Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia

Page created by Cynthia Hansen
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Monday, June 14, 2021                              Sunday, June 20, 2021
7:15am Health & Blessings for Evelina Loescher     The Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
          Vera Mackow                            7:30am Vera Mackow
          Andrew Mackow                                   Andrew Mackow
          Paz P. Colindong                                Wilma Roche
8:30am                                                      Maria Lisak
Tuesday, June 15, 2021                             9:00am O zdrowie i Boże Błog. dla Jana z okazji
7:15am Vera Mackow                                        Urodzin i Imienin.
          Andrew Mackow                                   O powrót do zdrowia ciężko chorego na
8:30am Grace Marrocco                                     Covid-19 Andrzeja.
Wednesday, June 16, 2021                                    Józef Bis
7:15am Vera Mackow                                        Jan Witkowski
          Andrew Mackow                                   Stanisław Miśkowiec
8:30am Dorantina Settefrati                               Antonina Staszel
          Renato & Gloria Bacci                  10:30am Renato Bacci
7:00pm O łaskę nawrócenia dla Kazimierza.          12:00pm Frank Tacito
          O łaskę nawrócenia dla Haliny i Steve.            Renzo Rossini
          Stanisław Prokop                                Marian Brożek
Thursday, June 17, 2021                            1:30pm O zdrowie i Boże Błog. dla Ireny Prokop.
7:15am Vera Mackow                                        O zdrowie i Boże Błog. dla Małgorzaty
          Andrew Mackow                                   Wiercińskiej z Rodziną.
8:30am Poor Souls in Purgatory                            Jerzy Szalast
          Ruben Lumbera - death ann.             6:00pm O zdrowie i Boże Błog. dla Joanny
Friday, June 18, 2021                                       Suchożewskiej.
7:15am Vera Mackow                                        Stanisław Pipala
          Andrew Mackow                                   Leszek Rybak
8:30am Nels Andreson                                      Mariusz Czyżewski
Saturday, June 19, 2021                                     Arkadiusz Śliwa
St. Romuald                                                 Kazimierz Lisowicz
7:30am Vera Mackow                                        Juliusz Witkowski
       Andrew Mackow                                      Franciszek Wyżkiewicz
5:00pm Birthday Blessings for Fr. Michael                   Stanisław Lisowicz
       In loving memory of John J. Pini
       Felix Chlopek
       Michael Mironicki
       Therese Thi Muoi
       Milagros Leysen
       JoAnne Pacheco
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
St. Francis Borgia Mission Statement
       “St. Francis Borgia nurtures the Roman Catholic Faith and fosters the gifts of the Holy Spirit in all by: Welcoming everyone into our faith
community; Celebrating the sacraments together; Providing faith education; Providing an environment for prayerful meditation; Utilizing our time,
talents and treasures. We resolve to develop, support, empower, and encourage individuals to reach their spiritual potential for the greater glory of
God and the good of His people.”

Members of our church community are serving our country in the various branches of the military. Please pray for all of
them and their families and especially for those listed below.
Alberto Aguilar                       James D. Campis                        Joseph Patrick Kinney                 James H. Schreiner
Matthew J. Albanese                   Jasper Catalano                        Frank Joseph Klimas                   Robert Schreiner
James Allision                        Kevin Chesney                          James Labbe                           Gerald Tuman
Paul Raymond Barthel                  Robert Curtis                          Tom Lewandowski                       Michael Tuman
Michael Gabriel Bono                  Tamara DeCaro                          Matt Manzano                          Richard A. Wagner
Rev. Marcin Bulinski                  Shawn Gaffney                          Tim McManus                           Steven A. Walker
Christopher R. Burdulinski            Gerald Giovannelli                     Darrell Mills
Joseph Vito Burdulinski               Slawomir Glownia                       Michael A. Morelli
Dominic J. Cammuca                    Michael Granadon                       Artur Niedbalka
Luciano Cammuca Sr.                   Daniel Jarosz                          Nicholas Ranch
                                                                              Please pray for all the sick, homebound, and the convalescents of the
             Please pray for all those                                                  parish, our relatives and friends, and especially:
             who have recently died                                            Felicia Accolti
                                                                                                                    Phil May
                                                                                                                    Aria McCarthy
              and for their Families                                           Carmella Aguilar
                                                                               Venecia Alanis
                                                                                                                    Bernice Mae McKay
                                                                                                                    Jerry McNally
                                                                               Diana Albarran                       Joanne Melone
                                                                               Jamal Alwattar                       Joanne Morabito
                                                                               Salwa Alwattar                       Edyta Mucha
  Please pray also for those who suffer and                                    Lorraine Arendt                      Margaret Murawski
           died from coronavirus                                               Nicole Arendt
                                                                               Michael Louis Bono
                                                                                                                    Krzystof Nowicki
                                                                                                                    Jennifer Ochinnio
           May they rest in peace.                                             Caitlyn Boyd
                                                                               John R. Bucci
                                                                                                                    Robert Ognaovac
                                                                                                                    Sarah & Stanley
   Otoczmy modlitwa wszystkich zmarłych                                        Mary Burke
                                                                               Milagros Cabrera
                                                                                                                    Michael O’Neill, Sr.
                                                                                                                    Patricia O’Neill
          oraz ofiary koronawirusa                                             Edna Cannisano
                                                                               Dolores Cantore
                                                                                                                    Tommy O’Neill
                                                                                                                    Samantha Parry
                i ich Rodziny.                                                 Rita Caruk                           Bernadette Petty
                                                                               Jaclyn Caskey                        Victoria Pietroczynski
                                                                               Connie Castillo                      Alma Pini
                                                                               Scott Castillo                       Winnie Pries
                                                                               Elisabeth Corkran                    Tery Renk
                                                                               Elaine Czarnowski                    Joseph Richko
                                                                               Michelle Deering                     Lacie Richko
       Through the Sacrament of Baptism,                                       Edward Dobosz
                                                                               Charles Dobrovolny
                                                                                                                    Kathryn Richko
                                                                                                                    Megan Richko
       we have welcomed into our Church                                        Robert Fitzpatrick
                                                                               Anne Fritz
                                                                                                                    Michelle Richko
                                                                                                                    Eric R.
                  community:                                                   Patricia Fulton
                                                                               Ron Fulton
                                                                                                                    Sara R.
                                                                                                                    Peter Rocco
            Kayleigh Marie Chrabot                                             Walter Garland
                                                                               Immacolata Geronazzo
                                                                                                                    Sandra Romeo
                                                                                                                    R. Ross
              Jakub Lapczynski                                                 Jerry Giannini
                                                                               Jared Godla
                                                                                                                    Michael Rowan
                                                                                                                    Virginia Rylko
                  Noah Jezuit                                                  James Gorski
                                                                               Karen Hadary
                                                                                                                    Katie Santoro
                                                                                                                    Michael Scanlon
              Sofia Mia Nalepka                                                Hageli Family
                                                                               Rose Marie Hakes
                                                                                                                    Nancy Schultz
                                                                                                                    Rosemary Schultz
             Savannah Grace Stell                                              Timothy Heider
                                                                               Kelly Irvin
                                                                                                                    Michael Scroggins
                                                                                                                    Frank Somogyi
                                                                               Joe Johnston                         Judith Somogyi
                                                                               Jozef                                Jeff Stachula
                                                                               J. T. F.                             Greycon Stanley
                                                                               Zygmunt Karwowski                    Christopher Staunton
                                                                               Barbara & Paul Kaski                 Ron Szudarski
                                                                               Dagmar Tony Kilian                   Maria Szymczek
                                                                               Arlene Klostermann                   Fr. Michael Valente
                                                                               Catherine Klostermann                Mary Van Kollenburg
                                                                               John Allen Klostermann               Shannon Vaile
                                                                               Najwa Klostermann                    Nicholas Vitellaro
                                                                               William Klostermann                  Helena Walaszek
                                                                               Diane Landry                         Helen Wenc
                                                                               Oliver Landry                        Frank Zdun
    II Artur Pieprzyk & Karolina Lorens                                        Mary Lannon                          Sharon Zdun
                                                                               June LaValle                         Maria Zglobis
                                                                               Loretta Lipinski
                                                                               Simone Lopez
                                                                               Dons Ludmann
                                                                               Jesse Ann Lytle
                                                                               John Martinelli
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Father’s Day                  ST. FRANCIS    KOŚCIÓŁ ŚW.
Father’s Day Special Envelopes         BORGIA       FRANCISZKA
 are available at the back of the     CHURCH          BORGIA
church. Prayer is a beautiful gift
   and a way to remember our         ADORATION       ADORACJA
  Fathers, living and deceased.                     NAJŚWIĘTSZEGO
                                        OF THE       SAKRAMENTU
 Envelopes can be dropped into         BLESSED
  the collection basket or to the    SACRAMENT       CZWARTEK
 rectory office. We will pray for                     4:00 pm -
our Fathers living and deceased      THURSDAY          7:00 pm
  on Sunday, June 20 during all       4:00 pm -
 Holy Masses and at all Masses         7:00 pm        (6:30pm—
           during June.
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
Dzień Ojca
Dzień Ojca w tym roku przypada w niedzielę, 20 czerwca. Specjalne kopertki są dostępne
przy wejściach do kościoła. Na kopercie należy wypisać imię i nazwisko Ojca żyjącego lub
zmarłego i wrzucić do koszyka z kolektą lub przynieść do biura parafialnego.
Na wszystkich Mszach Św. w niedzielę, 20 czerwca będziemy modlić się w intencjach Ojców,
którzy zostali przez Was poleceni.
Saint Francis Borgia Church - St Francis Borgia
                                                      Monday: 2 Cor 6:1-10; Ps 98:1, 2b, 3-4; Mt
 Lucja Mirowska-Kopec (Chair), Cindy                  5:38-42
  Mocarski (Vice Chair), Grace Bajan,                 Tuesday: 2 Cor 8:1-9; Ps 146:2, 5-9a; Mt
 Philippe Couloute, Carl Kenar, Joanne                5:43-48
Nardulli, Henry Pachut, Esther de la Torre            Wednesday: 2 Cor 9:6-11; Ps 112:1bc-4, 9;
                                                      Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
                                                      Thursday: 2 Cor 11:1-11; Ps 111:1b-4, 7-8;
                                                      Mt 6:7-15
SFB FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS:                          Friday: 2 Cor 11:18, 21-30; Ps 34:2-7; Mt
James Thompson (Chair), Jeannette Ash,                Saturday: 2 Cor 12:1-10; Ps 34:8-13; Mt 6:24
    Darlene Lehman, Artur Ksiazek,                    -34
  Robert Prochaska, Mary Ann Rosso,                   Sunday: Jb 38:1, 8-11; Ps 107:23-26, 28-31;
   Bob Sibigtroth, Anthony J. Woldeit                 2 Cor 5:14-17; Mk 4:35-41

Date/Time      Celebrant          Lector    RESPECT LIFE
Sat. June 19   Fr. Jacek   M. Rosso         The Media and Respect for Life
5:00pm         Dada                                 “An important and serious responsibility belongs to those
Sun. June 20   Fr. Joe     B. Piltaver      involved in the mass media,who are called to ensure that the
7:30am         Mulcrone                     messages which they so effectively transmit will support the
Sun. June 20
                                            culture of life. They need to present noble models of life and make
               Fr. Jacek   W. Kołek
9:00am, PL     Dada        W. Nowak
                                            room for instances of people's positive and sometimes heroic love
                                            for others. With great respect they should also present the positive
Sun. June 20   Fr. Jacek   L. Evangelista   values of sexuality and human love, and not insist on what defiles
10:30am        Dada                         and cheapens human dignity. In their interpretation of things, they
Sun. June 20   Fr. Joe     L. Sparacio      should refrain from emphasizing anything that suggests or fosters
12:00pm        Mulcrone                     feelings or attitudes of indifference, contempt or rejection in
Sun. June 20
                                            relation to life. With scrupulous concern for factual truth, they are
               Fr. Jacek   J. Nowik
1:30pm, PL     Dada        E. Szwajnos      called to combine freedom of information with respect for every
                                            person and a profound sense of humanity” (John Paul II, “The
Sun. June 20   Visitor     C. Cudzich       Gospel of Life,” n. 98).
6:00pm, PL     Priest      A. Jadach
St. Francis Borgia Church
                            8033 W. Addison St. Chicago, IL 60634

Rectory                                  School                          Religious Education
773-625-1118                             773-589-1000                    773-625-1705
773-625-1110 (FAX)                       773-589-0781 (FAX)              773-625-1774 (FAX)

Parish Staff                                      Rectory Office Hours:
Fr. Robert Lojek, Pastor                          Monday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm;
Fr. Jacek A. Dada, Associate Pastor               Wednesday: 8:30 am -12 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm;
Fr. Joseph Mulcrone, Resident                                                   5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Mrs. Susan Betzolt, Principal                     Friday: 8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4 :00 pm
Deacon Irek Mocarski, Religious Ed. Director      Tuesday & Thursday: VIA THE PHONE ONLY -
Ms. Anna Zawisza, Office Manager                  8:30 am - 12:00 pm; 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Business Manager          Saturday and Sunday: CLOSED
Mr. Stanley Bajan, Church Technical Maintenance
Mr. Anthony J. Woldeit, Music Director
Mrs. Grazyna Bajan, Polish Mass Organist          Mass Intentions
                                                  Mail to the rectory or stop by in person,
                                                  Monday through Friday between the hours of
                                                  8:30 am and 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm.
    Saint Francis Borgia

    8033 W. Addison Street
    Chicago, IL 60634



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