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                       One year in review 2018: psoriatic arthritis
                              E. Calabresi1, S. Monti2,3, G. Governato1, L. Carli4

  Rheumatology Unit, Department of            ABSTRACT                                    the spine, in particular the sacroiliac
Clinical and Experimental Medicine,           Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is an inflam-       joint (SIj); based on the presence of
University of Pisa;                           matory condition characterised by a         a sacroiliitis (SI) detectable on x-ray,
  Department of Rheumatology,
                                              broad spectrum of clinical manifesta-       they are actually classified in AS or in
University of Pavia, IRCCS Policlinico
S. Matteo Foundation, Pavia;                  tions, laboratory abnormalities and         non-radiographic ax-SpA (nr ax-SpA).
  PhD in Experimental Medicine,               imaging features that genetically tend      PsA may manifest in a number of dif-
University of Pavia;                          to be associated with the major his-        ferent patterns, with a major involve-
  Rheumatology Unit, AOUP, Pisa, Italy.       tocompatibility complex class 1 an-         ment of small joints of the hands and
Emanuele Calabresi, MD                        tigen, HLA-B27, and in which both           feet, or predominant large joint in-
Sara Monti, MD                                peripheral and axial joints might be        volvement, particularly in the knees,
Gianmaria Governato MD                        affected. In addition to arthritis, the     or a combination of these. It may also
Linda Carli MD, PhD                           typical musculoskeletal manifestations      involve the axial joints, and inflamma-
Please address correspondence to:             are enthesitis and dactylitis. Extra-       tion of the entheses and/or finger and
Dr Linda Carli,                               articular manifestations such as acute      toe joints (2).
Rheumatology Unit, AOUP,
Via Roma 67,
                                              anterior uveitis (AAU), psoriasis (PsO)     At present, we could say that SpA rep-
56126 Pisa, Italy.                            and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)         resents one of the most intriguing is-
E-mail:                    are also typical of SpA. In this article    sues of modern rheumatology. Indeed,
Received on March 4, 2019; accepted in        we have reviewed the literature of the      not only does it tend to present in a
revised form on March 12, 2019.               past year on one of the most important      very pleomorphic way, but also, dur-
Clin Exp Rheumatol 2019; 37: 167-178.         variants of SpA, i.e. psoriatic arthritis   ing its progression, it tends to associate
© Copyright Clinical and                      (PsA) (Medline search of articles pub-      with a very wide spectrum of comor-
Experimental Rheumatology 2019.               lished from 1st January 2018 to 31st        bidities [in particular with cardiovascu-
                                              January 2019).                              lar diseases (CVD), diabetes mellitus,
Key words: psoriatic arthritis,                                                           osteoporosis (OP), psychiatric disor-
ankylosing spondylitis, imaging,              Introduction                                ders, but renal, neurologic and pulmo-
comorbidities, quality of life                The term spondyloarthritis (SpA) rep-       nary disorders have also been reported]
                                              resents a condition characterised by a      and with a reduction of the ability to
                                              broad spectrum of clinical manifesta-       work and the quality of work of sub-
                                              tions, laboratory abnormalities and         jects, thus seriously compromising the
                                              imaging features that genetically tends     health-related quality of life (HRQoL)
                                              to be associated with the major histo-      of patients (3).
                                              compatibility complex class 1 antigen,      Following the previous annual reviews
                                              HLA-B27, in which both peripheral           of this series (1, 2, 4-9), we will here
                                              and axial joints might be affected. In      provide a critical digest of the recent
                                              addition to arthritis, the typical mus-     literature on one aspect of SpA, i.e.
                                              culoskeletal manifestations are en-         psoriatic arthritis (PsA). In particular,
                                              thesitis and dactylitis. Extra-articular    we performed an on-line search on
                                              manifestations such as acute anterior       MESH database, using as key terms
                                              uveitis (AAU), psoriasis (PsO) and          “chemistry”, “complications”, “diag-
                                              inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) (in         nosis”, “drug therapy”, “epidemiol-
                                              order of decreasing prevalence) are         ogy”, “genetics”, “imaging diagnosis”,
                                              also characteristic of SpA (1, 2).          “metabolism”, “microbiology”, “mor-
                                              The majority of people with this dis-       tality”, “prevention and control”, “psy-
                                              ease have either psoriatic arthritis        chology”, “rehabilitation”, “surgery”,
                                              (PsA) or axial spondyloarthritis (ax-       “therapy”; articles were published from
                                              SpA), which includes ankylosing spon-       1st January 2018 to 31th January 2019.
Competing interests: none declared.           dylitis (AS). Ax-SpA primarily affects      Current recommendations on PsA

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identify up to six PsA disease domains:       est in the pathogenetic mechanism in-                  10) and TNFRSF1A (exons 2,3,4 and
peripheral arthritis, enthesitis, dac-        volved in SpA diseases, with the aim                   6) genes were performed. Their anal-
tylitis, spondylitis, and skin and nail       also of identifying biochemical and                    ysis confirmed that HLA-B27 was
PsO. The development of comorbidi-            genetic biomarkers that might help                     associated with AS; only the TNFA
ties might further contribute to disease      the diagnostic work up and the evalu-                  -1031T>C was singly associated with
heterogeneity. Recent new advances            ation of treatment effectiveness. Single               SpA, and the haplotype C/G, resulting
in the knowledge of the immunologi-           nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in                     from -1031T>C/-308G>A combina-
cal mechanisms at the basis of PsA            genes involved in TNF-α signalling,                    tion, was significantly associated with
allowed an improvement in therapeu-           such as those in the promoter region of                a reduced risk of developing SpA. Two
tical strategies that, together with the      the TNFA gene, in TNFSF15 (TNF li-                     SNPs were identified in TNFRSF1A,
advances in imaging techniques and            gand superfamily, member 15), TNFR-                    the R92Q and c.625+10A>G; none
the recognition of different patterns of      1 (TNF receptor 1) and TRADD (TNF                      of them was associated with a higher
clinical manifestations of the disease        receptor type 1-associated death do-                   risk of developing SpA. Interestingly,
itself, might assure a progressive im-        main protein), have been identified as                 the TNFRSF1A c.625+10 G allele was
provement in the routinary assessment         potentially associated with SpA. This                  significantly associated with a later re-
of PsA patients, aiming at reaching a         is of great interest not only because                  sponse to anti-TNF-α therapy. Twenty-
better quality of care (10).                  TNF-α is involved in the propagation                   one SNPs were identified in MEFV
                                              and perpetuation of inflammation in                    gene, 10 with a known potential func-
Epidemiology                                  SpA, but also because of the clinical                  tional significance. Variant alleles were
The incidence of PsA has been report-         efficacy of treatments based on drugs                  extremely rare in the studied popula-
ed for an inland area of central Italy        targeting the TNF-α pathway. Taking                    tion, except for R202Q; none of them
(CAMPO-RHE study) reporting that,             into consideration the potential role                  was associated with SpA diagnosis.
of 1003 adult patients referred by a gen-     of autoinflammation in disease patho-                  The authors therefore concluded at first
eral practitioner to the rheumatologic        genesis, other potential candidates are                that the risk of developing AS seemed
clinic of Campobasso, there were 19           the MEFV (Mediterranean fever) and                     to depend not only on HLA-B27, but
new diagnoses of PsA, accounting for          TNFRSF1A (TNF receptor superfam-                       also on the protective role of TNF-α
an incident case rate of 22.59/100,000/       ily member 1A) genes, involved in the                  haplotype -1031C/-308G; secondly,
year on the population at risk (11).          pathogenesis of the autoinflammatory                   the TNFRSF1A and MEFV gene SNPs
                                              disorders familial Mediterranean fe-                   are not associated with a major risk of
Chemistry                                     ver (FMF) and tumour necrosis factor                   developing SpA in the north-east of
Over the past 12 months there has been        receptor-associated periodic syndrome                  Italy and finally, that the TNFRSF1A
an increasing interest in the predictors      (TRAPS), respectively. The latter gene                 c.625+10A>G could impact on the re-
for the development of PsA, and in the        encodes the TNFR-1 and genetic vari-                   sponse to anti-TNF-α therapy (13).
imaging or clinical features useful to        ations might underlie functional altera-               Long non-encoding RNAs (lncRNAs)
allow making an early diagnosis of the        tions of the TNF-α signalling, while                   are important mediators of inflamma-
disease. The identification of potential      variations in MEFV gene were shown                     tion and in particular in autoimmune
circulating biomarkers able to iden-          to be very common among FMF Turk-                      diseases such as systemic lupus ery-
tify cases of undiagnosed PsA amongst         ish patients with AS as a sole clinical                thematosus (SLE), rheumatoid arthritis
those with cutaneous PsO has shown            manifestation. Starting from these data,               (RA), or PsO, they seem to modulate
promising results in a cohort of 100          an Italian research group, investigated                the immune system. Considering that
PsA patients, 100 PsO, and 100 healthy        whether, in addition to the established                few data exist on lncRNAs in PsA,
controls. CD5-like protein, integrin ß5,      HLA-B27 genetic predisposing factor,                   Dolcino et al. have researched the
Mac-2-binding protein, myeloperoxi-           biomarkers of inflammation, SNPs in                    profile of expression of lncRNA with
dase, metalloproteinase 3 were candi-         the promoter region of TNFA, or vari-                  microarray analysis in a cohort of 10
date biomarkers for PsA, performing           ants of the autoinflammatory TNFRS-                    patients with PsA. They have found
better than C-reactive protein (CRP)          F1A and MEFV genes, might be of help                   259 lncRNAs that are strongly asso-
(12).                                         in SpA diagnosis and/or in predicting                  ciated to PsA compared with healthy
                                              the response to anti-TNFα treatment.                   controls. The role of lncRNAs found
Genetics                                      They enrolled 137 SpA patients (82                     in the blood of patients with PsA could
The delay in diagnosis, the lack of           with PsA and 55 with AS; 98/137                        be strongly associated with the immu-
specific diagnostic and prognostic bio-       under TNF-α inhibitor therapy) and                     nopathogenesis of the disease, owing
markers and of complete clinical re-          373 controls coming from the north-                    to their association with B and T lym-
sponse even after therapy with tumour         east of Italy. TNFA polymorphisms                      phocyte gene expression, inflamma-
necrosis factor (TNF) α inhibitors,           ( - 1 0 3 1 T > C ; - 8 5 7 C > T; - 3 7 6 G > A ; -   tory cytokine genes like TNF and type
such as etanercept (ETN), infliximab          308G>A;-238G>A) and HLA-B27                            1 IFN, genes related to bone apposi-
(IFX), adalimumab (ADA) and goli-             were assayed by RT-PCR. Direct se-                     tion such as WNT and genes related to
mumab (GOL), have raised the inter-           quencing of MEFV (exons 2,3,5 and                      metabolic syndrome. From these data it

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could be supposed an epigenetic role of       the early identification of patients with    dysfunction, subclinical atherosclero-
lncRNA in PsA pathogenesis, through           PsA (17) and supporting the importance       sis and plaque instability.
their role in immunomodulation of ad-         of a multidisciplinary management of         Szentpetery et al. assessed the frequency
aptative and acquired immunity and in         PsA in strict collaboration between the      and characteristics of coronary plaque
glycolipid metabolism (14).                   rheumatologist and the dermatologist         burden in 50 patients with PsA and 50
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are impor-                 (18). Finally, duration of PsO disease       age- and sex-matched controls. Plaques
tant mediators of the immune system;          has been reported to be associated with      were significantly more frequent in PsA
only few data on miRNA expression             an increased incidence of PsA in a large     compared to controls. Interestingly,
in patients with active PsA is currently      cohort of 10,011 patients (19).              among patients with PsA, the presence
availble. Pelosi et al. investigated their    A screening clinical questionnaire –         of concomitant metabolic syndrome did
action in PsA analysing a cohort of 23        Simple Psoriatic Arthritis Screening         not influence the plaque burden, which
PsA patients that were divided into two       (SIPAS) – to facilitate the discrimina-      was associated with signs of active in-
subgroups based on the phase of their         tion between PsO and PsA has been pro-       flammatory disease rather than with tra-
disease (activity or remission). They         posed and validated by Salaffi et al. and    ditional CV risk factors (24).
found that miRNAs changed the expres-         can be used to identify patients that war-   A cohort of 340 patients from a tertiary
sion of TNF, MAPK and WNT signal-             rant referral to a rheumatologist (20).      hospital-based polulation with PsA was
ing pathways only in patients with an         Another novel questionnaire (CON-            studied in a retrospective and cross-sec-
active disease, suggesting a possible         TEST) was developed using the most           tional way for type II diabetes and other
role of miRNAs on gene expression in          discriminative items to detect undiag-       CV comorbidities comparing with 600
PsA transcriptoma. Interestingly, a spe-      nosed PsA amongst patients with PsO          controls without infammatory arthropa-
cific type of miRNA, miR-126-3p was           and compared to the previously used          thies. Queiro et al. found that diabetes
downregulated in patients with active         Psoriasis Epidemiology Screening Tool        was significantly more prevalent in PsA
PsA and was usually over expressed            (PEST). CONTEST showed acceptable            patients (13.8%) than controls (5%). In-
in patients with disease in remission.        sensitivity/specificity (0.53 and 0.71,      terestingly, the presence of diabetes was
These results highlighted that miRNAs         respectively), but no superiority to the     strongly associated with PsO and arthri-
could represent biomarkers of different       available PEST tool (21).                    tis onset after 40 years, a higher count of
phases of activity of PsA; besides, they      The prevalence of dactylitis in patients     swollen and tender joints, a lower edu-
could help as indicators of new possible      with early SpA has been reported by 609      cational level, pustolar PsO and, as ex-
therapeutic strategies (15).                  patients included in the ESPeranza co-       pected, metabolic syndrome. After con-
IL-23 and IL-17 have a well known             hort (including patients with suspected      trolling for age, sex and duration of the
pathogenetic role in PsA and conse-           SpA). The study showed that dactylitis       disease, in particular, the authors found
quently, they are important specific tar-     occurred in 9.5% of patients and was         a strong association with late onset PsO
gets of biological therapy.                   mainly associated, but not exclusive, of     and hypertension. These data confirm
Abji et al. have analysed the synovial        peripheral disease and PsO (22).             that type II diabetes is frequent in pa-
fluid of 14 patients with PsA and 9           An interesting approach to the assess-       tients with PsA, suggesting the need for
with osteoarthritis; in particular, they      ment of comorbidities was proposed by        metabolic screening, particularly in pa-
isolated RNA from synovial fluids             Patel et al., analysing whether patients     tients with late onset PsO and PsA (25).
and used RT-PCR to study the differ-          recognise that they are being assessed       Remaining on CV risk associated to
ent expression of 84 genes of the Th17        and monitored for comorbidities asso-        SpA, a prospective nationwide study
pathway between the two subgroups.            ciated with PsA or PsO. The authors re-      with cohorts of patients with AS
They found that synovial fluid from           ported that patients feel they are being     (n=6448), PsA (n=16063) and uSpA
patients with PsA was characterised           moderately well screened for comor-          (n=5190) and a general population (GP)
by increased expressions of STAT and          bidities, but are mostly unsure about        (n=266435) cohort in a Swedish regis-
FOXP3 genes than in patients with os-         having their blood sugar and cholester-      try, was performed with an 8-year follow
teoarthritis. The differences in the gene     ol levels monitored, underlying a dis-       up, to observe the incidence of atrioven-
expression of synovial fluid between          crepancy between patients’ responses         tricular (AV) block II-III, atrial fibrilla-
PsA and osteoarthritis could be useful        and physician practice. These results        tion (AF), pacemaker (PM) implanta-
as a possible biomarker of PsA (16).          highlight the need to optimise patients’     tion and aortic regurgitation. At the end
                                              education and endorsement in a com-          of the follow-up period, it was observed
Comorbidities                                 prehensive approach to their health,         that the highest incidence rates for CV
A consensus on a list of practical rec-       that would be of benefit on the outcome      events were noted for AF (5.5–7.4
ommendations promoting the early              of the rheumatologic disease itself (23).    events per 1000 person-years), followed
identification of patients with PsA in        The well-established association of          by PM implantation (1.0–2.0 events per
the dermatology setting was developed         PsA with metabolic syndrome and CV           1000 person-years). Hazard ratios for
based on a narrative literature review,       risk was still confirmed by the litera-      AV block, AF, PM and aortic regurgita-
expert review and Delphi consensus,           ture published in the past 12 months,        tion were significantly increased in AS
adding further strategies to implement        particularly in terms of endothelial         (HRs 2.3, 1.3, 2.1 and 1.9), uSpA (HRs

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2.9, 1.3, 1.9 and 2.0) and PsA (HRs 1.5,      etal inflammation. Recent advances in         adjacent bone destruction and have dif-
1.5, 1.6 and 1.8) compared with the GP        imaging, including ultrasound (US) and        ferent prognostic value. Moya Alvarado
cohort. With these results Bengsston et       magnetic resonance imaging (MRI),             et al. attempted to describe which US
al. proved that patients with SpA are at      allow for the accurate evaluation of          characteristics of nail psoriasis were as-
increased risk of aortic regurgitation,       the extent of inflammation and dam-           sociated with the presence of subclini-
cardiac rhythm disturbances and, as a         age in the peripheral joints, spine, and      cal enthesopathy in patients with PsO
probable consequence, also PM implan-         enthesis. The development and valida-         and asymptomatic PsA. Forty-eight pa-
tation (26).                                  tion of outcome measures are critical         tients with PsO and asymptomatic PsA
Vitamin D deficiency has been associ-         steps in creating standardised evalu-         were included in the study and the US
ated with several inflammatory condi-         ations of musculoskeletal inflamma-           assessment included Achilles tendon,
tions (i.e. connective tissue diseases,       tion and damage in psoriatic patients.        extensor digitorum tendon and US scan
RA), but has been poorly evaluated            At the 2017 meeting of the Group for          of the nail plate, nail matrix, nail bed
in SpA patients. Fernandes et al. per-        Research and Assessment of Psoriasis          and adjacent skin over nail matrix of
formed a study with the aim of evaluat-       and PsA (GRAPPA), the GRAPPA US               the five nails of each hand. The authors
ing the prevalence of hypovitaminosis         group developed and validated a so-           observed that 33 patients presented US
D in SpA patients (enrolled from the          nographic enthesitis scoring system in        evidence of extensor digitorum tendon
ASAS-COMOSPA study initiative, an             PsA, which will improve the standardi-        enthesopathy. The nails of the patients
international cross-sectional study of        sation of disease assessment (29).            with subclinical enthesopathy had a
patients with SpA) and of understanding       US is the easiest and reliable way to         higher Nail Psoriasis Severity Index
the possible association of vitamin D         investigate joint swelling. Macia-Vil-        (NAPSI) and skin thickness than the
levels with disease phenotype, activity       la et al. investigated 27 PsA patients        nails of the patients without subclinical
severity or comorbidities. Of the 1030        with clinical involvement of metacar-         enthesopathy, confirming that there is a
patients, more than half (51.2%) had          pophalangeal joints, particularly evalu-      close relationship between subclinical
vitamin D deficiency, thus confirming         ating by US the frequency and reliabili-      enthesopathy of the extensor digitorum
the higher prevalence of this condition       ty of peritenon extensor tendon inflam-       tendon and the presence of nail altera-
in inflammatory diseases. Moreover, vi-       mation (PTI) and intra articular synovi-      tions (32).
tamin D deficiency was also associated        tis (IAS). It was observed that both IAS      US assessment of changes in fingernails
with active SI, suggesting an association     and PTI caused metacarpophalangeal            (thickness of the nail plate, nail bed, and
between low levels of vitamin D and           joints swelling, where PTI is almost as       matrix) have been reported to correlate
more severe forms of SpA (27).                frequent as IAS as a cause of swelling        with the duration of arthritis (r=0.399;
Hyperuricaemia (HU) is a laboratory           and that the reliability of PTI is at least   p=0.022) and with the number of swol-
finding typically associated with PsA.        as good as for IAS (30).                      len digits (r=0.278; p=0.041) in PsA
Lai et al. performed a multicentre            Predictive signs of PsA in patients with      patients (33). Moreover, US findings at
cross-sectional obervational study on         early arthritis have been described.          the level of the nail unit might be of use
160 Asian patients, to analyse the pos-       Furlan et al. have investigated the fre-      to differentiate between PsA and PsO
sible association in patients with PsA        quency of thickening of pulleys for           and healthy controls, showing a trend
between HU and overweight, obesity,           hands flexor tendons in a prospective         for onycholisis and crumbling in PsA
body area involved by PsO, severity           study involving 228 consecutive pa-           compared to the other groups (34).
of skin disease (using PASI score) and        tients with early arthritis. The authors      A comprehensive US evaluation of
joint count. More than 30% of patients        observed that the thickening of the pul-      finger flexor tendon entheseal soft tis-
had HU. They found a significant as-          leys in the flexor tendons was an easy-       sue and bone changes can offer useful
sociation only between HU and BMI             to-detect sign, with a good sensitivity       information to differentiate PsA from
score, thus highlighting the importance       (80%) of thickened pulleys for the di-        RA. Peri-tendinous dermal soft tissue
of body weight control and daily prac-        agnosis of PsA; however, the specific-        oedema with power Doppler signal was
tice attention on this specific clinical      ity (70%) and positive predictive value       only found in PsA patients (p=0.003).
aspect in patients with PsA (28).             (2.71) were not as high. Nevertheless,        Flexor tendon enthesopathy including
                                              the authors concluded that sonogra-           new insertional bone formation and ten-
Imaging                                       phers should report it during hand            osynovitis were both significantly more
Modern imaging is a useful tool for the       evaluations of patients with arthritis.       frequent in PsA compared to RA (35).
diagnosis, prognosis, and monitoring          Patients with diabetes were excluded          US can be used to investigate multi-
of therapeutic response in SpA, by pro-       as potential confounders, owing to the        ple superficially located entheses and
viding sensitive measures of the extent       high frequency of trigger finger pathol-      abnormalities can be quantified with
of disease (also detecting a subclinical      ogy in this group of patients (31).           a combined score, for example, the
synovitis or enthesitis) and being able to    Nail psoriasis disease is associated          MAdrid Sonographic Enthesitis Index
monitor both inflammation and damage.         with an increased probability of PsA,         (MASEI). Last year, Wervers et al. per-
PsA is a heterogeneous disease with           and its clinical signs may have differ-       formed a cross-sectional study to inves-
various manifestations of musculoskel-        ent correlates with the pathogenesis of       tigate the frequency of US changes at

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the entheses of 25 patients with a recent     while no reliable T2 measurement            tients’ sexuality. Two focus groups of
diagnosis of PsA, 25 patients with es-        could be achieved with a Carr-Purcell       patients, concerned by sexuality, were
tablished PsA, and 25 young healthy           Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) sequence, due           conducted in February 2015. Based on
volunteers. They analysed by US the           to insufficient signal from entheses and    the verbatim transcripts, a content anal-
triceps, quadriceps, patellar, Achilles       tendons (38).                               ysis was performed by a psychologist
and elbow extensor tendon insertion,                                                      trained in qualitative procedures. After
and plantar fascia entheses for struc-        Disease activity, quality of life           an analysis of the verbatim reports by
tural changes, erosions, calcifications,      and working ability                         the research group, a preliminary ques-
increased thickness, bursitis, and pow-       It is well known that psychological         tionnaire comprising 22 questions was
er Doppler (PD) signal. Sonographic           problems tend to be underrecognised         drawn up; it covered the following ar-
changes in the entheses were observed         and undertreated in patients with PsA;      eas: the quality of daily life, tolerance
in young, healthy volunteers, patients        however, little is known on how people      of the cutaneous state by the patient,
with recently diagnosed PsA, and in pa-       with PsA cope with and manage their         tiredness, mobility and flexibility of
tients with established PsA. After hav-       disease. The Common Sense Self-Reg-         the joints and outside activities involv-
ing excluded patellar tendon enthesis         ulatory Model (CS-SRM) suggests ill-        ing movement of all or part of the body.
thickness and applying a new method           ness beliefs, mediated by coping, may       Subsequently, the questions were sub-
of scoring PD, the modified MASEI             influence health outcomes. Therefore,       mitted to a panel of experts for selec-
was able to distinguish between PsA           Howells et al. planned a cross-sectional    tion using a Delphi method; they were
patients and healthy controls; further-       observational study to investigate the      questioned about item relevance and
more, the authors found US abnormali-         role of disease severity, illness beliefs   content. After expert consensus had
ties were very common from the early          and coping strategies in predicting de-     been reached, the instructions to par-
stages of PsA (36).                           pression, anxiety and QoL in PsA pa-        ticipants completing the questionnaire,
As a result of its sensitivity, MRI can       tients; moreover, they tried to assess      the wording of items, and the possible
be used to detect any subclinical sign        the role of depression and anxiety in       answers were finalised. The question-
of arthritis. Mathew et al. performed an      predicting QoL. One hundred and sev-        naire entitled “Questionnaire of sexual
observational study evaluating inflam-        enty-nine adult PsA patients completed      quality of life perceived by patients
mation at the small joints of feet in PsO     validated measures of predictor (illness    with cutaneous and/or articular psoria-
patients without clinical arthritis (53)      beliefs, coping strategies, disease se-     sis” comprised 14 questions. However,
as against clinically overt PsA (30) pa-      verity) and outcome variables (depres-      the authors specified that the quantita-
tients, using a low field magnet extrem-      sion, anxiety, QoL), using an online        tive step, aiming at evaluating the met-
ity MRI (eMRI). The authors observed          survey distributed via social media.        rologic qualities (reliability, validity,
that there was no statistical difference      After controlling for disease severity,     and responsiveness) of the question-
between the median eMRI inflamma-             hierarchical multiple regression mod-       naire, had not yet been performed (40).
tory scores in PsA and PsO patients;          els indicated that more negative beliefs    PSOdisk is a 10-item visual instru-
in particular, evidence of inflammation       about consequences and behavioural          ment, aimed at assessing the burden of
was present in 33.9% and 50% patients         disengagement as a coping method,           disease in patients with psoriasis. An
in the PsO and PsA groups, respective-        predicted levels of depression, and         Italian study group performed an anal-
ly. Early arthritis for psoriatic patients    self-blame predicted anxiety. Beliefs       ysis which aimed to compare PSOdisk
screening questionnaire (EARP) score          about consequences and the presence         with the Dermatology Life Quality In-
of ≥3 was significantly associated with       of depression predicted QoL scores          dex (DLQI), a scientifically validated
imaging features of inflammation in           after controlling for disease severity.     questionnaire, and assessing both tools
PsO group, suggesting a high propor-          These data may support the use of the       in relation to Psoriasis Severity Index
tion of subclinical inflammation in PsO       CS-SRM in explaining variation on           (PASI) and patient acceptance. They
patients and the need to predict risk fac-    psychological outcomes in individuals       studied both patients with cutaneous
tors for progression to future PsA de-        with PsA. Moreover, the illness beliefs     psoriasis and PsA. Correlation analy-
velopment in this kind of patient (37).       and coping strategies identified as pre-    sis between PSOdisk and DLQI was
Chen et al. investigated the reliability      dictors in this study could be potential    performed using Pearson’s product-
of three-dimensional ultrashort echo          targets for interventions, addressing       moment correlation coefficient. A mul-
time cones (3D UTE Cones) MR se-              PsA-related distress and QoL (39).          tivariate linear regression was carried
quences in 7 healthy volunteers and 9         The data in the literature show that PsO    out to investigate the effect of PASI on
PsA patients, evaluating the Achilles         and PsA impact sexuality and intimate       PSOdisk and DLQI scores. Moreover,
tendon and its enthesis; they concluded       relationships in both men and women,        the authors evaluated completion times
that 3D UTE Cones provided high reso-         and can be associated with sexual dys-      as well as patient satisfaction for both
lution imaging of entheses and tendons        functions. Esteve et al. performed a        PSOdisk and DLQI. The mean value of
and could be used for morphological           study aimed at developing and validat-      Cronbach’s coefficient alpha was 0.88
and quantitative evaluation of abnormal       ing a specific questionnaire to assess      for PSOdisk and 0.90 for DLQI, sug-
entheses and tendons in PsA patients,         the impact of these conditions on pa-       gesting good reliability. A significant

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correlation was found between PSO-            spective. The PsAID was tested and           culoskeletal disease, skin disease and
disk and PASI. It also was associated         validated on an independent cohort of        HRQoL (46).
with a good patient satisfaction, and         patients, assessing the minimally im-        DAPSA was validated for PsA in 2010
required a short completion time. A           portant clinical difference for improve-     and is based on the simple summation
multivariate linear regression analysis       ment. The PsAID proved to be a reli-         of visual analogue scales (0-10 cm) of
demonstrated a statistically significant      able tool of the impact of disease, with     patient’s global and pain assessments,
effect of PASI on both the DLQI score         a sensitivity to change. The minimal         66 swollen joint count, 68 tender joint
and PSOdisk score, thus demonstrating         detectable change was 1.41. There was        count and CRP (mg/dL). 28-joint counts
a good correlation between PSOdisk            a strong correlation with other PROs         have been found to be sufficiently valid
and both DLQI and PASI (41).                  (such as the EQ-5D index of the FAC-         in comparison to more comprehensive
A Dutch cross-sectional study was con-        IT-fatigue score), and a moderate cor-       joint counts in patients with RA; con-
ducted to clarify whether PsA patients        relation with clinical outcomes (43).        sequently Michelsen et al. tested the
with an acceptable disease state accord-      Van Mens et al. analysed a real-life         potential validity of a simplified DAP-
ing to the treating rheumatologist have       cohort of 250 patients to compare the        SA score including 28 instead of the
quiescent disease defined as minimal          different composite measures used to         original 66/68 joint counts in patients
disease activity (MiDA). An acceptable        define remission or LDA for PsA. The         with PsA. Data were analysed from a
disease state was defined by asking           following tools were used to assess          cohort of 3157 patients from the Dan-
rheumatologists to refer those patients       disease activity: the Disease Activity       ish national quality registry DANBIO
whom they considered sufficiently             Index for Psoriatic Arthritis (DAPSA),       compared to a cohort of 3154 controls.
treated. Patients were evaluated for          the clinical DAPSA (cDAPSA), very            The authors observed that data obtained
current disease activity including clini-     low disease activity (VLDA) defined if       with only 28-joint counts available can
cal assessments and PROs. A total of          all seven items of the Minimal Disease       be used to calculate DAPSA28, espe-
250 patients with PsA were screened.          Activity (MiDA) were fulfilled, and          cially in patients with low disease activ-
The authors found that more than              the Psoriatic Arthritis Disease Activity     ity. DAPSA28 showed good criterion,
35% of the patients with acceptable           Score. The VLDA was only reached by          correlational and construct validity and
disease state according to the rheuma-        a minority (19.5%) of the cohort. The        sensitivity to change. Still, it was not
tologist did not fulfill the MiDA defi-       different measures used allowed for          recommended the use of DAPSA28
nition, most frequently owing to tender       significantly different grades of residu-    in clinical practice, as the 66/68 joint
joints, patient pain and global disease       al disease activity that need to be taken    counts should be used in PsA whenever
activity scores. Moreover, also objec-        into account in clinical practice (44).      feasible; despite this, to our knowledge,
tive signs of disease activity as swol-       A modified version of the Psoriatic          DAPSA28 is the first 28 joint disease
len joint count >1, enthesitis >1 and         Arthritis Disease Activity Score (PAS-       activity score developed and validated
PASI >1, were higher in patients who          DAS) has been recently proposed dem-         in PsA (47).
did not reach MiDA. Residual disease          onstrating similar results using a shorter
was more frequent in females, elderly         version of the SF36 Questionnaire com-       Therapy
patients and those with a raised BMI,         prising only 12 domains (SF12) (45).         bDMARDs
independently of the treatment sched-         The treat-to-target strategy in PsA aims     Kavanaugh et al. directly compared the
ule; it negatively influenced PROs of         at the attainment of remission, or, alter-   disease burden and use of biologic drugs
function and QoL. These data showed           natively, low disease activity (LDA).        between 2002 and 2013 in patients with
that one third of the PsA patients with       The GRAPPA and OMERACT groups                PsA or RA who had been referred to the
acceptable disease state according to         met to develop consensus-based rec-          rheumatology setting and enrolled in
the treating rheumatologist did not ful-      ommendations for the use of composite        the Consortium of Rheumatology Re-
fil the MiDA criteria and had residual        measures and treat-to-target in PsA. The     searchers of North America (Corrona)
disease activity on both subjective and       most popular measures voted by health        registry, to discover whether the dis-
objective disease activity measure-           care professionals and patients were         ease burden of PsA was different from
ments, which is associated with worse         the PsA disease activity score and the       that of RA, whether this difference had
PROs evaluation. Future strategy tri-         GRAPPA composite index to be used            changed over time, and whether biolog-
als should be performed, to evaluate          in randomised controlled trials, and         ic treatment patterns had altered in the
whether treatment adjustments could           an average on 3 visual analogue scales       wake of increases in published efficacy
be beneficial for this PsA patient sub-       and disease activity in the PsA score        and safety data. They retrospectively
group (42).                                   for clinical practice. Nevertheless, the     evaluated PsA and RA patients enrolled
The Psoriatic Arthritis Impact of Dis-        group failed to achieve a consensus on       from January 2002 and March 2013
ease (PsAID) Questionnaire is a tool          the best composite measure to be used.       and grouped in 2-year intervals, assess-
that was developed by a EULAR task            The treatment target proposed by the         ing clinical outcomes and biologic use.
force to assess patient-reported out-         group is that of a VLDA or MiDA. The         They found an increasing in biologic
come measures (PROs) to reflect the           group agreed that the assessment of          use over time in both cohorts, with 62
impact of PsA from the patients’ per-         disease activity should comprise mus-        and 52% of patients with PsA and RA,

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respectively, receiving biologics by          duration of persistence with a new bD-       GOL monotherapy treated patients. The
2012-2013. However, 25 and 35% of             MARD – different TNFi or ustekinum-          rates of serious adverse events serious
patients with PsA and RA, respective-         ab – was less than 12 months. Patients       infections were 2.3 and 1.0/100-pa-
ly, continued to experience moderate/         persisting on the first index biologic for   tient-years, respectively; a quite low
high disease activity. The progressive        over one year were 44.5% of the popu-        proportion of patients discontinued the
increase in biologic use seemed to be         lation (52).                                 drug owing to adverse events (about
associated to progressive decreases in        Interestingly, extracting data from 329      11%), thus confirming an acceptable
Clinical Disease Activity Index and           patients from an Icelandic database          safety profile of GOL in real life, with
mean Health Assessment Questionnaire          (ICEBIO), Runarsdottir et al. observed       good values of SOD, particularly in AS
scores. Quite surprisingly, the mean pa-      that the majority of patients with PsA       patients (54).
tient pain, the proportion of patients re-    were not eligible for randomised clini-      Ruwaard et al. investigated if there
porting morning stiffness, and the mean       cal trials. ICEBIO registered patients       were any differences in SOD and
duration of morning stiffness remained        with PsA who received ADA, ETN,              clinical outcomes in patients with AS
similar for both cohorts. Therefore, if       GOL, or IFX as their first-line treat-       treated with ADA or ETN. They en-
these data showed that patients with PsA      ment in the period from January 1,           rolled biological-naïve consecutive
and RA treated in the rheumatology set-       2000 to February 4, 2016. The authors        AS patients; 163 were treated with
ting had a comparable impact on patient       described that only 34% of the patients      ETN and 82 with ADA. Disease activ-
quality of life and functional ability and    with complete data available met the in-     ity was assessed by the ASDAS-CRP;
confirmed that the increased biological       clusion criteria; particularly the propor-   in particular, a stage of moderate dis-
utilisation improved the disease burden       tion of patients who met the inclusion       ease activity (MDA) was defined as an
in both groups, they highlighted that a       criteria was highest among those who         ASDAS-CRP
One year in review 2018: psoriatic arthritis / E. Calabresi et al.

tively. The authors enrolled 1750 PsA         QW for 12 weeks (double-blind phase)        PsA; they also evaluated baseline
patients (935 women). At baseline,            and ETN 50 mg QW for 12 additional          clinical and laboratory parameters as-
women were significantly older, more          weeks (open label). In this analysis,       sociated with persistence on anti-TNF.
often smokers, with significantly worse       only 307 patients from Czech Repub-         They retrospectively evaluated from
PROs scores, with a significantly high-       lic, Hungary, Poland and Serbia were        their cohort of PsA patients, those
er frequency of hospital-diagnosed            included. The primary efficacy vari-        who began anti-TNF therapy as first or
anxiety or depression and with a higher       able was the proportion of subjects         second-line between 2003 and 2015.
prevalence of chronic pulmonary dis-          achieving a physician global assess-        Demographic, clinical and laboratory
ease than men. Median persistence on          ment (PGA) of psoriasis status: “clear”     characteristics were compared with
anti-TNF alpha was 3.8 years in men           or “almost clear” at week 12. The Au-       TNFi persistence, using Kaplan-Meier
vs. 1.4 in women (p
One year in review 2018: psoriatic arthritis / E. Calabresi et al.

Schoels et al. performed diagnostic test-     ACR70 (39.2% and 39.6%) response              milast 30 mg twice daily or placebo. At
ing analyses using 3- and 6-month dis-        rates were sustained. A similar pattern       week 16, patients whose swollen and
ease activity as tests for treatment out-     was observed for PASI outcomes, while         tender joint counts had not improved by
comes to understand the implications          radiographic progression in all groups        ≥10% were eligible for early escape. At
of early response. In regression analy-       was minimal. Furthermore, the safety          week 24, all patients received apremi-
ses, they estimated the probabilities for     profile was consistent and the most fre-      last through week 52. Among 219 ran-
achieving at least LDA. Disease activ-        quently reported treatment-emergent           domised patients (apremilast: n=110;
ity was measured by DAPSA. Their re-          adverse events (≥4%) were nasophar-           placebo: n=109), a significantly greater
sults showed that an early response to        yngitis, injection site reaction, injection   American College of Rheumatology 20
therapy at 3 months can be predictive         site erythema, upper respiratory tract        response at week 16 (primary outcome)
of future accomplishment of the target,       infection, and back pain. No deaths           was observed with apremilast versus
predicting 6-month and 1 year disease         were reported, and serious adverse            placebo (38.2 vs. 20.2%); at week 16,
activity outcomes and stressing the           event frequency was 0–4% (64).                apremilast significantly reduced PsA
need for a tight disease control based        The role of IL17A is a well known tar-        disease activity versus placebo, with
on a treat-to-target strategy (62).           get of biological therapy; the role of the    changes in DAS-28 CRP, HAQ-DI and
                                              IL-17F seems to be similar in inflam-         Gladman Enthesitis Index (p=0.001);
Interleukin-17A inhibition                    matory processes. A new biological            these improvements were maintained
In a study by Nicola et al., 13 patients      therapy, bimekizumab, could be a stra-        with continued treatment through week
with PsO and PsA who failed at least          tegic double-targeted therapy for the         52. Over 52 weeks, apremilast’s safety
one previous anti-TNF alpha, were             treatment of patient with PsA. Indeed,        profile was consistent with prior phase
treated with secukimumab and metho-           bimekizumab is directed against both          3 studies in psoriasis and PsA; in par-
trexate, showing a rapid clinical re-         these cytokines. It was studied in a pla-     ticular, during weeks 0–24, the inci-
sponse of both cutaneous and articular        cebo-controlled proof-of-concept clini-       dence of protocol-defined diarrhoea
involvement; improving of PsO took            cal trial in which the double action of       was 11.0% versus 8.3% of placebo
place after 4 weeks and that of arthritis     bimekizumab showed a fast and strong          group; serious adverse event rates were
within 16 weeks, including also nor-          ability to improve skin and articular         2.8% in the treated patients versus
malisation of the inflammatory indices        disease in patients with PsA (65).            4.6% of the placebo group. These data
and improvement of the quality of the                                                       seemed to show that in biological-naïve
life parameters (63).                         IL-12/23 inhibition                           patients with PsA, the onset of the ef-
Ixekizumab (IXE) is a high-affinity           The real-life effectiveness of usteki-        fect of apremilast was observed at week
monoclonal antibody that selectively          numab in patients with PsA, both na-          2 and continued through week 52, with
targets IL-17A and is an approved             ïve or showing insufficient response to       a safety profile in agreement with previ-
treatment for moderate-to-severe pso-         previous TNFi, was assessed on a pro-         ous reports (68).
riasis. In a recent phase III, multicen-      spective observational study including
tre, double-blind, randomised study           65 patients, with a long-term follow-up       New biological drugs
(SPIRIT-P1) van der Heijde et al.             (24 months). Ustekinumab was pre-             A new biological therapy anti-inter-
evaluated the efficacy and safety of          scribed as first-line therapy only in 20%     leukin 23p19, guselkumab, that has
IXE over 52 weeks in patients with ac-        of cases, and mainly as second-line           been approved to treat moderate-to-
tive PsA who were naive to bDMARD.            bDMARD (33.8% of cases). The ef-              severe PsO, in a study by Deodhar et
Patients were randomised (1:1:1:1) to         fectiveness and safety of ustekinumab         al., showed efficacy to treat also ac-
receive subcutaneous injections of pla-       were confirmed (66).                          tive PsA, controlling its symptoms and
cebo (PBO), adalimumab 40 mg every            Another Italian study, the real-life data     mantaining a good profile of safety.
2 weeks (ADA), and IXE 80 mg every            from the biologic Apulian registry            Therefore, guselkumab could be a
2 weeks (IXEQ2W) or 80 mg every 4             (BIOPURE) reported on the drug sur-           promising choice to treat both skin and
weeks (IXEQ4W). At Week 24 (Week              vival and effectiveness of ustekinumab,       articular involvement in PsA (69).
16 for inadequate responders), ADA            showing the best performance (DAP-
(8-week washout before starting IXE)          SA-based remission) of the drug when          Supplementation therapy
and PBO patients were re-randomised           used in bDMARDs-naïve patients. In-           Kristensen et al. performed a ran-
to IXEQ2W or IXEQ4W. Both IXE                 terestingly, co-medication with metho-        domised, double-blind, placebo-con-
dose regimens included an initial 160-        trexate did not increase the persistence      trolled study to evaluate whether the
mg starting dose. Of 417 patients ran-        on therapy (67).                              use of n-3 polyunsatured fatty acids
domised, 381 completed the double-                                                          (n-3 PUFA) in patients with PsA could
blind period (52 weeks), at the end of        Small molecules                               exert some effect on disease activity,
witch was observed that the IXEQ4W            Nash et al. evaluated Apremilast effi-        use of analgesics, and inflammatory bi-
and IXEQ2W groups (EPP), respec-              cacy across various PsA manifestations        omarkers levels. They enrolled 145 PsA
tively, ACR20 (69.1% and 68.8%),              in biological-naïve patients with PsA.        patients who received a supplement of
ACR50 (54.6% and 53.1%), and                  Patients were randomised (1:1) to apre-       3g n-3 PUFA/day or 3 g olive oil/day

Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology 2019                                                                                         175
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(control) for 24 weeks. Outcome meas-         sion and no IA were twice as likely to     PM: pacemaker
ures for disease activity, use of analge-     be treated for hyperlipidaemia as those    HU: hyperuricaemia
sics, and leukotriene formation from          without IA, diabetes, or hypertension.     BMI: Body Mass index
activated granulocytes were assessed at       These data confirm the need to update      US: ultrasound
baseline and at study end. At the end of      hyperlipidaemia guidelines for patients    MRI: magnetic resonance imaging
the observation period, the n-3 PUFA          with IA, who should be considered as       GRAPPA: Group for Research and
group showed a decrease in DAS28-             an independent risk factor for CVD, to     Assessment of Psoriasis and PsA
CRP, 68 tender joint count, enthesitis        optimise the treatment and the clinical    PTI: peritenon extensor tendon
score, and PASI, although not signifi-        assessment in this kind of patient (71).   inflammation
cantly different from the controls. In-                                                  IAS: intra articular synovitis
terestingly, there was a significant          Abbreviations                              NAPSI: Nail Psoriasis Severity index
reduction in NSAID and paracetamol            SpA: spondyloarthritis                     MASEI: MAdrid Sonographic
use compared with controls. Moreover,         AAU: acute anterior uveitis                Enthesitis index
the participants in the n-3 PUFA group        PsO: psoriasis                             PD: power Doppler
had significantly lower formation of          IBD: inflammatory bowel disease             eMRI: extremity MRI
leukotriene B4 from stimulated granu-         PsA: psoriatic arthritis                   EARP: early arthritis for psoriatic
locytes and significantly higher forma-       ax-SpA: axial spondyloarthritis            patients screening questionnaire
tion of leukotriene B5 compared with          SIj: sacroiliac joint                      3D UTE Cones: three-dimensional
controls. These data showed a decrease        SI: sacroiliitis                           ultrashort echo time cones
in disease activity parameters after n-3      nr ax-SpA: non radiographic axial          CPMG: Carr-Purcell Meiboom-Gill
PUFA supplementation, even if not sig-        spondyloarthritis                          CS-SRM: common sense self-
nificantly different from the controls;       CVD: cardiovascular disease                regulatory model
on the contrary, the authors found a sig-     OP: osteoporosis                           QoL: quality of life
nificant reduction in the use of NSAIDs       HRQoL: health-related quality of life      DLQI: Dermatology Life Quality index
and paracetamol and in the production         IBP: inflammatory back pain                PASI: Psoriasis Severity index
of inflammatory cytokines, in particular      CRP: C-reactive protein                    MiDA: minimal disease activity
significantly lower levels of leukotriene     TNF: tumour necrosis factor                PRO: patient-reported outcome
B4 (70).                                      ETN: etanercept                            PsAID: psoriatic arthritis impact of
                                              IFX: infliximab                            disease
Therapy for comorbidities                     ADA: adalimumab                            LDA: low disease activity
Navarro-Millàn et al. analysed patients       GOL: golimumab                             DAPSA: Disease Activity index for
from the Reasons for Geographic And           SNPs: single nucleotide polymorphisms      Psoriatic Arthritis
Racial Differences in Stroke (RE-             MEFV: Mediterranean fever                  cDAPSA: Clinical Disease Activity
GARDS) study to understand whether            TNFRSF1A: TNF receptor superfamily         index for Psoriatic Arthritis
patients with inflammatory arthritis          member 1A                                  VLDA: very low disease activity
(IA) (PsA, AS and RA) were sufficiently       FMF: familial Mediterranean fever          PASDAS: Psoriatic Arthritis Disease
treated for dyslipidaemia, considering        TRAPS: tumour necrosis factor              Activity score
that hyperlipidaemia guidelines do not        receptor-associated periodic syndrome      PsARC: PsA response criteria
currently identify IA as a cardiovascu-       lncRNAs: long non-encoding RNAs            TICOPA: tight control of psoriatic
lar disease (CVD) risk factor. Subjects       RA: rheumatoid arthritis                   arthritis
from the REGARDS study were classi-           IFN: interferon                            MDA: moderate disease activity
fied as having IA (without diabetes and       WNT: wingless/integrated                   TNFi: tumour necrosis factor inhibitors
hypertension), diabetes (without IA           miRNAs: microRNAs                          SOD: survival on drug
and hypertension), hypertension (with-        MAPK: mitogen-activated protein            PRESTA: Psoriasis Randomised
out IA and diabetes), or no IA, diabetes      kinase                                     Etanercept STudy in subjects with
or hypertension. Multivariable logistic       IL: interleukin                            psoriatic Arthritis
regression models examined the odds           RT-PCR: reverse transcription poly-        CEE: Central and Eastern Europe
of medical treatment among those with         merase chain reaction                      PGA: physician global assessment
hyperlipidaemia. Thirty-nine partici-         STAT: signal transducer and activator      AIP: atherogenic index of plasma
pants had IA, 5423 had diabetes, 7534         of transcription                           CCI: Charlson Comorbidity index
had hypertension, and 5288 had no             FOXP3: forkhead box P3                     IXE: ixekizumab
diabetes, hypertension, or IA. The fully      PEST: psoriasis epidemiology screen-       PUFA: polyunsatured fatty acids
adjusted odds of treatment were similar       ing tool                                   NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflamma-
between participants with IA and those        CV: cardiovascular                         tory drug
without IA, hypertension, or diabetes.        GP: general population                     REGARDS: Reasons for Geographic
On the contrary, patients with diabetes       AV: atrioventricular                       And Racial Differences in Stroke
and no IA and patients with hyperten-         AF: atrial fibrillation                    IA: inflammatory arthritis

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