REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University

Page created by Ronald Guzman
REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University
GUIDE 2018/19
REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University

MAP......................................................... 3


FALL 2018 SEMESTER CALENDAR................. 5



REGISTRATION PROCESS............................ 7

REGISTRATION CHECKLIST.......................... 8

DINING INFORMATION......................... 9–10

WHAT TO BRING..................................... 11

GENERAL INFORMATION. . ................... 12–14

EU OFFICES. . ........................................... 15
REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University

                                                                                                                               1111 N. GLENSTONE AVE. • SPRINGFIELD, MISSOURI



                                                                                                     27                                                                        23


                                                                26                                                                                                                  21
                                                                                                          E                   25               24


                        1                2              4   5                                             14                        15


                                                                                                                                                                               D              19

                               3                                                                     11

                                                                                                                                                        PARK DRIVE
                                                7                                                                        16                         C

                                                    8                9       10                 12
                                                                                                               13                                                         17

                               B                                                                                                                                                                   18

                               GLENSTONE PKWY                                                                                      GLENSTONE PKWY

                                                                                    GLENSTONE AVE.

                1       SPENCE HALL                                                                                           21              BASEBALL FIELD
                2       WALTHER HALL                                                                                          22              BASEBALL FIELDHOUSE
                3       SCOTT HALL                                                                                            23              SOFTBALL FIELD
                4       CRUSADER HALL CAFETERIA                                                                               24              MABEE STUDENT FITNESS CENTER
                5       JOUST-STUDENT UNION/THE BARRACKS COFFEE                                                               25              ASHCROFT CENTER
                6       CLOCK TOWER                                                                                           26              PHYSICAL PLANT
                7       BARNETT FINE ARTS BUILDING                                                                            27              CORYELL FIELD
                8       SPENCE CHAPEL                                                                                     PARKING LOTS
                9       RIGGS ADMINISTRATION BUILDING                                                                       A   SOUTH STUDENT
               10       SECURITY                                                                                              B               SOUTH GUEST & FACULTY
               11       TRASK HALL                                                                                            C               FACULTY & STAFF ONLY
               12       ZIMMERMAN HALL                                                                                        D               ADMINISTRATION ONLY
               13       KLAUDE KENDRICK LIBRARY                                                                               E               NORTH GUEST & FACULTY
               14       KRAUSE HALL                                                                                           F               NORTH STUDENT
               15       BURGESS HALL                                                                                          G               AGTS
               16       LEWIS HALL                                                                                            H               PERKIN
               17       AGTS                                                                                                   I              MAINTENANCE
               18       AGTS GYMNASIUM                                                                                         J              WEST FACULTY
               19       PERKIN APARTMENTS                                                                                     K               WEST STUDENT
               20       INTRAMURAL FIELD                                                                                       L              WEST GENERAL

REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University

EU Launch is Evangel’s new student orientation week that precedes the beginning of classes. The goal is to prepare incoming freshmen and
transfer students for life-changing experiences by connecting them with faculty, staff, and other students. EU Launch prepares students to
succeed in their academic, spiritual, and social development while creating memories and igniting lifelong friendships.

Parents and families are welcome to attend EU Launch. Special events are scheduled for them Friday through Sunday afternoon. A detailed
schedule with times and locations will be available online in April. Students and their families are strongly encouraged to attend all
applicable events.

                     FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 2018                                  SUNDAY, AUGUST 19, 2018
                NEW STUDENT CHECK-IN/MOVE-IN                                  ALL-EVANGEL WORSHIP SERVICE
                              (Starting at 8 a.m.)
                                                                              GOODBYE CELEBRATION BBQ
             NEW COMMUTER STUDENT CHECK-IN                                    Have lunch in the caf with your family
                          (Starting at 12 p.m.)                               before they leave campus.

                          CAMPUS TOURS (Riggs Hall)                           STUDENT DINNER
                                                                              Connect with your RA and new members
                                 LUNCH (Crusader Hall)                        from your floor.

                   EU LAUNCH WELCOME SESSION                                  CROSSWALK WORSHIP SERVICE

                               FACULTY MEET-N-GREET                           THINKFAST TRIVIA GAME SHOW
                   Visit with professors from academic
                                 departments of choice.                       RESIDENCE HALL/COMMUTER MEETINGS

                                DINNER (Crusader Hall)
                                                                              MONDAY, AUGUST 20, 2018
             MK & INTERNATIONAL STUDENT MIXER                                 REGULAR MEAL SCHEDULE STARTS
                                                                              (See page 9.)
                        MEET YOUR LAUNCH LEADER
                                                                              ACADEMIC ORIENTATION
                        PARENT DESSERT FELLOWSHIP
                                                                              PLANNING WITH FACULTY ADVISORS
                                 WORSHIP AT SUNSET
                                                                              ENGLISH PROFICIENCY EXAM (If required.)
                     AGCU CUSTARD ON THE QUAD
                                                                              LAUNCH OUT

                SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 2018
                               BRUNCH (Crusader Hall)                         TUESDAY, AUGUST 21, 2018
                                                                              NEW STUDENT CHAPEL SERVICE
                       COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT
                                FOR NEW STUDENTS                              CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT SESSIONS
                     Engage in community service with
                    Convoy of Hope and Elevate Lives.                         LUAU ON THE LAWN

                                   PARENT EXPERIENCE                          igNIGHT
                                                                              Evangel’s annual kickoff event for the new
                                DINNER (Crusader Hall)                        school year with all students, the marching
                                                                              band, and fireworks.
                         SLAP HAPPY COMEDY HOUR
             Enjoy this hilarious improv comedy show.

REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University
                                                                           FALL 2018 SEMESTER

June 1 Friday Online financial registration opens
		            Registration fee waived until August 1
August 17                       Friday       Residence halls open for new students (8 a.m.)
August 17–21            Friday–Tuesday       EU LAUNCH (New student orientation)
August 18                     Saturday       Residence halls open for returning students (8 a.m.)
August 19                      Sunday        All-Evangel worship service
August 20–21          Monday–Tuesday         Finalize financial registration
August 22                  Wednesday         Classes begin
August 22–31         Wednesday–Friday        Course drop/add period
August 31                       Friday       Last day to change meal plan (3:30 p.m.)
September 3                   Monday         Labor Day - no classes
September 4–7           Tuesday–Friday       Spiritual Emphasis Week
October 8–12           Monday–Friday         Mid-term exams
October 15–16         Monday–Tuesday         Fall break - no classes
October 18–20        Thursday–Saturday       Homecoming
October 26                      Friday       Last day to withdraw
November 21–23       Wednesday–Friday        Thanksgiving break - no classes
November 30                     Friday       Last day to withdraw pass/withdraw fail
December 5                 Wednesday         Study day
December 6–8         Thursday–Saturday       Final exams
December 8                    Saturday       Fall semester ends
December 9                     Sunday        Residence halls close

REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University

     January 7                   Monday         Residence halls open (8 a.m.)
     January 7–8         Monday–Tuesday         EU LAUNCH (New student orientation.)
     January 7–8 Monday–Tuesday                 Finalize financial registration
     		                                         (Online registration opens 2–3 weeks earlier.)
     January 9                Wednesday         Classes begin
     January 9–18       Wednesday–Friday        Course drop/add period
     January 14                  Monday         Martin Luther King Jr. Day - no classes
     January 15–18         Tuesday–Friday       Spiritual Emphasis Week
     January 18                    Friday       Last day to change meal plan (3:30 p.m.)
     March 4–8             Monday–Friday        Mid-term exams
     March 11–15           Monday–Friday        Spring break - no classes
     March 22                      Friday       Last day to withdraw
     April 18                      Friday       Last day to withdraw pass/withdraw fail
     April 19                      Friday       Good Friday - no classes
     April 29–May 1    Monday–Wednesday         Final exams
     May 2                      Thursday        Baccalaureate service & parents’ reception
     May 3                         Friday       Commencement
     May 3                         Friday       Spring semester ends
     May 4                      Saturday        Residence halls close

REGISTRATION+ ORIENTATION GUIDE 2018/19 - Evangel University
                                                                                                  SUMMER 2019 SEMESTER

           May 1-9 Wednesday–Monday                                         Finalize financial registration
           		                                                               (Online registration opens 2–3 weeks earlier.)
           May 7                                             Tuesday        Summer session classes begin
           June 14                                             Friday       Final exams for most summer courses

                                                                                          REGISTRATION PROCESS

Account Creation                                                              Financial Aid
Locate your account information                                               If you haven’t already, and would like to apply for need-based
You received an email titled “Evangel University Network                      federal and institutional aid, please file the Free Application for
Account Creation.” Included in that email are your username,                  Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) at Have your results
student ID, student email, and temporary password. You will use               sent to Evangel by entering school code 002463.
this information to log in to your network accounts. Make sure
you store this information in a safe place for you to reference               Accept and/or decline awards
when needed.                                                                  You will receive a letter in the mail with your list of federal
                                                                              and institutional awards. Once you’ve reviewed them, you will
Set up your permanent password                                                need to login to your student portal, visit the My Financial Aid
For security reasons, your temporary password can only be                     section, and select “Accept Awards” from the menu to accept
used to create a new password one time. Your new password                     and/or decline your awards.
will be used for all of your network logins (student portal,
student email, etc.). Your new password must be at least                      Complete financial aid documents
17 characters long and should contain a combination of                        Upon accepting and/or declining your awards, you will need
uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and numbers. You will                   to complete the required documentation. Go to the “Documents”
create your new password using your student email and the                     page in the My Financial Aid section of your student portal to
temporary password provided to you in the email you receive                   complete your documents.
about network account creation.
Check your email often                                                        When you are selected for verification, you will receive
EU offices are required to use the EU email address to                        information via your student email and mail. You can also find
communicate with students. It is imperative that you set up your              the verification forms under the “Documents” section on the
account and check your email often.                                           My Financial Aid page. If you have any questions, please
                                                                              contact the Office of Financial Aid:
Admissions                                                                    or 417-865-2815 x7300.
Send us your final, official transcripts
Please send us your official transcripts with your final cumulative
GPA, high school graduation date, and class rank. You can
hand deliver the transcript in a sealed envelope, or have your
high school or college mail or FAX the transcript directly to the
Admissions Office.


Complete the Registration Checklist
The tasks listed below are required. To access your checklist:         Register your vehicle and reserve your student parking sticker
    • Log into your student portal                                     Every student receives a parking pass, which is included in
    • Select “Registration Checklist”                                  your student fees. To obtain that pass, you will need to provide
    • Find the “Evangel Undergraduate” list                            the following information about your vehicle: Year / Make /
    • Select your entrance term                                        Model / Color / License Plate

Pay your enrollment deposit                                            Complete your consent forms, add permission for
You can pay your $200 enrollment deposit via your                      information release to parent(s)/guardian(s) and sign the
                                                                       EU community covenant.
student portal, or you can call us at 417-865-2815 x7308 to
pay by phone.
                                                                       Complete your personal information
                                                                       Verify your records to ensure we have the most up-to-date
Deposit refund cancellation deadline
                                                                       contact information.
The cancellation deadline for an enrollment deposit refund is
May 1 for the fall semester and December 1 for the spring
                                                                       Complete bill and payment options
semester. Deposits received after May 1 for the fall semester
                                                                       You will have the ability to view your bill and select a payment
and December 1 for the spring semester are non-refundable.
                                                                       option. Payments are due at financial registration.
Complete your housing forms
                                                                       Complete your health information
Resident students
                                                                       Complete and submit the following:
Complete the housing application online and select a preferred
residence hall. The housing application can be found in your
                                                                       1. Health history form: You may receive this form in the mail,
student portal.
                                                                          or it can be downloaded from the health section of your
                                                                          registration checklist.
Housing, per semester
   • Double Room $2,152
                                                                            a. The form must be completed with your
   • Single Room $3,228
                                                                               handwritten signature.
Commuter students
                                                                            b. You may FAX your information directly
Complete the off-campus housing questionnaire in your student
                                                                               to the Wellness Center, 417-575-5496
portal. Students under the age of 24 must also submit the
parental endorsement form, found on the student portal, if they
                                                                       2. Immunization records: Acceptable documentation includes
will be living at home with parents. Forms may be returned by
                                                                           medical records, school records, official signed
fax, mail, email, or in person to the housing office as directed
                                                                           immunization cards or insurance receipts showing the
on the form.
                                                                           required immunizations.
Choose a meal plan
                                                                       3. Online TB screening survey: This is also located in the
When you are selecting housing, resident students will also
                                                                          health section of your registration checklist.
be prompted to select a meal plan from among three options.
Commuter students may choose a block plan if they wish.
                                                                       Before each semester begins, you will complete the registration
See page 9 for more information.
                                                                       steps online using the Student Portal.
Complete the academic survey
Upon completion of the academic survey, you will be
assigned an academic advisor in your designated program
area and your schedule will be created. You will receive an
email from your advisor when your schedule is complete so
you may review it.

Complete your financial aid information
Accept and/or decline your financial aid awards. See page 7
for additional information.


Evangel Dining Options
Resident students have three meal plan options: 10 meals, 15 meals with 75 Bonus Bucks or 20 meals with 100 Bonus Bucks for use in
the Crusader Dining Hall, The Joust, and in The Barracks coffee shop (proudly serving Starbucks coffee). Please note, food service is not
available during Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring breaks.

The food service staff also works with students who have specific dietary requirements due to allergies, medically required meals, and
maintainin a gluten free diet. Are you a vegetarian? We also offer several option to meet those needs as well. Contact Joey Roberts at, 417-865-2815, ext. 7252, or see her at the Crusader Dining Hall for a consultation. If food service is unable to
accommodate a severe medical dietary need, the director may suggest other alternatives. In these rare cases, students may contact the
housing director (in Riggs Hall, 302C) to apply for a partial or full meal plan exemption.

Crusader Dining Hall Schedule
       Breakfast                                           Lunch                   Brunch                Dinner                 *Dinner

        M–F                                              M–F
   7:15–8:45 a.m.                                  11 a.m.–1:30 p.m.
                                M–F                                                 Sat.                 M–F                  Sat. & Sun.
                            8:45–10 a.m.                                     10:30 a.m.–12 p.m.     4:30–6:30 p.m.           4:45–6 p.m.
        Sun.                                              Sun.
   8:30–9:30 a.m.                                 11:45 a.m.–1:30 p.m.

Meal Plans (For resident students, per semester.)                                 Crusader Bucks
     • 10-Meal plan: $1,800                                                          • 150 Crusader Bucks ($172.50 value for $150)
     • 15-Meal plan: $1,980 with 75 Bonus Bucks*                                     • 100 Crusader Bucks ($110 value for $100)
     • 20-Meal plan: $2,109 with 100 Bonus Bucks*                                    • 50 Crusader Bucks ($55 value for $50)

*Bonus Bucks may be used at the Joust, The Barracks coffee                      *Crusader Bucks are discounted dollars loaded onto your student
shop, or in the Dining Hall. Please note that Bonus Bucks expire                 ID (prox) card. Crusader Bucks may be used at the Joust, The
at the end of each semester.                                                     Barracks, or in the Dining Hall. If you purchase Crusader bucks
                                                                                 when you sign up for your meal plan, you have the advantage
Students considering a 15-meal plan should note that the 20-meal                 of getting spending dollars that are tax exempt. Crusader Bucks
plan is only $100 more and includes free Bonus Bucks valued                      expire at the end of each academic year.
at $100.
                                                                                 Students may eat any of the meals offered each week until they
Block Plans (For commuter students)                                              have reached their limit. Meal plans expire on Sunday and the
     • 45-block plan: $400                                                       new count begins on Monday. You can also purchase meals
     • 75-block plan: $575                                                       using Crusader or Bonus Bucks or purchase food/snacks at
                                                                                 The Joust and The Barracks.
Block Plans expire at the end of the semester. However, a second
block plan purchased in the fall semester will roll over for students
returning in the spring semester.


Use of Meal Plans                                                           Menu Inquiries
All resident students must participate in an approved meal plan,            Looking for all the great dining offers and events? Visit us at
except for student teachers and upper-class nursing students,      For menus download the CORQ app or
who may be exempt. Inquire at the housing office for additional             check the Hub.
options. Students may change meal plans until Friday, August
31, 2018 for the fall semester and Friday, January 18, 2019                 Earn Extra Spending Money
for the spring semester. After this deadline, you may not reduce            Dining services is a major employer of students on campus.
your meal plan; however, you may increase your meal plan if                 Work schedules can be arranged around classes and allow
you find that you need more meals. Students will be required                for flexibility in hours. Whether you can work two or twenty
to pay cash for any meal they wish to eat after their meal plan             hours per week, we have a job that fits your busy schedule.
runs out for that week.                                                     Applications can be filled out online at
                                                                            Please use your on-campus address when searching and
What Is Meal Equivalency?                                                   applying for positions. You may also contact dining services or
Meal equivalency is the value that you can spend at The Joust               career services for openings.
in lieu of using your meal plan at the Crusader Dining Hall.
Equivalency hours for The Joust are Monday–Friday:                          Speak Up
                                                                            We want your feedback and suggestions on ways we can
    • Lunch Hours: 10:30 a.m.–3:45 p.m.                                     better meet your needs. You can make your voice heard by
    • Dinner Hours: 4:00 p.m.–7:30 p.m.                                     responding to our online surveys provided each semester, or
                                                                            through Java with Joey comment cards.
Special Accommodations
We believe you should never have to worry about what you                    Evangel University Dining Services Staff
are going to eat. We offer bag lunches for students who need                Food Service Director: Joey Roberts
to take lunch with them, accommodations for students with                   417-865-2815 x7252 /
gluten-free diets and other special diets or allergies, and sick
trays for students too ill to eat in the dining hall. Please contact        Retail Manager: Donna Leckrone
the dining hall staff with specific questions concerning these              Office Manager: Mary Ann Gann
accommodations.                                                             Chef: George Hubbell
                                                                            Catering Manager: Gina Davis


Residence Halls:                                                         Electrical items (OPTIONAL):
Each residence hall has a microwave, ice machine, and free                  o   Hair dryer
laundry facilities for student use.                                         o   Curling iron
                                                                            o   Razor
Each room has the following:                                                o   Coffee pot
•   Carpeting                                                               o   Popcorn popper
•   Air-conditioning                                                        o   Clock
•   Sink and vanity                                                         o   Lamp
•   Two twin beds.                                                          o   Radio/stereo
    Beds for men have extra-long mattresses                                 o   Fan
    Beds for women have regular, twin-size mattresses.                      o   Headphones (for students who prefer to study with
    Extra-long mattresses available, by request, on a first-come                 music/TV and have roommates who don’t)
    first-served basis.                                                     o   Small microwave*
•   Two desks with chairs                                                   o   TV, DVD player
•   One four-drawer chest                                                   o   Hot pot (no open or exposed heating element)
•   Two closets (each closet is 46 inches by 21 inches                      o   Refrigerator (smallest size only—approximately
    and has two shelves)                                                         3-4 cubic ft)
•   Standard window (opening is 34 inches by 44 inches)
                                                                        *Please coordinate with your roommate as there is only room
Existing furnishings must remain in rooms and may not                    for one microwave or refrigerator in each room.
be removed.
                                                                         Note: All appliances must use a power strip with an
A bathroom with a tub/shower and a toilet connects the                   electrical breaker switch.
two rooms in each suite.
View a residence hall room layout here:                                     o Pictures, posters, etc. (hang with command strips                                                     because nails are not allowed)
                                                                            o Air fresheners, potpourri, etc.
                                                                               (no open flames of any kind)
Checklist: What to Bring                                                    o Small sofas, couches or chairs
Necessities:                                                                o Small aquarium fish (no other pets permitted)
     o   Mattress cover, any type (REQUIRED)
                                                                         What Not to Bring
     o   Sheets and pillowcases
     o   Blankets                                                        • Candles/incense
     o   Bedspread                                                       • Hot plates, toasters, fryers or any cooking device with high
     o   Clothes hangers                                                   heat settings or exposed heating coils other than those
     o   Towels                                                            listed above
     o   Cleaning supplies                                               • Potpourri burners
     o   Laundry detergent
     o   Wastebasket
     o   Personal hygiene items
     o   Plastic storage containers
     o   Laptop/PC (some required course work will be online)


Disability Services                                                      Free Microsoft Office
The Center for Student Success assists students with documented          As a student, you have access to a free copy of Microsoft
disabilities (under federal law, section 504 of the 1973                 Office 365 that can be installed on your personal computer.
Rehabilitation Act, 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act) and            This provides Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and 1TB of
provides reasonable academic accommodations.                             OneDrive storage, amongst many other software options. To
                                                                         activate your account, visit the following link and log in using
For special accommodations related to academic life, contact             your Evangel email:
Disability Services Coordinator Stephen Houseknecht at
417-865-2815, x8271 or                         Other software may be available to you based on your specific
                                                                         degree program. Please contact your academic department for
For special housing accommodations, and information                      additional information.
about service or assistance animals, contact Housing
Director Pam Smallwood at 417-865-2815, x7335 or                         Computer Labs & Internet Access                                                  If you need a computer or printer to get your classwork done,
                                                                         computer labs are available around campus for all students.
Academic Support                                                         Each residence hall has a computer lab located in the second
The university has two centers to assist students. The staff at          floor lobby that is open 24/7. Lab locations can be found
the Center for Student Success can help with study strategies,           at:
tutoring, academic accommodations, career services, and/or
time management. Additionally, staff at The Write Place can              WiFi internet access is available in all residence hall rooms
help students hone their writing skills from brainstorming ideas         and in all buildings on campus. There is also a wired network
to final project details.                                                port in each residential dorm and Perkin apartments with a
                                                                         separate wired port for gaming systems. No router is needed.
Campus Tours
The Admissions Office will provide campus tours during move              Bookstore
in and orientation week.                                                 Get the best deal when you buy or rent new, used, or digital
                                                                         textbooks for your courses with our Best Price Promise program,
Student ID Card and Parking Permit                                       which allows you to compare and price match necessary
Once you have completed financial registration, you can go               textbooks. More details are available through the bookstore.
to the Department of Public Safety to get your Crusader Card
(also known as a prox card) and parking permit. You should               The bookstore is located on the first floor of the Cantrell Student
keep your Crusader Card with you at all times as you will                Union and is open 9 a.m.-6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m.-2
need to scan it to enter your residence hall or The Mabee                p.m. on Saturdays. You can also order online for convenience
Fitness Center, eat in the cafeteria, check out library books,           at
record chapel attendance, and enter some campus buildings
after 5 p.m.                                                             Postal Services
                                                                         Evangel University’s post office is set up for all your postal
To get your ID card made and/or your car registered, bring your          needs: shipping, receiving, stamps, envelopes, and all
driver’s license (or state ID, passport, military ID), along with        postal supplies.
a financial registration receipt (if you completed registration
within the last 24 hours) to the Department of Public Safety             If you reside on campus, you have an assigned mailbox. Your
(open 24/7) in the Riggs Administration Building, Room 208.              box number will be your residence hall followed by your room
For a parking permit, you will also need your vehicle’s license          number. For example, if you live in Burgess 304 your box
plate number. A parking permit must be properly displayed on             number will be “Burgess 304”.
all motor vehicles, motorcycles, and bicycles.
                                                                         Note: All residential students are assigned a post office box
IT Helpdesk Support                                                      and will receive departmental, faculty, and staff mail.
The IT Helpdesk provides support for students concerning
Evangel email access, Microsoft Office, minor hardware
services, and advice for computer-related questions.


Money                                                                 with the job search and career development process.
Students can cash checks at the cashier’s window in Riggs             Resources include: career-related workshops, individual
Hall ($200 daily limit). There is also an ATM on campus in            career counseling and job search assistance, career and
the student union, sponsored by the Assemblies of God Credit          strengths assessments, career-related workshops, on-campus
Union. For your convenience, AGCU will be on campus during            recruitment and career fair opportunities, cover letter and
EU Launch for students who would like to open a local account.        resume writing assistance, graduate school exploration,
                                                                      online tools, and more.
Tuition Refund Policy
Students who withdraw from Evangel may receive a                      Campus jobs are competitive and many students secure the
partial refund of tuition and room and board. For details             same position for all four years of attendance. Students can
see the catalog.                   view work study and other on-campus positions, as well
undergraduate/course-catalog/                                         as off-campus jobs and volunteer opportunities at www.
Question & Answer Section
1. May I purchase a meal plan as a commuter student?                  The Federal Work-Study (FWS) program is a student
  Yes, commuter students may choose a block plan. Refer to            employment program through which the federal government
  page 9 for more information.                                        subsidizes earnings for hours worked in campus employment
                                                                      positions. It is a need-based program, meaning students must
2. May I remain on campus during fall and spring breaks?              demonstrate financial need on their FAFSA in order to work
   Yes. Meal service is provided during fall break, but not           and earn FWS dollars that will assist in educational and
   during spring break. However, there are several dining             living expenses while attending school. It is not an automatic
   options nearby including Taco Bell, Sonic, Schlotskys, and         financial award, but rather an opportunity to earn the award
   Rib Crib.                                                          by taking the initiative to find a job on-campus and earn
                                                                      wages. Due to funding restrictions, FWS positions may not
3. May I remain on campus during Christmas break?                     be available to all eligible students.
   Please contact the housing office at 417-865-2815 x7335
   after the start of the semester if you need Christmas break        Students interested in directly depositing their paycheck
   accommodations. An additional fee of $250 is required.             into their student account may opt for voluntary payroll
                                                                      deduction (contact Office of Human Resources for additional
4. How can I find a job?                                              information). This form needs to completed and signed each
   Evangel University Career Services, located in the Student         academic year.
   Success Center, offers a variety of resources to assist


5. How can I get involved in ministry?                                     Around the World
   CROSSwalk                                                               • Missions trips: Minister cross-culturally on one of our short-
   CROSSwalk is Evangel’s student-led organization that                      term missions trips around the world.
   connects students with ministry opportunities through:                  • Impact teams: Performance ministry teams travel in the US
   activities and events, children’s ministries, discipleship,               ministering with dance, drama, worship, and preaching.
   impact teams, missions, outreach, and public relations.                 • Children’s ministry: Teams may travel in the U.S. or abroad
   During EU Launch, and in the first few weeks of school, you will          to minister to children.
   have an opportunity to meet CROSSwalk leaders and learn                 6. Where can I find help if I’m sick?
   about the many ministries and activities.                                  Students who become ill or injured may be treated in the
                                                                              Office of Health Services, located in the Student Union
Involvement Opportunities                                                     106. Enrolled students who have paid the general student
On campus                                                                     fee may schedule appointments with our certified family
• Hall discipleship: Serve as a devotions leader on your floor.               nurse practitioner. The nurse practitioner can diagnose and
• Activities and events: See You at the Pole, 24 Hours of Prayer              treat most common, non-emergency health conditions that
  and Worship, Make A Difference Day, Student-led Chapel,                     students experience during their college years. Students may
  Sandbox Chapel and more! Opportunities to preach, lead                      be seen for an unlimited number of appointments without
  worship and serve in various other ways.                                    office visit charges or copays. Nominal fees are charged
                                                                              for immunizations, laboratory tests, medications and some
In Springfield                                                                procedures. Office hours are 8 a.m.–4 p.m. weekdays. Call
• Outreach: Partner with various organizations to serve the                   417-865-2815 x7280 to schedule appointments.
  Springfield community and beyond.
• Children’s ministry: Work with local organizations and/or
  churches to minister to local children.


Campus offices are open Monday–Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Public safety is open 24/7

BOOKSTORE                                DINING SERVICES                        OFFICE OF FINACIAL AID
Cantrell Student Union, First Floor      Crusader Hall                          Riggs Hall, Suite 202                   
417-865-2815 x7343                       417-865-2815 x7252                     417-865-2815 x7300

BURSAR/STUDENT BILLING                   HEALTH SERVICES                        PUBLIC SAFETY
Riggs Hall, Suite 204                    Cantrell Student Union, Suite 106      Riggs Hall, Room 208
417-865-2815 x7700                       417-865-2815 x7280           
                                                                                417-865-2815 x7000
(Career services, disability services,   Riggs Hall, Suite 102                  RECORDS AND REGISTRATION
student retention)                                Riggs Hall, Suite 104
Zimmerman Hall, Room 208                 417-865-2815 x8368                     417-865-2815 x7460
417-865-2815 x8215                       HOUSING                                SPIRITUAL LIFE
                                         Riggs Hall, 302C                       Chapel, North Side
COMMUNITY LIFE                                  417-865-2815 x7396
Cantrell Student Union, Room 203A        417-865-2815 x7335                                                       UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSIONS
417-865-2815 x7975                       MAIL AND PRINT CENTER                  Riggs Hall, Suite 203
                                         Riggs Hall, Suite 201        
COUNSELING SERVICES                                     417-865-2815 x 7300
Cantrell Student Union, Suite 106        417-865-2815 x.7240 or x.7239
417-865-2815 x7222

1111 N. Glenstone Ave. | Springfield, MO 65802
         800.EVANGEL |

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