RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

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RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine
Department of Medicine


   Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference
RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

    From the Vice Chair for Research

                                             We would like to thank all of the participants for sharing their
                                             innovative research, as well as those who coordinated and attended
                                             this event. Your support for our research mission is greatly

                                             Many thanks to the judges who contributed their time and effort to
                                             make the 14th Annual Department of Medicine Research Symposium
                                             a successful event.

                                             Ruth Adekunle, M.D.                 Diane Kamen, M.D., MSCR
                                             Emily Brennan, MLIS                 Margaret Markiewicz, M.D.
                                             Thomas Di Salvo, M.D., MBA          Paul McDermott, Ph.D.
                                             Gary Gilkeson, M.D.                 William Moran, M.D., MS
                                             Hamza Hashmi, M.D.                  Zengdun Shi, M.D.
                                             Joshua Lipschutz, M.D.              Charlie Strange, M.D.


                                             Jim Oates, M.D.
                                             Professor and Director
                                             Division of Rheumatology & Immunology
                                             Vice Chair for Research, Department of Medicine
                                             Medical University of South Carolina

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RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

Schedule of Events

    Friday, April 30 | Live Streaming: Microsoft Teams

    8:00 am - 8:30 am     Welcome and Opening Remarks
    		                    Jim Oates, M.D., Vice Chair for Research

    8:30 am - 11:00 am    Poster Presentations

    11:30 am - 12:30 pm   Oral Abstract Presentations

    12:30 pm - 1:15 pm Keynote Presentation by Jeremy Reiter, M.D., Ph.D.
    			Professor & Chair, Department of Biochemistry and
    			                Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco

    1:15 pm - 1:45 pm     Research Day Poster Award Ceremony
    			                   Awards recognizing the best research day presentations will be
    			                   given in the following categories:
                          • Oral Presenters
                          • Junior Faculty
                          • Postdoctoral Fellows
                          • Residents/Fellows
                          • Graduate Students
                          • Medical Students

                                                                            2021 RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM   3
RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

    Keynote: Jeremy Reiter, M.D., Ph.D.

                                             “How Cilia Signal, and How I Got so Fascinated by
                                             this Organelle”
                                             Dr. Jeremy Reiter is a professor and chair of the Department of
                                             Biochemistry and Biophysics at the University of California, San Francisco.
                                             His lab investigates how cilia form, signal and function in intercellular
                                             communication. Their achievements include:

                                             •   The discovery that Smoothened, a critical component of the
                                                 Hedgehog pathway, localizes to and works in cilia. This was the first
                                                 demonstration that the Hedgehog signal transduction machinery
                                                 functions at cilia.
                                             •   They were the first to show that cancers can be ciliated and that
                                                 cancers can require cilia for growth.
       Jeremy Reiter, M.D., Ph.D.            •   They helped show that the region at the base of the cilium called the
       Professor & Chair, Department             transition zone is a gate that controls ciliary composition. For example,
       of Biochemistry and Biophysics            the transition zone regulates the ciliary localization of Smoothened
       University of California, San
                                                 and, therefore, is required for Hedgehog signaling.
                                             •   They identified many transition zone components and discovered that
                                                 some ciliopathies are caused by inherited human mutations in these
                                                 transition zone components.
                                             •   They found a phosphoinositide that marks the ciliary membrane
                                                 and helps direct which proteins localize to cilia. This was the first
                                                 identification of a specific cilia-enriched lipid.
                                             •   They investigated how cilia regulate adult tissue homeostasis. Recently,
                                                 they have shown how cilia of hypothalamic neurons signal to regulate
                                                 satiety and how cilia restrict adipogenesis.

                                             Dr. Reiter graduated magna cum laude in biochemistry from Yale
                                             College and completed his PhD and MD in the combined program at
                                             UCSF. In 1993, as a young scientist at UCSF, he was an ARCS Scholar;
                                             since then, he has mentored many young scientists, including other
                                             ARCS Scholars. He has received multiple academic awards, including
                                             the Presidential Early Career Award fro Scientists and Engineers, the
                                             R.R. Bensley Award in Cell Biology and the ARCS Distinguished
                                             Scholar Alumni Award. His current research focuses on how cilia sense
                                             cues from other cells to pattern tissues during embryonic development.

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RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

Oral Abstract Presenters

         Krutika Kuppalli, M.D.
         Assistant Professor, Division of Infectious Diseases
         Category: Junior Faculty
         Mentor: Cassandra Salgado, M.D., MS
         Title: Epidemiology of COVID-19 Illness among Employees, Trainees, and Faculty
         (ETF) of an Academic Health System (AHS)

         Denisha Spires, Ph.D.
         Postdoctoral Scholar, Division of Nephrology
         Category: Postdoctoral Fellow
         Mentor: Daria Ilatovskaya, Ph.D.
         Title: The Role of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide in Glomerular Damage in Salt-
         Sensitive Hypertension

         Christina Mingora, M.D.
         Fellow, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy & Sleep Medicine
         Category: Resident/Fellow
         Mentors: Patrick Flume, M.D., and Susan Dorman
         Title: Time-to-detection as a pre-treatment predictor for culture conversion in
         patients with non-tuberculous mycobacterial pulmonary disease

         Nour Hijazi
         Category: Graduate Student
         Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.
         Title: The role of paxillin in hepatic stellate cell activation and fibrogenesis

         Sarah Smith
         4th Year Medical Student
         Category: Medical Student
         Mentor: Paula Ramos, Ph.D.
         Title: Genome-wide DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Signatures in Classical
         Monocytes from African Ancestry Patients with Systemic Sclerosis

                                                                                   2021 RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM   5
RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

    Poster Participants

      Junior Faculty                          Postdoctoral Fellow                               Resident/Fellow
      Category                                Category                                          Category

      Ruth Adekunle, M.D.                     Halim Bou Daher, M.D.                             Nnamdi Azih, M.D.
      Mentor: Jessica Lewis, M.D.             Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.                          Mentors: Brian Houston, M.D. and
      Title: Clinical Outcomes of Solid       Title: Development of a risk scoring              Ryan Tedford, M.D.
      Organ Transplant Recipients with        system to predict in-hospital                     Title: Indirect Fick and
      Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome       mortality in patients with cirrhosis              Thermodilution Cardiac Output
      Coronavirus 2                           admitted with upper gastrointestinal              Measurements Have Significant
                                              bleeding                                          Variance Compared to Direct Fick
      Krutika Kuppalli, M.D.                                                                    in LVAD Patients
      Mentor: Cassandra Salgado, M.D., MS     Kareem Marrache, M.D.
      Title: Epidemiology of COVID-19         Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.                          H. Jensie Burton, M.D.
      Illness among Employees, Trainees,      Title: The Relationship Between                   Mentor: Eric Meissner, M.D., Ph.D.
      and Faculty (ETF) of an Academic        the Severity of Portal Hypertensive               Title: Barriers to Hepatitis C
      Health System (AHS)                     Gastropathy and Portal                            Treatment: An Observational
                                              Hypertension                                      Retrospective Study
      Meghan Thomas, M.D.
      Mentors: William Moran, M.D., MS,       Denisha Spires, Ph.D.                             Avery Chisholm, M.D.
      Marc Heincelman, M.D., Ben Kalivas,     Mentor: Daria Ilatovskaya, Ph.D.                  Mentor: Wing-Kin Syn, MBChB,
      M.D., Patrick Mauldin, Ph.D., and       Title: The Role of Atrial Natriuretic             Ph.D.
      Jingwen Zhang, MS                       Peptide in Glomerular Damage in                   Title: Utility of the FAST score in
      Title: Understanding the                Salt-Sensitive Hypertension                       identifying US Veterans with high
      Association between Admission                                                             risk nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
      Source and In-Hospital Delirium:        Ashish Solanki, Ph.D.                             (NASH): a validation study
      A Retrospective Cohort Study            Mentor: Joshua Lipschutz, M.D.
                                              Title: HGF induced activation                     William Dungan, M.D.
      Xiaofeng Zuo, Ph.D.                     of Nephrin and Neph1, a novel                     Mentors: Puja Elias, M.D. and John
      Mentor: Joshua Lipschutz, M.D.          mechanism that participates in                    Romano, M.D.
      Title: Role of the Exocyst, Primary     podocytes recovery from injury                    Title: Tics In The Small Intestine,
      Cilia, and Mitochondria in Acute                                                          An Unusual Case of Jejunal
      Kidney Injury                                                                             Diverticulitis

                                                                                                Travis Ferguson, M.D.
                                                                                                Mentor: Nicholas Pastis, M.D. and
                                                                                                Gerard Silvestri, M.D., MS
                                                                                                Title: Clinical Evaluation of the
                                                                                                Thin TCP-EBUS Bronchoscopy

6   D E PA R T M E N T O F M E D I C I N E                                            *Poster Participants listed by category in alphabetical order.
RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

Poster Participants

Resident/Fellow                            Ahmadreza Karimianpour, D.O.             Shaurya Prakash, M.D.
Category                                   Mentor: Jeffrey Winterfield, M.D.        Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.
                                           Title: Accessing the inaccessible:       Title: Fibrosis Regression after Direct
                                           epicardial mapping and ablation of       Acting Antiviral Therapy in Patients
 Adam Fox, M.D.
                                           ventricular tachycardias from the        with Chronic Hepatitis C Virus
 Mentor: Gerard Silvestri, M.D., MS
                                           coronary venous system in post-          Infection and Cirrhosis
 Title: Coordination of Biomarker
                                           CABG patients.
 Testing for Targeted Therapies in
                                                                                    Syed Quadri, M.D.
 Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
                                           Monica Klaybor, M.D.                     Mentor: Ruth Campbell, M.D.
                                           Mentor: Jennifer Bracey, MD              Title: Reduction of intraoperative
 Megan Goff, D.O.
                                           Title: Off Target Effects of CFTR        nephrotoxic antimicrobial exposure
 Mentor: Blaithin McMahon,
                                           Modulators on Serum Vitamin Levels       can decrease the severity of stage
 MB.BCh. BAO, Ph.D.
                                                                                    of Acute Kidney Injury and improve
 Title: Continuous Renal Replacement
                                           Jessica Lozier, M.D.                     renal recovery in patients undergoing
 Therapy: a reversible cause of
                                           Mentors: Gerard Silvestri, M.D., MS,     heart transplantation
                                           and Stacey Fedewa, Ph.D.
                                           Title: Demographic Differences in        Jacob Read, M.D.
 Zain Gowani, M.D.
                                           Those Being Screened for Lung            Mentors: Ryan Tedford, M.D. and
 Mentor: Jeffrey Winterfield, M.D.
                                           Cancer and Implications for Mass         Brian Houston, M.D.
 Title: Utility of Cardiac Computed
                                           Screening in the U.                      Title: Hemodynamic Reserve
 Tomography for Scar Assessment
                                                                                    Predicts Early Right Heart Failure
 in Patients with Cardiac Sarcoidosis
                                           Christina Mingora, M.D.                  After LVAD Implantation
 Undergoing Catheter Ablation
                                           Mentors: Patrick Flume, M.D. and
                                           Susan Dorman, M.D.                       Harrison Smith, M.D.
 Sarah Huse, D.O.
                                           Title: Time-to-detection as a            Mentor: Nichole Tanner, M.D.,
 Mentors: Diane Kamen, M.D.,
                                           pre-treatment predictor for              MSCR
 MSCR, Gary Gilkeson, M.D., and
                                           culture conversion in patients with      Title: Patient demographics and
 Jim Oates, M.D.
                                           non-tuberculous mycobacterial            outcomes of a large national cohort
 Title: Malignancy Risk in Patients with
                                           pulmonary disease                        of patients undergoing lung cancer
 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
                                           Tejaswi Nadig, M.D.
 Prarthana Jain, D.O.
                                           Mentors: Patrick Flume, M.D. and         Michelle Spiegel, M.D.
 Mentor: Diane Kamen, M.D., MSCR
                                           Bryan Garcia, M.D.                       Mentor: Andrew Goodwin, M.D.
 Title: Factors that Impact Medication
                                           Title: Factors associated with health-   Title: Work Smarter, Not
 Adherence in Hospitalized Patients
                                           related quality of life in patients      Harder: Innovative Re-Design of
 with Lupus
                                           with pulmonary nontuberculous            Computerized Provider Order Entry
                                           mycobacterium                            to Drive Evidence-Based Fluid
 Carson Keck, M.D.
 Mentors: Marc Heincelman, M.D.
 and Andrew Schreiner, M.D.
 Title: POCUS Curriculum for
 Internal Medicine Residents: using
 Sound Waves to Amplify the Exam                                                               2021 RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM           7
RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

    Poster Participants

                                                                                      Cameron Leyers
       Resident/Fellow                        Graduate Student                        Mentor: Melissa Cunningham, M.D.
       Category                               Category*                               Title: Altered ERα localization
                                                                                      differentially modulates immune cell
      Molly Stone, M.D.                       Thelma Amoah
      Mentor: Erin Forster, M.D., MPH         Mentor: Daria Ilatovskaya, Ph.D.
                                                                                      Ryan Schibalski
      Title: Adherence to Recommended         Title: Effect of Atrial Natriuretic
                                                                                      Mentor: Daria Ilatovskaya, Ph.D.
      Healthcare Maintenance Guidelines       Peptide on Mitochondrial
                                                                                      Title: Sex differences in renal
      by IBD Providers in a Tertiary Care     Bioenergetics in Cortical Collecting
                                                                                      mitochondrial function of young
      Center                                  Duct Cells
                                                                                      healthy rats
      Michael Sutton, D.O.                    Callie Clarke
                                                                                      Morgan Spicer
      Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.                Mentor: Daria Ilatovskaya, Ph.D.
                                                                                      Mentor: Daria Ilatovskaya, Ph.D.
      Title: Overuse of Intravenous Proton-   Title: Differential Expression of
                                                                                      Title: The implications of salt-
      Pump Inhibitors in the Treatment of     Histaminergic System Components
                                                                                      deficiency in autosomal recessive
      Low to Moderate Risk Peptic Ulcer       in Renal Cortex during Salt-Sensitive
                                                                                      polycystic kidney disease
      Bleeding                                Hypertension

                                                                                      *Participants were placed in the
      Emily Vara, D.O.                        Mikhail Fomin, MS
                                                                                      category that most closely fit their
      Mentor: Diane Kamen, M.D., MSCR,        Mentor: Daria Ilatovskaya, Ph.D.
                                                                                      current title.
      Dulaney Wilson, Ph.D., John Pearce,     Title: Establishing the expression
      Ph.D., and Jim Oates, M.D.              of renal histamine receptors and
      Title: Perfluoroalkyl Compound          associated enzymes in the human
      Serum Concentrations and                kidney: a literature review
      Community Vulnerability:
                                                                                      Medical Student
      Associations with Lupus-Related         Nour Hijazi                             Category
      Autoantibodies and Disease              Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.
                                              Title: The role of paxillin in
                                                                                      Wayne Bauerle
                                              hepatic stellate cell activation and
                                                                                      Mentor: Heather Evans, M.D.
                                                                                      Title: Improving antibiotic
                                                                                      stewardship in acute appendicitis
                                              Richa Jaiswal
                                                                                      through risk-based empiric treatment
                                              Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.
                                              Title: Utility of the world
                                              association of sarcoidosis and other
                                                                                      Noah Blaker
                                              granulomatosis disease (wasog)
                                                                                      Mentors: Valerian Fernandes,
                                              criteria for the diagnosis of hepatic
                                                                                      M.D., Katrina Bidwell, M.D., and
                                                                                      Christopher Nielsen, M.D
                                                                                      Title: Practical Differences Between
                                                                                      the Biradial and Femoral Approach
                                                                                      for Alcohol Septal Ablation
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RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine

Poster Participants

                                                          Ian O'Connor                           Peyton Tharp
Medical Student                                           Mentors: Don Rockey, M.D. and          Mentors: Valerian Fernandes,
Category                                                  Anand Mehta, Ph.D.                     M.D., Katrina Bidwell, M.D., and
                                                          Title: NAFLD/NASH induces              Christopher Nielsen, M.D
                                                          fucosylation and mannose N-linked      Title: Immediate impact of alcohol
Daniel Cook                                               glycan modifications                   septal ablation on left ventricular
Mentors: Valerian Fernandes, M.D.                                                                diastolic pressure in patients
and Christopher Nielsen, M.D.                             Julia Rodes                            with hypertrophic obstructive
Title: Long-Term Changes in Diastolic                     Mentors: Kelly Barh, D.O. and Taylor   cardiomyopathy
Function in HOCM Patients Treated                         Crouch, Ph.D.
with Alcohol Septal Ablation                              Title: Gender Differences in           Brian Troyer
                                                          Outcomes of Interdisciplinary Pain     Mentor: Tamara Nowling, Ph.D.
Jonathan Hill                                             Rehabilitation                         Title: Urine Biomarkers of Lupus
Mentor: Stephen Savage, M.D.                                                                     Nephritis
Title: Pretreatment Prostate-Specific                     Dayvia Russell
Antigen Velocity Is Associated with                       Mentor: Jim Oates, M.D.                Andrew Wortham
Biochemical Recurrence and Failure                        Title: Changes in Gene Expression      Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.
of Prostate Cancer in African-                            After Sepiapterin Treatment in         Title: Prognosis and outcomes in
Americans and Low Risk Patients                           Lupus Nephritis Stimulated Human       compensated and decompensated
                                                          Glomerular Endothelial Cells           cirrhosis in correlation to hepatic
Morgan Hill                                                                                      venous pressure gradient
Mentor: Taufiek Konrad Rajab, M.D.,                       Sarah Smith
and Steven Kubalak, Ph.D.                                 Mentor: Paula Ramos, Ph.D.             Brandon Xavier
Title: Partial Heart Transplantation:                     Title: Genome-wide DNA                 Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.
a New Operation for Children                              Methylation and Gene Expression        Title: Appropriateness of pre-
Requiring Valve Replacement                               Signatures in Classical Monocytes      endoscopic evaluation in patients
                                                          from African Ancestry Patients with    referred for iron deficiency anemia
Andraia Li                                                Systemic Sclerosis
Mentors: John Kaczmar, M.D. and
Terry Day, M.D.                                           Mary Kate Sullivan
Title: Safety of novel targeted                           Mentor: Don Rockey, M.D.
therapies and immunotherapy in                            Title: Normal or near normal
recurrent or metastatic head and neck                     aminotransferase levels in patients
squamous cell cancer: a meta-analysis                     with alcoholic cirrhosis

Veena Mehta                                               Eric Taylor
Mentor: Vinayak Rohan, M.D.                               Mentors: Valerian Fernandes, M.D.
Title: Patients' Perspective Regarding                    and Katrina Bidwell, M.D.
Perceived Risk and Transplantation                        Title: Effect of the COVID-19
During the Early Period of                                Pandemic on Incidence of Patients
COVID-19 Pandemic: Results of a                           Presenting with STEMI at MUSC
Cross-Sectional Survey

*Poster Participants listed by category in alphabetical order.                                              2021 RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM           9
RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM Friday, April 30 | Virtual Conference - Department of Medicine
As the largest Department in the MUSC College of Medicine, the Department of Medicine provides essential leadership to
numerous programs across the university, MUSC Health, and South Carolina.

Our Department—made up of ten divisions engaged in care at two hospital systems and multiple ambulatory practices—is
guided by our vision to provide superior patient care, to educate the next generation of physicians, and to perform seminal
discovery research. Our divisions are home to numerous NIH-funded, internationally renowned investigators, master clinicians,
and award-winning educators who are leaders in their specialized fields of medicine:

>   Cardiology                                                 >   Hospital Medicine

>   Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolic Diseases               >   Infectious Diseases

>   Gastroenterology & Hepatology                              >   Nephrology

>   General Internal Medicine                                  >   Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy & Sleep Medicine

>   Hematology & Oncology                                      >   Rheumatology & Immunology

                  96 Jonathan Lucas Street         |   Suite 803, MSC 623       |   Charleston, SC 29425


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