Samoa Noni (Nonu) MARKET STUDY - PHAMA Plus

Page created by Arnold Mccoy
Samoa Noni (Nonu) MARKET STUDY - PHAMA Plus
Samoa Noni (Nonu)
Samoa Noni (Nonu) MARKET STUDY - PHAMA Plus
Samoa Noni (Nonu)

Samoa Noni (Nonu) MARKET STUDY - PHAMA Plus
ACRONYMS.............................................................................................................. V

           NOMENCLATURE .................................................................................................... 1

           EXECUTIVE SUMMARY............................................................................................3
           1.1. Key Findings Of This Report...........................................................................................................7
           1.2. Priorities.................................................................................................................................................7

CONTENTS   OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................8
           2.1. Methodology....................................................................................................................................... 9

           LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................................................10
           3.1. Academic Research.......................................................................................................................... 11
           3.2. Market Studies................................................................................................................................... 11
           3.3. Related................................................................................................................................................ 12
           3.4. Excluded Literature........................................................................................................................ 13

           BOTANY................................................................................................................... 14
           4.1. History..................................................................................................................................................16
           4.2. Traditional Uses............................................................................................................................... 17
           4.3. Commercialization.......................................................................................................................... 17
           4.4. Cultivation..........................................................................................................................................19
           4.5. Pests and Disease........................................................................................................................... 21
           4.6. Processing.......................................................................................................................................... 21

           MARKET.................................................................................................................. 23
           5.1. Discussion...........................................................................................................................................24
           5.2. Noni Product Manufacturer/Distributers..............................................................................24
           5.3. Multi-level Marketing.....................................................................................................................26
           5.4. Wholesale Product Manufacturers..........................................................................................28
           5.5. Samoa’s Noni Exports..................................................................................................................35
           5.6. Polynesia’s Noni Exports.............................................................................................................36
           5.7. Imports from Polynesia................................................................................................................ 37
           5.8. Exotic Natural Fruit Juices.........................................................................................................38
           5.9. Nutritional Supplements.............................................................................................................39

 ii                                                                                                                                                                       iii
Samoa Noni (Nonu) MARKET STUDY - PHAMA Plus

SAMOA’S NONI INDUSTRY................................................................................... 41
6.1. Economic Contribution.................................................................................................................42
6.2. Value Chain.......................................................................................................................................42
6.3. Five Forces Market Analysis..................................................................................................... 44
6.4. Assessment......................................................................................................................................45

MARKET STRATEGY.............................................................................................. 46
7.1. Creating Value...................................................................................................................................47                 AFM Avocados from Mexico, collaborative agricultural export marketing
7.2. Capturing Value...............................................................................................................................54                          organization
                                                                                                                                                                         CBD Cannabidiol, extract of the Cannabis sativa plant (also known as marijuana
7.3. Product Areas..................................................................................................................................55                       or hemp), which contains no psychoactive ingredient THC
7.4. Further Innovation..........................................................................................................................61                   CTAHR College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources at the University of
                                                                                                                                                                             Hawaii, Manoa campus
                                                                                                                                                                      EBITDA Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization
COVID-19 CONSIDERATIONS.............................................................................. 62
                                                                                                                                                                        FAO    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
8.1. Healthy Lifestyle Products During COVID-19.......................................................................63
                                                                                                                                                                        FDA    U.S. Food and Drug Administration
8.2. COVID-19 Search Trends.............................................................................................................63                              GDP    Gross Domestic Product
8.3. COVID-19 Threats...........................................................................................................................65                     GMO     Genetically Modified Organism
                                                                                                                                                                      HACCP    Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points, a food safety standard
                                                                                                                                                                         IPCIndependent Product Consultant, term used to identify multi-level market
REFERENCES......................................................................................................... 67                                                      distributors for Tahitian Noni® products
                                                                                                                                                                        ITC International Trade Centre
APPENDIX I: NONI PLANT PESTS AND DISEASES.......................................... 76                                                                             IWG-Nonu Samoa Industry Working Group-Nonu
                                                                                                                                                                        MAF Samoa Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
APPENDIX II: STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTED.................................................... 77                                                                              MCIL Samoa Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Labour
IWG-Nonu.................................................................................................................................................. 77           MLM Multi-level marketing: business structure where non-employee salespeople
                                                                                                                                                                             earn commissions on sales to subordinate recruits in a legal pyramid
Government.............................................................................................................................................. 77                  scheme
External Resources................................................................................................................................ 77                  NESOI Not Elsewhere Specified Or Included
Samoa.........................................................................................................................................................78       NZAID New Zealand Agency for International Development
                                                                                                                                                                        PINA   Pacific Islands Noni Association
                                                                                                                                                                         RTD   Ready-To-Drink
                                                                                                                                                                         SAT   Currency: Samoan Tala
APPENDIX III: TRADE DATA................................................................................ 78                                                              SEC   U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission
Exotic Natural Fruit Juices..................................................................................................................79                          SKU Stock-Keeping Unit; a unique retail product often represented as a number
                                                                                                                                                                             and barcode on package labels
Nutritional Supplements..................................................................................................................... 80
                                                                                                                                                                       SROS Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa
                                                                                                                                                                       WIBDI Women in Business Development Incorporated

iv                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        v
Samoa Noni (Nonu) MARKET STUDY - PHAMA Plus
Nonu (Morinda citrofolia) is known worldwide                           For the purpose of consistency, this report
               by dozens, if not hundreds of vernacular                               uses “noni” herein where referencing Morinda
               names (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). Popular                               citrofolia, its fruit and products, except
               common names include the “awl tree”                                    where referring to a report title, direct quote,
               (Australia, India, Java, Malaya); “morinda”                            or brands and entities containing the word as
               (Australia, Vietnam, USA, Surinam); various                            a proper noun.
               cheese-like terms, “cheesefruit” (Australia),
               “limburger tree” (USA), “formagier” (Haiti),                           Samoa’s producers/exporters may consider
               and references to painkilling properties,                              doing the same when communicating
               “pain bush” (Trinidad & Tobago), “pain killer”                         with international markets. International
               (Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands) (Nelson, 2006).                          companies engaged in consumer public
               The word Morinda in its botanical name is                              relations and marketing have made

               derived from the Latin morus for “mulberry”                            substantial investments in the term “noni,”
               and indicus for “Indian,” in reference to its                          over the past 30 years, including but not
               most common English name: the “Indian                                  limited to the world’s best-known product
               mulberry.”                                                             brand Tahitian Noni®. Developing similar
                                                                                      awareness of the term “nonu” will be costly
               In Samoa and among some other Polynesian                               and may add to market confusion with the
               nations, the plant and its fruit are best known                        well-established “noni” product name.
               as nonu. There are many similar variations
               of this pronunciation used worldwide: non,                             By standardizing external communication
               noni, nony, nono, nho, nen, nin, nino, nuna,                           using the term “noni,” the industry can
               nenu, mona, monii, atoni, and nhau just to                             leverage existing name equity established
               name a few (Nelson, 2006). Among these,                                by others for maximum accessibility in
               “noni” is the most common used in trade,                               English-speaking markets. Translation
               and best recognized by English-speaking                                or regionalization may additionally be
               consumers searching for products derived                               appropriate when marketing consumer
               from the Morinda citrofolia tree 1 . “Nonu”                            products within specific predominantly non-
               Google searches for “nonu” outnumber                                   English speaking countries, such as China,
               “noni” searches only in New Zealand, where a                           Korea, and Japan 3 .
               popular professional rugby player shares the
               same name 2 .

               Figure 1: Ripening noni fruit.
               Photo credit: Andrew Hetzel.

               1   Google Trends keyword search results
               2   Too few searches are made within Samoa for Google to display results for either term
               3   Research for this study was conducted entirely in English

 1                                                                                                                                  2
Noni is an important agricultural export from                              Widespread demand for commercial noni
            Samoa, providing income for more than                                      products began with an American company
            17,000 smallholder semi-subsistence farming                                that introduced Tahitian Noni® juice to
            households and contributing more than                                      mainstream North American consumers as

            SAT$10m annually to the country’s economy.                                 an ancient but newly rediscovered health
            As a crop, noni is unique in many ways. The                                tonic 4 . Others followed seeking to capitalize
            tree is hearty, growing in an unusually wide                               on the growing consumer curiosity for noni
            range of soil and environmental conditions.                                juice and by developing new channels for
            It has an exceptional tolerance to heat, wind,                             sale in Europe and Asia. French Polynesia’s
            fire, flooding, saline, and drought that make                              noni production industry was entirely
            it arguably the most durable climate-change                                committed to production of Tahitian Noni®
            immune crop in commercial production                                       juice as the company grew, so competing

            anywhere today. Its fruit is harvested                                     retail product manufacturers looked for
            continuously throughout the year, containing                               wholesale juice and fruit concentrate
            high vitamin content and potential health                                  suppliers in Samoa, Hawaii, the Cook Islands,

            benefits unmatched by popular produce.                                     Fiji and other tropical regions. This created a
                                                                                       noni gold rush among producing countries,
            Also, unlike other agricultural exports from                               which quickly established commercial
            Samoa, noni is new to world trade. Despite                                 farming and processing facilities.
            being consumed or used as traditional
            medicine for thousands of years in the areas                               In the early 2000’s, consumer media
            where it grows wild, noni fruit was unknown                                featured noni products as the latest
            to most consumers outside of Polynesia just                                health fad, universities began research on
            30 years ago. Samoa only began commercial                                  promising compounds found in the plant’s
            production in 2000. This creates a number of                               unique biochemistry, and noni industry
            challenges unique to noni trade that do not                                associations were formed to discuss issues
            exist for other commodities, such as a lack of                             of standards and quality. Development
            market data, product standards, supporting                                 workers championed noni production
            institutions, and established markets with                                 as a new potential source of income for
            predictable demand. However, being new                                     developing countries uniquely positioned to
            can also have benefits: novel products are                                 meet escalating consumer demand. During
            not constrained by commonly accepted                                       these golden years, global noni exports grew
            uses or historic sales performance. The                                    quickly, and experts predicted billion-dollar
            non-traditional markets where noni trades                                  retail noni product market valuations by
            welcome innovation, creating opportunities                                 the decade’s end. That vision stalled during
            for industry growth and value addition only                                the Great Recession of 2007-2008 when
            limited by imagination.                                                    Samoa’s noni export volumes and values
                                                                                       plunged. In retrospect, it was likely an illusion
                                                                                       anyway due to a critical misunderstanding
                                                                                       about the market fundamental driving the
                                                                                       noni juice craze: Tahitian Noni® is a multi-
                                                                                       level marketing (MLM) company.

            4   There is little scientific evidence supporting noni juice health claims; however, this situation is no different for any
                other fruit juice or nutritional supplement.

3                                                                                                                                          4
MLM is a legal form of pyramid scheme                                    Consumer demand, however, does not grow                                           Although Samoa has the experience and                                  Samoa’s noni producers must collaborate
where independent product distributors                                   spontaneously. It is carefully cultivated                                         potential to offer juice and other noni                                with each other and with government to
recruit others to do the same, each receiving                            by private companies or collaborative                                             products of superior quality, the wholesale                            take the lead and set the industry’s highest
some percentage of downstream sales. New                                 associations of product manufacturers                                             market of trade for noni remains immature                              standards for quality to create value while
recruits generally buy inventory, which is a                             through a sustained series of marketing                                           and is unwilling to pay for differentiating                            concurrently transforming into niche
main source of upstream commissions. An                                  activities7. Agricultural commodity marketing                                     value beyond meeting minimum standards                                 specialty consumer product manufacturers.
analysis of data published by the company                                boards like the California Milk Processor’s                                       for product safety compliance. Samoa also                              As a consumer product maker rather than
shows that less than 0.5% of 300,000 active                              Board (Got Milk?), Japan’s Kobe Beef                                              faces the burden of high costs of production                           wholesale ingredient supplier, Samoa will
distributors earn a profit from noni product                             Marketing and Distribution Association, and                                       and distribution due to its remote location                            then set the market message for the noni
sales (Taylor, 2011). While Tahitian Noni® used                          the Avocados from Mexico collaborative                                            and inefficient traditional methods of                                 industry while building consumer geographic
noni juice as a vehicle to collect revenue, the                          marketing entity all work tirelessly to                                           non-intensive smallholder farming. This                                brand loyalty. Producers will capture new
real product being purchased by distributors                             keep their products relevant and popular.                                         places Samoa in the unenviable position of                             value from downstream consumer sales
was a dream of financial independence. It is                             Combined with a strict set of quality                                             being a premium supplier in a commodity                                leading to new manufacturing jobs, more
unclear how much Tahitian Noni® juice was                                standards for their branded agricultural                                          market where anyone can quickly be a less                              demand for noni fruit from farmers, and
ever consumed by paying customers and                                    products, targeted collective marketing                                           expensive competitor. Worse, it is a market                            better market communication unhindered by
how much remains in the unsold inventory of                              pays a substantial return on investment                                           where most participants are operating                                  layers of middlemen.
aspiring sales recruits.                                                 for producers by sustaining visibility and                                        blind since so little information like prices
                                                                         communicating differentiated value to                                             and trade volumes are published. The                                   Women, in particular stand to benefit from
Demand for Samoa’s noni exports returned                                 achieve high prices. No entity is currently                                       scant market intelligence that exists stays                            this as they currently participate only in the
after the recession but without the                                      fulfilling this role, so worldwide attention                                      within the offices of buyers and sellers who                           far up-stream low value segment of the value
enthusiastic enabling environment that                                   from noni’s main “healthy lifestyle” audience                                     perceive no incentive to share 9 . This results                        chain, yet offer a diversity of perspectives
previously encompassed the industry.                                     has drifted to other crops perceived as being                                     in an unstable and unpredictable market                                that promise the potential of innovation
Published independent research declined                                  more relevant in 2020.                                                            where client-supplier relationships are purely                         to reach to new markets. Consumers10
over the following decade 5 , as did new                                                                                                                   transactional based on short term factors                              motivated by authenticity, utility, and
noni product launches, online searches,                                  Economic growth in S. Korea and China 8                                           of convenience without long-term stability.                            sustainability will pay for the added value
and coverage by consumer press. The few                                  have allowed Samoa’s noni export industry                                         Disposable supplier relationships are low-                             provided by Samoa’s specialty noni goods.
organizations representing noni’s interests,                             to expand output dramatically to those                                            value and easily substitutable.                                        Wholesale noni juice can be produced in
like the Pacific Island Noni Association                                 countries since 2010 due to an across-the-                                                                                                               many places, but there will be no substitutes
and Australian Noni Growers Association                                  board increase in demand for all types of                                         The turbulent environment created by these                             for the strong brand reputation that Samoa
disbanded. Today, noni has been surpassed                                natural fruit juices. Additionally, eruption                                      factors present Samoa’s noni industry with                             can achieve.
by newer novel trends like turmeric,                                     of the Kilauea volcano in 2018 damaged                                            the need to innovate in order to protect its
kombucha, coconut water, spirulina,                                      some Hawaii noni-producing estates causing                                        economic future as a noni producer. Without
cannabidiol (CBD) oil, and others.                                       Hawaiian retail noni product manufacturers                                        quick action, the country risks becoming a
                                                                         to look for convenient alternate suppliers.                                       high-cost supplier of wholesale commodities
Few entities aside from a handful of brands                              Although these events have buoyed the                                             in an unpredictable market with increased
vertically integrated from farm to retail 6                              industry to record export volumes in recent                                       competition from substitutes. Lacking a
have a long-term interest to advocate for                                years, the future of Samoa’s noni industry is                                     vocal industry champion, the noni fruit itself
noni. Retail product manufacturers will                                  far from secure.                                                                  may fade into obscurity among consumers,
bottle whatever consumers are willing to                                                                                                                   threatening the economic contribution
buy with no allegiance to a single ingredient.                           Noni trees produce fruit in just three years                                      it currently makes to the livelihoods of
The same indifference is extended to their                               after planting and are relatively easy to                                         thousands of families.
wholesale supplier network. When goji                                    maintain. Any country in the tropics has the
berries, collagen, or pomegranate pips                                   potential to quickly become a noni grower,
become more popular than noni fruit,                                     and commercial fruit juice production
manufacturers quickly change suppliers and                               facilities are inexpensive relative to other
introduce a new flavour to the production                                manufacturing industries. This has not
line. Today, Hawaii or India may be perceived                            escaped the notice of entrepreneurs in
as competitors to Samoa’s noni industry, but                             places like India, Myanmar, Vietnam, and
the reality of competition is not from another                           Peru, where small wholesale juice industries
country, it is from other crops.                                         have recently emerged.

5   The makers of Tahitian Noni® have funded a significant portion of the noni-related research recently published.                                        9  In stakeholder consultations, exporters reported not knowing the final country destination or application of goods sold. Nearly two
6   e.g. Tahitian Noni®, Dave’s Noni® (India) and some small estate brands in Hawaii.                                                                         dozen commercial buyers failed to respond or refused to comment for this study claiming participation would disclose company
7   Positive scientific discovery, like clinical proof of some health benefit also increases demand; however, no scientific discovery is certain and may      secrets.
    conclusively prove negative characteristics that reduce demand.                                                                                        10 Particularly Generation Z and Millennials
8   In addition to a recent tariff reduction in China to 5%.
1.1. Key Findings Of                             1.2. Priorities
This Report
                                                 1.2.1. Set high standards

•   Noni is a robust, climate-adaptable
                                                 •   Complete national standards and grading
    tree that produces fruit with uniquely
                                                     system for fruit and preparations
    desirable biochemistry. While
                                                 •   Document best practices for farming and
    misunderstood and historically
    misrepresented by opportunists, it offers
                                                 •   Contribute to CODEX proceedings and
    nutrition and health impacts comparable
                                                     implement resulting safety standards
    to or better than most widely consumed
    fruits available today.
•   Noni is farmed by thousands of semi-         1.2.2. Build capacity and
    subsistence households in Samoa,
    who will benefit from increased noni
    production and value.
                                                 •   Organize IWG-Nonu for participation in
•   Some potential exists to expand noni             retail niche markets as a trade association
    exports as a wholesale ingredient, but       •   Provide extension training and reference
    this strategy will be short-lived due to         tools for smallholder farmers
    increasing low-cost competition and          •   Develop a supply chain for women-
    the availability of numerous superfruit          produced products, and encourage
    substitutes.                                     women’s ownership of noni businesses
•   The value of noni exports from Polynesia     •   Facilitate development of new range
    has doubled in the past five years, while        of products targeting healthy lifestyle
    Samoa’s market share has decreased by            (including natural foods and nutritional
    one third.                                       supplements), livestock and pet products
•   A vacuum of industry coordination                industries
    presents an opportunity for Samoa            •   Provide certification assistance in relevant
    to take a leadership role in advancing           and popular schemes (HACCP, organic,
    commercial interests and brand image of          Fair Trade, non-GMO, kosher, gluten free,
    noni fruit, which is to Samoa’s benefit.         and others)
•   Fruit ingredient suppliers are easily
    substitutable. To ensure consistent
                                                 1.2.3. Commercialize
    long-term market demand, Samoa must
    advance into consumer markets as a           •   Collect retail market intelligence
    supplier of innovative retail products       •   Develop Samoa noni origin brand and
    with a strong brand identity among               assets
    consumers.                                   •   Establish and implement a marketing
•   The future of Samoa’s noni industry is           communications plan
    far from secure. Without coordination        •   Conduct targeted marketing campaigns
    to strengthen its position and consumer          in high-value markets
    interest in noni, the market may collapse.   •   Participate in relevant industry trade
                                                     events and missions
                                                 •   Establish trade representation and
                                                     distribution partners or facilities in
                                                     consumer markets

7                                                                                                            8
This study was commissioned to better
understand the global market for production
                                                2.1. Methodology
and consumption of noni and noni-based
                                                Within the scope of this assignment, the
products. The resulting report is intended

                                                author has examined available market and
to provide useful information for Samoa’s
                                                trade data, published reports and academic
noni industry (represented by IWG-Nonu) to
                                                journal articles, consulted with industry
increase competitiveness and recommend
                                                stakeholders, and analyzed market trends
opportunities that add new value to noni
                                                using desktop research. A number of past
production. The end goal is to protect
                                                reports have discussed noni agriculture,
and improve the welfare of Samoa’s noni
                                                biochemistry, and potential health impacts.
industry, particularly smallholder farming
                                                As noni is a relatively new commercial crop,
families, including women and people with
                                                few published studies have considered

                                                                                                 LITERATURE REVIEW
                                                product economics and trade issues;
                                                no reports were found featuring market
Specifically, this report seeks to identify:
                                                opportunities. Where other data is not
                                                available, this study has looked to the
•   A clearer picture of the market for noni
                                                performance of the broader markets for
    and noni products
                                                trade (e.g. nutritional supplements, fruit
•   Technical and strategic advice for
                                                juice) where noni is a participant but not the
    Samoa’s noni value chain based on study
                                                sole commodity.
•   Opportunities to improve returns from
                                                In many cases, it was not feasible to gather
    sales of current products in existing and
                                                new primary data for this report but
    new markets
                                                stakeholder consultations confirmed that key
•   Opportunities for diversification and
                                                findings from past assessments of the sector
    value addition from the development of
                                                remain valid. As a result, this document
    consumer products
                                                focuses on the potential for improved market
•   Mechanisms for IWG-Nonu to improve
                                                positioning of Samoa’s noni industry, as this
                                                is an area that has not been well-addressed
    •   collecting and communicating market
                                                in previous analyses.
        information, and
    •   providing quality assurance services
        and traceability
•   Issues affecting gender equality,
    disability, and social inclusion (GEDSI)
    within the value chain, with suggestions
    on how they may be addressed
•   Other issues of relevance that are
    discovered or occur during the duration
    of the study, which includes potential
    COVID-19 impact.

9                                                                                                                10
For the purpose of avoiding unproductive duplication of work, the following documents have        (later Morinda, Inc., a subsidiary of New Age
been identified as primary sources. Most published reports featuring noni fall into two broad     Beverages), trade information from Oceania
categories: those examining plant biochemistry and medical effects, and others documenting        regions and sales information from Japan”          innovation will continue to be the
agronomic or processing best practices. Marketing and trade topics are underrepresented in        (Macpherson et al., 2006). As the market            critical factor for future success
this body of knowledge, although a few studies make mention of speculative market values          leader, this is a reasonable starting point but            (Rogers et al., 2009)
and trading considerations like product safety.                                                   fails to take into consideration Tahitian Noni’s
                                                                                                  multi-level marketing distribution scheme.
                                                                                                  MLM significantly reduces the correlation
                                                                                                                                                     markets due to comparative advantages
                                                                                                  between Tahitian Noni revenues (largely
3.1. Academic                                   to directly confirm or refute these figures,
                                                however, present-day value is likely lower.
                                                                                                  from sales to its own salesforce as inventory)
                                                                                                                                                     but caution, it “is now being eroded through
                                                                                                                                                     increased competition from new entrants
Research                                                                                          and world market demand for noni products.
                                                                                                  The report’s conclusions point to “a bright
                                                                                                                                                     on the international market; therefore
                                                A study written at around the same time by                                                           significant efforts will be needed to maintain
                                                                                                  future [for noni production] although more
The most comprehensive resource dedicated       researchers Olivier Potterat and Matthias                                                            competitiveness in a changing world market”
                                                                                                  studies are needed…” (Macpherson et al.,
to all aspects of noni production and use is    Hamburger from the University of Basel                                                               (Rogers et al., 2009).
                                                                                                  2006). An addendum to the executive
Noni: the Complete Guide for Consumers          examines the phytochemical properties of          summary further notes widespread
and Growers (2006) by University of Hawaii      noni, then assesses health claims and safety                                                         Many of the industry needs identified by
                                                                                                  destruction to Queensland’s noni farming
professor (retired) Scot Nelson and Hawaii      for human consumption. They conclude that                                                            the report have not been addressed since
                                                                                                  by Tropical Cyclone Larry (2006), which
Island agroforestry writer Craig Elevitch.      despite an inadequate amount of available                                                            the time of publication, leading to present
                                                                                                  struck near the time of publishing. There is
Nelson also launched The Noni Website           clinical data, noni contains chemicals with                                                          day challenges they predicted. The authors
                                                                                                  no mention of the Australian Noni Growers
(2006), which is maintained by CTAHR            interesting properties that “warrant further                                                         forewarn, “with increasing price competition
                                                                                                  Association or its activities online after 2006
and presents several articles detailing         investigation,” and that “adverse [health]                                                           it will be essential to maintain high quality
                                                                                                  and attempts at reaching them for this study
good practices for noni production and          events seem rare and may be idiosyncratic                                                            products and differentiate and brand these
                                                                                                  were unsuccessful.
processing, known health issues, plant pests    in nature” (Potterat & Hamburger, 2007).                                                             accordingly” (Rogers et al., 2009). As a
and diseases, as well as the proceedings        On marketing practices, they observe “there                                                          small Pacific Island nation with limited
                                                                                                  “Samoa Morinda citrifolia (Nonu): A Case
of a 2002 conference held in Hawaii             is a stark contrast between the sweeping                                                             domestic opportunities, Samoa “must
                                                                                                  Study of Agriculture for Growth in the
dedicated to noni production. Nearly all        claims on curative and disease preventive                                                            establish international market niches that
                                                                                                  Pacific” (Rogers, Tuioti-Mariner, & Tuoro,
future noni studies and extension training      properties of Noni products and testimonials                                                         will allow them to charge prices that will
                                                                                                  2009), provides a comprehensive overview
materials reference these materials. In all     published on numerous websites, on one                                                               cover their high international trade costs,”
                                                                                                  of Samoa’s noni value chain, economics,
of its content, however, little is mentioned    hand, and the almost complete lack of                                                                stressing that “innovation will continue to
                                                                                                  and industry constraints immediately
about the economics of noni production          clinical data on the other” (Potterat &                                                              be the critical factor for future success”
                                                                                                  following the Great Recession of 2007-
opportunities for trade. The few references     Hamburger, 2007). Speaking to the size of a                                                          (Rogers et al., 2009). Although the private
                                                                                                  2008. The authors stress the importance
to market demand are upbeat, but without        global market, they note “reliable sale figures                                                      industry had performed admirably, they
                                                                                                  of international exports to the small island
substantiating data or sources: “worldwide      are not available, but it is claimed that the                                                        suggest “interventions are required by the
                                                                                                  nation, and particularly high value exports
markets for noni products are expanding         market has reached US$1.3 billion in annual                                                          government to … stimulate the industry so as
                                                                                                  that directly impact semi-sustenance faming
yearly, from a US$400 million industry in       sales” (Potterat & Hamburger, 2007). No                                                              to regain export competitiveness” (Rogers et
                                                                                                  families. They further recognize Samoa’s
2001 to a projected $2 billion industry in      source is cited for this value but this report                                                       al., 2009).
                                                                                                  dominance as an early supplier to world
2006” (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). There is       is nonetheless misrepreseted as fact by
no known source of retail data available        multiple future research teams.

                                                                                                  3.3. Related                                       standards” (Gold et al., 2004). This creates
                                                                                                                                                     an environment with asymmetric information
3.2. Market Studies                             Rural Industries Research and Development
                                                Corporation for the purpose of evaluating         Broadening the scope of research to other
                                                                                                                                                     between buyer and seller, which the authors
                                                                                                                                                     describe as a “black box” where downstream
                                                growth and value-added opportunities for          relevant areas of crop promotion, this
Two noni market studies were produced                                                                                                                value chain processes and ultimate consumer
                                                Queensland noni farmers, represented by the       study includes concepts of value addition
in the early 2000’s examining the market                                                                                                             uses are hidden from producers. This study
                                                Australian Noni Growers Association. Their        through differentiation and niche marketing
potential for noni and Samoa’s noni value                                                                                                            advocates use of the Five Forces model to
                                                report mainly focuses on agronomic, genetic,      described in “Markets and Marketing
chain:                                                                                                                                               analyze competitive frameworks and develop
                                                and biochemical issues resulting from             Strategies for Agroforestry Specialty
                                                                                                                                                     specialty niche markets among wood
                                                processing and fermentation. An attachment        Products in North America” (Gold, Godsey,
“The Potential for a New Value Adding                                                                                                                products, which are applicable to noni as a
                                                to the report from the Australian Institute       & Josiah, 2004). Noni trade is similar to
Industry for Noni Tropical Fruit Producers”                                                                                                          small but high value agricultural niche good.
                                                for Commercialisation attempts to quantify        agroforestry in that “many products typically
(Macpherson, Daniells, Wedding, & Davis,
                                                market value “based primarily on revenue          lack established marketing institutions,
2006) was commissioned by Australia’s
                                                information from Tahitian Noni® International     market information, and grade or quality

11                                                                                                                                                                                               12
3.4. Excluded

One other notable publication, arguably
the most famous study of noni, has not
been directly cited in this report. “The
Pharmacologically Active Ingredient in
Noni” (Heinicke, 1985) is thought to have
launched modern commercial production of
noni through its discovery of a mysterious
compound that caused a frenzy of consumer
interest. Dr. Ralph Heinicke was a Dole
company scientist studying pineapples
who claimed to have found an unknown
compound in noni similar to one in the
pineapple enzyme bromelain (Brown, 2012).
He named and patented the substance
xeronine and theorized a precursor
substance proxeronine necessary for its
activation. The discovery was described in
an article for the Pacific Tropical Botanical
Garden Bulletin, the non-scientific member
newsletter of a botanical preserve in Hawaii11 .
                                                                   Figure 2. Plant atlas drawing c.19th century

In addition to curing drug addiction without
withdrawal, Heinicke suggested “noni
could be used for ‘arthritis, atherosclerosis,
blood vessel problems, drug addiction,
gastric ulcers, high blood pressure, injuries,
menstrual cramps, mental depression, poor
digestion, relief of pain, senility, sprains, and
many others’” (Brown, 2012). The article was
not peer reviewed and Heinicke provided
no chemical structure for xeronine or
supporting data for his assertions. Neither
xeronine nor proxeronine has been found
since (Wanjek, 2006). This article has
nonetheless become the central supporting
evidence of noni marketing for its cure-
all powers. Heinicke later worked as a
consultant for the makers of Tahitian Noni®
into his 90’s (Smillie, 2004).

               11   The Pacific Tropical Botanical Garden was later gifted The Kompong botanical estate of horticulturist Dr. David
                    Fairchild in South Florida and changed its name to the National Tropical Botanical Garden.

13                                                                                                                                         14
Noni is a fruit-bearing evergreen tree or
shrub native to Australia, Indonesia, and
                                                                      Known by the botanical name Morinda
                                                                      citrofolia, noni is a part of the Rubiacae
                                                                                                                                        4.1. History                                                            building or firewood. It was a reliable choice,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                with the ability to thrive in an unusually wide
New Guinea that reaches 3 – 10 m (9 – 33                              genetic family. Rubiacae includes coffee,                         Noni has been used by humans for                                        range of soils and climates and the ability
ft) tall at maturity. It is found in tropical                         quinine, gardenias, and jasmine, all of which                     thousands of years. The plant is thought to                             to tolerate droughts of six months or longer
climates between 19° north and south                                  have commercially significant biochemical                         have originated in the area north Australia                             (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006, p. 45).
latitudes worldwide, with particularly dense                          properties (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). Noni                        or New Guinea (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006,
populations among the islands of Polynesia                            is most likely to be consumed as whole fruit,                     p. 2). It was one of the original “canoe                                From the Bismarck Archipelago, the Lapita
(Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). Elsewhere, noni                            fruit juice and extracts, however, leaves, bark                   plants” carried by the Lapita 13 peoples who                            rapidly continued east to establish the first
has been naturalized or is commercially                               and roots served as tea, and seed oil also                        populated most of Polynesia. The Lapita are                             settlements of the South and Central Pacific:
cultivated in South Asia (India, Sri Lanka)                           contains bioactive components that may                            one of human history’s great civilizations;                             the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu, followed
and Southeast Asia (Myanmar, Thailand,                                offer health benefits. While its chemistry                        skilled seafarers possessing navigation and                             by Fiji, Tonga, and Samoa. Once reaching
Vietnam, Laos), coastal areas of Central and                          and interaction with human physiology is                          survival abilities that allowed them to reach                           Tonga and Samoa in 800 BCE, they waited
South America, the Caribbean and West                                 not fully understood, studies have shown                          and inhabit the most isolated lands of the                              for 1200 years before pushing thousands of
Africa.                                                               that noni’s high nutritional content may                          planet, like astronauts of their day. Where                             kilometers into the open ocean to Hawaii,
                                                                      have therapeutic value (Almeida, Oliveira, &                      they traveled, they brought noni with them.                             Rapa Nui, and finally New Zealand. Noni has
Fruit of the noni tree are lumpy and potato-                          Hotza, 2019). Compounds found in noni have                                                                                                traditional uses in all regions where they
shaped, with lime-green to pale-yellow                                demonstrated antioxidant, antimicrobial                           Skilled sailors, the Lapita left from Taiwan                            settled.
exterior skin, and translucent off-white fleshy                       (antibacterial, antiviral), anti-inflammatory,                    4,000 years ago (2,000 BCE) and traveled
interior with dark seeds. It emits a strong                           and analgesic properties.                                         thousands of miles past the Philippines over                            Noni reached Europe in the 1760s, brought
smell similar to cheese as it matures.                                                                                                  the open ocean in canoes to the Bismarck                                by prominent Swedish botanist Carl
                                                                      Unlike its biological relatives, however, noni                    Archipelago (Gibbons, 2016). They brought                               Linneaus, who was known to collect and
Noni trees flower continuously and fruits                             is a remarkably hearty plant that grows                           food and survival goods like taro, yams,                                catalog unusual plants of the Pacific (Nelson
are harvested multiple times annually.                                in a wide range of soil types (infertile or                       breadfruit, pigs, and chickens with them.                               & Elevitch, 2006, p. 2). Linneaus gave it the
Mature trees grown on well-maintained                                 fertile, from alkaline to acidic) and severe                      Combined with fishing, local game, and                                  botanical name Morinda citrofolia; “Morinda”
farms are capable of achieving 230 kg of                              environments from extremely dry to                                trade, this allowed for the establishment of                            derived from the Latin words indicus for
fruit per plant annually, though it is often                          extremely wet. It can be found thriving in                        sustainable settlements in distant locations.                           Indian and morus for “mulberry” meant
less. Farmed using intensive practices under                          wild forests, along shorelines, fallow fields,                                                                                            to describe its resemblance to the Indian
good growing conditions, a five-year-old                              in waste areas, or near inhabited villages.                       Along the way, they collected other plants                              mulberry (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). It would
crop produces approximately 78,100 kg/ha                              It’s often the first plant to colonize waste                      and materials that proved useful. Noni was a                            be another two centuries before the plant
of fresh fruit, yielding 35,700 liters of pure                        areas or lava fields, and has an uncommon                         multipurpose crop used for medicine, dyes,                              and its uses became widely known outside of
juice 12 (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006).                                   tolerance to heat, wind, fire, flooding, saline                   emergency food rations, animal fodder, and                              Polynesian culture.
                                                                      content, and drought (Nelson & Elevitch,

                                                                      The plant’s resilience and utility as a famine
                                                                      food, medicine, and source of construction
                                                                      material made it valuable to the seafaring
                                                                      ancestors of Polynesia. It remains a
                                                                      traditional medicine used in curing and
                                                                      preventing diseases in Polynesian cultural                                                                                                                                     Figure 4. Noni origin,
                                                                      medicine today but was popularized among                                                                                                                                       migration with Lapita
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     peoples © Andrew
                                                                      broader consumer markets only in the past
                                                                      thirty years.

Figure 3 Noni plant growing in a lava field
Photo credit: Scot Nelson

12 Assumes planting of 716 trees per ha, good drainage, integrated pest management, and organic fertilization; juice extracted at 50%   13 It is not known what this civilization of people called themselves; the name “Lapita” hails from the local name of a beach in New
   though 60% may be possible.                                                                                                             Caledonia where artifacts where first identified during modern times in 1917. Their migration is known by dating artifacts found at
                                                                                                                                           archeological sites.

15                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               16
4.2. Traditional Uses                                                                                    Noni is sold in many countries as a dietary
                                                                                                         supplement or home health remedy,
                                                                                                                                                                               Critics describe noni as a wellness fad of
                                                                                                                                                                               the early 2000’s with visibility propelled
                                                                                                         including Australia and New Zealand, China,                           by multi-level marketers who sold the
Table 1 Traditional uses of noni, adapted from Noni: The Complete Guide (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006, p.8)
                                                                                                         the United States and Europe as a prepared                            appealing story of a cure-all to would-be
      Part Preparation        Traditional Use                                                            fruit juice or health supplement; often in juice                      entrepreneurial distributors (Wanjek, 2006).
                                                                                                         form and diluted, sweetened, or blended                               This may be true, but the same may also be
             Extract or       Treatment for bleeding, stomach ailments, hernias, hypertension,
                                                                                                         with other fruit juices to mask the cheese-                           said of first American banana distributors in
             vapor            urinary tract ailments, sties, vitamin A deficiency
                                                                                                         like and sour fermented flavor. Once ripened,                         the 1800’s14 , the first Italian or Portuguese
                              Livestock fodder; food wrap and flavoring; treatment for burns,
             Fresh                                                                                       noni fruit ferments rapidly. After juicing,                           orange traders of the Mediterranean arriving
      Leaf                    headaches, fever; witchcraft
                                                                                                         producers adjust the degree of fermentation                           from China in the 15th century, or Muslim
                              Treatment for bruising, fever, physical injuries, stings,                  to meet product safety standards and the                              merchants selling apples along the Silk Road
                              rheumatism, tuberculosis                                                   taste preference of destination markets. It                           in the 8th century (Kurtz-Phelan, 2008;
             Tea              Laxative; treatment for malaria, fever, and pain                           is also consumed in the form of capsules                              Morton, 1987; Spengler, 2019).
             Extract or oil   Treatment for hypertension, ulcers                                         containing fruit extractions, or sometimes as
                              Treatment for boils, bruising, physical injury, rheumatism,                a dehydrated fruit leather or paste.                                  The most popular fruits sold worldwide
             Poultice                                                                                                                                                          today were once touted as exotic fruits
     Fruit                                                                                               Some producers advertise noni products                                with curative properties. What potentially
                              Famine food; laxative; treatment for appetite loss, sore throat,
                                                                                                         for general health improvement or more                                beneficial minerals, fiber, and other
             Ripe             cracked skin, cuts or wounds, gum and mouth infection,
                                                                                                         specifically as remedies for a large variety of                       compounds like antioxidants, phenolics,
                              intestinal worms, toothache; swine fodder
                                                                                                         ailments, including but not limited to: anxiety,                      and alkaloids exist in popular fruit, noni
             Unripe           Mouth sores, witchcraft
                                                                                                         bacterial infections, common colds, high                              offers the same or more (Nelson & Elevitch,
             Bark             Treatment for hypertension and jaundice                                    blood pressure, hearing loss, depression,                             2006; Potterat & Hamburger, 2007). Noni
     Stem                     Axe handles, canoe parts and paddles, firewood, red dye,                   pain, and fatigue (“Noni: Uses, Side Effects,                         may be a newer and less known by modern
                              shovels                                                                    Interactions, Dosage, and Warning,” n.d.).                            consumers, but it has begun on a trajectory
     Seed Oil                 Insecticides and insect repellent                                          This marketing practice is not recommended,                           similar to the most widely consumed fruits
     Root                     Carving; yellow pigment; treatment for infected cuts                       as noni’s efficacy is not proven and claims                           in human history and from the perspective
                                                                                                         often violate product label laws in consuming                         of medical claims, has arguably superior
                                                                                                         countries.                                                            chemistry.

                                                                                                         Published materials have explored potential
4.3. Commercialization
                                                                                                                                                                               Today, noni fruit products are a small part of
                                                                                                         health benefits of noni consumption,                                  the larger healthy lifestyle (natural products
                                                                                                         sometimes showing promising results in                                and nutritional supplements) consumer
Most consumers outside of Polynesia                                                                      animal studies or the mechanisms by which                             retail product category alongside other
were unaware of the fruit until it was                                                                   noni’s chemistry acts (West, Deng, Isami,                             superfoods and natural remedies. Within that
introduced to America in the 1990’s by the                                                               Uwaya, & Jensen, 2018). However, few clinical                         category, noni faces significant competition
makers of Tahitian Noni® who touted it as                                                                studies have been conducted with human                                from other fruits deemed to be “superfoods”
a mysterious French Polynesian superfood                                                                 participants to show conclusive benefit.                              with properties that are similarly associated
with healing abilities. Their effort was well-                                                           Although generally agreed as being safe and                           with good health. The category itself is large,
timed and executed, launching noni as a                                                                  widely approved for human consumption at                              estimated to be valued in the hundreds
global health craze despite a lack of clinical                                                           low doses, it is not approved by government                           of billions if not trillions of dollars and
evidence to support health claims. This puts                                                             authorities as a medical treatment or as a                            growing (McGroarty, n.d.). One study found
noni in good company because despite                                                                     pharmaceutical in any country. However, in                            traditional medicines (US$360b) and healthy
widespread consumer belief otherwise,                                                                    2011, China registered a noni and blueberry                           eating (US$702b) segments in which noni
there is no evidence that fruit juice of any                                                             blended fruit juice product as a functional                           is sold to be valued more than a trillion
kind improves health (Cheng, Fiechtner, &                                                                food for the general purpose of “enhancing                            dollars (McGroarty, n.d.). Within the United
Carroll, 2018). Some popular fruit juices like                                                           immunity” (West et al., 2018).                                        States, the natural products and supplement
orange juice, may have a negative health                                                                                                                                       industry is valued at US$158b (NFM Staff,
impact due to high concentrations of natural                                                                                                                                   2019). Noni, however, remains a small
sugars that contribute to obesity and other                                                                                                                                    participant in global commerce. Substantial
noncommunicable diseases (Braun, 2014).             Figure 5. FDA warning letter to Hawaiian Organic                                                                           opportunity exists within the global arena
                                                    Noni for health claims in violation of drug label
                                                    laws.                                                                                                                      to increase the quantity and value of noni
                                                                                                                                                                               products traded.

                                                                                                         14 The word “superfood” was coined by marketers at the United Fruit Company, not scientists, for the purpose of selling bananas around
                                                                                                            the time of World War I (“Superfoods or Superhype?,” n.d.).

17                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           18
4.4. Cultivation                                                                                                                  Organic mulch or worm composting is
                                                                                                                                  an easy and inexpensive way to produce
                                                                                                                                                                                        tree. Routine pruning helps make fruit more
                                                                                                                                                                                        easily accessible 16 and increases canopy
                                                                                                                                  organic fertilizer that can be implemented            airflow, reducing the severity of pest and
                                                                                                                                  on small scale farms or developed as a larger         disease outbreaks (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006,
                                                                                                                                  entrepreneurial business supplying others.            p. 58). Promotion and education of the
                                                                                                                                  Although not strictly necessary for noni              two practices combined will increase yield
                                                                                                                                  production, fertilizer will increase output           and harvest productivity which make noni
                                                                                                                                  and consequently potential earnings per               farming a more valuable activity.

Figure 6 Noni tree nursery in Samoa, photo credit: PHAMA Plus

There are a few organized noni estates in                            Demand for fruit is inconsistent due to
Samoa but much of the fruit is collected from                        unpredictable downstream sales volumes,
plants growing wild (Rogers et al., 2009).                           which cause the farm gate price paid
Farming using traditional methods limits the                         at collection stations to rise and fall
productivity of smallholder agriculture and                          dramatically. In times of market oversupply,
                                                                                                                                  Figure 7. Productive noni plant at a drip-irrigated, pruned, and organic fertilized estate farm on Kauai,
lack of active management may leave trees                            farm gate price has been known to fall to                    Hawaii. Photo credit: Andrew Hetzel
susceptible to future pests and disease.                             as little as SAT$.20 per kg for conventional
                                                                     fruit, far less than minimum wage for labor
There is no harvest season for noni. The                             required (Rogers et al., 2009). In prolonged
trees fruit continuously year-round and                              times of low demand, some trees have been
may be harvested 2-3 times per month, so                             replaced entirely with other crops. This has
smallholder farmers collect fruit only as                            created supply shortages when foreign
required by processors. Few to no fertilizer                         market demand rebounds.
inputs are used and trees are not necessarily
pruned to increase yield or reduce height15 .                        Reliable sales forecasting by exporters
Although these activities are not necessary                          will help flatten demand and farm gate
for noni fruit production, active maintenance                        price extremes. However, improvements
and integrated pest management increases                             in productivity will help to increase yield
productivity and efficiency of harvesting                            potential while also lowering the cost burden
(Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). Trees growing on                          on labor, a large percentage of whom are
small family plots may not be ideally spaced                         women who pick noni part time around other
for efficiency (3-4.5m x 3-4.5m) and most                            household work and family obligations.
families lack farming equipment like ladders
and tractors for harvesting and collection.

15 Noni trees are not self-pruning and most farmers remove lower branches to reduce pest damage from insects and rats (Nelson &   16 Noni trees can grow up to 10m in height.
   Elevitch, 2006).

19                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       20
4.5. Pests and Disease                                                                                                        eating malt vinegar on fish and chips, while
                                                                                                                              another will be reminded of rotting trash on
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Technically distinct from fermented foods20 ,
                                                                                                                                                                                                      pickled foods with similar sourness are
                                                                                                                              a warm day.                                                             also trendy. Mainstream American food
There is a widespread belief among Samoa’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                      manufacturers have recently introduced an
noni industry that noni trees are impervious
                                                                                                                              Sour products have become increasingly                                  array of pickled and pickle-flavored foods,
to pests and diseases, which is not entirely
                                                                                                                              popular in recent years, and a particularly                             including pickled soft drinks, snack foods,
true. Noni is “susceptible to attack by a range
                                                                                                                              strong category among millennial                                        and even a pickle-flavored milkshake (O.
of pests and disease-causing pathogens17 ”
                                                                                                                              consumers19 (“Fermented Foods Still on Top,                             Harrison, 2018). In Asian consumer markets,
but there has not been a significant outbreak
                                                                                                                              but Superfood List Sees Some Changes,”                                  fermented and pickled flavors are well known
in Samoa yet (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006).
                                                                                                                              2018). Fermented foods and beverages like                               and already widely consumed in traditional
There are no “plant-pathogenic bacteria,
                                                                                                                              sourdough bread, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut,                              cuisine.
viruses (aside from one report of Tobacco
                                                                                                                              and kombucha juice are a fast-growing
Mosaic Virus infecting noni in Fiji), viroids, or                        Figure 8 Noni trees affected by black flag disease
                                                                         in Hawaii, photo credit: Scot Nelson                 segment of the functional food category                                 Consumer taste preferences are not static.
phytoplasmas, which are destructive to some
                                                                                                                              in America. One study estimated a 149%                                  Repeated exposure to a flavor profile is
other crops,” that attack noni but nematodes
                                                                         increases plant well-being and subsequent            increase in U.S. retail sales during 2018 alone,                        known to increase desirability so any trend
and fungi remain a threat (Nelson & Elevitch,
                                                                         pest and disease resistance “as compared to          in part driven by consumer perception that                              toward fermented food potentially increases
2006). Pruning, mulching and intercropping
                                                                         bare soil culture” (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006).        fermented foods are healthier than non-                                 desirability of fermented noni products
are all practices that can mitigate the
                                                                         Intercropping is likely already practiced with       fermented products (Nielson-Stowell, 2020;                              (Appleton, Hemingway, Rajska, & Hartwell,
incidence of potentially harmful pests and
                                                                         traditional subsistence farming, but can be          Saxe, 2019). Commenting on the trend,                                   2018). Further opportunities exist to adapt
diseases. Pruning, in addition to increasing
                                                                         adapted to commercial agriculture, providing         the U.S.-based Fermentation Association                                 the taste of noni products to better suite
plant productivity from new growth,
                                                                         additional streams of farming revenue and            reports “Consumers are purchasing products                              widespread desirability, for example through
improves canopy airflow that reduces the
                                                                         pest or disease resistance. Papaya, coconut,         with ancient wisdom, a trend defining the                               selective breeding of noni trees for improved
change of fungal growth that is often found
                                                                         and kava are good potential intercropping            nutrient-dense, time-honored food that is                               flavor, experimental processing techniques
in wetter locations. Mulching, or adding a
                                                                         options (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006).                   made of simple, clean ingredients” (Nielson-                            that mitigate or remove unwanted flavor
nutrient-rich layer of decaying organic matter
                                                                                                                              Stowell, 2020).                                                         compounds, or the development of new
                                                                                                                                                                                                      retail products like nutritional supplements
                                                                                                                                                                                                      that modify or circumvent taste (e.g.

4.6. Processing                                                          converted in increasingly complex chemical
                                                                         reactions causing the beverage to sour

                                                                         further. In commercial production, juice is
Noni has an unusual savory fruit flavor that
                                                                         pressed from the fruit and then pasteurized
can be described as being similar to cheese
                                                                         and either maintained in holding tanks for
that many find unappetizing. It is sometimes
                                                                         fermentation or refrigerated prior to sale
compared to the durian fruit for its pungent
                                                                         (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). The fermentation
odor (Karp, 2017). Ripe noni contains
                                                                         process tends to soften the harsh flavor
the same chemical ingredient (butyric or
                                                                         of noni juice, making it more palatable to
butanoic acid) found in rancid butter or
                                                                         consumers but also risks introducing an
parmesan cheese that contributes to its
                                                                         unpleasant sourness and small concentration
unappealing smell (Almeida et al., 2019).
                                                                         of ethanol (Nelson & Elevitch, 2006). In
The flavor of noni will not be appealing to all                                                                               Figure 9 Noni juice fermented 2 months (left) and
                                                                         Samoa, producers store noni juice for                2 years (right). Photo credit: Scot Nelson
consumers but it will be to some, and other
                                                                         between a few weeks to six months to
methods can be employed to manipulate its
                                                                         achieve a desired degree of fermentation.
flavor to be palatable for more.

                                                                         Perception of sourness18 is highly variable
Traditionally, juice is allowed to slowly drip-
                                                                         due to individual biology, age, gender,
extract or seep from the fruit in a sealed
                                                                         and cultural association (Trachootham et
container over 2-8 weeks, during which
                                                                         al., 2018). Biologically, the same food or
time the juice ferments as bacteria convert
                                                                         beverage perceived as sweet and fruity by
sugars into acetic acid and other chemical
                                                                         one person may be perceived inedible and
compounds, adding an astringency and
                                                                         sour by another. From a cultural perspective,
slight sensation of sourness. The slower the
                                                                         one consumer may associate the taste of
fermentation process, the more sugars are
                                                                         sourness with a pleasant experience, like

17 See list in Appendix I.                                                                                                    19 Interest in exotic fruit is also on the rise, which may offer an opportunity for noni producers.
18 In this case due to the presence of acetic acid as the result of fermentation.                                             20 The pickling process requires the addition of an acid whereas fermentation results from bacterial activity.

21                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               22
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