Page created by Paula Terry
Introduction                                 Case Study: Delaram Kermani Consultant
                                             Cellular Pathologist
Routine Microscopy: Improving Productivity
Through Better Ergonomics                    How to Set up a Microscope Ergonomically

Olympus Stereo Microscopes Ergonomic Guide   Summary
Homogenizer  Resource
  2019 Ergonomics        Guide Resource Guide
                  and Microscopy

                    “For histopathologists, it’s very important
                    to have a fully ergonomic microscope,
                    because we do a lot of microscopy ...
                    four to six hours a day is quite common.”
                    Delaram Kermani, a consultant cellular pathologist at North Mid-
                    dlesex University Hospital certainly knows about this, having un-
                    fortunately experienced work-related pains and injuries first hand.

                    This eBook describes the issues encountered by professionals car-
                    rying out daily microscopy tasks. A five-point checklist will detail
                    a step-by-step guide to setting up a microscope with ergonomics
                    in mind and Delaram’s story will demonstrate how changes in both
                    equipment and customisation can have immediate real-world ben-
                    efits, reducing pain and improving productivity.

                         EBOOK AT A GLANCE
                     •    Microscope ergonomics is a priority for clinical routine microscopy.
                     •    Sitting in an uncomfortable position can cause pain to the operator’s back,
                          neck, shoulders, arms, and hands.
                     •    Ergonomic microscopes are characterized by flexible headpieces, and lowered
                          buttons and controls to help the operator maintain a comfortable posture.
                     •    A combination of equipment, setup, and customisation minimises the risk of
                          injury preventing the delay of work processes due to sickness leaves.
                     •    Ergonomic microscopes improve process efficiency wherever clinical routine
                          microscopy is required.

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Routine                                                               The muscles don’t get a chance to rest, which can lead to
                                                                      fatigue and pain.”

Microscopy:-                                                          Many professionals working in research, clinical, and indus-
                                                                      trial environments carry out microscopy on a regular basis.

                                                                      However, there are certain job roles, such as in pathology,
                                                                      where microscopy forms a significant part of a person’s daily
                                                                      activities – sometimes taking up more than 50% of their

                                                                      working hours. This so-called ‘routine microscopy’ then poses
                                                                      additional challenges to prevent injuries. One way to facilitate
                                                                      a comfortable place of work for routine microscopy profession-

                                                                      als is to have microscopes set up exclusively for individuals. A
                                                                      personalised setup allows a much higher degree of customis-
                                                                      ation compared to workstations set up for multiple users. The

                                                                      height of the operator in particular is important in determin-
                                                                      ing the ideal setup.

                                                                      What Makes an Ergonomic Microscope Different?

                                                                      In response to the specific requirements for routine microsco-
                                                                      py, dedicated microscopes have been developed that address
Ideal Working Conditions in Microscopy                                the needs of this type of user. Specific features, which are not
                                                                      normally present on conventional microscopes, make sure that
In the modern world, ergonomics is everywhere; a dictionary           the user stays comfortable during long periods of work.
defines ergonomics as “the scientific study of people and their
working conditions, especially done in order to improve ef-           For example, a flexible headpiece allows the user to bring the
fectiveness.” Working in an ergonomically designed environ-           eyepieces to the eye rather than having to move their head for-
ment helps to prevent injuries and contributes to general staff       ward. James recalls the case of one microscopy user reporting
wellbeing and productivity. When it comes to microscopy,              neck pain. “His microscope was positioned too far forward on
ergonomics is particularly important as the nature of the work        the desk, so he had to reach forward to reach the eyepieces.
puts unusually specific constraints on the operator’s posture.        We got him to move the microscope right to the edge of the
As physiotherapist James Geary points out, “Operators tend            desk to be closer to it, but the height adjustments on the mi-
to have their necks in a slightly forward position to reach the       croscope weren’t ideal. He could never get it high enough and
eyepieces. This often leads to an overuse of the muscles in the       still needed to lean forward to reach the eyepieces.”
back and the neck as well as compressing the front of the neck
joints. We therefore see a lot of problems with muscle strains.       Low-positioned microscope controls and a low stage also help,

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2019 Ergonomics and Microscopy Resource Guide

reducing the frequency of hand and arm movements and low-             controls and additional adjustment
ering the risk of muscle overuse. James notes, “The types of
injuries we tend to see are muscle overuse injuries like tennis       possibilities. The final result greatly improves the users’
elbow. There’s also a thumb complaint called De Quer-                 comfort and productivity while minimising the risk of
vain’s tenosynovitis, which results from holding your thumb           errors. Particularly notable is the BX46 clinical microscope,
upwards against gravity for long periods of time. If we go            which features a unique ergonomic ‘head’ that has the flex-
further up the arm, we tend to find rotator cuff problems,            ibility to move forward, upward, and change inclination to
shoulder impingement problems – there’s a whole range.”he             meet the user’s eye position.
desk to be closer to it, but the height adjustments on the
microscope weren’t ideal. He could never get it high enough           The BX46 also has a fixed-height stage and low-positioned
and still needed to lean forward to reach the eyepieces.”             controls to make it easier to change specimen quickly and
                                                                      reduce stress on the forearms during operation. These
Get Comfortable in Your Routine                                       features specifically address the challenges of routine mi-
                                                                      croscopy, helping to find the optimal user setup. As James
Olympus has developed a range of clinical microscopes that            explains, “The ideal setup is that you get your back and your
address the challenges of routine microscopy. By careful              neck in a neutral position and let the microscope come to
analysis of the repeated steps of routine microscopy, micro-          you – the BX46 did exactly that.”
scope frames were designed with optimised placement of

       Watch the video to learn more about how the ergonomics of
                                                                                                      LEARN MORE
       Olympus’s BX46 clinical microscope can improve your productivity.

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2019 Ergonomics and Microscopy Resource Guide

     Olympus Stereo
     Olympus Stereo Microscopes
     Ergonomic Guide    Guide
               Longer eye tubes reduce the need for
               an operator to change their back angle                            Tilting eye tubes reduce the need
                                                                                 for an operator to tilt their neck
                                                                                 and keep angle safely under 20º

                                                                                     Extendable eyepoint adjuster
          Neck should be tilted less than 20º                                        places the eyepieces at the correct
                                                                                     height for any size operator

                                                                                      Adjustment knobs
              Back straight with no angle                                             are within easy reach

                                                                    Adjust table height so arms
                                                                    are bent between 90–120º
               Adjust chair so knees are
               bent at 90º and touching floor

                                        Learn more about Olympus Microscopes! Visit

          Watch the video to learn more about the ergonomic                                       LEARN MORE
          benefits of Olympus’s stereo microscopes.

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  2019 Ergonomics        Guide Resource Guide
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Case Study:                                                         While undergoing physiotherapy, Delaram contacted Olym-
                                                                    pus with regard to ergonomic adjustments to her microscope.
                                                                    “One of my colleagues suggested I should use an ergonomic

Delaram Kermani,                                                    head – that might help. We called the Olympus represen-
                                                                    tative and he lent me a spare one to try out. When I started
                                                                    using that the pain gradually got better. That was really

Consultant Cellular                                                 helpful and I then realised: yes, I do use it, and it is prevent-
                                                                    ing my pain.”

Pathologist                                                         Olympus’ fully ergonomic head, as seen on the BX46 upright
                                                                    microscope, provides flexibility in all directions to ac-
                                                                    commodate users of different heights working in different
                                                                    positions. Delaram explains: “I used to have to bring the mi-
The importance of a good working posture and the right              croscope very far forward, even outside the desk, in order to
microscope setup can be illustrated by the case of Delaram          be very close to the eyepieces. Now with this new head you
Kermani, consultant cellular pathologist at North Middlesex         don’t need to bring the microscope forward, you bring the
University Hospital, London, UK. Cellular pathology is an           head forward. You can keep your neck quite straight when
area that relies heavily on microscopy and therefore it forms       you’re using it and you can imagine that if you’re using a mi-
an important part of the daily routine. “My role involves           croscope five to six hours a day it can make a big difference
using a microscope four to six hours, sometimes even eight          to the position of your neck and back.”
hours a day,” Delaram explains. “The job is very dependent
on microscopy.”                                                     Another important ergonomic feature of the microscope
                                                                    is the low height of the stage and its controls. As Delaram
As a result of her microscopy work, Delaram started expe-           points out: “The stage was quite high on my previous micro-
riencing pain. “When I got the consultant post, they bought         scope, which is why I had a lot of wrist pain. I used to use a
me a new microscope. The one I was using before had an              mousepad underneath my arm to bring it a bit higher. Now I
ergonomic head, but the one we bought recently didn’t. First,       can rest my wrist on my desk rather than reaching upwards.”
I experienced some pain in my neck, so I started to use a
book under the microscope to bring it a bit higher; then the        Delaram Kermani’s case shows the effect that selection,
neck pain was gone, but I started to have back pain.”               setup and customisation can have on user comfort. Olym-
                                                                    pus’ expertise in microscopy and ergonomics can help, both
The pain that Delaram experienced as a result of her routine        in preventing and in alleviating microscopy-related injuries.
microscopy work escalated rapidly. “I was off on sick leave         Delaram adds: “Occupational health knows about more
because of the bad back. When I came back to work I had             general issues, but they may not know specifically about
physiotherapy, I had back classes, and I had a lot of hydro-        microscopy. In my case, Olympus definitely gave the most
therapy. But as soon as I came back to work I was off sick          helpful advice.”
again two weeks later.”

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2019 Ergonomics and Microscopy Resource Guide
          How to Set up a Microscope Ergonomically
  How to Set Up a Microscope Ergonomically
        Once the right microscope has been selected, careful consideration is required to use the ergonomic features to
  Once the right microscope has been selected, careful              workflows to pick up S.T.E.A.M. (Seat, Table, Eyepieces,
        their full extent. A five-point checklist can help microscopy workflows to pick up S.T.E.A.M. (Seat, Table, Eye-
  consideration  is required
        pieces, Arms,         to use by
                       Movement)     theenabling
                                         ergonomicthefeatures to    Arms,
                                                      most comfortable     Movement) by enabling the most comfortable
  their full extent. A five-point checklist can help microscopy        posture.

          Seat. You have to start from the bottom up. Start         Movement. A final consideration for microscope setup
          with the seat to make sure you get the right position.    is your ability to move once a position starts to become
          Make sure the bottom is at the back of the seat and       uncomfortable. It’s very nice to be able to make some slight
          that the lumbar spine is supported. Once the lumbar       movements – even if you’re in the most ergonomic position.
          spine is supported, this brings a good posture to the     Humans don’t like to be in the same position all day, having
          rest of the back, which includes the neck.                some variation will result in less fatigue.

                                                             Eyepieces. When using an ergonomic microscope with a flexible
                                                             head, further adjustments can be made to customise the position of
                                                             the eyepieces. For example, the eyepieces can be brought closer to
                                                             the operator or rotated in order to get a more horizontal viewing angle.

    Arms. Without the right                  Table. The next important point
    ergonomic setup there is often           to consider is the position of the
    some degree of tension in the            microscope on the table. The
                                                                                            James Geary
    arms. Tension can be reduced             microscope should be brought as close
                                                                                            Physiotherapist at the
    by having focus controls placed          to the edge of the desk as possible to         Royal Lancaster Infirmary
    in a position within reach of            prevent you from having to move                Lancaster, UK
    relaxed arms.                            forward to see through the eyepieces.

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          When it comes to ergonomics, routine microscopy has requirements that are different to those for
          other microscopy users. If a user spends many working hours at the microscope, bad posture can
          quickly lead to back, neck, or wrist pain. Furthermore, once the pain has started, recovery can be
          a slow process and may require radical changes to working patterns – such as not working at the
          microscope at all.
          Based on the demand for fully ergonomic clinical microscopes Olympus has developed the highly
          ergonomic BX46 microscope frame. With a 3D-adjustable headpiece, low-positioned stage and con-
          trols, and ergonomic grips it meets the rigorous demands of professionals doing routine microscopy.
          Not only do these features enable a comfortable routine, they also lower staff absence and enable an
          efficient, productive workflow.

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