doing well
  by doing good

    Climate change and greenhouse gas
    emissions; resource depletion; water
    quality; waste and pollution; deforestation.
                                                                              Working conditions and child labor;
                                                                              local communities including indigenous
                                                                              communities; conflict; health and safety;
                                                                              employee relations and diversity.
                                                                                                                                                        Executive pay; bribery and corruption;
                                                                                                                                                        political lobbying and donations; board
                                                                                                                                                        structure and diversity; tax strategy.

At CarVal Investors, we strive to uphold standards of responsibil-                                                     3. Ensure that appropriate personnel have the necessary tools
ity, integrity and discipline in everything we do. From charitable                                                        to incorporate ESG factors into investment decision making,
giving to environmental considerations to corporate governance,                                                           where such factors are relevant
these principles are at the heart of how we operate our business                                                       4. Provide a governance framework (i.e., the establishment of
and how we carry out our role as a global corporate citizen. On the                                                       a Responsible Investing Committee) within which CarVal may
investment side, ESG factors are integrated into our decision-mak-                                                        monitor and review the effectiveness and operation of its
ing process. While this document features many of our ESG ini-                                                            Responsible Investing Policy
tiatives, below we’ve highlighted three areas we are particularly
focused on today.                                                                                                      5. Implement procedures for the monitoring and reporting of
                                                                                                                          responsible investment practices at an investment, fund and
Clean Energy and Responsible Investing                                                                                    firm level
Clean energy is the fastest-growing source of new energy in the                                                        Inclusion and Diversity
U.S. today, yet the market is nascent and fragmented, making
it an attractive investment opportunity. CarVal has an extensive                                                       At CarVal Investors, we believe peak effectiveness comes from an
team focused on five strategies within clean energy investments                                                        engaged, talented and diverse workforce. Our approach to inclu-
today that draw upon CarVal’s 34 years of experience investing in                                                      sion and diversity takes numerous forms. Our CarVal ’25 Strategy
loan portfolios, corporate securities, structured credit and com-                                                      incorporates goals, ongoing action plans, and initiatives which
mercial real estate. These five strategies include: Secured Debt,                                                      strive to build and reinforce our inclusion and diversity objectives,
Solar Asset-Backed Securities, C-PACE/Efficiency, Commercial and                                                       ensuring we have the right skills, attitudes and behaviors. CarVal is
Industrial Solar and Storage, and Residential Solar Loans.                                                             committed to inclusion and diversity, valuing the full range of life
                                                                                                                       experiences, skills and qualities of our employees. CarVal contin-
CarVal is also very focused on responsible investing and we                                                            ues to regularly review inclusion and diversity initiatives through-
have adopted policies based on the United Nations Principles                                                           out the organization.
for Responsible Investment, to which CarVal is a signatory. The
Responsible Investing Policy is consistent with CarVal’s fiduciary                                                     CarVal Investors Foundation
responsibility to maximize returns for our investors.                                                                  The CarVal Investors Foundation was founded in 2017 and
The specific goals of this policy are:                                                                                 acknowledges its objective as a global corporate citizen and
                                                                                                                       strives to support organizations that help the most vulnerable of
1. Implement procedures that can be reasonably expected to                                                             the world’s people in the communities where we live and work.
   identify those investments or transactions in which ESG factors                                                     The Foundation is dedicated to continue increasing charitable
   may be material                                                                                                     efforts and employee involvement across the globe.
2. Implement procedures to ensure that investment profession-
   als are knowledgeable regarding Responsible Investing, pro-                                                         Sincere thanks for your support of CarVal Investors,
   viding ongoing training where required                                                                              Lucas Detor, James Ganley and Jody Gunderson
                                                                                                                       CarVal Investors Executive Team
CarVal as a Global Corporate Citizen
    Environmental Initiatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
    Social Initiatives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
CarVal as a Business
    Governance Program. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
CarVal as an Investor
    Responsible Investing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

                                                                                                                                                                     CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 2

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                                                                                                   ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY

At CarVal, we are committed to environmental responsibility. To that end,
each of CarVal’s physical offices reflect and support a commitment to
CarVal’s environmental, social and governance (ESG) strategy. The scope                                                                GOALS:
of this work focuses on three areas:
                                                                                                               1.     Ensure consistent office ESG protocols across all
                                                                                                                      CarVal offices (where possible based on cultural
  Office Protocols                                                                                                    and/or geographic limitations)
  Office activities that are managed by the CarVal administration team                                         2.     Implement new or enhanced office ESG
  and influence employee and guest behaviors                                                                          protocols globally
  Building Management                                                                                          3.     Measure and track office ESG activities
  Physical building activities that were chosen by and/or can be                                               4.     Develop and execute communications ensuring
  influenced by CarVal per location                                                                                   awareness of office ESG activities
  Vendors and Supplies                                                                                         5.     Ensure awareness for both internal employees
                                                                                                                      and visiting guests
  Utilizing third-party vendors and supplies that align with ESG
  objectives (e.g., eco-friendly, minority and women-owned businesses)

                                                                  IMPACTS THAT MATTER: GLOBAL EFFORTS

                                 Eliminating                                                      Separating                                        Reducing
                                 single-use                                                       recycling, trash,                                 indoor waste
                                 plastics                                                         and composting                                    and water use

                                            Using recycled paper and                                                             Moving from hard copy to
                                            reducing paper printing                                                              digital publications

                                                                           ADDITIONAL OFFICE INITIATIVES:
   •       Recycling toner containers                                                                  •   Switching to compostable or reusable dishes and cutlery
   •       Recycling coffee pods and grounds                                                               for employees and visitors
   •       Moving to refillable bathroom soap dispensers                                               •   Utilizing reusable coffee mugs
   •       Ordering highly used items in bulk to reduce deliveries                                     •   Donating retired computers/technology to local schools

                                                            CarVal Investors has offset all air travel for 2019 and 2020 by

                                                            827 TONNES of CO2 EMISSIONS
                                                            from being released into the atmosphere via the Gold Standard
         CarVal believes it is important to invest in a safer climate and a more sustainable world and to offset our carbon footprint

                                                                                                                                     CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 4

                                                                                                       GLOBAL FOOTPRINT
CarVal is mindful of the office spaces our employees work in every day. Focused on environmental stewardship, we look to operate in best-in-
class spaces that complement our vision of greener and healthier communities. Highlights of ESG initiatives in place at each of CarVal’s offices
are below.

            Minnesota                            New York                              London                             Singapore

  • Silver LEED certification         • Gold LEED certification            • Covid-19 cleaning                  • Covid-19 cleaning
  • Covid-19 cleaning                 • Covid-19 cleaning                    procedures implemented               procedures implemented
    procedures implemented              procedures implemented             • Motion sensors to turn on/         • Motion sensors to turn on/
  • MERV 13 air filters               • MERV 13 air filters                  off lighting                         off lighting

  • Bi-ionization system in air       • Motion sensors to turn on/         • Bicycle storage                    • MERV 13 air filters
    ducts                               off lighting                       • Electric car charging stations     • Bicycle storage
  • Motion sensors to turn on/        • Water bottle refill stations       • AED and first aid kit available    • Electric car charging stations
    off lighting                      • AED and first air kit available    • Biodiversity roof                  • AED and first aid kit available
  • Bicycle storage                   • Wellness room                        − Bird boxes and a bug hotel       • Low-e glass on building
  • Electric car charging stations    • Inclusive restroom signage             installed to encourage             facade which reduces solar
  • Water bottle refill stations                                               wildlife                           heat gain
                                      • SL Green (office landlord)
  • AED and first aid kit available     prioritizes ESG initiatives,       • Located in a walkable, high        • Highly efficient chillers and
                                        receiving industry awards            density neighborhood                 zoning to reduce energy
  • Wellness room                                                                                                 consumption
                                        from S&P, Bloomberg,               • Reduced water consumption
  • Inclusive restroom signage          Refinitiv, GRESB, Energy Star,       by changing tap fittings           • Extensive vertical greenery
  • Biophilia                           MSCI                                                                      to reduce urban heat gain
  • Located in a walkable, high          − Disclosure of                                                        • Photosensors for offices and
    density neighborhood                   environmental                                                          sun lights in restaurants and
                                           performance data                                                       gym
  • Connected to Twin Cities
    Regional Bikeways trail              − Carbon reduction targets                                             • Recovery of demolition
    system                                                                                                        materials for recycling
  • Incorporation of sustainable
    construction features

                                                                                                              CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 5

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The CarVal Investors Foundation was founded in 2017 and acknowledges its objective as a global corporate citizen and strives to support
organizations that help the most vulnerable of the world’s people in the communities where we live and work. The Foundation was created to
formalize a long-standing commitment to charitable giving and is dedicated to continue increasing charitable efforts and employee involvement
across the globe. The Foundation has donated over $1 million to its community partners since it was founded.

   The CarVal Investors Foundation focuses its financial
   support on non-profit organizations that primarily address
   poverty relief, health and research, and education and
   leadership. Priority is given to organizations that demon-
   strate success in helping individuals and communities
   overcome significant challenges and adversity.


                            •    Housing
 Poverty                    •    Nutrition
 Relief            46%      •    Micro-finance
                            •    Disaster recovery
                                                                          CarVal employees across the globe volunteer their time on many
                            •    Medical research                         community projects including Habitat for Humanity, Urban
                            •    Treatment centers                        Ventures, Children’s Minnesota, Loring School, Loaves and Fishes
 Health &
 Research          28%      •    Support for patients & families
                                                                          and Greenhouse Sports.
                                 impacted by life-threatening
                                 health issues

                            •    Primary education                                   In 2020, CarVal Investors donated more than
 Education &                •    Skill-building
                   26%      •    Mentorship                                         $20,000 IN UNUSED DELTA TRAVEL TICKETS
                            •    Business skill development                                     to Habitat for Humanity

In 2020, the CarVal Investors Foundation was proud to partner with organizations in the communities we live and work to help provide
$115,000 in rapid funding to COVID-19 relief efforts across the globe. Several community partners include:

                                                                                                        GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP

Recognizing its role as a global corporate citizen, CarVal Investors strives to support organizations that help the most vulnerable of the
world’s people. CarVal focuses its financial support on non-profit organizations that primarily address poverty relief, health and research,
and education and leadership. Priority is given to organizations that demonstrate success in helping individuals and communities overcome
significant challenges and adversity.

 The CarVal Investors Foundation supports organizations in the communities we live and work across the globe including:

100 Women in Finance                First Book                               Muscular Dystrophy Association        SOAR
Academy of Whole Learning           Fraser                                   My Breast Cancer Support              Special Olympics
Accessible Space, Inc.              Friends of the St. Paul Public Library   NAIOP MN                              St. David’s Center
Access Sport                        Fund for Public Schools                  National Alliance on Mental Illness   St. John Ambulance
Acorn Scout Headquarters            GivePower                                National Breast Cancer Coalition      St. Jude Children’s Research
Admission Possible                  Glam4Good                                National MS Society                   Hospital
Adopt A Classroom                   Global Empowerment Mission               Northside Achievement Zone            Straight Ahead
All Stars Project                   Great Ormond Street Hospital             Northside Boxing                      The Akshaya Patra Foundation
Allegra’s Ambition                  Greater Minneapolis Crisis Nursery       Opportunity International             The Cute Syndrome
Alzheimer’s Association             Greg Jennings Foundation                 Padraig’s Place                       Tourette Syndrome Association
American Cancer Society             Greenhouse Sports                        Pancreatic Cancer Action Network      Toys for Tots
American Red Cross                  Habitat for Humanity                     Partners HealthCare at Home           TreeHouse
Angel Foundation                    Help for Children                        Pedal Power                           Twin Cities Habitat for Humanity
Arc Greater Twin Cities             Homestart                                People Incorporated                   Twin Cities Rise
Autism Speaks                       Hope in Grace                            Perspectives                          UNICEF
Baby’s Space                        Hope Inc.                                Project 52                            United Through Sport
Back on My Feet                     InnerCity Tennis Foundation              Project Echelon                       United Way
Big Brothers Big Sisters            Innocence Project                        Project for Pride in Living           University of Minnesota Masonic
Bolder Options                      Jeremiah Program                         Reach Out and Read                    Children’s Hospital
Boys and Girls Clubs                Junior Achievement                       Relentless Families                   UNCF
Bridging                            Just for Kids Foundation                 Reserve Aid                           UNIDOS
BuildON                             KIPP Minnesota                           RFK - Children’s Action Corps         UPS for Down Syndrome
Camp Fire MN                        Lake Street Council                      Rock the Street, Wall Street          Urban Homeworks
Cancer Research UK                  Lillehei Heart Institute                 Ronald McDonald House Charities       Urban Ventures
Cardiac Risk in the Young           Loaves & Fishes                          Rural Renewable Energy Alliance       Veterans on Wall Street
Centrepoint                         Loring Community School                  Safe Horizon                          West Seventh Community Center
CG Women’s Empowerment              Los Cabos Children’s Foundation          Safe Passage for Children of          Wheels for Wendell
Children’s Hospital Association     Leukemia Research                        Minnesota                             Wilderness Inquiry
Children’s Theatre Company          Macro Minds Foundation                   SATRO                                 William’s Wings Foundation
Children’s Tumor Foundation         Marie Curie                              Second Harvest Heartland              Women for Women International
College Possible                    Mayo Clinic Research                     Seeing is Believing                   YWCA of Minneapolis
Crisis UK                           Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer          Shanghai Charity Foundation           Youth Frontiers
CycleHealth                         Center                                   Sheridan Story
Disabled Sports USA                 Men Against The Trafficking Of           SHINE
EMpower                             Others                                   Side by Side
Epilepsy Foundation                 Minnesota Independence College           Simpson Housing
                                    and Community                            Singapore Children’s Society
Equal Justice Initiative
                                    Minnesota Medical Foundation             Skidmore Palamountain Scholarship
Fairview Foundation
                                    MN Ovarian Cancer Alliance               Foundation
Fareshare UK
                                    Movember Foundation                      SkillForce
Feeding Britain

                                                                                                               CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 8

At CarVal Investors, we believe peak effectiveness comes from an engaged, talented and diverse workforce. Our approach to inclusion and
diversity takes numerous forms. Our CarVal ’25 Strategy demonstrates market leadership on inclusion and diversity because it incorporates
goals, ongoing action plans, and initiatives which strive to build and reinforce our objectives, ensuring we have the right skills, attitudes and
behaviors. CarVal is committed to inclusion and diversity, valuing the full range of life experiences, skills and qualities of our employees. CarVal
continues to regularly review inclusion and diversity initiatives throughout the organization.


  INCLUSION                                                                       DIVERSITY

  CarVal strives to hear, respect and recognize the individuality
                                                                                  Diversity is an expansive concept. It encompasses gender,
  of every employee as we contribute to CarVal’s success. Our
                                                                                  ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, age, physical abilities,
  efforts toward inclusion aim to leverage our diversity and
                                                                                  religious beliefs and numerous other characteristics that may
  harness the broad variety of experiences and perspectives
                                                                                  or may not be readily apparent.
  amongst us.

Increase CarVal’s long-term engagement of inclusion and diversity globally, cultivating a culture where employees feel empowered to share
different experiences, backgrounds, and ideas.

                                                                AREAS OF ACTION

                STRATEGIC                                         EDUCATION                                      INTENTIONAL
              PARTNERSHIPS                                        & TRAINING                                     FOUNDATIONS
  Engage in long-term, diversity-focused             Increase internal and external awareness        Beyond fundamental compliance, ensure
  partnerships creating substantial organizational   of a broad spectrum of I&D-related topics,      our organization has the appropriate and
  involvement that is reflected both inside and      encouraging candid conversations and active     intentional infrastructure, policies, processes,
  outside of CarVal, as well as building a future    employee involvement and advocacy.              procedures, and industry benchmarks to
  talent pipeline.                                                                                   enable I&D strategy success.

                          Diversity Project
                                                                                                                 Established May 2015

                                                                - EDUCATION SERIES -                       I&D COMMITTEE
                          Girls Who Invest                                                                      Established June 2019

                          National Association
                          of Black Accountants

                          Rock The Street,
                          Wall Street
                                       professionals                                    INCLUSION                                                                    employee
                                                                                       & DIVERSITY                                                                   conversation
        25%      back office employees
                                                                                       COMMITTEE                                                                     ands h a re d
                HIRED SINCE ESTABLISHING                                                   launched in 2019                                                                  GROUPS IN 2020
                   THREE YEAR GOALS*

As a global organization with a strong international footprint, and many different and dynamic backgrounds, having an inclusive environment is
part of the everyday interactions of our business. Below is a snapshot of a few elements ofETHNICITY
                                                                                            our diverse profile.

         BREAKDOWN                                   PROFESSIONAL BREAKDOWN                                                        ETHNICITY                                              METRICS
                                                  PROFESSIONAL   BREAKDOWN
        Female              Male                  Investment Professionals             Operations/Functions
                                                                                                                                                                                   Nationalities:   28

                                                                                                                                         White, 60%                                Languages:       35

                  181                                                          5
                                                                                   *                                                                                               Degrees:         34
                                                                                                                                                                                   Majors:          74
              employees                                                     Offices
     66%                                                       63%                                                                                                                 2020
                                                                                                                                     Unidentified, 24%

                                                                                                                                         Asian, 4%
                                                                                                                                Black or African American, 3%
As of January 2021                                                                                                                 Hispanic or Latino, 3%
*Denotes advertised office locations. Individuals may be employed and/or located in additional locations globally.   White- Northern Irish, 1%
                                                                                                                                                White - British, 2%
                                                                                                                                                  White - Other, 1%
                                                                                                                      Two or More Races, 2%
                                                                                                                                         Asian/Asian British - Chinese, 1%
                                                                                                                      White - Scottish, 1%
                                                                                                                                    Asian/Asian British - Indian, 2%

                                                                                       CARVAL THREE-YEAR GOALS
    These goals were created to specifically target progress within the areas where gender and ethnic representation is the weakest within the firm.

       1                                                                           2                                                                          3
                       CarVal will be at or better                                                   Hire 25% females in                                                      Hire 25% ethnically
                       than the market on gender                                                     open investment                                                          diverse individuals in open
                       and ethnic diversity metrics                                                  professional roles                                                       operations/function roles

                                                                                                                                                                     CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 10

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                                            CARVAL INVESTORS COMMITTEE STRUCTURE
        CarVal has a robust committee oversight structure to help aid in the overall governance of CarVal.

                                                     EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE

                  Audit and Compliance Committee                                 HR and Compensation Committee

                   Portfolio Investment Committee                                      Valuation Committee

                          Conflicts Committee                                     Technology Steering Committee

                 Counterparty Credit Risk Committee                                   Retirement Committee

                   Responsible Investing Committee                               Inclusion and Diversity Committee

                   Responsible Investing Policy

                                   POLICY OBJECTIVES
                                   The aim of CarVal’s Responsible
                                   Investing Policy is to establish
                                   a framework for the inclusion
                                   of environmental, social and
                                   governance factors into invest-
                                   ment decision-making, and to
                                   describe the means by which
                                   this policy will be reviewed and
                                   by which the outcomes will be

                                               CARVAL’S GUIDING PRINCIPLES
CarVal Investors expects its employees to follow its key guiding principles. The Guiding Principles, set out below, do not impinge on
our Responsible Investing Policy but may provide additional context for those wishing to understand the ethical framework in which
CarVal operates:
1.   We will comply with the laws of all countries to which CarVal is subject.
2.   We will not knowingly assist any third party to violate any law of any country, by creating false documents or any other means.
3.   We will not pay or receive bribes or participate in any other unethical, fraudulent or corrupt practice.
4.   We will always honor all business obligations that CarVal undertakes with absolute integrity.
5.   We will keep CarVal’s business records in a manner that accurately reflects the true nature of CarVal’s business practice.
6.   Managers and supervisors will be responsible to ensure that employees under their supervision are familiar with applicable
     laws and company policies and comply with them. Further, they will be responsible for preventing, detecting and reporting any
     violations of law or CarVal policies.
7.   Employees will not become involved in situations that create a conflict of interest
     between CarVal and the employee.                                                                                             ®

                                                                                                     CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 12

                                                                               RESPONSIBLE INVESTING COMMITTEE
CarVal formed a Responsible Investing Committee in 2017 reporting to the executive team, in conjunction with establishing our Responsible
Investing Policy. The Responsible Investing Committee’s primary responsibilities are to monitor the effectiveness and implementation of the
Responsible Investing Policy and to make recommendations for amendments to the policy, should these be required.

                                                                        COMMITTEE CO-CHAIRS

                                   Lucas Detor                                                                            Chris Hedberg
                                   Managing Principal                                                                     Chief Financial Officer

                                                                     INVESTMENT PROFESSIONALS

             Greg Belonogoff                             M’hamed Chahir                              Jess Dvorak                                    Neil Hepworth
             Principal,                                  Managing Director,                          Managing Director,                             Managing Director,
             Shipping/Workout                            Corporate Securities                        Loan Portfolios                                Loan Portfolios

             Jonathan Hunt                               Jeff Lee,                                   Carlo Portes                                   Sandeep Saboo
             Managing Director,                          Director,                                   Director,                                      Director,
             Clean Energy                                CLO                                         Corporate Securities                           Emerging Markets

             Esteban Torres                              Xiaoyu Gu                                   Robert Simmer                                  Emily Wilson
             Director,                                   Vice President,                             Vice President,                                Vice President,
             Emerging Markets                            Clean Energy                                Loan Portfolios                                Hard Assets

                                                           OPERATION AND FUNCTION PROFESSIONALS

                                                         Gareth Edwards                              Ann Folkman                                    Christie Oberg
             Kevin Bloss
                                                         Managing Director,                          Managing Director,                             Managing Director,
             Associate General Counsel
                                                         Capital Formation                           Marketing & Communications                     Deputy CCO

             Matthew Remfert                             Heather Schnell                             Kyle Schafer                                   Kim Ferrell
             Managing Director,                          Director,                                   Senior Associate                               Vice President,
             Risk                                        Investor Relations                          Data Technology                                Senior Paralegal

CarVal has a strong corporate culture that has been developed, nurtured and refined over the Firm’s 34-year history. The culture is centered
on collaboration and discipline, also placing great emphasis on certain values that we believe are critical to achieving the highest levels of
engagement and strong performance. Milestones of our ESG efforts are highlighted below – though we are steadfast in our commitment to
expanding and improving our ESG strategy in the years to come.

                                                                                                              JUN 2019                                    FEB 2021
                                              JUN 2017                                                 ESG training program for                     Became UNPRI signatory
                                         Formed Responsible                                            investment professionals
                                                                             OCT 2018
                                         Investing Committee
        MAY 2015                                                       Launched the first MN       Launched summer internship                  DEC 2020
      Formed CarVal                      Issued Responsible             chapter of Rock the        program with Girls Who Invest          Established internal
      Women’s Forum                        Investing Policy              Street Wall Street            Formed I&D Committee              ESG training program

      2015                                        2017                                          2019                                           2021

                            2016                                              2018                                      2020

                                             APR 2017                                        MAY 2019                                    APR 2020
                                         Formed partnership                                 Became SASB                           Formed partnership with
                                             with NABA                                        member                                The Diversity Project

                                                         SEP 2017                                  DEC 2019
                                                    Formed CarVal                      Launched CVI Clean Energy Fund
                                                 Investors Foundation                Issued first ESG report to our investors

                                                                                                                             CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 13

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                                                                                           RESPONSIBLE INVESTING

CarVal Investors believes that environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors have the potential to influence investment outcomes and
has committed to incorporate them into the firm’s investment decision making. CarVal is also committed to adhering to the United Nations
Principles for Responsible Investment where they are consistent with CarVal’s broader fiduciary responsibilities.

CarVal implemented a Responsible Investing Policy in mid-2017 that           This Policy applies to all investments made within commingled and
draws on the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment,           single-investor funds where the investment guidelines of such funds
an organization to which CarVal is now a signatory. The Responsible          specifically identify that a policy of Responsible Investing should
Investing Policy is consistent with CarVal’s fiduciary responsibility to     be pursued. In general, commingled funds will make limited use of
maximize returns for its investors. The specific goals of this policy are:   thematic exclusions but such policies may be tailored to investor’s
                                                                             requirements in the case of single-investor funds.
1.   Implement procedures that can be reasonably expected
     to identify those investments or transactions in which ESG
     factors may be material
2.   Implement procedures to ensure that investment
     professionals are knowledgeable regarding Responsible
     Investing, providing ongoing training where required
3.   Ensure that appropriate personnel have the necessary tools
     to incorporate ESG factors into investment decision making,
     where such factors are relevant
4.   Provide a governance framework (i.e., the establishment of
     a Responsible Investing Committee) within which CarVal may
     monitor and review the effectiveness and operation of its
     Responsible Investing Policy
5.   Implement procedures for the monitoring and reporting of
     responsible investment practices at an investment, fund and
     firm level

Scope of Policy

                                                                                                         CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 15

CARVAL’S RESPONSIBLE INVESTING POLICY IN BRIEF:                        to achieve a deeper understanding of relevant exposures and to
                                                                       promote ESG reporting.
                                                                       As a debt investor, CarVal tends to have few opportunities to
CarVal does not typically apply investment exclusion screens based     participate in proxy voting but to the extent that such opportunities
on ESG criteria to its commingled funds as a whole, although           do arise, CarVal will use its voting rights in respect of matters of
investors in separately managed accounts or single investor funds      corporate responsibility and governance.
may direct that agreed exclusion policies should be implemented in
respect of their capital.                                              RESPONSIBILITY OF INVESTMENT TEAMS
As well as following any local laws or regulations that may apply,     Each member of an investment team who participates in the
CarVal does not invest in companies involved in the production of      evaluation and/or approval of potential investments for the
cluster munitions or anti-personnel mines. This policy is consistent   funds will participate in mandatory training to support effective
with the United Nations Convention on Cluster Munitions.               implementation of the policy at the investment level, when and as
                                                                       determined by the Responsible Investing Committee. Each of these
ENGAGEMENT                                                             individuals will be required to attest that he or she has read the
CarVal, through the funds it manages, typically owns debt rather       policy and understands his or her role and obligations with respect
than equity and as such is a contractual counterparty to, rather       to the policy.
than an owner of, a business. Such a situation will generally place
constraints on the ability to influence company management but as      TRANSPARENCY
CarVal believes non-financial factors (i.e., ESG factors) may have a   CarVal will report annually to relevant stakeholders on the
material impact on a borrower’s long-term financial performance,       implementation of its Responsible Investing Policy. A component
it remains committed to exercising influence and promoting its ESG     of this commitment to transparency is the obligation to produce
values where possible.                                                 an annual update that will be made available to investors. As a
Where it determines it appropriate, CarVal will engage directly with   signatory to the UNPRI, CarVal has committed to reporting under
companies to encourage best practice in respect of ESG factors,        the UNPRI framework.

                                                 CARVAL INVESTORS’ ESG PARTNERSHIPS
                                                                                                            Member since 2019
                                                                                                  CarVal Investors is proud to be a member
                                                                                                  of the SASB Alliance whose goal is to
                                                                                                  develop and explore best practices to
                                                                                                  integrate material sustainability infor-
                    Signatory since 2021                                                          mation into existing processes. CarVal
                                                                                                  shares SASB’s belief that today’s capital
The PRI, a UN-supported network of investors, works to                                            markets need standardized sustainability
promote sustainable investment through the incorporation of                                       disclosure and effective ESG integration
environmental, social and governance factors into investment                                      into investment practices.
decision-making. CarVal Investors has recently become a
signatory of this distinguished network.
                                                                                                    CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 16

                                                                 CLEAN ENERGY INVESTMENT ACTIVITY
                                                                                            Clean Energy Investments by Asset Type
CLEAN ENERGY IMPACT OPPORTUNITIES                                                                       As of March 31, 2021 (estimate)

Clean energy is a fast-growing source of new energy, yet the                                                                   Residential
                                                                                                                               Solar Loans
market is nascent and fragmented, making it an attractive
investment opportunity. CarVal has an extensive team focused on
five strategies within clean energy investments today that draw                                                                              Solar Asset-Backed
upon CarVal’s 34 years of experience investing in loan portfolios,                            Secured                                         Securities (ABS)
corporate securities, structured credit and commercial real estate.
These primary strategies include: Secured Debt, Solar Asset-Backed                                                                           C-Pace/Efficiency

Securities, C-PACE/Efficiency, Commercial and Industrial Solar and
Storage, and Residential Solar Loans.                                                                                             Commercial & Industrial
                                                                                                                                    (C&I) Solar Storage

                                          Renewable Energy and Sustainability Projects
       Secured Debt                  Solar ABS                 C-PACE / Efficiency          C&I Solar & Storage              Residential Solar Loans

                               Asset–backed securities       Financing energy efficiency
  Project finance bonds or                                                                 Acquisition of mid-scale          Newly originated loans to
                               where underlying assets        improvements, including
      loans secured on                                                                     solar facilities with long         homeowners installing
                              are residential solar loans       Commercial Property
     renewables assets                                                                   term contractual cashflows             residential solar
                                or other renewables         Assessed Clean Energy loans

As of February 28, 2021

                                                                                                               CARVALINVESTORS.COM | 17
                                                                                                                       CLEAN ENERGY FUND

In 2021, CarVal closed on its first fund dedicated to clean energy investing. This fund raised $490 million in commitments that will be invested alongside
capital from CarVal’s multi-strategy funds. The fund invests in assets that generate clean energy, as well as in assets that save and store energy, which
reduces the demand for carbon-generated power. Totaling the kilowatt hours of energy that CarVal estimates are generated or saved by these investments
over the course of a year, below are various alternative metrics that show the carbon offset benefits of the fund’s investments, as estimated by the EPA’s
Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator, located at The output below includes only those investments in the dedicated clean energy fund that
both (a) involve active production or storage of energy and (b) represent assets directly owned or financed by CarVal funds.

                                                                                                    Carbon Offset*
                                                                                  (based on holdings as of December 31, 2020)

                                                                        Carbon Dioxide Equivalent = 97,024 metric tons
                                                   CO2 Emissions from:                                                                             Carbon Sequestered by:

                                             Homes’ Electricity                                                                                      Acres of U.S.
                                              Use for One Year                                                                                    Forest in One Year

                                                           17,624                                                                       118,871
                                         Greenhouse Gas Emission from:                                                                Greenhouse Gas Emissions avoided by:

                                         Passenger Vehicles                                                                               Trash bags of Waste
                                         Driven for One Year                                                                                Recycled instead
                                                                                                                                              of Landfilled
                                                             21,101                                                                   4,128,307
                                         The Carbon Offset is an estimated figure based solely on approximate energy generated/saved annually by investments held in the dedicated clean energy fund

    Carbon           Included in Offset                                                                                                      Investment              kWh included
                                                                                     Description                                                                                                   Investment Type
  Offset Tiers           Calculation                                                                                                           Amount                  in Offset
     Tier 1                    YES                 CarVal-owned or solely financed clean energy assets. Only                                 $68,675,403               65,091,494         C&I Projects, C-PACE and
                                                   the dedicated clean energy fund’s pro rata share of assets is                                                                          residential whole loans
                                                   included in offset.
     Tier 2                    YES                 CarVal funds own a portion of the assets or have provided a                               $22,963,024               71,815,609         Efficiency, private loans and
                                                   portion of private debt financing. Only the dedicated clean                                                                            originated ABS equity
                                                   energy fund’s pro rata share of assets is included in offset.
     Tier 3                    NO                  Publicly traded securities (including interest rate hedges),                              $45,124,127                              0   Bonds, purchased ABS,
                                                   development investments in renewable projects, and                                                                                     renewable equipment, and
                                                   renewable equipment financings made by the dedicated clean                                                                             development loans
                                                   energy fund.
  CarVal’s dedicated clean energy fund carbon offset report is informed by broad reporting principles from the following organiza-         $136,762,554               136,907,103
  tions: Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB), and United Nations
  Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)

The Carbon Offset is calculated by inputting CarVal estimates into the EPA’s Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator ( calculator). This figure is based on renewable energy
generated in connection with the Fund’s holdings as of December 31, 2020. The calculation includes only those investments in the Fund for which CarVal believes it has a
reasonable basis for attributing an approximate measure of energy produced or saved per year. It reflects only the Fund’s pro rata share of kWh produced by
the respective investments. The calculation does not incorporate carbon emissions generated by the management company or other operations.
Certain data have been provided by third-party sources and have not been independently verified and cannot be guaranteed. Different
methodologies or assumptions will product different results.
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                                                                                                                                                                               C A R VA L I N V E S T O R   .CO M

The information in this document is intended for informational purposes only and reflects the views of CarVal Investors, LP (“CarVal”) as of the date herein.
All time-sensitive analysis and representations in this document are made as of March 31, 2021, unless stated otherwise.
CarVal makes no representation that the information herein is accurate, updated or complete. CarVal does not undertake to advise you of changes to the views
expressed here, changes to circumstances that may affect these views, or the occurrence of future events.
This document does not constitute an investment recommendation, investment advice, or an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Moreover,
investment concepts described in this paper may be unsuitable for investors in light of their specific investment objectives and financial situation. You may not rely on
these materials as the basis upon which to make an investment decision. To the extent that you rely on these materials in connection with any investment decision, you
do so at your own risk.

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