San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023

Page created by Howard Bowers
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
San Sebastian Catholic Church
                            March 26, 2023

           1112 State Road 16, St. Augustine, FL 32084 Church Office
                904-824-6625 Medical Emergency - 904-540-2269

Daily Mass Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 8:00am

             Weekend Mass Schedule Saturday - 4:00pm Vigil Mass
   Sunday - 8:00am, 10:00am Mass with Sign Language, and 12 noon in Spanish
   Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament - First Friday of every month 9am –3pm
      Confessions Saturday 3:00pm - 3:30pm in the church confession room

 Rev. Fr. John D. Gillespie, Pastor Rev. Fr. Heriberto Vergara, Associate Pastor,
Rev. Fr. Thomas P. Walsh, Pastor Emeritus    Rev. Fr. William Mooney, In Residence
              Deacon James Swanson and Deacon Santiago Rosado
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
March 26, 2023

                                      WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE
    03/25 Saturday   3:00pm    Confessions               03/19 Sunday
                     4:00pm    Mass                                         9:30am     Rosary in the church
                     4:00pm    Corned Beef Dinner                           10:00am    Mass –sign language
-                    5:00pm    Gift Shop Open                               11:00am    Gift Shop Open
                                                                            12:00pm    Misa en español
    03/19 Sunday                                                            1:00pm     Gift Shop Open
                     8:00am    Mass                                         1:00pm     Coffee and Sweets
                     9:00am    Gift Shop Open
                     9:00am    Coffee & Sweets

                                 Lenten Schedule
     FRY-DAY NIGHT FISH FRY           4pm - 7:30pm - Mar. 24th & Mar. 31st
     STATIONS OF THE CROSS -          Every Friday during Lent, beginning at 6:00pm in the church.
     PENITENTIAL SERVICE -            Monday, March 27th at 7:00pm in the church
     PALM SUNDAY -                    Saturday April 1st & Sunday April 2nd - distribution of palms
     HOLY THURSDAY -                  April 6th at 7:00pm - Mass of the Lord’s Supper (Bilingual)
     GOOD FRIDAY -                    April 7th at 3:00pm - Outdoor Stations of the Cross (Rear Lot)
                                      April 7th at 7:00pm - Service with Veneration of the Cross
     BLESSING OF EASTER FOOD BASKETS -                April 8th at 12 noon in the parish hall
     EASTER VIGIL -                    April 8th at 8:30pm - Easter Vigil
     EASTER SUNDAY -                  April 9th masses at 8:00am, 10:00am and 12noon in Español
       You are reminded of the Church’s laws for fast and abstinence during Lent, which begins on
        Ash Wednesday, Feb 22nd. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are days of fasting. Catholics
          between the ages of 18 and 59 are permitted one full meal and two lesser meals per day
              (which together should not equal one full meal), with no eating between meals.
       Ash Wednesday and all Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence. Catholics who are 14 years or
        older should abstain from meat entirely. Soups and gravies made from meat are permitted.

                              The Knights of Columbus Council #11046 are offering Fried Fish
                                Dinners for the following Fridays during Lent from
                                     4pm – 7:30pm “TO GO or DINE IN”
                                           March 24th & March 31st
                              Dinner will include: Fried Fish (baked fish available on de-
                              mand) Steak Fries, Coleslaw and Hushpuppies. Cost: $10.00

                                                        40 CANS FOR 40 DAYS OF LENT
                                  The Annual          Please donate a food item per day during
                                  Rice Bowls             Lent to help the FOOD DRIVE for FUN
                               are located in the     FOOD FRIDAY. The “Wish List” includes Instant Coffee, Peanut
                               Church gathering         Butter, Flavored Oatmeal, Mac & Cheese, Boxed Milk, Tuna,
                                space. Please         Canned Fruit and Vegetables, Cereal, Pasta, Jelly, Spam, Ham-
                               Return by Easter.       burger Helper, Mashed Potatoes, Powdered Creamer, Sweet-
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 3                            Weekly Prayer & Readings                                     March 26, 2023

                                                                      Friday March 31st at 6:45pm
                                                                     in the church. Anyone who has
                                                                  received their First Holy Communion
                                                                      And is willing to serve in this
                                                                  important ministry is encouraged to
                                                                      attend. For more info contact
                                                                    Ms. Mickey at 904-824-6625 or
                                                                           text 904-377-4749

                                                                         Healing the Pain of Abortion
                                                                   A Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreat is a beautiful
                                                                 opportunity for any man or woman who is struggling
                                                                 with the emotional and spiritual pain of an abortion
                                                                  in their life. Come and receive peace, forgiveness of
                                                                   self and others and the compassion of God. These
                                                                 retreats are private, strictly confidential and for peo-
                                                                  ple of all faiths. Our next Spanish retreat will be on
                                                                   March 24-26, 2023. Our next English retreat is on
                                                                     April 14-16, 2023. Call 904-221-3232 or email
                                                        All calls & inquiries
                                                                      are very confidential. Come and be restored!

                                                          March 26, 2023
                              “The two sacraments of the Eucharist and Penance are very closely connected. Be-
                              cause the Eucharist makes present the redeeming sacrifice of the Cross, perpetuating
                              it sacramentally, it naturally gives rise to a continuous need for conversion, for a per-
                              sonal response to the appeal made by Saint Paul to the Christians of Corinth: ‘We be-
                              seech you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.’ If a Christian's conscience is bur-
                              dened by serious sin, then the path of penance through the sacrament of Reconcilia-
tion becomes necessary for full participation in the Eucharistic Sacrifice” (#37).
"Los dos sacramentos de la Eucaristía y la Penitencia están estrechamente relacionados. Porque la Eucaristía hace
presente el sacrificio redentor de la Cruz, perpetuando sacramentalmente, suscita naturalmente una continua nece-
sidad de conversión, de una respuesta personal a la llamada hecha por san Pablo a los cristianos de Corinto: "Os
suplicamos, en nombre de Cristo, reconciliaos con Dios". Si la conciencia de un cristiano está cargada por un peca-
do grave, entonces el camino de la penitencia a través del sacramento de la Reconciliación se hace necesario para la
plena participación en el Sacrificio Eucarístico" (# 37).
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 4                                           Announcements                                            March 26, 2023

                                          Our new Secure Environment Coordinator is Mary Riera.
                                Are you working in a Ministry that requires background checks and fingerprinting?
                              Need help registering through Virtus and Live Scan? Need to know if you have com-
                                 pleted the requirements or if you need to register for them? Contact Mary Riera
                      at 904-824-6625 or She can help!

                                               RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES
                               If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mickey Mickler
                                         Religious Education 904-824-6625 ext 201 or

                                                   Have a prayer request our Prayer Team can pray for?
                                  Email it to and our team will pray for you.
                                             Would you like to join our Prayer Team Ministry?
                              Email and we will add you to our email list!

                               WELCOME MINISTRY Want to welcome new members to our parish?
                                      Email Mary Riera at or call
                                   824-6625. New to the Parish and want someone to reach out to you?
                                 Email Mary Riera at or call 824-6625.

                                     Need a ride to Mass?       We are starting a “Ride to Mass” Ministry. Please
                                let Mary know if you or someone you know who is currently not attending Mass
                                   due to lack of transportation. Let us know your pick-up location, Mass time
 preference and contact info. We will try to match the volunteers with those needing rides. Interested in being a
        volunteer? Please let Mary know. or call the Church office at 904-824-6625.

                                        Follow Fr. Mooney on his Face Book page; Faith & Reason
                                      If you would like to receive a weekly email of Fr. Mooney’s Faith
                                              and Reason , email

From the Office of Family Life: Caring and confidential Catholic support is available! “Trust the past to the mercy of God,
the present to His love, and the future to His providence.” - St. Augustine. The Catholic Therapist Network is a listing of
counselors who are Catholics in good standing and loyal to the theology, traditions, and values of the Catholic faith. Though
not affiliates or employees of the diocese, all participating mental health professionals are independent practitioners, currently
licensed and insured. They are committed to extending their expertise and offering full discretion in meeting with clients.
Contact information for Network participants is available at

ATTENTION The Diocese of Saint Augustine treats all allegations of sexual misconduct seriously and deals with
allegations in a prompt, confidential and thorough manner. To Report Abuse, call: Diocesan Victim Assistance Coor-
dinator (904) 262-3200, ext. 129, or the Department of Children and Families at 1-800-96-Abuse (800) 962-2873
ATENCION La Diócesis de San Agustín trata todas las denuncia de conducta sexual inapropiada con seriedad y
trata las denuncias de manera rápida y confidencial. Para reportar tal abuso, llame al: Coordinador Diocesano de
Auxilio a Victimas (904) 262-3200, ext.129 o Departmento de Niños y Familias del Estado de la Florida 1-800-962-

    SCAM - ALERT Please be aware that                                     PENITENTIAL SERVICE
  Fr. John D. Gillespie, Fr. Thomas Walsh
 and Fr. Heriberto Vergara DO NOT email or                                 Monday, March 27th at
   text asking for donations or contributions.                             7:00pm in the church
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 5                                                  Ministries                                        March 26, 2023
                    San Sebastian is seeking individuals willing        Dust Bunnies Needed to help
                   to serve as Ministers to distribute the Precious    clean and dust areas in the church
                   Body and Blood of Christ during Mass at             and Gathering Space. If you would
                   assisted living facilities and to homebound.        like to help, please come to the church
                                                                       on Monday mornings at 9:00am. You
Training is provided. If interested contact: Jenene Karamon at         can even bring your favorite dust rag!! or Mary Tilger

                        To Join the San Sebastian Music                    For more information or
                         Ministry please contact music                  questions contact: Frank Sette
                            director Andy Butler@ at                    via email at
                                708-557-0738 or                              or call 301-676-3303
                                                                              Interested in joining the
             Free Prayer Blankets are available                            San Sebastian Finance Council
                  in the church office from
                                                                       If interested please email Gerri Sexsion
               9am - 3pm Monday - Friday
                For more information on this                          
                   Ministry please contact
              Leaugeay McKean at the church                                Adoration of The
               office or email
  Leaugeay@                                 Blessed Sacrament
                                                                           is the First Friday
                             The Rosary begins on                             of the Month
                               Sunday Mornings
                           at 9:30am in the church.                   Come join the Respect Life Committee
                                                                      as we pray and stand witness for the
                 Interpreter needed for the 10:00am                   unborn. The Respect Life Committee
                 Mass on Sunday. If interested please                 peacefully prays and stands vigil at the
                  contact Tara Benyacko Via email                     Huffingham clinic in Jacksonville “All
           Stipend                       Women’s Health Clinic” on the 2nd and
                    offered and Rotating Schedule                     4th Wed. of each Month from 10:00AM to 11:00AM.
                                                                      Carpooling is available. Please contact Pat Sheils or Lane
                        Please Bring Donations of                     Campau. The Respect Life Committee also meets in the
                     non-perishable food items the 3rd                church every Friday at 2:00 PM to pray the Holy Rosary.
                    weekend of the month for elderly and              Contacts: Lane Campau 904-806-5899; email lanecam-
                         those on fixed incomes.
                                                             or Pat Sheils at 904-806-1559.

                                  The Catholic Daughters of
                                America Court #23 meeting at          Dining With Dignity
                              San Sebastian Catholic Church.          Food Sharing Team A
                              These women serve God and His           Lydia Quiles 904- 687-8169
 church by enriching the lives of others as they increase their
own spirituality. For questions or information to join Catholic
         Daughters please contact: Carol Jankowski                    Food Sharing Team B
      at 904-829-9130 NEXT MEETING 4/13/23 –6:30 pm                   Cheryl Manucy 904.824-3403

                    If you are interested in learning how                  Veterans if you are suffering
                    to make rosaries for the church and                 from PTSD or TBI or problem with
                        other ministries please contact               your military service or military combat
                       Donna McNary 904-806-2844                             Please call John McGinty
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 6                                      Ministries                                  March 26 2023

                      The Knights of Columbus                                The Knights of Columbus
                           PLANT SALE                                         Next Pancake Breakfast
                                                                               is Sunday March 26th
                         A variety of plants*                                  “Dine-In” or “To Go”
                    will be available for sale in
                      the church parking lot               available after the 8am & 10am Masses in the
                                                              Parish Hall. Breakfast includes: Pancakes
                     after each Mass on the                or Waffles, Sausage or Bacon, Scrambled Eggs,
                       following weekends:                         Home Fries, and Orange Juice.
         Last Weekend 3/25 & 3/26                                    Free will offerings accepted
       *including florals & herbs                            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  Cash & Credit Cards accepted                                The Knights of Columbus are still
                                                           Accepting donations of Diapers, Wipes
                                                             and Formula for St. Gerard House.
                                                              Donation basket available In the
                                                                      gathering space.
     “ Third Tuesday’s Together ”
A place of connection, friendship, and fun for wom-
en of the parish. Come join us Tuesday, 4/18 from           Bible Study every Thurs. at
9-11 am in the Parish Hall. We are a new group that          10:00am in the Religious
will meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month. We enjoy                Enrichment Center
 playing cards, dominos, and other games, chatting,          “The Acts of the Apostles”
                                                            For more information please
  crafting, and building friendships with one anoth-
                                                              Contact Mickey Mickler At 904-824-6625
er. Come be a friend and become a friend with other                        ext 201 or email
  women in the Parish. For more info, email Mary   
 Riera at

                                                          Faith on a Mission:     A portrait of the
                                                           Diocese of St. Augustine at 150 Years
                                                           available to purchase in the Gift Shop
                                                            or Church Office. Special discounted
                                                               price $25.00 each Or 2 books for $40.00

                     Food & Fun Friday is the              The San Sebastian Gift Shop
                                                                NEEDS VOLUNTEERS.
                      4th Friday April 27th               The Church Gift Shop is located in
                  from 12pm - 2pm in the K of Hall,        the gathering space and is open
                   We have non-perishable food items         for business after all masses.
                    available for the elderly and those     If interested in volunteering for
          on fixed incomes in our parish and              the gift shop. For more information please contact
  parish community. For more information contact
              Eva Greene 904-710-2258
                                                                Saint Gianna’s Mother Ministry
COMUNIDAD DE EMAUS/EMMAUS FELLOWSHIP                       We serve the moms of the
                                                           parish with young children,
              Recaudación de fondos:                        toddlers and babies. This
                                                              ministry is open to all
              Venta de Comida Primer                      mothers including those who
                 Domingo del Mes                             speak Spanish and ASL.
                                                          For more information about meeting times
                 Fundraiser:                                    please contact: Angela Rosado
 Food Sale 1st Sunday of the Month                      
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 7                      Ministries & Religious Education                             March 26, 2023

                                                          Please contact the church office for
                                                              Information 904-824-6625

                                                             Wedding Information Please
                                                              contact the church office
 1st & 3rd Sunday meet in Parish Hall                               904-824-6625
      5th - 7th Grade 5pm –6pm
       8th - 12th Grade 6pm –8pm
                                                             Funeral or Memorial Service
   SSCC Youth Night! Middle & High School
                                                              Information Please contact
                                                            the church office 904-824-6625
       3/19 - SSCC Youth Night
       And Other upcoming Events
3/24 - SSCC Lenten Fish Fry Service hours            The next San Sebastian
3/25- Praise & Worship with RISEUP!                  Ladies Guild Meeting &
3/31 - SSCC Lenten Fish Fry Service hours          Social is Tuesday April 4th
 For more info contact Tira Clyce 904-460-5757    at 6:00pmin the Parish Hall.             Join us To Welcome Spring               Enjoy a pot luck dinner, Spiritual Speaker
                                                         and Team Trivia Games with Prizes.
                                                  Questions or info request? Email Mary Riera at
                ALTAR SERVERS NEEDED!
                 Information on Altar Servers
                                                                call 824-6625 at the church office
                  Mickey Mickler 904-377-4749           and Sweets in the parish hall af-
                                                        ter 4pm Mass        Shining
                                                                       Saturday     through
                                                                                  and  the
                                                                    Christ and His Church”
                                                        8am & 10am Masses Sunday
                                                           Except on KofC Pancake Breakfast Sundays
                                                                  Pancake Breakfast Sundays’
 Religious Education For information regarding
    religious education Classes, First Communion or
      Confirmation please contact Mickey Mickler,
  Religious Education Coordinator, 904-824-6625 ext 201
             OR email:

             Children’s Liturgy Of The Word                     If you would like more
                                                              information to serve as an
             Offered for children ages 4 years thru                  Usher at mass,
              Grade 4 during the 10:00am Mass.             please contact Bobby Freeman
              They will be called up after the Ope-
                ning Prayer and go to a separate
               room for age appropriate readings
 and discussion. Children rejoin their families after       Ministry of Caring/Carol
            the Prayers of the Faithful.                    Jankowski 904-829-9130

                   Marian Movement of Priest              Parish Advisory Council Chair
                  contact -Leaugeay McKean                       Bobby Freeman
                  904-824-6625 or email                    for more information email
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 8                                    ANNOUNCEMENTS                                    March 19, 2023

            BISHOP APPEAL 2023

   Additional Pledge Envelopes available at the
          display in the gathering space
                                                                 Please check out the San Sebastian
                                                                   Gift Shop for First Communion
                                                                       Dresses, Veils and Gifts.

                                                                      There will be NO
                                                                       Healing Mass at
                                                                    San Sebastian in April

                                                                    NO ALTAR FLOWERS CAN BE
                                                                      DISPLAY DURING LENT

                                                               CELEBRANTS FOR 03/25 & 03/26 2023*
                                                               4:00pm - Fr. Heriberto Vergara
                                                               8:00am - Fr. Heriberto Vergara
                                                               10:00am - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh
                                                               12:00pm - Fr. John D. Gillespie
                                                               *Subject to change without notice

                                                               CELEBRANTS FOR 04/01 & 04/02 2023*
                                                               4:00pm - Fr. Thomas P. Walsh
                                                               8:00am - Fr. John D. Gillespie
                                                               10:00am- Fr. Thomas P. Walsh
                                                               12:00pm Fr. Heriberto Vergara (en español)
                                                               *Subject to change without notice

         Download the San Sebastian PARISH APP to your App Store or Google Play and search for
         My Parish App, Or download from website www.Myparishapp


         Church Web Site - Weekend masses are recorded on the Church
         Website, Facebook and My Parish App, viewing is available Sunday.
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 9                                          Collections                                  March 26, 2023
       Use Your Envelopes or On-Line Giving
   We encourage everyone to use their envelopes or
       On Line Giving. Think of your envelopes /
 on-line giving as a gift to God. You take the time to           Collections for the weekend of 03/18 & 03/19
  thoughtfully, prayerfully choose your gift, wrap it &
   present it eagerly to our Lord. Many times families         Offertory                       $     7512.30
 will ask for a letter stating that they are registered,       Church Mortgage                 $      150.00
   participating members of San Sebastian in order             Building/Maintenance            $       28.17
 to become a Godparent, Confirmation Sponsor or to             Religious Enrichment Ctr.       $       20.00
   enroll in Catholic Schools. Using your envelope or          Liturgical Supplies             $       55.00
 Online Giving makes our job easier and allows us to           Outreach to the Poor            $      230.66
 say, Yes! this family is registered and participating         Support Religious Education     $       00.00
 here at San Sebastian. *Reminder Please write your            Parish Insurance Subsidy        $       10.00
   envelope number on any donations that are not in            On Line Giving                  $     1,451.68
          the preprinted contribution envelopes                Easter Flowers                  $      632.00

                                                               Weekly Second Collections
                                                               March 26th Religious Enrichment Ctr. Mortgage
                                                               April   02nd Church Mortgage Fund
                                                               April    06th Holy Thursday
                                                               April    07th Good Friday

                 This Building Project Three STEPS                                             ATTENTION
              1.) Safety for the four priests in the Rectory                                 PARISHIONERS
                                                                                             YEAR-END TAX
              2). New and more adequate office space                                          STATEMENTS
                                                                 Are available. please email your request to
              3).Repairs & renovation of office & rectory
                                                                   Thank You, Sue Goldman, Financial
                                                                     Secretary/Bookkeeper for SSCC
      Pledge Cards are available in the Gathering
   SpaceDonations can be made via credit or debit
   card, We Share - On Line Giving(look for option
       San Sebastian Steps Up) , Cash or Check.
  All gifts are tax deductible to the fullest extent of
       the law. Please make checks payable to
                  San Sebastian Parish.

 San Sebastian Steps Up!
 Goal $400,000.00



 Pledged                  $ 181,101.00
 Donations Paid           $ 177,245.50
San Sebastian Catholic Church - March 26, 2023
Page 10                                       Prayer List & Mass Intentions                                  March 26, 2023

                                                              Please Pray for the Repose of the Soul of:
                                                                        Enriqueta Beguirispain
                                                                           Claire McCarter

Week 1
Joseph Breslin*           Dan Burkhart*
Audrey Burnette*          Jose Carrasquillo*
Annie Cruze*              Mackenzie Dean*
Nohemi Delgado*           Cindy Fessler*
Fabian P. Funk*           Emil Gagliardi*
Charles Hall*             Madison Masters*
Barbara Ann Miller*       Gertrude Mickler*
Caitlin O’Connell*

Week 2
Doug Conlon*              Steven Donalson*
                                                  03/25 Saturday                    4pm        Judy Sylvester +
Anna Donalson*            Janet Flister*          03/26 Sunday                      8am        Fred & Orpha Wiseman (40th)
Linda Flister*            Wayne Holt*             03/26 Sunday                     10am        Our Parishioners
Herman Longo*             Barry Masters*
Leona McQuaig*            Ada Nackashi*           03/26 Sunday                     12pm        Joan Coffey +
Baby Sophia Petrillo*     Belinda C. Rose*        03/27 Monday                      8am        Frank Salvatori +
Sheila Steigner*          Fran Tucker*            03/28 Tuesday                     8am        Alston Fitts +
James Watcke*             Melissa Lenertz *
 Week 3Stojakovich *
Timothy                                           03/29 Wednesday                   8am        James Campbell +
 *              Phyllis                           03/30 Thursday                    8am        Priests of the Diocese
Week     3
 Markowitz*       Car-
Jenny  Harvey*
 men Medina*              Carol Quigley*          03/31 Friday                      8am        Lawrence & Pat Zerba +
John  Kotlinski*
 Violeta Michta *         Michael Leahy*          04/01 Saturday                    4pm        Ralph & Mary De Virgilio +
Cecelia  Lavinghouse*
 John Michta*             Renaldo Pernia*         04/02 Sunday                      8am        Parishioners
Lloyd  Rasmussen*
 Theresa   Nizza*         David Shields*
       Ryan*              Michael Vartuli*        04/02 Sunday                     10am        Alex Figueroa & Ana Almodovar
 Carol Williams*
        Quigley*          Carol McElroy*          04/02 Sunday                     12pm        Elias Marin +
Week 4
                                                  04/03 Monday                      8am        Ann McAleer +
Robbie Baird*             Brian Jones*            04/04 Tuesday                     8am        John Kevin Walsh +
Kaden Morris*             Connie Mosher*          04/05 Wednesday                   8am        Ronald Mayo +
Pat Prater*               Valerie Roberts*
Stephen Thomas*           Kevin Torres*           04/06 Thursday                    7pm        Paul Huggins +
Sarah & Steve Griffin*    Sally Walton*           04/07 Friday                      7pm        Good Friday (no mass)
Denise Orr*               Maureen Patrick*        04/08 Saturday                   8:30pm      Maeve Elizabeth Riley +
Week 5                                            04/09 Sunday                      8am        Sara McFarland
Camille Carrubba* George Connaughton*             04/09 Sunday                     10am        Our Parishioners
Anita Guevra*        Eric Hitchins*
Rebecca Law*         Noah McLeod*
                                                  04/09 Sunday                     12pm        Elias Marin +
Dorrie Miller*       Roger Miller*
Jenilee Neilson*     Norman Pickett*
Zaelie Grace Sims*  Kenneth Smith*
Brandon Usina*      Margo Massard *

Week 6
Bobby Baird*        Priscilla Baird*
Ron Berry*           Austin Braddock*
Jen Brown*           John Busketta*              Chief/WO Charlie Sharpe      Sgt Zack Wiseman
Rose Busketta*       Ruthie Davis*               CDR. Mark M. Walstead,       Sgt. Evan Burgess
Rich Jackman*        Violeta Michta*             Lt. Paul Jeffrey Mouhalis,   Spec Jason Polly
                                                                                                              To add a name to
Carmen Medina*       John Michta*                CDR Eric Meyers              Lt Col Dr. Eric J. Colon        any of the prayer
Emily Urbina*        Bryan Merwin*               Col. Dave Francis            1st Lt Vito John Errico
Mary & Joseph Lockwood*                          PFC Justin Peeples           “Tipper” Chris Esdonge,           list, Call Tyra
Victoria Patella                                 PFC Robert Young             Lt. Betsy Hoyos
                                                 Sgt Julian R. Taylor,        PFC Sierra Martin
                                                                                                              Rousseau at the
                                                 AB Ivan R. Zamora
                                                 Maj. David Pasquale
                                                                              Lt. Col Sean Navin Jr              church office
                                                                              Pvt Zachary Thompson
                                                 Cpl Julia A. Taylor          AM2 Omar Samanamud              824-6625 ext 102
                                                 E6 Matthew Pradon            PFC. Noah Orr-Kynard
                                                 James Nizza                  SSGT Airman Andrew J. Peters
                                                                                                                  or email to
                                                 Cpt. Nestor L. Lugo          LS1 Juan Carlos Bermejo        tyra@sansebastian
                                                                              Marcos Rios
You can also read