Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity

Page created by Janice Reeves
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity

Ushering in a New
Wave of Physicians
Medical schools see a surge
in student applications ―
and diversity ― in the
wake of COVID-19


Op-Ed: Working in Solidarity
to Address Anti-Asian Violence

Why Health Care Leadership
Needs More Women of Color
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity
Once COVID-19 immunity is reached on a large scale, the continued research of communicable diseases and
viral infections is necessary. That goes not only for humans, but for animals as well. Advancing these efforts
through research, Dr. Ebenezer Tumban, an expert in molecular virology and vaccinology within the Texas Tech
University School of Veterinary Medicine, will play a huge role. “We are in the midst of a viral pandemic that may
have originated from bats or unknown animal reservoirs and thus, there is a need to identify, study and control
emerging infectious agents, which can affect the lives of animals including humans. I am happy to be joining a
program which has a faculty body with a diverse background in biomedical sciences to help with this effort.”
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity
In this issue                             May 2021

                                                                          Special Report:
                                                                          Health Care Schools

14   Op-Ed: Working in Solidarity to Address
     Anti-Asian Violence and Xenophobia
                                                                        40        NYU Dentistry Launches Center Dedicated
                                                                                  to a More Equitable Future of Care
     By Christa Grant, Gretchel Hathaway, PhD,                                    By Lisa O’Malley
     and D. Ekow King

                                                                        46        University of Tennessee, Knoxville College of

18   Student Advocates Say Colleges Must Prioritize
     Safety and Equity in Planning for Fall 2021
                                                                                  Veterinary Medicine Supports Progressive
                                                                                  Approach to Animal and Human Health Equity
     By Mariah Bohanon                                                            By Lisa O’Malley

     Newest Stimulus Package Directs
22   More Money to Students in Need                                     49        Women of Color Continue to Be Shut Out of
                                                                                  Leadership Positions in Medicine and Health Care –
     By Lisa O’Malley and Erik Cliburn                                            But One School Is Working to Change That
                                                                                  By Mariah Stewart

     Outward Bound Offers Diverse Instructors
26   Options to Guide Students on Learning Adventures
     By Mariah Bohanon                                                  60        How Veterinary Schools and the Profession Can Become
                                                                                  More Inclusive: A Q&A With Dr. Avenelle Turner
                                                                                  By Mariah Bohanon

                   56: Cover STORY
                    Medical Schools Work to Develop A More Diverse Physician
                    Workforce as Applications Surge in the Wake of COVID-19
                    By Erik Cliburn and Mariah Bohanon

                    On the cover: The University of California Davis School of Medicine’s class of 2024 is
                    nearly 50 percent first generation students and more than 70 percent disadvantaged
                    students due to the school’s approach to admissions.

                    Above: The Ohio State University College of Medicine’s holistic approach to
                    admissions has led to a steady increase in diversity among its medical students.
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity
                                                        CENTERED IN

A career at Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) means more. We teach our
students to treat the whole person, looking beyond just symptoms. PCOM students engage with the
community and learn to collaborate as part of a healthcare team to give the best care.
PCOM recognizes the need for recruiting diverse faculty and staff we dedicate efforts to close
the health disparity gap. The PCOM community cultivates an environment of inquiry, inclusiveness
and respect; one that promotes discovery and celebration of our differences, and fosters an
appreciation of the rich social fabric that binds us together.

PHILADELPHIA:                                                                GEORGIA:
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•   Clinical Psychology (PsyD)         • Public Health Management and        •   Biomedical Sciences (MS)
•   Educational Psychology (PhD)         Administration (MS)                 • Medical Simulation (Cert.)
•   Mental Health Counseling (MS)      • Non Profit Leadership and Popula-
•   Counseling and Clinical Health       tion Health Management (MS)         SOUTH GEORGIA:
    Psychology (MS)                                                          • Osteopathic Medicine (DO)
                                                                             • Biomedical Sciences (MS)

For employment opportunities please visit our career opportunities
page or contact Talent Acquisition at
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity
ALSO In THIS Issue                                                       May 2021
                                                                            Volume 97 No. 1

                                                                  50 Crestwood Executive Center, Suite 526
                                                                           St. Louis, Missouri 63126
                                                                      314.200.9955 • 314.756.2036 FAX
                             In Brief                        

            6   Diversity and Inclusion News Roundup                    © 2021 Potomac Publishing, Inc.

                                                                        Lenore Pearlstein | Publisher
                                                                         Holly Mendelson | Publisher
                                                                       Mariah Bohanon | Senior Editor
                                                                      Daniel Hecke | Creative Director
                                                                     Debra Boyd | Director of Operations
                         New Directions                                Lisa O’Malley | Assistant Editor
                                                                     Mariah Stewart | Senior Staff Writer
                    10    Leaders on the Move                         Erik Cliburn | Senior Staff Writer

                                                                               Editorial Board:
                                                                              Linda Akutagawa
                                                                              Kenneth J. Barrett
                                                                            LeManuel Bitsóí, EdD
                                                                              Elissa H. Buxbaum
                                                                        Lynette Chappell-Williams, JD
                                                                                Deborah Dagit
                    Monthly Observance                                      Sonja Feist-Price, PhD
                                                                              James A. Felton III
                                                                            Cheryl Gonzalez, EdD
12    Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month            Gretchel Hathaway, PhD
                                                                            Erika Henderson, EdD
                                                                              Lisa McBride, PhD
                                                                                Ajay Nair, PhD
                                                                                 Nereida Perez
                                                                          Clyde Wilson Pickett, EdD
                                                                           Menah Pratt-Clarke, PhD
                                                                              Gigi Secuban, EdD,
                                                                             Shirley J. Wilcher, JD
                         Closing INSIGHT

 66     Campus Vigils Honor Victims of Anti-Asian Hate Crimes
                                                                    The views expressed in the content of the
                                                                     articles and advertisements published in
                                                                  INSIGHT Into Diversity are those of the authors
                                                                      and are not to be considered the views
                                                                      expressed by Potomac Publishing, Inc.

        INSIGHT Into Diversity | Diversity Champions

Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity

     New Mexico Colleges Collaborate to Ease
     Degree Pathways and Campus Operations
     On March 31, five public colleges in      Santa Fe Community College.                  from disadvantaged communities
     New Mexico announced the formation           “Collaboration is key to ensuring the     by giving them greater flexibility
     of the Collaborative for Higher           success of our students and the future of    in completing two- and four-year
     Education Shared Services (CHESS),        higher education in our state,” Stephanie    degrees. The joint effort will also
     a nonprofit organization that will        Rodriguez, the New Mexico Cabinet            allow for sharing data and processes
     make it possible for institutions to      Secretary of Higher Education, stated        among institutions, thus helping each
     work together to facilitate college       in the press release. “This initiative is    college become more efficient in its
     access and completion for underserved     aligned with the New Mexico Higher           operations.
     students in the state.                    Education Department’s vision to                “The key to success for higher
        CHESS will allow participating         streamline and improve the student           education institutions in the 21st
     colleges to enjoy the benefits of         experience at our public colleges and        century is collaboration,” Richard Bailey
     a typical university system while         universities across the state.”              Jr., PhD, president of Northern New
     retaining independence and                   CHESS will simplify student               Mexico College and a CHESS board
     connections to their communities,         transfers between schools, reduce            member, stated in the news release.
     according to a news release issued by     duplication of student and employee          “And we are excited about the doors of
     Central New Mexico Community              records, and eliminate the need for          opportunity that CHESS will open not
     College. The four other institutions      multiple admission applications. These       only for our colleges, but for students
     participating in CHESS are Clovis         and other methods are intended to            across the state and beyond.”●
     Community College, Northern New           reduce common obstacles for students
     Mexico College, San Juan College, and     of color, first generation, and those

     Read, Watch, Listen
     READ: The Campus Color Line:             WATCH: Operation Varsity Blues:              LISTEN: The Washington Post Live:
     College Presidents and the               The College Admissions Scandal               Higher Education: Rethinking the
     Struggle for Black Freedom               This riveting new documentary                Possibilities with André Dua and
     University of California, Los            focuses on the 2019 college                  Leslie Fenwick
     Angeles scholar Eddie R. Cole            admissions scandal and the man               Dua, a senior partner at strategic
     reveals the myriad ways that college     at its center, Rick Singer. The film         management firm McKinsey & Company,
     and university presidents played a       provides a fascinating look at Singer’s      and Fenwick, dean emeritus of the Howard
     role in the civil rights movement by     life as a college admissions counselor       University School of Education, address
     advocating either for, or more often     who learned to game the system.              the challenges of higher education amid
     against, racial equality. The book       It features multiple FBI recordings          a changing economy and widening social
     centers on the time period between       of his conversations with wealthy            inequality. Fenwick — one of two finalists
     1948 through 1968 when many              parents who were willing to pay big          for President Joe Biden’s Secretary of
     White college presidents advocated       bucks for their children to attend           Education — discusses the social and
     for policies that hurt Black             prestigious universities, no matter          financial implications of reducing student
     communities and had repercussions        the ethical or legal implications.           debt as well as how government can help
     beyond education. Cole also              Smith juxtaposes this sordid                 promote educational equity through
     examines the impact of Black             storytelling with commentary from            methods such as addressing the digital
     presidents’ push for racial equality     higher education experts who frame           divide for underprivileged students. Dua,
     during these years, creating what        the scandal as just one example of           whose work includes leading McKinsey’s
     Ibram X. Kendi calls a “stunning and     privilege run amok in a society that         Inclusive U.S. Economy Initiative, gives his
     ambitious origins story.” Published by   places more value on institutional           perspective on how higher education can be
     Princeton University Press               prestige than on actual education —          reimagined to increase participation while
                                              or morality. Streaming on Netflix            providing students with viable job market
                                                                                           skills. Originally aired March 26, 2021 on

6   May 2021
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity
When the University of Kentucky launched its            Housed in the UK College of Arts and Sciences,
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Implementation          CIBS is a multidisciplinary research institute,
Plan, it did so to accelerate progress for              which serves as a think tank for Black studies. The
communities of color across the campus.                 interdisciplinary institute establishes research
                                                        clusters across the campus and will promote UK’s
As part of that plan, UK President Eli Capilouto        growing research and scholarship on topics of
and faculty leaders in the African American and         importance in African history and African American
Africana Studies (AAAS) program announced the           history, such as slavery and the quest for freedom,
establishment of the Commonwealth Institute for         racial discrimination and violence, and the long
Black Studies (CIBS) – a multidisciplinary program      struggle for civil rights.
that highlights UK’s growing research around
issues of race and racism.                              Our commitment remains firm … we teach, research,
                                                        heal and we work to dismantle systemic racism.
“The challenge of systemic racism is one of the twin
pandemics confronting our country,” Capilouto           This is who we are.
said. “To this challenge, we bring a growing cadre
of talent among faculty who are working across
the broad spectrum of issues confronting Black,
Indigenous and people of color in our community,
our state and our country. The Commonwealth
Institute will serve as an intellectual home and base
of support for this critical work.”

                                                               An Equal Opportunity University
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity

     Sororities May Soon Open Membership to Nonbinary Students
     On April 10, more than two                  made history in 2017 as one of the first    nonbinary members, the
     dozen sororities from the National          NPC sororities to open its membership       NPC created the Gender Identity
     Panhellenic Conference (NPC) voted          to nonbinary students.                      Study Group in 2016 to disseminate
     on a proposed policy amendment that            Some Greek organizations have            information to member organizations
     could potentially open membership           welcomed nonbinary members for years.       on questions of transgender inclusion.
     to nonbinary students. The vote took        The Tau Delta sorority at Otterbein            Although the NPC has taken
     place during the organization’s annual      University edited the language in its       action to become more inclusive of
     membership meeting.                         constitution and its songs to be gender     different gender identities, fraternities
        As of press time, the results of the     neutral in 2015. The chapter decided        and sororities as a whole remain a
     vote have yet to be shared publicly.        to be more intentional about gender         controversial presence on college
        If the policy change does go into        inclusion after some members expressed      campuses. In recent years, many
     effect, it would amend guidelines on        concerns that they would be unwelcome       critics.— including some former
     who can participate in the formal           if they were open to openly identify as     fraternity and sorority members — have
     sorority recruitment process. Currently,    anything other than female, according to    called for the end of campus Greek life,
     NPC policy states that its 26               the university’s news service.              alleging that it perpetuates a culture of
     “women-only” sororities can recruit an         “Gender-inclusive chapters               exclusion, racism, sexism, homophobia,
     “individual who consistently lives and      demonstrate diversity by educating the      and substance abuse.
     self-identifies as a woman, regardless of   community as well as the chapters about        In a January study by the website
     the gender assigned to them at birth,”      all identities. I believe that Greek Life   Best Value Schools, nearly 60 percent
     which includes transgender women.           is stereotyped as extremely feminine for    of college students said they have a
        Despite the NPC’s formal policy, the     sororities and extremely masculine for      negative sentiment toward Greek life,
     organization allows its independent         fraternities, but there can be a happy      and 56 percent reported the value of
     sororities to make their own rules          medium,” Tau Delta President Reyana         Greek life has decreased since the
     regarding membership. Delta Phi             Bates told the news service.                onset of the pandemic.●
     Epsilon, a historically Jewish sorority,       Prior to the vote on allowing

     New Jersey Will Soon Require DEI Education in K-12 Schools
     New Jersey became the newest state to       Jersey Commissioner of Education will       Connecticut, Vermont, Virginia,
     require diversity, equity, and inclusion    provide sample learning activities and      Nevada, Nebraska, and Indiana in
     (DEI) education for K-12 students           resource guides that districts can use in   passing similar bills that require ethnic
     after Democratic Gov. Phil Murphy           creating their new DEI curriculum.          studies education.
     signed a bill mandating DEI classes in         New Jersey is one of the smallest           Although ethnic and racial justice
     public schools in March.                    states geographically in the country but    studies have become more popular and
        The legislation will go into effect      has a significantly diverse population,     research has shown that diverse
     during the 2021-2022 academic year.         with 45 percent of its nearly 9 million     curricula can benefit all students,
     The new policy aims to teach students       residents being people of color,            some lawmakers have opposed the
     about “economic diversity, equity,          according to the state’s Office of          requirement, saying it infringes on
     inclusion, tolerance, and belonging         Diversity and Inclusion.                    parents’ rights and could potentially
     in connection with gender and                  “I believe that one of New Jersey’s      expose children to sensitive topics.
     sexual orientation, race and ethnicity,     greatest strengths is our diversity,”          New Jersey Republican
     disabilities, and religious tolerance,”     Gov. Murphy told CNN. “By teaching          Assemblyman Brian Bergen has
     according to the bill, which was first      students about diverse histories,           proposed a bill that limits the
     introduced in July 2020.                    experiences, and perspectives from          mandatory diversity curriculum to
        Schools will be required to provide      an early age, we are enriching their        grades 9-12. Bergen has stated that
     age-appropriate lessons that examine        academic experience.” The governor,         he believes it should be up to parents
     the effects that unconscious bias and       who is White, stated that he was proud      to teach “different identities or sexual
     economic disparities have on both           to sign the bill into law.                  preferences” and not state school
     individuals and society. The New               New Jersey joins California,             systems, CNN reports.●

8   May 2021
Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity
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Ushering in a New Wave of Physicians - INSIGHT Into Diversity
new directions

        ARIZONA                                   professor of pediatrics for the           College of New Jersey in Mahwah.
        José Luis Cruz, PhD, has been             school and the founding director          Jebb was a Brigadier General for
        appointed president of Northern           of Yale Children’s Hispanic Clinic.       the U.S. Army and dean of the
        Arizona University in Flagstaff.                                                    academic board of the U.S. Military
        Cruz was the executive vice               INDIANA                                   Academy in West Point, New York.
        chancellor and university provost         Deepti Chadee has been selected
        at the City University of New York        as president of the Association           NEW YORK
        in New York City.                         of College Unions International           Felipe Henao has been selected as
                                                  in Bloomington. Chadee is                 dean of students for the New York
        CALIFORNIA                                the director of the senior year           Institute of Technology’s New York
                       T. Shá Duncan              experience at Texas Christian             City and Long Island campuses.
                       Smith will serve           University in Fort Worth.                 Henao previously served as the
                       as the inaugural                                                     assistant dean of students at
                       vice president for         MARYLAND                                  Mercy College in New York City.
                       diversity, equity,         Diane Forbes Berthoud, PhD, will
                       and inclusion and          serve as the inaugural vice               Patricia Ramsey, PhD, will be
                       chief diversity            president and chief diversity,            the first woman to serve as
        officer for Santa Clara University.       equity, and inclusion officer at the      president of Medgar Evers
        Smith previously served as the            University of Maryland, Baltimore.        College in Brooklyn. Ramsey was
        assistant vice president and              Berthoud previously served as the         a senior executive fellow at the
        dean of inclusive excellence              associate vice chancellor of equity,      Thurgood Marshall College Fund
        and community development                 diversity, and inclusion at the           in Washington, D.C.
        at Swarthmore College in                  University of California, San Diego.
        Pennsylvania.                                                                       NORTH CAROLINA
                                                  MICHIGAN                                                   Debra J.
        Mary J. Wardell-Ghirarduzzi, EdD,         Shawna Patterson-Stephens, PhD,                            Barksdale,
        will serve as the inaugural vice          has been appointed vice president                          PhD, has been
        president for diversity, equity,          and chief diversity officer at Central                     appointed dean
        and inclusion at the University of        Michigan University in Mount                               of the University
        the Pacific in Stockton. Wardell-         Pleasant. Patterson-Stephens                               of North Carolina
        Ghirarduzzi was vice president            was associate vice chancellor for                          at Greensboro
        for diversity engagement and              student affairs and director of the       School of Nursing. Barksdale was
        community outreach at the                 Office of Inclusion and Intercultural     the associate dean of academic
        University of San Francisco.              Relations at the University of Illinois   affairs and a professor of nursing at
                                                  at Urbana-Champaign.                      Virginia Commonwealth University.
        David C. Wilson, PhD, has been
        selected as dean of the Richard and       MISSOURI                                  OKLAHOMA
        Rhoda Goldman School of Public                            Laraine Davis has         Kayse Shrum, MD, will be the first
        Policy at the University of California,                   been selected as          woman to serve as president of
        Berkeley. Wilson previously served                        vice president            Oklahoma State University (OSU)
        as senior associate dean of the                           for Community             in Stillwater. Shrum previously
        College of Arts and Sciences and                          and Government            served as president of the OSU
        a professor of political science and                      Relations at Maryville    Center for Health Sciences in Tulsa.
        psychological and brain sciences                          University in St.
        at the University of Delaware in          Louis. Davis previously served as         WASHINGTON
        Newark.                                   vice president for Next Generation        Lorna Hernandez Jarvis, PhD, will
                                                  Talent and manager of the                 serve as the inaugural vice president
        CONNECTICUT                               Community Champion Program for            for institutional equity and diversity
        Marietta Vazquez, MD, has been            Wells Fargo Advisors in St. Louis.        at the University of Puget Sound in
        appointed associate dean for                                                        Tacoma. Jarvis was chief diversity
        student diversity at the Yale             NEW JERSEY                                officer and associate vice president
        University School of Medicine             Cindy R. Jebb, PhD, has been              for diversity, equity, and inclusion at
        in New Haven. Vazquez was a               appointed president of Ramapo             Whitworth University in Spokane.

        Has your campus recently hired a new administrator? INSIGHT Into Diversity would like to publish your news.
        Please email

10   May 2021
      A 2020 HEED Award recipient and a four-time Diversity Champion,
      Oklahoma State University continues to build on its commitment to
      diversity and inclusion.

      Over the past decade, OSU has seen a 103% increase in enrollment
      of students of color, a 107% increase in this population earning an
 r.   OSU bachelor’s degree, and a nearly 90% increase in faculty of color.

      OSU is one of seven institutions to have earned the award nine
      consecutive years — and the only one in Oklahoma — to receive the
      HEED Award nine years running.

      These distinctions recognize progress, even as we recognize the call
      to do more.                         20 20                               2020
      We are proud of this university, the mission it represents, and all
e     that’s to come. At OSU, we cultivate Bright Minds for a Bright Future
      and the Brightest World for All!

      That’s the Cowboy way.
monthly observancE

     Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month
      AAPI Heritage Month, celebrated each year in May, is               and family history, ranging from his grandmother’s escape
      intended to develop awareness of and celebrate the rich            from an arranged marriage during the Vietnam War to
      cultures and contributions of America’s fastest growing            Little Dog’s own trauma caused by the abuse he suffers for
      demographic group. In 2021, this time for celebration falls
                                                                         his queer identity. Published 2019 by Penguin Group
      in the midst of a worsening crisis of racism and violence
      against some of the nearly 20 million AAPIs living in
                                                                         Pidgin Eye
      the U.S. today. The March murder of six women of Asian
      descent during a shooting in Atlanta and an escalating             By Joe Balaz
      number of anti-Asian hate crimes has brought this often            This collection of poetry, written in
      overlooked population to the forefront of the nation’s             Pidgin (Hawai’i Creole English), balances
      anti-racism movement. In solidarity with this community,           humor, history, spirituality, and protest.
      we highlight recent releases by six celebrated authors who         Spanning 35 years of Balaz’s work, Pidgin
      convey diverse AAPI experiences through the power of               Eye examines the beauty and culture of
      fiction, poetry, and essay.                                        Hawai’i, his beloved homeland, and its
                                                                         people. The collection serves as a critique of
      Days of Distraction: A Novel                                       colonialism and militarization while also challenging the idea
      By Alexandra Chang                                                 of monolingualism within poetry. Published 2019 by Ala Press
      A Chinese American technology reporter
      navigates the challenges of institutional                          This Is One Way to Dance: Essays
      racism and sexism within her profession                            By Sejal Shah
      while questioning her role in an interracial                       Shah is a former creative writing professor,
      relationship. Chang’s quasi-autobiographical                       the daughter of Gujarati immigrants
      novel employs a fragmented form of                                 from India and Kenya, and a recipient
      storytelling that uses everything from overheard                   of a New York Foundation for the Arts
      conversations to historical records, earning her high praise for   Fellowship in fiction. In her debut
      humor, emotion, and originality. Published 2020 by Ecco            memoir essay collection, Shah highlights
                                                                         immigration, race, culture, geography,
      Minor Feelings: An Asian American Reckoning                        and belonging through her South Asian
      By Cathy Park Hong                                                 American identity. The essays span a range of writing
      Hong’s witty collection of 2020 essays won the National            styles and give readers a journey of Shah’s career changes
      Critics Circle Award for Autobiography and                         and world travels while she analyzes cultural distances and
      has been acclaimed for its ability to weave                        differences. Published 2020 by University of Georgia Press
      personal narration with astute critiques of
      racial consciousness in the U.S. The book                          We Are Not Free
      explores her Korean American upbringing                            By Traci Chee
      and personal conflicts with her own identity                       This National Book Award Finalist follows
      while critiquing broader assumptions about                         a group of 14 teenage Nisei, second-
      Asian Americans — leading one New                                  generation Japanese American citizens, who
      Yorker magazine critic to write that Hong’s                        are forcefully uprooted from their lives in
      essays “bled a dormant discomfort out of me with surgical          San Francisco to a remote internment camp
      precision.” Published 2020 by One World                            in Utah after the 1941 bombing of Pearl
                                                                         Harbor. A work of vibrant historical fiction
      On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous                                    for young adults, We Are Not Free gives a
      By Ocean Vuong                                                     realistic portrayal of an often overlooked
      Celebrated author Ocean Vuong’s latest                             stain on American history and explores the ways in which
      novel tells the story of a Vietnamese                              racism and fear can be used to strip away the humanity of
      American son, nicknamed Little Dog,                                others. Published 2020 by HMH Books for Young Readers ●
      through a series of nonlinear letters to his
      illiterate mother. On Earth We’re Briefly
      Gorgeous details the protagonist’s personal

12   May 2021

The College of Veterinary
Medicine at Kansas State
University participates in
the national interest of
building a veterinary work
force to serve the ever-        When I started veterinary school, one of the goals
changing community and          I had was to become some part of inspiring others
society. Our goal is to         that look like me to become a veterinarian. Dr. Walter
create culturally proficient    Bowie paved the way for me to fulfill this goal at
DVM graduates who will          K-State. Being a recipient of a scholarship named in
function in today’s society     his honor with the commitment of bringing diverse
as leaders in diversity,        populations together is an incredible feeling.
inclusion and equity in
their communities, nation       - Melissa Riley     Third-year veterinary student and inaugural recipient of
                                                    the Dr. Walter C. Bowie Scholarship.
and world.

                                               The Dr. Walter C. Bowie scholarship is named after the 1947 K-State
                                               Doctor of Veterinary Medicine graduate who went on to become a
                                               highly respected veterinarian and educator. Dr. Bowie served as a
                                               longtime dean of the Tuskegee School of Veterinary Medicine.

           2020           ®

   Top Colleges for Diversity

                                                      College of Veterinary Medicine
14   May 2021

    Working in Solidarity
    to Address Anti-Asian
    Violence and Xenophobia
        By Christa Grant, Gretchel Hathaway, PhD, and D. Ekow King

    On March 16, the occupants of three          the U.S. — those who came as refugees           To quote Audre Lorde, There is
    Asian-owned businesses were violently        to escape violence, those who are living     no hierarchy of oppressions. There is
    attacked. Among the eight people who         in poverty, or those who are not highly      no benefit in comparing the various
    were murdered, six were identified as        educated. We need only apply concepts        forms of racial oppression, except in
    Asian women. A perusal of the news           related to intersectionality to adequately   cases where we are comparing our
    cycle will tell you that this incident is    debunk this myth.                            methods for combating similar forms
    not an anomaly. More than 3,795 hate            If higher education institutions          of marginalization. “Injustice anywhere
    crimes directed at Asian American            are truly interested in the concepts of      is a threat to justice everywhere,” stated
    Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have been           diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI),      Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
    reported since March 19, 2020,               it is time for senior staff and DEI          In the U.S., many groups are targets of
    according to the advocacy group Stop         practitioners at all levels to shine a       White supremacy, including various
    AAPI Hate, many of which specifically        light on ourselves when it comes to our      groups of African heritage and AAPI
    targeted East Asians.                        level of concern for anti-racism efforts     heritage. Many ethnic and racial groups
       It is fair to ask ourselves and each      in support of our AAPI students,             have survived and thrived in the face of
    other: Have we taken a strong enough         colleagues, and community members.           racism and other forms of oppression.
    stance in response to anti-Asian                As leaders of the DEI mission for            The increase of xenophobia and
    racism and xenophobia? Does the              institutions of higher education, we         anti-Asian hate crimes can be a catalyst
    model minority myth play into our            need to take a more intentionally            that reignites the racial tension between
    lack of understanding and reaction to        inclusive and intersectional approach        the Black and AAPI communities that
    hate crimes against Asians and Asian         to address identity-based hate crimes,       has been part of American history.
    Americans?                                   marginalization, and oppression. We          As many Black and Asian people are
       This myth has driven a huge wedge         know that there are a wide variety of        working in solidarity to support the
    between the AAPI community and               options, ranging from policies and           Black Lives Matter movement, we need
    other communities of color. It is a          procedures to courses and programs,          to recognize that this is similar to the
    stereotype that has led to the mass          that address anti-racism. We are now at      “Yellow Peril Supports Black Power”
    misperception that Asian Americans           an important moment in our work. Just        movement, in which Asian Americans
    are the “well-behaved” citizens of           as we needed to take a more inclusive        supported the Black Panthers and the
    marginalized populations; they work          approach to lean into the discussion of      fight for civil rights. Today, however,
    hard, keep their heads down, are             adding religious and interfaith dialogue     many AAPI folks may be wondering,
    submissive, and are successful. The          and accessibility as part of diversity       Why is there no one coming to our
    model minority myth is dangerous             efforts, we need to reach out, embrace,      rescue? Some may respond “They will
    to all AAPIs and paints only a weak          and support AAPI communities as              be fine,” or “They are not for us, so why
    version of the Asian American story. It      part of our social justice work ethos.       should we help them?”
    neglects the many diverse experiences        We have the skills to be at the forefront       As senior leaders of colleges and
    and identities of the Asian diaspora. We     of our communities when it comes to          universities and as DEI practitioners
    must recognize the stereotypes that we       addressing the increase in xenophobia,       striving to create an inclusive and
    may have about Asians from popular           including addressing how it affects our      equitable environment for AAPI
    media, as these limited stories neglect to   ability to advocate and support each         colleagues and students, we must at a
    represent the lives of all AAPI people in    other across identity groups.                minimum consider the following:

•   What level of effort have we put in    and AAPI experiences.                           explore any potential biases you
            to addressing anti-Asian rhetoric,       Senior campus and DEI leadership              may have regarding other ethnic
            both prior to and after the onset of   may turn to the following suggestions           and racial groups and work
            the COVID-19 pandemic?                 for improving AAPI inclusion and                towards eliminating those biases by
                                                   becoming more intentional in anti-              learning more accurate information
        •   How knowledgeable are we of            racism efforts for this community:              and taking a more empathetic
            AAPI history?                                                                          disposition.
                                                     •   Take an intersectional approach:
        •   Have our responses to condemn                Recognize the interconnected          •   Facilitate community
            anti-Asian racism and violence               nature of social categories as they       connectedness: Find new
            been adequate? Have they been                apply to individuals and groups,          and different ways to provide
            consistent with our responses to             as well as the complex ways that          opportunities for colleagues
            the marginalization and oppression           the effects of discrimination             from historically marginalized
            of other groups?                             combine and overlap to inform the         backgrounds to feel a stronger
                                                         experiences of both marginalized          connection to your department,
        •   How are we supporting our AAPI               and privileged groups.                    institution, or community.
            students and colleagues? Are we
            having constructive conversations
            with them about their group’s
            exclusion from some areas of our
            work and academic missions?                   We must recognize that anti-Asian rhetoric
                                                          in the U.S. has been around for centuries, as
        •   How are we acknowledging the                  is evidenced by the Chinese Exclusion Act of
            fears and validating the concerns
                                                          1882 and Japanese internment camps. As we’ve
            that AAPI folks are experiencing
                                                          seen in countless examples over the course of
            and expressing?
                                                          the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has only
        •   Are we creating anti-racism and               shined a brighter light on this social justice issue.
            anti-hate coalitions that allow for
            greater intercultural engagement
            with, deeper levels of empathy
            for, and understanding of each
            community’s history, challenges,         •   Lead by example: Provide              •   Work with other institutions:
            successes, and values?                       adequate resources to build               Form coalitions across institutions
                                                         coalitions with colleagues and            to address and assess various
         As senior staff and DEI practitioners,          students and to raise awareness of        methods for confronting the need
      we are skilled at leading discussions              racial violence, including anti-          for more inclusive anti-racism
      around challenging issues, and we                  Asian violence. Begin by learning         efforts and similar problems. This
      need to take the lead when it comes to             about the AAPI community                  article — written by three DEI
      difficult conversations about anti-Asian           on your campus and your                   professionals across three different
      and anti-Black bias. We must educate               department’s role in eliminating          institutions — is a perfect example.
      ourselves and those in our campus                  obstacles to their success.
      communities, including leaning in                                                        •   Identify as a lifelong learner: Set
      and raising awareness of the history of        •   Show vulnerability: We must               aside some quality time, such as 30
      AAPI discrimination.                               show our scholars and colleagues          minutes a day, to read articles and
         We need to confront our own biases              that we are willing to lean into          books or listen to podcasts about
      as well. We need to be bold enough,                discomfort and discuss the painful        recent and historical issues that
      empathetic enough, and courageous                  history between the Asian and             affect a wide range of historically
      enough to have these conversations                 Black communities and other               marginalized populations.
      with our Black colleagues and Asian                marginalized groups by designing
      colleagues. We cannot expect to invite             and facilitating opportunities for    •   Stay up-to-date: Subscribe to
      folks with AAPI heritage to our                    greater support for one another.          newsletters and follow social
      campuses if we do not take the time to                                                       media accounts that advocate
      recognize and respect the long history         •   Recognize your own biases:                for marginalized populations,
      of anti-Asian discrimination in the U.S.           Regardless of your background,            including AAPI communities.

16   May 2021
•   Use proactive, strategic management: Work with your
      campus bias response team, Title IX coordinators,
      and chief diversity officers to create tabletop exercises
      and other resources that will prepare your campus to          PEDIATRIC DEVELOPMENTAL-BEHAVIORAL
      effectively respond to xenophobic incidents.                Opening for board certified/board eligible developmental-behavioral
                                                                  pediatrician. Full-time tenure track position in academic setting
  •   Collaborate and build campus coalitions: Work with          includes clinical care, teaching and research opportunities. Rank
      affinity groups, ethnic studies departments, and            and salary commiserate with qualifications and experience.
      other stakeholders such as International Student and        Requires medical degree or foreign equivalent and completion
                                                                  of pediatric residency and developmental-behavioral fellowship.
      Scholars Services to ensure programs are inclusive of       Must be able to obtain a full and unrestricted WV medical license.
      the populations they serve.                                 Location is Huntington, WV. Apply at the following link:

  •   Implement specific campus climate assessments:    
      Identify ways to assess the experiences of AAPI
      members of campus and with Asian colleagues. This
      will help you to identify their experiences as well as
      potential fears and challenges.

   We must recognize that anti-Asian rhetoric in the
U.S. has been around for centuries, as is evidenced by the
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 and Japanese internment
camps. As we’ve seen in countless examples over the course
of the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has only shined
a brighter light on this social justice issue, especially as
more social media and major news outlets have started
identifying AAPI hate crimes as legitimate stories. In
many ways this has been spurred by Asian entertainers like
Daniel Dae Kim and Daniel Wu, who began using their
platforms to condemn anti-Asian racism and bring light
to the cowardly attacks against Asian American elders
that left at least one person dead. As DEI practitioners           2021 heed Award applications
and leaders, let us begin to reaffirm our commitment to
coalition building, advocacy, allyship, and universal social
justice as the catalysts that are central to our success.●
                                                                                  AVAILABLE NOW!
Christa Grant is the assistant dean of Intercultural Affairs                                                                    Health
and the Chief Diversity Officer for Student Affairs at
Union College in New York. Born and raised in Hong
Kong, Grant is a first generation Asian American college
graduate and has worked as a DEI scholar-practitioner for
more than 10 years. She is currently working on her EdD                       2021           ®                   2021                ®

                                                                    Top Colleges for Diversity         Top Colleges for Diversity
at Northeastern University.

Gretchel L. Hathaway, PhD, is the vice president for               The INSIGHT Into Diversity Higher Education
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Franklin and Marshall          Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award, open to all
College. She is a first generation African American                colleges and universities across the U.S. and Canada,
college graduate and has worked as a DEI educator for              measures an institution’s level of achievement and
more than 25 years. She is a member of the INSIGHT                 intensity of commitment in regard to broadening
Into Diversity Editorial Board.                                    diversity and inclusion on campus through initiatives,
                                                                   programs, and outreach; student recruitment,
                                                                   retention, and completion; and hiring practices for
D. Ekow King is the assistant to the vice president for
                                                                   faculty and staff. There is no fee to apply.
Student Affairs for Intercultural Engagement, Equity, and
Inclusion at The State University of New York at Albany.
King is a first generation African American college graduate                         Apply today at
and has worked as a DEI practitioner for more than 30 years.    

18   May 2021
Student Advocates Say Colleges Must Prioritize
Safety and Equity in Planning for Fall 2021
By Mariah Bohanon

As the COVID-19 vaccine rollout             vaccinations or have indicated that        reenroll. In fall 2020 alone, anywhere
continues, many college students are        they plan to do so in the near future.     from 7.7 million to 10 million students
hoping for a return to normalcy in             Some higher education institutions      cancelled plans to attend college,
the coming academic year. Higher            are considering using disincentives,       according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
education leaders have promised to do       such as prohibiting the use of campus      Underrepresented students have been
what they can to promote such a return      shuttles or attendance at athletic         significantly more likely to cancel
but assert that priority must be given to   events, for students who do not get the    enrollment or to drop out of degree
safety and vulnerable student support.      vaccine, but actually enforcing these      programs throughout the course of the
   Lynn C. Pasquerella, PhD, president      rules could be a “logistical nightmare,”   pandemic. Freshmen from low-income
of the American Association of              Pasquerella says.                          backgrounds have seen some of the
Colleges and Universities (AACU),              For many low-income and                 greatest drops, and experts are worried
says that the greatest concern for          underrepresented students, reopening       that this trend could continue into the
campus leaders right now is ensuring        safely is an issue of equity. The          2021-2022 academic year.
that students and employees are safe        same students who most need                   Research has long shown that
going into the fall semester.               access to on-campus resources, such        people who defer plans for higher
   “This is at the forefront of their       as academic support services or            education rarely return after they
minds, how to open in the fall, whether     housing, are also the ones who will be     enter the workforce, leading experts
it should be face-to-face or hybrid         disproportionately affected if they have   like Pasquerella to worry that
or virtual and, of course, whether to       to worry about possibly contracting        these people could become “a lost
mandate the vaccine,” she says.             COVID-19 on campus and                     generation,” she says.
   The AACU, which has a                    inadvertently spreading it to others,         Despite the dire outlook, advocates
membership of more than 1,200               even if they themselves are vaccinated.    say that the current moment stands
higher education institutions,                 “You can’t focus on your studies        as a prime opportunity to reform the
facilitates ongoing conversations           if you’re worried about where your         culture of higher education toward one
around this issue through forums,           next meal is going to come from or if      that is more focused on supporting
webinars, institutes, and conferences.      you’re living in your car or are worried   vulnerable students and overall student
Pasquerella says that fear of a possible    about anti-Black sentiment at campus       well-being. The AACU and other
resurgence in COVID-19 or one of            orientation and now having to worry        education groups are pushing for the
its variants should campuses be too         about getting infected or infecting        federal government to ease the path to
swift in reopening is a topic that          loved ones,” Pasquerella explains.         degree attainment for disadvantaged
comes up every day.                         “So the plans to have a safe learning      students by instituting education loan
   Though a small but growing               environment that might involve             forgiveness and doubling Pell Grant
number of universities have already         mandating a vaccine are directly           funding as well as expanding internship
pledged to require students, and in         related to student success and the         and work-study opportunities.
some cases employees, to be vaccinated      capacity to learn in an environment           They are also advocating for
by the fall, it is unlikely that public     where you don’t have to worry if           colleges and lawmakers to recognize
institutions in Republican-controlled       the person next to you might not be        mental health support as a necessary
states will be able to institute such a     vaccinated or is not wearing a mask or     component of success. Multiple
mandate, according to Pasquerella.          has not been social distancing.”           sources of research show that young
Governors in Florida, Missouri,                Ensuring that campuses are taking       people have experienced greater rates
and other conservative states have          as many precautions as possible may        of anxiety, depression, and suicidal
already outright banned colleges and        be one way to entice students who          ideation during the pandemic.
businesses from requiring COVID-19          dropped out during the pandemic to         Furthermore, experts predict that

College of Health Professions at

wichita state
university                                                                    many people could experience social anxiety and other
                                                                              negative effects as safety measures are lifted. These factors
Leading Change in Health Care Education                                       will compound the mental health crisis that already
                                                                              existed among college students prior to the pandemic.
                                                                                 One of the most fundamental changes that colleges
Wichita State University’s College of Health Professions                      can make going into the fall semester is promoting the
offers a full range of nationally accredited degrees, exclusive               belief that the entire campus community is responsible
programs and state-of-the art technology.
                                                                              for student mental health and overall well-being, says
                                                                              David Arnold, assistant vice president for Health, Safety,
                                                                              and Well-being Initiatives at NASPA - Student Affairs
                                                                              Administrators in Higher Education.
                                                                                 “Student mental health and student safety [are]
                                                                              something that we all play a role in and have some
                                                                              responsibility for,” Arnold says. “One of the growing
                                                                              concerns before COVID and one that will continue
       Shaping health care leaders for the 21st century                       during reopening is the isolation in which mental health
       Our location in Kansas’ health care hub means students
                                                                              services are offered and a belief that faculty, for example,
       have unmatched opportunities through applied learning,
                                                                              can’t provide any sort of intervention, but it’s part of their
       clinical rotations and community outreach.
                                                                              job to form relationships with students, offer office hours,
                                                                              and make connections.”
       Diversity and Inclusion                                                   Faculty and staff oftentimes think they are unqualified
       We are committed to being an inclusive community that                  or that it is not in their purview to get involved with
       reflects and promotes the evolving diversity of society.               student mental health, but there are plenty of ways to
                                                                              promote student well-being that do not require clinical
                       | wichita .edu/chp |                                   expertise, Arnold explains. Raising awareness of resources
                                                                              or knowing how to support those who are distressed are
                                                                              simple factors that help to create a community of care,
                                                                              which is especially important for students of color going
                                                                              into the fall 2021 semester.
                                                                                 “We have a dual pandemic to consider, and it’s not
                                                                              just COVID but also the significant amount of media
                                                                              attention that racial justice issues have played out in the
                                                                              media and in our lives,” says Arnold. “If a university says
                                                                              that it’s concerned with mental health but not concerned
                                                                              about being a racial justice [advocacy] institution, that’s
     At the University of California, Riverside School of Medicine,           a huge problem because the mental health outcomes
     as proud recipients of the 2020 Inspiring Programs in STEM and           for students of color are directly impacted by the way in
     Health Professions HEED Awards, we believe a diverse student             which the university is trying to [address] racial justice
     body, faculty, and staa are essential to achieving academic
     excellence and serving our community. Come join a medical school
                                                                              with its students, faculty, staff, and community.”
     that reflects the cultural, socioeconomic, racial, and ethnic diversity      Pasquerella agrees that colleges must train faculty and
     of the region that we serve.                                             staff to recognize psychological distress in students and to
     Learn more about our open faculty and staff positions at                 understand appropriate interventions. Higher education                                             has proven adaptable to this during the pandemic as many
                                                                              institutions found innovative ways to offer virtual mental
                                                                              health support. Being on campus will provide even more
                                                                              opportunities to promote overall student wellness, she says.
                                                                                 “In the spring many campuses were canceling their
                                                                              spring breaks, but they recognized the need for students
                                                                              to have a mental break from their stress, so they hosted
                                                                              wellness days with fun activities,” says Pasquerella. “I
                                                                              think we’ll see a lot more of that interspersed through the
                                                                              academic year as colleges recognize that the pandemic has
                                                                              taken a mental toll we didn’t anticipate.”●

                                                                              Mariah Bohanon is the senior editor of INSIGHT Into Diversity.

20    May 2021
Minds that Make a

                            Diamond Guy is thankful.
                            In August, the 4th year biomedical
                            sciences student at Rochester Institute of                           2020           ®

                                                                                         Top Colleges for Diversity
                            Technology will enter medical school for

“All I can say is thank you God, all of my professors,
mentors, and advisors at RIT, and thank you to my
family and supporters”, she said.

One of those mentors is RIT Associate Professor          McNair Post-Baccalaureate Achievement programs.
and Director of the Biomedical Sciences Program,         RIT recognizes the importance of being a part
Dr. Robert Osgood. He is also a recipient of RIT’s       of the pipeline to medical schools. The McNair/
Division of Diversity and Inclusion (DDI) Faculty        LSAMP programs provide opportunities for
Beacon Award.                                            students who otherwise wouldn’t have access
                                                         to research. RIT’s biomedical sciences program
Osgood and Guy spent the fall creating PCR               prepares students for entry into medical or dental
primers for identifying three types of bacteria that     school or a career in a variety of health care fields.
are linked to cardiac disease, oral infections,
and other issues. The goal is to create a multiplex      And RIT values mentors like Osgood. “If they don’t
test that dental offices can use to detect the           know how to do something, it is on us to become
presence and concentration of Streptococcus              that teacher who can show them how to do it,
mutans serotypes c, e, and f in patients’ saliva.        what’s important about it, so that when they’re
She was one of a record 15 RIT students                  doing it, they’re confident,” he said.
participating in fall research projects thanks           RIT believes in building confidence.
to support from the Louis Stokes Alliance for
Minority Participation (LSAMP) and Ronald E.             And Guy is confident. “All of my hard work has
                                                         finally paid off.”
                                                         To learn more about life as a faculty member at RIT,
                                                         visit: or life as a student visit:
22   May 2021
Newest Stimulus Package Directs
More Money to Students in Need
By Lisa O’Malley and Erik Cliburn

On March 10, the Biden administration      of evidence-based practices to track            The increased support is likely to be
passed the $1.9 trillion economic          and control the spread of COVID-19           vital for low-income college students,
stimulus bill to provide the third         on campuses. The legislation provides        many of whom struggled to make ends
round of relief needed because of the      greater funding for direct student           meet during the pandemic. More than
COVID-19 pandemic. The bill, titled        assistance than did previous stimulus        40 percent of undergraduates reported
the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021       packages, with institutions now              they lost wages from on- and off-
(ARPA), includes $40 billion for the       required to allocate 50 percent of           campus jobs last year, according to a
Higher Education Emergency Relief          their HEERF relief to emergency              survey by the Student Experience in the
Fund (HEERF).                              financial aid. In addition, it temporarily   Research University Consortium. Both
   The bill allows HEERF, which was        expands the eligibility criteria for the     undergraduate and graduate students
first established last year under the      Supplemental Nutrition Assistance            said the shift to online classes resulted
Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic      Program (SNAP), allowing more                in unexpected expenses, and two-thirds

“Many students have had their postsecondary
careers turned upside down as they manage
their schoolwork while also protecting
themselves from this virus. On top of that,
many college students have also had to deal
with food insecurity.”
U.S. Education Secretary Miguel Cardona

Security, or CARES Act, to be              college students to receive government       of low-income students reported having
extended until September 2023.             assistance for food. Normally,               a family member who lost employment
  Tribal institutions, historically        enrollment in college courses renders        due to the pandemic. Furthermore,
Black colleges and universities, and       most people ineligible for SNAP.             racially and ethnically underrepresented
other Minority-Serving Institutions           “Many students have had their             students fared the worst financially and
received $3 billion in new HEERF           postsecondary careers turned upside          experienced higher rates of food and
funding through the latest bill. Special   down as they manage their schoolwork         housing insecurity than their White
emphasis was also given to higher          while also protecting themselves from        classmates, the survey shows.
education institutions that have           this virus. On top of that, many college        As of publication, many colleges
endowments totaling less than $1           students have also had to deal with food     and universities are still in the process
million.                                   insecurity,” U.S. Education Secretary        of determining how to best distribute
  ARPA includes guidelines for             Miguel Cardona stated in a March 19          the latest round of HEERF funding.
colleges and universities regarding        press release. “We hope every eligible       Indiana University-Purdue University
the dispersal of the HEERF grants,         student takes advantage of these             Indianapolis (IUPUI) is slated to
such as stipulating that some funding      benefits while continuing to focus on        receive $59.7 million from ARPA,
must go toward the implementation          their studies.”                              with nearly $29.8 million earmarked

for student assistance. By comparison, the institution’s
                                         students received $20 million from the previous two
                                         stimulus bills combined. IUPUI used the money from
                                         the earlier bills to automatically award grants ranging
                                         from $650 to $1,300 to students who had completed
                                         the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, received
                                         financial aid, and met low-income criteria, according
                                         to Marah Yankey, senior news and media specialist at
                                         Indiana University. Nearly 9,000 ended up meeting those
                                            Students who meet these criteria will still receive
                                         automatic grants under ARPA, but discussions are
                                         ongoing as to how IUPUI will distribute all of its dollars
                                         now that it will be receiving an amount far greater than
                                         in the past, Yankey says.
                                            “Dispersing the federal emergency grants directly to
                                         students gives them the ability and flexibility to use the
                                         money in a way that helps them most,” Yankey says.
                                         “These funds will help defray costs that arise, such as
                                         childcare, food, housing, health care, or a number of other
                                         expenses we know students encounter while in school.”
                                            Funds left over from the first two stimulus packages
                                         were used for various pandemic-related expenses,
                                         including refunds for campus housing, dining plans, and
                                         parking passes that were purchased before classes shifted
                                         online. IUPUI has spent its own money to financially
                                         assist students who do not qualify for the automatic
                                         HEERF grants and to pay for personal protective
                                         equipment, contact tracing, and COVID-19 testing,
                                         according to Yankey.
                                            Although ARPA is a significant improvement over
                                         the previous stimulus packages, it still falls short as far as
                                         student housing, technology, and travel needs, according to
                                         American Council on Education President Ted Mitchell.
                                         In a March news release, Mitchell explained that the need
                                         for more federal support is critical because campuses have
                                         lost funds during the pandemic and are not able to offer
                                         enough aid to students. As a result, many will continue to
                                         face financial hardships and may drop out.
                                            “We believe that additional broad-based funding
                                         measures will be forthcoming,” Mitchell stated, “and
                                         we will do everything possible to ensure that federal
                                         officials understand the full range of costly and
                                         complex challenges that students and their colleges and
                                         universities are facing.”●
                                         Lisa O’Malley is the assistant editor and Erik Cliburn is
     DVM, MPVM, MS, and                  a senior staff writer for INSIGHT Into Diversity. Indiana
                                         University-Purdue University Indianapolis is a 2012-
        PhD Degrees                      2020 recipient of the INSIGHT Into Diversity Higher
                                         Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award.

24   May 2021
You can also read