Role of Palliative Surgery and Whole Pelvic Radiotherapy on Symptom Palliation and Quality of Life in Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Prospective ...

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International Journal of Research and Review
                                                                                            Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Original Research Article                                                         E-ISSN: 2349-9788; P-ISSN: 2454-2237

   Role of Palliative Surgery and Whole Pelvic
Radiotherapy on Symptom Palliation and Quality of
  Life in Advanced Rectal Cancer: A Prospective
               Observational Study
                               Sourav Sau1, Saikat Sau2, Abhishek Basu1
   Assistant Professor, Department of Radiotherapy, Burdwan Medical College & Hospital, Purba Bardhaman
   Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, Bankura Sammilani Medical College & Hospital, Bankura
                                            Corresponding Author: Abhishek Basu

ABSTRACT                                                        Radiotherapy arm. There were no grade III-IV
                                                                toxicity. Median OS was eight and ten months
Introduction: Patients with metastatic /                        in the surgery and radiotherapy arms,
advanced inoperable rectal cancer usually                       respectively.
complain of symptoms like per rectal bleeding,                  Conclusion: Morbid surgical procedure renders
local pain and irregular bowel habits. The main                 no advantage over palliative radiotherapy in
objective of care in these patients is to improve               metastatic rectal cancer with respect to
overall survival (OS) while palliating the                      palliation of pelvic symptoms and maintenance
symptoms and maintaining the Health Related                     of HRQoL.
Quality of Life (HRQoL). This may be achieved
by either palliative surgery or radiotherapy                    Keywords: Rectal cancer, advanced, symptom,
along with systemic chemotherapy and we                         palliation, HRQoL.
aimed to investigate these two modalities for
symptom palliation, HRQoL and OS.                               INTRODUCTION
Material and methods: The advanced rectal                               There is a rising incidence of rectal
cancer (AJCC Stage group IV) patients with                      cancer in India. Approximately 25 % - 30 %
pelvic symptoms (rectal bleeding, pain or
                                                                rectal cancer patients present with
obstructive features) aged 18-75 years with
                                                                metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis
ECOG PS 0-3 were included in this prospective
non randomized observational study. Choice of                   and needs palliative treatment1,2. The annual
palliative surgery or radiotherapy was done by                  disease specific death rate for colorectal
MDT discussion. Symptoms and HRQoL (using                       cancer is approximately 35% and the liver is
FACT-G) were assessed at baseline, after                        the most common site of metastasis1,2.
intervention and every three months thereafter                  Patients with metastatic rectal cancer are at
till one year.                                                  risk for depression, anxiety and impaired
Results: Between February 2017 to June 2020,                    quality of life even after treatment3.
102 patients of advanced rectal cancer were                             The treatment goal of this advanced
accrued. Eighty six patients were ultimately                    stage disease is to improve OS without
evaluated. Change in bowel habit (76%), pain                    compromising HRQoL. Chemotherapy for
(62%) rectal bleeding (37%) were the most
                                                                metastatic      disease     is   the   current
common symptoms. Sixty seven patients
received pelvic radiotherapy and nineteen                       recommendation for asymptomatic disease
underwent palliative surgery. Overall response                  or symptom from the distant metastasis4.
rate at 3rd month after completion of treatment                 Metastatic rectal cancer frequently presents
was 59%. Symptom control rates and time to                      with pelvic symptoms includes intestinal
symptom progression were comparable. The                        obstruction, per rectal bleeding, pain or
mean score of HRQoL were higher in the                          combination of more than one symptom.

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                                              Vol.8; Issue: 2; February 2021
Sourav Sau Palliative surgery and radiotherapy in advanced rectal cancer

Patients with pelvic symptoms are                      Sixteen patients were excluded from the
particularly difficult challenges and can be           study (poor ECOG PS or general condition,
treated with chemotherapy in conjunction               refusal of treatment, treated elsewhere, lack
with     individualized     local   palliative         of informed consent) and the remaining
treatment - surgical procedure or                      eighty-six patients were evaluated. Informed
radiotherapy to relieve their symptoms. The            consent was obtained from all patients and
surgical intervention includes extirpative             the study was approved by the Institutional
resection, diversion colostomy, endoscopic             Ethical Committee.
stent or laser photocoagulation. Palliative            Table I: Baseline characteristic of all eligible patients
hypofractionated pelvic radiotherapy is                according to assigned treatment
another modality of treatment used for                 Characteristic                Group A      Group B
                                                                                     (Palliative  (Palliative
symptom relief 5-7. HRQoL depends upon                                               Surgery)     Pelvic RT)
demographic, socio-economic as well as                 Number of patients            19           67
clinical variable of disease 8.                        Male                          11           44
        The choice of treatment depends                Female                        8            23
                                                       Median age years (range)      59 (42 – 67) 62 (27 – 74)
upon the patient’s symptom, age, co-                   Marital status
morbidity and extent of disease. Careful               Married                       14           54
                                                       Unmarried/widow/              5            13
multidisciplinary team (MDT) approach                  divorced/single
including surgical, radiation and medical              Educational
oncologists is warranted, to ensure the most           Illiterate                    5            18
                                                       Under graduate                9            34
appropriate treatment strategy for each                Post graduate                 5            15
patient. In addition to the improvement in             Body mass index
                                                       Under weight                  5            10
overall survival, palliation of symptoms and           Normal                        4            28
HRQoL are important parameters for                     Over weight                   7            15
                                                       Obese                         3            14
assessing the efficacy of treatment in                 Smoking status
advanced cancer. With this aim, we                     Smoker                        8            34
                                                       Non / never smoker            11           33
prospectively evaluated the role of palliative         ECOG Performance Status
surgery vis a vis radiotherapy in symptom              0-1                           9            27
                                                       2-3                           10           40
control and maintenance of HRQoL in                    Pelvic symptoms
patients with advanced rectal cancer.                  Pelvic pain                   6            33
                                                       Per-rectal bleeding           1            15
                                                       Intestinal obstruction        6            4
MATERIAL AND METHODS                                   Pain       and     per-rectal 2            12
        Between February 2017 to June                  bleeding
                                                       Pain       and     intestinal 3            2
2020, we prospectively evaluated 102                   obstruction
patients with metastatic / advanced                    Per-rectal bleeding and 1                  1
inoperable rectal cancer (AJCC stage group
IV) who had pelvic symptoms at initial
                                                               Nineteen patients were treated with
presentation in the Department of
                                                       palliative surgery and sixty-seven patients
Radiotherapy in a Tertiary Medical College
                                                       with palliative pelvic radiotherapy to control
and Hospital in Eastern India. Patients were
                                                       the pelvic symptoms. All the patients
considered if they were 18 – 75 years of
                                                       received palliative chemotherapy according
age, has ECOG PS 0 – 3, no uncontrolled
                                                       to their PS after the loco-regional therapy.
major      comorbidities    and     baseline
                                                       The common metastatic sites were liver,
hemoglobin > 8 gm/dl. The optimum
                                                       lung and para-aortic lymph nodes. The most
treatment was decided in the MDT setting
                                                       common clinical symptom was pain
and patients were not randomized. The
                                                       followed by rectal bleeding and obstructive
patients were treated with either up-front
                                                       symptoms.        The      baseline     patient
palliative surgery (diversion colostomy/
                                                       characteristics by palliative strategy
extirpative resection) or palliative pelvic
                                                       treatment have shown in the Table I.
radiotherapy followed by chemotherapy.

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Sourav Sau Palliative surgery and radiotherapy in advanced rectal cancer

        Palliative radiotherapy to the pelvis          Likert like scales 10. The other ten items,
was delivered using conventional AP/PA                 corresponding to the domains of additional
portal with a Theratron 780C Tele-cobalt               concern for rectal cancer were also assessed.
machine. Radiation dose was delivered
according to the patient’s age, compliance,            Overall survival: OS was defined as the
performance status and extra-pelvic tumor              time from the start of palliative loco-
burden. Thirty-nine patients received 30 Gy            regional therapy until death due to any
in 10 fractions over 2 weeks and twenty-               cause or loss to follow up.
eight patients were treated with 20 Gy in 5
fractions in one week schedule.                        Toxicities: Radiation induced acute
        All      these      patients    were           toxicity assessed according to the Common
independently included in the statistical              Terminology Criteria v 3.0 11
analysis (intention to treat) and analyzed
with respect to palliation of pelvic symptom           Statistical analysis: Statistical analysis
after palliative surgery or radiotherapy,              performed using the SPSS software (SPSS
HRQoL and overall survival.                            for windows, version 20, IBM, USA). The
                                                       overall survival and time tio progression of
Pelvic symptoms: The palliation of pelvic              pelvic symptoms were estimated using the
symptom was assessed at three months after             Kaplan–Meier survival method and the
the palliative local treatment. The effective          comparisons between the two groups were
pain palliation was defined as decreased or            determined       using    Log-rank      test.
resolved pain or decreased uses of                     Multivariate analysis was performed to
analgesia. For patients with bleeding, the             assess the relationship between the
effective palliation was defined as stable             outcomes and the possible prognostic
hemoglobin or resolved hematochezia. For               variables using the Cox proportional hazard
patients with obstruction, the effective               model. Categorical data were analyses using
palliation was defined as improvement or               the Chi-square statistics among treatment
resolution of constipation or decreased                groups (palliative surgery vs. palliative
laxative use and no need for surgical                  pelvic radiotherapy).
intervention. Time to progression of pelvic
symptoms was defined as time from                      RESULTS
initiation    of    palliative   locoregional                 The median age of the entire cohort
treatment to first worsening of the index              was 60 years (range 27 years to 74 years).
symptom (in case of multiple symptoms, the             The median follow-up for the entire cohort
symptom which was most agonizing to the                was 20 months.
patient was considered).
                                                       Symptom control: Overall, palliation of
Health related quality of life: Quality of             pelvic symptoms achieved in 74.4 % of
life was assessed with the FACT-G                      patients with palliative surgery or
questionnaire9 (FACT-G, Bengali translated             radiotherapy. Fifty-three patients had the
and validated version) at baseline, 12th               symptom of pelvic pain at initial
weeks (3 months), 6 months and 12 months               presentation and 73% and 72% achieved
after completion of palliative loco-regional           palliation of pain with palliative surgery and
therapy.                                               radiotherapy respectively (p=0.76). Thirty-
        FACT-G, a health related quality of            two cases had per-rectal bleeding at
life general module, is grouped into the               presentation and 100% and 75% patients
domains of physical, functional, social and            achieved control of bleeding with palliative
emotional well- being. Each domain has                 surgery and radiotherapy, respectively
seven questions except emotional well-                 (p=0.55).      Patients    with      intestinal
being, which has six items – all arranged in           obstruction were mostly treated with

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Sourav Sau Palliative surgery and radiotherapy in advanced rectal cancer

diversion    procedures and few patients with                       intestinal obstruction in 90% of cases where
sub-acute     obstruction were treated with                         as radiotherapy-relieved symptom in only
palliative   chemotherapy and radiotherapy                          57 % patients. (Table II)
(p=0.25).    Diversion colostomy alleviated
                          Table II: Palliation of pelvic symptoms after palliative surgery or radiotherapy
                                                              Palliative surgery Palliative radiotherapy     P value
              Pain                                            66.6 % (4/6)          72.72 % (24/33)          0.76
              Bleeding                                        100 % (1/1)           73.33 % (11/15)          0.55
              Intestinal obstruction                          100 % (6/6)           50 % (2/4)               0.25
              Pain and bleeding                               100% (2/2)            75 % (9/12)              0.42
              Pain and obstruction                            66.6 % (2/3)          50 % (1/2)               0.70
              Per rectal bleeding and intestinal obstruction 100 % (1/1)            100 % (1/1)              -
              Overall symptom palliation                      84.2% (16/19)         71.6 % (48/67)           0.41

        The median time to progression of                           statistically significant difference between
pelvic symptoms was six months (range 2-9                           the two treatment groups (HR 0.88, 95% CI
months) in the entire cohort and there was a                        0.66 – 1.17, Log rank p=0.373). ( Figure I)

                            HR: 0.878, 95% CI: 0.660-1.169, P 0.373

                Figure I : Time to progression of pelvic symptoms according to palliation treatment modalities

HRQoL Analysis: Mean scores for all the                             palliative radiotherapy had declining trends
domains of FACT-G questionnaires at                                 in mean HRQoL scores up to six months
baseline and during follow up are listed in                         follow up and then increase to reach almost
the Table III. At three months follow up,                           baseline levels. In patients treated with
mean HRQoL scores reduced compared to                               palliative surgery, mean HRQoL scores
baseline mean scores irrespective of                                decreasing throughout the follow up period
treatment group. Patients who received                              from baseline.
Table III: Mean scores of FACT-G items module at 12th week, 6th month and 12th month after           of palliative surgery or pelvic
radiotherapy in metastatic rectal cancer
                  Baseline mean score    3rd month                6th month                           12th month
                                         mean score               mean score                          mean score
                  Pall. surgery Pall. RT Pall. surgery Pall. RT Pall. surgery Pall. RT                Pall. surgery    Pall. RT
      FACT-G      17                16.7 12.6          14.5       11.8          12.5                  12.2             16.7
      FACT-G      16.6              15.9 11.4          12.6       11.3          12                    11.7             15.1
      FACT-G      15.4              14.7 9.7           13.5       9.5           12.2                  9.3              13.3
      FACT-G      13.8              13.7 11            11.6       10.3          10.9                  9.8              12.6

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       Patient’s in palliative surgery group                       pelvic RT patients in the follow up period.
reported significantly reduced social well                         (Figure II)
being mean scores compared to palliative

Figure II : Health Related Quality of Life scores (baseline to 12 months) for FACT – G physical (A), functional (B), social (C),
emotional (D).

Overall survival: The median overall                               median OS being 11 months in patients with
survival was nine months for the entire                            good PS (ECOG0-1) as compared to 8
cohort Thirty four percent patients survived                       months with those poor PS (ECOG 2-3).
at one-year. Upfront palliative loco regional                      (Figure IV)
treatments (diversion procedure/ extirpative                               On univariate analysis factor like
resection or palliative radiotherapy) did not                      gender, histo-pathological type, radiation
per se contribute to any significant                               dose and fractionation, treatment portal size
difference in median overall survival.                             had no significant effect on overall survival.
(Figure III) The median overall survival was                       However, factors like patients performance
eight months and nine months in group A                            status had significant difference in OS. On
and B (HR 1.002, 95% CI 0.76-1.31, Log                             multivariate analysis of the same using Cox
rank p=0.95), respectively. There was                              regression model, only the PS found to be
significant association (p=0.015) between                          significant factor influencing overall
the performance status and the median                              survival.
overall survival of the patients, with the

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                                             HR: 1.002, 95 % CI: 0.765-1.314, P

                            Figure III : Overall Survival according to palliative treatment modalities

                                                            Figure IV

Toxicity: The acute radiation induced GI                            DISCUSSION
toxicities of palliative pelvic radiotherapy                                Metastatic colorectal cancer is a
for rectal cancer, are self-limiting and                            major cause of morbidity and mortality
usually resolved within 4-6 weeks of                                throughout the world.12 Although there has
completion of treatment. All the patients                           been a paradigm shift in the approach to
tolerated pelvic RT well and there was no                           treatment, out-comes in advanced disease
grade III toxicity. (Table IV)                                      remain modest. Customized treatment based
Table IV: Acute radiation toxicities after palliative pelvic
                                                                    on the symptoms, performance status and
radiotherapy (grade II, CTC V.3)                                    genetic profile has becomes the standard of
Toxicity                   Number         Percentage                care 13. Systemic chemotherapy with the
Hematological              9              13.4
Genitourinary              4              5.9                       5FU based doublets is the standard of care
Gastro-intestinal          31             46.3                      in metastatic rectal cancer 14. This leads to
Dermatological             19             28.3
                                                                    modest survival advantage and improves
                                                                    Quality of Life. Diversion colostomy /
                                                                    extirpative resection or palliative pelvic RT
                                                                    remains important treatment modality for

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patients with symptom from local pelvic                pelvis in patients with metastatic rectal
mass 4. There is no consensus which                    cancer. The palliation of pain and rectal
treatment modality is to be used for                   bleeding supposed to be achieved in
palliation of pelvic pain, per rectal bleeding         approximately 75% of patients with
or GI obstruction.                                     palliative pelvic low dose radiotherapy 18-
        This prospective observational study              . These studies have shown that, the
evaluated the symptom palliation (pain, per            median duration of pain relief was 6-9
rectal bleeding, sub acute intestinal                  months. In our study, 72.7 % of patients
obstruction) and analyzed whether the loco-            achieved pain relief with palliative
regional modality of palliative treatment              radiotherapy where as 73.3 % and 50 %
have an effect on HRQoL and OS.                        relief from per rectal bleeding and
Considering the poor prognosis for these               obstructive feature with palliative pelvic
patients, the primary objective of the study           radiotherapy. The rate and duration of
was the relief from pelvic symptoms and                symptom palliation in our study were
secondarily the overall survival.                      similar to those of above studies.
        This is consistent with the result of
Kleespies et al 15. There was significant              Study Limitations
difference in trends HRQoL data between                         Our study has some limitations.
the treatment arms. There was reduction of             Firstly, it had a heterogeneous patient
physical, functional, social and emotional             population. Secondly, there was also some
mean score of FACT-G in both the groups.               heterogeneity in interventions in term of
There was improvement of HRQoL in those                palliative surgery and radiation dose.
patients treated with palliative radiotherapy          Thirdly, it was not a randomized study,
after six months of radiation completion               because individualized best treatment
which almost reached baseline values at                choices were taken by the MDT. The results
twelve months. There was slow but clear                could therefore be affected by the selection
deterioration of the patients HRQoL over               bias. Fourthly, this study was single
time in the surgery arm.                               institutional had a small sample size and
        Mean quality-of-life scores in most            relatively short follow up.
domains after surgery and during the first                      To     conclusively      define    the
year after surgery were lower than those               effectiveness of palliative surgery and
patients were treated with palliative                  palliative pelvic radiotherapy, over one
radiotherapy and were most significant in              another, in terms of symptom control in
social      functioning      domain.      The          metastatic rectal cancer, a prospective
psychosomatic care of patients after surgical          randomized study would ideally needed.
treatment must comprise the analysis of                However, traditionally, such studies are
HRQOL with colostomy 16. Forty percent                 difficult to design and conduct and suffer
were seriously worried about the reaction of           from skewed patient accrual and one has to
their social environment and significant               revert to indirect cross trail comparisons.
decreased social reaction could be observed.                    Patients with metastatic rectal cancer
        Performance status is the most                 have a relatively short duration of survival
important prognostic factor for overall                and especially those with pelvic symptoms.
survival according to the study of Daniel et           When evaluating the patients with
al 17. In our study, as well, we observed              metastatic rectal cancer, the patient’s age,
longer survival times in patients with good            co-morbidities, disease burden, tumor
PS, as expected. However, there was no                 characteristic, functional status, social
significant difference detected in OS among            support and symptoms must be taken in to
the two treatment groups.                              account to determine the best treatment
        External beam radiotherapy is an               approach.
effective modality of palliative treatment to

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intervention for palliation of symptoms –                    development and validation of the general
surgery or radiotherapy. Both palliative                     measure. J Clin Oncol 1993;11:570-9.
surgical interventions and palliative pelvic           10.   Webster K, Cella D, Yost K. The
radiotherapy are equally effective without                   Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness
compromising overall survival. However,                      Therapy Measurement System: properties,
                                                             applications, and interpretation. Health
the symptom control rate and maintenance
                                                             Qual Life Outcomes 2003 16;1:79.
of HRQoL appears to be better with pelvic
                                                       11.   Baldwin J. Terminology for reporting
RT in our cohort of patients.                                adverse events updated. J Natl Cancer Inst
                                                             2003; 95:1103-4.
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