Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering

Page created by Jessie Parker
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
Reduce, reuse
and recycle
A guide to recycling in Havering
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
Reduce, reuse and
recycle in Havering
We can all cut down on how
much waste we produce by
remembering the 3 Rs:


Reduce                                        Reuse                           Recycle
Cutting down on what you use so you           With a bit of thought, it’s     Recycling has never been easier or more      glass, textiles and garden
have less to throw away not only reduces      possible to use things again    convenient. There are lots of ways you       waste; how they are recycled,
waste, it saves money!                        and again:                      can recycle:                                 and what products they are
                                                                                                                           recycled into.
•   Avoid disposable products such            •   Reuse envelopes;            •   Use the orange sack collection service
    as nappies, cameras, razors and           •   Use both sides of paper         at home;                                 Contents
    tableware;                                    and make sheets used        •   Use a local Reuse and Recycling
•   Buy rechargeable items – did you              on one side into a scrap        Centre, such as Gerpins Lane;                 Paper & cardboard    3
    know it takes 50 times the amount of          notebook;                   •   Use the wheeled bin garden waste
    energy a single battery gives out, just   •   Donate old items of             collection service, or compost at
                                                                                                                                Plastic              5
    to make it in the first place?                clothing, furniture, toys       home;
•   Use a ‘bag for life’ when shopping,           and books to charity        •   Use recycling bring banks close to
    rather than carrier bags;                     shops;                          where you live, work or shop.                 Steel & aluminium    7
•   Stop junk mail – see page 3 for           •   Donate old magazines
    details.                                      to a local surgery’s        Also, products made from recycled                 Glass                9
•   Buy well made products which will last;       waiting room;               content are every bit as good as their
•   Buy in bulk to cut down on packaging      •   Take unwanted stuff to a    ‘from new’ counterparts, and can
    – plus you’ll need fewer trips to the         car boot sale – you may     sometimes be cheaper.                             Textiles            w
    supermarket!                                  even make some extra        Read on to find out about recycling paper
                                                  cash from your junk!        and card, plastic bottles, cans and tins,         Green waste         13
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
                                                                           What about liquid food and drinks
                                                                                                                          How is paper recycled?
Paper and cardboard                                                        cartons?
                                                                                                                          The paper is sorted,
                                                                           These are usually made from about              graded and taken to a
                                                                           75% paper, with the other 25% being            paper mill. It is then made
Where would we be without paper? Well,                                     plastic and aluminium. This means they         into a pulp with non-
                                                                           cannot be recycled with paper. There           recyclable items removed
you wouldn’t be reading this for a start! Every                            are five recycling points where you can        (staples, ribbons etc),
tonne of paper we use comes from 17 trees, so                              recycle food and drinks cartons – see          screened, cleaned and de-
                                                                  for a            inked. It’s then ready to be
recycling it makes good sense.                                             list of sites.                                 remade into paper.

Paper                                                                      Cardboard
How to recycle paper                                                       How to recycle cardboard:                      How is cardboard
• Put paper in your                                                        Households which have their orange sacks       recycled?
  orange sacks and we                                                      collected on a separate vehicle from their     The cardboard is recycled
  will collect it from                                                     rubbish can place cardboard out next to        in much the same way as
  your home.                                                               their orange sacks. All households can         paper. It’s turned in to a
• You can recycle paper          95% of direct mail lists, significantly   take cardboard to their local Reuse and        pulp, cleaned, pressed in
  and card at your local         reducing the amount of unsolicited        Recycling Centre.                              to sheets and dried.
  Reuse and Recycling            mail you receive. Contact them by
  Centre.                        calling 0845 703 4599 or visit their      What is my paper and
• You can take paper to          website at
  your local recycling
                                                                           cardboard recycled into?
                             •   Not reading your free newspapers?
  bring bank.                    Got enough pizza menus to last you        Paper is recycled in to
                                 a while? Put a note near your front       newspapers, kitchen
Tips to save paper               door saying ‘no free newspapers,          towels, toilet paper and
                                 advertising or takeaway menus’.           stationery.
•   If possible, set your
    computer printer to      What types of paper can be recycled           Cardboard is recycled into
    ‘duplex’ – printing on
                             from home?                                    boxes and packaging,
    both sides of the same
                                                                           but other uses include
    sheet.                   •   Newspapers and magazines;
•   Do you really need to                                                  stationery,
                             •   Brochures;                                animal
    print out that email?
•   Scrap paper? Turn
                                 Office and writing paper;
                                 Junk mail;
                                                                           bedding –
                                                                           and even
                                                                                          MYTH BUSTER
    it over and use it for   •   Envelopes (even the ones with                             THE MYTH You can only recycle paper a few times.
    shopping list.                                                         coffins!
•   Stop junk mail – the     •   Telephone directories (including Yellow                  THE TRUTH This is only partly true. The fibres in the paper
    Mailing Preference           Pages);                                                  start to break down after the fifth or sixth time. But this lower
    Service can remove       •   Thin card such as greeting cards and                     grade material can still be used to make things like egg
    your name from up to         cereal boxes.                                            cartons, packaging, loft insulation and even new roads.
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering

Fantastic plastic!
                                                                                   How to recycle plastics
                                                                                   All plastic bottles can be
The different types of plastic:                                                    recycled in your orange
                                                                                   sacks. Please take the lids
Ever wondered what those little triangle and                                       off and squash the bottles.
number symbols are that you find at the                                            Plastic bottles can also be
                                                                                   taken to some recycling
bottom of plastic containers? They show what                                       banks and to Reuse and
type of plastic the container is made from.                                        Recycling Centres.

                                                                                   How is plastic recycled?
There are seven types:
                                                                                   The plastic is sorted into
1.PET – Polyethyene terephthalate.                                                 different types and colours.
  Commonly used for transparent bottles –                                          It is then either shredded into
  fizzy drinks, cooking oils and cordials.                                         flakes, which can be used         What plastics can be recycled in
                                                                                   to create fibres for industry,    Havering?
2.HDPE – High density polyethylene.             Each of these categories of        or it is melted and moulded       Currently, we can only collect plastic
  Commonly used for opaque and                  plastic can be mixed together      into new products.                bottles made from types 1, 2 and 3 (PET,
  transparent bottles – milk, fruit juice and   to form hundreds of different
                                                                                                                     HDPE and PVC), such as bottles for drinks,
  washing liquids.                              variants. This is what makes       What is plastic recycled          detergents, and milk.
                                                plastic so difficult to recycle.   into?
3.PVC – Polyvinyl chloride. Commonly
  used for cordials, toiletries, and cooking                                       •   Polyethylene bin liners
                                                                                       and carrier bags;
                                                                                       Plastic bottles;              MYTH BUSTER
4.LDPE – Low density polyethylene.                                                 •   Video and CD cases;
  Commonly used to make carrier bags                                               •   Fencing and garden            THE MYTH All plastic gets shipped off to
  and bin liners.                                                                      furniture, water              China where it ends up in landfill.
5.PP – Polypropylene. Commonly used to                                                 butts, garden sheds,
                                                                                       composters and seed           THE TRUTH There’s a huge demand in
  make margarine tubs and meal trays                                                                                 China for plastic, and many processors
6.PS – Polystyrene. Commonly used to make                                          •   Fleece jumpers, jackets,      there are keen to get as much of it as
  yoghurt pots, foam trays and boxes.                                                  hats and scarves;             they can. They pay for the plastic, and
                                                                                   •   Fibre fillings for sleeping   it’s delivered in ships returning to China
7.Other – Plastics which do not fall into                                              bags and duvets.              from the UK, which would otherwise return
  any another category.                                                                                              empty. Having paid for the plastic and
                                                                                                                     shipped it to China, there would be little
                                                                                                                     point burying it in landfill rather than using
                                                                                                                     it to make new products.
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
Super steel and
amazing aluminium!

We use loads of metal                                                          WEEE
packaging in the UK, but there
is some good news. Put a can
out for recycling and it could
be back on the shelves within
as little as six weeks!
                                            MYTH BUSTER
How to recycle steel and aluminium
cans and tins                               THE MYTH Recycling metal uses
                                            more energy than extracting the
Recycle your cans in your orange sacks      raw material in the first place.
and we’ll collect them from your home.
Had a party? Got a few too many cans        THE TRUTH Recycling aluminium
for the orange sack? You can also take      drinks cans saves up to 95%
them to a recycling bank or to your local   of the energy needed to make
Reuse and Recycling Centre.                 new cans from fresh raw
Please rinse and if possible, crush them    material. The energy saved
before putting into your orange sack.       from making just one aluminium
How is aluminium recycled?                  can from recycled materials is
                                            enough to power a TV for
The cans are shredded, and any coloured     three hours.
coating removed. The shreds are then
melted down, poured into casts and
chilled. The metal is then rolled out and
made into new cans.                         What are cans turned
How is steel recycled?                      In as little as six weeks,
The waste steel is melted down into iron    your recycled can could
ore and limestone. The molten metal is      end up as part of an
poured into moulds, cooled, then chopped    aeroplane, a car, a bike,
into blocks ready to be used again for      or even back on the shelf
new cans, cars, and buildings.              as a new can.
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering

Clear about glass                                                         What glass can’t you
                                                                          •   Pyrex or similar. This is
                                                                              made from a different
                                                                              type of glass than
Glass is a brilliantly versatile material made                                normal glass jars or
from sand, soda ash and limestone. First                                  •   Plate glass (windows)
used over 5,000 years ago, it can be used                                     and mirrors;
                                                                          •   Drinking glasses;
again and again and again and again…as                                    •   Light bulbs;
long as it doesn’t end up buried in landfill.                             •   Spectacles. Instead,
                                                                              find an optician or
                                                                              organisation that
How to recycle glass                         What glass can you               collects spectacles
                                             recycle?                         and sends them to
PLEASE DON’T PUT GLASS IN YOUR                                                developing countries
ORANGE SACKS!                                •   Glass bottles – all          for reuse.
                                                 types, all colours;
Take your glass bottles and jars to a
                                             •   Glass jars – jam,        How it is recycled
recycling bring bank or to your local
                                                 pickle, sauce, in fact
Reuse and Recycling Centre at Gerpins                                     Glass is first screened to
                                                 pretty much every type
Lane. Blue glass should be put into the                                   remove anything which
                                                 of glass jar you can
green glass banks.                                                        is not glass, before being
                                                 think of.
Please remove lids, bottle tops and corks.                                either crushed or melted.
Please give your glass bottles and jars
a quick rinse but don’t worry about
removing the labels.                                                      What’s it used for?
                                                                          Most glass is remoulded
                                                                          to make new jars and
                                                                          bottles. Crushed glass is
                                                                          used widely in the building
                                                                          industry. Fully crushed
                                                                          glass has similar properties
                                                                          to sand and can be used
                                                                          for a wide variety of
                                                                                                          MYTH BUSTER
                                                                          uses including new road         THE MYTH: Recycled glass is worse
                                                                          surfaces and decorative         quality than new glass.
                                                                                                          THE TRUTH: Glass can be recycled
                                                                                                          endlessly with no loss of quality.
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
Be fashionable -                                                          at local markets. Stall
                                                                          holders sell the clothes to
                                                                                                        The textiles that are not suitable for reuse
                                                                                                        are shredded to make wiping rags, felt or
recycle your fashions!                                                    their community, benefiting
                                                                          the local economy and
                                                                                                        packaging material. Wool textiles are often
                                                                                                        pulled to make new yarn.
                                                                          providing clothing at an
                                                                          affordable price.

Green is the new black! Fashions What textiles can you
come and go and in a fast paced recycle?
consumer society, what’s in one    • Clothes;
week is often out the next. We’ve •• Belts;
all got stuff in the back of the   • Towels;
                                   • Hats;
wardrobe that’s never likely to    • Soft toys;
see the light of day again so why • Curtains;
                                   • Linens (no duvets or
not do something useful with it?     pillows);
Recycle it!                        • Shoes (tied in pairs).
                                            None of these textiles
How to recycle textiles                     need to be good quality so
There are a number of textile recycling     don’t worry about stains or
bring banks across the Borough or why not   damage – everything can
take your old clothes to a charity shop?    be recycled.
                                            What happens to the
All Reuse and Recycling Centres also
accept old textiles.
                                            Each item is checked by
Please place your shoes and textiles in     hand with the good items
carrier bags and ensure shoes are paired    separated from the bad
and tied together.                          as well as separating out
                                            different material types.
Be careful who you give your clothes to!    The reusable clothes are
Check the credentials of door-to-door       exported to developing
‘charity bags’ before you use them.         countries, to be sold at
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
    Be green with
    garden waste!

If you have a garden, green
waste can make up as much as
30% of the waste your household
produces. Even if you don’t have
a garden, other ‘organic’ waste
can still make up a large part
of your waste. So why not do
something great with it?                                                                                 DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                         What happens to green           Each person in the UK throws away
                                                                         waste taken to the              around 194kgs of garden waste
How to compost garden waste                                              RRC or collected by the         each year – the equivalent of 2,800
                                                                                                         banana skins.
Why not compost at home? It’s cheap,                                     council?
easy, and you’ll be helping to improve      Why can’t we accept          Green waste is taken to
your garden.                                fruit and vegetable          local composting sites
                                            peelings through the RRC     where it is composted in    Home composting
You can take garden waste to any of the     site or green bin service?   heaps known as windrows.
Reuse and Recycling Centres. From here,                                  These windrows are
it’s taken to a local composting facility   Due to a law introduced      watered and turned to aid   Composting at home is a great way to
where it’s shredded and composted on a      following the Foot &         the composting process.     manage your garden and kitchen waste,
large scale. Havering Council provides      Mouth outbreak, any fruit                                plus you will have a ready supply of soil
a wheeled bin garden waste collection       or vegetable matter that                                 improver whenever you need it!
service. Please contact us for more         comes from a kitchen and                                 If you compost at home, you can also
information.                                therefore could have been                                compost:
What can you compost?                       in contact with uncooked                                 •    Fruit and vegetable peelings;
                                            meat products, cannot be                                 •    Tea bags and coffee grounds;
»   Grass cuttings;                         commercially composted in                                •    Egg shells and cardboard egg boxes;
»   Twigs and small branches;               open air systems. You can,                               •    Cardboard tubes from toilet and
»   Prunings and hedge clippings;           however, compost these at                                     kitchen rolls;
»   Flowers and plants;                     home.                                                    •    Small amounts of torn up paper and
»   Weeds.                                                                                                cardboard.
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
Find out more...

For information about local
recycling services

Call 01708 434343


Write to                           DID YOU KNOW?
London Borough of Havering         Over 60% of all
Town Hall
Main Road                          household
Romford                            rubbish can be
RM1 3BB                            recycled or turned
United Kingdom
                                   into compost.
You can also find out more about
recycling in Havering at
Reduce, reuse and recycle - A guide to recycling in Havering
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