Welcome to the exhibition

Page created by Bernice Harmon
Welcome to the exhibition
Welcome to
the exhibition

A new Premier Inn hotel will help to strengthen Ambleside as a visitor destination

Thank you for visiting this exhibition
We’re consulting on our draft plans and are keen to get your views
Premier Inn,and its development partner             We’re proposing to invest £5 million in
Stoford have the opportunity to redevelop the       Ambleside to:
Hill Top building on Kirkstone Road into a new      • redevelop Hill Top into a viable and suitable
Premier Inn hotel. The site is currently owned        future commercial use
by the University of Cumbria, is excess to
requirements, and is being sold to help fund the    • help to fund the University of Cumbria’s
Ambleside Campus.                                     upgraded Ambleside Campus
Now, we’re in the early stages of preparing         • create approximately 30 full- and part-time
a planning application for the site and are           jobs with the UK’s leading hotel business
interested in your feedback on our initial plans.   • attract new year-round visitors to Ambleside
Our proposed hotel will help to fund the            • satisfy the hotel demand the University
upgraded Ambleside University Campus, create          Campus will create
new jobs and support the ongoing success of
                                                    • support local businesses and trade in
Ambleside as a visitor destination.
                                                      Ambleside as our guests go out to eat, drink
                                                      and be entertained in the town.
                                                    Please take a look at the plans, ask any
                                                    questions and let us know what you think.
                                                    Feedback forms are available. All comments
                                                    will be reviewed and considered before the
                                                    plans are finalised.
                                                    Alongside this public consultation, we are
                                                    also engaging with Planning and Conservation
                                                    officers at the Lake District National Park
                                                    Authority to ensure the design of our
                                                    proposed hotel is absolutely right.
                                                    Additional information on the career
                                                    opportunities at Premier Inn is also provided.

                                                    The development team is here today to answer
                                                    any questions you may have. All of the information
                                                    displayed at the exhibition is also available on our
                                                    consultation website:
Welcome to the exhibition
Supporting the University’s
  expansion plans

   The sale of Hill Top will help to fund the new Ambleside University Campus

  The University of Cumbria is planning to invest millions of
  pounds in a new Ambleside campus. Our proposed hotel
  will be a catalyst for the new facilities.
  Hill Top is no longer needed by the University                                 Funding the new Ambleside Campus
  of Cumbria as it upgrades its facilities in                                    Our proposed hotel will support the University
  Ambleside and focuses its courses around the                                   of Cumbria’s Ambleside expansion in a number
  new Ambleside Campus                                                           of ways including:
  We are intending to purchase the unwanted                                      • helping to fund the University’s new campus
  and derelict building from the University. The                                   from the receipts of the sale of the Hill Top
  receipts from the sale of the land will be used
  to fund the new Campus facilities.                                             • sensitively redeveloping a vacant and
                                                                                   redundant ex-University building
  Compared to other land uses a ‘Budget’ hotel,
  such as a Premier Inn, will achieve the highest                                • providing flexible, affordable hotel
  land values for the site – higher than would                                     accommodation for academic visitors and
  be generated by new homes or by a more                                           those undertaking short or professional
  upmarket hotel – ensuring the University                                         courses
  achieves the maximum return from the sale of                                   • investing in the long-term future of the site
  the site.                                                                        with Premier Inn taking a 25 year lease of
                                                                                   the new hotel building
                                                                                 • satisfying the hotel demand the University
                                                                                   Campus will create

  Investing for the long-term
  Whitbread, Premier Inn’s parent company, is one of the UK’s most successful hospitality businesses.
  The company invests for the long-term and guarantees new Premier Inn hotels with the strong
  Whitbread-backed investment covenant. Premier Inn Ambleside is a deliverable and sustainable
  investment that will be held for the long-term.





                                                                              BLOCK A   3 x 4 STOREY TOWNHOUSE

                                                                                        TOTAL = 36 - 39 BEDS IN BLOCK
                                                                              BLOCK B   3 x 4 STOREY TOWNHOUSE

                                                                                        TOTAL = 36 - 39 BEDS IN BLOCK
                                                                              BLOCK C   4 x 3 STOREY TOWNHOUSE

                                                                                        TOTAL = 32 - 36 BEDS IN BLOCK

                                                                                                                        OPTION 02
                                                                              BLOCK D   3 x 3 STOREY TOWNHOUSE

                                                                                        TOTAL = 24 - 27 BEDS IN BLOCK

                                                                              TOTAL = approx. 128 - 141 BEDS
Welcome to the exhibition
The current site

Hill Top today – tired and in need of fresh investment

Hill Top has been vacant for many years and is starting
to deteriorate.

If left unoccupied there is a real risk that the   Lake District National Park planning policy
building will become derelict, with negative       supports a hotel use on the site. In 2011
visual and economic impact on the local            the site was allocated in a National Park
environment.                                       Supplementary Planning Document for either
The bulk of the building was constructed in the    a residential use (including the use of the site
1950’s, primarily out of render, which is tired    as a residential institution) or a business use
and in need of upgrading.                          – providing planning policy support for the
                                                   proposed development.
A new hotel will guarantee the sustainable
long-term use of the site.
Welcome to the exhibition
Our vision for Hill Top

Indicative sketch looking from Kirkstone Road

We are proposing to sensitively                  The beginning of the design process
redevelop the site into a 64-bedroom             Our objective in Ambleside is to create a
Premier Inn hotel with on-site car               bespoke design that fits with the town and the
parking. Our initial proposals include:          surrounding Conservation Area. Our plans are
• removing the existing Hill Top building to     at an early stage of development and we are
  accommodate the new Premier Inn hotel          currently working up a preferred design for
• broadly retaining the orientation of the       the site.
  building so that it faces forward and          The images displayed at the exhibition are our
  overlooks Ambleside                            initial proposals for Hill Top and will be refined
• increasing the distances between the new       in response to the feedback received from this
  hotel building and neighbouring buildings to   consultation and the professional input of Lake
  the front and rear of the site                 District National Park Authority Planning and
                                                 Conservation Officers.
• enhancing the existing landscaping and green
  spaces on the site
                                                  The design process
• retaining the existing entrance to the site
  onto Kirsktone Road                             As part of the design process for the new hotel,
                                                  we have examined the possibility of converting
65-car customer and staff car parking spaces      the existing Hill Top building into a new Premier
are proposed to be located around the             Inn hotel. After carefully considering the options
perimeter of the new hotel building.              we do not think a conversion is the right solution
                                                  for the site. The C-shape of Hill Top is not
                                                  appropriate for a hotel and a far higher land value
                                                  for the University will be generated by creating a
                                                  new bespoke hotel building on the site.
Welcome to the exhibition
Our approach to design

Investing in good-quality architecture that fits with its surroundings

Investing in sensitive, quality architecture
We have a proven track record of developing hotels in sensitive locations across the UK.
We invest in good-quality architecture and buildings that are in keeping with their surroundings. A
selection of Premier Inn hotels across the country are below.

 Premier Inn Kendal                                 Premier Inn Torquay

 Premier Inn Bath                                   Premier Inn Cambourne

A compact Premier Inn for Ambleside                The hotel restaurant will offer a more limited
We recognise that not all of our guests choose     menu, primarily focussed on serving guest
to eat our on-site hotel restaurants. That is      their breakfasts and light meals. It will not
especially the case in locations with a strong     compete directly with the established pubs and
restaurant, pub and café offer such as in          restaurants in Ambleside and will not generate
Ambleside.                                         extra trips to the town.

We are proposing a ‘compact’ Premier Inn hotel
for Hill Top. The hotel will have exactly the
same-sized bedroom as a normal Premier Inn
hotel but with a smaller food and beverage area.
Welcome to the exhibition
Strengthening the local
visitor economy

Premier Inn Ambleside will strengthen Ambleside visitor economy

Investing in a successful Ambleside              Attracting new visitors to Ambleside
Premier Inn is one of the UK’s most successful   We expect the proposed hotel will attract
hotel brands. More and more people are           thousands of new visitors to enjoy Ambleside.
choosing to stay with Premier Inn for their      The additional guests will:
holidays and short breaks – approximately        • be a mixture of families and independent and
40% of our customers stay with us on leisure       business travellers
                                                 • support the local economy through
Our success is built on giving our customers       additional visitor spending
affordable, high-quality hotel accommodation
in top locations. All of our new hotels          • arrive throughout the year
include comfortable double beds, flat-screen     • be attracted by Premier Inn’s flexible pricing
TVs, 24-hour receptions, free wi-fi and on-        and digital marketing
site restaurants. We do not charge more for
                                                 • use local restaurants, cafés and pubs
family-sized bedrooms.
                                                 • park on-site and walk to the town centre
Our unique Good Night’s Sleep Guarantee
promise gives security for our customers and     • satisfy the hotel demand the University
ensures we take an active approach to the day-     Campus will create
to-day management of our hotels.                 Our existing hotels around the Lake District
                                                 are very popular with our customers and we
                                                 are expanding in the north-west. Premier Inn
                                                 Kendal, for example, is trading at full-capacity
                                                 for the majority of the year.

 Our guests
 The Premier Inn offer is very different to that found in independent hotels, guest houses and
 B&B’s. The vast majority of our guests book with us for the consistency, reliability and good
 value that we offer. As such, the experience of staying with Premier Inn complements the more
 individual experiences that are available at independently run hotels, guest houses and B&Bs.
Welcome to the exhibition
Creating new
quality jobs

Premier Inn jobs are flexible and offer excellent training and development opportunities

Working with the UK’s leading leisure              Committed to training
business                                           We have properly structured training
Whitbread employs more than 40,000 people          programmes, assessments and ‘Buddy’ schemes
and the business is expanding. We have             for all new starters. Career progression within
committed to creating 8,000 new jobs over the      the business is good with many of our senior
next five years as Premier Inn and                 managers and head office staff starting out in
Costa expand.                                      junior roles. We are extremely proud of our
The proposed Ambleside hotel will create 30        record of retaining and developing our staff.
new full- and part-time jobs in a variety          Since 2009 over 3,600 Whitbread team
of roles.                                          members have achieved nationally recognised
We recognise that the local job market is          Whitbread Apprenticeship qualifications and
different for each new location. Our national      more than 4,000 team members are expected
target is for 50% of all new jobs to be taken by   to pass through the Whitbread Management
those not in employment, education or training     Development programme in the next
(NEETs) and we provide full training and career    five years.
development paths for all new team members.        We encourage our staff to give time to
We pay above average salaries and work             work in the community and support local
closely with local Job Centre Plus Centres         charitable causes.
across the country to ensure the job
opportunities at our new sites are marketed to
local people. The recruitment process for new
hotels starts approximately three months prior
to site opening.
Welcome to the exhibition
Transport and servicing

Guests will park on site and walk to town

Premier Inn hotels do not require a lot           Staff car- parking
of servicing.                                     Premier Inn hotels currently run on an 80%
Premier Inn Ambleside will require a maximum      average occupancy rate. The result is that our
of one delivery per day. All deliveries will be   car parks are rarely full. As part of our pre-
made directly to the site and will be during      application discussions for the site, we are
office hours to minimise disturbance to our       examining the potential to set aside dedicated
guests and neighbours – part of our Good          on-site car parking spaces for staff as part on
Night’s Sleep Guarantee. Premier Inn’s smallest   the plans.
delivery vehicles will service the site.          Using roads when they are quiet
Our plans include 65 on-site guest car parking    The car parking demand for Premier Inn hotels
spaces – one space per room – located around      follows a characteristic profile. Guests typically
the perimeter of the hotel building. The on-      arrive in the afternoon or evening, when roads
site car parking will prevent our guests from     are less busy, and leave throughout the morning
parking their cars in Ambleside. As Hill Top is   usually after the morning rush hour.
so close to Ambleside Town Centre we expect
our guests will walk to the town centre for       We believe the hotel will not impact local
their shopping and main meals.                    traffic levels. We are confident of that and are
                                                  commissioning a detailed highways assessment
                                                  to examine the expected traffic levels from the
                                                  hotel as part of our planning application.
                                                  Our on-site restaurant is not expected to
                                                  generate any additional trips to Ambleside.
Welcome to the exhibition
Sustainability and

Whitbread is committed to improving the sustainability of its hotels and restaurants

Doing our bit for the environment                  Our achievements in numbers
Premier Inn has an impressive track record of      • Reducing our carbon dioxide emissions
developing and operating sustainable hotels.         by 25% (vs a 2009 baseline)
It’s what our customers, team members and          • Reducing our water consumption by 15%
partners expect.                                     (vs a 2009 baseline)
All Premier Inn hotels are built to high           • Achieving zero waste to landfill
environmental standards and feature smart
technologies to reduce energy and water            • 10% carbon reduction across the
use as well as to cut waste. Our proposed            supply chain
Ambleside hotel will have a high energy
rating – a BREEAM rating of ‘very good’ –           We are a considerate neighbour –
and will generate 30% of the hotel’s energy         especially during construction
requirement on site.
                                                    Premier Inn only uses highly professional
The hotel will feature:                             contractors that know our business and
• high levels of insulation                         the high standards that we expect. All
                                                    of our contractors are signed up to the
• water-efficient bathrooms and toilets             Considerate Contractors Scheme.
• an energy-efficient kitchen                       We have a proven track record of
• energy generating technologies such as            working closely with our suppliers to
  ground-source heat pumps                          make our supply chain more efficient and
                                                    environmentally friendly. We encourage our
We will also recycle the existing building
                                                    contractors to work with local suppliers and
materials from Hill Top and the vast majority of
                                                    use local labour where possible.
site waste during construction.
                                                    On average, Premier Inn hotels take
                                                    approximately eight to ten months to
Welcome to the exhibition
Next steps and how you
can help

Ambleside Church

We’re consulting on our initial plans as part of the
planning process for the scheme. We are interested
in your thoughts on our initial proposals for Hill Top.
We want to hear your thoughts on our proposals – feedback forms are available. All of the
comments we receive will be reviewed and incorporated into the scheme where possible.
Our intention is to submit a planning application for the site to the Lake District National Park
in the Spring. Once our application has been submitted, the Park Authority will also undertake a
consultation on the plans.

   You can give us your views on the proposals by:

                  Filling out a feedback form

                  Emailing us at piambleside@turley.co.uk

                  Calling us on 020 7851 5738

                  Submitting your feedback online at www.premierinnambleside.co.uk

   We welcome your feedback.
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