Returns: The competitive advantage - a study by CouriersPlease | June 2021 Returns - platformOS

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Returns: The competitive advantage
a study by CouriersPlease | June 2021


CouriersPlease/Power Retail White Paper


                   Executive Summary ...................................................................................3

                   What do consumers want? ......................................................................5

                   What can retailers do? .............................................................................. 6

                   CouriersPlease Returns explained ........................................................ 8

                   Returns Dos and Don’ts ........................................................................... 9

CouriersPlease June 2021
Executive Summary

While much of the focus of online retail centres on making the sale, a large element of this is the
(somewhat contradictory) loss of the sale: returns. Strictly defined, online returns is the process
of a customer sending a previously purchased item back to the retailer. But the wider definition
encompasses so much more.Returns are about customer retention, loyalty, brand awareness,
retargeting, reviews, ratings, customer service and experiential marketing. As with most elements of
e-commerce, returns don’t exist in a silo.

The stats show that online purchasing is on the rise, consumer behaviour is changing, and how
retailers approach returns (from policies on their website to the physical returns process) can be a
huge strategic advantage.

Returns and the technology that supports them have been evolving to keep up with consumer
demand. Are you leveraging what’s on offer?

CouriersPlease (CP) are Australia’s leading          Power Retail is the ultimate information resource
metropolitan courier service, providing              for online retailers and suppliers.
customised shipping options for online retailers.    Our team of editors, content developers, data
                                                     analysts and researchers are at the forefront
With over 35 years domestic experience we are        of the industry, and offer the latest, cutting-
experts at connecting Australian businesses to       edge insights into the fast changing world of
the local communities through our friendly face-     e-commerce.
to-face service.
                                                     Across our data and research, media and events
With CP you can build the shipping service your      divisions, we show you where you need to go,
business needs, in partnership with one of our       and help you to get there.
800+ independent franchise owners.
                                                     Find out more:
Find out more:

                                                                                       CouriersPlease June 2021
Since online retail commenced its upwards             If two e-retailers are offering the same product
trajectory, so too has the debate around returns      with a similar price tag, the cost of returns can
intensified. Consumers have been slowly               be a factor in where they choose to buy. If a
transitioned away from shopping in physical           retailer offers free returns or low cost to return,
stores to feel more comfortable purchasing            consumers are likely to purchase from them.”
online. Whether it’s a couch, a washing machine
or new leggings, there are many elements that         For retailers, it’s a tricky balance. They need to
come into play to ensure that items are added to      balance the needs of their consumers with their
a consumer’s cart. It’s not just price that impacts   business objectives and the commerciality of
purchase decisions, but also optimising images        returns. Despite what shoppers believe, returns
and product descriptions (not to mention all the      come with an enormous cost. It’s not just the cost
elements that lead to the consumer heading to         of physically returning the goods to the store,
the retailer website in the first place). A huge      there’s inventory management, restocking costs,
factor that comes into play here is returns.          customer service, packaging, etc. But there’s an
                                                      enormous cost for those who don’t offer smart
“As the online retail market grows, retailers are     returns policies: loss of conversions, loss of
not only working to improve the shipping of           marketing opportunities, loss of loyalty, customer
goods but also combating the challenges of            service headaches and increasing competition.
returns and reverse logistics,” says Jessica Ip,      So, what are retailers meant to do and where do
Chief Transformation Officer for CouriersPlease       returns fit within the rapidly changing e-commerce
(CP). “The returns experience might be a              landscape and increasingly heightened
retailer’s competitive edge to drive customer         expectations of consumers?
retention. This includes the cost to consumers.

   “As the online retail market
   grows, retailers are not only
   working to improve the shipping
   of goods but also combating
   the challenges of returns and
   reverse logistics”

CouriersPlease June 2021
9 Million
      Aussies purchased
    something online in an
   average four-week period
                                                57%                                                30
                                            of Australian online                         by 2021, the average
                                          shoppers return at least                       Australian household
                                             one item per year                          will have 30 connected

What do consumers want?                                 journey. The path to purchase can no longer be
                                                        seen as a funnel. By 2021, the average Australian
“I believe that the online retail landscape has         household will have 30 connected devices.5
changed drastically in the last few years,” says        Sixty-nine percent of Aussies use a smartphone
Ip. “The industry has seen an increase in gross         and watch television simultaneously, using an
purchases of both physical and service products.        average of three different screen combinations
Australia’s e-commerce market revenue is                every day,6 while 63 percent start shopping on
expected to grow 14 percent over the five years         one device and continue on another.7 While
through 2018 to 2023, bringing the total revenue        consumers used to enter a store, touch, feel and
to $24 billion.”1                                       try goods or ask for help from sales assistants,
                                                        they’re now shopping on the go. They’re being
“With revenue growing year on year, so are the          inspired on Instagram and are purchasing directly
number of Aussies shopping online”, explains            from within the app. They’re adding to their cart
Ip. “New research shows over 9 million Aussies          while researching on a tiny smartphone screen
purchased something online in an average four-          (while watching Netflix). Is it any wonder then that
week period, which is an increase of 590,000 in         returns are on the rise?
just 12 months.”2

The e-commerce boom doesn’t look set to
slow any time soon. With increasing consumer
engagement also comes increasing consumer
demand. Power Retail research has found that 7
percent of Australian online shoppers returned
the last item that they purchased. In terms of their
annual behaviour, 57 percent of Australian online
shoppers return at least one item per year, 25
percent return two items, and 2 percent return 10       1
items in a typical year.3                                   thematic-reports/online-shopping.html
Trends out of the UK and US markets indicate                ly-9point5-million-australians-201806080733

that returns will only increase.4 So, what is driving   3

this behaviour? Of course, with increasing spend        4

comes the inevitable increase in returns. But           5
there is also a change in how consumers are
spending, which is impacting returns. Mobile                mobile/au-new-multi-screen-world/
commerce is on the rise as multiscreening and           7
social commerce revolutionise the purchase                  mobile/au-new-multi-screen-world/
                                                                                                        CouriersPlease June 2021
“Encouraging returns is good for building                So how can retailers leverage returns? First
loyalty; by not taking action it can result in losing    and foremost, it’s about understanding why
customers. There is a risk of not competing with a       consumers are returning items, and then ensuring
seamless returns process because many retailers          that your overall strategy is aligned with consumer
are aiming to perfect this given the leverage it         purchase behaviour.
provides,” Ip says. “It may be costly, but it has to
be built into the outbound price or cost of the          Are your product images and content adequately
product.”                                                describing your products? Do you have customer
                                                         support for shopper queries prior to purchase?
Nearly half (48 percent)8 of the most recent items       Once you’ve ticked these off your list, ensure that
returned by Australian online consumers were             you’re then optimising the returns experience as
because they didn’t fit or they didn’t like the          you would the purchase experience.
colour. Females (56 percent)9 are much more
likely to return their last online purchase because      “CP’s own research has found that 55 percent of
it didn’t fit, or they didn’t like the colour compared   Aussies say repacking their goods or having to
to males (34 percent).10 CP research found that          buy returns packaging is what they dislike most
regardless of the price of the item, 39 percent of       about returning a product purchased online,”
Aussies would always return if they need to.             explains Ip.

Shoppers also find it much easier to make returns        In a time where there are so many online retail
through an online process rather than to a               options, those who have a focus on returns in
physical store (as they don’t have to explain their      their overall strategy will hold a competitive
reasons for the return to a shop assistant).11           advantage. A good customer-centric returns
                                                         policy will promote brand loyalty and repeat
In fact, 70 percent of consumers regard the              purchases. “It only makes sense for customers
ease of being able to return items as a factor           to have a positive online shopping experience
in determining which retailers they shop from            from beginning to end – that is, from the first
online.12                                                engagement of the website to the checkout
                                                         process and all the way back to when you must
What can retailers do?                                   return the item,” explains Ip.

Trends from the UK and US online retail markets          “Some retailers are battling with returns –
both indicate that the proportion of returns will        many are not sure what to do with it and some
increase, and that providing desirable returns           resort to penalising customers as it costs them
policies will become a point of competition              money,” adds Ip. “Despite this, retailers will have
between online retailers.13                              to incorporate returns in their overall strategy
                                                         because it’s becoming a part of the whole
“Having a seamless returns experience is so              customer experience. There are two parts to this:
important because it influences purchasing               delivery and processing. I believe that both parts
decisions, promotes repurchasing, as well as             require more confidence by retailers to offer this.
increasing customer loyalty to a brand,” explains        Whether it be partnering up with the right carriers
Ip. “With many online retailers often offering           or having excellent customer service for prompt
the same product, returns could be the only              responses for shipping queries.”
differentiator when customers decide where to
purchase from.”

CouriersPlease June 2021
Jessica Ip, Chief Transformation Officer, CouriersPlease, shares her top five tips for retailers when
it comes to returns:

1. Eliminate the risk and hassle of returns.

  Make it painless by implementing an easy returns process, which may require the customer to only
  fill out a simple form with their details. When it comes to repackaging their parcel, consider sending
  shoppers their order in a reusable bag, so they won’t have to pay extra for packaging.

2. Extend the returns policy during busy shopping periods.

  A good idea is to extend returns during the holiday season when there’s a spike in online shopping.
  People are busy during this time and customers will appreciate the flexibility on when they can
  make returns. This will also give retailers breathing room to process any returns.

3. Use returns to gain insights about your customers.

  If a customer returns a product, it may be worthwhile to gather some feedback. It may be that they
  found a better alternative, or they were simply not satisfied. Retailers can also use this opportunity
  to improve the business.

4. Encourage shoppers to exchange rather than return.

  Retailers can take the opportunity to up-sell other items when a customer returns a product by
  offering them a chance to add items in their exchange shipment. For example, ask them if they want
  to change their size or for a similar item that’s a different fit or a new arrival.

5. Create clear and simple return policies.

  Return polices that are easy to understand will reduce the chances of customers experiencing
  delays in getting the returns processed and getting a refund. This especially applies to retailers that
  ship overseas – these retailers would also have to think about language barriers and international
  customs. It also helps to ensure that your return policies can be found within a few clicks on your
  website for quick navigation.
                                                                                        CouriersPlease June 2021
It’s vital for retailers (especially more traditional   With the CouriersPlease Returns service, e-tailers
retailers) to understand the true cost of reverse       can offer shoppers easy and low-cost returns for
logistics and how to incorporate this into the          their customers. Customers can simply request
larger sphere of business. For example, where           a CP driver to collect their unsuitable shopping
retailers can process customer returns in store,        items from their chosen address or one of 1,700
they must ensure staff are adequately trained to        CP drop-off points (which includes a network
service the customer even though the purchase           of convenience stores and petrol stations). This
may have occurred online. Retailers with physical       will then be delivered directly to the retailer’s
stores have a challenge to ensure their in-store        warehouse for processing. CP’s solution helps
experience can replicate the customer’s online          retailers reduce the need for their customer
experience and vice versa. Online retailers will        service team to process returns because it’s a
have a different challenge to return all goods          self-service returns portal. This leaves physical
to a central warehouse within the Australian            stores to focus on selling instead of returns
geography. They may have some advantages                and ensures a better self-service experience.
compared to a retailer with the cost of a physical      Additionally, the speed of the return to the
store presence; however, the cost of returns to a       warehouse, and the turnaround time for returns
single warehouse can be costly, especially when         where they will be put back online or on the shelf,
trying to offer a consistent returns experience         will be quicker.
for Australians living in cities compared to those
living in regional and country areas.                   Retailers will direct those customers wanting to
                                                        return their item to the CouriersPlease Returns
CouriersPlease Returns explained                        portal, where they will receive full directions and
                                                        guidance on how to lodge a return quickly and
Power Retail research found that finding time to        easily. All the customer is required to do is repack
return deliveries is a significant issue for many       their item, print out the consignment label and
online shoppers and some are prepared to pay            apply it to their return for fast identification and
for a courier pick up service.14 This represents        tracking. Once lodged, customers can either
a potential competitive advantage for online            drop it off at the nearest drop-off point or wait for
retailers.                                              it to be collected by CP from their home/office
                                                        and taken back to the retailer’s warehouse for

CouriersPlease June 2021
What mistakes are retailers making?
CouriersPlease explains the dos and don’ts:

DON’T...                                                DO...
Complicate returns policies                             Factor in cost

A major mistake is very complicated returns             Retailers should consider how much they charge
policies. Returns policies need to be easily            – if they do – for returns because very few
understood, and the process should be hassle-           Aussies will pay more than $10 to return an item
free and affordable. A survey CP conducted              they bought online. Precisely 86 percent Aussie
reveals that 53 percent of shoppers said returns        shoppers in a recent CP survey said they will only
processes offered by various e-tailers need to          return an item if it is free to do so or costs less
be easier. Some of the mistakes include having          than $10.
customers organise all the logistics of their
returns, such as the packaging and transport.           Allow flexibility

Leave your customer waiting                             In addition to prices, retailers should also allow
                                                        flexibility in how shoppers can return their items.
Leaving your customers waiting too long for their
refund to be processed is also a common mistake.        Prioritise speed
With Aussies increasingly wanting their online
shopping delivered at a faster rate, it is key for      How quickly the product gets back on the shelf
retailers to accommodate shoppers with quick            or online and how fast customers can get a
returns as well as refunds.                             refund should be considered heavily. The CP
                                                        survey shows 29 percent of Aussies say the
Forgetting to include a cross-border returns            delay in getting refunds is what they dislike the
policy                                                  most about returns. The more efficient a retailer’s
                                                        quality check process, the faster customers can
Another common mistake to note is failing to            receive their refunds.
place a cross-border returns policy on a retailer’s
website. If a retailer ships overseas, it’s important
that customers can easily find and understand
how they can make a return if they are based in a
different country, as the processes might vary.

                 53%                                                        86%
                                                            of Aussie shoppers in a recent
       of shoppers said returns                              CP survey will only return an
     processes offered by various                          item if it is free to do so of costs
      e-tailers need to be easier                                      less than $10

                                                                                          CouriersPlease June 2021
Delivering the future

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