Page created by Terrence Delgado

                                    of IoT technology
                                    in electric power
The IoT will fundamentally
transform industry and
everyday life for business and
consumers alike.

Paper #2
    of IoT
    in various
    fields       The Internet of Things will              IoT solutions in logistics will cut
                 fundamentally transform industry         costs, increase transparency in
                 and everyday life for business and       supply chains and reduce the need
                 consumers alike. In a number             for human work. Smart city
                 of areas, human input and error will     technology will create a more
                 be minimised completely.                 attractive urban environment that
                                                          features efficient transport systems
                 In the electric power industry,
                                                          and utility services, convenient
                 for example, IoT technology will
                                                          infrastructure and improved safety.
                 ensure cost savings and create new
                                                          The most popular smart home
                 products. In agriculture, IoT will
                                                          technologies among consumers
                 enable precision farming and
                                                          include smart appliances and
                 substantially improve the operation
                                                          thermostats as well as devices that
                 of agricultural machinery.
                                                          enhance security and control water
                                                          and energy consumption.

2                                                       Adoption of IoT technology in various fields

Adoption of IoT in the
electric power industry:
grid integration              5

Impact of IoT adoption in
the electricity sector        6

The role of IoT in creating
new power markets

Prospects and drivers of
IoT adoption in the power
sector                        11

Barriers to IoT adoption in
the power sector              12

PwC’s IoT Centre
of Excellence in Russia       14

    of IoT
    in various

                 The Internet of Things will              IoT solutions in logistics will cut
                 fundamentally transform industry         costs, increase transparency in
                 and everyday life for business and       supply chains and reduce the need
                 consumers alike. In a number             for human work. Smart city
                 of areas, human input and error will     technology will create a more
                 be minimised completely.                 attractive urban environment that
                                                          features efficient transport systems
                 In the power utilities industry,         and utility services, convenient
                 for example, IoT technology will         infrastructure and improved safety.
                 ensure cost savings and create new       The most popular smart home
                 products. In agriculture, IoT will       technologies among consumers
                 enable precision farming and             include smart appliances and
                 substantially improve the operation      thermostats as well as devices that
                 of agricultural machinery.               enhance security and control water
                                                          and energy consumption.

4                                                       Adoption of IoT technology in various fields
1. Adoption of IoT in
the power utilities
                                         real-time communication. All parts
                                         of the system will be able to “see”          Power
                                         the other parts, understand
interconnection of
                                         their capabilities and needs, and
                                         perform their roles efficiently. This
                                         shift will help to reach a
elements                                 fundamentally new level of
                                         reliability and efficiency in the
                                         operation of power systems.
In preparing this study, PwC
experts interviewed more than
                                         The digitalisation of power grids,
ten managers at energy
                                         power generation and the
companies. The majority agreed
                                         consumer sector should be parallel
that all three components of the
                                         processes, as smart grids cannot
power industry—generators, grids
                                         function without smart consumers.
and consumers—should go smart
                                         The Internet of Things will have the
in future. Deep IoT-driven
                                         greatest impact on the following
integration among market players
                                         key areas in the electricity sector:
will help to redefine the sector.
                                         •   Technology (which, among
The hierarchal model of                      other things, will become more
generation–transmission–sale                 reliable);
(where processes are strictly
governed by regulations,                 •   Savings, including reduced
consistency is achieved through              losses;
government control, and the
news is the main source of               •   Creation of new markets,
information) will be replaced                attributes and businesses.
by a flexible system of productive,
Figure. 1. IoT applications in electric power

 Generation capacity                                          Consumption
 monitoring                                                     monitoring

                                  Power grid
 Distributed                                          Consumption profile
 generation                                                 management

                                       Adoption of IoT technology in various fields            5
Figure. 2.                                       Figure. 3. IoT applications in electric power
    Key benefits of IoT
    technology for the electric
    power sector                                                           180

     •   Demand management                                                                                       52
     •   Procumers                                                                                                                 91
     •   Virtual power plants                                                                                                                           41

                                                          Total           Energy         Construction        Supporting           Fuel               Fuel
                                                                          losses        of new capacity     investments        (optimised      (balancing load)
     •   Increased productivity
     •   Growth of distributed
         generation and green energy                                                                          In terms of power generation, IoT
                                                     2. Impact of IoT
                                                                                                              adoption will entail equipping
         Grids                                       adoption in the                                          critical units at power plants with
     •   Improved communication                      power sector                                             diagnostic systems. It is worth
         among market participants                                                                            mentioning that most power plants
     •   Opportunity for consumers                   We estimate that the economic                            have already been outfitted with
         to choose among power                       impact of IoT adoption on the                            embedded telemetry and, of course,
         suppliers                                   power utilities sector will be RUB                       automation technology. APCSs4 also
                                                     532 billion by 2025.                                     form an integral part of critical
         Technology                                                                                           systems at generating facilities.
                                                     Enhanced reliability
     •   Asset management
         on a real-time basis                                                                                 Russia’s leading power generating
     •   Tremendous boost
                                                     Power systems were traditionally                         companies are currently busy
         in reliability                              built around the principle                               upgrading their generating facilities
                                                     of reliability: consumers should                         and harmonising new and old data
                                                     always have access to electricity.                       within a single SCADA5 system,
         Cost savings                                Because of the key role that
     •   Reduced fuel costs, payroll
                                                                                                              including Inter RAO Electric Power
                                                     energy plays in the economy and                          Plants, Unipro, Fortum,
         and losses                                  in meeting people’s daily needs,                         Rosenergoatom, and
                                                     power grids and generating                               Gazpromenergoholding (GEH).
         New products                                facilities were designed with                            The latter has acquired a share
     •   Big data in electric power                  built-in redundancies to provide                         in a company that is developing
     •   Internet of Energy                          consumers with significant                               IoT systems for power generation
     •   Personalised electric power                 operating reserves of power.                             equipment6.
                                                     IoT elements like smart grid
                                                     technology can significantly                             At power plants, IoT systems also
                                                     improve the reliability of power                         enable users to receive data
                                                     systems.                                                 on equipment operation in real time
Figure. 4.                                                                                                    and take informed decisions on
Reserves in the power system                         Essential KPIs1 in the grid                              maintenance and repairs, as well
                                                     complex include CAIDI2 and                               as optimise the timing of equipment
                                                     SAIFI3, which indicate the                               shutdowns and minimise the risk
         208                                         capacity available to consumers.                         of incidents. For the foreseeable
         GW         Process
                                         -28%        IoT technology can help reduce                           future, equipment will continue
                    power system
                                                     failures in power grids by quickly                       to be repaired according to existing
                                                     delivering information                                   regulatory frameworks. However,
                                                     on equipment problems and                                IoT technology will help to ensure
                                   150               scheduled repairs. For example,
                                   GW                                                                         that equipment is operating
                                                     by monitoring oil levels                                 according to factory specifications
                                                     in transformers remotely, power                          after scheduled maintenance.
                                                     companies can quickly identify                           If used efficiently, IoT technology
                                                     leaks and prevent overheating                            could help operating teams
                                                     and possible transformer failures                        concentrate their efforts on key
                                                     or substation fires.                                     functions rather than on routine
                                                 1 KPI: key performance indicator
                                                 2 Customer Average Interruption Duration Index
                                                 3 System Average Interruption Frequency Index
                                                 4 Automated Process Control System
                                                 5 Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) is a software package intended for development or
      Available               Projected
     UES capacity             peak load          real-time operation of systems to collect, process, display and archive information.
                                                 6 Here, we mean Tecon.

6        Adoption of IoT technology in various fields
activities, as well as help                                      Economic impact and cost
to optimise staffing numbers.                                    savings from IoT adoption in the
Considering that the electric                                    electric power sector
power sector currently employs
over 700,000 people with a                                       Business factors are just
payroll budget of RUB 50 billion,                                as important as improving
IoT technology could help                                        reliability. In certain cases,
to achieve considerable                                          consumers are ready to reduce
improvements in productivity.                                    their consumption to save costs
The point is that IoT is not just                                when the price it too high.                          Rosenergoatom (REA)
about things, it is also about
people. Teams armed with                                         In the grid complex, the                             Over the past two years, Units 1
knowledge can do their jobs                                      widespread adoption of IoT                           and 2 at the Smolensk Nuclear
better.                                                          technology could have a major                        Power Plant have been retrofitted
                                                                 impact. For business in general                      with IoT technology. The plant has
In power generation, IoT                                         and power grid companies                             also implemented ABB’s eSOMS
adoption entails the introduction                                in particular, reducing costs                        system. Without the need to install
of relatively simple systems like                                is an important objective.                           numerous sensors, this system
personal tablets for employees                                   On the one hand, the grid                            provides employees with displays
on power plant floors. These                                     component accounts for 67%                           that show the best routes to take
devices can:                                                     of the price of electricity for                      on equipment walk arounds. Line
                                                                 households and about 40% for                         workers can send information
•      Reduce the burden                                         industry.7 On the other hand,                        on their observations
       of paperwork for personnel;                               regulatory authorities have begun                    to a centralised information
                                                                 to insist that grid companies                        system in real time.
•      Control line worker                                       reduce their fees and fee-related
       operations;                                               costs.                                               The system then summarises,
                                                                                                                      analyses and transfers all the data
•      Minimise the impact                                       Grid companies can optimise                          to plant operators, together with
       of human error, thanks                                    their costs by ensuring better                       recommendations on further
       to a standardised form                                    monitoring of the power grid.                        actions in case of any issues.
       completion process;                                       Knowing the condition of                             The system has allowed line
                                                                 substations, power transmission                      workers to perform walk arounds
•      Provide personnel with                                    lines, isolators and other grid                      almost 20 times faster, reduced
       instant updates about the                                 components makes it easier to cut                    paperwork dramatically and
       condition of equipment                                    the following elements from the                      enhanced the quality of monitoring
       using historical data, as well                            cost structure:                                      and decision-making. The
       as with operational forecasts;                                                                                 economic impact from efficiency
                                                                 •       Repairs: Currently, grid                     gains has amounted to RUB 45
•      Transmit information from                                         companies conduct repairs                    million per year, and the return
       shift supervisors to the                                          according to industry                        on investment was achieved within
       central control room                                              standards (power lines, for                  two and half years. According
       on a real-time basis.                                             example, should                              to plant management, however,
                                                                         be overhauled every 12 years                 the most significant outcome
In fact, Rosenergoatom and                                               on average). The transition                  of adopting IoT technology has
Unipro have already such                                                 from standardised to                         been the operational
systems, and other generating                                            predictive maintainance will                 improvements that have reduced
companies are planning                                                   achieve savings of over RUB 8                repair costs, increased the plant’s
to do so as well (see the insert                                         billion by 2025 (see the insert              capacity and, above all, provided
on Rosenergoatom).                                                       on Rosseti) by prioritising                  an entirely new level of reliability
                                                                         repairs and ensuring longer                  and safety.
                                                                         equipment life cycles.

    Figure. 5.                                                                                                        The eSOMS solution is currently
    Cumulative growth rate of the purchase price for electricity,                                                     being installed at the Voronezh
    % of the previous year                                                                                            Nuclear Power Plant. According
                                                                                                                      to other market players, the
                                                                                                                      impact of REA’s new management
                                                                                     144   153   161   168   174      system is visible from the outside
                                                         100    111      122
                                                                                                                      simply from changes in their
                34     45     58     63                                                                               repair schedule. Today, the
10                                                                                                                    company is applying the lessons
                                                                                                                      of its successful IoT adoption
2005 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
                                                                                                                      experience to business processes
Source: Rosstat, ACRA forecast
                                                                                                                      for managing repair works.

7   Analytical Credit Rating Agency (ACRA), report from 24 April 2017.
                                                                                                               Adoption of IoT technology in various fields   7
•   Operations: Taking basic
                                                                                          readings from grid facilities
                                                                                          requires employees to conduct
                                                                                          walk arounds and equipment
                                                                                          checks. For example,
                                                                                          companies need access
                                                                                          to an HV laboratory to inspect
                                                                                          transformers every six months
                                                                                          (oil used to cool transformers
                                                                                          must be sent to the lab).
                                                                                          Inspections of lines and
                                                                                          substations are carried out
                                                                                          personally by specialists.

                                                                                          In addition, identifying
                                                                                          defects during power line
                                                                                          failures must often be carried
                                                                                          out manually. Use of IoT
                                                                                          technology to collect accurate
Rosseti                                                                                   data remotely and
                                                                                          instantaneously could
One of Rosseti’s main priorities              In 2015, Rosseti spent RUB 35.8             significantly reduce the time
is introducing smart grid                     billion on repairs. This figure could       needed to review and fix
technology. Currently, the                    have been smaller if IoT systems            problems and, consequently,
company is running more than ten              had been in place. A realistic              help to cut costs.
pilot projects aimed at building              investment in IoT technology that
and developing smart metering                 could be repaid within five years       •   Losses: On average, grids
systems that enable real-time                 would be 3-5% of the cost of basic          have relatively high technical
diagnostics and more efficient                equipment.                                  and commercial losses
operation of the energy system.                                                           of 9.22% (or RUB 60 billion)
                                              Rosseti management is also                  per year. Bringing loss levels
One of the most promising                     focusing on another possible                down to international
initiatives is the Digital Power              outcome from improved                       benchmarks of 3-4% via
Distribution Zone project that the            monitoring systems, namely,                 improved grid control could
company has launched in the                   reduced energy losses. In 2015,             save about RUB 40 billion
Kaliningrad Region in cooperation             improved meters saved the                   a year. Moreover, reducing
with the National Technology                  company 225.3 million kWh,                  loss levels could help
Initiative and EnergyNet. The                 i.e. nearly RUB 500 million.                companies address their
project includes three stages:                                                            commercial losses. Starting
automating substations and grids,             The shift to broader use of IoT-            from mid-2018, territorial
deploying a comprehensive energy              based grid monitoring systems               grid companies in Russia will
monitoring system and                         is integrated into the company’s            be prohibited from
implementing a support system.                Framework for Developing                    modernising old metering
Accomplishing this project will               Technical Diagnostic Systems.               devices in order to promote
propel management of the system               The document calls for the massive          the adoption of smart meters.
to a new level, significantly cut             adoption of IoT technology to help          According to plans, 80 million
operational and repair costs,                 the company’s Production Asset              smart meters are expected
reduce losses, ensure more efficient          Management System (PAMS)                    to be installed in the grid
utilisation of equipment and                  move to a new level. Earlier,               complex.
increase reliability. Completing the          monitoring systems could
first stage of the project has                be installed only on equipment          IoT adoption will also help
allowed the company to increase               of more than 110 kW, but this           increase the service life and
the average response time                     restriction was removed in 2017,        capacity (utilised capacity)
to consumer emergencies by four               and now monitoring systems can          of existing assets. In the current
times.                                        be used for economic reasons            environment, grid development
                                              on grids of any voltage class.          is limited not only by capital
Economic benefits will be achieved            In addition, Rosseti’s asset            intensity but also by physical
possibly mainly via IoT solutions.            management principles now               capacity, especially in densely
Real-time equipment monitoring                include evaluating the social and       populated regions and cities,
makes it possible to ensure the               economic consequences of power          which have no space for
safety and reliability of the system          failures.                               constructing new grids.
without the need for strict                                                           According to regulations, line
operational standards, which are                                                      loads and substations must
often calculated based on high                                                        be maintained at specific levels.
margins.                                                                              In summer, capacity is lower due
                                                                                      to greater wire sag.
8    Adoption of IoT technology in various fields
However, knowing the actual (via      Even a small percentage
the IoT) values rather than just      improvement in this area by
the standards could minimise          Russian generating companies
bottlenecks in the system. This       could save the sector and the
could have a multiplying effect for   economy billions of roubles every
the entire sector by optimising       year (see the insert on Inter RAO
repair schedules and loads in         Electric Power Plants).
other grid sections during the
summer repair campaign.               At the same time, strong
Currently, Russia is using only       connections between producers
two-thirds of its grid capacity.      and consumers will help maintain
                                      loads at efficient levels. According
In generation, analysis of optimal    to electricity sector                         Inter RAO Electric Power
operation modes using IoT             representatives, trade on the                 Plants
technology could reduce the           wholesale market is conducted
volume of excessively burned fuel,    anonymously. In some regions,                 Inter RAO Electric Power Plants is
which in some cases amounts to        the most efficient plants are                 rolling out a system to collect,
over half of all operating            operating at half of their capacity,          transmit and calculate technical
expenses. The Russian electric        while far less efficient facilities in        information (SSPRTI) at the
power sector annually consumes        neighbouring regions are fully                company’s power plants.
about 115-120 million tonnes of       loaded.
coal and about 200 billion cubic                                                    The project is aimed at designing
metres of gas, which in monetary                                                    and installing devices and sensors
terms exceeds RUB 1 trillion.                                                       of various types, as well as
                                                                                    building an IT system to monitor
                                                                                    the data.
                                                                                    The SSPRTI project has two goals:

                                                                                    •   To increase equipment
                                                                                        reliability within five years by
                                                                                        improving observability,
                                                                                        automating manual inputs,
                                                                                        introducing a new production
                                                                                        culture, and gathering
                                                                                        information on changes in
                                                                                        equipment performance after
                                                                                        replacements or repairs.

                                                                                    •   To reduce expenses through
                                                                                        better management of the
                                                                                        thermal effectiveness of
                                                                                        equipment (reduce overheating
                                                                                        incidents). Equipment
                                                                                        operators at plants should
                                                                                        receive tools to take
                                                                                        economically efficient decisions
                                                                                        and master the equipment.

                                                                                    Taking into account fuel economy
                                                                                    (annual expenses in the group
                                                                                    amount to about RUB 130 billion)
                                                                                    and repairs savings, implementing
                                                                                    the system is expected to repay the
                                                                                    investment within five to seven
                                                                                    years. Devices and sensors account
                                                                                    for the greatest part (about 80%)
                                                                                    of the cost of adopting the new
                                                                                    system. The parallel process of
                                                                                    categorising equipment and
                                                                                    reference data indexing is also
                                                                                    under way. SSPRTI data will soon
                                                                                    be used by the Enterprise Resource
                                                                                    Management (ERP) IT system as
                                                                                    well as by the maintenance and
                                                                                    repair (M&R) system.

                                                                               Adoption of IoT technology in various fields   9
3. The role of IoT in creating
                                                                                         new power markets

                                                                                         For grids, IoT technology (smart
                                                                                         grids) offers powerful levers
Fortum                                                                                   to handle challenges that the
                                                                                         energy system has not faced
In 2012, Fortum launched a project                    to manage the value that the       before, for example, integrating
on IoT adoption called CIMS                           equipment generates rather         different sources of power and
(Company Information and                              than the equipment itself          fluctuations in production. With
Measuring Systems).                                   (because the operators             the growing number
                                                      understand the economic            of distributed sources now
The project was guided by a simple                    consequences of their actions).    integrated into power grids, the
logic: you cannot manage what                                                            adoption of IoT technology
you cannot measure, and without                 In addition, the project made            is becoming inevitable.
this, no automation is possible.                 it possible to deal with other
It was a strategic decision to start            issues, including                        Distributed power includes, first
the long-term project. There were                                                        and foremost, renewable sources
no detailed calculations, but it was            •     Attracting young specialists       like solar, wind and water (small
clear that it was impossible to run                   to work in plant operations        hydropower plants). Although
a comprehensive process without                       with cutting-edge technology;      Russia plans to put more than
accurate information.                                                                    5 GW of renewable capacities into
                                                •     Providing confidence               operation by 2025 (i.e. about 2%
The project went through several                      to personnel by investing in the   of the installed capacity of the
versions and caused heated                            plant’s long-term future of the    country’s energy system), this
discussion. However, once the                         plant.                             volume could increase thanks
agreement and approval saga was                                                          to microgeneration by
over, and the company adopted the               A parallel project in heat networks      households. The government
philosophy, the project became                  was also launched in order               intends to allow sales of surplus
an integral component in                        to address major issues in the heat      power generated by
managing the company.                           network business, including              microgeneration facilities with
                                                improving accounting operations,         capacities of up to 15 kW.8
The main goal of the project was                reducing losses and optimising           In addition, industrial distributed
to create a single channel called               costs. For example, the company’s        power generation should also
the Process Information                         technical policy states that             be included. According to experts,
Collection Centre (PICC),                       overhaul and reconstruction              it already accounts for 5-6% of the
where information would                         efforts must use only pre-insulated,     capacity of the country’s entire
be collected from metering devices              high-capacity pipelines                  energy system, or about 13 GW.
in a single database and format                 in combination with a remote             Integrating new power sources
without human input.                            moisture and insulation control          requires redefining the entire
The Centre has helped to:                       system (a system of conductors           operation of an energy system
                                                integrated in the pipe insulation).      that has evolved in response
•    Create a single database                   Signals from these pipelines to the      to specific needs over decades.
     available to all participants              network make it possible                 This is not a simple task. The
     in the process, from the shift             to identify defects with an              power grid was initially designed
     supervisor and engineers                   accuracy of one to three metres.         as a one-way street from
     to accountants and officers                These types of pipelines require         generators to consumers. Trying
     involved in debt recovery.                 no maintenance and help to reduce        to make it work both ways is like
                                                costs and losses. Using the latest       learning to drive a car using only
•    Monitor all technical processes            valves and fittings and enhanced         the reverse gear.
     in real-time on all equipment              coverage with meters (for remotely
     at the plant, whether on                   collecting readings and operating        As distributed generation
     turbines, boilers, generators,             equipment) has become                    expands, IoT technology will
     switchyard stations or cooling             an alternative to keeping a large        support the growth of virtual
     towers, as well as remotely                team of line workers.                    power plants. Power generators
     manage their operation                                                              (including households) will
     (telemetry + telecontrol).                 The data from these meters               be able to dispose of a certain
                                                is automatically sent to the Process     capacity at a given moment (e.g.
•    Automate reporting for internal            Information Collection Centre.           of dozens of MW) with a 100%
     and external use.                          All automation was performed             probability thanks to IoT
                                                by Russian companies, while he           technology and thus operate
•    The project’s most important               data is processed using the 1C           as independent players on the
     outcome was providing the                  platform and then integrated with        wholesale market.
     plant’s personnel with the tools           SAP.

10     Adoption of IoT technology in various fields
A new business ecosystem                                                          options above are not feasible.                            Russian power meter
is already emerging around the                                                                                                               manufacturers alone produced
third component in the power                                                      Considering that there are                                 about 9 million units already
sector chain, the consumer.                                                       reportedly over 7 million private                          in 2014.12
                                                                                  homes and over 30,000 petrol
According to experts interviewed                                                                                                             4. Prospects and drivers of
                                                                                  stations, as well as over 2.5
by PwC, it is households and the                                                                                                             IoT adoption in the power
                                                                                  million small and medium
small and medium-size business                                                                                                               sector
                                                                                  businesses, consumers equipped
sector that will soon become the                                                  with smart meters will likely
main drivers of the IoT                                                                                                                      The outlook for IoT technology
                                                                                  determine the development of
revolution. The situation is the                                                                                                             in the power sector is quite
                                                                                  Russia’s smart energy system.
same in other sectors. We focused                                                                                                            promising. According to most
a separate section of our research                                                                                                           experts interviewed by PwC, the
                                                                                  An additional outcome from IoT
on smart meters and smart                                                                                                                    sector will pass the point
                                                                                  adoption could be achieved with
homes. If smart meters grow                                                                                                                  of no return within the next five
                                                                                  the help of big data analytics. The
exponentially, as expected, their                                                                                                            years. Technology, sensors, data
                                                                                  power sector cannot move
owners will begin to demand that                                                                                                             processing tools, microprocessors
                                                                                  forward without data analytics
grid and retail power companies                                                                                                              and software are developing
                                                                                  and machine learning. For
take into account their                                                                                                                      at a rapid pace. Data transmission
                                                                                  example, a 500 kW substation
consumption data.                                                                                                                            channels are no longer
                                                                                  transmits up to 100,000 signals
                                                                                                                                             an obstacle, because all power
                                                                                  per second on the state of its
                                                                                                                                             plants and substations with
                                                                                  equipment, while the System
The scheduled launch                                                                                                                         capacities of more than 110 kW
                                                                                  Operator of Unified Energy
of a competitive retail power                                                                                                                are already connected to optical
                                                                                  System receives millions of
market in Russia will also help                                                                                                              lines.
                                                                                  signals at its control centre. The
to drive IoT development. This
                                                                                  latest IT systems are already
will enable consumers to choose                                                                                                              New 35 kW capacity substations
                                                                                  capable of handling such large
among power suppliers.9 First,                                                                                                               are also equipped with
                                                                                  volumes of data.10 IoT in the
switching between suppliers will                                                                                                             connectivity. In addition, power
                                                                                  power sector will be supported by
require rapid financial                                                                                                                      line communication technology
                                                                                  related technology such as
calculations. Second, competitors                                                                                                            (PLC) also can be utilised.
will make suppliers offer
consumers flexible fees on power                                                  Many companies in the Russian                              However, without major
and later on other resources.                                                     power sector are establishing                              government support, IoT
Third, consumers (petrol stations,                                                analytical centres designed to                             adoption in the power sector will
neighbourhoods, housing                                                           analyse data on equipment,                                 be slower, and the process will
communities, etc.) will be able                                                   including RusHydro, Inter RAO                              driven more by consumers than
consolidate and enter the retail                                                  Electric Power Plants, REA and                             by the corporate sector.
power market as independent                                                       other utilities.
players.                                                                                                                                     One of the reasons is that most
                                                                                  At the same time, the number of                            of the economic dividends from
Unless consumers have smart                                                       smart meters continues to grow                             IoT adoption have no single
meters, however, the three                                                        and is expected to triple to 7                             beneficiary. Rather, they are
                                                                                  million between 2015 and 2020.                             distributed among consumers,
                                                                                                                                             generators, grids, etc. In the
                                                                                                                                             absence of a single stakeholder,
  Figure. 6.                                                                                                                                 the government could assume
  Mapping the benefits of IoT adoption in the power sector                                                                                   this role, as it is well positioned
                                                                                                                                             to see the total economic impact
                           Reduce cost
                                                                                                                    Telemetry                of adopting IoT (see the insert
                                                                                                                                             on the System Operator of the

                                                                           Improved deviation
                                                                                                                    Telecontrol              Unified Power System).
                                                                                                                         validation          It is a positive sign that
IoT potentian

                                                                                                                                             government policy in the power

                                    Strategic                                                                           Tactic               sector has embraced
                                 Demand           Customer                          Income
                                                                                                                                             technological innovation.
                                 response       segmentation                       protection                                                In particular, the most prominent
                                         Revenue simulation            Stronger customer loyalty   More accurate      Better data
                                                                                                                                             state initiatives have included the
                                             By tariffs                 via online self-services   collected data     availability           possible decision to remove

                                                                                                                                             regulations on grid repairs and
                           Revenue growth                                                                                                    roll out smart meters and RES-
                                                                                                                                             based distributed generation.
  Wind generators or PV panels installed on roofs and in gardens of private houses.
9 Consumers now have to buy power from monopoly last resort suppliers (LRS) operating in their region..                                      These ideas are reflected
11 More information on applying blockchain technology in the power sector is available in
                                                                                                                                             in several documents discussed
Blockchain: an opportunity for energy producers and consumers?                                                                               in brief below.
12 According to J’son & Partners Consulting.

                                                                                                                                      Adoption of IoT technology in various fields   11
•   The Energy Strategy
                                                                                                                            of Russia for the Period
                                                                                                                            up to 2030 outlines the
                                                                                                                            creation of a new generation
                                                                                                                            of highly integrated smart
                                                                                                                            backbone and distributed
                                                                                                                            electric grids (smart grids)
                                                                                                                            within the Unified Power
     System Operator of Unified Energy System (SO UES)                                                                      System of Russia.13

     SO UES is the primary control                                        could not have been broadly                   •   The draft Energy Strategy
     centre in the national power                                         implemented without IoT, will                     of Russia for the Period
     system and, among other things,                                      save millions of roubles every                    up to 2035 also contains
     manages process regimes,                                             day.                                              a section on efficient energy
     monitors compliance with                                                                                               systems of the future,
     reliability parameters and                                           The PJM power system, the                         including smart homes,
     frequencies in power supply,                                         North American equivalent                         a comprehensive upgrade
     approves repairs and power                                           of SO UES (peak consumption                       of the Unified Energy System
     development programmes, etc.                                         load is 156 MW, while UES                         and the development of smart
     All UES entities are required                                        of Russia is 159 MW), operates                    grids.
     to follow SO commands.                                               over 11 GW in demand-
                                                                          response mode. Totally, about                 •   A number of initiatives have
     •     New IoT technology has                                         30 GW is used in demand                           been outlined in a roadmap
           enabled greater transparency                                   response in the US, including                     for developing a smart energy
           and manageability of the                                        7 GW generated by the                            system by the
           power system, as well                                          population. Full-scale                            association, which strives
           as economic efficiency.                                        implementation of this                            to form a professional
           In recent years, SO UES has                                    programme in Russia could                         community capable
           been able to drastically                                       bring savings of billions                         of developing and promoting
           (by factor of 24) reduce the                                   of roubles.                                       the global market
           time needed for issuing task                                                                                     of competitive technologies,
           plans to power plants on the                             SO UES introduced the demand-                           products and services in the
           balancing market, from once                              response component in order                             field of smart energy systems.
           per day to once per hour.                                to add flexibility to the system
           Power plants can now adjust                              by using commercially feasible                      Development of IoT technology
           their load schedules every hour,                         methods. Just as traffic jams                       in the power sector would be
           while previously they had                                cannot be addressed only through                    further encouraged if the
           to wait an entire day, no matter                         more road construction,                             government were able
           what opportunities were                                  bottlenecks in the power system                     to coordinate efforts by the
           available.                                               also require new methods                            corporate sector and private
                                                                    of routing and flow management.                     initiatives, as well as manage the
     •     In addition, new technology has                          With more opportunities in place                    application of international best
           enabled SO UES to launch                                 to control the power system, grid                   practices in regulation.
           a demand-response                                        infrastructure and power plants
           programme that provides                                  can be utilised more efficiently.                   5. Barriers to IoT adoption
           consumers with financial                                                                                     in the power sector
           incentives to reduce                                     The economic benefits from price
           consumption during peak load                             dependant reductions in power                       In our interviews, respondents
           hours voluntarily. Currently,                            consumption will be enjoyed not                     mentioned five barriers that are
           only 69 MW of connected                                  by SO UES and RUSAL, but by                         hindering the adoption of IoT
           capacity at RUSAL’s aluminium                            consumers in general. In the                        technology in the power sector.
           plants are included in the                               absence of obvious sponsors and
           demand response programme                                beneficiaries, the system will not                  The first is the topology of the
           in the second price zone                                 grow without the government                         power sector itself. The power
           (Siberia). RUSAL’s plants                                as an active contributor. The                       system was designed according
           participate in the programme                             demand-response launch itself was                   to the principles of hierarchical
           when their load reduction leads                          made possible only following                        control and command, which was
           to at least a 1% savings on the                          Russian Government Resolution                       in line with the technology of the
           market for the next day. On the                          No. 699, “On Introducing                            day. IoT creates significant
           other hand, demand response                              Amendments to the Wholesale                         changes in interrelationships
           is activated at consumption                              Electricity and Capacity Market                     in the power sector, and this,
           peaks when the price per kWh                             Rules in Summer 2016.”                              of course, generates new
           is at its highest. This                                                                                      economic and technological
           innovation, which                                                                                            obstacles. According to PwC
                                                                                                                        research,14 the power sector is
13   Section 7. Innovative and scientific and technical policy in the power sector.   generally slow to introduce new
12          Adoption of IoT technology in various fields
If we look at technology                                      of equipment takes place, new
 implementation in the sector                                  assets should be equipped with
 historically, we find that power                              sensors as well as capacity for self-
 companies have spent an average                               diagnosis and information
 of 15-20 years on large-scale                                 transmission. It is important
 technology implementation,                                    to realise that there is no point
 whether it was R&D on APCSs                                   in modernising substations that
 in the 1960s or innovative gas                                were built in the 1920s.
 turbines in the 1980s. RPA                                    In addition, some equipment and
 microprocessor devices were                                   infrastructure (for example,
 developed as early as in the                                  reactors) are difficult to diagnose.
 1980s, but 15-20 years passed
 before they were broadly adopted                              As more information about the
 in the operation of power systems.                            operation of power facilities
                                                               is generated, power systems
 In addition, new technology                                   become more vulnerable to
 requires new investments.                                     cyberattacks. Today, 80% of grid
 Although capital expenditures                                 equipment is analogue, and hackers
 on technology implementation                                  are powerless to do much harm. Of
 are trending downwards, the                                   course, this challenge needs to be
 required investments are still                                addressed as IoT technology is
 significant. Moreover, as with any                            adopted in the power sector.
 commercial enterprise, existing                               The absence of time-proved
 companies need to earn a return                               economic ROI calculations has also
 on their investments in fixed                                 slowed down IoT adoption. For
 assets.                                                       most early adopters (Inter RAO
                                                               Electric Power Plants, Fortum,
 This is why many of the energy                                Rosseti, REA and GEH), the
 experts we interviewed                                        decision to launch IoT was rather a
 emphasised that the adoption                                  leap of faith based
 of IoT solutions should be guided                             on assumptions of expected
 by the expediency principle.                                  economic impact (see the insert on
 Market players were unanimous                                 Fortum). IoT pioneers in the power
 in the opinion that IoT adoption                              sector will be able
 is not a complete replacement.                                to leverage the advantages of early
 As the natural upgrade and                                    adoption and become leaders in the
 retrofitting                                                  new power sector.

 Figure. 7.
 Barriers to IoT adoption in the power sector

                                 Low emphasis on technological
                               The power sector implements innovations
                                      with a 10-20 year backlog

                                                                                           Capital intensity
Topology of the
                                                                                           The Internet of Things
  power sector
                                                                                           means new investment
 Hierarchical and
                                                                                           while the power sector
                                                                                           has to repay its old

                   Cyber security                                       Economy
         Digitalisation in the power                                    There are almost no calculated
              sector leads to greater                                   results of IoT implementation
                        vulnerability                                   in the Russian power sector

14  Research by Strategy& (PwC). How to benefit from the transformation of traditional value-adding
chains. Technology and innovations in the era of power sector transformation.
 It seems to me that this is the name of the English version of this document and the link to the English
version of the document:
                                                            Adoption of IoT technology in various fields            13
 IoT Centre
 of Excellence
 in Russia

                   We believe that the Internet                    Market entry for IoT solutions
                   of Things is not just another                   and service providers; design
                   technology, but a foundation                    of business and technical
                   for a new production system                     strategies; development
                   and philosophy that will guide                  of general roadmaps
                   companies from across various                   of resources and competencies;
                   industries. As any other production             development of use cases,
                   system, the Internet of Things                  operational models
                   requires a massive overhaul                     and business cases;
                   of methodologies, internal business             IoT implementation,
                   processes, and operational                      inducing setting up a project
                   and managerial cultures. For this               management office, ensuring
                   reason, from our perspective,                   the transformation
                   the key objective of IoT adoption               of processes and methodologies,
                   is to alter business models rather              introducing a new corporate
                   than simply to use new                          culture, conducting analyses
                   technologies and IT solutions.                  of production data, testing
                   According to our 2017 Digital IQ                and certifying IoT solutions,
                   survey, many respondents say that               and providing training on new
                   the Internet of Things is the                   technologies and work
                   number one technology in terms                  practices;
                   of its potential to transform                   Operation of IoT solutions,
                   business models of companies                    including equipment
                   and whole sectors. It goes without              monitoring, data analysis and
                   saying that such large-scale                    business analytics, preparing
                   changes demand the involvement                  (and providing support)
                   of senior management, including                 for operational processes
                   CEOs, COOs, and CTOs.                           and auditing financial impact.
                   It is our commitment to support              In the past two years, we have
                   companies as they plan, implement            completed a series of projects
                   and use the Internet of Things.              for mobile operators and power
                   To achieve this, we have built               companies both in Russia and
                   a cross-functional team in Moscow            abroad. We would be happy
                   to provide IoT services                      to provide additional information
                    to companies in various sectors.            about our services and
                   Our competencies delivering                  competencies, or to arrange
                   completing strategic and                     a personal meeting where we could
                   operational projects, such as:               have a detailed discussion on the
                       Strategic planning for IoT,              challenges that your company
                       including: seminars for senior           intends to tackle in the area of IoT
                       managers and shareholders;               and digitalisation.
                       design of strategies on initial
34               Adoption of IoT technology in various fields

                    Yury Pukha
                    Partner, IoT
                    Technology Sector

       Т: +7 (495) 223 5177

                    Grigory Sidorov
                    Director, IoT consulting,
                    Strategy & operational

       Т: +7 (495) 223 5085

                    Dmitry Stapran
                    Director, IoT consulting,
                    Strategy & operational
                    Energy Sector
       Т: +7 (495) 223 5044

Adoption of IoT technology in various fields    35
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