Rising to the 2020 REVIEW

Page created by Chris Logan
Rising to the 2020 REVIEW
to the
 2020 REVIEW

Responding quickly to
exceptional circumstances

Landmark deal completes the chemistry set
Rising to the 2020 REVIEW

                                 Rising to the
                                         For most companies, spending $5bn on one of
                                        the largest deals in its history would be the most
                                          significant thing to happen in any given year.                                               Ensuring plants remained operational
                                                                                                                                       and that staff were protected has
                                               But 2020 has been quite exceptional                                                     been a priority during a tough year

                                       or INEOS, this past year has                                COVID-19 had an irrevocable        works, says Crotty.
                                       been filled with challenges and                          effect on our everyday lives and         “The fact the company’s
                                       successes in equal measure.                              changed people’s behaviour.           chairman and major shareholder
                                    In March, everything changed.                               Hygiene and heightened levels of      is literally on the phone every day,
                                 As coronavirus took hold, social                               cleanliness had become a necessity,   talking about what we need to do
                                 distancing, remote working and                                 and the essential ingredients         tomorrow, means our decision-
                                 widespread disruption became the                               required to make hand sanitiser       making processes are slick and that
                                 norm. As an essential sector, the                              were in short supply. As Europe’s     there aren’t any hurdles we can’t
                                 chemical industry had to carry on                              only manufacturer of ultra-high       overcome,” he notes.
                                 regardless – albeit facing myriad                              purity ethanol and one of just two       “It was a phenomenal response
                                 measures and restrictions.                                     producers of isopropyl alcohol        from everybody during a period
                                    “Of all years, 2020 has proven                              (IPA), INEOS Chairman Sir Jim         of crisis. We all had a common
                                 INEOS’ ability to respond rapidly                              Ratcliffe responded to the needs      objective: to get this done and to
                                 and to get things done,” says                                  of governments and suggested          get it done quickly.”
                                 Director of Corporate Affairs, Tom                             making hand sanitisers in-house.         Distributing those vital supplies
                                 Crotty. “COVID-19 caught all of                                   “He set us a challenge to see if   to frontline medical staff was
                                 us by surprise but we reacted very                             we could build a plant in 10 days     initially a bureaucratic minefield
                                 quickly to protect our people and                              and make one million bottles          but it provided the perfect chance
                                 to do what we could to help.”                                  per month, which we duly did,”        to leverage some of the unique
                                    Safeguarding staff and                                      says Crotty. “We then ended up        skillsets from across the business.
                                 supporting local communities                                   building six of these plants – each      A phone call from Ratcliffe
                                 was a priority, as was ensuring                                within a 10-day timeframe – and       enlisted the help of Sir Dave
                                 production facilities remained                                 supplying millions of bottles of      Brailsford. His cycling team – now
                                 operational to ensure a steady                                 free hand sanitiser to thousands      the INEOS Grenadiers – quickly
                                 and reliable supply of the 300 raw                             of hospitals across the UK, Europe    took control of the logistics,
                                 materials used by the medical and                              and the US.”                          ensuring deliveries were made
                                 healthcare sectors, he adds.                                      With the concept proven,           when, and where, needed.
                                    As one of the world’s leading                               INEOS Hygienics was born – a             Sir Ben Ainslie and INEOS
                                 manufacturers, INEOS was also                                  new consumer-facing business          TEAM UK also soon came
                                 firmly focused on doing all it could                           with a rapidly-growing portfolio      onboard and despite their
                                 to provide personal protective                                 consisting of hand sanitiser gels,    preparations for the upcoming
                                                                          Newton Aycliffe
                                 equipment (PPE), facemasks, the          in the UK was the     sprays, wipes, and dispensers.        America’s Cup offered their
                                 plastics used in ventilators, and hand   first bottling site      This exemplifies the way INEOS     advanced 3D printers and
                                 sanitisers to help fight the virus.                                                                  machinery typically used for
                                    “We reacted quickly to the                                                                        sail making to produce PPE face
                                 shortage of hand sanitiser and                                                                       shields for the health service.
                                 worked with governments around                                                                          Its most recent partnership
                                 the world to get the product out as                                                                  with the Mercedes-AMG Petronas
Images: INEOS / Max Emanuelson

                                 front line medical teams were in                                                                     Formula One team also saw them
                                 desperate need of it,” says Crotty.                                                                  turn their unique engineering skills
                                 “Our main aim was to get product                                                                     to developing a new respiratory
                                 made quickly and distributed free                                                                    ventilator system during the early
                                 of charge to the health services.                                                                    stages of the outbreak.
                                 And out of all this, sprung a brand                                                                     “It was a real team effort; a united
                                 new business.”                                                                                       front that brought together all of

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW
people, with assets that INEOS had                              the cracker first. When complete,
                                       already acquired from BP when it                                this will be home to Europe’s first
                                       bought Innovene back in 2005.                                   ethylene cracker for over two
                                           “With BP looking to refocus                                 decades, and the most efficient.
                                       and revise its strategy, an exit from                              INEOS’ commitment to
                                       the chemical business has been                                  sustainability and the circular
                                       in the offing for some time. We’ve                              economy has been unwavering
                                       always let it be known that if there                            during the crisis and, despite all the
                                       was this kind of opportunity, then                              disruption, there were still plenty
                                       we’d be interested – and now, we’ve                             of exciting developments.
                                       finally completed the chemistry                                    Early 2020 started with news
                                       set,” says Crotty.                                              that UPM Biofuels would supply
                                           “The BP deal will give us the Hull                          renewable raw materials to
                                       site in its entirety, so that's a huge                          produce bio-based polyvinyl
                                       step change for us. That means that                             chloride (PVC) – another world
                                       we will then have three very large                              first. This was followed by a
                                       footprints in the UK – a triangle                               partnership with Forever Plast
                                       from Grangemouth at the tip,                                    to recycle and reuse over 6.5bn
                                       Runcorn on the west coast and Hull                              bottle caps, plans for a new plant
these seemingly different ventures     on the east coast. All are major sites                          with Plastic Energy to convert
and the unique skills we've got        that show the importance of the UK                              plastic waste into new high quality
within the group,” notes Crotty.       to our business.”                                               polymer, and the unveiling of the
   “As an organisation we've always        Equally, tough times have called                            ambitious Power to Methanol
been very light at the centre. We’ve   for some difficult decisions too.                               project to produce methanol
got 30 self-contained business         The financial impact of the virus,                              from captured CO2 combined
units that could all move outside      combined with the long-term                                     with hydrogen generated from
of the group and still survive. We     decline in fuel demand, saw part                                renewable electricity.
run them as a federation rather        of the Grangemouth refinery                “This year, of all      Add a decade-long wind farm
than a corporation, and they all       mothballed. “With the refinery,           years, has proven     deal to source renewable energy,
have the resources they need, when     it’s about rescaling for the future        INEOS’ ability to    and the launch of a new hydrogen
they need them. We always ensure       and having a 150,000bbl site that                               business into the mix, and INEOS’
                                                                                respond rapidly and
we learn from one another. That's      supports 450 high quality jobs.                                 commitment to a more efficient
the way we operate and it’s always     That's our aim,” he insists.             to get things done”    and environmentally-friendly
worked well for us.”                       It was also decided that the                                future is evident.
   Even with all eyes turned to        Forties Pipeline System, which           Tom Crotty,               “I'd like to see 2021 be the
the handling of the pandemic,          had been due to start scheduled          Director of            year where we start to grow
arguably one of the year’s biggest     maintenance as part of a £500m           Corporate Affairs,     our hydrogen business and
headlines was the announcement         rejuvenation plan, would have the        INEOS                  we can really demonstrate our
in June that INEOS was to acquire      works postponed until spring 2021.                              commitment to advanced recycling
BP’s aromatics and acetyls business    Given over 40% of the UK’s oil                                  by getting some facilities up and
for $5bn. It was hugely significant    and gas travels through the 500km                               running,” he says. “We also want
news – not only due of the deal’s      network, delaying the plans would                               to see the Hygienics business well
size and scale but because the         help to support customers and the                               established and integrate the new
complex negotiations had to be         wider economy during the crisis.                                BP businesses firmly into ours.
carried out virtually via Skype in         Other major projects, however,                              There’s the launch of the Grenadier
the midst of the outbreak.             have been making good progress.                                 and on the sporting side, if we can
   “INEOS was clearly not                  In the US, the Chocolate Bayou                              win a couple of Grand Tours and
insulated from the impact of           site in Texas has been a hive of                                finish in the top four in the Swiss
coronavirus but it has largely         activity, with work on INEOS                                    and French Leagues, that wouldn’t
been business as usual,” he insists.   Oligomers’ new alpha olefins units.                             be too bad either.”
“We're bullish and in very good            On the other side of the                                       “Something that's really
shape financially – and it certainly   globe, the three new plants in                                  changed this year is our profile as
hasn’t affected any of our long-       the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia                                     a company. Our name is now seen
term planning. So much so, that        at the Jubail 2 site are on track,                              on the shirts of a cycling team, a
we’re now in the process of making     while INEOS Styrolution is                                      Formula One car, and on the sail
this massive acquisition that will     also expanding its footprint in                                 of a boat. We also now have three
completely change the shape of our     China with a 600,000 tonne/year                                 significant consumer businesses in
chemicals business.”                   acrylonitrile butadiene styrene                                 INEOS Hygienics, the Grenadier
   This “lockdown deal” completed      facility in Ningbo.                                             car project and Belstaff clothing.”
on 31 December and, as of 1                Engineering work on the                                        “We always used to joke that
January, reunited two world            €5bn Project One petrochemical                                  INEOS was the biggest company
class petrochemicals businesses        complex in Antwerp, Belgium, is                                 you've never heard of, but that is
consisting of 15 sites, 10 leading     well underway too, although the                                 definitely no longer the case.”
joint ventures and more than 1,700     project has been rephased to build                                                      By Andy Brice

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW

                                                                                                            Production lines
                                                                                                                                 looking to do was relatively
                                                                                                            were built within    straight forward.”
                                                                                                                just 10 days        “The idea then moved very
                                                                                                                                 rapidly. We’d decided on a plant in
                                                                                                                                 the UK on the first day, planned
                                                                                                                                 another in Germany by the third
                                                                                                                                 day, and by the fourth we were
                                                                                                                                 expanding to France.”
                                                                                                                                    Newton Aycliffe near
                                                                                                                                 Middlesbrough, UK, was
                                                                                                                                 selected as the location for the
                                                                                                                                 first factory. The 160-acre site
                                                                                                                                 was making polyvinyl chloride
                                                                                                                                 (PVC) compounds as part of
                                                                                                                                 the INEOS Enterprises portfolio
                                                                                                                                 and was home to polymerisation
                                                                                                                                 plants, compounding halls
                                                                                                                                 and laboratories but no major
                                                                                                                                 petrochemical facilities – thereby
                                                                                                                                 minimising any risk of disruption
                                                                                                                                 or cross contamination. Most

                         GETTING HANDS ON
                                                                                                                                 importantly, however, it had
                                                                                                                                 plenty of vacant warehouse space

                         WITH COVID
                                                                                                                                 available and was also conveniently
                                                                                                                                 close to Grangemouth, the source
                                                                                                                                 of the required feedstock ethanol.
                                                                                                                                    Mixing equipment was soon
                                                                                                                                 installed and readied for the
                                                                                                                                 raw materials ethanol, hydrogen
                                                                                                                                 peroxide and glycerol. Initially, it
                                                                                                                                 was a very manual linear process;
                                Spurred on by an unprecedented health crisis,                                                    fixed volumes being passed
                                                                                                                                 through semi-automatic fillers
                                INEOS has now quite literally established itself                                                 into bottles that passed along the
                                            as a household name                                                                  production line, ready for labelling
                                                                                                                                 and boxing. A 24/7 three shift
                                                                                                                                 system soon saw output exceeding

                                esponding to government's                                large quantities of hand sanitiser to   targets, with around 80,000 bottles
                                call to address the shortage                             supply thousands of hospitals free      being filled each day.
                                of hand sanitiser for                                    of charge.                                 Such was the project’s success,
                         frontline doctors and nurses                                       News channels had been               it soon became clear this could
                         INEOS acted quickly, applying its                               broadcasting footage of China’s         be a viable long-term business
                         enormous resources to help ease                                 race to build a new hospital in         opportunity. George Ratcliffe,
                         the massive shortages.                                          Wuhan City to treat coronavirus         who was leading the compounds
                            “Our solvents business was                                   patients, and that provided             business, was duly appointed COO
                         already making key raw materials                                inspiration for INEOS Chairman          of the new operation.
                         for hand sanitiser – pharmaceutical                             Sir Jim Ratcliffe.                         “Doing anything like this is
                         ethanol and isopropyl alcohol – but                                “I remember sitting in his office    obviously complex, and there were
                         we did not supply the public direct.                            and Jim saying that if they could       obstacles coming at us left, right
                         That was the birth of the idea to                               do that, then INEOS should be able      and centre,” says Ratcliffe. “This
                         start making our own,” says Ashley                              to build a bottling site that quickly   was where I was able to call on
                         Reed, CEO of INEOS Enterprises                                  too,” says Reed. “He then posed         different INEOS resources and
                         and Chairman of the newly formed                                the challenge to set up a plant in      make use of their expertise.”
                         Hygienics business.                             “It’s now       10 days that could make a million          Heightened demand had left
                            Not for the first time in its history,      recognised       bottles each month.”                    the world short of pumps, bottles
                         the petrochemical major would be              that we're far       Given the current circumstances,     and packaging – so sourcing
                         treading unfamiliar ground.                   more than just    the target seemed a little ambitious.   supplies while launching a hand
                            By now it was clear the virus                                   “At that time, we didn't really      sanitiser business at the peak of the
                         was highly contagious, and front             about producing    know how it could be done,” he          pandemic proved problematic.
Images: Markus J Feger

                         line medical and care services                 chemicals”       admits, “but frankly, for a company        Although INEOS makes a lot
                         were in dire need of help. To stem                              the size of INEOS that builds           of the plastic that goes into these
                         the rapid spread of infection,              George Ratcliffe,   hugely complex petrochemical            bottles, caps and closures, it didn’t
                         INEOS committed to setting up a             COO, INEOS          plants, it didn't take long to          actually manufacture the bottles
                         purpose built facility to produce           Hygienics           recognise that what we were             themselves. Far from the 50ml

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW
bottles that were needed, the            that first 10 days, he says. By early
smallest containers used by the          April, INEOS hand sanitisers were
company were typically 45-gallon         being shipped to 28 hospitals           THE GRENADIERS
drums, he notes.                         across the UK, with wider               DELIVER THE GOODS
   Fortunately, INEOS Olefins and        distribution across Europe as the

Polymers was able to make the            plants reached full capacity.                  s if producing millions of bottles of
necessary introductions to some              After Newton Aycliffe came                 hand sanitiser was not hard enough,
of its customers to source the           Herne in Germany, closely followed             INEOS faced an arguably tougher job
coveted containers.                      by Lavera and Etain in France.          of delivering them to those most in need. The
   But getting the production lines      INEOS’ international response soon      rapid spread of the COVID-19 meant there was
up and running was only half the         spread across the Atlantic, with        no time to waste in getting the much-needed
challenge, admits Ratcliffe.             sites in Jacksonville, Arkansas, and    supplies to front line medical staff.
   “We genuinely thought the             Neville Island, Pennsylvania.              An offer of help from Sir Dave Brailsford and
biggest obstacle would be building           INEOS continued to improve          the INEOS Grenadiers cycling team provided
these plants so quickly,” he says.       efficiencies and has now stopped        the perfect solution.
“It turned out that distributing the     production at Lavera and Neville           “The lockdown had postponed all our races
products would pose some of the          Island to focus on the four             and we wanted to help in any way we could,”
biggest problems.”                       remaining permanent sites – each        says Brailsford. “We offered our support
   Unless, of course, you have access    ramping up their monthly output         and Sir Jim Ratcliffe came back to us asking
to the world’s most successful           to over 5m bottles.                     whether we could look after the distribution to
cycling team, which specialises in           Efforts have since been raised      the hospitals for INEOS Hygienics.”
coordinating logistics (see box).        to build awareness about the               Through close collaboration with the UK
   “With all the travelling done         INEOS Hygienics brand and to            government
by Sir Dave Brailsford and the           get its gels, sprays, wipes and the     and NHS
Grenadiers, they are fantastic at        new automatic dispenser direct          Trusts,
moving all their equipment and are       to the consumer via its website,        Brailsford
meticulous in their planning. Every      supermarket shelves and the online      and his
detail is covered and literally no       retailer Amazon.                        team quickly
stone goes unturned,” says Ratcliffe.        “We’re delighted with how the       coordinated
   “They helped to get everything        Hygienics business has helped raise     efforts and
organised, communicate with              awareness of INEOS. People are          put plans
the hospitals and understood             much more familiar with us and          in place to
where the hotspots were so               it’s now recognised that we're far      distribute
we could prioritise them with            more than just about producing          the hand          Distributing the hand sanitiser
                                                                                                   proved extremely complex
hand sanitiser. It was a huge            chemicals,” he says.                    sanitiser
undertaking and was done so                  INEOS has gained widespread         around the
professionally. We had their riders      praise for its rapid response to        country.
literally jumping in vans and            the crisis and its efforts have also       “The logistics side of our sport is very
driving around the country to            earned recognition from Cefic,          complicated and intricate,” he says. “We can
drop off the deliveries.”                the European Chemical Industry          have three events going on at the same time in
   Equally, INEOS-owned Ligue            Council – naming the Hygienics          three different parts of the world, and we’ll have
1 football team OGC Nice would           business among the winners of its       our riders swapping between teams to compete
help to coordinate deliveries from       2020 European Responsible Care®         in those different races. We’re always having
the two manufacturing facilities in      Awards. This year’s recipients drew     to make sure all our equipment, bikes and
France and identify the areas worst      particular acclaim for keeping          clothing is in the right place, at the right time.”
hit by the virus.                        critical supply chains functioning,        “Once we’d analysed the supply chain
   “I don't think anything has ever      protecting workers, and supporting      structure and processes, we were able to tap
happened as quickly as this in the       local communities.                      into them and figure out the right contacts
history of INEOS. This has by far            “It's great for the teams           to make sure that the country had equal
been the fastest turnaround from         working at these manufacturing          distribution. We did the same for France,
concept to proof, and it really          sites to get some much deserved         Germany and Belgium.”
tested our skills to the limit,” notes   recognition for what they've               Within days of getting involved, INEOS hand
Ratcliffe. “I was able to reach into     done during the pandemic,” says         sanitiser had been delivered to 28 hospitals
any of the INEOS businesses and          Ratcliffe, “and I really think that     including Grangemouth, Halton, Teesside,
access the people, resources, and        this is the perfect example of          Derby and London.
skillsets we needed – and it was a       how INEOS can pull together,               “We even rebranded some of our vans and
really good example that we could        be responsive and deliver a high        the team got involved by personally making
pull together and prove that that        quality product. We set ourselves       deliveries to hospitals around the country,”
we’re a nimble company with an           a challenge and I can quite             adds Brailsford.
attitude that we get things done.”       confidently say we’ve achieved it.         “The Grenadiers were really pleased to
   Right on schedule, the first          In just a few months, we’ve built       be able to help. We all found it extremely
batch of 3,000 bottles was sent to       a new business and a brand – and        rewarding and felt we were making an
the Nightingale pop-up hospital          that’s quite remarkable.”               important contribution.”
at London’s Excel Centre within                                 By Andy Brice

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW

                         Another non-stop year for INEOS’
                         petrochemicals businesses has
                         seen landmark deals secured,
                         new projects announced and
                         continued expansion into
                         promising markets

                         Building on firm

                                 ever a company to sit back      terephthalate (PET), while the         recycled plastic in PET beverage
                                 on its laurels, INEOS has       acetyls business produces acetic       bottles from 2025, rising to 30%
                                 seen another year of growth     acid and derivatives such as acetic    from 2030, will affect demand for
                         in 2020, both in terms of extending     anhydride.                             virgin polymer.
                         its footprint and expanding                The transaction brings a               But on the flip side of
                         capacity. Undoubtedly, the biggest      whole new chemistry set and            challenges also lie opportunities.
                         move is the agreement made in           increases coverage of markets          Dossett notes that BP had been
                         June to acquire BP’s acetyls and        for polyester fibre and film, says     developing a sustainability
                         aromatics business. At the time of      Stephen Dossett, CEO of INEOS          programme on PTA/PET.
                         writing, the transaction was set to     Aromatics. While INEOS was             Initiatives include PTAir, a low
                         close by end 2020/early 2021.           already present in the polyester       carbon and carbon neutral PTA
                            The $5bn deal, which                 market, it was through its supply      brand, and PTAir Neutral, which
                         completed on 31 December, is            of monoethylene glycol (MEG)           the UK energy giant claimed at
                         INEOS’ second largest in its            feedstock rather than PTA.             the time of launch in September
                         history, adding 15 manufacturing           Growth in the polyester resin       2016 was the world’s first
                         plants across Europe, the US and        and fibre markets is 4-6% per          certified carbon neutral PTA.
                         Asia, which BP said produced            year, according to Dossett, who        Also, Infinia technology, which
                         9.7m tonnes of petrochemicals in        adds that the acquisition is “a        BP designed to turn difficult-to-
                         2019. Eight plants are located in       good route” for INEOS to enter         recycle PET plastic waste, such
                         Asia – notably China, Indonesia,        the aromatics business in Asia,        as black food trays and coloured
                         Malaysia, South Korea and               especially China. He points also       bottles, into recycled feedstock.
                         Taiwan – five in the US at South        to BP’s cost leadership position in       The BP assets also boost INEOS’
                         Carolina (where there are two           aromatics in all three world regions   acetyls footprint, especially
                         purified terephthalic acid (PTA)        as well as its “excellent and world-   in Asia, where there are joint
                         units), Texas and Trinidad, and         leading PTA technology”.               ventures with Sinopec, Lotte,
                         two in Europe – the UK and                 BP reentered the PTA licensing      Petronas, and China America
                         Belgium, the latter housing two         market in 2014, but Dossett says it    Petrochemical Co (CAPCO)
                         PTA units and one paraxylene            is too early to say yet what INEOS’    and Formosa Petrochemical in
                         (PX) plant at Geel.                     position will be in that regard.       China, South Korea, Malaysia and
                            INEOS also picks up BP’s Infinia        There are nevertheless challenges   Taiwan, respectively.
                         advanced recycling technology           for the aromatics business. There         David Brooks, CEO of INEOS
                         as well as its interest in Tricoya, a   has been a significant build-up        Acetyls, says the company is
                         joint venture that intends to build     in PTA/PET production in Asia,         aiming to expand its market share
                         a wood elements acetylation plant       leading to excess capacity with        and look at how it can grow in
                         at the Saltend Chemicals Park in        the region’s export capabilities       Asia. He notes that growth rates in
Image: Pretty Pictures

                         the UK.                                 expected to put downward pressure      the region for acetic acid are above
                            BP’s aromatics business produces     on other manufacturers. Looking        GDP with not much new capacity
                         mixed xylene, PX and PTA, key           to Europe, the region’s directive      due to go online in the next few
                         feedstocks for making polyethylene      to target the inclusion of 25%         years. “I would like INEOS to be

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW

                                                     ork on INEOS’ flagship project   award engineering, procurement
                                                     at Lillo, Belgium – dubbed       and construction-type contracts.
                                                     Project One – continues to       He says the cracker will be built
                                            forge ahead.                              in modular form, with sections
                                              The past year has been dominated        constructed in the East and shipped
                                            by engineering, with INEOS working        to the site for assembly.
                                            with companies in Europe and South           A final investment decision is
                                            Korea to develop a blueprint for the      expected by late 2021 or early 2022.
                                            complex, which comprises a propane        The aim now is for the cracker to go
                                            dehydrogenation (PDH) unit and            online first – scheduled in late 2025/
                                            ethane cracker.                           early 2026 – with the PDH to follow at
                                              John McNally, CEO of Project One,       a later date.
                                            says the early engineering work will         The size and scale of the project is
                                            conclude next year. Detailed design       a first for INEOS. The environmental
                                            work will follow and INEOS expects        footprint of the project is also looking
                                            to apply for the various necessary        increasingly attractive, at less than half
                                            permits by mid-2021.                      of CO2 emissions per tonne of product
                                              By the end of 2021, likely in the       compared with the most efficient
  Lillo in Belgium will be home to the      fourth quarter, McNally expects to        crackers in Europe.
  major new cracker and PDH project

the next producer that builds a          Belgium. INEOS says the facility                    market share for imported
new worldscale acetic acid plant,”       is the largest of its kind in Europe                materials into Europe on the
says Brooks.                             and is fed by Very Large Gas                        back of new investments with
   INEOS is now Europe’s leading         Carriers (VLGCs) that bring                         advantaged feedstock. Project One
manufacturer of acetic acid,             material in from the US, giving                     gives us that same competitive
producing over 500,000 tonnes/           the cracker more options and                        advantage allowing us to compete
year at Saltend. However, the            improving its cost competitiveness.                 on a level playing field, but with
company has been less integrated            Also under construction                          local production we can also
into downstream derivatives, such        are two cogeneration units at                       provide the service and flexibility
as vinyl acetate monomer (VAM)           Cologne and Grangemouth, UK,                        that our customers need.”
and acetic anhydride, compared           to provide steam and power. The                        For INEOS Phenol, a new
with some of its competitors,            plants will also bring significant                  worldscale cumene plant is under
with a big focus on the merchant         improvements in the sites’ CO2                      construction in Marl, Germany,
market. The BP deal will likely          footprint, Ingram says.                             with commissioning due by late
change that.                                An additional ethylene                           2021 and full operation in 2022.
   “We are interested to see how         furnace is being installed at                       Hans Casier, CEO of INEOS
much further we can integrate            Grangemouth, expanding output                       Phenol & INEOS Nitriles, says the
downstream of acetic acid,” says         by 100,000 tonnes/year with                         plant will underpin its business in
Brooks, adding that the company          completion due towards the end                      Europe, providing its own supply
continues to consider investing in       of this year.                                       of cumene, which is currently
a VAM plant at Saltend. A decision          The possibility of expanding at                  sourced on the merchant market.
to go ahead will be made in the          Rafnes, Norway, is an option for                       He also reveals that the business
first half of this year.                 the long term, notes Ingram, but                    is once again looking at the
   For INEOS Olefins &                   Project One (see box) will fulfil                   prospect of building a new phenol
Polymers Europe, 2020 has been           INEOS’ needs for the near future.                   plant in China, something that was
dominated by a series of projects           He says the European                             on the table a couple of years ago.
at Cologne, Germany, that include        petrochemicals industry is                             Possibly, the company could
modifications to the cracker’s           characterised by ageing assets, and                 build on what it already has in
furnaces, new infrastructure plus a      producers’ abilities to maintain                    Asia on nitriles – INEOS has a
new jetty on the Rhine river.            and upgrade their capacities to                     joint venture with Sinopec on
   The work, which was completed         remain competitive for the long                     acrylonitrile (ACN) technology,
in May 2020, significantly increases     term will be key for the region.                    called the INEOS Sinopec
the cracker’s feedstock flexibility.     “That is why we see Project One                     Technology Joint Venture (TJV).
Rob Ingram, CEO of O&P Europe,           as a significant commitment to                      Casier says the current, and main
explains that the cracker is now         Europe’s petrochemicals industry                    focus, for the nitriles business is
able to use substantially more           and to support the competitive                      with TGV in China, where demand
butane, as well as naphtha.              growth of our European                              is healthy, as well as its upcoming
   In addition, a new storage            customers,” says Ingram. “We have                   400,000 tonne/year ACN plant in
tank has been built at Antwerp,          seen a general trend of increasing                  Saudi Arabia.

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW

                     Across the Atlantic in the      evaluating other opportunities.                              and the consolidation of US R&D
               US, INEOS has moved ahead             “Oligomers is preparing for the                              activities at Battleground. A pilot
               with installing new linear alpha      next step forward for growth.                                plant from Naperville in west
               olefins (LAO)/polyalphaolefins        The business has had a lot of                                Chicago moved to the complex,
               (PAO) units at its flagship site      momentum and, in true INEOS                                  along with a number of catalyst
               in Chocolate Bayou, Texas. The        style, we will keep that momentum                            development and production
               420,000 tonne/year LAO unit came      going,” says Walton.                                         labs. A second pilot plant at
               onstream late in the second quarter      The INEOS O&P USA business                                Naperville was closed and rebuilt
               of 2020, with the PAO facility to     made a significant acquisition in        “The acquisition    in Rosignano, Italy.
               be operational in the second half     November, agreeing terms to buy            will allow the       Bob Learman, Chairman of
               of 2021.                              partner Sasol’s 50% share of their       business to meet    INEOS Oxide, O&P USA and
                  Joe Walton, CEO of INEOS           Gemini joint venture for $404m.           the needs of a     Oligomers, says he is particularly
               Oligomers, says the plants are a      The deal, which closed at the end of     growing market”     proud of the concerted efforts
               key milestone in the first phase of   2020, gives INEOS full ownership of                          all the businesses have made
               its growth strategy and provide       the venture, which is located at the                         in 2020 to improve Chocolate
               worldscale capability on the          Battleground complex in LaPorte,        Michael Nagle,       Bayou’s production reliability and
               US Gulf Coast, where they can         Texas and makes bimodal high-           CEO, INEOS           logistics capability. He says there
               capitalise on globally competitive    density PE (HDPE) for the pipe and      O&P USA              has been a lot of infrastructure
                                                                                                                  spend, which makes it easier
                                                                   Alpha olefins units are                        for INEOS to consider future
                                                                     being built in the US                        investments at the site, where
                                                                                                                  it still has a lot of spare land
                                                                                                                  available for expanding
                                                                                                                  derivatives at a later stage.
                                                                                                                     Styrenics producer INEOS
                                                                                                                  Styrolution announced the largest
                                                                                                                  investment in its history in January
                                                                                                                  2020 when it revealed plans to
                                                                                                                  build a world-scale acrylonitrile-
                                                                                                                  butadiene-styrene (ABS) plant in
                                                                                                                  Ningbo, China.
                                                                                                                     Engineering work has begun
                                                                                                                  on the “hallmark project”, which
                                                                                                                  will produce 600,000 tonnes/year
                                                                                                                  when it starts up in the second
                                                                                                                  half of 2023. This new investment
                                                                                                                  follows the acquisition of two
                                                                                                                  polystyrene (PS) plants in Ningbo
                                                                                                                  and Foshan from Total in 2018.
                                                                                                                  Groundbreaking was due to take
               gas and ethylene economics,           film markets.                                                place in mid-December.
               complementing production assets          “Bimodal products are in high                                INEOS Styrolution’s Chairman
               in Canada and Europe.                 demand and the acquisition allows                            Kevin McQuade says China is the
                  INEOS has also made extensive      the business to meet the needs of a                          largest ABS market in the world,
               modifications to the site’s barge     growing market,” says INEOS O&P                              where demand is growing in line
               dock, which handled light olefins     USA CEO Michael Nagle.                                       with GDP and output will serve
               and gases, to enable it to ship          At Chocolate Bayou, the                                   markets such as automotive and
               LAO and PAO liquids. Work was         business has carried out a series                            household appliances.
               completed with first shipments        of upgrades and debottlenecking         “We have recently       Also, construction is well
               made in October. It has also added    measures, adding 275,000 tonnes/           demonstrated      underway on a new worldscale
               four new barges to its fleet.         year of new ethylene capacity               the potential    styrenics specialties plant for
                  New LAO/PAO plants, as well as     from late 2020/early 2021. The            for mechanical     100,000 tonnes/year acrylonitrile
               the ACN unit, are also planned for    extra output will feed existing           recycling of PS    styrene acrylate (ASA) polymer in
               Saudi Arabia, as part of the Amiral   polyethylene (PE) production, as                             Bayport, Texas, which is due on
                                                                                              into food contact
               petrochemical complex being           well as the new oligomers output                             stream in 2022.
               implemented by Saudi Aramco and       and Stryolution’s needs in the             applications,        Recycling is a major focus for
               Total. INEOS’ involvement in the      Houston area.                                 previously     the styrenics company, which is
               project was originally announced         For Nagle, the highlights of              viewed as a     working with several partners on
               in mid-2019 and engineering work      2020 include the Q1 start-up of           near impossible    PS depolymerisation technologies
               has continued to progress. Start-up   a “power island” at Chocolate              achievement”      with projects in Europe and the US
               is expected in Q3 2026.               Bayou, which consists of two                                 moving ahead.
Image: INEOS

                  The Saudi investment marks a       new cogeneration plants and             Kevin McQuade,          Together with Trinseo, INEOS
               second phase of growth for INEOS      three steam boilers to improve          CEO, INEOS           Styrolution plans to build a PS
               Oligomers, which will also be         electrical and steam reliability,       Styrolution          recycling plant in Wingles, France,

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW
capable of processing up to 50
tonnes/day of post-consumer
feedstock. Operations are
                                         PLANS PROVIDE A
scheduled to start by mid-2023.          SOLID PLATFORM
   In the US, Agilyx technology          FOR THE FUTURE
will be used in a new 100 tonne/
day PS depolymerisation facility
in Channahon, Illinois as part
of a joint venture with AmSty.
Start-up could potentially be in
   An independent life cycle
assessment for depolymerised
styrene has shown up to a 50%
reduction in greenhouse gas
emissions compared with fossil-
based styrene, according to

INEOS Styrolution.                              hese are                                                Looking to the
   McQuade adds that the business               challenging                                          future, the business
has also made great strides on                  times for                                             has identified
the mechanical recycling of PS           oil and gas                                                   several exciting
and ABS. “We have successfully           operators,                                                    developments,
introduced commercial grades             with the sector                                                including a number
of recycled ABS (ECO ABS) into           blighted by                                                     of wells being drilled
the market with very positive            pricing volatility and widespread         in Norway, and plans to tap into large
feedback and high interest and           uncertainty because of the                reserves in Denmark’s Hejre oilfield.
demand from customers,” he               coronavirus outbreak.                        The rerouting of the Clipper
says. “Moreover, we have recently           Such has the impact been on revenue    South gas field through the Shell
demonstrated the potential               streams that it has been necessary        Bacton export hub has also been a
for mechanical recycling of PS           to constantly revise plans and review     huge success, he notes, and “has
into food contact applications,          projects this past year to ensure they    outstripped expectations”. The Clipper
previously viewed as a near              make sense from an economic and           South field was due to be shut down in
impossible achievement.”                 technical perspective, says Dougie        2018 due to third party infrastructure
   A noteworthy event for INEOS          Scott, CEO of INEOS Oil & Gas.            decommissioning. However, the re-
Styrolution was the awarding of             “We've been in defer mode but          route has extended the Clipper South
a platinum rating from EcoVadis          there is optimism ahead,” he insists.     by at least 12 years. The heart of the
for its advanced sustainability          “If you look at the last 12 months,       Clipper South system is a remote-
performance. INEOS Styrolution is        there were some key events that           control gas water separator to handle
the first among the INEOS group          shaped our thinking on how best to        high levels of liquids from the wells.
to receive the rating, which is the      run the business.”                        This is the first time this technology
highest available and awarded to            “One was the historically low gas      has been operated successfully in a
just the top 1% of companies.            price, which actually dropped prior to    remote-control application.
   “I believe we are at the forefront    COVID. The full impact of the lockdown       “This has been another great
of INEOS on sustainability and           also meant we had to reorganise our       example of how we're taking assets and
circularity within the industry,” says   business to ensure continuing safe and    rethinking how they operate,” adds Scott.
Steve Harrington, CEO of INEOS           reliable production.”                        Perhaps among the most intriguing
Styrolution. “It is recognised as a         “I think we've got another             prospects moving forward, he adds,
major achievement by both our            challenging year ahead of us but I'm      is an ambitious project to inject and
customers and suppliers.”                optimistic because we're all working      store carbon dioxide into disused and
   For the future, the company           tirelessly to ensure that our cost base   depleted oil fields in the North Sea.
aims to develop its footprint            is appropriate,” he says.                    “The Greensand project has
further in Asia, the largest                With gas prices down at historical     enormous potential and would allow
growth area for styrenics. “We           lows during the summer, Scott says        the Danish Government to fully deliver
will continue to make large              the business decided to shut in           on its 2030 carbon reduction targets,”
investments and acquisitions in          some fields. “This was an economic        he says. “Over the last few months,
Asia, with a specific focus on ABS       decision and our partners fully           we've engaged heavily with its Climate
and specialties,” says Harrington,       supported us,” he says. “We're now        Ministry about funding for the project
noting that innovation efforts           back up and running and are reaping       and have had a very positive response.”
are looking at providing new             the benefits of the higher gas prices.       Surveys are currently being carried
materials for electric cars and          It showed our flexibility and agility,    out to check the field’s suitability. The
electronic components in vehicles,       and that we’re able to adapt to a         results are expected by the middle
as well as in construction and           situation like this and make decisions    of 2021.
telecommunications, such as 5G.          very quickly.”                                                           By Andy Brice
                   By Elaine Burridge

Rising to the 2020 REVIEW

               SET ON A
               A continued focus on sustainability and the circular                                                             In September INEOS agreed
                                                                                                                            the largest ever industrial wind
                                                                                                                                 power purchase contract in
               economy remains central to INEOS’ plans moving forward                                                                   Belgium with ENGIE

                      ustainability has always          in the industry based on our                                 enlisted by INEOS to meet the
                      been a focus for INEOS. It        sustainability objectives and                                needs for:
                      is viewed by the company          performance and sits alongside                               ● Reduced use of fossil fuels for
               as fundamental to the way it does        gold and platinum ratings for                                   energy to help meet the climate-
               business today.                          our INOVYN and Styrolution                                      neutrality challenge;
                  Peter Williams, INEOS Group           businesses,” comments Greet                                  ● Increased re-use and recycling
               Technology Director, explains            Van Eetvelde, Head of Energy                                    – in a move towards a circular
               that embracing sustainability            & Innovation at INEOS Group.                                    economy; and
               “means the business is conducted         “We are committed to continuous            "Our headline     ● Progress towards net-zero
               so that it contributes to society,       improvement as we progress our           priorities are to      greenhouse gas (GHG)
               conserves the environment; and           long-term sustainability goals.”           help meet the        emission operation.
               is successful economically.”                Van Eetvelde adds: “Just as over     climate-neutrality      “As a chemical company, we
                  He sees sustainability as a key       20 years ago, we started taking steps      challenge, the    need to meet these needs and even
               driver of innovation. As such, he        that would ensure our business                               lead the way,” says Williams.
               says, it is highly integrated into all   could be sustained to the present       circular economy,       INEOS’ strategy takes a holistic
               of INEOS’ activities.                    day. Today, we are taking new steps      developing new      view of what is needed to deliver a
                  This approach was recently            to ensure we will be sustainable         businesses and      sustainable business: operational
               recognised by EcoVadis, the              through to 2050 and beyond. That         moving to green     safety; development and diversity
               world’s most trusted provider of         now means moving towards the net          raw materials"     of its people; ethical governance;
               business sustainability ratings.         zero economy of 2050.”                                       support for local communities
                  INEOS received a gold                    In the past, the focus was very                           and the natural environment; and
               sustainability score, with an overall    much on efficiency, in terms of         Geir Tuft,           climate and circularity.
               rating that puts INEOS into the top      both energy and materials use.          CEO, INOVYN             All are vital, says Williams, but
Image: INEOS

               4% of companies.                         Today, with increasing societal                              the climate and circularity focus
                  “The gold rating by EcoVadis          demands and regulatory pressures,                            is attracting particular effort at
               confirms a strong position               sustainability practices are being                           present and looks set to drive

business innovation for the future.     step change in energy efficiency                             to conventionally produced PVC.
   Indeed, it is already leading        and carbon footprint – a key aspect                              But biobased feedstocks are not
to the creation of new products,        of progress. The new cracker will                            the only materials that can be used
businesses and partnerships, in         have half the emissions of Europe’s                          in the cracker feed. INEOS is also
areas such as plastics recycling,       best performing crackers,” he says.                          looking at using waste polymers
hydrogen production, methanol              Third, INEOS is exploring the                             processed so that they be used
and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).           use of biofeedstocks in its steam                            to replace naphtha. It has started
   Responsibility for driving           crackers, to make polyolefins and                            a collaboration with Spanish
sustainability at INEOS resides         PVC that have significantly lower                            company Plastic Energy that will
with each of the major business         GHG footprints. “It is early days,”                          take waste plastic and chemically
units, with their CEOs responsible      says Williams, “but it will start to                         convert it into feedstock using
to the INEOS board and                  meet an evolving demand from the                             Thermal Anaerobic Conversion
shareholders for progress and           market for green materials.”                                 technology to produce a product
hitting targets.                           Ingram adds some more details                             known as Tacoil.
   Geir Tuft, CEO of INEOS’             on the move to alternative feedstocks                            The partnership aims to have
INOVYN business, has a number           by INEOS to improve sustainability.                          a recycling plant up and running
of priorities, driven largely by the    The company has recently signed a        “To take plastic    by the end of 2023, once the
fact that the PVC producer is a         long-term agreement with Finland’s        waste back to      processing has been optimised to
huge consumer of energy and that        UPM Biofuels for supply of the            virgin plastic     give a suitable cracker feedstock.
PVC has historically been under         latter’s UPM BioVerno, a sustainable     is the ultimate     The resulting material will also
pressure from the environmental         naphtha substitute made from the                             be used in the Cologne cracker to
lobby. "Our headline priorities are     residue of wood pulp processing.
                                                                                   definition of     make new polymer.
to help meet the climate-neutrality        This is being fed into the             recycling and          Such advanced recycling, says
challenge, the circular economy,        Cologne naphtha cracker to                 will create a     Ingram, makes it possible to make
developing new businesses and           produce bioethylene and hence             truly circular     a final product with an identical
moving to green raw materials."         a wide range of bio-attributed              economy”         specification as the virgin polymer.
he explains.                            polyolefins as well as PVC. These                            “To take plastic waste back to virgin
   At INEOS Olefins and Polymers        can be used in a range of products                           plastic is the ultimate definition
Europe, priorities run along similar    from plastic food packaging, to         Rob Ingram,          of recycling and will create a truly
lines, with recycling/circular          medical items and pipes.                CEO, INEOS           circular economy,” says Ingram.
economy and alternative raw                The Roundtable for Sustainable       Olefins & Polymers       Fourth, says Williams, INEOS
materials high on the agenda, says      Biomaterials (RSB) has certified                             is looking to use alternative energy
CEO Rob Ingram.                         each step in the process, starting                           sources in its operations. It has, for
   Williams highlights five             from UPM’s crude tall oil residue,                           example, just signed a 10-year deal
initiatives in the climate area which   to the bio-naphtha and then to                               with Belgium’s ENGIE to buy 84MW
have the promise to deliver GHG         final polymers.                                              of wind power which, Williams
savings over the next five years.          The agreement supports                                    says, will save INEOS 1.15m
With climate initiatives, Williams      INEOS’ plans to make plastics                                tonnes of GHG emissions over
says, “there is no silver bullet. We    from renewable materials, thus                               the coming decade. The electricity
need a manifold strategy and need       significantly reducing GHG                                   from the North Sea will be used by
to drive energy efficiency and get      emissions and supporting a                                   existing INEOS production sites
new energy systems in place as          more sustainable approach to its                             and ultimately the new Project One
renewables develop in scale and         business, says Ingram.                                       cracker and PDH unit.
become more economic.”                     Tuft points out that INOVYN is                                And lastly, INEOS has just
   First in line are improvements       now commercialising BIOVYNTM,                                established a new hydrogen
in energy efficiency across INEOS’      a green PVC from two production                              business, as part of INOVYN, to
existing sites. “We have a whole        sites in Europe, which it offers as                          explore the use of clean hydrogen
raft of projects in place that will     100% non-fossil-fuel attributed.                             as an alternative energy source for
improve our efficiency and cut GHG      It can do this because of the                                its own plant operations – either
emissions over the next three years.    use of biofeedstocks in INEOS’                               in fuel boilers or via electricity
Just by these actions, we anticipate    Cologne cracker. Using a mass                                generation – and for sale to
near term reductions in GHG             balance approach and third-party                             external customers.
emissions of 10%,” notes Williams.      certification by the RSB, the                                    The hydrogen will be
   Second, there is investment          bioethylene so-produced can be                               manufactured by decomposition
in new plants which will enable         attributed to VCM and hence to                               of water using renewable
INEOS to bring in state-of-the-art      the BIOVYNTM PVC.                                            electricity, using INOVYN’s
technologies that are even more            The product is already attracting                         expertise in electrolysis.
energy efficient. Williams points       a lot of interest, he says, from                                 The business will have its
to INEOS’ €5bn Project One              customers in the automotive,                                 headquarters in the UK and aims
development at Lillo, Antwerp,          flooring and pipe sectors who want                           to build capacity to produce
which will see construction of          to use a material to meet their end                          hydrogen across the INEOS
a new ethane-fed cracker and            customers’ green demands. The                                network of sites in Europe, in
propane dehydrogenation unit.           product, he adds, delivers a GHG                             addition to partner sites where
   “This will enable us to make a       saving or more than 90% compared                             hydrogen can help address the

SUSTAINABILITY                                                                  2020   January
                                                                                                                                ● Styrenics Circular Solutions (SCS)
                                                                                                                                   members – which includes INEOS
                                                                                                                                   Styrolution – to evaluate Pyrowave plastic-
                                                                                                                                   to-plastic advanced recycling technology
                                            climate-neutrality challenge.        recycling, by stimulating investment
                                            The company already produces         in collection and processing and by            February
                                         300,000 tonnes/year of hydrogen         developing ways to upgrade recyclate           ● INEOS partners with Forever Plast to
                                         from its operations, largely as a by-   into high specification materials.                recycle over 6.5bn bottle caps back into
                                         product. INEOS, says Tuft, already         It has, for example, just launched             high quality caps
                                         has the technology to produce,          a range of Recycl-IN polyethylene              ● Agreement with UPM Biofuels to supply
                                         transport and store hydrogen.           and polypropylene grades, made                    a renewable raw material to produce
                                                                                                                                   bio-attributed polyolefins in Germany
                                            In a complementary initiative,       using a blend of very high-spec
                                         INOVYN has joined a major               virgin material with up to 60% of
                                         seven-strong consortium in              recyclate to produce a polymer
                                                                                                                                ● Collaboration with Plastic Energy on new
                                         Antwerp seeking to demonstrate          without sacrificing final product                 plant to convert waste plastic into raw
                                         production of sustainable methanol      performance. The range covers                     material to make new plastic by late 2023
                                         from green hydrogen and captured        rigid and flexible products for use
                                         carbon dioxide. If joint feasibility    in non-food contact applications.              June
                                         studies are successful, the Power          Recycl-IN uses post-consumer                ● INEOS Styrolution research proves post
                                         to Methanol project will see the        recycled plastic from a number of                 consumer polystyrene waste can be a
                                                                                                                                   valuable feedstock and can halve
                                         construction of an 8,000 tonne/year     recycling companies, which will                   greenhouse gas emissions
                                         methanol plant at INEOS’ site at        include Viridor’s new state-of-the-
                                         Lillo, in the Port of Antwerp.          art recycling plant.                     1%
                                            Tuft says a second phase could          INEOS is adopting the same                  ● INEOS Styrolution awarded platinum
                                         increase capacity to 50,000 tonnes/     partnership approach to advanced                  rating by EcoVadis for its advanced
                                         year if the technology proves           recycling – which can be used                     sustainability performance. The platinum
                                         successful. The initiative is not so    to address the issue of recycling                 rating is awarded to the top 1% of companies
                                         much about creating a new source        lower quality and mixed plastics
                                         of methanol, Tuft argues, but finding   waste. Here, technology is not yet             August
                                                                                                                                ● INEOS Styrolution and Recycling
                                         a viable way to use hydrogen, which     so advanced and INEOS is helping                  Technologies sign joint development
                                         is energy intensive but relatively      with technology development as                    agreement for recycling polystyrene
                                         inefficient to transport. Using it to   well as promoting infrastructure
                                         produce methanol or ammonia,            investment though partnerships.                September
                                         for instance, gives you more usage         INOVYN is looking at the                    ● INEOS becomes first company in the
                                         options, he argues.                     advanced recycling of PVC into                    chemicals and polymers sector to achieve
                                                                                                                                   certification from RSB – the Roundtable
                                            “This is an exciting project         materials that can be used to
                                                                                                                                   on Sustainable Biomaterials
                                         and an excellent fit with our           manufacture new PVC. Tuft points
                                                                                                                                ● INEOS Styrolution signs agreement to
                                         sustainability strategy, as it          out that mechanical recycling                     advance the circularity of polystyrene with
                                         includes pursuing options for           of the polymer is already well                    AmSty, Agilyx and Trinseo; plans first
                                         alternative energy and lower            established – some 750,000 tonnes/                European polystyrene recycling plant in
                                         carbon production of chemicals.”        year of recyclate being marketed in               France with Trinseo; announces joint facility
                                            On the circular economy front,       the EU, but that advanced recycling               for advanced recycling of polystyrene in the
                                         says Williams, “as a chemicals and      (or chemical recovery) would be                   US with AmSty, using Agilyx technology
                                         polymers company, we are mainly         a “game changer”, allowing much                ● Largest-ever purchase contract of wind
                                         a materials producer and therefore      more post-consumer waste to be                    energy for heavy industry in Belgium
                                                                                                                                   agreed. Deal with ENGIE to cut CO2
                                         the circular economy theme goes         recycled and dealing with legacy                  by over 1m tonnes/year
                                         across the company as a whole.          issues in the PVC sector. It is early
                                                                                                                                ● INEOS Olefins & Polymers partners with
                                         Plastic waste is a global issue and     days, Tuft explains, and “poses a                 Saica Natur in supply agreement for
                                         INEOS is putting efforts into both      significant challenge, so we may                  recycled LDPE and LLDPE for use in
                                         mechanical and more advanced            need to form partnerships.”                       virgin quality flexible packaging
                                         recycling of polymer products.”            In future, says Williams,
                                            INEOS has made quite some            INEOS will be disclosing more                  November
                                         progress on plastic recycling and       on its sustainability activities,              ● Emission reduction commitment ensures
                                                                                                                                   INEOS will be climate-neutral in Antwerp,
                                         gained traction with customers,         having not felt the need to do so
                                                                                                                                   Belgium, by 2050 at the latest
                                         adds Ingram. He sees INEOS              in the past as a private company.
                                                                                                                                ● INEOS launches new Clean Hydrogen Business
                                         contributing to the circular            It is currently updating its Group
                                         economy recycling effort in several     Sustainability Report.                         ● Agreement with Hyundai Motor Company
                                                                                                                                   to examine potential of hydrogen
                                         keys ways, where it has skills             The key thing, he points out,                  applications and technologies – including
                                         and capabilities to offer. “We are      is to be pragmatic, and do things                 Hyundai’s fuel cell system for the Grenadier
                                         looking to work with partners and       now to reap early rewards. “Our                   4x4 vehicle
Information graphic: Gareth JJ Burgess

                                         stakeholders to make progress.”         roadmap to climate neutrality and        4%
                                            First, it is looking into design     circularity has both short term                December
                                         for recyclability and working with      and longer-term options in it.                 ● Former BP CFO Brian Gilvary appointed
                                         customers and the value chain to        But it is really important that we                as Executive Chairman of new INEOS
                                                                                                                                   Energy venture that incorporates all oil
                                         re-engineer products and materials      bank today’s opportunities whilst                 and gas assets
                                         to make them easier to recycle.         working on approaches for the
                                                                                                                                ● Decade-long renewable power deal agreed
                                         Second, it is looking at building the   longer term.”                                     with RWE to cut CO2 from Belgian sites by a
                                         capacity and market for mechanical                             By John Baker              further 745,000 tonnes
                                                                                                                                ● EcoVadis awards INEOS gold standard
                                                                                                                                   sustainability rating, placing it among
                                           12                                                                                      top 4% of companies in the sector
INEOS aims to achieve four ambitious
                   ON TARGET                   circular economy targets by 2025

                              1 To use 325,000 tonnes of recycled polymer in products
                                 2 To offer a range of polyolefin products for packaging containing 50% or more recycled content
                                     3 Use on average 30% recycled content in products destined for polystyrene packaging in Europe
                                          4 Ensure 100% of polymer products can be recycled

       ustainability and the circular            – putting INEOS into the top 4% of        making plastic from renewable raw
       economy are not new concepts              companies in the sector. INEOS            materials or storing carbon dioxide
       for INEOS but they have become            Styrolution was also awarded a            in depleted oil fields, INEOS is
 the cornerstone of an ambitious and             platinum rating by EcoVadis for its       challenging the conventional.
 forward-looking strategy. INEOS                 advanced sustainability performance.         By leveraging its capabilities as one
 recognises the potential to reuse,                Across its business units around        of the world’s largest manufacturers
 repurpose, and recycle to minimise              the globe, it remains committed           and exploiting its resources,
 waste and create value.                         to reducing its carbon footprint,         technologies and expertise, the
   A year that started with plans                exploring innovative technologies,        business has created a robust
 for the world’s first commercially              and harnessing the potential of           framework to ensure it plays a key
 available bio-attributed polyvinyl              renewable energy and feedstocks.          role in building a more sustainable
 chloride has ended with a gold                    From advanced recycling and             business for the future.
 sustainability rating from EcoVadis             new hydrogen applications, to                                                   By Andy Brice

                                                                            $4.5        Potential economic benefits
                                                                                        of a circular economy to 2030*

                                                       Society’s growing                                Tonnes of materials extracted
  Projected increase of annual
    waste generation by 2050**      70%            desire to move towards                     92         and processed globally
                                                                                                         by all industries in 2019 –
                                                   a climate neutral future                  billion     contributing about half of
                                                is driving change. A circular                           global CO2 emissions*
    Plastic packaging that                   economy ensures raw materials
  will never be reused or
 recycled unless there is
   fundamental redesign
                              30%           are used efficiently and effectively
                                          before being reused and repurposed.                                Tonnes of plastics
          and innovation#*              While all INEOS polymers are recyclable,                 359          production globally in
                                                                                                              2018, up from 348m the
                                         only about 14% of plastic currently gets                million
                                                                                                             year before†
                                        recycled – with most of it instead heading
       The value of plastic
                                          to landfill. INEOS remains focused on
packaging material lost to
 the economy each year –      95%            transforming today’s take, make,
      worth $80bn-120bn#                     dispose economy into one where                  61.8          Total plastic produced in
                                                                                                           Europe in 2018 (in tonnes)†
                                                   plastics are designed to                   million
                                                       be used time and
          Tonnes of plastic post-
    consumer waste collected in                           time again                                           * World Economic Forum
                                                                                                               †	PlasticsEurope Market Research
     Europe for recycling (2018)†    million                                                                      Group and Conversio Market & Strategy
                                                                                                              # Ellen MacArthur Foundation
                                                                                                              ** World Bank

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