Page created by Pauline Newton
By Charlotte Degot, Sylvain Duranton, Michel Frédeau, and Rich Hutchinson

                T    he pressure on businesses to
                     respond to the threat of global warm-
                ing is growing. Consumers, regulators, and
                                                                deep insights into multiple aspects of a
                                                                company’s carbon footprint and quick
                                                                cost-cutting wins offers a promising route to
                investors alike are increasingly scrutinizing   accelerating sustainable transformation and
                the climate impact of companies in every        reducing expenses in a time of need. And
                industry. In his January 2020 letter to CEOs,   because their size gives them access to huge
                for example, Larry Fink, chairman and CEO       data sets—a key success factor for deploy-
                of BlackRock, the world’s largest asset         ing AI—large companies are in an especial-
                manager, put companies on notice that           ly strong position to benefit from its power.
                investors—among other stakeholders—
                now expect full disclosure of companies’
                performance on a range of environmental,        The Promise of AI
                social, and governance factors.                 The threat of climate change is growing,
                                                                and time is running out. Global GHG emis-
                But it’s one thing for companies to pay lip     sions currently total about 53 gigatons of
                service to the need to reduce their green-      carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), accord-
                house gas (GHG) emissions. Taking con-          ing to the Carbon Disclosure Project. If we
                crete measures to make a difference, espe-      are to meet the goal of limiting the in-
                cially in today’s pandemic-driven economic      crease in average global temperatures to
                climate, is another matter entirely. The dif-   1.5°C, as specified in the 2016 Paris Agree-
                ficulty and expense of measuring the full       ment, we must reduce those emissions by
                extent of their carbon emissions, and then      50% by the end of this decade, according to
                reducing or offsetting them, has forced         the Science-Based Targets Initiative. In our
                many companies to delay the effort.             experience with a number of clients, using
                                                                AI can achieve 5% to 10% of that needed
                In this context, artificial intelligence (AI)   reduction—between 2.6 and 5.3 gigatons
                can be a game changer. Its ability to deliver   of CO2e.
In 2030, using AI for climate                  and could provide
                                control could help reduce

                                          2.6 to 5.3                             $1 trillion
                                          gigatons                                   to
                                                                                 $3 trillion

                                      of GHG emissions,                       in value added when
                                        or 5% to 10% of                       applied to corporate
                                            the total                        sustainability generally

                      Source: BCG analysis.

                   Meanwhile, BCG studies show that the po-          footprint should turn the AI spotlight on
                   tential overall impact of applying AI to cor-     all three components of the effort:
                   porate sustainability amounts to $1.3 tril-
                   lion to $2.6 trillion in value generated          ••   Monitoring Emissions. Companies can
                   through additional revenues and cost sav-              use AI-powered data engineering to
                   ings by 2030.                                          automatically track emissions through-
                                                                          out their carbon footprint. They can
                   This added-value figure for companies                  arrange to collect data from operations,
                   does not take into account changes in the              from activities such as corporate travel
                   price of carbon offsets. That number, cur-             and IT equipment, and from every part
                   rently set at around $30 in the EU Emis-               of the value chain, including materials
                   sions Trading System, could double by                  and components suppliers, transporters,
                   2030. BCG expects to spend $80 per ton by              and even downstream users of their
                   2030 on high-quality, permanent GHG re-                products. AI can exploit data from new
                   moval as part of its Net Zero pledge. At               sources such as satellites. And by
                   this increased price level, the value of re-           layering intelligence onto the data, AI
                   ducing GHG emissions through the use of                can generate approximations of missing
                   AI would represent an additional savings               data and estimate the level of certainty
                   of $208 billion to $424 billion for all com-           of the results.
                   panies globally. If carbon offset prices rise
                   even higher over the coming years, AI op-         ••   Predicting Emissions. Predictive AI
                   portunities will surely represent even                 can forecast future emissions across a
                   greater savings.                                       company’s carbon footprint, in relation
                                                                          to current reduction efforts, new carbon
                                                                          reduction methodologies, and future
                   How It Works                                           demand. As a result, they can set,
                   The great strength of AI lies in its ability to        adjust, and achieve reduction targets
                   learn by experience, collecting massive                more accurately.
                   amounts of data from its environment,
                   intuiting connections that humans fail to         ••   Reducing Emissions. By providing
                   notice, and recommending appropriate                   detailed insight into every aspect of the
                   actions on the basis of its conclusions.               value chain, prescriptive AI and optimi-
                   Companies looking to reduce their carbon               zation can improve efficiency in produc-

Boston Consulting Group | Reduce Carbon and Costs with the Power of AI                                               2
                      Recently, a global steel producer wanted    before adopting these changes. We
                      to optimize its production processes to     calculate that AI would have a much
                      reduce carbon emissions and lower           greater impact for the industry as a
                      costs. In the course of just six months,    whole, helping steel companies reduce
                      we implemented AI-based process             their emissions by 5% to 10% and their
                      controls designed to eliminate waste and    costs by 1%. If every steel company
                      reduce energy intensity. Thousands of       achieved such reductions, the industry
                      sensors collect billions of data points,    would emit 200 million to 400 million
                      which are then fed into the control         fewer tons of CO2 each year.
                      system’s algorithms. This enables the
                      company to precisely calculate and
                      predict energy needs and track and
                      reduce sources of waste.

                      Since implementing these controls, the
                      company has pursued a subset of
                      initiatives that have already achieved
                      carbon emissions decreases of 3%,
                      representing approximately 230,000 tons
                      of CO2 per year, along with cost reduc-
                      tions of $40 million—a significant
                      benefit for a company with $8 billion in

                      As impressive as these gains are, the
                      company had already made significant
                      progress in optimizing its operations

                      tion, transportation, and elsewhere,        with high carbon emissions and significant
                      thereby reducing carbon emissions and       costs—especially those with a potential
                      cutting costs.                              payback period of less than 24 months.
                                                                  Even the practice of AI uses large amounts
                   In short, AI can help large companies re-      of energy, and companies should subject its
                   duce their environmental impact while also     emissions, too, to analysis. (See the sidebar
                   alleviating the financial pressure they face   “Mitigating AI’s Carbon Footprint.”) We
                   as they emerge from the COVID-19 crisis.       recommend that companies adopt a three-
                                                                  pronged approach:
                   Industries that can benefit from this ap-
                   proach include industrial goods (see the       ••   Aim high. Use AI to improve the
                   sidebar “A Steelmaker Cuts Emissions and            visibility of carbon emissions across the
                   Costs with AI”), transportation, pharmaceu-         value chain. Then determine where to
                   tical, consumer packaged goods, energy              apply the technology to reduce the
                   and utilities (see the sidebar “AI-Powered          footprint, starting with the largest
                   Sustainability at a Large Oil and Gas Com-          sources of carbon emissions and costs.
                   pany”), and others.
                                                                  ••   Start small. In designing your AI
                                                                       approach, use prototypes and pilots, to
                   Reaping the Benefits                                create a strong basis for further learn-
                   To gain these benefits, company leaders             ing and development. Use the mini-
                   must make it a top priority to target areas         mum viable product (MVP) concept to

Boston Consulting Group | Reduce Carbon and Costs with the Power of AI                                            3
                        GAS COMPANY
                        A major European oil and gas company        their units for the next three to five
                        was facing production losses                hours—and to isolate, analyze, and fix
                                                                    any unit responsible for excess
                        due to unexpected problems with             emissions.
                        machinery and to dependence on control
                        systems that followed a report-and-react    As a result, the company lowered its
                        approach. To compensate for the losses,     carbon emissions by 1% to 1.5%, repre-
                        the company had to increase production,     senting 3,500 to 5,500 tons of GHGs per
                        leading to higher emissions and in-         year, and reduced its costs by approxi-
                        creased costs.                              mately $5 million to $10 million. The
                                                                    system also achieved 87% accuracy in
                        To rectify the problem, we redesigned the   predicting equipment failures and had
                        control system to implement a machine-      an 80% success rate in forecasting
                        learning-based predict-and-act approach     emissions anomalies.
                        and created an integrated operating
                        center to unify the views on all plant      By scaling up this AI-powered tool and
                        equipment. We also encouraged the           using machine learning to replicate it
                        company to adopt a change manage-           across machines and plants, oil and gas
                        ment strategy to foster the adoption of     companies can gain a comprehensive,
                        the new tools.                              real-time view across all of their produc-
                                                                    tion operations.
                        The new end-to-end system uses a
                        number of machine-learning models,
                        including tools that predict maintenance
                        problems and CO2 emissions for each
                        production unit. This capability enables
                        plant engineers to predict the energy
                        consumption and emissions of all of

                        design a workable AI system, and then       GHG emissions and cut costs. By
                        iterate on it, integrating feedback to      generating a positive ROI, often within a
                        make it better.                             year, it should quickly become a financial
                                                                    benefit to companies, rather than yet
                   ••   Scale fast. Scale up the MVP solution       another cost. We believe that AI can be
                        and transform the organization around       especially valuable now, as companies
                        it to increase its impact. Invest in        recover from the COVID-19 crisis, in
                        building core capabilities and enablers     lowering costs and beginning the transition
                        in parallel with scaling up the MVP.        to a low-carbon future.
                        These should focus on developing
                        enabling tech platforms at scale,           In the longer term, as the price of carbon
                        defining new ways of working, and           emissions rises and as advances enable AI
                        implementing the organization and           to tackle more complex climate issues, the
                        governance models needed to align AI        technology will become increasingly im-
                        and overall strategy.                       portant in mitigating the effects of global

                   Act Now                                          Now is the time for leading companies to
                   AI has already demonstrated its near-term        begin reaping the benefits of AI. Aim high,
                   value in helping companies reduce their          start small, and scale fast.

Boston Consulting Group | Reduce Carbon and Costs with the Power of AI                                           4
                      As valuable a tool as AI can be in helping          world-leading AI research institute in
                      companies account for and reduce their              Montreal founded by Turing Award
                      carbon emissions, running AI programs               recipient Yoshua Bengio; Pennsylvania’s
                      contributes to the problem. In 2019,                Haverford College; and, a
                      researchers at the University of Massa-             collaboration platform for machine
                      chusetts estimated that the energy                  learning.
                      required to train a state-of-the-art
                      natural-language processing algorithm to            CodeCarbon automatically captures the
                      produce human-like text would generate              information needed to estimate CO2
                      more than 270,000 kilograms of CO2                  emissions due to computing, enabling
                      emissions.                                          users to track, record, and visualize the
                                                                          emissions released in the course of every
                      Since then, the power of state-of-the-art           experiment and across multiple projects.
                      technology has become much greater:
                      OpenAI’s latest version of its AI model,            It also provides visibility into the levers
                      called GPT-3, is hundreds of times more             that developers can pull to reduce their
                      powerful than last year’s model and                 footprint. This in turn allows them to
                      produces the same amount of GHG                     design more frugal and more efficient
                      emissions as a car being driven more                algorithms, position their servers in
                      than 700,000 kilometers.                            locations where producing power
                                                                          generates the lowest level of emissions,
                      The lesson: exponential increases in AI’s           and choose the most efficient hardware
                      algorithmic complexity and the growing              for their systems. By pulling these levers,
                      adoption of AI solutions throughout the             data scientists can reduce the emissions
                      economy and society require AI practi-              released in training algorithms by up to
                      tioners to find ways to mitigate the                ten times. And because CodeCarbon is
                      technology’s environmental footprint.               an open-source program, users can
                                                                          contribute to its further development.
                      That’s the goal of CodeCarbon, a
                      combined effort of BCG Gamma; Mila, a

                   About the Authors
                   Charlotte Degot is a partner in the Paris office of Boston Consulting Group. She is a member of BCG
                   Gamma, where she leads the climate topic. You may contact her by email at

                   Sylvain Duranton is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Paris office and the global lead-
                   er of BCG Gamma. You may contact him by email at

                   Michel Frédeau is a managing director and senior partner in BCG’s Paris office and a core member of
                   the firm’s Energy, Social Impact, Insurance, and People & Organization practices. You may contact him by
                   email at

                   Rich Hutchinson is a managing director and senior partner in the firm’s Atlanta office. He is the global
                   leader of BCG’s Social Impact practice and a coleader of the firm’s rapid response team for the coronavi-
                   rus. You may contact him by email at

                   The authors thank Cyrille Viossat, Anouk Placet, Mathilde Duverger, and Hamid Maher for their
                   contributions to this publication.

Boston Consulting Group | Reduce Carbon and Costs with the Power of AI                                                         5
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