Two systems for action comprehension in autism: mirroring and mentalizing

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Two systems for action comprehension in autism:
    mirroring and mentalizing
    Antonia Hamilton & Lauren Marsh
    School of Psychology, University of Nottingham, UK

    Chapter in:
    Understanding other minds
    Edited by Baron-Cohen, Tager-Flusberg & Lombardo

    Published 2013

Introduction                                        (Dennett, 1978). However, in the last few years,
Imagine in a café, you order a cup of coffee and    interest has grown in the brain and cognitive
soon after, see the barista reaching toward the     systems, which allow us to infer an actor’s goal
teabags. You quickly infer that she is about to     or intention by watching her actions.
make tea, but did she mis-hear your order, or is             The present chapter examines the
she serving someone else already? The ability to    problem of understanding goals and intentions in
rapidly infer the goal of another person’s action   other minds, and the integrity of these systems in
and make a guess about her underlying intention     autism. In the first part, we summarize recent
is critical in everyday social interaction.         research on action understanding in the typical
          Research on social cognition and the      brain, distinguishing between brain networks
problem of understanding other minds has, over      associated with mirroring and those associated
the last 30 years, been largely dominated by the    with mentalizing. In the second part, we
idea of “Theory of mind,” that is, the ability to   examine current theories of action understanding
consider the internal, mental states of other       in autism, in relation to recent behavioural and
individuals. In Premack &Woodruff’s (1978)          neuroimaging evidence. Finally, we evaluate the
original paper on Theory of Mind, they              data in relation to the theories and consider some
considered the problem of how to infer another      important future directions.
actor’s intentions, but research in the 30 years    Part 1: Two networks in the typical
since then has been largely dominated by the        brain
question of how to infer an actor’s beliefs. This   Neuroimaging studies over the last 15 years
is largely because false-belief tasks provide a     have identified two distinct brain networks
clear-cut (and possibly the only) way to assess a   which are reliably engaged when typical
participant’s representational theory of mind       individuals engage in non-verbal social
interactions including observing actions (and       required by the mirror neuron hypothesis. Thus,
possibly inferring goals), imitating actions, and   these two studies provide the strongest evidence
considering other people’s beliefs and desires.     yet for populations of neurons in the human
These two networks are associated with distinct     brain with the same mirror properties as those
cognitive functions and theoretical approaches.     found in the macaque brain. Throughout this
We briefly review the major and recent studies      chapter, we use the term “mirror systems” as a
of each network.                                    compact way to describe the human mirror
The mirror neuron system                            neuron system without requiring the presence of
Mirror neurons are defined as single cells which    mirror neurons themselves, and we use the term
respond when an individual performs an action       “mirroring” to refer to activity within classic
and observes an equivalent action. Such neurons     mirror system regions which is assumed to link
have been recorded in the premotor and parietal     representations of performed and observed
cortex of the macaque monkey(Fogassi,Ferrari,       actions.
Gesierich, Rozzi, Chersi, & Rizzolatti,                      Since the discovery of human mirror
2005;Gallese, Fadiga, Fogassi, & Rizzolatti,        systems, a number of claims have been made
1996; di Pellegrino, Fadiga, Fogassi, Gallese, &    concerning their function. The mirror system
Rizzolatti, 1992). Although individual mirror       seems to match observed actions onto the
neurons have not been studied in the same           observer’s own motor system, so it has been
regions in the human brain, neuroimaging            claimed that this system allows action
evidence suggests that equivalent systems can be    comprehension and imitation “from the
found (Van Overwalle, 2009; Caspers,Zilles,         inside”(Rizzolatti,Giacomo,&Sinigaglia 2010).
Laird, &Eickhoff, 2010). The controversy            Similar mirror processes have been implicated in
(Hickok, 2009)over whether the mirror neuron        emotional contagion (Singer,Seymour,
system in monkeys is the same as the system         O’Doherty, Kaube, Dolan, & Frith, 2004;
identified in humans has largely been resolved      Wicker,Bruno, Keysers, Plailly, Royet,
by two recent fMRI studies. The first               Gallese,et al. , 2003). Some suggest that these
demonstrated matching fine-scale patterns of        processes may provide a fundamental step
activity in parietal cortex during performance      toward language (Rizzolatti,Giacomo,&Arbib
and observation of finger and hand actions,         1998), empathy (Gallese 2003a) and even
which implies that very similar neuronal            mentalizing (Gallese,Vittorio,& Goldman 1998)
populations are engaged in each task as             abilities. Thus, the mirror system has been
predicted by the mirror neuron                      hailed as a unifying basis for social cognition
hypothesis(Oosterhof, Wiggett, Diedrichsen,         (Gallese, Vittorio,Keysers& Rizzolatti 2004).
Tipper, & Downing, 2010). Secondly,                 However, the evidence for some of these claims
Kilner,Neal, Weiskopf, Friston, & Frith, (2009)     remains weak.
asked participants to alternately perform and                In the present section, we focus on the
observe hand actions during fMRI. Suppression       claim that the mirror system provides the brain
of the BOLD signal in inferior frontal gyrus was    basis for understanding other people’s actions,
found when the action performed matched the         goals and intentions. Multiple studies have
previous observed action and when the action        reported that the core human mirror system
observed matched the previous performed             regions of inferior parietal lobule (IPL) and
action. The best explanation for this pattern of    premotor cortex are engaged when typical
activity is that performed and observed actions     individuals observe another person acting
both engage the same population of neurons, as      (reviewed in Caspers et al. 2010). But can we
go further and consider what cognitive processes       kinematics that were used to achieve that goal.
might take place in these regions? When we see         Hamilton &Grafton (2006) used a repetition
an action, for example, a child picking an apple,      suppression task in which participants watched
we can represent the action in multiple ways. It       movies of a hand reaching for a food item or tool
is possible to encode the shape of the child’s         during fMRI scanning. Data analysis compared
hand (a kinematic feature), the object the child       trials where the goal of the action was the same
reaches toward (a goal feature) and the child’s        as the previous trial (e. g. take-cookie followed
overall intention of picking the apple. The            by take-cookie)compared with trials where the
human brain likely represents all these features       goal of the action was different to the previous
simultaneously, but can we distinguish how and         trial (e. g. take-disk followed by take-cookie).
where these are encoded?                               The results show that BOLD signal in just one
         Recent work suggests that kinematic and       cortical region, the left aIPS, was suppressed
goal features of observed actions engage slightly      when participants saw a repeated action-goal
different components within the human mirror           regardless of the hand trajectory used. This
system. Studies examining kinematic                    pattern of response is predicted only in brain
processing in the human brain indicate                 regions which contain neuronal populations that
involvement of both higher order visual systems        are sensitive to the manipulated features of the
and inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). For example, if      movies (taking a cookie vs. a disk)(Grill-
you see a person lift a box, you can normally          Spector, Henson, & Martin, 2006). This means
infer the weight of the box based on kinematic         that aIPS contains neuronal populations which
factors such as the velocity of the actor’s lifting    are sensitive to action goals. Oosterhof et al.
action (Hamilton,Joyce, Flanagan, Frith, &             (2010)also found evidence for the encoding of
Wolpert, 2007). However, this ability is               action goals in aIPS using a multi-voxel pattern
disrupted if repetitive transcranial magnetic          analysis method that compared fine-grained
stimulation is used to create a “virtual               activation of voxels across conditions. Further
lesion”(Pascual-Leone, Walsh, & Rothwell,              studies found that the IPL also encodes action
2000) of the IFG (Pobric & Hamilton, 2006;             outcomes, regardless of the action kinematics
Hamilton & Grafton,2006). BOLD responses in            (Hamilton & Grafton, 2009). In this study the
IFG are also sensitive to different hand apertures     same object was acted upon, only the means by
during grasping actions (Hamilton,& Grafton,           which the goal was achieved was manipulated.
2008) and to different grasp types for example,        Action outcome resulted in differential BOLD
ring pull vs. precision grip (Kilner et al. , 2009).   responses in the IPL regardless of the action
Evidence from single cell recordings in macaque        kinematics. Data from monkeys is also
monkeys also provides support for the idea that        compatible with this position, with reports of
kinematic analysis occurs in area F5 (the              single neurons which differentiate reach-to-eat
monkey homologue of human IFG) as different            and reach-to-place actions in the IPL (Fogassi et
types of grasp elicit different neuronal firing        al. , 2005). Note that goal here is defined very
rates (Bonini, Serventi, Simone, Rozzi, Ferrari,       simply in terms of the identity of the object a
& Fogassi, 2011; Spinks, Kraskov, Brochier,            person grasps, for example, taking a cookie
Umilta, & Lemon, 2008).                                compared with taking a computer disk. More
         In contrast, studies of goal processing       complex action sequences and their goals might
suggest that the parietal mirror system, in            be represented elsewhere.
particular anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS), is              Together, these studies demonstrate that
sensitive to action goals, independent of the          the human mirror system responds selectively to
observed actions, and that different types of          on the screen (Castelli, Happé, Frith, & Frith,
action processes depend more on different              2000). For some of these animations, typical
components of the mirror system. In particular,        individuals spontaneously describe the action in
kinematic features of an action are encoded in         terms of the mental states of the triangles (e.g.
the frontal mirror system, while goal features are     “the big triangle is coaxing the little triangle”),
encoded in the parietal mirror system. However,        while for others the action of the triangles is
these mirror systems are not necessarily the only      purposeless. Observation of the mentalizing
brain regions with a role in action understanding.     triangles results in activation of mPFC and TPJ,
As detailed in the next section, some action           despite the lack of verbal stimuli or instructions.
comprehension tasks also engage brain areas                     More recently, spontaneous activation of
associated with mentalizing.                           mentalizing systems during action observation
The mentalizing system                                 was reported by Brass,Schmitt, Spengler, &
Mentalizing is the process of attributing mental       Gergely, (2007). In this study Brass and
states (beliefs, desires, and intentions) to another   colleagues showed participants movies of
actor. Multiple studies have identified a              unusual actions (e. g. turning on a light with
mentalizing network in the brain, comprising           your knee). In some cases, the context made the
medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and                    action rational (e. g. turning on a light with your
temporoparietal junction (TPJ). Temporal poles         knee because your hands are fully occupied), but
and precuneus are also sometimes found (see            in other movies the same action was judged as
Gallagher & Frith, 2003; Amodio& Frith, 2006;          irrational (turning on the light with your knee
Saxe &Kanwisher, 2003, for reviews). These             when your hands are free). Brass et al. report
regions are engaged when reading stories which         greater activation in the mentalizing network
require mental state attributions (Saxe & Powell,      including TPJ and mPFC when participants
2006; Young, Dodell-Feder, & Saxe, 2010) or            viewed irrational actions compared with rational
when considering the beliefs and future actions        ones. Critically, this activation was not related
of others in interactive games (Fletcher et al. ,      to the unfamiliarity of the actions because all
1995). For example, playing rock-paper-scissors        actions were unusual. Rather, the engagement
encourages participants to think (“he thinks I’ll      of TPJ and mPFC reflected the judged
do rock, but I’ll do scissors and trick him”), and     rationality of the actions. This study shows that
computational models can track this type of            observation of human actions without
belief inference occurring in mPFC and TPJ             instructions to mentalize can engage brain
(Hampton & Bossaerts, 2008; Yoshida,                   regions associated with mentalizing if the
Seymour, Friston, & Dolan, 2010). However,             observed actions are hard to interpret.
the mentalizing network is not only engaged in                  Further studies have refined our
tasks requiring explicit verbal belief inference.      knowledge of when action understanding
We focus here on the increasing number of              engagesmentalizing brain systems. de
studies that report engagement of this network         Lange,Spronk, Willems, Toni, &
during non-verbal or minimally verbal tasks in         Bekkering,(2008) showed participants images of
which participants attribute intentions or             ordinary actions, actions which had an unusual
consider the longer term motivations underlying        intention and actions which had unusual
an action.                                             kinematic features. This study found that while
         One of the earliest non-verbal                participants watched actions with an unusual
mentalizing studies recorded brain activity while      intention, there was greater activity in the STS
participants viewed animated triangles moving          and mPFC, whereas actions with unusual
kinematic features activated the IFG more. This              considering intentions, but both studies show
study suggests that both mirror and mentalizing              that tasks focused on intentions with no explicit
systems are complimentary systems which both                 belief component are processed differently from
contribute to action understanding. The                      tasks that focus on simple goals.
additional recruitment of the mentalizing system                      Differential engagement of mentalizing
for action understanding in social contexts is               and mirroring systems in the brain can also be
also reported in a study by Ramsey & Hamilton                driven by task demands. In an fMRI study by
(2010). In this study, participants watched short            Spunt,Satpute, & Lieberman(2011), participants
movies of a toy animal hiding in one of two                  showed increased BOLD responses inIPL and
locations. Following the hiding phase, an actor              IFG regions during action observation when
came out from behind a curtain, surveyed the                 participants were asked to think about how the
possible locations and reached into one to find              actions were being performed. In the same
the toy. Similar to the previously mentioned                 subjects and with the same action stimuli, mPFC
studies, the results showed complimentary                    and TPJ were more active when participants
activation of both mirror and mentalizing                    were asked to think aboutwhy the actions were
systems; the IFG was sensitive to action                     being performed. This study shows a nice
trajectory while the mPFC and right temporal                 dissociation between levels of action processing
pole were sensitive to successful search                     in the brain. It seems that the mirror systems are
behaviour. The design of these studies does not              recruited for kinematic analysis of actions, such
allow strong conclusions about whether                       as “they are gripping a tin can”, but the
participants were attributing beliefs to the actor           mentalizing system is recruited for long-term
or only

              Figure 21.1 Brain and cognitive systems for action comprehension.
              Left:Brain systems involved in mirroring (IFG: inferior frontal gyrus;IPL: inferior parietal lobule, aIPS: anterior
              intraparietal sulcus), mentalizingmPFC: medial prefrontal cortex;TPJ: temporoparietal junction), and visual
              processing of human actions (MTG: middle temporal gyrus; STS: superior temporal sulcus). Right:A sketch of a
              cognitive model of action processing. Under a mirroring first model (black arrows) visual information
              processed (MTG/STS) is first matched onto the observers own motor system (IFG), before the goal of the action
              is extracted (aIPS/IPL) and then longer-term intentions can be defined (TPJ/mPFC). Under a visual inference
              model (dashed grey arrows), the visual processing (MTG/STS)is sufficient to allow immediate extraction of
              goals (aIPS/IPL) and longer term intentions (TPJ/mPFC) without the requirement for motor activation.
intentionality judgments, such as “they are            reviewed action understanding networks
recycling the can to save the environment.             function atypically in autism. In the mentalizing
”Again, this study does not distinguish long-          theory, it is proposed that only mentalizing
term intentions (“I want to recycle”) from beliefs     network is abnormal, while at least basic
that underlie the intention(“It is good to             processing in the mirror system is normal. In
recycle”).                                             contrast, the broken mirror theory proposes that
Summary                                                a core deficit in mirroring leads to difficulties
All of these studies suggest that the MNS is not       with mentalizing. In the next section, we
the only brain system engaged in action                examine each of these theories, then consider the
comprehension, but that more complex tasks and         evidence from each, looking at traditional
situations may call on the mentalizing network.        behavioural tasks, implicit measures, such as
At least two ways in which mirroring and               eyetracking and EMG, and neuroimaging
mentalizing systems might be related can be            measures.
described (Hamilton, 2008). Under a “mirroring         Mentalizing theory
first” model (Figure21. 1, black arrows), full         There is little disputing the repeated finding that
engagement of frontal and parietal mirror              many children and adults with autism have
regions is a necessary precondition for                particular difficulties with false belief tasks
mentalizing about an observed action. In               (Baron-Cohen,Leslie, & Frith, 1985; Frith,
contrast, in a visual inference model (Csibra&         2001). Brain activity in mentalizing regions
Gergely, 2007), visual information alone is            when participants with autism watch the
sufficient to determine the goal of an action and      animated triangles movies is also abnormal
engage in mentalizing, and frontal mirror              (Castelli, Frith, Happé, & Frith, 2002). The
systems are not required. Understanding how the        mentalizing theory proposes that these
mirroring and mentalizing networks are related         difficulties are symptoms of an inability to
is an important area for future research. It is also   represent otherpeople’s mental states (Frith,
a critical question in making sense of action          Morton, & Leslie, 1991), or to decouple mental
understanding in autism. We consider the               states from reality (Leslie, 1987). Within this
evidence for the integrity and relationship of         field, there is an important distinction between
mirroring and mentalizing processes in autism in       implicit and explicit
the next section.                                      mentalizing(Apperly&Butterfill, 2009).
                                                                Explicit theory of mind is measured with
                                                       traditional false-belief tasks such as Maxi’s
                                                       chocolate in which one actor has a false-belief
Part 2: Mirroring and mentalizing in
                                                       about the location of an object. Participants are
autism                                                 typically asked to say or point to the place where
Typically, we automatically attribute goals and        Maxi will look for his chocolate
intentions to the agents that we observe.              (Wimmer&Perner, 1983). Typical children
However, individuals with autism may not make          under around 4. 5 years old often fail this task,
these same attributions. Currently, there are two      and autistic individuals with a verbal mental age
competing theories that claim that people with         below 9. 2 years also tend to fail (Happé, 1995).
autism have difficulty understanding goals and         However, more able individuals with autism
intentions of others. These are the “mentalizing       often pass false-belief tasks, and may even pass
theory” and the “broken mirror theory. ” Each of       more complex second order tasks (Happé, 1994).
these theories proposes that one of the two            Thus, there is a dissociation between the time
course of explicit false belief development in         that other social brain systems are unaffected or
typical children (emerging at around 4. 5 years        secondarily affected. For example, basic goal
and complete by 8 years) and the timencourse of        understanding processes should be intact in
autism (emerging between 1 and 2 years of age          autism under the mentalizing theory because
and lasting throughout the lifespan). This has led     these do not require the mentalizing network.
to a search for precursors to mentalizing and to       However, there is still debate over whether
the investigation of other theories of autism.         difficulties with mentalizing are a single, core
         In contrast to the late development of        deficit in autism or whether these are a
explicit mentalizing, implicit mentalizing seems       consequence of abnormal processing in other
to be present from early infancy (Kovacs,              social brain systems, for example the mirror
Teglas, &Endress, 2010; Onishi&Baillargeon,            system. We consider this question in the next
2005) and is measured by recording gaze                section.
durations and eye movements when participants          Broken mirror theory
view movies in which an actor has a false belief.      The broken mirror theory claims that
Recent data demonstrate that even high                 developmental failure of the mirror system is the
functioning adults with Asperger’s syndrome            primary social difficulty in autism, and a cause
who pass verbal false belief tasks fail to show        of poor mentalizing. Under this theory, deficits
implicit mentalizing in an eye tracking task           in understanding the kinematic and goal features
(Senju, Southgate, White, & Frith, 2009). It is        of an action would lead to further difficulties in
now argued that failure of implicit mentalizing is     understanding emotions and mental states.
the core difficulty in autism (Frith, 2012). This      Initial evidence in support of this theory came
resolves the difficulties over the time course of      primarily from studies of imitation. When
mentalizing failure, because implicit mentalizing      typical adults imitate hand actions, the mirror
develops over the first two years of life at the       system is activated (Buccino, Binkofski,
same time that autism emerges, and implicit            &Riggio, 2004; Decety, Chaminade, Grèzes, &
mentalizing remains impaired in high-                  Meltzoff, 2002; Iacoboni, 1999) and damage to
functioning adults with autism. Brain imaging          the mirror system in adults causes imitation
data on implicit mentalizing in autism is not yet      difficulties (Heilman, Rothi, &Valenstein,
available, but it is possible that current tasks       1982). Children with autism may also have
such as describing the behaviour of animated           trouble with imitation tasks, as summarized in a
triangles tap into implicit mentalizing resources.     meta-analysis (Williams, Whiten, & Singh,
Brain activation in this task is abnormal in high      2004). Some studies report abnormal brain
functioning adults with autism, despite their          responses in autistic children during imitation
good explicit theory of mind skills (Castelli et al.   (Dapretto et al. , 2006) and action observation
2002).                                                 (Nishitani, Avikainen, &Hari, 2004; Oberman,
         Research on implicit mentalizing and          Hubbard, McCleery, Altschuler, Ramachandran,
the precise difference between implicit and            & Pineda, 2005). Based on these findings, it
explicit tasks is ongoing, and further                 was suggested that dysfunction of the mirror
developments in understanding the role of              system in children with autism might cause first
implicit theory of mind in autism are likely. For      a lack of imitation, and later difficulties in
present purposes, we contrast a pure mentalizing       understanding other people’s intentions or
theory of autism with a broken mirror theory.          emotions in social situations (Iacoboni &
The pure mentalizing theory predicts that              Dapretto, 2006; Ramachandran&Oberman,
mentalizing is a single, core deficit in autism and
2006; Williams, Whiten, Suddendorf, & Perrett,                   Contrasting the mentalizing and broken
2001).                                                 mirror theories, some important differences
         A more recent variant of the broken           emerge. The traditional mentalizing theory
mirror theory focuses not on comprehension of          derives from a symbolic, abstract view of
individual goal directed actions, but on the           cognition (Leslie, 1987), while the broken mirror
prediction of actions in a sequence. The account       account is associated with an embodied
is based on the finding that mirror neurons in         approach which emphasizes the role of
parietal cortex encode actions as part of a            simulation in understanding others (Gallese,
sequence (Fogassi et al. , 2005). For example,         2003b; Goldman, 2006). Similarly, the
some mirror neurons in inferior parietal lobule        mentalizing theory places the primary deficit in
(IPL) respond selectively when the monkey              “high level” reasoning about and representation
brings food to his mouth or sees someone bring         of mental states, and assumes that abnormal
food to their mouth, but not when bringing a           social behaviour in simple situations are a
small object toward the shoulder or seeing             consequence of this. Meanwhile, the broken
someone bring an object to their shoulder. They        mirror theory focuses on lower level problems
suggest these mirror neurons allow an observer         with imitation and assumes that failure on theory
to chain actions together and represent                of mind tasks arises because simpler simulation
intentions. Building on this work,                     mechanisms are dysfunctional in autism.
Cattaneo,Fabbri-Destro, Boria, Pieraccini,             Neither theory attempts to account for all the
Monti, Cossu, et al. , (2007) measured                 characteristics of autism, including non-social
electromyographic(EMG) recordings from a               problems such as repetitive behaviours or
jaw-opening muscle (mylohyoid MH) in                   differences in perceptual processing that might
children when they were performing simple              be attributed to weak central coherence (Frith
reach-to-eat and reach-to-place actions. In            &Happé, 1994).
typical children, MH activity increased during                   To test and discriminate between the
the reach phase of a reach-to-eat action, but not      mentalizing theory and the broken mirror theory,
of a reach-to-place action, and similar results        it is interesting to examine the realms where they
were found for observation of actions. Thus,           overlap. In particular, goals and intentions are
typical children chain together the reach and          relevant to both theories. Mirror neurons in
mouth-open actions of an eating sequence, and          macaque monkeys respond only to goal-directed
show similar predictive mouth opening when             actions (Fogassi et al. , 2005; Gallese, et al. ,
observing others. In contrast, matched children        1996; Umiltà,Kohler, Gallese, Fogassi, Fadiga,
with autism did not show this anticipatory mouth       Keysers,et al. , 2001), so goals are key to the
opening, during either performance or                  original idea of mirror neuron function. The
observation. Based on these data, Rizzolatti           human mirror system seems to be more general,
&Fabbri-Destro(2010) put forward an action-            with some response even to actions without a
chaining hypothesis of autism. They suggest that       goal, but goal-directed actions are a powerful
predicting actions and inferring intentions in this    stimulus which robustly activate this system
way is a precursor to mentalizing and belief           (Gazzola, Rizzolatti, Wicker, &Keysers, 2007;
inference skills. If this is true, then a deficit in   Iacoboni,Molnar-Szakacs, Gallese, Buccino,
action chaining could lead to the social deficits      Mazziotta, & Rizzolatti, 2005;
we see in autism(Rizzolatti, Fabbri-Destro,            Koski,Wohlschläger, Bekkering, Woods,
&Cattaneo, 2009).                                      Dubeau, Mazziotta,et al. , 2002). Damage to the
                                                       human parietal mirror system, e. g. from stroke,
is known to cause difficulties with understanding      task. For example, children were shown how to
and performing meaningful or goal-directed             scrape two objects together to make a sound and
actions (Buxbaum, Kyle, &Menon, 2005).                 were asked to copy. Children with autism were
Therefore, a lack of goal understanding in             able to perform the same, goal directed action,
autism is a key prediction of the broken mirror        but failed to mimic the style (loud or soft) with
theory.                                                which the action was performed. Intact goal-
         In this section, we evaluate the claims       directed imitation in children with autism has
that either the whole mirror system or the ability     also been seen in a simple hand movement task.
to chain actions in a sequence is abnormal in          Autistic children and controls matched for verbal
autism. We focus mainly on recent studies that         mental age were tested on Bekkering’s goal
use implicit (eyetracking or EMG) measures of          directed imitation task (Bekkering,
action comprehension and on neuroimaging               Wohlschlaeger, &Gattis, 2000). In this task
studies. A large number of studies of imitation        children were asked to copy an experimenter
in autism have been reviewed in greater depth          who touched one of two targets on the table in
elsewhere (Hamilton, 2008;                             front of them. The experimenter sometimes
Southgate&Hamilton, 2008; Williams et al. ,            made an ipsilateral movement of her hand to the
2001).                                                 nearest dot (e. g. left hand to left dot) and
Behavioural studies of action                          sometimes made a contralateral movement of
                                                       her hand to the further dot (e. g. right hand to
understanding in autism
                                                       left dot). Both groups of children accurately
Multiple studies have reported poorer imitation
                                                       imitated the action goal, i. e. they touched the
performance in children with autism compared
                                                       appropriate dot on the table. More importantly,
with typical children on general batteries of
                                                       both typical and autistic children made
imitation tasks, including imitation of
                                                       systematic hand errors; when the demonstrator
meaningless actions, mimicry of facial
                                                       moved her hand across her body, the child
expressions and the spatial perspective taking
                                                       correctly imitated the goal, but failed to use the
component of imitation. These results have led
                                                       appropriate hand (Hamilton,Brindley, & Frith,
to the claim that there is a global imitation
                                                       2007). This is the pattern of behaviour taken by
impairment in autism (Williams et al. , 2004).
                                                       Bekkering and colleagues to be a signature of
However, more recent studies suggest autistic
                                                       goal directed imitation. Children with autism
children successfully imitate when explicitly
                                                       are not imitating only the outcome of the action,
instructed to do so, whether imitating hand
                                                       but must be identifying the goal and selecting
actions (Beadle-Brown, 2004) or facial
                                                       how to achieve that goal. Thus, the data
expressions (McIntosh, Reichmann-Decker,
                                                       provides evidence that both typical and autistic
Winkielman, &Wilbarger, 2006). They also
                                                       children have a goal hierarchy and can
show better performance in a highly structured
                                                       understand and imitate the goal of an adult’s
imitation task than in a task requiring
                                                       action. Furthermore, children with autism can
spontaneous imitation (Hepburn & Stone, 2006).
                                                       and go beyond the immediately visible goal of
         An interesting comparison in imitation
                                                       an adult’s action and imitate goals which they
studies is between imitation of a goal and
                                                       had not seen achieved. Two independent studies
imitation of kinematic features or action style,
                                                       (Aldridge, Stone, Sweeney, & Bower, 2000;
because these fall at different levels of the action
                                                       Carpenter, Pennington, & Rogers, 2001) found
hierarchy. Hobson and colleagues (Hobson &
                                                       that children with autism completed the action of
Hobson, 2008; Hobson & Lee, 1999) tested
                                                       pulling apart the dumb-bell even when the adult
children with autism on a novel action imitation
demonstrator had never successfully performed        were able to identify grasp-to-place actions if an
the action. In summary, it seems that autistic       image of the end goal was also present. Boria
children are able to imitate actions, when given     argues that this evidence corroborates their
clear and explicit instructions to do so. The        initial finding and children with autism are not
behavioural evidence reviewed here suggests          just making stereotyped, object-use responses.
that simple goal representation is intact in         An alternative explanation for this improved
autism, contrary to the predictions of the broken    ability in the second experiment could be that
mirror hypothesis.                                   the imagination demands are reduced as the
         Understanding of more complex goals         action end point is visible. A better test of this
or action sequences is being increasingly studied    effect should test different, dynamic grasps with
in autism, but results are contradictory. One        the possible end points visible. This will reduce
study using a picture ordering task to compare       the imagination demand of the task and will
understanding of mental state sequences to           require correct analysis of the motor properties
simpler goal-directed action sequences found         of the grasp to infer the subsequent action.
that individuals with autism had no problems         Implicit measures of action
understanding and ordering the goal directed
                                                     understanding in autism
sequences (Baron-Cohen, Leslie, & Frith, 1986).
                                                     Eye tracking studies of action observation have
However, a similar study found participants with
                                                     also been used to assess mirror neuron function
autism did have trouble understanding object-
                                                     in autistic children. Typically, eye movements
directed action sequences (Zalla, Labruyere,
                                                     during action observation and action execution
&Georgieff, 2006), but surprisingly not
                                                     are predictive of the actions that they are
interactive action sequences.
                                                     monitoring. It has been suggested that these
         More recently, a study by Boria,Fabbri-
                                                     predictive eye movements are reflective of
Destro, Cattaneo, Sparaci, Sinigaglia, Santelli,et
                                                     mirror neuron function as eye movements during
al. (2009) demonstrated poorer understanding of
                                                     action observation mirror those during action
subsequent actions in children with autism. In
                                                     execution (Flanagan & Johansson, 2003). In
this study, children were shown static images of
                                                     support of this claim, (Cannon & Woodward,
a hand either touching an object, grasping-to-use
                                                     2008) demonstrated that predictive eye
it or grasping-to-place it. Children were asked
                                                     movements during action observation are
what the actor was doing and why. Children
                                                     disrupted by simultaneous performance of
with autism were able to distinguish touching
                                                     sequential finger movements, but not by the
and grasping actions. They were also able to
                                                     rehearsal of sequences of numbers. In a study of
identify subsequent use of the object, as well as
                                                     autistic 5-year olds, (Falck-Ytter, 2010)
typically developing children in the grasp-to-use
                                                     demonstrated that infants with autism were able
condition. However, their performance was
                                                     to anticipate actions to the same degree as
substantially poorer when identifying the grasp-
                                                     typical infants and adults. This finding suggests
to-place actions, with object-use dominating
                                                     that even young children with autism are able to
their responses, despite the grasp type rendering
                                                     predict the actions of others and provides
this action implausible. Boria and colleagues
                                                     evidence against impaired action chaining in
argue that children with autism are unable to use
the motor information to make an inference
                                                     However, other studies of action chaining in
about the subsequent action, providing evidence
                                                     autism do suggest difficulties. Cattaneo et al
for the action chaining theory. However, in their
                                                     (2007), as described earlier, showed that
second similar experiment, children with autism
                                                     children with autism failed to produce predictive
Figure 21. 2: Responses of mirroring and mentalizing brain systems in autism
 (A)Still frames of the five movies types used in Marsh & Hamilton (2011). In each movie the hand started on
 the right, moved across to pick up an object and returned its original position. R1: rational action, R2: rational
 action with a barrier, I1: irrational action, I2: irrational action with a barrier, S: control movie showing three
 shapes, one of which moved linearly across the screen. (B)Activity in left aIPS was greater during the
 observation of hand actions compared with moving shapes in both autism and typical participants. (C)Activity in
 mPFC was sensitive to action rationality in the typical group, but not in the autism group.

MH muscle activation during the performance or                methodology to that of Johnson-Frey,McCarty,
observation of a reach-to-eat action, in contrast             & Keen,(2004). In this study, children with and
to typical control children. They argue that this             without autism were asked to pick up a block
indicates a failure of action chaining in                     and move it to either a small or large container
participants with autism. One limitation in this              whilst their movement time was measured.
study is the failure to exclude dyspraxia in the              Throughout the experiment, the task demands of
autistic sample of participants; dyspraxia is often           the reach action remained constant. However,
comorbid with autism (Ming, Brimacombe, &                     manipulating the size of the container increased
Wagner, 2007) and impacts on motor control,                   the task demands of the place action. Despite
but it is not linked to mentalizing.                          the controlled demands of the reach action
          Further evidence for impaired action                across conditions, typically developing children
chaining in autism comes from a study by                      modified the speed of the initial reach action
Fabbri-Destro,Cattaneo, Boria, &                              such that they were slower when the following
Rizzolatti(2009) who used a similar                           action was harder and faster when the following
action was easier. This bias is thought to reflect    Bookheimer,et al. (2006) conducted the first
future planning of the second action in the           study to provide evidence for the broken mirror
sequence. In children with autism, the speed of       hypothesis with fMRI. In their study,
the reach action was not biased by the difficulty     participants were asked to observe and imitate
of the following action, indicating a lack of         emotional facial expressions during fMRI
action planning. Overall, the evidence for            scanning. They report reduced activation in the
impaired action chaining in autism is mixed.          IFG component of the mirror system during
Eye-tracking studies show that online action          observation and imitation in autistic participants.
prediction is functioning typically in autistic       Furthermore, the amount of activation
children. Studies that use more complex action        significantly correlated with autistic symptom
sequences do reveal differences between typical       severity. However, imitation of emotional facial
and autistic children, although they fail to          expressions is not a goal-directed action task and
control for motor ability in their tasks. Further     it is very different from the original hand-
research is needed to assess the action chaining      grasping studies that were used to study the
account of the broken mirror hypothesis.              mirror neuron system in monkeys (Gallese et al,
Neuroimaging studies of action                        1996). Therefore, this study provides only weak
                                                      evidence for the broken mirror hypothesis.
understanding in autism
                                                                In a more comparable study of hand
Neuroimaging techniques provide the most
                                                      actions, Dinstein,Thomas, Humphreys,
rigorous tests of the integrity of the mirror
                                                      Minshew, Behrmann, &Heeger,(2010)asked
system in autism. A number of early studies
                                                      participants to perform and observe sequences of
report differences between typical and autistic
                                                      simple hand postures during fMRI scanning.
participants. For example, Oberman et al.
                                                      They report no group differences between
(2005) report reduced mu wave suppression
                                                      autistic and typical participants during
during observation and execution of hand
                                                      observation or execution of hand postures in
actions in typical participants, but mu
                                                      mirror neuron regions. In addition, autistic
suppression only occurred during execution
                                                      participants demonstrated normal movement
tasks in the autistic participants. In addition,
                                                      selectivity for repeated hand postures in left
Théoret,Halligan, Kobayashi, Fregni, Tager-
                                                      anterior intraparietal sulcus (aIPS) and ventral
Flusberg, & Pascual-Leone(2005) demonstrated
                                                      premotor cortex (vPM) in both observation and
that motor evoked potentials, induced by
                                                      execution conditions. This study provides the
transcranial magnetic stimulation during action
                                                      first robust evidence against mirror system
observation were reduced for autistic
                                                      dysfunction in autism.
participants. However, no group differences in
                                                                Only one study has tried to assess the
magneto-encephalographic recordings were
                                                      integrity of both mirror and mentalizing systems
found between typical and autistic participants
                                                      in autism in the same study (Marsh & Hamilton,
during the observation of hand actions
                                                      2011). Manipulation of action rationality was
(Avikainen, Kulomäki, & Hari, 1999). It is
                                                      used as a tool to engage the mentalizing system.
important to note that all of these studies used
                                                      As previously reported, Brass et al. (2007)
measures with very limited localization of
                                                      demonstrated that irrational actions
effects and participant numbers were low.
                                                      automatically activate the mentalizing system in
         fMRI studies provide evidence with
                                                      the typical observer, even with no prior
better spatial resolution and can identify specific
                                                      instruction to mentalize. By using matched
brain abnormalities in a more convincing way.
                                                      rational and irrational action stimuli Marsh and
Dapretto,Davies, Pfeifer, Scott, Sigman,
Hamilton (2011) were able to dissociate                       In contrast, differences between the
mirroring and mentalizing systems in the autistic    typical and autistic participants emerged when
brain in a non-verbal, action observation task.      regions outside the mirror system were
         Eighteen adults with autism and 19 age      examined, and when action rationality was
and IQ-matched typical adults completed the          considered. In both typical and autistic
experiment. They watched movies of simple,           participants, the right aIPS was activated for
goal-directed reach actions to either a piece of     irrational actions compared with rational actions.
food or a tool during fMRI scanning. Some            However, in the mPFC, only typical participants
actions were rational (Figure21. 2, R1&R2)           differentiate irrational from rational actions.
while in others the hand took an irrational route    mPFC activity in the autistic participants
to reach the target object (Figure21. 2, I1 & I2).   remained the same regardless of the rationality
Control movies depicting a shape drifting across     of the observed action. These results
the screen were also shown. The results showed       demonstrate that, within the same group of
that both typical and autistic participants engage   participants, responses in the mirror system to
mirror regions, in particular left aIPS when         observed actions can be normal while responses
observing hand actions. In addition, this area       in the mentalizing system are abnormal.
was also sensitive to action goals in both           Summary
participant groups. As the left aIPS is the          Evidence for the integrity of mirroring and
established goal processing region of the mirror     mentalizing brain systems in autism has been
system as defined in Hamilton &Grafton (2006,        reviewed above. In typical individuals, the
2008), this result provides evidence against a       mirror system encodes action kinematics and
global mirror neuron deficit in autism and           goals, while the mentalizing system plays a role
corroborates behavioural evidence that suggests      in making inferences about the actors’ beliefs
that goal understanding is intact in autism.         and intentions. Evidence for poor mentalizing in
         Figure 2                                    autism is clear cut, but there is much less support
                                                     for the proposal that this social difficulty
                                                     originates in failure of mirror systems. Many
                                                     studies have demonstrated good goal
                                                     understanding in autism, together with normal
                                                     brain responses in mirror systems. However,
                                                     people with autism may have difficulty
                                                     understanding sequences of actions, or chaining
                                                     actions together and this area warrants further
                                                     From the studies reviewed in this chapter, no
                                                     clear cut evidence emerges for a fundamental
                                                     mirror system deficit in autism. Behavioural
                                                     studies have shown that people with autism have
                                                     a good understanding of action goals.
                                                     Furthermore, two independent neuroimaging
                                                     studies have reported that the parietal component
                                                     of the mirror system is functioning typically in
                                                     individuals with autism. Some evidence for the
action chaining account exists, but stringent                  can tap in to both mirror and mentalizing
neuroimaging studies need to test this further.                systems and studies comparing rational and
Few studies have directly tested the integrity of              irrational actions may be able to provide us with
mentalizing systems in relation to action                      a better understanding of the interactions
understanding in autism, but initial reports                   between mirroring and mentalizing. However, a
suggest that this may be functioning atypically.               better understanding of what action rationality is
          An important future direction in this                and why irrational actions engage the
field is to establish the relationship between the             mentalizing system is also needed. Implicit
mirror system and the mentalizing system. How                  measures, such as eye-tracking, give us insight
does kinematic and goal information about                      into the fast, automatic processing of actions and
actions translate into an understanding of                     can allude to subtle differences in perception in
intention? Action rationality is a new tool that               autism.


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