RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -

Page created by Elizabeth Rojas
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -
RWCMD             A Guide for International Students 2021
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -
The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama is:
+ Europe’s first Steinway-Exclusive Conservatory

+ Ranked Number 1 Drama School in the UK
  4 times in the last 7 years*

+ Honoured to have His Royal Highness,
  The Prince of Wales as RWCMD President
*Guardian University League Tables, 2019, 2018, 2015 & 2013.

HRH The Prince of Wales meeting students following his 70th Birthday Gala held at RWCMD.
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -

The Royal Welsh College of Music &     + has industry partners and          + Cardiff is the Most Cost-effective
Drama (RWCMD) is the National            placement opportunities with the     City in the UK for Students,
Conservatoire of Wales and competes      BBC National Orchestra of Wales,     according to the Natwest Student
alongside an international peer group    Welsh National Opera, Royal          Living Index 2017
of conservatoires and specialist arts    Shakespeare Company, National      + campus hosts major events such
colleges for the best students           Theatre, Royal Court Theatre and     as BBC Cardiff Singer of the
globally, enabling students to enter     many more                            World, World Stage Design,
and influence the world of music,      + is a multi-cultural institution,     World Harp Congress and
theatre and related professions.         with students from 50 different      BBC Young Musician of the Year
                                         countries                          + the campus is located in the very
The College:
                                       + has internationally renowned         centre of Cardiff, the capital city
+ boasts small class sizes and one-to-
                                         teachers, the majority of which      of Wales, and is just 2 hours by
  one teaching, providing students
                                         also work in industry                train to central London
  with lots of individual attention
                                       + regularly hosts international
+ has its own arts centre on campus
                                         visiting artists
  which presents 500 plus
  performances each year, providing

  students with performance
  opportunities and valuable
                                                           A powerhouse of innovation

                                                                                                                    RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |
                                                           and collaboration across the
                                                           performing arts.
                                                           The Telegraph (national newspaper)
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -

                                                              CARDIFF FACTS
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |

                                                              Media City                           Music, Theatre and Dance            An energetic musical energy       Stimulating Arts Centre
                                                              Cardiff’s booming film and TV        Home to the BBC National            is evident across the city’s      As one of the city's favourite
                                                              industry produces ambitious          Orchestra and Chorus of Wales,      famed music scene from            venues, RWCMD presents over
                                                              drama for global audiences.          Welsh National Opera and            venues including Tramshed         500 public performances each
                                                              With BBC, Bad Wolf & indie           National Dance Company Wales,       and the cult Clwb Ifor Bach       year offering plentiful, diverse
                                                              production companies receiving       to name a few, there’s always       showcasing contemporary and       performance opportunities from
                                                              international recognition, Cardiff   something on offer in one of        underground music.                Shakespeare to the NEW writing
                                                              is recognised as the largest         Cardiff’s plentiful concert halls                                     season, opera to jazz and just
                                                              media city outside of London.        and music venues.                   With a rich and vibrant theatre   about everything in between.
                                                              World-class facilities together                                          scene, the Welsh capital
                                                              with Wales’ dramatic landscape       There’s also a large jazz scene,    presents a wide spectrum
                                                              of rugged coastlines, castles,       with the likes of Café Jazz and     of theatre productions from
                                                              mountains and cityscapes             The Bootlegger, Cardiff’s very      Broadway hit musicals at the
                                                              provide diverse filming locations    own speakeasy, bringing a slice     iconic Wales Millennium Centre
                                                              and attract big budget               of America to the Welsh capital.    to eclectic new writing across
                                                              productions.                                                             the many neighbourhood art

                                                                                                               Extraordinary beauty,
                                                                                                               wonderful people and
                                                                                                               great hospitality.
                                                                                                               Barack Obama, Former U.S. President
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -

                                                                                                                                                       RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |
Affordable                        Epitome of Cool                          Shopping                                  Connected
Ranked as the UK’s Most Cost-     Described by The Lonely Planet           St David’s Centre is one of the           Just 2 hours to central London
effective City in the UK for      Guide to Britain as the “epitome         largest shopping centres in the           by train and with Cardiff
Students (Natwest Student         of cool” with “a creative energy         UK with luxury designer labels            International Airport and
Living Index 2017) Cardiff is a   and relaxed atmosphere that              available alongside high street           nearby Bristol Airport
much-loved, student-friendly      complements its youthful                 stores and cool independent               providing access from most
city renowned for being safe      heritage”, The Rough (Travel)            shops in a beautiful network              worldwide destinations, this
and affordable, ensuring you      Guide calls it “one of the coolest       of antique arcades.                       coastal city is ideally located
can enjoy its rich and vibrant    cities in the UK” and Cardiff is                                                   for easy travel.
culture.                          ranked “third best capital city
                                  in Europe” according to The
                                  Quality of Life in European Cities
                                  Survey, 2017!


                                      Travel times by train
                                      Cardiff to London              2 hours                       Belfast

                                      Cardiff to Birmingham          2 hours
                                      Cardiff to Manchester   3 hours 30 min                     Dublin


                                                                                                                CARDIFF                 London
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -
     RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -

                                  RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |

Incredible students in Cardiff!
So much talent in the school.
It was an honor and such a
pleasure to work with you.
Sarah Chang, Violinist
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -
                                                              TUITION FEES
                                                              FOR SEPTEMBER 2021 ENTRY

                                                              Course                                                              Course Duration               Application System    Tuition Fees Per Year*
                                                              BA (Hons) Acting                                                    3 Years                       UCAS Conservatoires   £23,117
                                                              BA (Hons) Musical Theatre                                           3 Years                       UCAS Conservatoires   £21,849
                                                              BA (Hons) Design for Performance                                    3 Years                       UCAS                  £21,849
                                                              BA (Hons) Stage Management and                                      3 Years                       UCAS                  £21,849
                                                              Technical Theatre
                                                              BMus (Hons) Music                                                   4 Years                       UCAS Conservatoires   £21,849
                                                              BMus (Hons) Jazz                                                    4 Years                       UCAS Conservatoires   £21,849

                                                              *subject to annual increase.

                                                              Postgraduate – Drama
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |

                                                              Course                                                              Course Duration               Application System    Total Course Cost
                                                              MA Acting for Stage, Screen and Radio                               13 months                     UCAS Conservatoires   £23,117
                                                              MA Arts Management                                                  13 months                     UCAS Conservatoires   £19,037
                                                              MA Musical Theatre                                                  10 months                     UCAS Conservatoires   £23,117
                                                              MA Design for Performance                                           18 months*                    UCAS Conservatoires   £21,849
                                                              MA Stage and Event Management                                       15 months*                    UCAS Conservatoires   £21,849

                                                              *See course pages for further information.

                                                              Postgraduate – Music
                                                                                                                                                                                      Tuition Fee –
                                                                                                                                                                Tuition Fee –         2 Year Programme
                                                              Course                                                              Application System            1 Year Programme      (Annual fee*)
                                                              MMus (Instrumental)**                                               UCAS Conservatoires           £21,849               £21,322
                                                              MMus Music Performance (Vocal)                                      UCAS Conservatoires           £23,117               £22,620
                                                              MMus Composer-Performer (Instrumental)                              UCAS Conservatoires           –                     £21,322
                                                              MMus Composer-Performer (Voice)                                     UCAS Conservatoires           –                     £22,620
                                                              MA Jazz                                                             UCAS Conservatoires           –                     £21,322
                                                              MA Opera Directing                                                  UCAS Conservatoires           £21,849               –
                                                              MA Advanced Opera Performance                                       UCAS Conservatoires           –                     £22,568
                                                              MA Repetiteur Studies                                               UCAS Conservatoires           –                     £21,322
                                                              Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip) (Instrumental)**                      UCAS Conservatoires           £20,580               £20,155
                                                              Postgraduate Diploma (PG Dip) (Vocal)                               UCAS Conservatoires           £21,849               £21,322
                                                              Postgraduate Diploma Composer-Performer                             UCAS Conservatoires           –                     £20,155
                                                              Postgraduate Composer-Performer (Voice)                             UCAS Conservatoires           –                     £21,322

                                                              *subject to annual increase.
                                                              **Awards available: Brass Band Conducting, Choral Conducting, Collaborative Piano, Composition,
                                                              Historical Performance (Instrumental or Voice), Multi Instrument Woodwind Performance,
                                                              Music Performance (Instrumental or Voice), Orchestral Conducting, Orchestral Performance.

                                                              The Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama is part of the University of South Wales Group and all our degrees are validated
                                                              by the University of South Wales.
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -

                                                     RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |

I’ve worked with recent Royal Welsh College
graduates and these actors need to be aware of
how good they are, and to know that they are the
best in the country. They have those essential
qualities an actor needs – confidence and self-
esteem, combined with that all-important low ego.
They are totally professional, hugely talented and
at ease, able to take direction – an absolute joy.
Owen Teale, Actor, Game of Thrones
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 -

                                                              HOW TO APPLY
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |

                                                              First, complete the online            Auditions/Interviews
                                                              application. The College uses two     Entry to the programme of study
                                                              separate application systems; “UCAS   is determined by audition or
                                                              Conservatoires” and “UCAS”. Please    interview. For 2021 entry, all
                                                              see the table on page 6, which        auditions will be via recording and
                                                              shows which application system        interviews will be done virtually.
                                                              to use for your chosen course.
                                                                                                    Please visit
                                                              The UCAS Conservatoires code for for
                                                              the Royal Welsh College of Music &    audition guidance for your chosen
                                                              Drama is R59. Please see your         course.
                                                              chosen course page on the RWCMD
                                                              website ( for
                                                              your course code.

                                                              The UCAS code for the Royal Welsh
                                                              College of Music & Drama is R86.
                                                              Please see your chosen course
                                                              page on the RWCMD website
                                                              ( for your
                                                              course code.
  If you are already studying at            This programme enables you to take          Options are available at
  university level, the Royal Welsh         part in high-level creative projects in     undergraduate and graduate levels
  College of Music & Drama gives            a forward-thinking, industry-linked         across most disciplines. A fully
  students the opportunity to study         institution, where you will have            tailored programme can be provided
  here in the UK for one term,              enhanced contact with an individual         for students, enabling them to
  two terms or the whole academic           professional mentor and access to           follow study pathways that support
  year (typically 3 – 6 months and          our vibrant arts centre, with its           their development and fulfil home
  up to 1 year).                            fantastic roster of visiting                institution study requirements.
                                            international artists.
  The Study Abroad programme                                                            For further details, visit
  allows you to fully immerse               Further benefits of the programme 
  yourself in an exciting and creative      include dedicated English language
  environment and experience a new          support (where needed) and a
  culture, whilst developing an             programme of cultural activities,
  additional set of professional skills     including visits to events with key
  which broaden your horizons and           partners, such as the BBC National
  networks.                                 Orchestra of Wales, Welsh National
                                            Opera, BBC Wales (Doctor Who)
                                            and Wolf Studios.


                                                                                                                                         RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |
Scholarships                              Entry Requirements                          Accommodation/
Scholarships are awarded on the           Applicants who are non-native               Student Housing
basis of merit following audition/        speakers of English are also required       Unite Students Severn Point, the
interview. You will automatically be      to achieve a minimum level of               Royal Welsh College of Music &
considered for a scholarship when         English language, determined by an          Drama’s student housing, is a secure
you make your application. You            IELTS test. IELTS levels can be found       and comfortable environment which
do not need to make a separate            on the course page of the website.          complements the College’s unique
application. If you receive an offer                                                  community spirit.
of a place following an audition/         If you have been offered a place            + Rent is £132.00 per week inclusive
interview, your offer letter will         at College but you have not quite             of bills for the academic year
include details of any scholarship        achieved the required IELTS score,            2020/21*
awarded.                                  you may be eligible to enrol on the         + The accommodation is arranged
                                          Pre-sessional English Language                in flats of six rooms. Each flat has
                                          Course, which starts in July every            a high quality fully fitted kitchen
                                          year and is held at RWCMD in                  and living areas. You will have
                                          Cardiff. This course combines                 your own bedroom and bathroom
                                          Academic Preparation, General               + Free high-speed internet and
                                          English and Study Skills and aims             wifi access
                                          to improve your overall IELTS score,        + 10 minutes’ walk to the
                                          so that you can begin your studies            College campus
                                          in September.
                                                                                      *Housing fees for 2021/22 entry will be released
                                          Further details can be found at             soon. Check
                                                                                      for update.

                                                       I had no idea it would be
                                                       this extraordinary.
                                                       Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber,
                                                       Musical Theatre Composer
                                                              The students are well prepared for the
                                                              industry, have fantastic facilities and
                                                              are supported by a passionate, creative
                                                              and knowledgeable staff.
                                                              Edward Thomas, multi-award winning Production Designer of Doctor Who,
                                                              Sherlock, and Da Vinci’s Demons

RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |

                                                              01/                                                05/                                               09/
                                                              Anthony Boyle                                      Joanne Higginbottom                               Tim Routledge
                                                              Anthony was cast in the role of Scorpius Malfoy    Joanne completed an internship with               Tim works as lighting designer and
                                                              in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child when he       composer, guitarist, songwriter, and record       programmer for broadcast, concerts and
                                                              was in his final year at RWCMD. He now has a       producer, Tyler Bates in Los Angeles whilst       events across the globe. Notable highlights
                                                              string of awards and nominations under his         in her final year of study. After graduating,     amongst Tim’s varied career include designer
                                                              belt, including Winner of Olivier Awards –         Joanne went to work for Tyler and has             for the opening and closing ceremonies of
                                                              Best Actor in a Supporting Role, Nominated for     since co-composed Primal, Samurai Jack,           the Commonwealth Games 2014, the Queens
                                                              2018 NYC Drama Desk Awards – Outstanding           The Public (Emilio Estevez); score co-            Diamond Jubilee Concert at Buckingham
                                                              Featured Actor, Nominated for 2018 Tony            produced for The Spy Who Dumped Me; and           Palace, Ryder Cup opening concert, the
                                                              Award – Best Performance by an Actor in            provided additional music for Fast & Furious      opening and closing ceremonies of the
                                                              a Featured Role.                                   Presents: Hobbs & Shaw, Guardians of the          London Olympics and lighting programmer
                                                                                                                 Galaxy 1 & 2, John Wick 1, 2 & 3, Marvel’s        for the London Handover Ceremony at the
                                                              02/                                                The Punisher and Deadpool 2.                      Beijing Olympics. He’s worked with Beyonce,
                                                              Chanáe Curtis                                                                                        The Spice Girls, U2, Coldplay, Jay-Z, Rhianna
                                                              American soprano Chanáe studied at the             06/                                               and designed Stormzy’s now iconic headline
                                                              Manhattan School of Music before graduating        Ollie Howell                                      show at Glastonbury which has been hailed as
                                                              from the MA Opera Performance programme            Since completing his BMus Music at RWCMD,         a watershed moment culturally for the urban
                                                              at RWCMD. Highlights include performing            drummer Ollie has established himself as a        music scene.
                                                              for HRH the Prince of Wales at Buckingham          film/TV composer, multi-instrumentalist and
                                                              Palace; with the Hallé Orchestra; and the          producer. Ollie has written music for multi-      10/
                                                              role of Anna Gomez in The Consul at Welsh          award winning films and international TV          Tom Scutt
                                                              National Opera. Chanáe made her debut at the       series and his work has been screened at          Tom regularly works at most of London’s
                                                              Metropolitan Opera New York performing the         film festivals around the world. Ollie has also   major theatres. He has provided the UK
                                                              role of Annie, whilst covering the role of Lily,   released two jazz albums and toured the           premiere designs for award-winning plays
                                                              in Porgy & Bess.                                   world, receiving critical acclaim. A protégé      King Charles III and Jesus Christ Superstar for
                                                                                                                 of Quincy Jones, whom he first performed          Regents Park Open Air Theatre. On Broadway,
                                                              03/                                                for at RWCMD, Ollie is also the only ever jazz    Tom has provided set & costume designs for
     12                                                       Toks Dada                                          recipient of a prestigious Sky Academy Arts       Constellations, King Charles III (for which he
                                                              While studying viola as an undergraduate at        Scholarship.                                      received a 2016 Tony nomination) and Les
RWCMD A Guide for International Students 2021 |

                                                              RWCMD, Toks developed an interest in arts                                                            Liaisons Dangereuses. In 2019 he received The
                                                              management and established the successful          07/                                               Stage Debut nomination for Best Director for
                                                              contemporary music ensemble, Sinfonia              Alis Huws                                         Berberian Sound Studio, Donmar Warehouse
                                                              Newydd. He went on to complete an MA in            Alis Huws became the new Official Harpist         and the WhatsOnStage Award for Best Set
                                                              Arts Management at RWCMD and became                to The Prince of Wales before graduating          Design and nomination for Best Costume
                                                              Classical Programme Manager at Town Hall           from her course at RWCMD. Alis has also           Design for Little Shop of Horrors, Regent’s
                                                              and Symphony Hall, Birmingham. He is also a        represented the Welsh Government in               Park Open Air Theatre.
                                                              spokesperson for diversity and inclusion within    Japan and across Europe and is the Youth
                                                              the music profession and a Non-Executive           Coordinator for the World Harp Congress           11/
                                                              Director of Welsh National Opera.                  2022 which will be held in Cardiff.               Alexander Vlahos
                                                                                                                                                                   Alexander is best known for his roles as
                                                              04/                                                08/                                               Philipe d’Orleans in the periodic drama
                                                              Dawn Hardwick                                      Tianyi Lu                                         Versailles, starring in all 30 episodes as
                                                              London-based soloist, chamber, orchestral          Tianyi is making a name for herself across        the brother of the notorious King Louis XIV,
                                                              and contemporary pianist Dawn Hardwick,            the continents as Assistant Conductor of the      and as Mordred in the medieval fantasy
                                                              completed her BMus studies at RWCMD. She           Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, a Dudamel           fiction Merlin.
                                                              is now the member-director of the original         Fellow with the Los Angeles Philharmonic
                                                              six-piano ensemble, Piano Circus, who are at       Orchestra, Principal Conductor of the
                                                              the forefront of commissioning and performing      St. Woolos Sinfonia in the UK and the
                                                              new works for multiple pianos. She has wide        Associate Female Conductor-in-Residence
                                                              experience as a soloist, most recently             with Welsh National Opera. This international
                                                              performing John Psathas’ double concerto           outset of her career includes collaborations
                                                              View From Olympus for amplified piano and          with the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Hallé
                                                              percussion with Dame Evelyn Glennie.               Orchestra, Dallas Opera Orchestra, Royal
                                                                                                                 Welsh College of Music Symphony Orchestra,
                                                                                                                 Bristol Metropolitan Orchestra, Sydney
                                                                                                                 Symphony and Auckland Philharmonia.

                                                                                                                                     The Royal Welsh College changed
                                                                                                                                     my life. I wouldn’t be where I am
                                                                                                                                     today without the training it gave
                                                                                                                                     me. It allowed me to approach the
                                                                                                                                     professional industry with the
                                                                                                                                     confidence I needed.
                                                                                                                                     Anthony Boyle
01/               02/   03/

04/         05/         06/

      07/               08/

09/         10/         11/
2            3    1      4     5   6    7           8                                            9                                                 10

1   Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama   6 St David’s Hall                                         * Home of Welsh National Opera.
2   Principality Stadium                   7 Sherman Cymru                                             BBC National Orchestra of Wales and
3   Cardiff Castle                         8 No Fit State Circus                                       National Dance Company Wales
4   New Theatre                            9 Wales Millennium Centre*
5   National Museum & Gallery of Wales     10 BBC Drama Village** & Centre for Creative Industries   ** Home of Doctor Who, Sherlock, Casualty                                   Photography Credits: Catrin Arwel, NB:Design, Kirsten McTernan, Kiran Ridley, LGEmerick Photography

For further details about all our              Royal Welsh College of              For breaking news, graduate                          The Royal Welsh College of Music
                                                                                                                                        & Drama is part of the University
courses, please visit our website:             Music & Drama                       & student stories and regular
                                                                                                                                        of South Wales Group.
                                               Castle Grounds                      updates follow us @RWCMD
                                               Cathays Park
                                               Cardiff CF10 3ER
Please contact the Admissions
                                               United Kingdom
Office with any queries:
+44 (0)29 2039 1361
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