Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.

Page created by Rick Mcgee
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Rita’s Rainbows
   A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
                                      might be a little different, but   support.
                                      as always, we are trying hard      We ask that if you happen
                                      to keep up and adjust to           to be in a position to make a
                                      these changes.                     donation, to please do so and
                                                                         know by doing so, you will help
                                      We continue to be awed             further our cause by raising
                                      as we look back over the           the funds needed to help
                                      years at how Rita’s Rainbows       the children throughout the
                                      has grown. Because we are          upcoming year. You do make
                                      an all-volunteer non-profit,       all the difference and we are so
                                      never paying any salaries,         very grateful!
                                      raising separate funds for all
                                      operations, we are able to         May God bless you and your
                                      give every penny donated           families.
                                      directly to the children. It
                                                                         Always remember -
                                      is made possible by our
                                                                         love selflessly!
Dear Friends,                         amazing board members,
                                      officers and volunteers who        Cassy, Andy & Sara Goehner
We Hope this finds you and all        work tirelessly to achieve our
your loved ones doing well.           mission of helping children in
We are filled with gratitude that     need. And of course, YOU,
Rita’s Rainbows has been able to      our donors, who really make         Please
serve children in need in memory      it all possible.                    Remember:
of our sweet Rita Marie for 12
years!                                We encourage you to                 We are a 501(c)3 non-profit.
                                      look through this annual
After our newsletter was published    newsletter so you can               All your gifts are tax deductible!
last November, we held the            see for yourself what your          100% of funds raised go directly
Holiday Barnfest at the historic      generosity has allowed us to        to helping children!
Octagon Barn. Despite the             accomplish throughout the
                                      past year. Donors like you are      Our officers receive no
periodic downpours and rainy
                                                                          compensation; children
weather, it seemed like everyone      what makes Rita’s Rainbows
                                                                          get maximum benefit from
in town came out. It was truly        successful and we couldn’t          your gifts!
amazing to see all the enthusiasm     be more appreciative of your
gathered in one place. The                                                We rely on our volunteers and
community support was really                                              donors to make the difference...
thrilling. We’re sorry to say that                                        and you do!!!
was the last in-person event of our
fiscal year.                                                              For donations, information on
                                                                          Rita’s Rainbows, Rita’s legacy,
                                                                          and more:
Regardless of all the changes that
have occurred due to Covid 19,
                                                                          Phone: 805.458.5213
Rita’s Rainbows has had another
                                                                          Web: ritasrainbows.org
amazing year of spreading smiles                                          Email: RR@Ritasrainbows.org
and helping children in need. The
needs of the children we serve

“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.” - John Bunyan
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Nov 2020

                        A letter from our president Mary Holliday:
                        Were you ever in a class where one of the required reading assignments
                        was such a bore? Did you sigh and just want to ignore it? Did you struggle
                        off and on - yet, you kept plowing through it page after page, and still
                        finished the book? Well, that kind of sums of 2020 – right?

                        This year has been different, not boring but definitely challenging to say
                        the least. It has not been easy canceling events from month to month. It
                        also has been sad not to gather, see each other in person and share a
                        hug, or two. Yes, this year has been unnerving and unsettling in many ways
                        however, we, here at Rita’s Rainbows, have been leaning on the positive!

                      We are grateful that we have been able to continue to communicate with
                      agencies and fill their requests for children in need. This is all made possible
                      because of you. Your generosity and contributions carry the torch of Rtia’s
                      legacy and we so appreciate your continued support. In each new day we
                      are honored to bring light, love and SMILES to children in need.
We are scheduling events for 2021 and look forward to a variety of opportunities – to meet and
greet, to serve and make a positive difference in the lives of children in need. We hope you will join
us. Together may we write a great book in 2021 – one worth reading!

BlissRiver Organics, Drew Davis Fine Art, Laura Builds, Lindencreations,
One of a Kind Jewelry, Raea Jewelry, Rowlee’s Buds & Balloons, Shell Beach Fence Art,
The Material Girl, 3J Vintage Glass Bird Feeders and Lantern Wanderlust Wildcraft

                For more information please visit us on the web at ritasrainbows.org
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Featured Non-Profit Events                                 Nov 2020

  The Angel Tree - December 2020 at Whiz Kids Toys!
  3979 S Higuera St., San Luis Obispo whizkidsslo.com
  Thanks to Lesa Smith, owner of Whiz Kids Toys! we will once again be
  one of the featured non-profits on the Angel Tree. Please stop by and
  purchase a gift which will be given to a needy child this holiday season.

                      SLO Wedding Planners Annual Holiday Party - January 10th, 2020
                      On January 10th, SLO Wedding Planners presents the Live Zoomethon, benefiting
                      Rita’s Rainbows! SLO Wedding Planners has been committed to raising
                      donations for Rita’s Rainbows over the last 5 years through their annual holiday
                      party, and with a little pivoting, this fundraiser hopes to have multiple speakers
                      and live performances streamed through Zoom! Be on the lookout for the link to
                      purchase tickets coming soon!

Sera Sock Drive – February 1st thru 25th
We will host our annual sock drive in memory
of Sera Day Coryell. We invite you to donate
colorful, whimsical, crazy and fun socks. Socks
will be collected and gifted to local agencies
who serve children in need. Marcia Coryell is
coordinating this event.

                                         Be A Bunny Helper – March 1st thru 13th 2021
                                         3979 S Higuera St., San Luis Obispo whizkidsslo.com
                                         Each year we partner with Lesa Smith, owner of Whiz Kids
                                         Toys! for the ‘Be A Bunny Helper’ project. With Lesa’s help,
                                         her staff and the generosity of her patrons we provide over
                                         200 quality and custom made Spring Baskets for children
                                         served by local agencies.

                             Past Featured Non-Profit Events
Deborah McNeil Amorteguy DDS
Dr. Amorteguy, a Smiles for Life participating dentist,
chose Rita’s Rainbows as her charitable organization
for Smiles for Life. When you whiten your teeth with a
Smiles For Life dentist, you get a bright, beautiful smile,
and kids get part of the proceeds.

                         Thank you Reese Galido!
                         Reese’s Sunday Fund-days benefit local non-profits and Reese recently
                         selected Rita’s Rainbows. We were honored to be recipients and appreciate
                         Reese’s big heart, talents, and the caring ways she gives back to our
                         community. For more information about Reese visit www.reesegalido.com

                      “Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud.” - Maya Angelou
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Nov 2020        2020 Fundraisers & Events - Save the Dates!
                        Annual Spring Drawing - March 15th thru May 1st, 2021
                        Will you be the LUCKY one?
                        March 15th will be the kick-off to our Annual Spring Drawing. You’ll want
                        to be a winner of one of the amazing prizes, and who knows, perhaps
                        you’ll be the Grand Prize Winner of FOUR TICKETS to Disneyland.

                        More details about tickets and prizes to be announced!

                        Winners will be drawn @ Whiz Kids Toys! Art Contest, May 1st

 Whiz Kids Toys! Art Contest and Showcase Saturday, May 1st, 2021
 This popular event for children and families will kick off in April.
 This is a great opportunity for children to enter their artwork which will be
 showcased on Saturday, May 1st. We partner with Whiz Kids Toys! each
 year for this exciting event and hope you will join us.

                          Rita Goehner Annual Memorial Fundraiser Tuesday, April 6th, 2021
                          Beda’s Biergarten - 3230 Broad Street, San Luis Obispo
                          Join us as we embrace the memories of our beautiful, sweet Rita
                          and celebrate her legacy to help children in need. Debby Silvestre is
                          coordinating this event. Please stay tuned for more info.

               Rita’s Rainbow’s 3rd Annual Poetry Reading
               Thursday September 16th, 2021
               We are excited for our annual Poetry Reading in memory of Rita’s birthday in September
               which will be held at SLO Provisions. We will welcome children ages 5 to 17 years to recite
               their favorite poetry. It will once again be a sweet reflection of one of Rita’s creative
               outlets and a joy to see the children and teens participate. More information to follow.

Holiday Barnfest Saturday, December 4th, 2021 at the historic Octagon Barn
We invite you to our 10th annual gift fair at the Octagon Barn on Saturday, December 4th 2021.
We look forward to feature over 35 Central Coast artisans along with local food offerings, wine
tasting, live music, a children’s make’n take booth and if you have been good, a visit from Santa.
Stay tuned for more details.

       “Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.” - Booker T. Washington
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Ongoing Fundraisers and More                                   Nov 2020

                                    Online Shopping
                                    A simple and automatic way for
We have raised over $36,000.00      you to support Rita’s Rainbows.
in partnership with Shaklee since
2011. Thank you Sally Equinoa,      iGive.com
and all of you who have             Sign up for iGive and choose
changed brands for a cause.         Rita’s Rainbows as your charity.
Please contact us for more info.    Ebay Community Seller
                                                                       KVEC First Look with
                                    PayPal Giving Fund
                                                                       Andy Morris
                                    Thank you to daybree, Cecelia
                                    Mimi Goehner and those who         Thank you to Andy Morris at
                                    have designated a portion of       920 KVEC for promoting our
                                    the proceeds from their Ebay       2019 Holiday Barnfest gift fair.
                                    sales to Rita’s Rainbows.

  Please visit our website

                                                                       Look for the rainbows, take a
                                                                       photo and send it our way!
                                                                       Together we can start off our
 Thank You Edna 4-H                                                    week with a colorful, beautiful
 The Edna 4-H youth wood-            SLO Spotlight                     view of nature’s magic.
 working group under the             Thank you to SLO Spotlight        Please send your photos via
 direction of Andy Allen             magazine for shining the light    email to rr@ritasrainbows.org
 made these wood tic-tac-            on Rita’s Rainbows in the         or as a private message on
 toe games that we were              February issue. It was honor      Facebook and we will be post
 able to gift to local agencies      to be featured and we are
                                                                       them on social media.
 that serve children and             grateful for the opportunity
 teens.                              to share the story of our         This amazing photo is from our
                                     sweet Rita.                       dear friend, Laura Morgan. We
                                                                       thank Laura and all our friends
                                                                       for the photos.
 Rita’s Pole                                                           Each and every rainbow
 Throughout the years our dear friend,                                 takes us to a moment to
 Nancy La Grille has spent countless hours                             pause and enjoy the beauty
 decorating and maintianing the pole in                                in the rainbows and reminds us
 memory of Rita.                                                       of our sweet, Rita, too!

             “Anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.” - Fred Roger
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Nov 2020                         Rita’s Rainbows Projects
Assistance League                 Estero Bay Foundation             Mesa Middle School
Donated $1,500.00 to assist       Donated $500.00 for food          Funded the cost of software for a
with the purchase of clothing     and basic supplies for            teen in need.
for middle school teens they      children in need who began
serve.                                                           Oliver’s Library
                                  distance learning.
                                                                 Gifted childrens books for the
Ballet Theatre SLO                Five Acres                     babies and families served by the
Gifted a $300.00 scholarship      Purchased a variety of school NICU at Sierra Vista.
for dance classes for a child     supplies for distance learning
in need.                          that will be used for the
                                  children in their residential
Beatitude House
Purchased vitamins, a large
assortment of diapers &           Five Cities Hope
Holiday gifts and provided        Contributed $1,000.00 to their
blankets and                      youth group that will be used
socks from our Sera Sock          for the teens in need that
Drive for the children they       they serve.
serve.                            Head Start                        Pajama Drama
Central Coast Autism              Purchased 13 backpacks            Provided $500.00 in scholarship
Spectrum Center                   and donated $150.00 for           funds that foster communication,
Contributed funds for food        the Scholastic Book Fund          cooperation and imagination to
and decorations for their         to provide books and              children in need.
Teen Dance.                       backpacks for the children.
                                                                    Peninsula Symphony
Crayon Initiative                 Institute Excellence in Writing   Donated $1000.00 for the
Donated $350.00 to their          Provided funding for the          school age children’s outreach
crayon recycling program          IEW curriculum programs           programs.
providing crayons for children    for students of low-income
in hospitals.                     qualifying families in need.     Pregnancy & Parenting Support
                                                                   of San Luis Obispo
                                  Judkins Middle School            Purchased Christmas trees
                                  Gifted a soccer scholarship      and ornaments for two needy
                                  to a teen in need.               children and their families.
                                                                   Provided Holiday gifts and Spring
                                  Lens4Families                    Baskets from Whiz Kids Toys!.
                                  Contributed $1,200.00 in         Purchased a large assortment
                                  scholarship funds for programs of diapers, baby gates, pack &
                                  that encourage self-discovery& plays, infant carriers, baby lotions,
                                  positive social interactions for shampoos, wipes, masks for
                                  children in need.                the babies/toddlers they serve.
Dignity Health Hospice                                             Provided socks from the Sera
                                  Martha’s Place
Donated grief themed books                                         Sock Drive for the children they
                                  Provided Spring Baskets from
in English & Spanish and                                           serve.
                                  Whiz Kids Toys for the children
butterfly craft supplies and
                                  they serve. Purchased toys,
patches to be used in their                                        SLO Children’s Museum
                                  sensory items, activity pads,
children’s grief programs.                                         Purchased an assortment of
                                  markers, pencils and other
These items are donated
                                  supplies for the children’s exam ride-on toys, games & supplies
in memory of Angelique                                             to enhance the environment
                                  rooms and intake bags.
Redondo & Katie Reilly                                             and activities for the children.
(pictured above).

                 If you know of a need please email us at rr@ritasrainbows.org
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Rita’s Rainbows Projects                                        Nov 2020

SLO County Department of                                                   Suspected Abuse Response
Social Services (DSS)                                                      Team (SART) - September
Provided Holiday gifts and                                      SLO        Purchased toys, sensory items,
holiday supplies and Spring                                     County     activity pads, markers, pencils
Baskets from Whiz Kids Toys!.                                   Sheriff    and other supplies and bags for
Purchased and provided socks                                    Advisory   the children’s exam rooms and
from our Sera Sock Drive for the                                Board      intake bags.
infants, toddlers, children and
teens they serve.                                                          Templeton Independent Study
                                     Contributed $2000.00 for              High School
SLO County Food Bank                                                       Gifted two $500.00 Rita Marie
                                     ‘Bruce’s Bike Project’ to be
Donated $2000.00 in memory of                                              Goehner Memorial Scholarships
                                     used for their annual bike
Christine Allen to help provide                                            to outstanding graduating
                                     giveaway in memory of
food for children in need.                                                 seniors.
                                     Bruce Hamilton. Thank you
SLO Museum of Art                    Pat Hamilton for facilitating
                                                                           Transitions Mental Health Assoc.
Donated $1,000.00 scholarship        this donation.
for children in need to attend                                             Contributed $675.00 to be
art classes.                      Stand Strong
                                                                           used for the Youth Treatment
                                  Provided Christmas gifts &
South County Youth Coalition                                               Program.
                                  Spring Baskets from Whiz Kids
Contributed $1000.00 assistance Toys!. Purchased Christmas
for food, clothing, sports, field                                          Tu Nidito
                                  trees and ornaments for four
trips, school supplies and other                                           Donated Pillow Pets in memory
                                  needy children and their
educational needs.                                                         of Angelique Redondo for their
                                  families. Provided socks from
                                                                           children’s grief & counseling
                                  our Sera Sock Drive for the
                                  children/teens they serve.

 Sera Sock Days - in Memory
 of Sera Day Coryell
 Socks are the most requested
 item for the homeless and needy
 population. Sera Coryell was
 known for her colorful socks and
 we celebrate her memory every
 time we donate socks to agencies
 that serve children in need. Rita’s
 Rainbows has a sock drive in
 February and along with all the socks    Donation from The Sock Drawer     Bombas Sock Donation
 we collect we purchase additional
 socks and donate baskets full twice
 a year to several agencies. We
 want to thank THE SOCK DRAWER &
 BOMBAS SOCKS for their generous
 donations of boxes of socks and SAN
 MICHAEL J. PHILLIPS for collecting
 and facilitating the sock donations.
 Many thanks to our Sock Drive
 Coordinator, Sera’s mom,                                                   Sera Day Coryell
                                          San Luis Pediatrics
 Marcia Coryell.

                   If you know of a need please email us at rr@ritasrainbows.org
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Nov 2020
                                   Past Fundraisers & Events
December 2019
SLO Wedding Planners
Annual Holiday Party 2019
We would like to acknowledge SLO Wedding
Planners and Colleen Stefanek Rita’s childhood
friend for their overwhelming generosity, and for
continuing to choose Rita’s Rainbows as their
featured non-profit at their Holiday Dinner Party
in December.

                     Whiz KidsToys! Angel Tree 2019                                Cowgirl Christmas 2019
                     Each year, Lesa Smith, owner of                               We were honored to be the
                     Whiz Kids Toys! includes gift tags                            featured nonprofit, ‘Operation
                     for children ages newborn to                                  Twinkle Lights’ at Kimber Black’s
                     teens from various local nonprofits                           annual Cowgirl Christmas. We
                     to her Angel Tree. Rita’s Rainbows                            welcomed the attendees at
                     was one of the non-profits and we                             our information booth, and
                     were thrilled to deliver the gifts to                         Kimber generously donated the
                     local agencies serving children                               proceeds to Rita’s Rainbows.
                     in need.

Holiday Barnfest 2019
We hosted our 8th annual holiday artisan gift fair at the historic Octagon Barn. Over 40 artisans and makers
participated. The Christmas trees we staged for our outdoor decorations were picked up by two local
agencies who delivered the trees to children in need. We extend our sincere thanks to the owners and staff
at Candy Cane Lane/Brookshire Farms for their support. The Jingle Belles and Brass Mash were musical guests.
Devolet Wines and Paso Port had wine tasting and food vendors included SLO’s Finest Catering Company,
Chipwrecked, Whalebird Kombucha, and Pardon My French Bakery. Whiz Kids Toys! hosted a make’n take
activity booth. Santa stopped by as well! Despite the rain, our attendance was well over 1500 people. We are
very grateful to our sponsors that made it all possible: Bunyon Bros. Tree Service, San Luis Tattoo, Poor Richard’s
Press, Hustle Creative, SLO’s Finest, SLO Wedding Planners, Rev SLO Fitness, Flour House, Compass Realty - Kristin
Carswell, Rowlee’s Buds & Balloons, Deborah McNeil Amorteguy DDS , Rick & Jill Stollmeyer, The Goodman
Family & The Goehner Family

April 2020
Be A Bunny Helper! - Whiz Kids Toys! 2020
Over 200 Spring Baskets were gifted to children served by local agencies. This project was one of Rita’s
favorites and thanks to Lesa Smith, her staff at Whiz Kids Toys! and all the generous patrons who donated
funds for the baskets, we were able to continue to carry on this special project. Thank you to all who helped
make it possible.

“I cannot do all the good that the world needs. But the world needs all the good that I can do.” - Jana Stanfield
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Past Fundraisers & Events                                        Nov 2020

 May 2020
 Annual Spring Drawing & Whiz Kids Toys Art Contest and Showcase 2020
 We want to thank everyone who supported our 2020 Spring Drawing & the Whiz Kids Toys! Art
 Contest. The Art Contest was a little different this year as the Showcase was held live on Facebook.
 Numerous children entered their artwork and each piece was truly a winner. Many thanks to Lesa
 Smith at Whiz Kids Toys, Jay Schaffer who provided unique prizes for the children and all those who
 entered our Annual Spring Drawing. Congratulations to all entries and winners. Thank you to our
 Beda’s Biergarten             Splash Cafe              SLO Children’s Museum          Salon 62
 Devolet Wines                 Cattaneo Bros.           SLO Provisions                 Snofari Frozen Yogurt
 Cattaneo Brothers             SLO’s Finest             McConnell’s                    Whiz Kids Toys!
 Flour House                   Pardon My French         Central Coast Quilters         Chipwrecked
                                  4 tickets to Disneyland - Marge Raudstein

                                 Rita’s Rainbows - Board Members & Officers
Mary Kaney Holliday            Donna Murrell                                             Marcia Coryell
President                      Treasurer                 Kim Endgahl                     Sera Sock Days
mkholliday@ritasrainbows.org                             Rita’s Treasure Box
                               Sara Goehner                                              Daniel Holliday
Cassy Goehner                  Secretary                 Karen Carswell                  Flash Marketing Solutions
Vice President                                           Hospitality                     Website
cassandra@ritasrainbows.org    Debby Silvestre
                               Rita Goehner Memorial     Pat Hamilton                    Lena Vitaz,
Andy Goehner                                             Bruce’s Bike Project            Mike Vitaz
Vice President                 John Ozanich              phamilton@ritasrainbows.org     Emeritus Board Members

           Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart – Elizabeth Andrew
Rita's Rainbows A non-profit organization formed in memory of Rita Marie Goehner.
Nov 2020    Rita’s Rainbows Donors 10/01/19 - 10/31/20
Abraham, Robert & Joanne                    Charles, Diane                            *Frumkin, Sheri                          Iredale, Michael
Memory of Bruce Hamilton                    Memory of Rita Marie                      Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of           Honor of Steve Coffey
Allen, Andrew & Deborah                     Chirpich, Sharon                          Cassy Goehner                            Inchausti, Linda & Robert
Memory of Chr`istine Allen                  Book Club for Dignity Hospice Books       Galido, Reese - Stream for               Memory of Elaine Garcia-Larson
& Rita Marie                                Clarke,Elizabeth                          Rita’s Rainbows                          Iskenderian, John
Allen, Vergie & Gerald                      Connelly, Pat & Lorrie                    Gardiner, Jim & Elaine                   Jacobs, Elaine
Memory of Rita Marie                        Contreras, Josephie                       Memory of Matthew Gardiner               Jagger, Monika
Amorteguy, Deborah McNeil                   Honor of Steve Coffey                     Gardner, Janice                          James, Roxy
Anderson, Andrea & Dave                     Corgill, Todd                             Garner, Susan                            Jensen, Jan
Honor of Andrea Anderson,                   Honor of Steve Coffey                     George, Mary Pat                         Memory of Lucas LiVigni
Memory of Rita Marie                        Cornish-Woods, Whitney                    Honor of Steve Coffey                    *Johnson, Janet & Dennis
Andre, Joan                                 Memory of Rita Marie                      *Gibbons, Norine Piccardo                Johnson, Kathleen Norris
Angel Tree Donors                           *Coryell, Marcia & Jim                    Honor of Cassy Goehner                   Johnson, Madeleine & Joseph
Anonymous Donors                            Memory of Sera Day Coryell & Rita Marie   *Glavin, Thomas & Marie                  Knapp, Suzanne
Arslan, Cheryl                              Cova, Karen                               Memory of Bruce Hamilton                 Kuhlman, Julie
Honor of Cassy Goehner, Memory              Memory of Rita Marie                      *Goble, Theresa & Nelson, Blaise         LaBuda, Martin & Christine
of Rita Marie                               Cowgirl Tradeshows - Cowgirl Christmas    Memory of Rita Marie & Rita Q. Goehner   *LaGrille, Nancy
Arslan, Vernette                            Cram, Jayne                               *Goehner Cassy & Andy                    Memory of Rita Marie
Honor of Cassy Goehner, Memory              Memory of Rita Marie                      Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of           *LaPuma, Karren & Michael
of Rita Marie                               *Darnell, Marilyn                         Mel Goodman, Nazelie Elmassian,          Lane, Dawn
*Badgett, Barbara                           Davidson, Katie                           Marta Schultz, Maria Moffa,              Honor of Andrea Anderson
Honor of Leon Badgett                       Memory of Rita Marie                      Lisa Martinez, Joe Roche,                Larkin, Brennan
Badgett, Erik                               Davis, Danny & Janice                     Andrea Anderson, Megan Larkin            Honor of Megan Larkin
Ballantyne, Tina                            Memory of Stephen Davis                   & Steve Coffey                           Larkin, Jane
Barker, Ashley                              *Dawson, Jane                             *Goehner, Allene                         Larkin, Megan
Memory of Rita Marie                        Memory of Rita Marie                      Memory of Rita Marie                     Laughlin, James
Barker, Jennifer                            *Dearborn, Jayne                          *Goehner, Briana                         Honor of Joe Roche
Honor of Cassy Goehner                      Honor of Cassy Goehner                    Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of           Laux-Sears, Laurie
Barker, Ruth                                DeJong, Mary                              Marta Schultz & Cassy Goehner            Honor of Marta Shultz
Honor of Maria Moffa                        Memory of Lucas LiVigni                   *Goehner, Cecilia & Patrick              Leathers, Gloria
Barry & Jeanne LaBarbera                    *Denny, Elizabeth                         Memory of Rita Marie                     Memory of Bruce Hamilton
Memory of Rita Marie                        Honor of Andrea Anderson                  *Goehner, Marty                          Lemoine, Jerry & Cathy
*Bell, Sandee                               Dicus, Chris & MeLisa                     Memory of Rita Marie                     Lent, Julie L.
Honor of Maria Moffa, Memory                Diesu Family                              *Goehner, Paul & Chris                   Levenson, Debi
of Rita Marie                               Memory of Bruce Hamilton                  Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of           Lewis, Valletta
Berkman, Michelle & Sam                     Dobson, John & Sharon                     Cassy’s Birthday                         Memory of Idonna Tryon
Memory of Rita Marie                        Honor of Mary Kaney Holliday              *Goehner, Sara                           *London, Cheryl & Richard
*Bialick, Richard & Eva                     Dorst, Thomas                             Honor of Marta Schultz,                  Memory of Rita Marie
Memory of Bruce Hamilton, Honor of          Honor of Lisa Martinez                    Memory of Rita Marie                     Lucier, Nicole
Lisa Narowski & Rita Marie, Honor of        *Doumakes-Barrett, Alix                   *Goodman, Rush & Melanie                 *Maddalena, Caryn
Cassy Goehner                               Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of            Memory of Rita Marie                     Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of
Biezad, Karen                               Cassy Goehner                             Gordon, Ingrid                           anice Campbell, Debby Sylvestre &
Black, Kimberly - Cowgirl Tradeshows        *Dutra, Vickie                            Honor of Steve Coffey                    Cassy Goehner
Blaney, Stephanie & Michael                 Memory of Rita Marie                      *Gould, Iris                             *Maddalena, Marlene
Honor of Christina & Mic O’Neill            Eagle, Dana                               Memory of Ronald Goud                    Memory of Rita Marie
Bleuher, Chris - Domus Capital Group        *Ehlers, Sharon Skura                     Gray, Gene & Flavia                      Makeyev, Kathryn
*Boege, Kimberly /Salon 62                  Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of            *Guidetti Family                         Memory of Lucas LiVigni
*Border, Barbara                            Maria Moffa & Cassy Goehner               Memory of Rita Marie                     Mansour, Camille
Memory of Rita Marie Goehner                Elmassian, Nazelie E.                     Hahn, John & Mary                        Honor of Lisa Martinez
Boxwell, Dawn Tyra                          Memory of Rita Marie                      Memory of Rita Marie                     Manzella, Lynn & Leonard
*Boyd, Lorna                                *Engdahl, Kim                             *Hall, Clayton & Kristina                Memory of Rita Marie
Memory of Evan Haight Boyd & Rita Marie     *Epperson, M. Barry & Joni S.             Memory of Rita Marie                     Marchesano, Kathleen
*Boyd, Sylvia & Jon                         Memory of Rita Marie                      Halllvik, John & Cindy                   Honor of Maria Moffa
Honor of Evan Haight Boyd, Honor of         *Equinoa, Sally & Rich                    Hames, Kathi                             Marsalek, Cori
Cassy Goehner                               *Etoll, Robert                            *Hamilton, Patricia                      *Martinez, Lisa
*Bradley, Wayne & Leslie                    Memory of Rita Marie                      Memory of Bruce Hamilton, Honor of       Memory of Rita Marie
Bremser, Anne                               *Facebook                                 Cassy Goehner                            *McClintock, Barbara
Honor of Steve Coffey                       Faris, Cheryl                             *Hancock, Mary, Kevin & Emily            Memory of Rita Marie
Brian-Wallace, Janeen                       Honor of Steve Coffey                     Memory of Rita Marie , Honor of          *McClintock, Donald & Tami
Brooks, Leslie                              Fauria, Debbie Austin                     Joe Roche & Cassy Goehner                Memory of Rita Marie
Honor of Maria Moffa                        Honor of Andrea Anderson                  *Hancock, Sara                           McGuire, Marian
Bump, Johanna                               Fauria-Cox, Kaitlin                       Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of           Mckelvey Daye, Lorisa
Burkeen, Simone                             *Fieldhouse, Bill & Faith Ann             Joe Roche & Honor of Cassy Goehner       Honor of Megan Larkin
Memory of Rita Marie                        Memory of Rita Marie                      Hannula, Hal & Kelly                     Medina, Stella
*Campbell, Craig & Janice                   Fielding, Sherri                          Hanson, Susan                            Honor of Lisa Martinez
Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of              Figueroa, Mayra                           Memory of Lucas LiVigni                  *Meyer, Julie
Caryn Maddalena, Cassy Goehner              Fisher, Destiny & Shane                   Hatch, Katie                             Milligan, Pam
*Carswell, Karen                            Honor of Cassy Goehner                    *Heaton, Susan & Tim                     Mingrone, Suanne
Memory of Shirley Rakoobian & Rita Marie    Flores, Stephanie                         Heenan, Kristin                          Honor of Andrea Anderson
*Carswell, Kristin                          Memory of Rita Marie                      Hendricks, Kathie                        *Moffa, Maria
Memory of Rita Marie                        Ford, Theresa                             Hennessy, Mary                           Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of Cassy
Carter, Ann                                 Memory of Genevieve Apel                  Honor of Steve Coffey                    Goehner
*Case, Carin                                *Forrest, Alicia                          Higgins, Sallie & Joseph                 Molina, Mike & Gena
Honor of Andrea Anderson &                  Honor of Cassy Goehner                    Hilstein, Steve                          Morgan, Laura
Memory of Rita Marie                        *Franklin, Marci                          Hiney, Mary Jo                           *Morgan, Laurie
*Chakalian, Ralph                           Memory of Rita Marie & Honor of           Holston, Ira                             Memory of Rita Marie
Memory of Rita Marie                        Cassy Goehner                             Honor of Andrea Anderson                 Murphy, Mark
Chancellor, Brent & Samantha                *Fraser, Christopher                      Hwass-Hay, Mary
*Chancellor, Gail & Alan                    Honor of Maria Moffa & Cassy Goehner      *Iman, Jeri
Memory of Rita Marie                                                                  Honor of Cassy Goehner

                                           “No one has ever become poor by giving.” - Anne Frank
Rita’s Rainbows Donors 10/01/19 - 10/31/20Nov 2020
*Murrell, Donna & Thomas                    Salvini, John & Brooke                   Weber, Michelle & Dan                  Biezad, Karen
Memory of Lucas LiVigni, Ronald William     Sanson, Yvonne E.                        *Weeks, Jacqui                         Black, Kimber & Family
Jackson, Katie Bordeaux, Evelyn Smith,      Saunders, Marc                           Weipert, Mary & Edward                 Bombas Socks
Larry Gardner, Anne Engdahl, Honor of       Memory of Rita Marie                     *Weipert, Sharon                       Brian, Janeen Wallace
Lisa Toke                                   *Schultz, Marta                          Westwood, Susan                        Brian, Rob
*Nani, Jane                                 Memory of Rita Marie                     *Whiz Kids Toys!                       Bunny Helpers - Whiz Kids Toys!
                                            Seitz, Andrea                            Wiemers, Pat                           Carswell, Kristin
Nelson, Leslie
                                            Honor of Steve Coffey                    Memory of Lucas LiVigni                Carswell, John J.J.
Honor of Cassy Goehner
                                            Serimian, Barbara                        Williams, Craig                        Cattaneo Bros.
*Network for Good                                                                                                           Central Coast Quilt Guild
Facebook Donations                          Servera, David & Teresa Ranson           Wilson, Jan Lee & Victoria
                                            Memory of Bruce Hamilton                                                        Chipwrecked
Niner Winery                                                                         Wrenn, Heaton
                                            Sethna, Mary                                                                    Cleary, Shane
Request of Andrew May                                                                Honor of Andrea Anderson
                                                                                                                            Cool Cats Café
*Nolasco-Ramos, Jesus                       Honor of Steve Coffey                    Wunsch, Cheryl                         Cowgirl Christmas Cowgirl Trade Shows
*Nowlen, Linda & Michael                    Sexton, Cathy                            Honor of Steve Coffey                  Cowgirl Christmas Volunteers
Memory of Rita Marie, Stephen Davis &       *Shaffer, Jay
Jake Witt, Honor of Janice & Danny Davis,   Memory of Rita Marie & Honor of Cassy
                                                                                     Operating Donations                    Denny, Elizabeth
                                                                                                                            Deovlet Wines
Faith Ann and Bill Fieldhouse.                                                       Alimashrab, Sara                       Disneyland
Olivera-Steel, Cathy                        *Shelley, Nicole & Chris                                                        Engdahl, Wyatt
                                                                                     *Amazon Smile
Honor of Maria Moffa                        Memory of Rita Marie & Honor of Cassy                                           Edna 4-H
                                                                                     *Amorteguy, Deborah McNeil DDS, Inc.
Owens, Marcy & Bob                          Goehner                                                                         Equinoa, Sally
Memory of Rita Marie                        Sherman, Cathy & Tom                                                            Flour House
                                                                                     Bunyon Bros. Tree Service
*Ozanich, John & Roberta                    *Shipsey, Theresa                                                               Galido, Reese
                                                                                     Calvillo, Diane
Memory of Rita Marie                        Honor of Cassy Goehner                                                          #Giving Tuesday Donors
                                                                                     Carr, Dillon
Parzych, Ben                                *Shira, Marcus & Juanita                                                        Glavin, Marie
                                                                                     *Carswell, Kristin
Patel, Piyal                                Shriner, Jan                                                                    Goehner, Cecilia Mimi
                                                                                     Costa, Tracy
Peck, Roxy                                  Honor of Andrea Anderson                                                        Goehner, Marty
                                                                                     San Luis Tattoo                        Goodman, Mel & Rush
Memory of Lucas LiVigni                     Silva, Shelly
                                                                                     Drew Davis                             Guidetti, Terra & Trish
Pecone, Carmela                             Honor of Lisa Martinez
                                                                                     Duncan, Sharon                         Higgins, Sally
Honor of Maria Moffa                        *Silvestre, Debra & Joe
                                                                                     Electronic Scrip DES                   Holiday Barnfest Vendors
Penso, Judy                                 Memory of Rita Marie, Carl Rakoobian,
                                                                                     *Equinoa, Sally & Rich                 Holiday Barnfest Volunteers
Honor of Cassy Goehner                      Honor of James & Delia Netto & Melanie
                                                                                     Erin Moore                             Holliday Family
Pepin, Carolyn                              Goodman
                                                                                     Flour House                            LaGrille, Nancy
*Perez, Holly                               *SLO Provisions
                                                                                     *Goehner Cassy & Andy                  May, Andrew
Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of              SLO Wedding Planners
                                                                                     *Goehner Family                        McConnell’s Ice Cream
Cassy Goehner                               Smiles For Life - Deborah McNeil
                                                                                     *Goehner, Sara                         Mei, Julie
Petrescu                                    Amorteguy D.D.S.                                                                Morris, Andy
                                                                                     *Goodman, Rush & Melanie
Honor of Marta Schultz                      *Smith, Lesa & Mark                                                             Murrell, Ty & Tom
                                                                                     The Goodman Family
*Phillips, Michael J                        Smith, Rick                                                                     Ozanich, Barbara
                                                                                     *Heaton, Susan & Tim
Honor of Lisa Martinez, Memory of           Honor of Andrea Anderson                                                        Ozanich, John & Roberta
                                                                                     Hustle Creative
Sera Day Coryell                            Smith, Peter & Tammie                                                           Pardon My French
Pinegar, Donald                             Memory of Allie Chasin                                                          Phillips, Michael J.
                                                                                     *Johnson, Janet & Dennis
Honor of Marta Schultz                      Smyth, Winona                                                                   Pieper, Courtney
                                                                                     Johnson, Linda
Powell, Katie                               Souza, Jill                                                                     Points of Light
                                                                                     Kuhn, Philip
*Prochaska, David & Lorrie                  Sparling, Susan                                                                 Poschman, Hans & Erica
                                                                                     Lara, Ursula
Memory of Ronald William Jackson, Susan     Spirit Winds Physical Therapy                                                   Rainbow on Monday Contributors
                                                                                     Lara-Faure, Robyn
Hollingsead, Sylvia Kautz &                 Honor of Julie Meyer                                                            Reece, Tammy
                                                                                     Lozito, Charlene                       Roberts, Rudianne
Rita Marie Goehner                          Spring Basket Donors
                                                                                     Nassar, Rhonda                         Salon 62
Rafizadeh, Elbina                           Stevens, Edward G & Roxanna
                                                                                     Nelson, Leslie                         Sera Sock Donors
Honor of Steve Coffey                       Stites, Nicole
                                                                                     Nowlen, Sarah                          Shafer, Jay
Ramsay, Robyn                               Stuart, Patricia
                                                                                     *PayPal Giving Fund                    SLO Children’s Museum
Honor of Lisa Martinez                      Honor of Steve Coffey
                                                                                     Poor Richards Press                    SLO Provisions
Ramsay, Randy                               Stornetta, David & Mary
                                                                                     Prunty, Caree                          SLO’s Finest Catering
Raudstein, Marge & Rod                      Memory of Rita Marie
                                                                                     REV.SLO                                Smith, Lesa
Razi, Kristie                               Szabo, Linda
                                                                                     Rowlee’s Buds and Balloons             SnoFari Yogurt
Ready, Bridget Tompkins                     Honor of Martz Schultz
                                                                                     Sandra O’Meara                         Splash Café
Memory of Rita Marie                        Talevich, Megan                                                                 Spring Drawing Prize Donors
                                                                                     San Luis Tattoo Company
Reccord, Todd - Rancho Grande Motors        Memory of Mary Talevich                                                         SLO Wedding Planners
                                                                                     Schmidt, Laura
Red Soles Winery                            Tao, Richard and Carolyn                                                        Spring/Easter Basket Donors
Giving Tuesday                              Todd, Arlene                                                                    Stefanek, Colleen
                                                                                     Shaw, Liz
*Reilly, Joan & James                       Honor of Steve Coffey                                                           Stevens, Roxanna
                                                                                     Shell Beach Fence Art
Memory of Katie Reilly                      Todd, Pati & Ryan                                                               The Sock Drawer
                                                                                     SLO Wedding Planners
Rhine, Barbara                              Memory of Bruce Hamilton                                                        Vitaz, Brett
                                                                                     SLO’s Finest
Memory of Jayne Kaney                       Tucker, Leticia                                                                 Ward, Laura
                                                                                     Stollmeyer, Rick & Jill
Richardson, Sandy                           Memory of Rita Marie                                                            Whiz Kids Toys!
                                                                                     Swithin, Tina
Robinson, Artemisa                          Twining, Dana                                                                   ALL OUR VOLUNTEERS!
                                                                                     Thayer, Kathi
Honor of Steve Coffey                       Memory of Rita Marie
                                                                                     The Groves on 41
                                            *Vitaz, Brett
*Roche, Joe
Honor of Cassy Goehner                      Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of
                                                                                     Tiffin, Stephanie                      Facebook Birthday
                                                                                     Trina Quinn
*Rosenberger, George & Gayle                Cassy Goehner
                                                                                     Van Horn, Gloria                       Donors:
Rucker, Donna                               *Vitaz, Lena & Mike                                                             Anderson, Andrea
                                                                                     Wanderlust Wildkraft
*Ruddell, Kathy                             Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of                                                  Coffey, Steve
                                                                                     Whiting, Courtney
Memory of Jim Ruddell                       Cassy Goehner                                                                   Goehner, Cassy
                                                                                     Wine Decor
*Ruddell’s Smokehouse                       *Ward, Daniel & Laura                                                           Larkin, Megan
Memory of Jim Ruddell                       Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of Steve     In Kind Donations                      Martinez, Lisa
*Rueda, Lauren                              Coffey & Cassy Goehner                                                          Moffa, Maria
                                            *Warnes, Paula                           Allen, Debbie & Andy                   Roche, Joe
Memory of Rita Marie                                                                 Anderson, Andrea
*Rueda, Tim & Sue                           Memory of Rita Marie, Honor of Steve                                            Shultz, Marta
                                                                                     Angel Tree Donors - Whiz Kids Toys!
Memory of Rita Marie                        Coffey & Cassy Goehner                                                          …and all who donated through Facebook!
                                                                                     Barker, Jen & Ashley
Ryan, Amanda & Joseph                       Wats, Keoni
                                                                                     Beda’s Biergarten
*Salon 62                                   Honor of Andrea Anderson
                                                                                     Bede, Michael J.

                   “Giving is not just about making a Donation, it’s about making a Difference”. - Kathy Calvin
Nov 2020

                                        Contact Us:
                                            Phone: (805)458-5213
                                                Email : rr@ritasrainbows.org
                                                  Website: RitasRainbows.org
                                                 It’s all about the children!!!
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           Newsletters are paid for with separate operating donations.

                                            in Memory of Rita Marie Goehner
                                            Non-Profit Benefit Corporation formed
                                            (805) 458-5213
                                            San Luis Obispo, CA
                                            5355 Davenport Creek Road
                                        Rita’s Rainbows
                    Newsletters are paid for with separate operating donations.
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