Reproducibility of Heart Rate Variability Revealed by Repeated Measurements during and after Hemodialysis - Refubium

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Research Article

                                                    Blood Purif 2020;49:356–363                                           Received: September 14, 2019
                                                                                                                          Accepted: November 2, 2019
                                                    DOI: 10.1159/000504525                                                Published online: December 6, 2019

Reproducibility of Heart Rate Variability
Revealed by Repeated Measurements
during and after Hemodialysis
Kerstin Deussing a Ralph Wendt a Ronald Burger b Maik Gollasch c, d
Joachim Beige a, e
a Department of Nephrology and Kuratorium for Dialysis and Transplantation (KfH) Renal Unit, Hospital St.
Georg, Leipzig, Germany; b University of Applied Science, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg, Rheinbach, Germany; c Department of
Nephrology and Intensive Care, Charité Universitätsmedizin, Berlin, Germany; d Experimental and Clinical Research
Center (ECRC), Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Max-Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine (MDC), Berlin,
Germany; e Martin-Luther-University Halle, Wittenberg, Germany

Keywords                                                                  expressing parasympathetic activity). To compare robust-
Dialysis · Heart rate variability · Intradialytic morbid event ·          ness of these HRV indices during HD procedures, we com-
Low-frequency to high-frequency · Autonomous nervous                      pared HRV indices means between different HD sessions and
system · Sympathetic activation                                           controlled for association with clinical parameters. Results:
                                                                          In 72 HD treatments of 34 patients, we detected the highest
                                                                          reproducibility (89%) of HRV measures when analyzing the
Abstract                                                                  low-frequency to high-frequency (LF/HF) ratio in long-term
Background/Aims: Trajectory of heart rate variability (HRV)               (3 h) readings. Long-term LF/HF was able to discriminate
represents a noninvasive real-time measure of autonomous                  ­between patients with and without heart failure NYHA class-
nervous system (ANS) and carries the capability of providing               es ≥3 (p = 0.009) and type 2 diabetes (p = 0.023). We were
new insights into the hemodynamic compensation reserve                     unable to study relationships between ANS and intradialytic
during hemodialysis (HD). However, studies on HRV repro-                   complications because they did not appear in our cohort.
ducibility during HD are scarce and did not refer to different             Short-term readings of HRV indices did not show any sig-
reading periods. In this observational study, we aimed to es-              nificance of pattern change during HD. Conclusion: In sum-
tablish the best suited and most reliable and reproducible                 mary, our data provide evidence for high robustness of long-
HRV index in routine HD treatments including different read-               term LF/HF in analyzing HRV in HD patients using future au-
ing rates. Methods: HRV was characterized by standardized                  tomated monitoring systems. For short-term analysis,
mathematical variation expressions of R/R’ intervals: SD of                mathematical real-time analysis must evolve.
all R/R’ intervals (ms), square root of the root mean square of                                                                    © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel
the sum of all differences between adjacent R/R’ intervals
(ms), percentage of consecutive R/R’ intervals that differ by
> 50 ms (%), low-frequency spectral analysis HRV (LF, ex-
pressing sympathetic activity), and high-frequency HRV (HF,               K.D. and R.W. contributed equally to the manuscript.
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                                                                                                                                                                Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

                       © 2019 S. Karger AG, Basel                         Joachim Beige
                                                                          Deptartment of Nephrology, Kuratorium for Dialysis and Transplantation
                                                                          Hospital St. Georg, Delitzscher Street 141 (Haus 54)
                                                                          DE–04129 Leipzig (Germany)
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                                                                          E-Mail Joachim.Beige @
Background                                                  different HRV markers have received little attention so
                                                               far. We intended to establish a reliable surrogate of ANS
    Hemodialysis (HD) is a therapeutical approach associ-      which can be used in routine HD treatments and auto-
ated with circulatory and pathophysiological changes im-       matically recorded by automated data handling in dialysis
pacting the patient’s well-being and outcome but at the        management systems. We hypothesized that HRV can be
same time providing life-sustaining detoxification and         easily measured with high reproducibility and robustness
fluid removal. To achieve noncomplicated HD proce-             during subsequent HD sessions. The present study was
dures, in recent years, attention has been paid to balancing   designed to gain data of HRV during and after repeated
relative blood volume (rBV) trajectory and adequate ul-        HD sessions by different reading rates and to control for
trafiltration with the ultimate goal to reduce the frequency   associations of HRV with patients’ comorbidities.
of intradialytic morbid events (IME) [1–7]. In order to
avoid IME, a sustained cerebral and organ perfusion by
efficient cardiac output is mandatory. This can be main-          Material and Methods
tained as long as sympathetic activity and function of the
                                                                   HRV Recordings
autonomous nervous systems (ANS) ensure effective car-
                                                                   Electrocardiographic signals (ECG) measured by eMotion
diac work and vasoconstriction [8, 9]. Few studies demon-      Faros 180° devices from Mega Electronics Ltd. (Kuopio, Finland)
strated the general importance of ANS in this scenario by      were registered during the last 3 h of a dialysis session and the first
means of “gold standard” microneurography [10] (MSNA)          3 h after the end of a session (1,000 Hz) and transferred to a per-
during HD [11]. However, this method is invasive and           sonal computer. Kubios free HRV software of the Biosignal Analysis
                                                               and Medical Imaging Group (University of Kuopio, Finland) and
does not allow measurements over longer time periods.
                                                               Cardiscope Analytics Software (Gloucestershire, UK) were used for
    Thus, attempts have been made to monitor the func-         preparation and further analysis of standard HRV indices including
tion of ANS by noninvasive and real-time approaches. As        artifact correction (SD of all R/R’ intervals [SDNN, ms], square root
such, the dynamics of ANS can be assessed by heart rate        of the root mean square of the sum of all differences between adja-
variability (HRV) during HD [12–15]. As a result, it has       cent R/R’ intervals [RMSSD, ms], percentage of consecutive R/R’
                                                               intervals that differ by >50 ms [pNN50, %], low-frequency spectral
been shown that IME’s may culminate within a phase of
                                                               analysis HRV [LF], and high-frequency HRV [HF]).
sudden vagal breakthrough (hypotension, paradoxical
bradycardia, and vomiting [13]) after sympathetic activ-            Patient Population, Data Acquisition, and Statistics
ity increased to sustain appropriate peripheral resistance          This observational study was carried out between June and
[12, 16]. Even though this phenomenon can be controlled        ­October 2015 on 34 voluntary maintenance HD patients aged 29–77
                                                                years (23 male, median age 57 years, 6 with diabetes, 8 with NYHA
by volume therapy, it is important to understand that the
                                                                [24] classification ≥2, 5 with coronary artery disease [CAD]; Table
sympathetic (over-) stimulation for maintaining cardiac         1). Patients confirmed participation agreement by signing informed
output has a long-term sequelae. In chronic kidney dis-         consent sheets (Ethical Committee vote #EK-BR-42/11-1). Repeat-
ease and sympathetic hyperactivity, a specific vascular        ed HRV data reading was performed in repeated dialysis sessions
morbidity is created [17, 18]. Insomnia, one of the most       within the same week excluding long week-end intervals.
                                                                    Patients with heart failure NYHA class ≥3 or NYHA class 2 plus
important components of the complaint burden of dialy-
                                                               1 further comorbidity (diabetes or CAD) or NYHA class 1 or 0 plus
sis patients [19] is highly significant associated with ANS    2 other comorbidities were defined having high cardiovascular co-
[20]. Hypothetically, it can be assumed that increased         morbidity profile.
postdialysis recovery time can be seen as sequelae of               In linear regression analyses and ANOVA, covariates were an-
(hyper)-sympathetic activity. Taking such reasoning to-        alyzed by a nonconditional overall model using comorbidity status
                                                               or HRV indices as dependent. Readings of HRV were used for
gether, a well-tolerated and both acutely and long-term        ANOVA after logarithmization following non-normal distribu-
event-free dialysis is associated with freedom from IME        tion. Group comparison of categorical values was computed by
as well as sympathovagal balance. While rBV measure-           contingency tables and chi-square, whereas numerical values were
ment and regulation during dialysis have been widely in-       compared by one-factorial ANOVA and independent t test.
vestigated (for review [21]), little is known about result-
ing ANS and the link between intradialytic sympathetic
activity with long-term morbidity and mortality.                  Results
    Previous HRV studies in HD patients have shown non-
uniform HRV pattern, with possible impact for subgroups           Within the study period of 34 participating pa-
of HD patients [8, 13–15, 22, 23]. However, repeated mea-      tients (see description table) and 72 HD sessions, no
surements investigating the technical reproducibility of       IME occurred. After reviewing all recorded tachograms
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                                                                                                                                         Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

HRV in HD                                                      Blood Purif 2020;49:356–363                                        357
                                                               DOI: 10.1159/000504525
                                                                                                                                         Downloaded by:
Color version available online

                                                                3 h during HD                3 h after HD                   3 h during HD           3 h after HD


                                                 ms, %

Fig. 1. Boxplot of HRV parameters 25th–
                                                          20                                       *
75th percentile (stars, circles = outliners)

during and after HD sessions by comorbid-





ity status. HD, hemodialysis; SDNN, SD of









all R/R’ intervals; RMSSD, square root of the










root mean square of the sum of all differ-

ences between adjacent R/R’ intervals;
pNN50, percentage of consecutive R/R’ in-
tervals that differ by > 50 ms; LF/HF, low-                                       Standard                                                  High
frequency/high frequency spectral analysis                                                                  cv. morbidity
HRV; cv., cardiovascular.

                                                                                  av. LF/HF (n = 4) over twenty four 5-min-readings
                                                                              Before HD                                       After HD




Fig. 2. Average low/high frequency spectral
HRV analysis readings of 4 patients from              2
both cardiovascular groups during twelve
5-min-readings 3 h before and after HD. LF/           0
HF, low-frequency/high frequency spectral


analysis HRV; HD, hemodialysis.

by visual analysis, no obvious differences between                                nificant pattern changes were notable, the LF/HF ratio
­cardiovascular risk groups of patients were detected                             decreases slightly after dialysis indicating increased
 (Appendix 1–34; doi 10.6084/m9.figshare.9724715).                                parasympathetic activity (average of 4 patients Fig. 2),
 Overall distribution of standard long-term HRV pa-                               which was true in both comorbidity groups (data not
 rameters is displayed by boxplots (Fig. 1). While no sig-                        shown).
                                                                                                                                                                                                 - 6/9/2021 11:41:01 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

358                     Blood Purif 2020;49:356–363                                                             Deussing/Wendt/Burger/Gollasch/Beige
                        DOI: 10.1159/000504525
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Downloaded by:
Last 3 h                                    RMSSD                                                                                       LF/HF

                                                                                                      Last 3 h
    HD 1

                                                                                               HD 1
           First 3 h after

                                                                                                      First 3 h after
           Last 3 h

                                                                                                      Last 3 h
    HD 2

                                                                                               HD 2
           First 3 h after

                                                                                                      First 3 h after
                             Last 3 h      First 3 h after     Last 3 h      First 3 h after                            Last 3 h      First 3 h after      Last 3 h      First 3 h after
                                        HD 1                              HD 2                                                     HD 1                               HD 2

Fig. 3. Distribution of long-term HRV indices during and after HD                              0.71). SDNNs, RMSSD, pNN50, LF/HF. RMSSD, square root of
sessions by comorbidity status. Single data points represent                                   the root mean square of the sum of all differences between adjacent
­individual patients results during different 3 h HD periods. The                              R/R’ intervals; LF/HF, low-frequency/high frequency spectral
 strongest reproducibility was found for LF/HF after and during                                analysis HRV; HD, hemodialysis.
 HD (R = 0.89; R = 0.71) and RMSSD after and during HD (R = 0.77;

   Analyzing Reproducibility                                                                      Short-Term Reading of SDNN, LF, HF, and LF/HF
   Paired t tests of long-term HRV indices (3 h) and cor-                                         HRV
relation matrix P-P’ diagrams during different HD peri-                                           To investigate those HRV measures with high repro-
ods and in repeated sessions showed strongest reproduc-                                        ducibility (SDNN, LF, HF, LF/HF) in shorter readings,
ibility for LF/HF (R = 0.89; R = 0.71) and RMSSD (R =                                          distinct shorter time intervals (twelve 5 min intervals and
0.77; 0.71, Fig. 3).                                                                           three 1 h intervals) were computed and displayed before
                                                                                               and after HD in 4 exemplary patients. Figures 4–6 show
    Long-Term HRV Association with Covariates                                                  variability being numerically higher compared to courses
    Among all investigated HRV indices, LF/HF was as-                                          of R/R’ distances. Because no IME were observed, these
sociated with presence of diabetes (p = 0.023) and heart                                       variations again could not be associated with clinical
failure NYHA classes (p = 0.009). Other clinical and an-                                       events. No significant pattern change of short-term indi-
thropometrical parameters (age, gender, time on dialysis,                                      ces could be either visualized or computed.
CAD, medication [β-blocker]) did not show association
with any HRV index.
    Concerning the association with HD treatment                                                      Discussion
­parameters, a multivariate forward regression analysis of
 HRV indices within 3 h HD yielded weak associations (re-                                         Our data provide evidence for high reproducibility
 maining parameters in the model) of session time with lg                                      and robustness of long-term LF/HF methodology in
 RMSSD (B = –0.008 [–0.015 to 0], p = 0.045), lgLF/HF                                          analyzing HRV in HD patients using automated moni-
(B = 0.013 [0.03 to 0.24], p = 0.05) and lgpNN50 (B =                                          toring systems. Analysis of long-term LF/HF was able
–0.015 [–0.03 to –0.001], p = 0.04), and of serum HBG                                          to discriminate between patients with and without
with lgpNN50 (B = –0.39 [–0.74 to –0.49], p = 0.025).                                          NYHA classes ≥3 and type 2 diabetes, while HRV indi-
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                                                                                                                                                                                                 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

HRV in HD                                                                                      Blood Purif 2020;49:356–363                                                                 359
                                                                                               DOI: 10.1159/000504525
                                                                                                                                                                                                 Downloaded by:
SDNN over twenty four 5-min-readings                                         SDNN over six 1-h-readings
              Before HD                      After HD                                Before HD                        After HD
 120                                                               120

 100                                                               100

  80                                                                80

  60                                                                60

  40                                                                40

  20                                                                20

      0                                                                0
 a                                                                 b           –3       –2          –1         1          2       3
                     Fig. 4. Individual courses (n = 4) of SDNN during (a) twelve 5-min-readings and (b) three 1-h-readings 3 h dur-
                     ing and after HD. Individuals belonging to cardiovascular high comorbidity group are marked by broken lines.
                     SDNN, SD of all R/R’ intervals; HD, hemodialysis.

                  LF over twenty four 5-min-readings                                          LF over six 1-h-readings
               Before HD                       After HD                               Before HD                       After HD
 1,200                                                             1,200

 1,000                                                             1,000

     800                                                               800

     600                                                               600

     400                                                               400

     200                                                               200

          0                                                                0
 a                                                                 b            –3        –2         –1         1         2       3

                     Fig. 5. Individual courses (n = 4) of LF during (a) twelve 5-min-readings and (b) three 1-h-readings 3 h during
                     and after HD. Individuals belonging to cardiovascular high comorbidity group are marked by broken lines. LF,
                     low-frequency spectral analysis HRV; HD, hemodialysis.

                  HF over twenty four 5-min-readings                                          HF over six 1-h-readings
              Before HD                        After HD                              Before HD                         After HD
 600                                                               600

 500                                                               500

 400                                                               400

 300                                                               300

 200                                                               200

 100                                                               100

      0                                                                0
 a                                                                 b           –3       –2          –1         1         2        3

                     Fig. 6. Individual courses (n = 4) of HF during (a) twelve 5-min-readings and (b) three 1-h-readings 3 h during
                     and after HD. Individuals belonging to cardiovascular high comorbidity group are marked by broken lines. HF,
                     high-frequency HRV; HD, hemodialysis.
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                                                                                                                                       Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

360                  Blood Purif 2020;49:356–363                                               Deussing/Wendt/Burger/Gollasch/Beige
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Table 1. Clinical, anthropometrical and dialysis data by comorbidity status

Parameter                                    Comorbidity status groups                                                        p value
                                             standard (n = 24)             high (n = 10)               all (n = 34)

Age, years, mean ± SD                           52±14                       64.6±11.6                   55.7±14.4              0.017
Time on HD (vintage years), mean ± SD           7.0±7.0                       4.7±3.8                     6.3±6.2              0.35
Gender, female, n (%)                             9 (38)                        2 (20)                    11 (32)              0.28
Diabetes, n (%)                                   2 (8)                         4 (40)                      6 (18)             0.048
CAD, n (%)                                        3 (12.5)                      2 (20)                      5 (14)             0.46
NYHA ≥3, n (%)                                    0 (0)                         8 (80)                      8 (23.5)          0.85.
could be seen as an expression of the differing patho-                      Numerous studies have been performed to test the reli-
physiological aspects of HRV markers.                                    ability of short-term HRV (5 min) in non-HD p  ­ opulations.
   While the HRV indices with best reproducibility (LF/                  These studies have shown poor reliability [26–29] pre-
HF and SDNN) showed huge short-term variability in                       sumably related to higher short-term variability like our
high-risk patients, we were unable to study relationships                data. Whether such variability carries a predictive value
between HRV and intradialytic complications because                      for major clinical events cannot be addressed by our study
they did not appear in our cohort. Although a slight ten-                because no IME did occur in our cohort.
dency to increased parasympathetic activity after dialysis                  Of note, lower reproducibility reported by other au-
was notified by increasing LF/HF, such measures could                    thors may depend on multiple factors including comor-
not be statistically approved, because of interindividual                bidities [15, 26, 30]. Related to such reasoning, no intra-
variability. Such phenomenon indicate a general weak-                    dialytic real-time HRV trajectory is available so far, con-
ness of our study, which was not able to associate random                necting the continuous display of HRV to other real-time
reading rates of every HRV marker of each patient with                   biosignals as for instance rBV or frequent BP measure-
both time course and IME. With the available software                    ments. Such type of interrelated biosignal display could be
methods of HRV analysis, a random reading-rate HRV                       easily implemented in HD systems by cost-effective tech-
analysis is currently not feasible. To evolve the HRV                    nological means. For HRV, only 3 ECG patch electrodes
method for HD biofeedback, further mathematical inno-                    and wiring are needed to be integrated in the HD machine.
vations in comprehensive datasets including HD param-                    Following the results of our study, LF/HF seems to repre-
eters and real-time clinical events are needed.                          sent the most suitable ANS parameter for such an ap-
   The observation that 3-h HRV data in repeated HD ses-                 proach. The clinical impact of this real-time technology to
sions were strongly correlated (61–89%) indicates a good                 predict IME and other outcomes needs to be studied in
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                                                                                                                                              Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

HRV in HD                                                                Blood Purif 2020;49:356–363                                    361
                                                                         DOI: 10.1159/000504525
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future trials. The large-scale development and validation                          Disclosure Statement
of structured and interrelated HD patient’s biodata may
                                                                                   All authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
guide HD process by personalized decision support tools.

   Acknowledgment                                                                  Funding Sources

    We acknowledge the help of the KfH Dialysis nursing staff to                   There was no funding to this work.
retrieve data of HRV variability.

                                                                                   Author Contributions
   Statement of Ethics
                                                                                   K.D.: study conception, study design, HRV measurements,
    The work presented in that manuscript complies with guide-                 HRV analysis, manuscript revision. R.W.: study design, manu-
lines for human studies. Ethical approval for this noninvasive de-             script writing, manuscript revision. M.G.: idea, manuscript writ-
scriptive study was gained from the Ethical Committee of the Sax-              ing, manuscript revision. R.B.: study conception, HRV analysis,
ony Board of Physicians (#EK-BR-42/11-1; see Section “Material                 manuscript revision. J.B.: idea, conception, study design, data
and Methods”).                                                                 analysis, manuscript writing.

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                                                                                                                                                                 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin

HRV in HD                                                                       Blood Purif 2020;49:356–363                                              363
                                                                                DOI: 10.1159/000504525
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