers, canning on campus, and Quad bake sales.         celebrate the 50th anniversary of Illinois Delta and
     In addition, the Delta chapter raised about 400 items        attending another professional school in the Midwest.
     for Salvation Army, including clothing, toiletries, and
     women’s health products.

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     Kentucky ALPHA                                                                                                                                                                          Kentucky Gamma
     University of Louisville                                                                                                                                                Western Kentucky University
     submitted by Chloe Oldendick                                                                                                                                                                                  submitted by Jami Taylor

     The Kentucky-Alpha Chapter of AED is making new             departments share their research and provide our              With a membership of 88 the Kentucky Gamma Chapter         of our organization never fail to remain as selfless as
     strides at the University of Louisville (UofL) by hosting   members with opportunities to participate in their labs.      of Alpha Epsilon Delta at Western Kentucky University      possible. A special monetary donation drive was held
     the 6th annual Health Careers Fair, increasing community    Finally, we invite health professionals from an extensive     in Bowling Green, KY serves at the university’s premier    this year in honor of a student of WKU and member
     outreach, and introducing new guest speakers and            array of health careers to stimulate an appreciation for      organization for Pre-Health Professionals. This year the   of our chapter who passed away suddenly during the
     opportunities. KY-Alpha continues to promote academic       the interdisciplinary work of the healthcare field.           KY Gamma Chapter inducted 21 new members into our          semester. Money was collected at WKU as well as at
     and personal success of its members by connecting them                                                                    organization and plan to have more inductees in the        the nearby University of Kentucky Medical School
     to like-minded individuals who are also geared towards      Our student-led Health Careers Fair further attracts          spring. Meetings are held two to three times a month       Bowling Green Campus. All earnings were donated
     similar healthcare fields.                                  more professionals and career opportunities to our            with a different professional school presenting at         to a charity that was near and dear to the deceased
                                                                 campus. This increase in inclusivity to all healthcare        each meeting. This year we have had presenters from        student’s heart. A final, yet very important, activity
     This year we have continued to partner with Uspiritus,      fields was a direct result of student feedback. Our list of   across the state and country including concentrations      that is hosted for our members is a student panel at
     Centerstone, Louisville Grows, Americana Community          representatives has expanded to incorporate podiatry,         from Pre-Med to Pre-Vet and Physical Therapy. Along        the end of every year. This panel is led by students
     Center, Supplies Over Seas (SOS), Backside Learning         occupational therapy, osteopathy, and more. The               with chapter meetings, members are expected to             who are currently in professional schools and those
     Center, and Biology Garden. We also introduced new          university has given us their full support, with faculty      complete service hours each semester. This year            entering professional schools. Members are given the
     forum speakers, including a paramedic student who spoke     and staff participating in and promoting the event,           one opportunity that was open to all members was           opportunity to ask as many questions as they want
     about Pre-Hospital Care, the Army Health Professions        urging both upper- and underclassmen to attend.               volunteer hours at the Center for Courageous Kids.         and are able to see firsthand the life of a student in
     Scholarship Program (HPSP), a mass casualty simulation                                                                    Here, members were given time to interact one-on-          professional school. This student panel is important
     lab, and information sessions on the UofL School of         It is our chapter’s mission to expand and share our           one with a child to brighten their day and in turn         to the future successes of all of our members as it
     Medicine Trover Rural track and on the University of        passions of healthcare by cultivating new relationships,      learn from that child. Aside from volunteer hours,         gives them insight to the field that they are beginning
     Kentucky School of Pharmacy admissions.                     increasing the number of professional schools and             members are given various opportunities to donate          to enter. They are able to see real, genuine student
                                                                 career opportunities that attend the Annual Health            items or money to many organizations. From donating        answers rather than the speeches that many
     Our AED chapter began this semester with a medical          Careers Fair, and continuing our efforts of outreach          feminine care products to Project Eve and canned           presenters that visit from schools are required to give.
     school student panel forum of past alumni from UofL and     into the community. We hope to work directly with our         goods to the university’s food pantry, the members
     AED. Later in the semester, ULSOM admissions directors      members to make AED more geared towards success
     will give members an exclusive look into the application    by continuing to improve the organization’s culture and
     process. Furthermore, professors from different UofL        participation.

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